OCR Text |
Show (Ogta ifunctimt. ..li.li.d Vr lK,D,!l VTfi an.! SATURDAY, every WKDNKSDAY i OOMPVHt. 'U,II1IUIN9 Jlusiness Manaper, to whom (II yiuniiaiSatious should lie a.Ulreel. OS pESRtVs8, "TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 0 W.no J..IO Yitt ..fal .10 Sun'1" fiiile u'W Devoted to News, Literature, Agriculture, Science, and the Arts. RATKS OF ADVERTISING. f 1 M 4 i B S S Xo. 63. I 0.Di:, UTAIL, VOL. SATURDAY, AUCiXST 20, 1871. II. dialcly, aai Gen. Chausey and M. Game buna have been arrested, to appear and explain before the committee their under the authority of t&at Gov- eminent. Vlena. 2f. The political conference which fcai taken plaoe at Gasteiu be'ween their majesties the Emperors of Austria aai Germany, is producing serious disagreement among ihe Counoils of the Austrian ministry. ' Grave distensions bare arisen, among the members of the Caoioet, and it is slated lhat Count Voa Beust threatens to resign hit position as- - Minister f Stale. ' tH 01 Paris, 28. The nepuMleant Union endorse! and afterwards the went down. ry chairman, and made a brief speech 07, Miggatt 6, Krauskopf 19, Maxson 9, it 12 $17 W $54 1SY $1.60 $2.W M. Gambetta't proposal to dis1 0 8 15 tl 31 &jur, accepts ".SO 4.60 luv unices ifiiu vrcn 100a .u me uuu.i promising to do h a best, expressing the 'ease , bins 6, scattering 6. General solve the T M SnO fi.i.0 It -- 5 42 presoni Assembly ia May Monroe of i Milton was time in a in never lie mid there men the tixieen that 55 W Monigomery, 31 County, 187. . larg- opinion cap'Hin tiiW 8,50 11 15 25 Epeciul to the Ooprs by the Atlantic and u Cvlan. was so was it when nominated for of Slate 5U 14.50 16 22 38 SI 76 115 in bout the history ol the State the smaller er, and gevi'ii met) by Secretary ractnc Telegraph uouipany.j Berlin, 2. .m a as ei si us no o After weathering two beavy galea, the important thai the Democrat c party acclamation. On ihoIimu of Mr. Clark There Las been four cases of uholera Business Cards H Kr month. Dooliitle then would make as made a nominations Senator such Kio should June Urande Dosul, lengthy hoAtjnmde large in this oity: two fatal. llili, Iniviiiz leen two days and niclns command the confidence of the people speech, accepting (he uuminaiion. Then will be charged London, Ohio, 23. and Spncial Kotice , a U ti was he Convention food first liie.r totheei'en-ngwithout or water. The aiualler and protect interests insertion, adjonrned tents per l.ne lor the .ov-8vThe continuation of the Buffonberger liue lor every subsequent when a ballot for State Treasurer . Jones of Si. Croix, boat had not been heard from, but it is now. Democrat, i 6 teea cent per trial commenced at 9 o'olock this morn, and E. U. Colons of Dodi;e County, resulted in ihe nominal ion of Anton advam-asupposed she had been picked up. Tr.DS.ent arfvertisinc. to he rid fr in ing. There was a large audience prestollowBrown of the 23. secretaries. elected tlua were ol of Klouse, Madinon, Coumy, by Democrat, of ten Imp vpe Wi., ent to hear the testimony. Mr. Colbun A Square consists 23. vote: Klouse d.flicult It nver wi more lUd, Kueet TZ, Henry Fort Wayne, Ind., to tell on by ng seeiaed as collected and possessed at ""v.arlv advertisers allowed to change at pleasure, A ballot was then taken A Ire broke out in the dry goods siore 12, Kodolf 6. the eve of a Democratic Slate conven. additional usual. The first witness called wat Co- harge of toiity-tiv-i- th eulT the in-- the toAttorney-GeneraIn Hartford far do would be to what Frash it of tion, Brother, city, resulting . .. r. f,.r louiiiiwitiim. bntthey will likely Oil! to Ut. reger (Jnnstian. lie parsed WA for, occupying spaco over con night. Last nigiit, in regard to that diana, this ii.orning at oue o'clo k, and nominal ion of General Edward Bragg Spi ague's handing him deposed oontainlng ajar A. un firemen the were vote: The J. Ihe liver and stomach of which meets here following hy Bragg, 80, ouly thrte or spread rapidly. advertisements not marked oa Oie copy with theBuffenger, and lour doieu delegates were present, and able to esi it under control, and in three Rising 40; scattering 21. Larse John of their surrender t Prof. JLJeatn ,,t iincruouK. W.U he puhlished at our opWorinly for transient at or and was aidd south it of tbe charged nominated Ihe what course seem lor ordered son, out, uncertain hours entire public) l.alnyetie, very they iZ until also to the fact that the grave, Race! analysis, acclamaCommissioner Twelve in Prison Slate no is was ashes best is to take. There enthusiasm square buildings by before the exhumation, didn't present "soYFRTISKMEXTS inserted till forbid, will tor anybody or nnything. Dewey is were burned with a loss or nearly JoO,- - tion. W. D. Parker, of Rock, was nomi in every instance, and -- wtitiued until ordered out, appearance of having been disturb nated for State Sup rintendent by the any more talked of for Governor than any 000, It is supposed to be incendiary. ed. made by Harriv'lew of Ji. ly and half yearly advert!.-Parker vote: New 23. York. 145, in Col but one a Eigenfue following else, ery quiet way. and "'Landed to their direct hue. of l.uiiness, rison compelled Christian to say that he 2G. to made for were nominations commenced Several An was mentioned. Bouck's mime is alo There I!bh1 itate. or other wivertiaeejectment suit was the first spoken to by Dr. Vandt-vente- r, ,11 Legal, Auction, will be charg- of Immigration is tnm.'h d.ifdi euce of opiu.on about ihe day on liehali of the city against George Commissioner Irish, ire.gn to their regular trade, menl the prosecuting witness, regardJacob Boden, i for scp tia tely. ulaitorm. Doo'iitle. who is a delegate Jones Co., alleged owners of the Norwegian and German. Flutes will I In Ith-.ca- ! the subject, and that Vandeventer ing No Advtrt.semeiits from tha 120 ot was votes to is nominated which be one of hu Timtt the will ihe doubtless advert!I'linz. to by Dodge, Convention, ca-- h plot rate., lat our handed him a list of men who were to act ,..d without H'the order, Horn on. ol our mile lor Jacob Seaman. of the committee on resolutions, and claimed as the city proper y is valued at .pauviiiif Jurors on tbe inquest, ont of whom as amir .rctl.!. make a ppeech. A considerable number $1,000,000. Chicngo, 24. ri!U ar a.Hllori Bob Bodey, a companion of Mate was ,,..ni,,, uVvod of interest to the The African Methodists who are hold Interest. are for adjourning over till after the Ithaca, N. Y., 23. also or intended to promote private The Thompson. and f. in this their this fire payuunt in conference with was terrible ax a the of advertisements, There city yester elicited tho important fact that the rig hope city ing Republican convention, " I rl,ainfd in character, we Gen. adminisresolved Grant's that last night. The (ire originated in the day, profiting by its possible mistake. reject! particle, or advertise-sncinal compact, whioh Christian refuted New York 23. works of Timothy Hoilisler. on Aurora tration was a successful one, and renomto furnish the press, on tas greuad of its of this class. An Erie R. R. oil train ciiuchi fire street, at hall past 11 o clock, and inated hi in fur the Presidency. been mislaid, wat not sworn to W. D Baker, one of the old citizens of having from ftpaiks of the locomotive at the spread north nnd wetd sweeping a large Cabinet! C. W. PENROSE, Editor. Dr. Vandeventer before any Justice by di un rea ol buildings betore it was got Western term.nus of lleren luiiuel Chicago, au engraver by profession, of Madison County, but before what puryesterday vveuiu; eight cars of oil ler control. A row of stone and brick ed here last night. ported to be the Justice of Browu Coun 24. New for half Ofllee: street on uud Aurora liuililini: the track were coti'iimed York, dostroyed Ogtlon Post ty, 111., of wbost reality at acting magof all The Iialian also both convention, bound hlook was burned on composed sides; for tome distance. The MAILS. AND istrate, there was no certificate from nm ' A.KniVAt. ARUVAL. train was delayed and ame in on ihe the build niis on the soirh of Tioga delegates from various Italian sooieties Clerk at. ached. Frank Beer- no 7. a.m. tbeCounty . Cltw, daily . westward bound track. The flames rose street, exceot those on the corner of throughout the country, met at the Coop 7.30 a.m. . was who . wist Throve Mail daUy. expected to prove a great er Institute yesterday. 1 he society was lord, JbizAUUU; to a ereat hiizht ..nd were visible lor Slate street. The total lo AMERICAN. 7.30 a.m. . . Ma.l daily that while on s visit deal, only proved in formed 7.30 several a.m. this v,,i, KSj HoX tlderCounty.cUily miles around. The loss is unknown. years sgo to Mr. country New York. 22. insurance, $70,000. there was a young 4.30 p.m. Buffenberger, . . for the purpose of preserving a social Cincinnati, O., 28. A number of trench citizens are in reference Tl.a fnllnwineman there who was not Mr. Colburn. ltUMaildady in Italians and fraternal Cincinnati and A on Marietta train cole a to have effort among an feeling 4.60 p.m. to the iilacinu grand Robinson Florence, an old farmer, had r - o of ihe new loan on the making Fait Lake City. Vly 4.11.1 .ai. M.rkKi in Kurnne isrublishea in tills oral ion oy toe r rencn ciuieus iirrc oif Railroad was thrown from the natl the United States. Tbrottfk Ma.1 daily . visits' S.45 p.m. Buffenberger during his illness, Wt, rei of Kev. Dr. Schenck : Brooklyn, jnst of the French Kepub- to duv. nud three persons were jured Anuiversary North, Tlirntvk 3.45 p.m. evenine's tmp.-rsand that the old man wat dying thought Khlor (Jlly County, " Loral, 9 00 p.m. l.ondon. 21. -- The crospects of the lie, the celebration to take place bept. 4. the injuries, however, are not of a fatal turned from Europe, where he went as for want of breath, th natural result of Through ftsil daily . datnof the of one the was The character delegates Evangelical old badly engine loan are excellent; the subfCiipiious are on which day one year ago the Republic age. H. TT. Smith said he drove out 8EMI WEKKLY MAILS. was tiroclaimed aizcd, and toe track considerably torn Conference, w ith a memorial to tbe Ct r with hit wife and other ladies, to th Slimed, nearly covered: CLOU NO. enof Russia, States that the deputation The Keueral committee for the con up. Co." Clews, lialeich Mr ... Bufionbtr saw IWch County edueedays t-- d. countered considerable difficulty in ap farm, andsome Mr. and 3.30 p.m. ,Cv.ava and duct of the forthcoming Italian demon Washington, . l Saturdays 22. Id. ladies there : old Bufftn- and Mass., ger Spi.ingft 2.30 for of p.m. the the Ctar orders t has and lie Thursdayt purpose the WarDepartment Ocrmauia stration met last uighl in proaching Kertd Opf leu Mondays 8 ..K) a.m. The fall races at Hampden Park unberger bad a tor leg, and Mr. Colburn finalHuHUiUe Wednesdays and Saturdays, 3.00 p.m. Assembly Rooms. Communications from that hereafter any post needing supplies presenting be memorial, and that entertained the party, Slijab. Patterot and the Thursday Jlomiavs der the Springfield City management flam 4 on p in in the Indian country shall procure them ly, through the good offices of Cyrus in response to the invi c M cducadays and Saturday son, neighbor of Mr. Buffenberger, wt this p.m. The first race for several rocieiies club Ted influence begun off. who and the in local Field, Ironi a from larniers personal letter were read, also by advertising Iwpei aid Alma WeduesJsys Hit examination th next witness. 12.00 niiinito horses for a purs of $700 tations three with Duke tbe with tn Grand tor Constantino, the b.us, baturdf.ye Governor Hoffman, stating that official nearest local papers "Whaler" didn't fact Th won Scott," any was important develop, "Judge by with in comiuunicuiion, at the 'Capital precluded lowest Hdrtcr to supply the aid post, whom he wi.i ofkice nouns.8 a.m. to 1 icton" cngngctnems ir lime Mrs. Colburn admitted 3rd that witness ' and ; 2nd. Lady Osaeral IJivrv ojiea from reference to tbe Cable girdle around best quality. race his attendance as reouetcd. Horace provided he fu mshes the wat convicted, the relatives would tecur. iauday 5 p.m. to O in. interview an obtained 2,32, 2.34J 2,33. The second than i the to ot return on earth, they The t'rcs.dent is expected the ground Ureely excused himself old friend lor horses that never trotted belter There were the estate. Mrs. Psncak as with Prim e Gortiolinkoff. KBJ1STRY DEI' ARTY EST Washington to rfk.rrow. Mrs. laid 3 in 5, prior eng igemetus. of best . . Colburn, to 9 a.m. of i shorilykefor $1,000. 2.34 i a for from Durse a.ii.ni. Ope y j S p.m. b.j two memorials, American and English. Mrs. Colburn' uomuiissioner uouginss second marriagl, sh. The following is from a Washington fiawid inut open from 7 .m. was won by "Lady Ross," w.nn.ng the dreaaed a' letter to Secretary; Doutwell The former was tirst presented and ao- news me ma: to said'to witness that Mr, Colburn had iron. 2nd sDecial Postniaer. clearance "in ISAAC MOOUt, j 2nd. 4 nnd fth heais, consider-othe f the Prince lor decision for him the to submit cepied by requesting which record thesucces visited her, thinking th was Mr. Bufftime 2.2!i. 2.!',li. 2.33. The third ruoe London y tbe AitoriieyHGenernl the question as ation of the Emperor. Th English in disposing of almost the of beaten have never tlmt daughter, and didn't discover Syndicate enberger' teams double for seTrains tow ether a vacancy exists in the Ihce doaument was politely declined on nniil after her first child his raisiak 30 for a purse of $o00. was won" by whole of the SO millions of the new loan nt first b rases. count certain of commissioner. objectionable Leave Ogdtn dily, unt J further deputy to Europe, excited much en born. After th examination of "Kine-to- n wat assigned four and and m heals, Susie" a 5 on at a. ur. oi ine is. U. Lake 8. Consul at Amoy, (Jhina, wnoie, very sanguine City The e a.l Salt t fl'1 .a tMisiasm here. It may be expected that For trotted time Z.oJ. z.Joj. s.oij. - Dr. McLaugher, whit developed a D 8 a.m. and .o.ij 5.30 p.m. and G p.m be followed writes that tne tea marxet openeu in- goon re.uiu iroiu iu cusn i imm sinwill trained ihe further facta, th Court adjonrn- advantage r at ban rancisco, Amov on the 23rd of June, and the im- an e. the East, at 8 a.m. For th. Wert, Crick" Pomeroy, who was to lecture up as fast as possible. A lltrold Pestb correspondence, dated 22nd June. on Formosa of Northern 5 3) p.m. Ihe Qiiestioh ot whether tnere is a ports t Oakland last niirht, was mrormeu in t .m. mere is ioariui miaerj ia o! Hoiong l luity up jisi. ssy Arrive from Salt Lako City, in the omce oi tuiet wepuiy In Aumy the crop O La U. General .16 vacancy that A Remarkable Woman. afternoon and he and Southern in season last formerly tbe most of Hungary, that quality, io and 10.45 a.m.. and 4.45 p.m. - producing country In in town, ereatlv incensea at Commissioner of the Revenue Bureau 4.25 p.m. Pmm r.v.ire those fertile a are tver tha grain East, From certainly quarter prices Pm. fl. oiin.T on his domestic re- - will have to tie euomittea to ine of tbe country it .. I.. . " of Ihe opeuing r lies of last year, and in Europe.. One-thir- d ti.- Fanny Taylor who if one of th he West, Cho a.m. J """""b j... tue in which ueparune "V. . Tim. Utionv 1 A nai administration to 10 :00 under water. Salt lke City recen.ly appeared d.vs' iurchse il.ro. ia the Richmond Jail, it , r .ar, v,uu. which were built to prisoners I.a Crois Deinoerat. and would shoot uim Dy wnom ine accouu.a .or f auffered the- Hvkea nnrt o - v a svi f J holds pa there that still aboutforty-fiy- e be nave to me passed, apparently to years of ago, no attention He paid on sight the crops only having in many cases prevent the overflow of the river), to go has a confirms Senate the till is no vacancT more and extrv constitution iht-a- t. strong hut his friends, thinking 10 to and Prices Worship the from come down ruin, they gradually yielded country. She ta of it, gathered around hitn at Mr. Douglas as Commissioner.N. of water so I swollen rivers. ordinary physical powers. the to is it d.tkciilt that Tabernaole, so senouly tho pressure are give in irregular 23 U held every Sunday, B., St, Johns, tc-in the evening te. ere me lec-rnow hotel nve Hooded he which was Ihe nr have born that she Teas country in an fine: quotation. grading epotttylvv at 10 a.m. and 2 p.ni. The great aquatic contest between the Before starting tor ine hall. Gen. largely bought as they miles. All the wheat crops have gone, nia county. When young she ran upwards ar ul tue room Tvne and St. John crews over wnicu door to tho came I.a. Grange and cattle houses ar and submerged. . O from Goochland Court house excite arrive. uliere Pumerov. his wile, and several there has b en the must intense off New York, 21. There have been unusual storms this away this come has several Robinson and Kldred'e Circus, with for raent and days friends were, transmitted to the season, ine peasantry or eoutn nuuThe Mayor Udy and gentlemen The weather in every reu which she remained several with morning. on their iu. sustenance to torce varv nis & way and of rely yearly Board counselorattempted Super attorney The St. John Common Conned was favorable. wheat crops. Hail storms years, and established a reputation ai from th for was bound to see Pomeroy in person, spect of exhibit ccountji full a city visors Hotel. announced their OOloc opposite Ogt'Cn but was grappled by Col. John Scott, of crew had previously Jan. 1st. have destroyed tht fruit and vineyards, a female athlete and gymnast, bhe determination not-- 40 row unless the the thin r mouths commencing oop en crrr. nst a ensueu, and attended he ngni Trarucript Ie69. and ending July 1 t, 81. Tue besides grain and tobacco fields. Tbe afterwards learned the shoemaker', All kind! of legal business promptly that intimated and was smooth, water 1,f to. hich. after a free interchange of blows, statement is very voluminous, covering severity of the Government in the col inierruriied hv friends. The sheriff. tbey would withdraw and let their oppo htfiwxen six and seven thousand pszesot lection of taxet is txcessive, and in trade, and served fire years in this ball. nents claim tbe stakes without disputing or the and poverty or tbe business, part of the time passing for to the fearing bloodshed, went to Brsyton under unfavorable manuscript. The Mayor allude as es- - spite their misery has generally been a man. cattl he thon served tw. year. where Pomeroy was 10 lecture, arm ior rather than oompeie d people of value city property Th two crews were in apprai-eto psy taxe. The peasant ar at for its being opened. His friends then conditions. and sned bade committee and and claims to be the limated appointed Surgeon. by blacVsmithing, 7 and Physician in position at 20, and in tne. r boats that purpose, and which amounts to despondent and embittered. All trade, able to shoe a horse at well as any 'Vsrranted to Extract Tape and Stomach secured the new Market hall, and ven. was eienal g the t a.ui. 7.0 The committee consisted agriculture and industry in the South Worms, etc procession marched there, ine lecture She was in Richmond during Ihe crews star'.ed. There were ihous $243.y8o,4'Jr. K. Anthony, J. of Hungary ar mined and famine it body. was listened to by a large audience and Courtland of Parker, All call promptly attended to. tne witness to Is of spe tators present an alluno and was constantly before the war, was purely humorous; making impending. Becker and Adr.an H. Muller. OGDEtf CITY, UTAH. the contest, and there was the wildest ' New l orn, 2. Pomeroy court for gambling and says the the sion to difficulty. topolice occurred murder Another probaWe when the word to start was Win matter from th Cow alway en hand. article was written in his absence, and The Secretary of the N. Y. Yacht olub Some of those fights were where James fighting first took Greene street, 9i niilii al crew Si. John Th has received a letter from Commodore he knows and csres liotninr; nnotn n; civn. and serious. She at one time stabbed kept the lead, the Tyne ciew Lynch quarreled with a man named A shinny water, F. H. Bismoss. M.D. but at the jRoawkll Ttssita, M B. proper tim is ready to afford f.illnn fating th it he it to have th very was and I of mile a I Calcutta, native Robine. about he tn of a At .n r. James McDonough on Seventeenth, wnms. ne out to tail for th eup Cambria" fined DRS. TIBBITS & SirVl10N3, La Grange all the satfiai'tion by slabbed by him in the left breast. Ihe of 1857 in the International rac instead street. She assaulted Joseph Mayo a visible comm. linn was amonit the Tyne crew. wound it is llioueht will prove fatal. It of the "Saynnia" as at first intended. while he was PujaiCHNi ANU Si KiiEdXS, Mayor of Richmond The Secretary of the Treasury lias di- the spectators ill ehort disiance in the was inflicted by an ordinary pocket The "Cambria" will Icav was si tvli.cli OiEce, Coi ner of Main & 2nd South Sis., rew at on and had a nss. slant Treasurer the England n. were field's Store.) the influ men under regular prize fight with a. Renforth, knife. Both (Over IHittei rear of the St. John York to receive hids for gold September first. efsoldier during the war, and won the in his of ence SALT JLAKE 1TT. over from exertion liquor. probably instead of fhursiay. Tb? Court of Common Tlea hav New York, 23 but the fight the takes most win the race and beat their op Surgeiy in all it brenches aolicitca. Wednesday, . . . fight; : -- i 1 I The following were me treasury oai- fort to broke a blood vessel and im an orurr is- ecu Lu vnretjnwicu , an to sent be will lsueu Helmbold ii ..i probably ponents, Currenances at the close of business: , .. , in a tew days. Ins bust street Elevated Railway ... on 8ept.mber Ill i . down in his seat in a fit asylum mndintelv .mil eerj in itmen wr :inaa. oepuiyjaiiur, bis brain. 10ih. with the track, rolling stock, right cy. $3,431,000: coin. $3.1,338,000; or twoon. The Tvne crew instantly nes irouiilts havini turned second came out Banks deranz.-men- t b8t. While will , be li,t)iti,ww. tificates, ia his It ofwiy workshopsic.forthebenefiiofth af.er and thought hauled ihe boat lor shore, made HI. Assays of every description of ores It is is not expected the confined in the city jail about three com- - temporary, though somo of his friends creditor. unfortunat their carried Teacher's landing and retarns given within iweive nours.oy v- The session of the National . -- v. fv.foj j... -a... i miA linns, nn the bank of tho fear he eannot recover, as his mind has amount will exceed the valu of th Associalion convened this morning, maleiial. 11 His Al several for ir been s? way eivinz Bumyears. was J. Jrmx nrrn. Isan, Cache Connlr. aid imuie.iiHieijr river, medical cnnioinf; over tuo wan vuai,Burrounu Milwaukee 24. ' ' 8b tt there was ft large attendance, tuny ' ' T.htoj Reasonable. mnned. but lb unfortunate man was financial embarrassments arise altoget her The were present. hundred members The Gubernatorial contest waxes the building, ana lotting nerseiiaowa beyond reoovery, and died in a very it is said from his lavish style of living. warm ss tbe time for the election of on the outeiae wita a DianKet cut opening address was delivered ry u". few minutes. and do not arise from business engage lie procoeueu Brown. delegates to th Republican 8tau Con- - ;Dto a rope, and, obtaioine a suit of menis. Chicago, 23. BANK cational matters generally, tnd saia iub Hoffman' Gov. yention approves Trn delegate, hav. men.8 cl((thi of Gen. Park Dexter McQuade, race at made hef The four from Ihi.eily which , idea that education tended ioam n.r -- unmmenced days - staff, is in town, and Tribune is so far the attena to with Main Street, Ogden. day large of worst v sw,,Vw The ti was between Washburne divided are exploded. crime, evenly dn.ee. The first rsc for Si.OOO, hor- - demanding that ne snail answer wne r.d Smith, th two candidates. Can- - a time omployed as a shoemaker, bdl lians today, were educated men n- mam noVPT tlAVinff trolled under three ther Mavor Hall deceived him aboil euuother ward hav been afterwards returning to Richmond, cuses forth wia the great duty of teacners to - minutes, was won by Roche s G. M. the Kelso order, or rheilier ho deceived aate their pupils to tne uu.y mi him of his oaded lor laurtday. she was reooenizod and returned to reminds Uotlman. Gov. heats the time taltinir it thre tins" ' . Ft to law. Where souoois ' The clioieest Wines, Liquors sitvJ of obedience I he does v ia Fannv'.- crrftftt. Rt.rnnr rlrinlr not, to if and race 44 2.43. 2 lisil 411 The lor reply, . promise ii 4 thev -n....nta r o yn.v...- -. made sausittcioi j will regard him at an un and Cigars in the Market all everybody tat lor horses, famine advice ages, single Tersian th $500 that and cause of nearly the est running and nlea-wre to enemy, children, he a a snn in that country is new almost ended. & TV Finest' nail in tae City. Every wouid be universally 'attended.. Ue en- dash, aevea eifhihs of --a mile, wat won truttuui ,er difficulties, though, she has, Th loss bv the burning of the oil The Van," formerly as by Simpson's B. C. mortality through "be famine and natarrjiy & education attention given to customers. gh, at on tirely opposed compulsory beneficial rethe Erie train Tery hlgh amper Bergen Railway time ine inira . Blmkero i," through disease endangered by it has 19 t.oaj. not calculated to produce industrious and very tunnsl. will be nearly a hundred thou M. BUCHMILLER. decreased Iiorseo under 2 29, wa remarkably 3,000. race for been thousands. L. many by Packard, ' 32-i- f sults, if imroduoed. Mr. J. won by Prask's B. G. "Sleepy John" in and dollars. Three attaches of th road The Government ia now taking steps for cleanly, and in jail, where she of Chicago, the President oi heats out of five time 2.2CJ, 2,27. wtre seriously burned. a plentiful supply of food for not get whisky, Mr. O'Dwyer assures three the GovernMadison, Wis., 24. ation, responded, thanking To morrow there will be un a crop oa o.en ug tnat ne ha8 neTer own a more tne fOf tUB 2.28 J, 2,28. innaouani A.nniatlon or on ,.L oeuaii o The State Dcmocra'io Convention raised. three races for horses under 2,45, and in P. th peaceable woman. Richmond Whiff, address. 0 closed its session last night .7 under 2,24 and a butdle race. Washinpton, FOREIGN. JT. H)T Stock-tni- s o the nomi Convention "White The T rrtTXTn TTfiTTQP the between proceeded The the game Admiral Lnman, commanding Taris, 22. ' of this city, and the "Start" of nation of state officers by Toice. as fleet, reports that the EnA (ax ha been imposed anon th tal Atlantic A five-yeold city boy told his south e defeat of ibo lat- - follows: Doolittle 123, Dewey 4, Banck int Utah. d Brooklyn.resulted to Brahe.-bounOsden, steamer "Tyco I I a. o mouon and manufacture of paper throughout mother how to make butter: "Xoa or score I t0 e.luh bv a Vlliaro, jn scattering ter 2Cth ult.. LAOER A DOLrrt I.ASDT. PROPRIETOR. arrived at Bahai. on the or Irov. uewey tne nnminsnon Madison. v is., nwi.- France, amounting to about twenty jU8fc a wjt . a cro98 XV BEER, Coot aad gnarkling, alwayt on nana. gland,Montevideo. July 10th, having on . v I unanimou. , .. moved tbe Col. O'Neil ap- rrancs per Kilogramme. the met in convention Democratic The vnn -Leach vuv W. . Saloons and Familie Supplied. vi """" J"A committee of inquiry ha been a p- masty a...mi.l rhamher at noon board Cap-- George The pointm'nt of a committee to wait on Mr. iM borrow a COW. 'Orders Mnt from Pcwm residing alomt tiie Rai ,.f the ship "Eutrope" from thence o convention wat called to order by An- - Doolittle and invite him to tbe hall. poiuted by th Assembly to investigate then you ' roe4 Ln .nrl th. KtirrMDdmr Towns will ... Falmouth, and . actions of ths Delegate Government, tbe C , ., carried. The was I. nventico who which chairman of The the prnndfiL .),.. promptly filled at tt rat, tsf io.OO per vight gal' ixoa M. Gsmbetia was th a whioh He head. arpo of I then nominated York. eB.J""D4-"'auppouoioa A. Palttic for Lieut. John -' New II. L. say. uriup Commiite. Iemne.rat State .ir. t i builfc fiCfPW fche RKi Jnmfrsi. :; g 0 Tbe price of Malt will b ropnlated T ot south, longitude - Govrnor by tbo following Rice levestigation will b comwHnoed msle Ttw Milw&akee, of tmprr&mer, tbir market price of grain. A lilwrsJ silowawv K"Ehip was reported Uaky. and will me. e 1 1J$JjJ2GIiji.IJIttm,nu't9 5 tI Brick" Pomeroy's Life Threatened in San Francisco! e . Fire Destruction of a Train Laden with l, I ol centortn at a Boat , Tax on Paper in France! ' Great Fires at Fort Wayne and I - A .l.-f- t Helmbold the Bnchn Man pronounced Insane! i SSSSt ut Dissensions in tho Aus Irian Miserable Condition of Southern Hungary! . ! - ch ... . f" jlt, i a K.so.-daf- a-- p.-- a n- - .. l lfi Iivine .;i. -- v t- I e. . a a. 3iiint:rt, y Dlt. ivOODWOHTII, 34-- tr . r..tJ m-- 1 34-- tf in-li- 1 .. ASSAYING. . l'B. l.-- A n-- e t, - ., I EXCHANGE, .;J f. , BILLIARD HALL. . --- ' ng U. P. BREAVEKT fcn-gl,- v. " ear-re- amt. 57-3- wt, inm-jb&in- |