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Show Tlio $1u Ofl4wrguttitlo;.! Twenlj-fourt- h tion. WEtWKMlAY and SATURDAY hy the ourx fiaLisMiira Coaivssr. rt W lKRAE. Hasina )!niui2r. to whom til BwitiM coiumunirttiou should t addroswd. J rulUbd rer nt ; Men- 5 Care of Sucking Colls. ) In the Ilorseman't Manual js the following article on a subject which we fear is too little considered and the evil referred to guarded against: rr 1 A n Ai'n IVS n 11 in KELSON'S ft ( Allillll . A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVER MILLION! Bear Temlmon. J lLls..ul. H Wcntderfut Connive EUect. The Twenty-fourtAnniversary of the entrunce of the pioneers in these valley was celebrated with more than MAIN ST nr.ti. usual celat, iu our ptlite rille yesterday. -- Jh.. m Timing onio, "' y- MD. HAMMOND, - The early gray was greeted with a ut t drill aalute of thirtveu guns. : I'amde S( huttlcr and Light Spring "TV so who raise colts, usually Correspondence. seven a. m. when the commands of Cap-taicare in the selection, of good , Wagons, at reduced rates. lister and Anderson, went through stock to breed from, " but a Vtnd Moinrs, Sulky Uorss Kaka, great Butkvt ieft,n a series of evolutions very creditably. gMiinniiLD, July 23, 1871. flows, CulUrstom, Me. to the colta give returned formed many neglect proMft- - Editor. A iiino a.m. a procession wa having ju-- t Iron nd Stosl, of all M -. from Logan, where ire lud a two days in th following order, by Marshal of per atteutiou during hot weather, Wlgo limber, 1IM. meeting, which for Rood counsel, rich the day, Mr. llobert 8weeten: String while they are running with dams. instruction, ud a good tint in general, band, Pioneer, Father in Israel, with It is not uncommon to nee those that tines Caclir banner, Twelve young men .in uniform, were aov$r hue healthy and well developed in oouaty wiu organized, I think it iny Female Relief Society with, banner, summer looking puny and poor, bun-ne- r, item a early with of few uioniion Twelve tuukti white in ladies young duty to Twelve young girls in white and and their hair falling off, before auwuioh, ID my eiuuutton, pre worth of ihe Dsy and .Sunday School children. tumn. The trouble arises from alFirst, the fatherly care of the Trwi-den- t The line of march was through the lowing the colt to draw milk while and hi associate fur the welfare principal streets of U' city, which I the blood of the mare is in a high of the people : nest,, the teachinsri and need not say was thronged with instruction, which were iiispiratiounl torn, there beinjf visitor from several state of heat from violent exertion. " hen the dam is used in .hot breathing of PrOphetld men ; end last, parts of th county on tbi autpicou AT TnX UXCEL8I0B MILLS, tut not least, the singing of ihe Logan, occasion. weather upon the farm or road,' so IirANTKD Olden, (or vliiuh Uim H Sniiiuflcld,, WfUiTille end combined Arriving at the hall at ten a.m., meet- as to heat her blood, the colt fchould noire of the county, which added won- ng was openod. Tb choir sang, "Now never be allowed to suck until she HIGHEST CASH MARKET derfully tto the njoymeut, of the 8000 pray we for our Country." Prayer wa has cooled off. Let him fill conference. fully aouli pretvot'itt the tiered by Ihe chaplain, hlder Kalpn PRICE There ie a marked improveuientin the Forster. The choir sang an appropriate himself before the mother is put in b paid. W will KXCHANOB CLOTH for nittging of the three choir mentioned. part long. The oration was delivered tne harness, and it it 13 important Will Wool, iotl, Mutloa aud Hour. The piece selected, as a general thing, ery ably by John Donaldson, r.sq., that he should the accompany dam, All who Iuits Wool to 811 will plau call on nulling lime and cireuiiiiuance ; and if rutor of the day. Song by bister tie him at her side so that he will be will to in behalf of oontinue Shelton. equal they Pioneers, Speech practice, they A. RANDALL. Mr. Q. Willie. Song composed for the unable to draw milk until he is libera49U anybody ofeinger! erer listened too at Uis titoUior Mills, OsJon , is much better that he in any e the, established churches of occasion, I. borrensen cipcccn in be ted; for it m. should go hungry a few hours than half of Mormon Dattallion, by England. lb Choral institute made their debut Howe. Coinio song, Judy Culligan, to take his food while it is in a fever EmnLUiin, t the close of their first meeting, by Alfred Gardner. Speech in behalf of ed state. dinging Ue Mithcrn, "1 will sing of the siliers aud Mother In Israel, Cbas. "If the mare is to make a Ions dis- Oieroie of the Lord," and when we take llird, lenr. Part song, T. Croshaw and Into eoosidera'ion the difficulties under oboir, "Come where my love lie dream- tance on a not day, and return at which w labor, and the number of ToiccB ing." Speech in behalf of young men, night, it is best to leave the colt at limoet mrttoger to each other, it was Henry Sorrcusen. Song by young la- - home, and draw the milk from tho well xooutod, though with trembling les of the eboir, "tmr hops 11 stand udder hand once or twice during by other The fear. and pieces being hymns ing ever. bpeecn by Vishop Hughes. tne 4id tuue that wo were all acquainted day ana upon retumuig, then ong, "The Star Spangled banner," A. WILLARD CITY, CP. It. It., allow tho colt to fill himself gradual titb, wore well un(r, and did credit to .Smyth. Toasts, oto. In the afternoon from two Is five ly as the milk is secreted. the ovoperution of the choir of Cache 'clock there wa a children' 'ainb;r of ingi:i, l'io. Tbi wuunty.. party, "Colts injured by heated milk sel oeak welt tor t tie ail of tinging in urine which, (thank to th committee) ora recover ironi it tor a year or Cucho County, uiid we prophecy tucce-- t no other eports were allowed within the tn the institute, if the lending men of lb city limits. At five o'clock climbing two, and many times never. They TOURERS IS WI1KAT. BARLKT, OATS, CORN Mine w ill realii thai all lover of the be greasy pole for a new hat, wbicu become reduced in flesh, get lousy in I Flour, Corn MenJ, Omlmm Fluur, Cbop fine art are a little abore concert pitch, wa won by Masier Charley Bird, after the fall, and during the first winter reed. Dneil FxacliM, IWanii, FuUIobs. hilt. Bacon and try to govern accordingly. various unsuccessful attompts by other of their existence, when thev. need i'riub Uuttor, Kggs, Cbmw, Fruit and VogotublM. I n?d the, word, last but not least. In competitors, hors racing for a silk heilth and strength, as under any joabiiif'or lb choir, not thinking of- handkerchief, foot racing for one lb of circumstances it is the most critical Loarvo br in at- candy, jumping and other athetic feandrwhUh DnUen in their of tvndaoue during eonfereuoe,4 !iJ enliv-win- " port. period growth, they have ' ii eweet, music, tbe 'ufK witb In tb evening there wa a grana just life enough 'to move,, and the Young Stock, and though il world hT helped th matter bull, which wa fully attended. It was second summer, the Cattle. , for Reef time proper If the Logan, martial laud bad alto been day I bat will long be remembered by fa attendance. the citixen of Menduu, being remarka- - development is speut in the recuperaNet in correction, hut t war of In Is for be lucuesslul ' termination of tion of lost vitality." W call th tttriition of Stag Comiwnimi, fbriauttiB Is fignor Ferrari, of critical very effort on the part of Ihe committee Fraigbtrrs, etc.; all orilort Blleil wiUi cars and coun of dinpalch. Cache ibo Choral lostttulo vote, of arrangements to promoto tb general ' y meat once a would for t ie practice of enjoyment of the people. Cooking Vegetables, Cash AdTanco on Consignment of Oraiu, alt. . j A. AilbKRSON, itw music, nod once a quarter for gen A nneral AMortmrnt of Mf Uflf AND1SE kapt oral rohearsaU, tvud not a rehearsal A writer in the Hearth and Home I. SoitREXSCN, Committee. oiutanU' ou Uiui.l, at LVVi ruiCKS. Viii "every quarter." IIisv Uarkxkr, says: :'l nnd that cabbage, cauliflow 8X0MT4.1T. Jusii'U Uancock. U D er, and all leaves used us greens, if Wa haw a BLACKSMITH SHOP in tonnacttoo A. C. S. boiled in hard water, preserve their with oar Iiukiimm. bbiwiiK. il r Span. Jobafctf th we, vt Shtll wi Y( t That Josh RlllingN on Free Love. color better thau if the water is soft. bing Work at reasonable ratM. Unless they are very young aud ten Oodi, July 2&tb, 187J in free fights, especially der their flavor will be very much beleaf I Di JciiOTioji I am not alone in cuU aud dogs. j improved if, when half cooked, they wttieriainhig the bops that yesterday' amung 1 belcat m tree rides 011 a gate lb a be of are taken into a colander, cold water tjeinonttratlon may opening in the different Settlements. I beleaf iu frccdum for cvry slave poured over them, and then placed tw era of prosperity for Ogden. The Vublic pint manifest by the ' power ou artu. in a fresh pot of boiling Avatcr with bcUor tkt be," is ure pressge ofexhibited 5ut free love is one ov them kinds some salt, aud boiled A.T briskly until time, if that spirit, to fully lim they are done. Broccoli should ro lb preparation forth celebration of freed um, that it don't do tew always ' . ? lb i'ioneer' Anniversary, on a scale ber with. be boiled in two waters. Asparagus, world ov Jin was a ear If this Edin, I prepare in this manner: Cut in ertbyofcur euuens, and the proad eul eommeicial position we occupy, is and lullot Adams and hves. azthev pieces, and boil until nearly done in . lb question ba bem tre was whea they wag fust launched, Salt and water, then drain; put into mooted whether time in 1RMTIT qucntly pat, do for a stew-pa- n flour and butter, stir thein tb ureseut leading representative of then I kan iiuagiuo it 1 hold to Lvc some on together, and moisten them with a other Adam lb people will 1 found equal to the my emergencies of the most critical hour in his lap, and talk about his amuitee spoonful or two of milk or veal gravy; ur history : t, thall it dtTolrt upon and spiritual essence, and play lamb into this work the yolk of an egg new regini to rise, "kindled with tb LAKE In them daze, there want uobuniin and a little cream; put in the aspnra Orient beam." aiid.lead out in those inea arc of enterprise, publio and private, natur, it was all God natur. gus, and boil all together two or Good Chairs for $15 per Dozen, lluuun aatur tuts bin soaked so three minutes; serve ou buttered toast. Meetitial to our dianuihralmcot from in down and boxed,) (Knocked duitrtal and butitic- al'.ipor, and with much tinse, it has got tew weak tew be My way of cookiug green peas is as or trusted in a lot wo are the feed iz follows: Steam - ' $S and ut which, V'e cunnot bop to them until done, then Fall Loaf Table waintiuf atnoDK tbecitiel ofltatitli ' nex tew meddo, without placo them in a saucpnn with salt, Kitchen Tables rank designed for us by tiatural and ar poor, between feuce mutch nor enny poke butter, and a little milk; boil all totiftcial sarromditgs-th- c tdvantage of water and sou, locution manufacturin gether five minutes, and serve. A Fne love wants ' more iKke than sprig of mint thrown into the saucefacilitea, ,and fonccutrntion of ruilroa ' iaterest. In this connection, you will enuy other auinial. pan is thought by Borne to , improve Walnut Bedstoads, $10 to $17. pardon a briof reference to a few items 22-t- f 1 don t believe in total depravity their flavor." f consideration, but wuich, in my hum unless a mau has a good chance. M judgment, would work an immediat Free love it a good deal like drinkLanee, and doubtless Uav a beano A Jljsterious ICcglon. more better and other upon important ing a G shilling giu for a bevridge. is all our It that intnts. anparent DCUIXO THE SUMMER AT Bevridge i a Chinese word, and From 31r. Powell, of Tulare couu- STOCK I1KRPED RANCUE present raiiroad oonneclions, have in no means cussidness. iw Ok don Vallrr. the low learn at we that near the confines of ralaa: fulluwing ty, wie etiuanced the reputation or Ugden love i the Aul witnessed have free The city lis been isolated the cbie Fresno, Tulare and Inyo counties, iu Uorae., till Kovawbar Aral par haul $3.00 " ' lir Month 1.00 street leading tv the depot filled wit thus far, has existed between a tho vicinity of the headwaters of the - ' 5.40 bex-caIIorMd Stock, till NoTambar flrtt letchcr ou one sido, and Kawcah, a most and covered with crossing and of singular piece " " " 1.2S por Month recroiHing twitches, teadoring the ap lunatick virtue on the other side, country jies. Tho Indians say it is Stock will b. racolTad at the Tlthlnr Cwral. proaehes to lbs town tbs most rorbidbin that had lost aul ov its modesty and the tb.ding place of tho Kvil spirit. uguen, every Saturday. NUoljr guarantvru. possible. And then to attempt toihrea coudishuu The P. A. HAMMOND, ue'( way from the depot to town through shame, in hunting after a country is rugged and rocky II. Mcl, whar sin ceased tew be a crima. ) linost ;utenuiuable loais of iio llu mountains with deep valleys and preA. W. COOLKt. The fust free lover wo hav enny tracks, Hrick; boxes, mil and sin tar cliffs. Snakes and reptiles cipitous boles, after dat kj one of the difficulties akount ov was the devil., , of every description abound in untold Cbr'wtian would encouutcr which the numbers, and, taken all iu all, it is a a not even doe hint Pilgrim' Progress Terrible Deaths. wild and most uninviting region. in traversing the. deepest, darkest re ose cftUe aloucu ot- - Uespond Conner iu Tatriek from the But aside from this, a most serious fifth trr: ftiu.it continue, as now, to bo mouth of Tejou canyongoing to the rancho phenomenon exists. ! Tho ground eeupied !fcv! cars, is u not one of h San lust within Emidia the week trcuiblos and quakes almost continumo!t jieediui "thing Tor the prosperity " four city, that Soiue passable avenus met with a horrible death from ously, and the abundant rocks grind thirstr-Connitttould be opened for comfortable Irav was hophcrd and and grit together as if being urged so und from the city and the depot? addicted to tho'uso of alcoholic by some terrible influcuce. FreOGDEN JUNCTION Una:, V.m ligh' time tbafh few street driuks. Tho heat was iutense and quently, deep discharges are heard, Hgbts er put up T lam not of th muffletiand dull, like the distant Bumber who wish ewrytblug don at he had been cautioned agaiust atof heavy artillery. At night sound tho to cross desert; he went, ttioo; ,lut tl.tre. arc few things which tempting m and ousbt to b douet and all wi and perished by the way, His body the sounds seem to be inoreabuodaut Fab Wist. le WuvCted thereby. was found more than a week after than in daytime. No Indian can bo his death, and the surroundings induced to venture near the locality, OFFICE how fearful the struggle had regarding it with superstitious horror. showed I Striken Vay, been. The mouth was filled with No theory is advanced by any one to Sefrdiiiir to the wport rvf tl earth, aud there was convincing evi- aecouut for the strange phenomenon MmMchusidw ' Labor Bureau, the dence of convulsions having marked mentioned. We also learn from Wm! .strike at Fall River-lasyear coat the the cud of tho deceased., The ground Faymanvillo that ubove the head of Is tuppUed with tlie latMt improved MKrativt 8375,UOO, uuJ the State was furrowed for yards arouud, as if Urane V alley', in this county, nuoth-c- r facilities for turning out verjr similar to the one mentioned place il,17f,0U0,'inore,-tsay uothiug of torn. in mortal struggle. It is reportexists. who Parties have ed dweription of visited front the that a man San Joaquin the extxiiise of tuo extra rwlice an named olaee last deseribo iu the sounds for this the And force. dead Kern crossing couuty, wustabulury river Ivsm Lfither, the I'tnployere nor the plains, chanced to lose his mule last mentioned as like muffled thunder. perativt huvi single advantage to week, aud died of thirst before he Who can give an explanation of this could reach water, after wandering stranjre aud unusual conditioa of wow. m searcu ol it tor several days. - Au-oth- things?' - Fret no Ejtpoiitor. . Josh IWlitigu utteri'd a great truth catastrophe occurred between vh'tb h il: Ho who bj hu bit Elisabeth Lake and Willow Springs The FiUrcpeau powers nr to hold bust or ndrrr- - during the recent "heated term" iu conference to on)' riv must sgrt upon a uinforin, A t-- i tba mritrv , AW.- h COLUMN. Till. WALK til'!! IMPLEMENTS. a. WW iy B j.w.pk: iitt'itu" OLDEN GATE Confectionery w-v- Wool! "Wool! 40,000 Pounds of FIFTH STREET, J Colui J. Walk in PrvvnrtM. it ilcUuxi U. .'a . Local I li t Tlneirar BIttrrs re not nvllo Fancy Drl v Mad. or Poor Ktitn. V tlHlcry, ProorslriI, andRefuao Liquor doctored, pic4 n4i , iurfirtio Tl'tlllF A S'V lU. enedto ploino t!io taste, cnllcd "Tonta,' "Anwiv er," "Kcstorcrs," C, lliat lend tUe tinnlw I drankenncas and ruin, but are atrr.e Uediclu from the Satlvo Roots and Herbs or California Veail with oi eeuts a rliarnei tra t. Irani all Alcoholic Stimnlantn. Ther . GREAT EI.OOD PmiFlClt and A Lire UIVINO IItINCIPLE,n iierfect I:ciiot.w n AJ n'inii tioii uu Jiivlforator of tho System, carrying off stl tat0Km moiirr aim mnriui in. ijiuou o a ni'aitliy cwuIIUm rut"- AUV e ratim c tlons aid remain long unwoll, provided tlulr koa, are not uceiroycu dj uiincriii poison or otto mcut and tha vital organs wasted beyond the polut af uuu ir. WILLARD ad for Ki ,uc fvcuiiar merit 0mw ouic, iocafiui( ouui. an rciivting mngeeiion orulUa. niatlon of the Mvcr, and all tlio Vlnceral Orguu. FOR. FEMALE CO.II FXAISTS, whether h young ur old, married or single, at the daws eftt manhood or at tho tarn ofllfo, theso Tonle DUtonkm na a powcriui EViERCANTILE CO. . aiouin reguln All piillic will l riuii no equal, r."or' 'For Inflnmmntorr and Cbronto Khnta. (lam nui Goal, 15 yepepMn or Indlentln, Produce Merchants incut IMIlaiis, Rrmittcnt and Interiiiltteut Term Dincnacs of tbo Hlood, I.lvc r, Kldncr,iU Ulndilrr, tlice Hitters have been ninst soecnifsl Such Disease nro cauacd hr Vlllated BUL which Is generally produced by derangemest t 4, DIkchiIvo Orsaun. DYSFEFSTA OR ITtDIGESTIOX, Im. schc,ruinlnt!:a Shoulders, toughs, TIg!itam ( ui Chest, l'liiinuH, Sonr Eructations of the Btonick, Bad taste In the Month, Villous Attacks, rilpltiUn of the Heart, Inr.animaUon of th-- Lnngt, Tils In ik nylons of the Eldnrys, acl a hnndrcd other ftluhi CO symptoms, r.re tho ofTsprlngi of Dyspepsia. They liivlt'oratt tti. f lomach and silninlats ttiiia render them orualW pld Urcr a:ut bowels, ctSeacy In demising tho blood of all inipnrlUn, m t:ittartlnrr now i:fe and vlpurtn the whol sritea. ' FOR SKIN' niSEASESEn pUons.Tetur.li.': Kheum. Blotches F pots, I'implcs, 1'uslalcs, Colli, Illng-Wo- i tore Eyes, ttli n.s, Scald-IIcnItcti, Scurfs, t!fccclorai!ons cl tho Skin, Ilenui and Diseases ofthc t'tln, of whatever name cr Bitot aro literally dni; up r.nd carried out of the syttcm it i 11kc r.lltTa. On bnttlr hort time I y llic npn micii ram- will tonviucu tlW uoat iatrcdulvtts i( n vurallvu clu ti. Clesnne tho Vlltatrd TMocrt vhcncvrr vn tlrl Inipnrilii'A l.iu st in lluoiili the nkln in riiiipli,Kr tiouKor Son-- cli an; It Khin you find II oharrartt and shit'irish In Hie v tim: clmme It wl p II lf'nil. vonr IcM'llnirt will t.'lt yon nlirn. Keep thu biooUriB uA Uio hckilU H ll.c t sUu ill follow. laOt FIN. TAFE. nrd rlhrr I OR)I. InrV-lnof fo ninny tliouMl. an, Hi 'dually amm yu-mrentlli cd ana removed, hi.r lull (llrccttrr. tlie circular anmnrt carli roiilc, prtn'.xl in four ucgu;';i; i.ngiitii, oi.ru;un, triUJ u.u c,u.ita. V. . VrBOXAI.il ft CO I. WAT.KET1. Proprietor, Druggists and tea. Apenta, fun Trtnclrco, Cal.,n S3 ar 1 SI Commerce Street, Xcw York. rT-SOBT ALL DUUGG1ST3 ASO DEALER Work 1 el. f- , I . To all tho People t. YOU CAN GET H. DINWOODEY'S . Hrf-e'uated- aiht EuNt Temple Btrect, SALT CITY, 1. n tor prlud rapklr aupmeiyng aU other preparmrtotu . ... ...I iru!.Kiiin bolls, risci xttai n.Frt ui PrrfccUj o'.'acr CrfuVfe C'nic. . -Th. CEUt- : w immuKait .i the VfOBLD, aad It WJLL ZZTXin$Peiirin It U wed tJipw T o.1! ..-.-!. i any cllmat'. Ar Heart. .... miners. Zarinert. riyantt 7,u.;-r.C2ST TESST rOWBBt t la la roptct, Cucirhctl t j ... fwl, $9. $6. i. ,tcrj ' ''far tt Litekan, tUe Camp, tia (iattci. bolii cr onocnus praLCMVcr.Twiici. . 63 KVC7r.CST. NEW-YOR- " CITY LICENSES. SUMMER HERD. 1 ... us ? . A GOOD MEAL can At ll be obtained resonble Hours at the GOLDEN GATE chop house: ICE CREA1 The Best iu Town, always ready. w in (icr wnich tho City Ordthat a license must obtaine!,) without first proenrinj Iicn are liille to be taken before tT AUcrmun of said City,' aud be ubjecte ' i t w a Fine. Bj order of the City Council, .... ,LESTEll J. UEUKICK, MayoK. ' ' MOS. Ge. ODELL, i City necordcr. ' OJic Ilourt from 10 o.m,tiUZ S . .1IAK1XG. 4T1i Ts UTTT 1 DT ll'TBMPt aTVrilTIlOPf ta.w that she has a F1RST-C1.and is prepared to doU kinds of Bewins, on reamn.it! Icrma, ReaidMira on tlw Bench, OI KTU 6TR1.ET. 1 Blorks ut of th Tithing Office. ' ' ftl-l- y . , ..' ... CilVIl ME A. CALI MACIU.NK, GROUND TO LEASE. VERY SEVERAt tea ea ELIGIBLE Hi htfilt-ma- a PTnWD Carwar Tniun rV)iukr. r parttcuiani apply to iA9. SfeCAW, lh Jvsorioa Uffic. JOB PRINTIKG M GIVEN, THAf futageil in Business Ogdcn City, inance to iU 8JiWING t er IS UER2B The Office of the City Recorder It the Office of the "Ogden Junction. Seventies' ,UaJI,.. near &e U. 6. er JOB PRINTING To all whom it may concern. NOTICE J01TN IT. KELSON, ". lllSIXESS 'CARDS. VERY MKRCHANT AD PROrRKIOJr"; inaa rm'd hav a supi'ly. fn tba but rtj!a of tb art. E inr;e Tlie ers in i all LJ Ther re a C.cntlo FarcatlT at wellui CHARCOAL. " " 3 WOOL spi-cts- rXf M" h:e fciugle -' tee,urbaci Tuar , |