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Show The Sninll-po- x Judge. . What Tmr Sat. That the "Cirine-bar- 4 Some little excitement prevails in Salt A short Mimiw, to whom nil Lake City about the small-pocmaaitintcaniio. ahunia u. niMraamd time siuee a man, newly arrived, died in Cottonwood ennyen from the effects CHARLES W. I'ENTtOSE, Ewtob. of this loathsome disease, which lie had contracted in the East. II cabin and UTAH. kanyon. 4 his effects were burned by the miners, Mayor Ilerrick is enlarging the Whites SaturdaV Morning July 29, 1871. and it was supposed thai all infection House with the - view of making it a was destroyed. Kut it appears t but No, 1 Hotel. "Moikt Se-c- some persons who have since visited the Eccles & Pidcock have just received a camp have caught the eentngion, nnd lot of new furniture, and exanother death has resulted. A man who splendid f more 8ome of our friends from the North every day; was taken from little Cottonwood to Halt pect Bob. Wilson painted the banners for want to Salt Lak on Wednesday last to Lake Quarantine, died there on Wediies' "get their papers." Ilia Honor, Judge day lust. There are two more cases re' the 21th, and showed himself an artist as well as a cabinet maker. McKean put them through the Natural ported at the Cottonwood, and t lie Win. Pidcock has on draught some hation Catechism, which he lias special aid says there is a ease in be lOtli Ward, real old English Burton Ale, improved ly arranged for Utoniaa applicants, anil and that another is reported in the 1 4t b . ; ;J I by emigration. quite a number were admitted, as His Ward. The soda the Pioneer at fountain Honor expressed it, "to all the rights Drog are being Quarantine regulation and pririleges which free born Ameri- strictly enforced, and we Imve heard of Store flows in a perpetual cooling stream. Joe Wright pulls teeth in tlio butcans enjoy, except eligibility for the but one individual atHioted with Ihe dis Ij til. W. PENROSE, a BintiMM BtniTWM oni;w ' ' Upright Judge, u , Jrr As sereral of the new Presidency." born intended to offer themseWes as can didates for "the White House in 72," this information has Bared them much tinneccseary trouble and expense, and as tbejr were under the impression that the people of I'Uh were hit considered, hy certain Federal Officials, entitled to the same powers and privileges as other cit liens, I her will Lear the Judges remarks in mind, and "goern themselves according. " The Judge made a special point as lo the applicants' btlirf on the polygamy question, and, not satisfied with a denial of its practice Jn the past, required a promise in regard lo all coming time. One Cache Valley candidate came near being rejected because be declared himself unable tossy what he might do in the future. A Danishmaa confessed that he bad twa wives, at which His nonor pretended to be dreadfully shocked, and though the Scandinavian's character was .Irreproachable, and he had married his wivet before Ihe set of 1872, he was peremptorily rejected, and the preaching Judge, in addition to a sermon of some length, treated him to a piece of advico worthy only of a nineteenth-centurChristian, vis: to go home and discard bfs second wife. His Honor also informed the. applicant that if he, the Judge, acted according to his sworn du- -. ly he would hand lliu over to the Marshal, who was U court, and prosecute him aocordlnj to kw, But, added the knot tutk at you ict an after, Judge, iu your itadtrt.'i t j Wo were under the impression that, according to the Constitution, Congress had no pewer to pass an npott facto law, much less a eourt to punish a person for an act against which there was ho law when the act was committed, but we are liring in tiroes when men seem to con-"tbat Federal authority gives them power 'to do f "anything which seemetb good unto them.'' Wo do not wonder at mining litigants refusing to have their cases decided before a Judge who, in open Court avows his personal animus, and proclaims his distinction between individuals; who violates his oath, and negleon what he says Is his duty to wait lor chanee against higher game. The tlitef Justice Is sowing evil seeds for his own future, and the path that lies before hiui Is full of thorns for his "tender feet." y , J' loW bs. dried poaches, butter, 1.1)00 doi. eggs, at it. v. naiuieigB & (Jo's. t0-t- f Wastki J.'JtiO lbs. ItciuoTod ; nnd ItcCIirl-- , leiied. , i The Corinne Journal Is to be removed to Salt Lake City and The Daily Review is to be its new name, and according to the prospectus issued by F. Kenyon. the it is to be proprietor, "devoted to the raining and agricultural interests of the Territory, as well as the country at large, and especially to the eanse of the Liberal political party of I.'-: U.ah." We hope that with the change of locality there will be a change in the tone of the paper. When it first started the Journal wsS respectable; but latterly, we suppose through close proximity te the "Smut maohlne," it has sunk into the mire of scurrility and abuse. If the Daily tfmVw will ovo;j sucn art,ae as the old yarns thrown aside years ago because (oo glaring! false to be used giist the ."Mormons'" 'any more but Iktely rehashed in the Jaural, and stick to the prog'rattjrao in the f roectns, the fro?rietor will find : the greenbacks ounting up to a far larger total than by taking the Infamous and disreputable ours of thooe dirty sheets which seem ouly spread ot expose their own In' addition tothe pecuniary neiins. profits, be will be able to meet dcent 4ea of'all parties, anywhere,, without feeling ashamed of himself; a eonsola-Utio-n denied the contemptible scribblers whose pens are dipped in filth and: bitterness. . If the prospectus really shows its true polieyv-wsay tneoeM to the Suit Lk Daily Rtrieir. . ! t- SEsT 15uy your Furniture of . " sewy 'Maia' street, Ogderi, E,. M-t- WiJ. ease who has objected lo, or resisted them. This is a fifth case, and no less a person than Judge Strickland, one of the Federal Commissienors, sent here to enlighten our benighted minds ou law and loyalty. He returned List Saturday from a visit to little Cottonwood canyon, sick, and his physicians pronounced his diseaso the smull-pox- . The Quarantine on called the physician Judge on Tues day last to decide as to the necessity of his removal, to prevent the spread of the disease, but he ordered the Doctor from the premises, and arose to eject him. On Wednesday night John 8. Lindsay and Joseph Saulsbury, under instructions, as they alleged, from the Judge's physician, Dr. Fowler, actually com menced to run a fence across East Tern pie street for the purpose of enclosing the block on which ta Judge resides. It seems incredible that any person but a madman would act in this manner Not only does this Federal Judge ignore the laws of the city, and defy the muni cipal officer, but attempts to stop all traf-fiin one of the most public streets, and shut all his neighbors in as well as the o publio out. , Lindsay and Saulsbury were arrested and the Judge finally consented to be removed, but as the Quarantine hospital was not fitted up in a style to suit His Honor's notions, he has been taken to Emigration canyon, where a tent has been eroe'ed for his special accommodation, and where he will reoeive all necessary attention. Queries. Is the Judge craxy T If so, is Dr. Fowler sane? And which is the worst, such Judges and Doctors, or the small-pox- ? Wines axu Liuiuks. The very best Wines and Liquors imported into Utah are to be obtained at the Tioneer Drug C7-Steve. tf A Step Onward Tor Kiigland. The spirit of Democracy is gaining ground in England. Many of the points for which the old Chartists contended, when Louis Napoleon marched out as a special constable lo assist in dispersing them, are now grauted and have the law of the land. But the greatest blow ever felt by the aristocracy of Great Britain is that lately dealt upon its antiquated head by Gladstone the Premier. The British Army has been for centuries the chief refuge of the younger sons of noble families, "officer" and "gentleman" being considered synonymous titles, because plebeians were kept out of commission by the purchase system. Privates could rise, by merit, to no higher rank than that of officers. The system of the sale of commissions has been violently attacked many times, but hss been defended with such vigor and determination that no Inroad was made upon it. Now, however, when all England is agitated on the question, Gladstone steps forward with the Queen's Warrant for the entire abolition of the purchase system in the British Army. The Sovereign of England is not altogether a puppet. If the power of the Crown is almost absorbed by the Par liament the array is still uuder the sway of the royal soeptre. Ia the 13th year oi the reign of Charles II, Parliament itsell declared that "The sole aud supreme command, disposition of the militia, and of all forces by sea and land, and of all forts and places of strength, Is the un doubted right of his Majesty, and both or either .Houses of Parliament cannot nor ought not to pretend to the same." So Queen Victoria, by and with the of ber Prime Minister, abolish) the purchase system in the army, and opens the path of honor and distinction to merit and ability. Prospects of promotion will now stimulate the intelligent soldier in the ranks and the worthy veteran, and recruits will bo found, made of different stuff from the awkward clodhopper aud the broken dowu scamp, who culist only for a liviug or a refuge. Aristocracy has received a shock before which it recoils aghast, and Democracy has imbibed strength on its steady march ia England such as it never, felt before. ud-vi- Smt Lakb Items. " sn G. anil ftATURDAY, tw;OaDUWEDNESDAY PUSUBKINO Uomat. rubliibm) A" cher's shop. Driver & Nellis will soon open a new establishment for the sale of drugs and z. cm. PIONEER i. DRUGSTORE, OGDEN CITY, The says Pack, was of John Pack,' lode is rich enough to make the Joel kicked ou the forehead while trying to fortune of all its shareholders. a little girl from under a horse's snatch Ihe "Leopard" is the biggest thing in on the 19th inst., and died from the . found in Utah. mineral to be feet, The "Ogden Star" ore makes the eyes effects of the kick last Tuesday. Dr. Meiks was thrown from his buggy J. WRIGHT. W. II. PERRY. of "the boys", twinkle. A crusher will soon be on the stamp whilo traveling in the dark a few nights , (SCCCtSSOMTOQoDBK in Ogden f ago to Sessions. He was pitched ou his ; the and the OGDEN, t Co.,) above establish Havinz purchased head to the ground, but as he had a ment, we offer to the public a choice " selection or handkerchief in the crown of his hat, .... s. a he was not severely injured.; ; PUEE Death to the Flies. Fly-pape- y, To All Whom Concern. It 't medicines; AND THK BEST BRANDS AN OF WINES AND LIQUORS ' ' IIVZIVIjcZJAISB STOCK IX THE MARKET. FULL STOCK OF A OF GIlOCEltmS, I'AIXTS, ME tf STUFFS, &., Ac. May i OPETflKG! AND Convention. Kameniber the Conven at 10 a.m., tion at the City Hall, to nominate Candidates for the August election. Briy Tho people of the Northern set llements are invited to call anil inspect R. Wilson's fino assortment of Furni ture at his establishment, Main street, M-- WHOLESALE &RETAIL DETJGS NOW r, sure death to the pests, at the Pioneer v ui-- n uruir - o store. Onden. L,l. .( Ft A. KINO, medicines. CITY HKCOltDKU'S OFFICE, Prescri'jtti'imx carefully prepared Kelson's damnged eye is better, and July :Ut, IST1. hy a Competent J)ruyjit.-'MBY IIKRF.BY wide to two IS 01VKX see bits for VTOTICK THAT, open enough 110, ui virtue Unliuanrr lSi'o, hd Jlay paated i two plates of ice cream. I'jr the City Council of Opleu City, all jwwoin uwuiug or kiiUK III 18 in thu city of Ugileu, There are piles of new goods at the are letiuirnl to rKiHter tlieiu. The Police are intru-- tml to w tint tho pro- Big i. vimoiu of ntiu OnliiiHiice arc fully tarried out. The Congressmen and their ladies who THAT CASH The Certificate of Kegintrntiou may he obtuiueil nVMYiIOM IT MAY CONCERN. 1 Kntrv, No. tu7, fur llio towu aite of Mtnirlon at oftle ltween the hours of 10 a.ui.anl my attended the celebration, all stayed with 4 Cm i itv. he county, lilah, niailn June the '24t.li, p.m. By or.fc r, THOS. 0. ODEt.L, D. II. Peery, and thought Ihe view of 171, einbrui iiig tlic fulluwiuUu nUil law!, to , wit: Uoconk-rCily Weber county I rout his man ion on the 8. i of S. of Sec. five (5); N. K. L N. of the . Yi, . K. of 8. . K. A S. Vf., and bench magnificent. r.. . m net-- , riciit (K), in Town-lii- p e. oi 3. eleven (11), mirth of Rhiiko one (1) wiwt, The new County Court House will finir hunilrt j and eighty aoiva (4MI), h.u been soon be commenced, and a safe place in trunt tor the inhatiitiuitK nl i. now ready MAIN STREET, OGDEN, nimoo I lo dixpoft'd ot in lot to any pen m or pt rwjin will be made below for ruffians and RHILL, just opened his miiineti inerero. All peravn. claiming to b th evner or no csont of any portion of wtid entry will take due LAGER BEER SALOOX! notice SEW and make application, u proTidi'd in the Lots of grain is harvested and thresh aiaiuiea oi i tan. where the thirsty pedestrian can0 CEOUOR W. ItAKER, Hnror. ing has commenced ia town and eo3n-trenjoy Mendon, June iftitli, 17L fiTJm Spring&Summer Goods. ; y " K NOTICE! Co-o- 59-- 3 i NEYVJ5ALOON! peace-disturber- 500 Pieces New Prints? Clmmbrays, Scotch Ginglianis, Spanish Linensr Alpacas, Armurcs, s. Wool Dc-Lal- na y. And that every Wednesday alid Satur day all Ogden is in a flutter if the Junction does not appear on time to the minute. A ilaM of Excellent Lager and a Lnneli or Crackers IMPORTANT TO LADIES. and Cheese MRS. E. HILL RESPECTFULLY ASNOCNCES GENTS' n.l,H,l.. Straw & Panama NEW GOODS Hats. 2 41h OF J 1 1 Y . at a very moderate outlay. the IjLjiM.. f iVr.Un a... I ltd lie ha. JUST RKCKI VKI at he on Main street, a 1're.h Supply of 61-l- ii..lv tl..t The Atlantic and Pacific Ciucts. OF TUB LATEST STYLE4 Circus has been detained here several VAN SCHAACK, under an attachment sued out on a 1 days STEVENSON & REID, false information, by a discharged emWHOLESALE Into coHnr, ctr. etc. Like ployee out of spite, and in the supposod 8kirt, ti interest of a rival establishment, which liTuitlilllf at ltd tniilrfifirv .f ult bin. i. .... littlifH1 own inuttiriu) .... Tlio ,l not being able to cope with the A. and will U- - mid cheap without renervc. in tnlent, has it in cun i' . . ning. Drs. Lee and Haskell have been AND put to great loss and inconvenience, and can obiain no redress, as the bondsmen 4 GRASS TOT rninp iis.. 57 tf accepted by the District Court nro not 90, J2, and 94, Luke Street, (Corner XX .iMiiir of L. A. SULIIXLIFK. worth a red. The A. and P. will most Dearborn Street,) likely leave to - day for Cheyenne. it herever they go, they deserve patron GEORGE W. TUENEH, age for theirs is the best circus that ever appeared in this city. p3? Espcoial nttention to Territorial GENERAL DEALER Trade. In all kinds of Troduce, Harden Seeds, LrT roa nit West. Yesterday af ternoon Hon. M. M. Pomeroy and wife EXCURSION PARTIES BUTTER . AND EGGS, came up by the train from Salt Lake AND PICNICS. aud left in the evening for the West. CANDIES, FRUITS, "Brick" will receive a hearty welcome Grove, Ogden, SUMMER DRINKS. &c.f from the people on the Coast, and we In now ready for plcaaur. purtii-n- . wish him and his lady a pleasant trip. Seven doors West of Main, on Mr. Pomeroy intends to call and "speak DANCING la laid t accommodate a piece to the Ogden folks on his reCotilllutm. .Street, Offtlcn. a Tarlies furnishing their own music can turn. have the use of the Grove for Hon. Thos. Fitch also left for the West JUXCTIOX I.IVF11Y on the same train. 25 Cents DRUGGISTS, over-reache- d nlafA-ituf.u- FOR SALE, Paint & Oil Dealers LADIES' Hats Sundowns (Trimmed aud Untriromcd) nVE-ACR- CHICAGO. A FI LL ASSORTMENT COTTON OF HOSIERY. 59-3- m Jones' A FLOOR Fir.Ii 50-lr- per Couple, per day. New Saloos. Mr. Hill has opened his new Lager beer saloon on Main street, and invites hi friends and the public to call and patronize bis establish' ment. Sec his advertisement in Junction Hiuh IS . DAT? Col. Thomas Bullock, Sum mitt Co. asks: Is the fol lowing warm enough! July 8th, 92; How 69-l- wixen,- Muies axd .:;( i :ie i lis. A STOCK OK FIRST-CLAS- LIQTJO S, IR, STANDARD GROCERIES, Aud a STAPLE comiikt. anKortiiient of AND FANCY GOODS, a. jr. lllh,00; 12t h, 95; 13th, 98; 14th, 15th, 9ti; 18th, 9'.0; 19th, 98: 20th, 96; 2IsU 91; 21th, 91; at 2 p.m. in the shade, N. aide of bouse, in Coal ville. We have had it up to 104 in the shade in Ogden, Colonel. PILL tiiibes, Vail, inspect and learn Prices , BOARDED by the Day or M eek. -Hone, ami rtuctvi. - c.r HIm mmmym un inana. Oeutl. Animals for the gpotial Un of Ladin.. Horse, bought and aold, on commiwioa or other-wl'W-- 3 To the ' J. H. ECCLES & CABINET WORK, UPHOLSTERY, etc. etc. - with that paper and the Paeifie Rural The latter is an outgrowth of the former, coutaining items of information relative to stock raising, agricultural and other matters interesting to farmers, while the Scientific, fret retains that w hich is more in keeping with its title. Both are good periodicals. eouneoted Ail to ko Main Street, Ogden, Mr. Murray, agent of V. is in town on business Pcarosa The Journal divides its time between froth and fisile egainst polygamy, and soothing syrup to keep up the waning courage of the Corrinethiaus, over the d illness of trade at their burg in spite of the puffing of the steamboat aud ihe everlasting blow ing of their jpapewu K. BEDELL A CO. Peoileof the North. Doeskins, . UTAH, ' , Have jut recired the largest assortment of Furniture ever brought into this City, all of which will be sold at figures to satisfy the most economical of purchasers For Trices see Handbills. N. kinds of farpcuter and Job short notice and reasonable terms. 11. All Work neatly executed, on Ski a A fiOOn M Hi Coal Comw Bf'ST and .trial. Opto. ('UK . CtlhAI'rT, at th. A I' awl Lime Sign, KH RTtt YOl'.tli STREETS, OGDEN. t. M. TMOMA. Jeans,, : And Mnnnfacturara of all kinds of UPHOLSTERY. The Beat and Cheamit Stock hi the Territory. SALT 69 8m ' Corner, Main w; Domestics, FunisriTurtE, Street, Stripes, Tickings, Denims. ........ LAKE CITY. nnniiiTri tUUnl UVli': STOVES RE-OPENE- D. .... WHITE HOUSE AND FTTRNISHINGS- - THB STREET, 00DE5, RKPAIRKTl AND appointment. rorniioe in ererv !riicMlar. No i,u hitTe been ...red to .tlRfT Cr'A!S MWEU The UMes mAnL'i ftirnlnhed with all th. prodnrMon. of tlte seaaon, and will be aeeond to none in L'tah The Houm i. Open for th. of fliiest. and th. aixoinmodutiuu of reception Term, reaeouatile. MKAl HOURS, BreHkfiwt, from S.;i ml 0 o'clock. Dinner " j'j.oo jXJSO w u Supper !,() Kre. Convej-amto and fwau all Kenlar Traina. R, J, HARRISON, " Proprietor. HM1Wwith F. A. KING & CO., (Snecwor tc C ECCLES & PIDCOCK, 37 tf .. v Proprietors and Dealers In Urwsbeck's Or FEW URAXDS JOELSON AND MORRIS, FURNITURE, ScieHlijic Of .11 kinds. HOUSES n, t'A.tvAsMNd. SHOES CORNER WALL FIFTH STREETS, OGDEN, Near th full Central Engine Huuxe 69-l- The train from WM. PIDCOCK, the East on Thursday night brought several distinguished gentlemen from Eu- MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS, rope, who are on their way to Japan. . lYholeanle and Retail The following are their names: J. Bau-duiDealers M. Danies, F. 8cboene. C. Bres- IX ALL KINDS OF clani, G. Begnotti, L. Inselvini and G. Staffol. The? left the same eveninsr bv P. train. F. M. Pixley and W. M. Lent Esqs., of San Franoisoo were en ; he swne train. , !?! Ready - AXaca.e Summer Clothing FEED AND SALE A Large Stockbf STABLES, Gents', Ladies' and Children's Passed Through. the OF GENTS' MAIN STREET, OGDEN. 98J; Cool, am tiKKHksuixa. Soda Foun tain at the Piouocr Drug Store. All 67-t- f kinds of summer drinks. 200 SUITS B. MoUregur), 8lfPLT IA sal.tUatmnm, OF BOOK3, etr, cotan . Fanr-- i Cutlery, Carpenter-FULl A it Tools STOCK OF GEOCERIES, Cxiers ddrewed'to Ogdsir City ('will bete ' K. PEE' jHemp sAtentiesa A PATERS, ea hand, aud AT PUBLISHERS' J'RICES. Ateo a vfc.re-- Selwtiee,if Tobaceea, efc, .r,r-- t AU BOOKSELLERS and GENERAL NEWS AGENTS. tpt Locks, Harness LTrimmingSf Oo.ni, Cigars, rvm-- f . . ' CLA iVSOXt Superintendent. |