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Show fthc (Dgdfn 3f mutton. every WKDNEBDA V and SATURDAY, I'ciutsiiiso C011r4.iT. by llrt Ou ', flittiue Manapir, to whom all oiuuiutiiiioiiii8 tliouM be adareusad. ol nriiRK. "" Ta Scbscribebs. We have waited fcatientlv on many of our delinquent untill threshing time, as we that times have been tight with the waut them to pay formers. Now, we the in Send grain. A receipt from j,p. Weber or Ogden either at the milter at this office. A he will accepted bills are wanted on of loads good hay few loads of wood. several and (uboi ip'in it along. Bring BY TELEGRAM. ISpoaial to the Oopm Juxctiox by the Atlantic and jemgrajia uiiuiauy.J The Terrible Accideat at Bevorley, ; Steamboat Explosion at mobile! fcn0w i The Greatest Scoundrel Unhung! Alliance Between Prussia and Italy! AMERICAN. The highest Boston. 28. The terrible railroad accident of Satis the at for City given produce fries night becomes more sickening, as Wheat $1.00 per bushel. urday details are developed. The cause of the Drug Store. 70-tf accident is, that the engineer on the exOther graia in proportion. press train chose to plunge his train into one standing at the station before him. Notice. A special attendance of the The Beverly accommodation train had made several stops to get passengers at presidents particularly, and the memthe way stations, meanwhile the express "Oib of Quorum bers generally of the train from Bangor left the last station to a at is requested meeting geventiea and ran at the highest allowable rata of bt held in 2nd District Sclioolliouse on speed. Before it started, the Superintendent, Mr. I'rescott, sent special or gunJuy next, September Srdat 2 p.m. ders to the engineer to be careful, as W. F. C ll ITCH LOW. there was a train ahead of him. The conductor of the accommodation train Harm-eua'i All kiiix r 0iitjn, including the was warnod of the train behind, and Collar, Gall and Hoof Uiatiuent, at the caused two red lanterns to be put out on Store. Pioneer lrug WitionT, Pbrbt t Kino. f the platform of (be rear car, but it seems that no attention was paid to orders, asu Kansas Citt. We and Ihe responsibility for this carelessOmaha ness must rest some where. At lie scene Mor-t- j, learn that Emma Lnmlt, n of from her husband, In the disaster there is little to be Been. who ran away a diich at the side of the road, there such disre- is still the smoke of the embers of the under ir. Landt of this city putable circumstances, is now sojourn-in- ; burned cars, but this is almost all which at Omaha, where she is circul ting telle of t ie disaster. In the town hall of Bcver'y, still lies a half dozen bodies. the tame falshoods as at Laramie. For Tuey are uorrible to look at. They have the benefit of the Omaha people, we will been crushed, cookel, , tortured, and state that Mr. Landt is not a Mormon, deeper than all mere physical disfigureone sees something still more awand does not pretend to be, and that he ment, ful to look upon, in their haunting look n ii now suing for a divorce from the of unspeakable agony. The officers of who Iias treated him eo bntfy. tlie road were almost crazed by the accident, and seutned not to know what to Henry Coffman, her paramour, is at do. The killed aud wounded were nearKansas City. Lot him be known there ly all Boston, Salem and Lynn people, i s a villain and a deceiver. Omaha and Mr. Jewett, Mr. Underwood, Mr. Hasiines and Mr. Bacon, of South Or Kansas papers please copy. ange, Franklin county, Mass., while fish in a pond at that place on Saturday WbiteiikadBrok., tha rtieaj'e.t place tn Og- ing eve, were thrown into the water by the den tur lloota A Mioee. 1'rudu e taken. Sra ad. sudden upsetting of the boat ; all were Underwood leavea a family, drowned. A Neeokd Improvement. The Sevbut the others are unmarried. The bo enties Hall is about to undergo a com- dies of Hastings and Underwood were plete renovation, and we may sny transf- recovered at nn esrly hour on Sunday Mr. Bacon's bo'ly ba-- not morningormation. From a shabby looking, found tip to 6 oclock this morn ng. lien e e crack l, gloomy lifice, it is The Coioner's inquest jn o the to li tie out in a short time as a soun), Railroad disaster was co.nmeiiced at elrtn, whit, handsome building, with a Bavctly to day. The on'.y w.tuess d exkill for assiituViei above and offices ol' amined was John S. Noland, con luctorj of the accommodation train. His evirtrioiM kinds b"lj.v. The Seveniics dence was to th'.- effect that the train hue taken it in hand under advice from had the right of the road; that he had taken the usunl preoaut ions against danIVest. Ricliardit, und (he work is to comger, and tlint the I'ulliuan train fhiiuld mence immediately, (iood. have kept out of his way. One of tne rules of the road requires trains to keep Xitivi Wikfp ai Baa.iMES j received at tha half a mile apart on the road, and this riuneer (mg Store. rule was transgressed by t lie cng.neer M Kiso. f PtEBT Wsiout, of the express. He had been cm the road 21 years, and never met with an A Deaf Mctk. A typo named L. W. accident of any consequence. .Craig, who is ft deaf mute, called atiour Washington. D. C. 28. It is announced thitt iffice yesterday. lie has worked at Bowen. is making preparations for a eleven years, but says his vigorous fight for the. Governorship of health is now much impaired by eose North Carolina. In a letter to his friends application toMubor. He is 25 years of in this city, it is stated that Mr. Bowen age. He arrived here by an emigrant has been ba ked by almost the entire vote of the Slate, and hopes to train from renusylvanu a out two colored secure the administration's influence. weeks since, and was unfortunately left His friends are very confident of behind by the westward bound train. The sixth annual Schulzcnfest of He has since been to Salt Lake City. Scbutzen commenced toWashington Yesterday he left for California where It was opened by a grand proday. ke expects to find and reside with an cession. A large number of visitors atwcle until he has recruited his health tended from Baltimore and other points. ' The official report of the census office shows the entire Chinese population in tZ$r Dried Apricots and Teaches the U. S. to be 62,000 of whom all but -anieu ni ins z. u. AI. I., UgJen. Tucy about 10.000 are in the Pacific States oust all be peeled. estf and uiining Territories. . e. Brooklyn, 28. Suits on behalf of the following perComxo Home. From the Millennial Star we learn that Elder John I. Hart will sons, or their representatives were beon Saturday in the city court tart for home on September 6th. Safe gun against the Stateu Island Kerry Co., to ud pleasant journey to him. recover damages caused by the explosion on board the "Westfield:" John Madden, M. Derry, Hieliard R. Kelly, Sfc- 3- The beat Stamped Tin Bncketi Catherine Orr and Tbos. ver imported, for sale at the Z. C. M. I., Bernard, Ellen Groom, John Groom Smith; 68tf . Ogden. and John F. Roberts. Damages laid $5,000. Jno. Groone, Jr. $10,000; EdOf George ward Day $20,0'JO; Delia J. Groone, Ikformatios Waktkd Drake who left Bristol about the year 25,000, and James Byron $50,000. l&iO for Salt Jacksonville, FU., 28. Lake City. Address HenThe schooner "Ann Doll,'' has arrived Mill. ry Drake 33 Milk Street, Bristol. here from New York. Sbo narrowly esV, Aug. 8. caped shipwreck by throwing overboard 75 tons of Railroad iron. The State of JiEW STnmttUei rnur Driio--- -. LintinM Florida has suffered . j tremendously by "ri Groceries at the City Drug Store. the recent gale. The Orange crop in Main 65-t- f street, Ogden. St. Johns has been fearfully damaged sunk in Take Notice. Ogdrn bridge is un-f- e and several steamers have been the river. and is closed for repairs. Travel-'- r Mobile, Ala.. 28. are requested to pass on the East of The stenmer "Ocean Wane," with over two hundred excursionists on board, bridge. exploded her boiler at Point Clear yesterday p mr Iris impossible .6$- Glass Jars for'jPreserved Fruit, wharf, bow to tell many were killed, as it ie the at strong and cheap, number ef bodies have been supposed U. M. 63-tf I., Ostden. buried beneath the wreck. The port of the boiler first gave way, and the upper EtiORAxTg. A oompany of emigrants works all eaved. Many: were crushed '1 Omaha on Ihe 20th inst. They are to death. New York. 28. . ; . pected to arrive at 0 p.m. Private dispatches to thi hour report the deaths by the Eastern Railway ardent at thirty one, and the wounded over eighty two, many of whom will By Joseph Grovrr, Esq., Justice of di . " I eace, at his ofice, Uintah, on The Tribune says the report of the 4esday, August 29th, 1871, Mr. WiL conmi roller is a huire mountain of man fortM Seweh. to Miss Elisabeth Ahh uscript, which' would require aunderto and to longer inspect, night bi.ns, both of Weber County, Utah. stand. Long and perplexing search is been necessary to find out how much haswhom to or for any given purpose, paid or how AMERICAN payments have been made,of the ring SALT LAKK CITY, UTAH, much the supposed favorites fcfiLKCT & FIRST - CLASS HOUSE! have drawn from the Treasury. Greely calls the editor ot'the Chiengq Tribune t i. C. LITTLE, Proprietor, le"" sublime liar," Tor misquoting , Wofk E2t of the Theatre. tf Look Hsns Fabmkks. ;o-i- wo-rna- 9f - !"-t- -- itype-settin- g mo-dec- s. - 1 t, ,; to-d- HOTEL, about divorce. At a meeling of the Board of Assis-taAldermen o day, it was resolved to concur in the action taken by the Board of Aldermen, directing the Mayor to take immediate sicps to recover Jlie possession of the property known as Old Breek Church." The proper resolutions were adopted wi h but one dissenting vote. Chicago, 20. ; A very mysterious case or drowning occurred here last night. An upset boat was discovered in the Lake, and two persons struggling in the waier, a man aud a womau. A gentleman who was fishing in the breakwater procured a yawl and rowed to their assistance and saved the man, but t e woman was lost. The two men then started to the Police station to report, ami on their wsy the man who was the woman's coinpuuiin coming to a dark alley ran away. " Washington, 29; The Slate Department reports there have been a grxater demand for pas-port- s on the part of Americans deciding to go abroad than ever beiore in the The larei history of the Government. ns number of applications come from and French domiciled ia this country who desire to witness the scenes of the the late stirring events in which their respective nations so lately partici, , - J. H. ECCLES Correspondence. ut Oopen Fillmore, Aug., Junction: Gtb, 1871. During my long delay, probably you may think there has been a terrible over-- t ining at the old capital, but there has not. We have no ring here but the ring of the trowel and the dinner bell. We are not troubled with U. S. dignitaries here, we celebrate our memorial days, and wipe our own noses, ask no odds of old "Rings"' or any of the Purps. We eat our own bread, and can nearly stand alone. We have no law suits. 1 believe, however, that Squire Mace has g recently fined some of the boys, for purposes, as water is rather We find no one hanging to the scarce. telegraph poles except the operator, and he never hangs by the neck. We are building fine houses and t nding our farms, taking care of our wives and little ones, La. You see we are in a good wsy to mind our own business. We have a tolerable crop of grain, considering the drouth; our apple crops light, but we have a splendid crop of peaches. Our store feels ever so grand since we have got into our new brick house; business is flourishing. There is some sickness here. Yours respectfully, G. Huntsman. t , irri-gvin- Get-ma- pated. Omaha, 29. Mrs. Kate Holland, wife of the proprietor of the Idaho House, was found yesterday leaning against a chest in the kitchen, dead. Around her was a large poul of blood covering the floor and The presenting a horrible " sight. coroner was notified aud a thorough inEvidenee adduced vestigation made. showed that death resulted from uterine Bbigham Citt, Aug. 27, 1871. Editor Ogden Junction: Deab S:r: A preliminary subscription of nearly $12,000 was effected here hemorrhage. W. II. Martin. General agent of the Califoruia emigration Union returned Westward yesterday w.th a large number of (jertnan laruiliss.. Governor Bullock of Georgia, and a party of excursionists from thai State arrived here y at 10 a.m. A parly from Sherman liurracks joined Gov. Bullock and his traveling companions here and left in a special car for California at 11.30 a.tn. The members of the late Constitutional Convention in this S.ato as a body, have accepted the proffer of an excursion by the Union Pacific Railroad from this city to Ogden and return. Arrangements are being perfected for a full representation. The day for startitig has nut yet been named. WM. PIDCOCK, & IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS Wholesale and Retail Denlera All. K.ISD8 IN OT twri, r CABINET WORK, UPHOLSTERY, etc. etc. Liwva Suit LakS Cuv iWli'j at it a.m. ;u i i.4:'. ,.mi at 7 a.m. r.a l 4.4-- " p m Arrive at T.30 UTAH, Have just received the largest assortment of Furniture ever brought into this City, all of which will be sold at figures lo satisfy the most economical of purchasers For Prioes see Handbills. hl lav 0 ion dalt Arrive at Salt Wheat (alien In payment. ECCLES & PIDCOCK, S7tf City at I a ., act it lo a.tn. and ' f 0(du to Id Hi ' aIkit., MIXED TRAINS WXH. KUS DAILY. (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,1 UavlDR Optra ntr as b a m: and r p.m. taU tfelt Uk Utry at S anw aad tM i .. N.B. All kinds of Carpenter and Job Work neatly executed, oa short notice and reasonable terms. Uk a.). Main Street, Ogden, rARES: M:d. FMMgnr. OgJon U Kaysville 1.80...... .ttf FarmioRton ,.. 1.70...... .85 CentrcTilla ... 2.05..k.0& Woods Oosa ... 2.25......1.14 Salt Lake 2.60..;...1.6 ." " " " Mai a street, Ocara. their PaMrnirora will nlwiae tmrnlia. EHIAIL DEY GOODS GEOCEEY or Lumber, to order. ts I. Z. G. M. Window, lUinds, lre Lumber. I.ntli, Pickets, Poplin, Main Street, Ogden, SHOE DEPARTMENT REMOVAL! THE WHITE PINE LUMBER YARD has been removed to One Itlrwk F,at cf Ihe Croquet Slipper, JunUtUtev IK(ICI1. and all the latest TIIK BEST (QUALITY OF PI! LUMBER WHITE from Bear Lake Divide, near Mount Naali, for Sale at the Mill, from style. Also II ATM and CAPS) Ladlen Sundown, ClipcleK, GenU raw and Panama. $20 to $2,5 per 1000 Carpet, M onqnito Bara, jcetf Window Curtains and at the Yard from and Shade. $30 to $40 per 1000 NEW LOT OF CLOTHING. feet, in Cash or its Ml A equivalent. CEDAR POSTS Wheat, Oats, ISarlcy, etc. taken in payment. Also for Sale A FEW OOOD LOGGING HANDS WANTED. Wintiirop Farmt, one bloe t Apply to East iheTithine Office (on the Denoh. Ogden. LEVI WHEELER. s-- tr BEAR LAKE DIVIDE STEAM SAW MILL. D. JAMES & Co. Having removed their Mill le the White l in?s on the Bear Lake Divide, are now prepared to fill bills for the beat ' Califoruia aud other BOOTH XSJi SlIOEft, TIlLineOfliee. onlbelteueh, st READY-MAD- full Stock of GROCERIES, etc., eto. Call and Examine. A " F HA1U-WAR- BRIGHAM CITY HOME MANUFACTURES. OCR Yoolen Factory is dow in operation, manufacturing , The of auperiof quality. ('lull Price paid fsi HighetWool. Cash puid for Hides at otrr TAJfX 12 R Y NOTICE. FINISHING and the construction of these works X)NCKKN,-VII'Art rpOWHOM IT MAY will reflect additional honor on the auof flu liim.nit, Cache Entry for the Town-i- t thorities of the best governed oily in the niaflo Mhv 10th, lsu, n1t.i't,t onunty, Utah, at the Lowest Rates. the east half of 8. W. qtiarfor of Sec. 27, eart hul. United States. of n'fHi'WMt qiiartnr of Bee. JH. nnrth-etaThe Utah Southern Railway bridge of Bee. M, eat half ef bee. II,- - et across Dry Creek was completed on Orders filled at the u ill or delivered in qnarter half of norti-wnquarter of Km. Si, rtt t half of aoeth wit qnarter of See. 2S, Saturday with Ihe exception of two six north-WOgden City. of quarter quarter of Betx if., T"iri leen feet stringers. Grading Is com lilp 14, North lUiiL-- 1 nwt, containing h0 norer, the bridge. baa bean made In trnet ( the Inhabitant, tnt plete to six miles JDST Team wanted to haul ornow rearty to tie diioet of In lots to any fttunt LUMBER, AT l snuth-wi-- e VAN SCHAACK, The only establishment at which genuine Jewelry can be obtained in Ogden is at Pabpk & Boeskcl's, Main Street. Repairs neatly 1 if All work warranted. executed. i FURNITURE, 1 Jewelbt. Iviond ay, a uly Doors, nt GcxntNE i (IS AND AFTER Train 5.30 p.m. . n PIOXEEH LtXE OF L'l All LUMBER Ituilding Material, tj-d- defensive, between the Governments of Prussia and Italy. Dublin, 28. Over 50,000 Nationalists participated in Ihe demonstration which took place in this city, yesterday, in honor of the deputation from France, appointed to thank the Irish people for aid to the French sufferers by the Franco-Germawar. The demonstration wss characterized by the most complete order. RAILROAD. iff- tloknu. yesterday, at our regular meeting, after J, WlIXUMS. n. B. Soomu. the offlres. Fifty cant ajlilttloual will b chanted Elder John W, Young had laid before wliea the bra ia cuUurtud oa tU train. the citizens the project of tha building WILLIAHS & SCOTILLE, For ail lufimaHrti eouWotna Fratalif or P of a railroad from Ogden to Soda g, apply to Mnoubcturars and Dalan la Springs. P.O.CALDtR, About sunset the city bell was ringing Hau l Ticket and fretglrt Afraat. and the csntion roaring furiously. The rallying point was about a half mile due JOHN SHARP, west of the Court II use; there a place atretUMTi-NtiUit- . had been designated for the future rail lit road station ot Brigham City, where the rcgulsr line will run. Glazed After some stakes bad been put down by Mr. S. Wright, county surveyor, a dedicatory prayer was offered by Prest. etc., ate. L. Snow, who then handed a epado to Johu W. Young, Esq., requesting him to move the first dirt on this division of Our Mill ia now running aad we are AND Ihe contemplated line, which he did reprepared to furnish would that be rather luctantly, stating Hill have seen Prest. Snow do it. President etc., Snow handled the spade next, followed by Hons. J. C. Wright, Judge 8. Smith. IM?1AUT51EXT, .. Bishop A. Nichols, Major Lovelsnd and Our yard on Main Street it supplied a to assortment meet witu the H. P. Call Jensen. Alter which, a attention t their good and well- Major demand for assorted Stock, just received, Coplow was put to work on the line, and ' several the citizens made a finished nsisting, lu part, of . square of grade, around which we all etc. SJiiiigles, GrciuMlimn, formed a circle and listened to brief but LiuriiH, Piqtinm, spirited and deeply impressive speeches from John W. Young. L. Snow, J. C. H. B. SCOV1LLF. can be teen at tha Fine SliawU, e Mttrttclllctt, As Wright, S. Smith and A. Nichols. Office, and a full complement of it was quite dark, the young boys made n splendid illumination around the spot SUMMER GOODS. by tiring tha sage bush, while Captain every day, during business hours. J. Cliristensen's brass band played a C;ire lit in it Call. number of enlivening national airs. THE t The occasion will long be remembered all of reason the of by present by spirit is complete in pleasure and delight which animated the scene. The K.R. will be built. n& GeutV, LfulleV, ltllftc A. C. Respectfully, ' . ClilUtrcaitt Quincy. 111.. 29. Dr. Paul M. Breman, a traveling Doctor who had been here some two mouths, stopping a: the Quincy House, advertising exteusively to cure any and all diseases, as all quacks do. and Georee Ly on, a patent right dealer who has been here but a fhort lime, were arrested at n mo yesterday, charged with drugging (i 'or e IJuv., ah giily respctableyoung man, book keeper of J. F. Provost, ami also stealing a diamond rinp worth $41)0. from hiin while in a state ol' unconscious- ness on Saturday n ji h t. Davis is still lying in a critical condition, though In. pes are yet entertained of his recovery. A search warrant Was taken out this Afiemoon, and a thorough search of Hreman'sefl'ecis were made, t tie diamond was not found, but documents of the most dami.ging character to Breuiati Salt Lake Itkms. The Herald says werf discovered. Column After column The Little Steamer "Lady of the Lake" of newspaper articles, nhowing him to be the most consummate scoundrel unhung, will make two pleasure trips a day, startwere found in his trunk, published in ing from a point about a quarter of a m.le various eastern papers, the largest South of Jordan bridge, proceeding five and most detailed account of his hellish miles and Last Saturday a return. devibry being ia the Syracue Journal of smoke 18T0. the from stack set fire to Both 14lb, July parties are still spark in jail, and will probably have a hearing Mr. Lorento Pelt it's grain stacks while he was a)sent, and consumed them, loss FOREIGN. being about $700. Taris, 28. The Masonio brotherhood intend to By an order from the Government, erect a Masonio Temple in S. L. City to General Ducrot has been appointed to cost $40,000. the command of the second army. A man known as "Wild Bill" was shot The complications in the Assembly continue to increase. It is asserted that dead on Saturday night by Ceasar.a bar the resignation of General Faidberbe as Bill having forced his wa j iuto deputy in the Asseifibly, though osten- keeper, the saloon and threatened to shoot somedemade because the commission sibly cided to report in favor of making the body, Ceasar gave himself in custody, present Assembly a constituent body, but Judge Strickland discharged him. was in reality tendered by him in conThis is the same "Wild Bill" that the junction with a scheme of Gambetta's to appeal to the Country against the disso- now defunct Shanghaes made a cackling lution of the National Guard. An about a little while ago when a police amendment to the original proposal man was compelled to knock him down has "been submitted to the Assembly by while arresting him. General Ducrot for the gradual dishand-meinstead of the immediate dissoluThe Xew$ says the City authorities tion of the entire guard as at first sug- are about to construct vmier works for gested. This ameudment has created the benefit of the City, Chief Engineer gener and strongly expressed dissatisfaction among the leaders and members Fox has surveyed the ground, and two of the imperial party. small reservoirs will be built on tba line London, 23. of City Creek, about 170 rods north-eaMessrs, Jay Cooke, McCullough & Co. have just issued the allotment letters of from the corner of Temple Block, By the new loan. The amount awarded is means of a drain pipe a constant flow of seventy per cent, of each subscripiion. water will be kept up through the re The announcement is well received, and srrvoirs and into the pipes. The the bonds are quoted at 91, while scrip is m. in down to East pipe pass Temple is at about par. The Telegraph this a.m., in an article street with branches extending on eacb 00 the political situation of Europe, side, and two fire plugs on each block. that a secret treaty of alliance, both is an improvement much needed. is in existence This offensive and i UTAH CENTRAL & ' Lumber on Share from the Mill to Ogden. STEVENSON & RED), WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND Laid to Last. The work of the foundation of tba new County Court House has been commenced by the Wat80, it, and 94, Lake Sire!, (Corner son Bros, of 8. L. City, witll large wearnorn street, blocks of sandstone from the quarry in Weber Kanyon. The work will be cf the solid aud substantial kind; the lime attention t Territorial for gingerbread or gimcrack work is CgT Especial Trade. past, Go and look at it. Paint & Oil Dealers CHICAGO. All Ord'-r- . addremed to BARNARD WHITE, Fourth Street,Ogdeo, will receive prompt itttutwn. prm. entitled tliervto. All perMWi claiming to he owners, ar poeMiw ef any iiortion, of aaid entry, will lake due antio and make application, aa provided in Ate etjituur of Ctah, ir&f. I. HENDRICKS, Wchmonl, May 2nth, 1871. 4Njra Mayor. NOTICE J WHOM IT MAY m) for J, Entry, No. CONCKRX.-TH- AT CA51I (V67, the town Kite of .irn. i eity, Cache oonirty, Vtah, made Jmie the Vti it . Mr. Win. PAUL, Aroiiltact and HuiMor, will acta 1871, embracing the following deecrilwd laud, t our Ageut in Sail. Lake City. ttf wit: 8. of S.k'of Ser. five (6 N. E. Jf. , of the 3. Ji. of a. y., t. U S. tt ul K. K. of g. W. of pc. eight iR), in Tnwrh i eleven (11), north of Kange one (1) west, unntain be- n tng tour linndred and plcbty are. (tMii. h made In trut tor the inhabitant and in now At the ljn of the ltig Boot, PifUj (Street, Ogden. to be disposed of in lota fc any pern m vr )rtu.i : A 1111x11 of foolt and Sltoea Biarie to ardor. entitled thereto. . . twUv executed. Produce tekea ia payment. All peraona claiming to be the owuera or aenora of any portion of .aid eutiy will t:iKe notice and make application, aa pro. ido l m w. itatntn of Utah. - HemrabV H Bi Boot. "eSJ CEORGS W. BAKER, SievV-- . 1- f g Vwi1, Jnne iffc, V71. E. J. WATKINS, Boot aud Shoe Maker, Highest Price paid for all kinds of llitic. riv |