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Show pB .PUBLISHED jzaiJA x ana SEMI--WEEKL- rgsSK B3t. $4.00 TEAR. - itt - ja wiv 1 11 $1.00 I'ERQtt. Y, SA T Uli DA r. ) OODEX, UTAH. SATURDAY, JUrtE 5, 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. DIRECTORY. OCDEN Office: teVost All the morning journals have articles on the Arctic expedition, the departure of which is announced for four o'clock New York, 29. dispatch from London says Paul Boynton, who started te cross the Channel from Grisnez, France, to Dover, in his life saving euit, landed between Dover and South Foreland this morning, having been in the water continuously hours and forty for twenty-thre- e niiu-ute- lr t place for Kich County, and Saturday, and BMUville, Wednesdays Batar-- aS?hrv. - p.m. ttdSaturd-omcEnouR- 9e0.ral Mrj. REGISTRY 3() DEPARTMENT 3 Open from 9 a.m- to p.m. MOSEY OFFICE DEPARTMEMT. to 3 p.m. Open from 9 a.m. fmtaide Poor opeu from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. JOSEPH HALL, Postmaster. C. fj. P. train P. " Trains arrives - - " leaves CP. " " P.P. traia arrives and leaves and arrives C.N (rain U. C. to tt p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. C p.m. 8 30 a.m. leaves Ewt a.m. 7.40 5.40 6.20 8.50 7.50 5.40 8.40 6.20 " Services Religious 11 a.m., and Sunday, in theTiernale, at First, Scomi and Third Ward tt Scliool-ioai- at 6 p m. 11 a.m. and 7 fyiKopal Church at a.m. and 7 p.m. Mcthoditt Chnrch 7 JO Bpirkoalirt Lecture, Literal IlaH, at p.. atll ia. library Depot, Ogden City At 'Goo. W. Turners' Newa wy day, Sunday! excepted. Opea 1 F. S. RICHARDS, COUNSELOR- - AT-LA- f. W Aud s. Revenue officer yesterday seized twenty barrels of whisky, consigned by Rindahoff Bros., First Revenue District of Wisconsin, and 130 barrels from R. V. Ulrica, of St. Louis. The claimants have not yet appeared. Col. James McCoy, of Gen, Sherman s staff, died of consumption this forenoon at St. James hotel. Washington, 29. Charles P. Lincoln, of Mississippi, has been appointed consul of the United States at Canton, China, Conoord, N. II., 29. The Monitor, the Republican organ of the State, calls for the impeachment of Governor Weston. The article creates considerable sensation. II. G. Cameron, of the University crew of Trinity college, was drowned yesterday while practicing in a shell. The shell was capxited by the wasn or a steamer. Great Bend, Pa., 29 Masonic Hall, the postoffice, a print ing office, wagon shop, two dwellings, two bank?, and ten stores, comprising the entire business part of this place, were destroyed by fire last night. Loss, 5100,00; insurance. $G0,000. Springfield, Mass., ZU. An attempt was made last night to rob the National Mohawk bank, at Great Barriogton. Several masked burglars entered the house ofT. A. Deland, cashier, and having gagged and hand cufed him, compelled him to go with them t the bank where they tried to set him to open the vault.' Being un successful, they took revenge by robbing Leland's bouse of all ita valuables and then escaped. victims T The funeral or forty-eigthe disaster at Holyoke, took place today in the basement of the new Catholic church: Orations were pronounced by the Revs. Father rrimeau, of Wor cester, and Granger of this city. A procession over a mile long followed toe remains to the French Catholic cemetery, at South Hadley Falls. neveiana, ou. The Republican county convention y to elect a delegate to the held State convention, adopted a resolution declaring against a third term.' Wheeling, W. Va.za. Governor Jacobs issued a procla mation to day, declaring the seat of gov ernment of this State removed irom Charleston to this city. Buffalo, N. Y., 29. Last night Adam Stinger and wife were burned to death in their house at East Hamburg. Baltimore, Z'J. 's Mrs. Rohm, the fat woman of last residence died her at show, night of tumor. Memphis, Tenn., 80 General Forrest, in a note to the committee in charge of the etremonies at the National cemetery on Monday, accepting an invitation to participate, says: I appreciate and am in full sympathy with the spirit of friendship and recon ciliation prompting the interchange of so many courtesies among those who, with eoual courage, met as foemen so often on the field ot battle, and trust the time is not far distant when the Boldiers of the late war will cease to remember the angry passions engendered by the late struggle. There ought to be no estrangement or antagonism since all Lavs one tlae and one country." General Pillow, in response to a simi lar invitation, in behalf of the Mexican veterans, returned a cordial acceptance nt PUBLIC. XOTARY 0Ji j at Court Ifoute, Ogden, Utah, , ?lcial attention given to cage befort trie Su and uul l)iatrk-- t Courts. Convevanclni huUrial Business done with accuracy and dia-sua tea. r.m " f K. TANXER Jr., ) AT LAW. ATTORNEY ASD j NOTARY PUBLIC. Cajtrrf door tnutk of Pottojjice, Main tL,0gden. SmcM attention eiven to fencei promptly mad easiness collections. Reniit- - vud No- - Conveyancing caretully attended to. J. S.LEWIS, MATCHMAKER j AND JEWELER, in Jlr Clock, Jewelry, Silver MAIN STREET. OUDEN. "d Ware,Witches, Aepunng neatly done and all work warranted. 11-- 1 The world 1 full Of Children crying for 17 MeLAIX'S Candied Castor A to-da- Bar-nam- and w V.Itis delicious, eflbctive DinarnKH, xne pulxiv taste and smell of the Castor Oil is en r- Itt tirely overcome. i athartic nowera ar The I)ea(!i of Ilishop Polk. Perjury. AVe could plainly seo three persons Before Judge Treat, of tbe U. S. Dis iu line a of front of breast standing trict Court, yesterday, the case of W. W. London, 30. Further details of tbe earthquake in Drummonu, indicted for peMury, was works and a larger group in the Asia Minor show eeveral towns destroyed postponed until Thursday, upon motion batkground. As it was evident that ana z,wu persons lost. of his eounsfl. Druuimond was the Fed- they were watching our movements St. Jehn's, N. B , 30. eral Judge of Utah Territory, who first that a few shots be The Daily Telegraph suys of the fire had Brigbam Young arretted, and has Stanley suggested tired to drive them under cover. in Portland, that tbe flames extended since acted as counsellor in Chicago and Howard suggeste'l that perhaps over mere than twenty acres, and de reoria. He has been in jail five months on a Bishop Polk was in the party, when stroyed all the houses on the south side of Straight shore, from Alleghany street charge of perjury, for swearing before Stanley turned to Captain Situonson, to Simond street, a distance f 1,300 Commissioner Clarke that he owned real his chief or artillery, with the re The defendant feet, and all on the north side of straight estate worth $10,000 : mark shore, from Alleghany to within four or was remanded to jail. St. Louis Repub- five houses of Simond street, and all the lan, May 22. "Simonson, can't you unlimber. houses on both sides of Harrison street, put a shot into the group and give the all on the eet side of Douglass road, lJishop a morning salutation? from that of D V. Roberts to Main St., "1 11 try, was himonson a laconic 400 feet, and all the houses on both sides Aud away he galloped to the ol Main. On the street east from DougThe frost on Wednesday night done reply. rear. A few minutes later a Bectioa lass road for a distance of 700 feet, over serious damage to grapes aud some kinds eighty houses were burned, turning the of vegetables. It was the first trout of the Fifth Indiana battery (Simon-son'inmates out of doors and destroying that bus done was unlimbered within twenty any damage this year. property to tne amount of $850,000 It was cold all the forenoon Wednesday, feet of us. The Lieutenant sighted This morning the body of a man named and a fire ielt comfortable, but in tbe the gun, and the shot exploded over Haley was found among the ruins. afternoon up to eleven o'clock at night 29. Madrid, the appearance of a frost was doubtful, and to the right of the croup. A battle between the Carlisle aud but the little wind we had, changed to Siuionson, wheu tho gun had been Government troops is reported at Alsoso the north before two o clock in tbe reloaded, dismounted and said: ' where the Carhsls lost tQ killed morning and ice formed, and tender "Here, Lieutenant, let me try it." and 200 wounded. vegetables were pretty well used up, He took the range and the mesBerlin, 30. such as beans, Jtotnatoes and melons. of death sped on its mission. A judicial investigation shows that the Sara Clayton says he is damaged a thou senger offer of Wietsenger to assassinate Bis- sand dollars in Our glasses were bent upon the group grapes but his other marck, was merely an attempt to extort fruit, tomatoes, beans, corn, squashes, and we observed a commotkn as tho money, and the man had no accomplices. etc., are not hurt in the least. The shot took effect in the group that Paris, 29. China gardens were looking very sorry Simon-so- n General DeCissey, Minister of War, yerterday. They are far advanced and scattered to the rear. While his was kcecs, sighting tho asks for the credit of 5,000,000 francs, this is why upon tbey look worse than to continue work on the fortification of others. James Slater lost a large patch gun for another discharge, Captain the country and a supply of war mate of beans, but he has already replanted Leonard, chief of Howard s Signal riaL Parties from down the river say tbe frost Corpse, sitting on his horse besida Munich, 29. was harder there than here in town. Jobann Klein, the eminent painter, There is yet time to raise most kinds of me, road the Confederate signal, and the words : is dead. vegetables and every man ought to re caught "General Polk is killed)" With a plant. Idaho Statesman. f this afternoon. AMERICAN, A 'tfi Druuiuioml Indicted fur Frost in Itoise. s) to-da- . Decoration Day. WASniXQTOX. y having been set apart for the decoration of Union soldiers' graves, it is generally observed as a holiday. The public departments are olosed and other business suppressed. The principal is at attraction of Arlington cemepoint was delivered by tery, where an oration Rev. Newman, and an original poem re cited by Dr. Rankin. The Marine band was in attendance and a large number of citizens participated in the ceremo nies. Among the prominent visitors were the President and members of tbe Cabinet. The Southern Memorial Asso ciation will decorate the graves of Con federate soldiers on Tuesday next. To-da- SAX FBANCISCO. ban been observed here as Decoration day. Members of the Grand Army marched to Lone Mountain ceme tery and deoorated the graves. An ad dress was delivered; minute guns were fired, and the flags in the city were at half mast. The day was not observed as a general holiday. To-da- y TOLEDO. A look of amazement Leonard turned to Howard and Stanley and exclaimed: Freak of the Telegraph, "Bishop Polk is killed!" "What?" exclaimed Gen. Howard; Of all the freaks of the telegraph, "have you interpreted the signal corthe following ia the most laughable which has come under our personal rectly?" "i es, General Simonson s last shot knowledge. Not long since a gradu- killed him. They are signalling it ate from one of our Eastern theololine." the along gical schools was called to the pastoral The men of tbe staff who charge of a church ia the extreme were young cracking jokes instantly ceased, When about to start for Southwest. and for a momeut none spoko, Theu his new parish he wis unexpectedly Howard said: detained by the incapability of his "Weir, a Christian has fallen. Such presbytery to ordain hiin. Iu order is war." at the apto explain his, Just then Simonson caught the he the sent following words: pointed time, "Bishop Polk is killed!" telegram to the deacous of the He was sighting the gun, and liftlacked a quorum church: In the course of its ing his eyes, that glared fearfully, to ordain." exclaimed: journey the message got stratigely "What is that Leonard?" metamorphosed, and reached the as"Bishop Polk ia killed! Your last tonished deacons in this shape ! shot did it. They are signalling it "Presbytery tacked a worm ou to ovef the mountain," I replied. Adam!" The sober church officers Simonson's head dropped upon the were' greatly discomposed and mysti"Tent,',' where it rested a moment. fied, but after grave consultation, raising his eyes, he exclaimed: concluded it was the minister's Then, God! Yesterday they "Thank facetious way of announcing that he killed my dear broiher; I have killed had got married, 'and accordingly a Lieutcnant-Gcaera- i aud am for non-arriv- al . proceeded to provide two instead ef one. lodgings avenged!" Decoration day was duly observed were conducted at The ceremonies At a trial, not long since, an old Grand Army of the Repub Forsyth post lie, by the infantry and civio societies lady of some eighty years wag closely Hayes delivered an, ad questioned by tho opening counsel dress. relative to the clearness of her eyeSOCK. LITTLI sight. has been the most memorable "Can you see me?" said ho. .uliui aired. Price ij rant. in the history of the city, federal and "Yes." clam's Vermifuge Bonbons Confederate, white and blaek, united in "How well can you soo mc?" They resemble Cream the decoration of the fallen on both ?eBetlw' pt. in eoufcetioners' Children hiiTlland moved from shop. the lawyer. the sides. The procession cry for them. Price 26 cU. per box. Btate house to the cemetery, wbere sleep "Well enough," responded the Mt . ! life, w ZZZJfV the dead of both armies side by side that you are neither a see "to lady, The speaker's stand, at the grounds was nor a gentleman." Indian au irected half on the Confederate and half negro, on the Federal side of the wall dividing the two cemeteries. An address was de livered by Gen. EJgartsn on the part of A man about thirty yoars old, FOREIGN. the Federal and Major Gallagher for the on his shoulder a shot-gu- n T.nnrfnti. 29. Hatchets oamed by ex having Confederate. for busineu in tho soldiers were and two pigeons in his hand, was '"7,u"uneopened The Prince of Wales, Marquess of Federal and at Ui shop, n 1?!. 3 ...I.J the yesterday, standing on a street corner ground. Xweeaaaie, ana uenerai rugerju i buried ia Ar to P00rs V field marshals. as telling a crowd that ho had been out Hotel, gatetted CHICAGO. of Via Keino will BfiOn Visit killed five hundred pigeons since and TWnration dav was observed here to receat visit of the return and Louden, Wh less people sunrise. will fc. KM .horrof the Lord Msyer to Paris. The chief day ia the usual manner, but f. "You're a liar!" shouted a man on patruuage. au parilOipaiSQ la tne tuutuurm iuu ue-- f municipal dijnitanes oi Europe Dindav was fins. the aiihnu.h on the to London cwaw edge of the crowd. America will be invited cities towns and in various from The stranger looked at hiui long patches tbe occasion. wtspaicn. he leaves Lon the south and west state that tbe day and that ATISFACTIOS earnestly, and then inquired: observed as a holiday, QUARANTItU don a month hence. The Duke of Wei. was generally "Where did you get acquainted and the. usual ceremonies took place at of Welling lington has granted the use withmer various cemeteries. ton riding school for revival meetings, -- TAILOHING. ... JifthStreet, oCden Tk.PrSf 1 To-da- y psr-sist- . 1 1 "PCloauinetcdoaoiriUi , , ed Without tho piece discharging ' Simonpon arose, remounted and joined the staff. The enemy was so demoralized that he cv&euated tho mountain, and half an hour afterward we stood upon the spot where Polk fell and saw the grouud stained with his blood. A day or two after, poor Simonson fell shot ou the skirmish line in Ackworth woods. A report just presented to tho Englibh Parliament contains the answers of officers commanding regU incuts as to the recruits sent to thern in the latter half of last year. Iu tach of the districts somo officers are "fairly satisfied" with the others physique of their recruits',""-bu- t souththe have Ia again protested. ern districts the recruits ate "feeble and young;" in the east they art) "young, with want of stamina;" in the west they are deficient in "size," as weil as "stamina." In Scotland they are "weakly," and those from tirten Jersey are of "a physique comparatively lowr." I2 Ireland they aiQ "yo&Bg and slighl," - |