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Show Ihf . , COfjtlcn eT, v BY TELEGllAPIL 9uncttcn. VVJSPNKSDAV and SATURDAY, SiiaJ KiiPK. Bitnus Manager, to whom all t,vK ' ahould In addretued. ., ...iiiuiuuirutiooa pause : Lost (tie a . .. .... p.. u Continuance of the Buffenberger Case! (iwer Please .leave at Walker Bros. G9-rewarded. ,Babe toiient. i ( pjin Persons Killed by Lightning! will Ogden , Philadelphia, 24, Arnold Hanger, an inmate uf the county prison, committed suicide during last night. He was found dead in hia cell this a.m.; he bail torn up his shirt and converted it into a rope, and then hung himself 19 tue sill' of the Thirty-Tw- o IH To-da- Attempt to Assassinate the King of Spain! ?'Echo" and the "Corinnes." are expected, aud both clbi will be on their mettle. Lifely times .: rj Murderers in Jail Trying to Murder each otner! y the return mulch be played in this city between the Bb Ball. i Jas; Ilollan, engineer on the Erie U. It. a killed nHlobtiken lliW a.m. lie saw the traiu coming him, and reversed the engine, and jumped from it to the traok. , He was instantly killed, but tin collision took place between the two engines. 1 nn Saturday foVfO, on YouDg street, of black clitfli. The owner a piece l3t, ttt lhi8 oliice' can bv il b7 PP'ln 69-- 1 adT'- for ,he ,ad Mr. Acwt Itkms. Shelion, who bus been with Major Powell's exploring party, nctipg as Indian interpreter, says ihe party, seventeen in number, have passed through several valleys susceptible of cultivation on their rambles from the Uintah Reservation lo' a point 22G miles south west. The Indians alt through the couutry are peaceable. ' John Spriegs, of Coalville, under the influence of liquor, made offensive remarks at a recent school 'uneting in Coalville, and not responding to the Chairman's call for "Order" was knocked on the head with a chair by Tbomus Copley. Spriggi bus taken his case to the District Court, and Copley is bound over in $1,000 to appear for trial. Sprigg tried to get Bishop Clutf under similar bonds but failed. Judge Strickland advised Spriggs to go homo, keop sober and mind bia own business. A general fair for Southern Utah is to be held at St. George on 1st September next. The Company: at iron City, Iron County, of w ich Ebenezer Hunks, Esq , is President, aud Chapman Duticau aud Seth M. Blair, Esqrs., are Directors, are producing iron of the firsl quality. They are putting up a good brick building for a foundry, have secured tho services of a competent moulder, intend to put up a large smelting furnace for steel and it forgis for wrought iron, and with the facilities which will be afforded them by the Utah Southern B. 11. will soon be able lo supply the Territory with what js worth far more than gold und silver the great agent of civilization, inn. M, I. if hi to the Ooien Junction by the Atlantic and Pacific J'Bliijjiui.U Coiiijny. Murders and Suicides! I" tu'scfj on Wednesday last, of a sewing machine ud its Pesbret Eveniko swindled by Chicago Gas Companies for the pa aevea or eight years. U i Kew York, ( The working men of jho city will hold an immense meeting iti behalf of the eigtitliour cystciu early in Sc"pfem-b- r HHti a grand pioce-ssiois contemplated. window. ;0rtoa, N. V., 24. AMERICAN,' ; , The jury in the case of the murder London, Ohio, 24. of Thomas Rowland, who was killed at the cheapest plnee In g- WiirrEnmn Hikm., wus tho 4th day of the Colburn a picnic, at Frenche's Urove, New HartKir VoiAm A Kliooa. I'rudu e taken, lira ail. The trial. first witness ford, near this Buffenberger returned a Mr. John Holms, of South wilful murder city, MsGee,- - who was In onr called was against Cobbection aki: rtsusuASioN. Charleston, a school lonelier; he said he accused of the crime. we remember seeing a boar .ed at Mr. to) hood days Buffonberger's house. San Francisco, 24. a donkey in whom the bump On one or two occasions he saw Mr. ColTho points ngreed upon between Col. jiicture of burn there. Mr. Colburn and Mr. Buff- Von Schmidt and the Central Pacifio It. was inordinately develof ''firmness" enberger seemed to be quite intimate. It. company, for the commencement of diswith a constitutional oped, togethe They conversed freely on subjects of the tho Lnke Tahoe tunnel, on both sides of whom the owner war. Witness argued hotly with Mr, position to inertia, but the mountain, are precisely those which Their opin- the Colonel selected coaxed into a gallop by fastening a Colburn regarding the war. four years "since, ions differed. Witness regarded Mr. wV(n he was to have the bunch of carrots to the end of a stick, endeavoring Colburu as a gentleman, and saw noth- faiiroud construct such a tunnel. and holding it a few iucbes before the ing to change that opinion. At the con Savannah, G , 2o. animal's nose. Last Thursday a team elusion of his evidence, the witness The British bark "Grace" has been shook hands warmly with Mr. and Mia. released from the oa Main street was brought to a dead charge of the Marine Mr. Wm. Jones, an old farm- authorities. Colburn She will be brought here tnd-ftiin consequence of a similar er and personal friend of Mr. Buffenber- lo ship a cargoi The British minister deposition 10 the donkey's in one of the ger, said he had seen Mr. Cnlhtirt) at will make, a demand on the U. 8. . Gov korses, and the owner adopted a similar Mr. Buffenberger's bouse .on two occa ernment fur damage for detention and sions. . ; Thought he nrtrr hitu a third time arrest r( the captain, persuasive to locomotion Larruping had about dusk in the A sailor named Wm, Kent, from Swan evening, going around took of a so he bunch entirely failed, the stable. This waaabout tLrce months, Island, Me., and belonging to the before Buffvnberger'sdrath.- Mr. Buffen- schonuer 'Northern Light." died at the hay and Iseld before the horse's mouth, which the equiuo would sniff after, berger and Mr. Colburu cecmcd to be Marine Hospital here oa Sunday a.m. friends. Mr. Biifluiibe'rgcr was a reach out and take a bite, then settle good EXCURSION Springfield, Mass., 2"). war Democrat and gave one strong The Massachusetts campaign for Neither ihuusiuid dollars lo tue luck into slubboin inaction. AND County wur fund. Governor was fairly opened last nighl Ike application of a new rope at one end The witness wouldn't swear positively by Gen. Butler at the City Hall: upwards or new hay st the other, had the that the man he faw was Colburn of 3,000 persons were present. la now ready fur pli nure artii. Three or four days after Mr. BuffenberGov. Emery presided. A band ilighteMl effect except to cause a rapid sold hiiu witness acres of death, ger's music. was Gen. discoursing repeated elevition of the .animal's land. Mrs. B. sugesied to witness that Butlerpresent arrived at 8 o'clock precisely, la laid tu accomDiudiite 9 Cotillini. Loots. After about half an hour's he should use his iiilluence to have the and was with treiueudouj ap- Parties furnishing iheir own music can greeted land deeded to her. actwa xerlion with the rope and have the use of the Grove for plause. Harvey W. Smith said, while on a ris-- ; as both if it to f ,5 with the hay, .' is, : Washington. 25. horses, Mr. Buffenberger's farm, he' saw Gen. Pope has recently issued from 25 Cents per Couple, per day. a sudden and simultaneous Mr. Colburn. Mr. Buffenberger didn't 6!t-linpirew a pamphlet regaVding the headquarters impulse, sttrtcd off on a run, and the ecm any way dissatisfied. case between him aud Fitz John I orter. Gideon Peck testified that Buffenber- It is lllustrnted fun was at Jjtend. by a plan of Popr'a battleger used to say he had misery in his -field of 29th of August, 1WI2. and stomach. Mrs. Ella llo'mts said ahe Arricol) mid Peaches had been employed on the farm to make makes a very plain case against Portar. The quotation of orders therein hns wanted at l.be Z. C. M. I., Ogden. They a black silk dress. On been submitted to the War Department must all he peeled. C2t. ehe stated the dres3 was trimmed Tor verification, and Porter's own arwith black lace, and not crape, and tr.is hi movement, on that day To Sick Toi.ks. Dr. Nellis presents not ' ' rangement of cut like a mourning dress. and reasons therefor, are tdinwn lo be his card t Mr. Chnpniar. counsel fertile prose- iiiit the public through the (sufficient evidence of Wis incacolumns of Uta .Ilm'T.ov. Jle will be cution, culled n.ttntion to the uit!ic-pacity and uowardice, if not of nothing tion of Ju'lg- - R ink. ii.- previously tn.id' . worse. is ilteudaiiee Ml the City Drug Store to Z. V. 31. I hat the mid that body be Memphis. 25. tit! d ty, where Lo out Lvj consul ltd mi examination and c!i itiici:! n.in'rsis About two o'clock yesterday afternoon FFEUS TO THE HIIIUC A C 110 ICR d a uil Ids frofc4siiu;. ndviee obtained. bo in ado. to detirinine if tho p.eenu 8tlK'tioo of Guuera MercliRUUiae, took place between two inoii quarrel o.' lids arso'iic watintlie tissues niul t Head his adrcrti.'iciiieut. named C.atanagh and Jonos, both promcoiild dftcr-other organs, so that tln-inent citizens, regarding the ownership ndntinistc ed. of a mine whether puiotin w (la to I be Pioneer I'm; Store anil buy j grocery store, which ended in Jones hi hut was interHa . to this considered our Gruivn-JVckici- ukuu. Cavauagh with a shot gun. shooting i j est, and to the iiiteret t'ji.iblic jvsMoe, tailed- .with buck phot, and instantly Lost. Who hr.s fuund the American and the relatives of Peter Bull 'iibcj-gek ill In sr him. Jones delivered himself Judgj llariison enquired wtioihira'.! rp lo he, authorities. colta? We Judge II art's ndverliseinenl t had the witnesses fur the BOOTS & V JiU'H?.-4'-'-;in tfcja Ko. f ii JuMcliim. Travelers been examined, llo was aujwcjcJ tha' K r t , t..i . MioTiEIGN, C'lolliiiis, kt 4 Oj;-4- 1 To-da- ll - J. H. ECCLES & WM. PIDCOCI, Jones' Oden, Grove, A DANCING FLOOR i4 kit 1 CITY OGDEIST & IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS RAILROAD. pioxeek lixi: ov :rv Wholesale nnd Itetail DealerM ' IS Al t. KINPS moni)ay;! july Of FURNITUIiE, CABINET WORK, UPHOLSTERY, etc. etc. ikt Loave fait City ibtily ArriVa at (l(;.U n ut 7 ii.ui. iihiI Id Main Street, Ogden, UTAH, Have just recuived the largest assortment of Furniture ever brought, into thin City, all of which will be sold at figures to satisfy the moat economical of purchasers For Prices pee Handbills. and reasonable term. ., Wheat taken in payment. ECCLES & PIDCOCK, 37t J. Mnin & WILLIAMS SCOHLLE, ,ovt Door LUMBER Ruildin Material, will nrx DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) Leaving 0k1pu City at S a.m. ami S p.m. ni.it Halt Luke City ut 8 a.ni. and i,UU p.ni, , 9 Ii' v 1 , . j y thpy had tin. jour fjeo open. ... . DRY GOODS, CROCERIES. HARDWARE, TINWARE, SHOES, - - Hats Col. McClnu1, for the prosecution, , , , Madrid, .24, oiidnighf. Great excitement prevails in this City suggested that as the exnuiinat on wnul I Br.eu u Lemosade. J. Murdock involve a large expense, and tune of the arising out of a rumor; I bat a bas epened a saloon near the Utah Cen- relations of Buffeuberger signified llioir dariug attempt has been made to assas-inat- e to p;iy for it, he full bound the King of Spain nt Escurial. tral Engine Hoiioe for the sale of lager willingness that the county authorities The attempt proved unsuccessful, nnd tosugjest . kcer, snmmer drinks, etc., and asks for should be communicated wit li on the the King Is said to be unharmed, ala portion of the publio patronage. See If tlltt Coramissioner.i would ood-se- though' the greatest alarm is manifested to defray expenses, well and good; by the Uuyal huusehuld. a JvC ' ' but he had no authority to ay whether Home, 21. would be born by any other A terribte event has occurred at the JoHti W'g. r5Tf amkr. The "Lady of tlit expense Mr. B., during his life time city of Bologna, Italy... One the priupi-pa- l the Lake" has been tried on the Jordan person. had paid a large amount of tuxes, and churches iu the place was struck by wd is pronounced a success. It is a counsel thought the oounty could afford lightning during a thunder ttiorui. and of his bodj. 4 32 persons were killed and injured. trim lit lie burk aud will I the bearer lo 1pay for the cutting up he Court look a short recess. The deepest gloom has been cast over of many pleasant excursion parties, Washington, 21. the tvhule city and neighborhood by the long may she float on lake and river. Subscriptions to the new loan to noon uiuuruliil event.11 . "' This amount lo $2.lia,000. Paris. 21. ' leaves only $2(10.000,000 to be taken, All the principal towns in Frince A Dk.fcsct Extehfrisi. The neat which will no doubt be absorbed this hare resolved to celabrale lite anniverlittle steamer, "Ciy of Corinne," is laid weok. sary of tha French Republic on (Sunday, Since their incarceration in jail, Den- Scpteiiiber 3rd. Extensive preparations tip for want of business, the officers and nis Darter and W. P. James, committed are being made iu this oily, aud elsecrew are scattered, and the "bnrg on for the murder of John McCarthy, have, where, tor ail immense demonstration the Bear" is downcast. The road ateam-- r, been confined in the Sitinc cell. Vaster-daA grand military on t b u day named. the display will lake place during the day. nn at hour, which was to run from East Canyon early morning, on were l:irnied. by cries which v ill be of a general lo connect with the boat, is on its way guardsthe dutyon from cell; reaching tWspot they jubilee and festivities. o California, slier sinking oyer $4,000 found Darter grasping James by the Due Do Bagrie. late ambassador of for its proprietors. The Utah Central throat, and the latter struggling to free France at the Court of Si, J nines, has 'ires yet and is livelier than ever. It himself and ralliog for help; he was beeu commissioned by Government and immediately released and removed to will return to London at an early duy ill take something besides land or lake another cell. Immediately afterwards, lo negotiate for a revision of the Treaty Haniers to run it down. Howl, Darter began to butt his head ugaiimt of Coinuieroe now existing between the wall, and 'before the1 guards re England nud France; considerable interturned, he bud inflicted severe wounds est attaches to the result of Duo De A Yaluahlr Book. We had a call on himself. , He was soon secured, and Bugries mission. from doing further M. Drouyn De L'Huys w.is reoently Jwerdsy from Mr. Howard Sawyer, prevented The of the jail ar- tendered (he position of ambassador to surgeon -agent for Gunn's New Fanily Physirived and dressed his wounds, and the Austrian Court, but has declined cian or Home Book of Health." It is a ordered a prescription of medicine to te the appointment. The French Governr valuable work, and as Mrs. Toodles procured. Darter positively refused lo ment under the pressure brought lo bear take it, and asked that the President by Prussia has issued a decree ordering ould say, "handy to have in the house." might be sent for. He has since refused the dissolution of the League of Delivery The treatises on 'and the 'sick nursing to eat anything at nil, and has been very now existing in the conquered provinces ' ' ' The walls of his cell have of Alsace ahd Lorraine. anatomy and physiology are full of com-o- n taciturn. sense and reliablo information, and been cushioned, and strict watch kept , h upon tba piuoneiv medical portion of the work a comGitAssi.'OPi'EB. These penis are lay In reply to a lette from p. F. Mi net, plete botanical gnlde. It has a stanof LotiiMilje,' .f'jtiBitliktt ?iheSi8,l of ing their eggs plentifully in Morgan and dard reputation in many parts of the Kentucky owns a large amount of stock Summit counties. They are now iwnrm-in- g in the Bank of Kentucky and Bank of S., and will be old en subscription. lfce overi not took and that the aught Louisville, fouiivfsj portion cf the K?" The 'best Stamped Tin Buckets to have teen taxed,' and asking for a bench in; ttiis en,' doing niuett'dnmnge er imported, for sale at the I. C. M. I., favorable consideration of. the claim for to fruit trees and such tender vegetation Ogden. &.f refunding the lax, Commissioner Doug- is remains in the and tho adgardens, for refunding lass replies that claims vance are to guard commencing Sur.vi.. Mr. Jeseph A. West f such tax cannot be allowed. explore the regions below Uie main portion of Chicago, 21. starts this morning a a suman has invented a method A rging trip for the Utah Northern Kail-'oa- of Chicago canal boats by steam with- the city. If ihcy will keep on the move, propelling Success to all who work on that out a wheel; the screw is incased in an we enn afford to put up wilh this years' line. ard ravage?, but if they cover the ground J , iron stiddresembliug a flsfi; in nioiinn wiiter flows through the mourh, wiih their eggs there will be a felim Gmcinb Jrwklrt. The only the show for next at which genuine Jewelry can and iu the feackward motion through year's agriculture in Weobtained in Ogden is at I'aupr & gills. v. count ber An application by quo warranto ns t tK',Af BeiMac'a, Mtn Street. Repairs neatly ' made in the Circuit Court, upon the A. been f "outed. All work warranted. ltl show Company, to People's Gas-ligS1.60 per thoucause why they charge Mrs. Margaret M. Larson, of Iloopcr-villfor .'.ercs Land Good t& of Twenty when their charter only for sand oale at" gas, of a eon. Mother and child are g UaojWTille. Apply at this bou thenvtf eharje, f.3.f - allows well. Mill. S'.cr, plc&se copy. sand.1- The eitnens have heett fearfully MilioJ, ' " " 1.S0 to FaiDiingtun ... l.?0 .80 Cetitrevillo ... 2.05. .....1.05 Woods Cross ... 2.25 1.15 1.G0 Salt Luke 2.50 PrWH'iiger. will plomio purcliimi thi-i-r tkk. Mnt tlie otticieii. FilTyi.Mil" allitioiuil will I. rlmiyrj wlieu tlie laie it otillnutnt uu Ihe ti.iii. Fur all infix mutln ruiiccriiing Kiol0-!itu- r apply t I). 0. CAIJDKn, Unn'l Til Uol hu.I KikIkIiI Ap nt. fub-jeat- nt t. Our Mill is now running and we arc prepared to furuish Hills or Lumber, ete., lo order. DRY GOODS GEOCERY AND HUlMItTJIia'T, on Main Street is supplied with a good nioortment to meet the ell- Call atlenlinn to their largo and demand for ansorted Stock, just received, consisting, la part, of Our yard Lumber, Lath, Pickets Shingles, etc. II. B. SCOYILLE can be seen Office, Popl!n, CirciiatfiiiCK, Law 11 h, THE BOOT RED-TO- P estsb-isliitiB- i . ItlllTII. e, '- - - IJXT do-in- THE WHITE PINE LUMBER YARD hits been removed to One Illofk llast of the TilhioROniee. on the Bench, uctifn, THE TlKST QUALITY i near Mount Naab, for Sale at the Mill, from from Tiesr Luke Divide, fceU and at the Yard from $30 to $40 per 1000 feet, in Cnsh or its CEDAR POSTS Wlicaf, Oats, lSarlcy, cte. t alien in payment. Fourth Street, Ogden, FIVE DOORS WEST OF THE Z.C.M.I. Boots and Shoes in erery OLD COUNTRY "VATR-TIGHTMADE TO OHDHl. Hlw!ri neatly exeatid, kindaofPsy taken. All Apply to Eust iJ.tTithingOilice (on ibe llench), f nJ STEAM SAW MILL. D. JAMES & Co. Having removed their Mill to the While Tines on the Dear Lnke Divide, are no prepared to fill billa for the beat FINISHING LUMBER, ooticr. (ir yvur ordr, Orders filled at the Ivetither for Sale. 12 I. iy f. 0. WniTKHKAD. WHOLESALE . 1 11 1 90, 92, and 94, .Lake Street, (Corner Dearborn Streets ' , CHICAcd; tff" Enpeeial itlention . Trade, - to .. ill or delivered in 37 Tenuis wanted to haul Lumber on Shares from the Mill to Osden. Territorial ,' -- r is cotnpteta in 9IiMHeH and Childrenv California and other BOOTS AM) N1IOIX,. Croquet SI ipperi, Gciita', Ijidiet, JimiettaN, and till die lule.t styles. Alfo II ATS and CATS; Ladle Nundoviit!, GentM tiiie. Ac, illHonH, Straw and laiianiai. ItaiK, Carpels, MoKqiilto lVindow Curtain and Shades. NEW X E Call and Examine, All Ordf r addretwAd tu Fonrtb !Street,Og'ln, will ruceive prompt attention. , i. . 1 3RICHAM CITY HOME MANUFACTURES. OUR , Woolen Factory is now in operation, nianiiineiuring t,iutr ' ' of euperior quality. , The Highest Priec paSd for Wool. Casli paid for Hides at our .TP-- NOTICE. fllOWIIOK IT MAY I Entry for tli Tnwn-.i- t!OM:KBX.-TIIATC- Alt of Kii binii I, ftch rouuty, I'tnii, niftdit M.y loth, 1871, rmhiacrur; the Mt half uf .". W. quarmr uf Sw. 27, ent li.U' of north-we- t qimrt.r of Kec. SU, north-ew- t qUHllfT ut Urc. iU, Hrt hs'.l of ii, w of fttwi 3A, w.-- t lialf of north-wqiirtr of Sec. 26, outh-U'i.- t bif of luiiitU rtt ijuartor of noi ()ii.ij-ivfiwr'r uf Sw, Sfi, T.iwii-f- tl ip H, Nortli Hani: 1 raxt, HntAininft "Ulm-rohnj Iwn made in Irint fur tlio Itilialiiluirtt, n't now ready to he dmposed of in lol to uuy pot or IwriKiiK cutilld thrretn. All pernotia claluiiiig to lie ownera, or p"vo.ru f any portion, of raid entry,- will thk. liu.tjotl and niHlte ajipliratiuo, a. provided In tlie ltiMi ofl'tsh. BARNARD WRITE, DRUGGISTS, Pa i 1 k 0 i D c a c rs ND .1 Ogden City. VAN SGHAAGK, STEVENSON & REID, '! 5(K)I) at Ibe Lowest Kates. ihortot mi the Call FEW HANDS WANTED. Wimthhop Faki.et, one blnot LEYI,WJII-XLFJt- BRO'S, ' READY-MADLOT OF CLOTHING. equivalent. A full Slock of GROCERIES, HARD for Sale. WARE, etc, etc. BEAR LAKE DIVIDE. WlinWD GOODS. THI! OF mini i minim rnw u iiiii.ii in 48-t- ihera fr REMOtVAL! Ogden, SHOP! SUMMER SHOE DEPARTMENT A SHOE and a full complcraent of tllxv him ii Call. LOGGING AID I'iqua, JlarHClllcK, Fine Shawls, Vc. 9 Also FRA5K WMITFUSAJ). GEO. WHITEHEAD. y thie-cjf- tr Ihi to-d- 'self-violenc- e. She Street Ogden, Alcvhol, etc., , , at every day, during busineHS hours. Winiw. cif Kclc-tin- I. Z. C. M. tue uquoTHjetaiiimknt $20 to $23 per 1000 Contain the choice! Ilrmjidln., etc. all of which r nnw baiiiK Kild I vorj lowest piwaihlea. pricea. rrrwnptiona . rompouu'tnl hy Comiiotvnt Priist-istcrlull All Inilrlitnl tu the lat ud ord nnd P.. lrtiM immnli-litrly 2nd Ward tftoro aro roiirtd lo wtllo Moreintilft with the Ogih-- a tlty InHitutiou, R. BALLAKTrNB, 4i-t- y eupcrlutendont. ha. JOHN SHARP, Kt'l'KRINTKNIiKNT. Windows, tc the druiJIIkTaiitment Comprise a mil and complete awortmuut ol lru;a ati'l Mwlirinc, Paiirtx, OiU, Varuulioa, liriifhca and fancy rtirle. ...... Ogden lo Kaysvllle lllinds, faiicy etc. otion, . FAliESi Doors, I.. cuitfti-itjii- uImvv, g, Mauufacluien and Dealers ia H taxed p.ir MIXED TRAINS (tract, Ozlu. II. II. Scoviuj. WII.I.IAH8. t t a.oi. nmt t.4i jj.ui. Mitiou tu th N.15. All kinds of Carpenter and Job VTork neatly executed, on short notice HBRCAHTILH Main INSTITUTION, irs Trkiiis will ImvK Ogvlra lUily at 8 .mH at..! (.30 ) in. Arrive ut Snlt Lllif City at to ujn. not r.so put. fot-i- - AFTER ON AND , ie-r-i, PARTIES PICNICS. Ex-Lie- UTAH CENTRA! l WM. D. HENDRICKS, rtlciimoml, Mnj 20th, lsl. Shyor. NOTICE! mOWlIOM IT 1. Eulry, So. MAY COXCERXTIl.tTCAStl M7, for the town aite of Mi'uji ity, Car he connty, I'lab, mad June the '.ih, Mr. Wm. PACL, Arefaituct and Builder, will act u 1S71, einbraiing the following described luiide, to oar Agent in Bait Laka City. iltf wit: 8. M of S. Sec. At (5); N. E. WV $. H 1 of the 8. Vi B. R. of 8. . B. U N. W. Vi. . .of 8, W.W of 8j. ct(rht (It, in townalrp V eleven (11), north of F.nnne one (1; weft, ronta.ii-lo- g four hundred and eighty hn. been mad In truat lor the liihainunis aud It now rtady At the ltfTi of tl Biir Hoot, fifth Strict, Oc(tn to be disposed of in loll ia ay pera ti or jierai'rl All kind, of Buotj aud Hlit-eentitled thereto. niiule to ordor. AU prona claiming to be th" owoom or neatly xcutii. produce taken in payuieut. of any nortiou of aaid entry will take iu otlce tad make application, aa ptovid-iu (h ata.ttiu ot l!ub. ; VT. OEOBGK i tei" RmcBibr tli Jjijj font. BAKEH, Stiver. 14-- tf Mtmdon, June th, IS71. yr E. J. ATKINS, Hoot ami Shoe Maker, Highest I'rice paid for all liiiius nt Hides. "9 |