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Show ISouiaallc She (Dflta, function. 31 cot in. tion took place. It v an KELSON'S to add is needles that the mistake of the child proved a source of tu all. MbMsbed eet .Lai'ayette Park, with its delightful Missouri great gratification tiy the Jicpuhlicun. iade minature beautiful aud lake, C. W. MCNEOfE, Eimlnrts Manner, to whom ll Baifue-- eomuiunioatiou alwitid be adilreMi.. fountains, statutes and windiugwa'ks, MAIS STREET, OODEX, D. HAMMOND, its weird cascades and beds of flow 31. uppoaiw in iiiauu vww, I u temp? race at Long ers, was the scene a few days ago of Setiutller and 1 ran eh Utile spring it tie drama which tor a time prom rales. reduced at Wagons, I t T - nH 0UK,' I ' ised to end in a tragedy, but, to the A correspondent of the New York Ouckey Ueupera aod M wer, Sulky Uoiee Bakei, reat surprise m. all concerned, prov Com rucrctul A HOW, CIMUYUUire, on. frha - Looli Time" niti The fi.llowinKfrom drcrtitcr, writing from ' i Intended to. enromem-r- t ed to be a real romauco. Iron and Sleel, of all kii.ila and Ik New York Timber, Wagon disadeals with a Long Branch, very a zrs. w the is th heroism of little ncaboy, of the near a family greeable phase of life at that fashionLiviug park the when York "lvtmi Telegram," who, consistin;; ol youus: centleman, his able watering place. M my of tho exploded, plunged into the wnter and aaved wile and little daughter nearly three gentlemen, so called, who frequent Conner Jim from death, children tittle eral ears old, lhe husband s busin- ss the hotels of that aWrve a neb immortality. place are altogether alls him away from home all fond of too the cup that inebriutce. 4 wandering "giunio of Oothan- -, and the wif, with her little daugh- Some of them, as is the case elsewhere A little hoy of tli trcet ter, were accustomed to stroll in the drink so freely as to make themselves ; Toti woqhf ill M afhlld T the With hi nked and feat; park. While walking nuar the statue absolutely disgusting to their wives. of the illustrious IJenton the other One let be hath a brave heart In hi bosom, lady wished that intemperance A eovil thavcan itar an oa il day, tlie mother was surprised at bear- - might be a ground for divorce, saying, " ws lfy, Dwt vail W wj lid HILLS, rANTED AT TUB EXCKI.SIOR im: her littlo dau;htor. exclaim, in with fire iu her, eye, "If that time And I'll vouch OB my honor, 'tit true: Ogden, for whieh tba : "Oh j yful ecstasy papa! mamma, would ever come, I would dissolve "tfX same, lr, In simply Jaraei Conner, onu at tne fiauie time berespapai my partnership very soon with a whis- HIGHEST CASH MARKET But, a I'm a bit of a sport, ;omg as last as her little feet would ky barrel."lJnfortunate!y inebriety is The boy do rot call in by that name, PHICJE carry hur, towards a gentleman seat not wholly confined to the male sex. , Wnt nickname tn 'Ratte ?,' for abort. shade ed of on tho uuder crass We the will KXCUAN'CIB CLOTH for . peld. 1B wi The same correspondent mcntioued Will beBeef, day I peddle the paper, Mutton and t'Uiur. Wool, the utatue. f With his back towards above writes: JWaum I'm fond of the new, on Afid sometimes, when bos'nea i lack, air. the lady, he did resemble her husband "I am informed that at Rowland's AH who hare Wool to Soil will jileaee call I bVkn ttii gentlemen'! (bo. creatnnd she was really Mr. A. KAXDALL. very much, Hotel there i? a very unhappy husat lite Kxcelsinr Mills, Ogdon. 4Htf ut M dim the rir last fhinday ly piea!Q to una nun seated mere, band. first the one of of His wife, .. Tha' day of th urrible shock much iu a interested so apparently families in Philadelphia, a lady of along with my brother, , 1807. KflTARLBtREV, morning paper. Jmngiuo her sur- rare beauty nud accomplishments, For rattle and erl la lh Adtk, she prise when, upon addressing him, has an ungovernable appetite for h a KinndMo I team escaping... j. found that the gentleman was on en A ad thn a report likw a gwn strong drink. She has to be watch Then tny brother w Aown in th water tire stranger to her. Abashed, com ed as closely as a candidate f r the list I thought It ra only in fun. pletely confused, she vainly endeav lunatic asylum to prevent her from t. ored to find words for an apology, but Dot I went fur hi in then, irir, I bet yoa! disgracing herself aud family at the Dnt Lord, he w out in a wink; her speech utterly iailcd her. the dinner t ible. When wine is beinc And, I tell eon, thinir g( to be lively gentleman, however, gallantly came used, she suffers tho 'torments of the Ton didn't half know what to think; WILLARD CITY, C.P.R. R., to the rescue, assured her no harm damned.' The little babiet. felt I mw two very sight of it ex I been done, and that tho little in ha cites her much iu the same way that And heard their p or, pitiful cry, ' cident would ; always be remembered a red flannel I aloof off my ehote and my Jacket, stirs up the .. by him as one ot the pleasantest ol eusseduess of petticoat Detrmli)J tS sat thuia or die. a mad bull the figure his life. The lady sat down upon the is a mlnoe "Well, I jot Oiern ' out She has coarse, but expressive. IN WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, OOKX, footstono of tho monument, and the no control of Orablwd one by lt wee little eklrt, herself, and in order to ejTOJWEHS Flour, Corn Meal, )rhtn Flour, Chop And brocitlit theia away t flietr mother, the to caressed and chatted DrM'd Penrliee, llmna, Potatoes. Salt, Biwon, gentleman keep temptation out of her way, her Feed. All fiaked, but more frightened then hurt; Frealt Uuttor, tgfi, Cheese, iruit and egctalile. little onewho was sitting near him. diuncrs are usually served in her Then I dieeu lnthedivk for euine otheri, While this little episode was trans- - room. I ".And oared oh, a ilwn or more; pity her, and her hiuband in the park, what was the more." tout tha I got weak and exhausted, Ciriug Dealer In 9o awam batk afiUo to the hure. doing?. Going to his place of This woman probably inherited business this morning, he met friend her "I tell yon, now "jnattera were lltely unconquerable appetite from her Young Moek, Work and there, who, with what intent we know fashionable ancestors, and now to re Vou ilidu't hare time to etand (till ' Heef Cattle. not, casually remarked ta him that he main respectable she is practically Tbr wm only on way, elr, to tare them, And U.at waa to work with a will; met merchant's) wife in the banished from her proper circle of We call the afteutinn of Stuoe Companies, Twill the fire and the eteoin and the water he weut there, and time park every and friends because of Freighter, etc.: all ordera filled with care and acquaintances Twist the fragment of wrwk and three diatch. playfully remarked that such a thing the popular vice of passing and J di in't ba mat b tinie for Uiinklng. using be that she found something might . Cuh Advance on Consignment of (train, etc an bnut." she with wine. Here possessed Kutldji wUtlMttobe of rare enjoyment there or else she uncontrollable desire to commit suiA General AMortment of M'.RrnANDlHE AJ1 honor to 6rar little Kutle.V kept a little cide would uot co.so niton, tw herself, it would be coiutuully on baud, at LOW PRICES. II or timzi, by shooting sel mj inclined towtrds a jealous disposition, considered both cruel and actii tiabl ; Bot 0Biewlre bewath hi loru jacket, he thought ho could spare time to for her friends to We have a BLACKSMITH SHOP in rontiertion lie lilik ih a btg nuinly heart! ostentatiously put with our !Witiwi. Shoeing. $1 per Span. Jobma In the of his lira there end niorale, run I'ntaught up just 4Stf revolvers on the mantel shelves and bing Work at rcaeouai.le rate. surprise A ebild of the aluuia and the mire, wife, and run back again, at tho same center tables, where she could get He fathomed man' duty and did It time satislyiiig lumsell about his hold of them. Yet it is held perAy, did it'twat water and are. drove to the friend's suggestion, lie fectly proper to lure her on to both ratkuklidiU, AagTMl S, lMk from his carriage and leaped Iiark, disgrace nnd death with wine. on through the avenues in " " I1 in the different Settlement. search of his dear Ones. What were Fishing; fur ItnNn, his feelings when ho saw what be Forrester Heard From CAN was the full realization of tteam supposed 1 few daVs pinoo,1 trtiiln the The St, Louis DemrerathM pisitive Uut "City f LUrtford," wSS lying at his friend's hints. There could be tho For mistake. foot no at evidence that Forrester, the alleged x sitting Jor ivttj wsitiDg the arnva of the monument was his wife, and muukr of Nathan, is in the neighbor ! the Bmall tout iro'a this th city, ttmiua uiaw tncuut, no woula im at her feet a gentleman who was a hood of New Orleans. It says that a to him, caressing find man. a daring mau like arrester, fnnemeuawiDV Dtiiintr lor pasn pcrft-e- stranger STORE, his with child. . L chatting his lince oat knowing every ineh of Luiskna, being aud aud Look, gut h of Wit and a he despair cry rage possessed of the knowledgs of innu- - IHuMt wit, aitu made cvcryLnin ready liglikid aVignr.ftud casting his lino sprang upon the supp med invader of mearblo hiding places uukuown to Into tb'wntT, sat down to Wait the hi ftuuily peace, seized him by the the oflieers of the law, should ab nlon SALT LAKE CITY, result. On Lcnrd the boat is n youn throat nnd presented. 'a revolver at li s chance of escape and go to his breast. The wif, innocent of strange country rick chances capture Good Chairs for $1 per Dozon, troiomt iKiy, ouo ot thot9ifuiiiUibioUi retained wonderfully her aud leave his wito and child to run wrong, Kanakas ho cmo to San Francisco any (Knocked down and boxed,) of and and mind, would unheeded theirown begged, be from the &uidwich Islanda, presenco nnd way - $S and 9. veiy Fall Leaf Tables him to await an esrla looush Dorrcster did not do anvsuch implored ventually turned up ns a boat han Timo was thus gained. thing. He stayed where he was, and Kitchen Tablet natiou. $G oo the "I'llv of Uartford." Like . husband's and the ' sober T i second, n was the streets of walking through f hi amphibious raco, ho can re luaia & long timo under the water, thought came to him. lid "would New Orleans a short time ago. His spire tho stranger's life, but she, his wife, not his mistress, Lizzy, is now lie took it into his head to play should leave his house and homo. residing in New Orleans and receives Walnnt Bedsteads, $10 to $17. jok5uron the inr.tc; nnd, divesting wife, released his hold upon the gen news from him regularly. One of He himcii hn clothes, lio jumped into tho wafer n the opposite side of tleman, and, after a few moments of his letters is published iu the Demo SUMMER HERD. . the boat from where the mate pat, unbrokeu silence; the wife enturcd crat Ho denies in tho most positive to sneak." TKo husband listened, but terms that he ia the murderer mf hopyfully but dreamily awaiting "a 7IKrtr)F.O TORINO THKSCMMBR AT RANCH Bear Ogdem Valle, bile." "Pic.seinly that official was only mechanically, to her story, but Nathan, and says" If tho authorities STOCK low rate: tbe at his following the anrel little sido broke the remit the thirteen years of imprisonat t urtltiil by H'a strong pull aud a long till November lrat per bead $3.00 is Blnmberinj;, icoby exclaiming; "I dot two papas; ment due him in Joliet Prison he will Horaea, poll" 4',Ji!k Jine. Month 1.40 I found one iu the for mamma for surrender himself park trial; otherwise Horned Stock, till November drat " yt'S openud wide, his breath came 160 . . he declares that he will not be taken fW't and thick, for he thoujrht ho had this mornin' 1" " - ; . " I.2i per Month is the not Put yet told. The alive. He has been hiding in the Stock will be received at the Tithing Corral, tapfurtsl one of tho "big", .bass husband story and wife both insisted that bayous and swamps of Luisiana, but OgiWn, every Saturuav. Safety gaarinteed. which abound in the river. He atF. A. HAMMOND. tho gentleman should accompany recently crossed the boundary line of tempted to pull iu' his hook, Mcl, w hieu he them their to residence, A. W. C00LIT. an the nited btatcs into I but it ruVd all hi efforts! Then adjoining 4Stf did. an on the part country. a etc 1 ork Herald. .apology bethought ho would "play" the' fish of tho After, husband for bus rudeness, some tor little while; ami ko ha would let nut a few fathuuis of line, and then wiue aud cake were: set out and dis A Chinese Camp Sleeting. draw in again This was repented cussed. Upon tho stranger civine ftveral times, until finally the boy,j his name, tho host started with a THE The Chinamen of Grass Valley are nervousness, and instanti? thinking he had carried the joke far socming asked his father's giveu name. It preparing for a c;rand time. They tmotigh, held on to the Hue and the surface with it. just was f, ttruished, The husband raised are going so hol.1 a kind of camp ctwne to meeting, and the meeting will continue ut the time the mate, with bigger upon hit feet, aud in an excited nud apparently laboring uuder through three or four days. A temOGDEN JUNCTION thun all exhibited ever iu he eyes lira life before, expected to laud a big great excitement, looked tho guest porary structure is to be erected, and flh, snd po vltoutod to the nieu on squarely iu toe face and asked his this will be capablo of holding three mother's name. Upon the announce- or four thousand persous. Triests deck. Tho astonishment of that can be better imagined than ment of her name, the husband fell from China will be present to conduct with a cry, of joy upon tho neck of tho ceremonies, aud many fine wcpresjH'd when he saw the woolly used in the religious exercises and roll'ug eyes of tho tho stranger, crying"Prother I brotheoofjanut-boaiu deed his loug-lowas er!" It the of Chinamen will bo brought here Kanaka, emerge from the waves! At ho had whom been and brother, exhibited. separated Many of these emfirst he thought he had caught the from since and for save a childhood, blems havo as y.-been exnever, Victor "d thai Hugo wrote sober, second thought he would have hibited out of China. The meeting is ubout.; then ho didn't know what it murdered, nnd at tho same time to commence on or about the 2nd of w&h; but finally "w the boy.' t ropplied with the latest improved the future of hiuiselfand fam- September. Dr. AVau Kee informs blasted and blowing like a porpoise, faoilitiei for turning out every of Tho the story separation was us that the meeting is to be "Ileep out of the bout, nnd the laugh-to- r ily. all one at In new. not deeariptioa of alle Meliean boyhood man torchee; saiuee they big, of some of the bands who were lived F.astern had in an and home, tiniee me sabbe long alle in t.W joke, rang in his ears, he good day, hiicself "sold," and one, seized with tho spirit of adven- samee Joshe man; heep big talkee; went to the Paeitiic coast, 'ailed Yung Wo mau beep good;" Tee rreat ud all lound. This good gtory ture, Yup write to home, and became as it were Chinaman no heep likee Yunsr "Wo ie in every particular a true one. dead to the family. Tho other broth Josheeman." All peaceablv disposed V' er came West several years after an Caucasians will be invited tn nttnrl settled iu St. Louis, whore the first and witness the cremouies of the Forty thousand negroes will vote brother wandered after a somewhat Chinese camp meeting. Grass ti Kt'ntnekv this year. experience, and tho reeL'ui-- Ifu Vmo. r aad SATURDAY WEDNESDAY Pubuwhku Domciki. COLUMN. MILLIONS Bear Teatimony to tha ' ' Wonderru! Curative tfli-ct- , r . WALK I. ICS (ALIK.I.a.. mm " ra IMPLEMENTS. a GOLDEN GATE IJSt liaiuy. : i- Wt-1U1.- Confectionery, 1 Wool! Wool! - . 40,000 rounds of ru-- iftift'-rv.- FIFTn STREET, WOOL OGDETST. Ml-h- ! a-- fee . s O N I o WILLARD s oe- MERCANTILE CO. U o Til For Inflamrnntarr and Cbronie Ehtasna. iIhiii nn:l I. out, Dyapcpaln or IndicestUi o Rillons, Reinitrrnt nnd Intermittent Fevers, Olncnsea of tbe Hlooil, Lircr, Kidney, aj Isladncr, tliesc Itinera have been nin; luccw'r! g O oin O CO c They i;ivl(,'ornte tho Ctomarh nnd tllmnlatc q 5r lx-ni- '" jtt t u- oi.s-.rd- Cm GET AT C3 H. DINWOODEY'S O a I TaotitT mpemdliic ail etaer preparatkua tor proton awl Wtctttimt SOLLS, tBCCtTS, MtMAH JmZxXccI and elacr Cru!J! Cakt. rrrfmlf Fvn set Ta CuZif- XcUol.'c and !mv rtec' ( r OeaucTiaW 1ST Baitna TemUrtn tat tTOBlD.ni It "iT HUM 5C ou o Xlmt, Swtct .1 LiytORECX,tKmtVmaUtuTlKm. II la well af - of Tionuittwr. Uimrt. Xartmtrt. Emtgrtntkto In mrrmptel, ItttSST rSASTPOm and I In f 22-- tt In tea f. Ar SOLD PV CUOCEE ,. . tk Camf, tut Ctllti." "EBTvTHER. k DCVLEHS i DE0THI2, llanufacttireil tT DOOLET 0 69 NZW STREET, - tf . .. ill rj-- Druggists aril Ccn. Aee?fs. Ta-- i rr;re!ee. Ctt,a i m Commerco Ftreet, Ii"v Vor?:. "7-SOB1 ALL rr.UGGISTS .SD DEA1E3 . 1 jr - CITY LICENSES. A GOOD MEAL can be obtained , At all reasonable Hours at tbe . GOLDEN GATE CHOP HOUSE. Tt all whom It may conecra. TOTICE IS TIKREB1 GITEX, THAT.' 1 all Persnrit enaageil in BttsineKS i iOgden City, (tcr wmch tho Vitj umnance provide that "a license must w ohtainei' vithtiiit first nrocurinf license ari In,. hie to ho taken before atrj Alderman of suid City, aud be subjected to a Fine. By order of the City Council, LESTER J. HERIUCK, Major. T1T.OS. Ge. ODELL, City Recorder. Tho Office of :he City Recorder the Office of tho "Ogden Junction. Seventies' HalL near lie U. C. R. Station. ' 1 man-ue- r, ICE CREAM, fTc IIurt from 10 . m. tUl & l p.m. em-ble- JOBPRraGOFffl d st t, i)i:i:ss axd cloak The Best in Town, always ready. "I TRf- M. STrAIiT WISHES KTERTBOB to kbiw thet ah ho a FIRST-CI.- " BKWIMl MAfHlXK mnA U nrciarnl to d" " hinds of Snwin. on rv.tHonnfiii, ferms. at I Keeideiweon the lleneh. KU IiTH STKJiiT, Block tiut ol the T,tliinR Office. IM '" blub-Urin- g i i GIVE ME A. CALL, TW-eventfnl 1 GKOUND TO LEASE. ' SEVKRAI, JOB PRINTING li...J I I PIN, TA rr, r- - ' e'l rr Vt'CRn. lrrVIrrlf i' vteiu '! li in.v Im iflrcinally ileMrw r full c!lrwiii"r. femf enrrht'fl "dand liinovrtl. tu e.ireuiiir pfnr.i raru romr. prihtw infocrlwguagj-r...g.- :ii, ui.ni.aii, i iema ana Spain!. IV T. VrrCSAt!) ft "at. Temple Street, "J In tut veil a; It lufnut. um.u v.11! y,vn win . Kee,lhe blooilpo llllli.il 111..U B.vlli II J.J iV.IVM. (inr tl.u o , i tet' - ITliMTORE 1? Hie iik! slneifi'h the People YOU IlYsrEPSIA OB IXDIGESTIOX, KtaJ. iclie, Tnin In t!:e Ehoulder, Coughs, TIslitncti f ti Chest, Dizziness, Sour Entrtallor. of Um Ftosw, Had tasto l.i V.o Month, Billon Attacks, Talpltuitj nfth ncarMn.lnmmatloa cf the Lungs, rln h iit regions of the Eidncfs, tzi ft hundred other fialaful j niptpms, arc t!:o orsprinqi ocrTsnepsia. rid liver nnd howrK rlileh render them of nsreoa'.'.ef rftlcncy la cleansing the blood of all Impurities, ui npavtlng rcirlifo nnd vlforto the whole arstem. FOR SKIN DISEASES, rrnptiore, Tetter, tsl: r.hcnin. Blotches fpota, Tlmplea, rnttnlea.rpi'j.Cr BcaTd Head, Koro Trtt, r.r'4 buncles, clas, Itch, Fcnrh, DlKoloratlons cl tl. Skin. l;tir and Diseases cf the k!n, of whatever n:uic r aalat, are literary (V.iglip mid rarricdont of tho ayitwii thnrt time hr the re of these Bitter. One'hoieVh eiti'h nu--. v ill convince the rxott lnueduioaxiC t curative enecu Cleanse the Vlt'atrl T'o l Tr' eneTr yT f ri I rrsii! k tnrruii tiieflciu in Piwalu.l1' imporitti-Hons or Si r . i ll ni.M- it hen y n hail rltlnxv , To all Piscaare r.ro ennsed by Vitiated deed. which is t'cncrally produced by derangement ef Uu iSnch CHARCOAL. : ... no eqnnl. v j .' V OwiiietrV, enedtu plcaso taste, railed "Tonic "Annoti crs," "Restorers," 4c, tlint lead the tinnier drnnkennoes and rnln, but are a tree Medicine from tlio Native Koots and Herb of California. irom nil Aituuwiiu ciimoinntN. lliet tren. GREAT BLOOD FCRIFIEIt rad A Lin GIVING PUIXCIPLE, a perfict Kcnovator Invlgorator of the System, carrying off all pelaonoi, matter find rotorlnj tlio blood to a healthy conditi.. Vo person can take these Bitters according to dlr lions ana remain long anweu, provided tlielr ott are noi ueairoyca oy nimeriu pouoa or other mmi una tue viiai organs wuaiou Dnyona tho point of r air. They are a Ornttc rnrprntlTe no well naa 'onie posaesalng alao, the peculiar merit of aotlm i a pwiTiiii eguub m rguuviiiK von(tcion or Infiaa. nmtlon of the I.lver, and U the Vlfceral Orcunt. FOR FEMALE COM rLA IXT8, vhtthrr'h young or old, married or alnglo, at the daw 0f wo. manhood or nt tlio turn of life, thceo Tonjc Bitten ba- l his-(tht- CL, aait fi Ud 3 -i t Produce Merchants , An'ti. Sua Francl.eo, ! , ( n Vinegar Bitters are not avllo Faarr n.i' i. Made of Poor Hum. Wfciakcy, Proof S.ii7 nu kciiisv juninuri iiuwuiw, vpicoU and tlio Fn, iu.ti..nl.rc .m,l, the Jomctioa Office. 89-t- J0IIN n. f riTPjn TRKT f4 l.i' , i iir. 00 the North-we- Loan TtrTT.nlSff ,v . Coraur lull! , Ksd.. " ItlSI.MISS GAKD9 KELSON, Fifth Street. Ojden.- - MERCHANT ITERT should have a supply. p the te.t style of the art. ASTO pR0rT-'?W?'- Vl tw" |