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Show mrr Pab!!b.J by the VKTiSESHA Y Ooir.i ItBiutnx and SATURDAY ConPAfl- wliom C. W. PE530SG, Business Manager, ltusiiiH? ovnHnnnU"noi sliould be addn'seed. " "They Say." Tkaj ssyefc, well, snppose tley d Hut fan they prove that story truet fuspicion tnsy arise from naught Put malice, envy, want of thought. Why count yourself arncng the "they" what they dure not say? Who hir They say but why the fate rehearse, And b)p to ri.cke the mat er worse? So ('Kid can possibly accrue From telliag what may be untrue. And it It not a nobler plan To speak of all the bent yon rant y b, pause and look within, e how thy heart iucliuw to (In; Ttoy Watch, let in temptation's hour, Thoa too tbouldst (Ink beueath in power. Jlty the trail, wip o'er their fall, Hut apeak c f good or tot all. Terrible Tragedy In IIcrLI mer Couuly, X. Y. One of the most terrible tmsedics cnactvd in Central New York trfurred at Kaf-- Frankfort, in this d oounty, on Monday night., A wan, Gi years of ngre, Dyer l'anermrn, murdered Jiw wiie, who was about 41 years old, in the latch :n o! their own house, with a limivy t gray-hcade- leavirg her an insurance tn lieym his life for 12,000, with which she purchased a comfortable home lor herself and children. Mie married her murderer about a year ago. Dyer Fangburn was old in sin and wickedness as well as years. Many ru mors are extant in regard to him. He had served a term iu State Pris on for bigamy, and it is not doubted here that he has at least two wives yet living, one near Clyde, Wayne county, who was iu this section not long since, and one somewhere in the towu of German Flats, lie was not a drunkard, but as a day laborer he was inclined to be industrious. Mrs. Hprague's marriage with Fangburn hud been very unfortunate, as was predicted at tho tunc of the wedding. Not many years elapsed before this was evident. lie was jealous of his wifo, and he wanted her to sell their house that ho might get the proceeds into his own hands. At tho beginning, she purchased a barrel of flour, then ho another, and "mine" and 'yours," not "ours" were the household terms. He was brutal and she drove him off, to keep him away, she scalded him; then he prosecuted her. At one time they settled their differences, agreeing to live apart. He soon begged to be taken back, and promised so much that she finally consented, and for some time they had endured each other's presence. Beside the three children mentioned, Mrs. Fangburn had two boys, agcu IZ nnu lo, who were living away from home. Fangburn had two daught rs living in the town of Columbia, married and in pleasant circumstances. X. Y. Tribune. Preior ling Crapes. As the'season for grapes is rapidly approaching, the following may be of importance to the cultivators and consumers of this favorite fruit: .While grapes may be grown iu such profusion and with so littje labor, it is a remarkable fact that a supply for every household in the country is not produced, not only iu the regular season of them, but to last till Spring. There is no trouble r, per-vi- Mil. Boekrye uto-mnrh- MAIS STREET, 00 DEN, the Tithing Office, ha for eale and M"were, Sulky s. 1'lowa, Cu!tiTaWr, ixee. Confectionery, "Wool! "Wool! 40,000 rounds of FIFTH WOOL STREET, OGDEiST. d d time-piec- one-fourt- Tlcior. K H. llcDu.MUiaro r.nol.00, Cat, sn 8a Ud 11 im, OSITjt Vinegar Bitter are not aylle FtfT jjJ Made of Poor K urn. WMsltoy, Proof -and """'iu, "picoo andieja. nod to plonso tho taste, culled "Tonics,' "Annwil I'.ctttorera," Ac, that lead the tinnier LZ era,' from the Native Roots and Hcrbi of California! iret . irum ii i. ....... KDimiuiiiniB, InfTarttk ii.i.ii. c.ii CKEAT BLOOD PIE1FIEU ana A Lisi GIVING l'KINCIPJLE, r rl,ct Kcaorator Jl 4 fee O s e migorator of the Eystcni, carrying off all nel initttrr r.nd restoring tho Wood to a healthy eoidiHes. Ko perana can take these Bitters according to dirt, tlons aad remain long nnwell, provided tlislr bona are noi ursirnyca iiy nnneriii puiion or other mem. and tho vital organs trusted beyond the point oft r.ir. ocs Thcr nre a Gentle rnr?ntlvo rs well sis' 'onic, possetislng a!o, tho peculier merit ef tttlM n powerful egent In relieving Conral Ion or Infl.n! iniitloit of the l.'.vcr, and a1! the Visceral Orysm. 3 MERCANTILE CO. rOIl FEMALE CO.i:ri.AIXTS,hetheH, o ol J, married or slnjrle, at tin fova of manhood or r.t the turn of life, those Tonic Eitteritsrs no ential. t. a Foe Inflammatory nnd Chronic rhrim.. Clout, Dyspepsia or Indicrstien,. iiiiiniie, it vintiicm n n i Dirrmilicnt f evei nUcnara of the Elooil, Liver, Klilarys, te Tlladilrr, tlices Bitter have been nimt metrnfji Sncli Dlscnsre aro car.scd by Ylllnted Close,' t!in no. I Produco Merchants 5 ex a TOnnF.IiS IS WHEAT. BARLEY, OATS, CORX I'nnp ft Hixir. torn .Venl, Uraliam Monr. Bacon. ree1. nned Perlw, l!pnl, Potatoes. Salt. Freeh Uutter, gge, Cheese, Fruit and Vegetable. 3 C CO c DeaJere In Young Stock, Work and ISccf Cuttle. e ow r ei CIIAUCOAL. - 5n which is geucrnily produced by dorangccat f Organ. DiccmlTe im Dvsrcrsr.v on ixdicestio, reu. iche, Tain la tho Ehonlders, Coughs, Tightness cf u (."hest, Dizziness, Bour rructr.tlons ef tho ftoiniri,. nadt.ntell tho Tonth, Eillocs Attacks, ralnltitji nftha Ilcart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Tuin l , n;id n hundred other sshfii regions of the n;dacj-symptoms, rre the c!T5prtngsof Pyspcpsla. the Ftouiar.h and stlranlate the torThey Invigr-rnt- e pid livrr and bowels, which reader them cf enet!: cmcacy la clcantinj the tlood cf a'.l itnpnMtlcs.ant to the whole iTttra. '"parting rcw life end FOR SKIN niTAKCS, Eruptions, Tettrr.ia niieum, Blotches Spots, rimplca, rntnlcs,Ttcr.i,Ca. Scald-IIeuSore Tyrt, Ital. bnnclca, elas, Itch, Scurfs, Decolorations ct the B'.in. I'toca and DlscrJrs of the '!:i, of whatever ntme cr are literal'y !nrf r.rt anil cnrrtcl cat cf the rystcsiiit hort time hv the nre rf thro Titter. Ore hettlrh Mich riuK s v ill convince thu uot luiieduiuus ui Itilr curativo eScct. rieanse the Vltlrtd Tlood whenevr v trA 'miurili.Mt I lusting tlimiiacli the skin In l'laiplui. Km tioinor Sores, cleaiw It lun Von t'lirt It i4mm rlrr We call the attention of Stage Comnenie Preifrhtera, etc; all orders filled with care and di'pfttcu. CaUi AdTsnce on Consignment A Oeneral coniiauuj Anrl!nn on nnoq, at 3 of O rata, etc. o f MFHCHANDI8E kept luii rtULm. -5 a We have a BLACKSMITH SHOP In rwnnectlon with mir l.u.nc. Shoeing, $1 per Span. Jul 4Stf bing Work at reaeoualde rates. r It Is fnal.iM Intlievclnat will I'll ymt nhfn. !' r p the UoW ski ft ud the lazuli cl liio.Mitini nlll iltw. lrrllnr f.fM FIN, TAFF. ar.dcit.cr 'OF fivurei. vuiu ol to ii1jty Ft'lnrMiMcK r rr lli'i'tniiUr cTM!t r tll (Mrcrt!rs, ri4 land ri'inovctl. the circular sronM irch Snttlr prlt tol Oiru.un, I Ri.ih tLdtpskiJ, ,T. TTAI KEn. Frcprlctor. T. V. VcrOyALD I tt, Iirogglfts and Ccn. Armts, fun frsnrlsre, Cal.,ul J"3 ard SI Conimereo etrect, JTcw Tork, -FOT.D BY AI.L lT.t or.lST9 AXD DKA1S nnr "Cm in the different Settlement. (A a, s GET AT YOTJ CAN nr, mrt To all tho Peoplo flinir !, ev H. DINWOODEY'S -- u o 2 2 Tl ,3 East Temple Stroot SALT LAKE CITY, 815 Good Chairs for Per Dozen (Knocked down and boxed,) - $S Fall Leaf Tables . Kitchen Table Ttr.i..4 t With cfriSKS. . $9 s 5 Is rspktr snpsnedtnc an other prapsraHons tar sncMir JT.tfnt, Street aad WMctoml BOLLS, MtSCCTTS, titlt, Xxe.'.vacl and othor CrtiSlt Cain. rnfKt't fir immeMmf m The Cfffi tMAlt, and alrayi VILL SStt ll and 1ST ra.Mnj rtmter a ls WORLD, Xi.r 0.1 r.t, in mny tlimatr, for ftm It Ii wIl air s ef Cauttittpen, Jfintn, Marlnen, Emijrmf, , Is IS and It la fM, In neri mptct, IH BZST TI13T WrM 'for CW XUclun, tin Cnf, tXl Cto. Mannfactored by TJOOLET & BROTHZB, 69 N;W STREET, MV $10 to $17, DTOCK IIERTtKD HCKIXO THE SCMMKR AT kl a Sl'LKSDID RASCUX near Oslu Vtller i ine luiiowmg iow rates: - per bead $3.00 Horses, till Korember first " per Month Horned Stock, till November first " 160 " " per Mouth " M Stock will be reoeired at the Tithtnr Cornl ugieu, ever autumn jr. Btttet guaranteed. ... I CITY LICENSES. SUMMER HERD. jo To nil whom A GOOD MEAL can be obtained At all reasonable Heuri A. W. CO0LSY. GOLDEN GATE - IS WR?X GIVEN, THAT ' fneagcil in business in Ogden City, (icr wnich the Citj Ordt- -' that a license must b' nnnce obtained.) without first procuring licenae are liable to be taken before any AUrrmnn ot said City, nud be ubjeoteJ-a Fine. By order of i he CitT Council,. LESTER J. IlEKRICK, Major- - at the 1). MoL, may concern.- if NOTICE T. A. HAMMOND, IStf DEALUS EVEnTWHERE, BT CROCEKS HOLD NiW-YORI- C " J r d rn rc'j $G I Walnut Bedstoads, zz-t- and ' chop no USE. THOS. Ge. ODELL, City Recorder. TEE h - OGDEN JUNCTION ICE CREAM, ., guess-wor- J. Walkh WILLARD e n, . Watroa Tlinlier, Iron and Steel, of all kindi aud n foot-rul- - THVU It WWm GOLDEN GATE keeping grapes through the Winter as fresh as when first gathered. In seasons when other fruit is scarce, no greater luxury can be enjoyed thin a dish of fresh irapes in Winter. In gathering grapes for keeping fresh, they should be allowed to hang on the vines until they are fully ripe. AT THE EXCELSIOR MILLS, and then gathered with care to avoid XV ANTED Ogden, lor which the bruising. Tho fairest bunches should be chosen to put away, and with a HlCilll ST CASH 5IAKKET small pair of scissors all defective and PIS ICE bruised berries should be cut off. We will KXCTIANGK CLOTH for be paid. They should then be put in boxes Will Wool, Beef, Mutton and Flaur. well ventilated, and remain for a few All who have Wool to Sell will pleats call ou days, when they should be p icked in Mr. A. RANDALL,' boxes bidding six or eight pounds at the fc&oelxinr Mills, Ogden. ifltf eneh, first sprinkling the bottom with what a layer of mahogany sawdust, or, 1867. EatAuiuuu, is better, turning chips, then a layer of grapes, and then sawdust alternately to the top. It is not important that the box be tight; it is better that it should not be These should be put in the coolest place in the house, where tho air is dry. WILLAHD CITY, CP. It. R., er 1 Wonderful Curative EflJtJ Tof DR. WALKl.IfS . . 11AMM0KD, Kep.r GREAT MEDICAL CISCOVEhf Mil Srhuttlcr and lAght Spring rate. Wagon, at reduced Uoiae Rakee, in self-defenc-e. A IMPLEMENTS. literally cmsbing iu one side of her head go that the brain out. ITa then went to a baru ooir-on the same premiees, and deliberately hang himself, These people lived in what is known as East Frankfort, A Decision in favor or Hu about half way between the Tillages manity. uf Frankfurt and Jlion. Fire Should the decision of Chief Jus were in tha house tho houii-- t the Weight of tice Small, of Hongkong, be sustained, ide, his victim, and three of her To Ascertain Live Cattle. children bv a former hnsbaud. Ihe the infamous coolie traffic will bo in oldcet child, Wary, aged 10, went to Experienced drovers end butchers a way soon to be terminated. A bed wth her mother iu the parlor, are in tho habit, in buying cattle, of Chinese coolie, one of a cargo, being tho latter not feeling well. 'J ho oth-- r estimating their weight on foot. sent out by th ship ".Novello Fene children slept on the floor in the From long observance and practice lope," took part in a revolt and killed mnie room. All of them usually they are enabled to come very nearly the captain and mate, lor this h On retiring, Mrs. to the actual weight of au animal, was taken to Hongkong and impris slept upstairs. I'angburn requested her husband to but many of them would bo most oned to await trial on charges of mubut he refused u apt to err, if at all, on the right tiny aud of murder. Uut on habeas go tj bed do m. lie lay down on the parlor side; while the less experienced corpus, alter lull argument and con floor, also, behind a door. For the farmer always stands the greatest sideration of the points involved, ht particulars of the murder which fol- chance to get the worst of tho bar- was discharged by the Chief Justice, lowed, little Mary' rtntoincnt was re gain. To such we would recommend ou the ground that what he had done lied on. Sli9 i a bright, intelligent tho following rule to ascertain the was iu lawful Despite pirl. All her stories, as repeated to weight of cattle, which is said to tho iact that tho Urittsh Govern tliffereut persons, were consitttut and approach very nearly the truth iu ment has indirectly recognized the most cases. Tho proof of this, to coolie trade, by various measures for pfnightforward. Tho first the knew of the awful the satisfaction of any fanner, if its regulation, it was decided that rriine was the shriek of her mother easily determined at most of tho an- tho capture or purchase of coolies to ryinp 'murder, murder," from the nual fairs where scales aro erected, be exported and sold, was illegal, and k itching adjoining. Th'w cry awoke and at numerous other points iu the such a violation of their natural right as to warrant them in killing Mary. Her little eister came to her country. bed and Baid, "Dyer is killing ma." Jiule. Take a string, put it around their captors or those holding Mary sprang to the door and entered the breast, stand square just behind them, in order to escape. The point lb kitchen. There was Fangburn tho shoulder-blade- , measure on a rule was not directly involved, but mci eKndiog astride of the mother, with the feet aud inches tho animal is in dentally arose, as to whether the iu his hands beating circumference; a J' this is called the coolie trade was piracy, aud the her IiMtd. Mary distiucily eaw him girth. Then with the string measure Chief Justice anuounccd it as his triko her two blows. When tho from the bone of tho tail which opinion that it was, and was punishwretch saw the children coming to plumbs tho line with the hinder part able as such. Should the colonul the kitchen he yelled, "If you dou't of the buttock; direct the line along authorities act upon this construction go Vack 111 give you some of tho the back to the forepart of tho should- of the law, which is supported by ame saw," They were terribly er blade; tike the dimension on the every consideration of justice and frightened. as before, which is the ''uu.an'ty, so far as the British Mary and Allie went bark to bed to save tbvir lives They length; aud work tho figures iu the Possessions are concerned, tho trade afterwards heard the murderer strike following manner: must ere long be suppressed; aud, it four or five blows. As tho clock Say the girth of tha animal is six is believed that Germany and our r truck 12, the mother gave her last feet four inches, and the length five own Government will take the same hrick of agony. After the murder feet throe inchcci, which multiplied view of this modern slave trade. the fiend went out of the back door together makes 21 squaro superficial . F. Bulletin. thrco or four times, for what purpose feet, and that multiplied by 23 (the tbfi children did not know, liis aw- number ot pounds allowed to each ful threats kept them in the parlor, superficial foot of cattlo ISraTery Rewarded. measuring wherft they passed a sleepless night, less than seven and mora than five Tl e gratefil fa hero' littlo "Posi." not daring to go to the neighbors for f'et in girth") makes 713 pounds .vtiUtnnoe till 5 o'clock. They then When tho animal measures less than Fry has preseutod to his U mor th i ventured out of a wiudow to a house nine and more than seven feet in Mayor, a g dd headed c mo of raro and a short distance ncros the way, and girth, 31 is the number of pouuds exquisite design, as a slight token of acknowledgment of his brave exploit gave the alarm. The neighbors soon to each superficial loot. in s tving his " darling" from a watery and mado warch was for gathered, Again, supposing a pig or any t!io murderer. lie was shortly found small beast should measure two feet grave. in the barn, suspended by the neck in girth nud two feet along the back, The head of this cane is a marvel from & beam about six feet high. which two loet iu srirth and two of curious workmanship. Tht ciown The top was ft short one, and to it along tho back multiplied together is covered with athick crystal, through was attached a strap, which was makes four square feet, that multi-plie- which is seen the face of a immature to fbc beam. The beam was Under the crown-beaby cloven, the number of is a carefully concealed s ) low, that in order to successfully pounds allowed to each foot of spring, which square take his own life, the suicide had al- cattlo measuring less than threo feet upon tho slightest touch, throws open lowed his body lo settle back on the in girth, makes 11 pounds. double doors on the side, from which flics forth a bird beautifully wrought noow, strangling himself. His foot a a calf, Again, suppose sheep, rented en the ground. The mangled etc., 6hould measure four feet six in gold, discoursing deligh ful music, ivirpso of the murdered woman was inches in girth, and thrco feet nine whilo in the background swans may found iu the kitchen, with only the inches in length, which multiplied bo seen sporting ou a lake of silver, the whole forming a beautiful picture. u'ght clothing upon it, while about together makes fifteen and the body were great pools of blood, squaro feet; that multiplied by 16, On the opposite side similar doors are and the walls of the room were the number ot pounds allowed to thrown open by the same mcanB, disin scores of placeu. cattle measuring less than five feet playing a compass, a thermometer and Mary testified at the Coroner's in- and mora than three iu girth, makes a barometer, all so arranged as to be serviceable. Theso iustrumentt are quest yesttrday niorniug that she 205 pounds. knew of no rfuarrol between Fang-huThe rule is bo simple that any man s iggcstive of usefulness to the May r and her mother during Monday, with a bit of chalk can work it out. in any future aquatic performances. though they Lad a littlo troublo on Much is often loet to farmers bv They would enable him to take his in the weight of bearings before tho venturesome leap, Sunday; how her mother got from mere the parlor to tho kitchen she did not their stock, and this plain rule is to test tha temperature of the water, know; the never saw Fangburn strike wel? worth their atteution. 1 'alky and to determine what would bo the her mother Wore. A physician tes- Farmer. probable state of the weather during tified tbut Mrs. Pangburn. or "Widtho voyage. X. Y. Star. ow Sprague" as she was usually callA man broke a chair over his wife's ed, had been to him ou Monday for head a week or two ago. When he A foreigner, who heard of the medicine; she was a nervous woman, got to jail, and the clergymau under-tek to talk with him, he displayed & Yankee propensity for and l frequently said to h"m that bragging, fhi was afraid of her husband; she good doal of penitence. He said he thought, he would beat tho natives never bhowed signs of insanity ; he was very sorry that he had permitted at their own game. Seeing some rvgarded her 33 an houorublo and up- hiB anger to obtain the master of him, very large watermelons on a market right woman; she had been a mem- and to suffer him to do such an act, woman '8 stand, he exclaimed, "What! ber of tike Methodist Episcopal because it was a good chair, one of don't you raiso larger applea than Church at Frankfort for several years. those good Windsor these in America?" The M rs. Fangburu's maiden name was chairs which was au heirloom in his woman immediately replied, "Any Nancy llolaud. tier first husband, family, and he knew he never could body might know your'e a foreigner, I.uHi'R Srneuc. '"eil l the armv. them's nrrnisT' replc i. potato-innshc- '! mm COLUMN. KELSON'S FARM1XG k JOBPRIMINGOFFICE The Beat Iu Town, always ready. e- n h-v- Is "applied with the kteet Improved feilitie for taming out every rleseripttoa of The Office of the Oitj Recorder U it tho Office of the "Ogden Junction." Seventies' Hall, liwr ibe C. C. R. B. Suttioa. Ofct Ilouri from 10 . m. till 3 AXI CIiOAK MAKING. ....... 1HIESS , I). M. STUART WISHES EVKRTBOTVr' la-that she'has a FIR8TI.A' alP BKWIJdi 1 aCIUKK, and is prepared te kinds of Sewing, on resumnald terms, at - on fOURTM STRKBT, four Ri(IeiuBlocks tast ot the Tithing Office, i MRS. r' 61 GIVE HIIS A. CALL, . 1y GROUND TO LEASE. VERT EUOIBI.B SEVERAL Lea on the North-welnkji. Square, JOB MINTING For particiilar apply to the Jckctiom Otfiee. 39-t- . f quick-witte- d . n. kelson, joitn Fifth PtrH, Og4vn. UlSIXISS BCILPU! Corasr J A3. MeflA, T BH4' ' CAI8DS. MERCHANT AND PROrWSIOJfU EVKRT should have a swpjily. We will de I a rbe best style of the art. |