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Show wr- - Tnbcrnac'e was crowded with persons Int of all ages, cnxiotis to hear further the sacred land of Palestine. Mrs. shout SATURDAY, f.lUih! v..r WEDNESDAY and resumed her subject and spoke Whitman CutlFAXV. by lUt OuDtS PiaUatuaa W. PEN Si E, Bumiicss Mwnngw, to vhom all a couple ot uotiJS. uppareuuy wnuoui Ramim ctminmui atiims huu4d btr aililrsnstxl. tiring herself or her uudience in the least. She started ngsin from Juffa, but bv a different route, pacing down by CHARLES W. PENROSE, Eoitob. the beach past the vats of "Simon the fanner," Ashdod and Askalon lo uaia, CMDi:X, I TAIL twenty miles distant, where t lie ley came out iu royal robes asd welcomed Wednesday Mriii)!tr, Anir. 80, 1 S 7 1 . the parly, und where much clothing is manufactured by the Jews; thence le the hill of Gaza and to Mscpeluh where Yectur?H on the Holy Iamtl. is the eavc of Sarah, and, as some say, the burial place of Leah, Jacob s wife, Ln.it Sunday afternoon Mrs. Whitman, not far from which is "Abraham's oak," lecture in the Baid to be Ihe oak under which Abraof London, delivered ham received the ang'ds; on to Hebron, on the subject of Ogden Tabernacle, thence three and a half miles te the Travels tu the Holy Lsnd. The talented Pools of Solomon, by which he watered Kcluress occupied two hours in giving Jerusalem, and the fountains of which brief verbal aketubea of various plaocg were bidden for many, many centuries, but accidentally discovered by a French in Palestine, interesting to all lovers of explorer, who, while hunting fell, close antiquity and believers in the Bible, us by a circular cemented stone, which on martlie land of prophets and patriarchs and being raised disclosed twenty-oncame that to ble water leading steps birth-plac- e of the world's Redeemer. .the from a range of mountains, and was ' Mrs. Whitman Las a devp and power- conducted by earihon pipes across the ful but trunkal voice, and speaks wtib plain, and gave the appearance of comand distinct enunciation. ing in from an rapid but eli-aopposite direction. She Khe caught the attention of her audience then conducted her hearers te Bethlewith the first sentence of her lecture, hem and the Church of the Nativity, deand kept it to the close. Sue com- scribed the place where the Savior was menced by relating the story of the born, which, instead of a "manger," as heart of Robert Uruce and the dying understood, was a place 58 ft. popularly king's desire to have It buried in the a 18; three quarters of a mile distant Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jeru- was the plain where "Ihe Shepherd salem: she felt like liruce and hoped to watched their flocks at night" wh u the end her days and be buried'in the Holy birth of Jesus was announced by the Land. Mrs. Whitman crossed angelic host. in inoo ine lectures ursi lanueu at this place on Christmas eve, and ths Joppa or Jaffa watch tower of joy or temperature was mild and pleasant. beauty. At (hit time the streets were The Pool of Siloum was next described, o narrow that two camels could scarcely fed from the Pools of Solomon,-whictravel abreant. In 180(1 a colony of being ran under the Temple of JerusalAmericans arrived, under the presidency em and into the Pool of Siloam. Also of Mr. Adams, and through bis influence the place where Jeremiah wrote his the Pasba of Egypt ordered roads to be "Lamentations," the spot where Judas made on which the Americans' carrihuug himself, and the Jews Gehenna, ages could run. Now there is a fine whiuli is now cultivated ground, where carriage way on Water street in Joppa, cabbages and Yankee "pumpkins" grow and a macadamized road on which Eng in prolusion. lish onmibutaes run to Jerusalem, The lectures then gave a glowing dethirty-thremiles distant, but for- scription of Solomou's Temple, and tesmiles. Mrs. Whitman tified lo the truth of the Savior's words merly thirty-fiv- e testified that God had, in the year 1853, that "one stone should not bo left upon restored the "latter rain," according to another," and of the Piopliet Micali's ancient prophecy, after the land had prediction that Ziou should be "plowed beea deprived of it fot many hundred as a field." She said the only piece ot years, and this was a sign of the ap- - the ancient wult was near Ihe Jews Waiti proaching restoration of the Holy Laud ing Place, where the Jews mourned the to the Jews. The "former rain" falls loss of the Holy City, and prayed for the from about 1st November to the latter restoration. part of January, when the people plant, Mrs. Whitman then described the and the "latter rain," essential to vege- Mosque Of Omar, standing on the site of from table life, February to the latter the Ancient Temple, an octagonal buildpart of April. of great magnificence, second only Ihe lccturess dilated on the morality, ing to the Mosque at Mecca. Up to 18U2 Mahomdevotion and of the iemperanoe no "infid I s" foot had trod the beautiful ' elans in uitttiiiuliuu to the Christians, mo aic pavement iu the interior, but the and on the different views of the three Prince of Wales was then admitted, aad sects into which they are religiously sinoe then travelers can enter by paying divided, their manner of worship and $2 pur hvad and taking off their shoe. the manner of closing the gates of every 8crei-u- l Hones of tie old Temple were eity during the hour of prayer on Friday, here preserved, portions of which were their Sabbath, in continence of a traIrequ. utly stolen by good Christians, aldition, 300 years old, that the Jews to ihe stone on which Abraham was would come, at some future period, when about to otlor up his sou Isaac, and call they were at prayer and their weapons ed Jell llie next place ot them aud drive them interest to which the audience were put aside, conquer confrom the land. She took her audience ducted was now in mins, and "a Tyre, by a rapid flight from Jaffa across for fishermen lo spread their nets;" the plains of Sharon, the moun- place lo Sidou, which is Iu better preservation; of tains Judea, etc, to New Jerusalem, to Mount llermon, which has summer at spot near the old city deeded by the the base, winter at the summit, and the Sultan of Turkey to Alexander of Rus- other eeasous in the intermediate s ace: sia, and now surrounded with a marble to lleyrout, which is a fine commercial wall, eight feet high, and containing with a spleudid college, many miscity many fine buildings. Paid that the mis- sionaries and good hotels; to the ruins work of the Jews sionary converting onto Mount Lebanon, fiom was a humbug, and that a Church of ot'Baulbea; which a magnificent view of Damascus England bishop lived the life of a de- can be obtained, looking like a fleet of bauchee at Jerusalem on missionary hips on a deep greeu sea, aud thence In clothes and Can money, giving his cast-of- f of Galilee, about 48 miles from craps from his table to the poor Jews, Jerusalem. Mrs. Wbilttiari described instead of what was donated for their the wine supposed to be usr d at the mar' benefit, while another missionary spent when the miracle .was the money entrusted to him in building riage least, tho juice or fruit boiled viz., wrought, " a hotel, of which he was the host. into kiud of marmalade, put into The Arabs and Jews oallcd the mission- earthen jars and afterwards mixed with aries "shame men," because tbey water. She then recited a fine Ode to i got drunk. Water, also description of the Feast of The loot ur ess then described the Uelshazxar, with dramatic effect. Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which is This was followed greata by description of a under the control of theQreek Patriarch, Mahomedan betrothal aud funeral, ahd nd the marble slab supposed to cover of ihe Needle's Eye near Jerusalem, a the spot where Christ was entombed, narrow passage through which a heavily but which bai been broken for fear the laden camel could would take a fancy to it; the spot furnished the Saviornot pass, and whicli Sultan with the figure for in the control of the Catholics which the saying about the difficulty of the rich as out the the where place they point man's ent. ring the kingdom of heaven. vruoifiiien took place which was eviThe lecturess th n exhibited a numdently a gross imposition; took her au- ber of very interesting relics from the dience by "the doloruus way"to Calvary Holy Land, and announced that as few and the brook Redron, which could be of the audience crossed in the dry season easily on feot; she would have could Bee ihem properly, them on riew next Monalso by St. Stephen's gate to the Mount afternoon at the same place. f Olives, desoribed inSoriptureasa Sab- dayMrs. Whitman has gone to Salt Lake, bath day's journey, and was only where she will deliver sever 1 leetures, 16 of a mile, less yards here was which we have no doubt will be a great the Church of the Ascension; thence to attraction to the people of our metropothe Otrden of Osthscniane about half lis. Previous to her departure she dean acre in extent, now planted with sired, through the medium of the Juncbeautiful flowers. Near St. Stephen's to express her thanks to the aurate was a piece of land owned by Louis tion, thorities of Ogden, by whom she had K'apoleon, part of which was given to been treated with great courtesy and him by a lady, the last descendant of kindness. Sir Godfrey de Bouillon, the Crusader, and the other part by the Sultan of Gsxi'iNS. Fine English Ales on Turkey. W. II. Pidoock's, Main St., at Draught Mrs. Whitman then conducted her 61-t- f hearers to Mount Tabor quoting the Ogden. Jews' account of the death of Moses; aleo Bloodsd Stock. On Sunday last a to the tomb of Laxarus, the fords of the d of Durham bred horned slock, Jordan and the Sea ot Sodoma, c minon ly called the Dead Sea, which she said consisting of young heifers and a bull, was a beautiful, clear body of water, arrived here from the east. There was tery salt and bavin; medicinal proper- alio a fine stallion. As the latter was ties. To controvert the common report of advocates of the "sprinkling" theory being taken from the depot to Mr. 's that the Jordan was too shallow for imstable, he became restive, threw mersion, she related an incideut that his rider, raised on bis hind legs and courred on the 27th Deoember, 1867, rhen she, with a number of persons, brought his fore feet with great force on repaired to the wilderness of Judea in the man's shoulder, felling him to the a terrible tempest to witness the immerground again, and inflicting a wound cn sion of a Methodist and a Lutheran ths poor fellow's head. The animal then preaeher by a Baptist minister, when, in answer to prayer, therein ceased and broke away, ran up Fifth street, but the sun shone eut at the moment of the was caught near Dr. Woodwork's. The baptism; the waters of the Jordan next day the stock was taken to Calirolling down in a perfect torrent. Said fornia. he was "High Church" herself and had On Monday Mr. J. A. Merrick, of been sprinkled in her infancy, but had eitoe had ."the mark of the beast" Carroll county, Ohio, came in with 13 freshed efT by immersion. Mrs. Whit- head of youag cows and heifers, and man then gave expositions of several the "Duke of Colorado," s yo ng impassages of Sor'ptura generally regarded as obscure, and announced that she proved short-horbu I, 18 months old, would lecture again'on Monday evening. the latter weighing l.'itiOtbs. Yesterday At eight o'eleck on Msadsy night the they were taken te Montana, She $unttiw. . e r , . e 1 jvali-Jn-Ml- Base Ball. The return match, as was announced, between the Corinne B. B. C. and the Echo Club of this city, came off on S iturday last. The gume was played on the beautiful grounds of the "Hed Sash" club of Ogden, ituated on Ihe Bench. The ground was all that could be desired, having been put in good order by the "Echo" boys. The Cerinne Club came down in full strength, determined, if possible, to retrieve their fallen fortune, und they were not disappointed in this respect. Both clubs played with a will, each determined to do their best, but from the start it was easily seen that the pitching of Mr. Oram, of the "Corinnes," was too much for our boys; while on ihe other side the pitching of the "Echos" was not quite up to the mark. Mr. Oram s pitching throughout the game was very fine, and would have done justice to any s of the nines in the East Towards Ihe cud of the game the "Echos" played much better and held their opponents well down to their work, but the start which the "Corinnes" got on their 4th, 5th and Ctb innings, had placed them so far ahead, that all chances of catching up to them was out of the question. The games now stand one for the "Echos" and one for the "Corinnes," and a third game will have to be played lo determine which is the better club, and we think that if the "Echos" succeed in getting a pitcher equal to Oram, that a very close and exciting game may be looked for. Some persons imagine that the Echo club have lost two games already with the Corinne club, but such is not the case. In the early part of the season, there was a picnio held in Ogden by the Methodist body of Corinne, and as most of the players were coming down on that occasion, an invitation wis given to the Echo club to get up a nine if possible, so as to coutribute to the pleasures of the day, but it was not to be considered a regular game, that was the understanding of both clubs. We may look for a hard struggle when the third game comes off. t Mr. Lowe, of the "North String" club performed the duties of Umpire, lo the satisfaction of all. Below we give the score. two-thir- . - LAGER SPARKLING BEER UKAIOHT. ALWAYS 2.. C. BI. I; City Drug Store, OGDEN CITY. MAIN l'otition. e Hodirman 2 s Stone C f Barnard Oram .i p r f Hulburt Harnish ...3rd b Hewey ...2nd h !) 4 6 ft 7 8 9 VaVntin...lst Aulbuch Outs. 2 Runt. 8 1 9 1 10 0. 9 4 P 4 5 (j b P. If. 4 6 B .fi 27 "Ecnna." DRIVER & Co Give me a call. Dealers in PHYSICIAN, Surgeon ami Obstetrician. at City Drug Store from 10 a m to t. it. K. Junction inoiiiinc auu C9-evening. Office n m i tf Drugs, MrMUHnos, Paints, Oils, Kruslu'S tliipiiiicsil, Dye Stuffs, Agsuyera' Materials. The Celebrated Sansevalne Bitters, etc. PERFUMERY 8T0J.EN OR STRAYED FROM THE TOST, lUnire. Rich t'onntv, T1IHKE And lurge tw9ortlirwywrold Ameriotu Mure COLTS, One Yi.. light lay, whUe hc, i white hind legs, branded B on t hip; oru licht bay, brauded B on left hip; and one dark brown, branded J. S. on left hip. a little white on two eti ner ieei. tat will lad to will cive luUinuutioii recovery will ba suitably rewarded by A 61M J MLS II. UAiu. Whovr thi ESTRAYS. every Requisite for tlie Toilet. 7 8 9 1 6 2 4 5 3 3 2 2 4 2 4 4 4 27 30 o Young Hum. 4 2 4 2 Rrsa in each Ismsos. Inning Hit ft 6 7 8 9 Total 3 14 19 20 1 4 0...U5 1 0 7 2 2 6 8 3...30 "Corinnes'' 3 Echos" ...1 1 35 Majority for Corinne Umpire, Mr. Lowe. Scouts, Corinne Club, Mr. Qlassgot. " Echo " Mr. Hobart. Bay Sale at Office. Twenty cres of Good Land for Hooperville. Apply at this 63tf EXCURSION PARTIES AND PICNICS. Jones' Grove, A DANCING FLOOR Is laid to aawiaiiaodat. 8 Cutollimii. Parties furnishing their own musie can have the use of the Grove for . 25 Cents 69-- 1 m THE WHITEHEAD. THANK RED-TO- BOTH OX Ui Boots and Shoes in crery Style, Agent, Salt Like City. a4 r aotlM. Leather for Sale. A I. WHJXMIAB. FULL STOCK OF A UKOCEKIES, GENTS' Straw & Panama ats. PAINTS, DYE STUFFS, laxi:es' (Triinme'l and Untriiumed) Prexsrijitions carrnlly prrttircd li a Competent JJruijjut. OGDEN CITY BIER CAN TILE Hats & Sundowns ftEWSALOGN! HILL, MAIN STREET, OGDEN, liusjust opened bis I) JEW mSTITUTION, Ioor to Xext V. M. 13. of lxeeUcnt Imager and a Lmteh of Crackerm and Cheese I., THE I'VULIO A CHOICE of General Merchandise, ooiud.ung 04 at a Tery moderate oullar. 61-lr- DRY GOODS, THE DRUODEPARTMEXT Comprises a full and complete awmrtment of Drur and Medicines, Taints, Oile, Vurnishea, Briuhea and fitucy articles. the liquoTdepartment cntrfc! Brandta. selection of Wines, Alcohol, etc., etc, all of w hich now twin sold t tlie very lowest ueaible prioee. Prescriptions carefully coni)HinlHd by a Competent Driirgwt. P.S. All pnrties Indebted to the 1st and 3rd and 2nd Ward Store are requested lo settle immediately witfe the Ogdea City Mercantile Institution. Wetf, Orders com pained by Cash fillud on reasonable trrnis. A ctauicaassurtuieut of Caroeerie and Xotions on Constantly hand, It. C. W AKDLEian 4 Co, Ap afs for Dauforth i IVtrrd.. aia Fluid.- - iom r. it. aviTB. Attorneys at - JL, jv AID v STABLES, CORNER WALL FIFTH STREETS, OGDEN, bear th Utah Central Engine Houm HORSEg BOARDED SOLICITORS-IS-CHANCER- Over Diinford t Sous- - Store, East Temple Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. A. HUCCAN, ATTOUXKY AX1 LAKE AND e.y the or Week. Bay Hones and BupRias for Hire, always on hand. Gentle Animals for the gpacial Us of Ladies. Horses twngkt and sold, on commissioa or ether-wis- e. W"3 E. BEDELL A CO. COHA'. SELLOR-AT-ItA- CITT, UTAH. 6Ctf FEED STABLES, Main Street, Ogden. Summer Clothing A Large Stock of Gents', Ladica' and CVddren'i S H M'tt bjr tlie feed iiiiimm iim iraier8 in FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY. Tweeds, Doeskins, Jeans, AND EGGS, FRUITS, SUMMER DRINKS, &c., (irotwbeck's Corner, Main Street, oo6ALT LAKE CITY. Domestics, Stripes, Tickings, Denims. . " STOVES AND FURNISHINGS Locks, T, Harness Trimmings, , F. A. KING & CO., (SiKoewon to lif Carpenter's Tools,' C. B. McOrcsor), BOOKSELLERS and GENERAL NEWSAGENTS. itll 4 supply or books, papers A FULL STOCK OF GKOCERIES, AT PUBLISHERS' PRICES. AU. a choice Selection of Fancy Qoo,, Cirart, Totceo, c, etc, o, oar Depot, Broom". o"ii - XiZ3VC3E! ' C O-d- , Cutlcry,,i',i;,;;r Beven doart West of Main, oa FiflU Street, M t And Manufacturera of all kinds of or on time. In all kinda of Produce, Garden Seeds, E.. S,, NEW BRANDS OF JOELSON AND MORRIS, D. G. XELSOX, Proprietor. - Ofallkindi. HIRE, ALWAYS ON HAND. lloraea fed O- To the People of the North. The Bos t and Cheapest Stock la the Territory. and Buggies, 200 SUITS FEED AND SALE Superintendent SMITH. HOSIERY. JUXCTIOX MV12HY R. BALLANTYNE, &, OF W CENTS' Con tains the EARL.L COTTON a GROCERIES, II.C.WAUDLEIGH&Co. HARDWARE, commissioiTmerchants, TINWARE, Dealers in Grain, Flour, Fruit, Egs, BOOTS & SHOES, flutter. Sail, Produce, etc., HaiK, Clothing, Funoy Xo FIFTH STREET, Ojjdon. Utah. T 0. Box 70. (ions, o(c. Will ship to all points on the n.K., East and Hy ASSORTMENT A Calag TO OFFERS BEER S.U00X! LAGER A FULL here the thirsty pedrstrian can enjoy w CANDIES, vovsrtw. De-Lain- cs, v " ea the shorts Call WINES AND LIQUORS IUA PFOITZ, CTtf BUTTER OLD COUNTRY "WATER-TIGHTSMADE TO ORDER. Wool Ae., fcc. FIVE DOORS WEST OF GEORGE W. TUIiXEIi, THE Z.C.M.I. CENERAL DEALER Tr tekm. EDICINES, or For Circular and f ample of Sewing, address Cavriarjcs, JHU Chambrays, Scotch Ginghams,'. Spanish Linens,, Alpacas, Armurcs, DRUGS AND THE BEST BttAKDS NO COG WHEELS. Morses, Fourth Street, Ogden, of PURE Orders promptly uttended to. 1111 To Godbk k Co,) 500 Pieces New Prints? Kelling, STRAIGHT NEEDLE FOR IVIllTTIIlUn F. A. KINO, W. H. FKBRY. IN TUB MARKKT. SHOP! tpin Matty tucatwt, OGDEN, Having purchased the above establishment, we offer to the public a choice selection ot SI I) I S. P Pin-gras- STREET, 3IAI3V (FocccasoHa OGDEN LIVERY AH ki tf (juiltiUK, RiilH.ut;, STITCH ALIKE SALT BOOT AND SHOE Goods. jwd lijrhtet running Shuttle Machine in ue. Every variety of Curtlioit. Urai.inic. Tucking, etc., cuaily performed. per Couple, per day. 010. WK1TEHIA3. Spring&Summer Prescriptions carefully compounded. SEWING THE LATEST IMPROVED, DEFT OF Canned Fruits, etc. 4. WRIGHT. MACHINE. IlIIfflESISB GROCERIES. "FAMILY FAVORITE" Ogden, 1" Bow ready for pleasure partiM. & PORTERS. PIONEER DRUG STORE. WEED IS mills 1. made Cigars. ectra.3. 65 Out i. Rums Davis rf Mo Cartey ...1 f Keller p W. George 1st b Calhoou ...8rd b e f Elmer Provost ...2nd b 1 2 3 4 6 6 11 1, Director of Weber County Stock Herd Company. AN Wines, Liquors, tt n. i.r.At (rang Foreign and Domestio FINE ALES HKRD IN CURLIEW INTO OUR CAME some time in the mouth of June last, Konrteen head of CATTLE, branded with a in the tentreon the left hip. diamond and a The owner in requested to prore property, piiy charges aud take thcin away. 68-- 3 NOW Home Bitters, lied Jacket, NOTICE. 1 Position. s s STREET, OGDEN. KM in "Cosinnks." 1 Kellis. ON all kinds Summer lil'inks of J. MUliDOCh. car-loa- n Central Engiue Near the C. S. Driver. W. first-clas- a, ly SALOON, U.C. BEER House. Utah Coal and Lime Sign FOURTH t YOUNG OGDEN. en. Sor LITXlT ! Hen fiummerd ' STRJJKT8, TH0MA1 All Orders addreaied to D. H. PEERf Ogdeu Cily, wilr hate jurampt attention. IT.B. CLAWS Otf Smperbitendntt |