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Show UK 1 iaiit Dtito Junction; BY TELEGHAPU. . ,Ii,iw!dry VkPNESDAV l'Bitmn and SATURDAY, Spwial to the Oanwt JtraenoM by the Attuntic and 1'acific Telegraph Company .j Conns. iljjSR(j8K, ISiiailina Mhiwht, In whom nil cuiuiiiuuitiuB(sliold I nl.irmiwed. Tff0"fuurtl1 of Jnly Interfering Again! : V if 18T1 the Tllyi fconur th? gr ..pt4. CaoKUK -. f The Chicago Murderer Sentenced! of Utah til good poopl. try, 4th of Mff -- i of rent, fiwlo" f ! ifke birlh-J"- ? ranto if,, OoJ' ehtma people, by ty fhrul Sky-ligh- Secretary Boutwell 1iarM No Law , , reason why Hurrah, hurrah! wave good July. fc, honer the Rreat 2ith ten thousand, of rtwra jjHftulil hurrsh! bold Young and bit brave Brlgham for the 1 Against Swear ing in Dutch! " Fatal Accident at Omaha Iamehican. the kingdom of Ood, through Jop'11i the Prophet, T.narth w restored with the true "Iron rod," .tandurd of right, tflw priesthood of heaven, the aiid of light. With it banuer of freedom, of peace 5 The bail etorra yesterday did much more damage than was at first suspected, UT-A-H the damage to property, chiefly arising from the breaking of gliiss, is estimated at $18,000., and conservatories are generally smashed, besides hundreds of windows in the west side of ' CENTRAL IMPORTANT OFFER WHO RAILROAD. ts lIOr.I.U many houses.-I 4. :r ,ti St, Paul, Minn., 27. , A defaulting postmaster from Lexington, Miss., was arrested here yesterday. Hie name is J. II. Ninthwitt, and his indebtedness is from $1,500 to $2,000. When found he was at work as a jour' neyman tailor. Mrs. Segan and three children wore struck by lightning at Darwin on Monday, one of the children was killed. WANTS TO TRADK OTOKS 6 KKAL KSTATtSlnHULoaifc, or in OoviiigUHi, Kouttuky? 1 iiuva a LINK OF UTAH. 171,', .... Tmlni will lravo OiVn . iu tM MMitlirn jurt of MUsouH, cU wnliTcd and tlnilwml vrlui oak, liivkory andvalnNt, of a ; miwrior growth. I bant kIho ou luuiil a Wire awwrtnnait of Pumw anil I'ljiitiK, Agru ulliinU liii,lf.iiwnu ml Km til14t p.m. ing MMcliiiiwy, ut the livtiMt finiruwnitiiita. Alt iw any f tlw iIkivo pnMrty 1 wJI trails fur Ron I Kstata In 0R ln, t'tb. for mlnroni', txiuxult IHVID M. PTUART, at i .Wrw, A. J. KurKhuw, 2.0KJ Nmtli Ulh strtx l, K!tf Luuta, Mo. dnltjr at S .m., and 6.30 P.m. Arrive ut Salt Lake Ctt jr at 10 a.m. mid . T.30 p.m., i,. Lmve felt Luke City daily at Arrive at Ogtleu at T .m. auU i.to tajti.il ' .m. Chicago, 28. Tho Common Council are engaged in an imbroglio with the Mayor in regard ' ' to the appointment of inspectors of the In mlilitioii tu tlie Ihv, city bridewell. The Mayor made a nomination of three men who were rejected by the Council, which possess the confirmWILL BUS , ing power. Thre" others were appointed and the Council declined to eon firm these. Last night the Mayor presented DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) tb same men with a letter asking that Lravinir OpU'ii City at 6 a.m. mul 6 p.m. and Mt Uika City at S u.m. and fc.30 p.nt. they be eonfirmed, but they were reject- umQ JJ mini Z. CaSI'a ! i!F DRY GOODS GROCEBY uplKMits Ciuclunatij and nevvral flna , I - CITY LOT IN COVINGTON, KY., nlao five or tlx luinilrnd acre cf in Hit., Viiy Lot in St. IauiIh, Mo.) ' JULY ir, MOTVD A"V, I ' AFTER ON AND , el4r I t. K1AI.T!EXT. their Call attention tfl assorted Miook, krje nd tee!! lust te?eiea, ta-tn part, of sistin, ojMiiis, fireiUadlneji 1 v L I,awns, Piqtlns JlarKolIlA's Fine Nhawlsl'f' New York, 27. atid a full complement of In the matter of the application of Heuth uml Kttpliuel for au injunction lI.C.WAllDLEIOIKViCo. SUMMER GOODS. UKNKKAL restraining the Erie 11. R. Co and the in contact with water would bn, 4j 4r Loan and Trust Co. from increasformer never could 7 dovil COMMISSION MERCHANTS, agree, , THE o 0d and the ing the registry of Erie Stock as promiixt vanish before the daylight, in Dealers darkness Uraiu, Flour, Fruit, Kggs, the to make posed by Jay Gould, good iu Hie flyut. And error must succumb to truth Butter, Salt, Produce, etc, U ooaiplote In thirty thousand shares of English Stock did Mormoni the which t lie court ordered to be restored hate, flu children of Satan GeiitM ies Miswes tiiut Utah. P.O. Box 70. Ogden, to the receiver. Judge Blatchford, in the ed. And moblied them and drove theni from State Into ' Will Went. R.B all Kimt on tu 28. and U.S. tlw i . lilp District point Washington, Criktrent denied the State; Court, rtnU'i n acvoiiiiunipil by ( tllleii an rvaMiiuibte The excavation of the new State De' : FARF& , And finally into the desert no dry, application and directed Mr. Gould to teram. A vhiaeeaaMM-timin- t of California uftd oiher die. Mixed. I'lKwonscr. restore the said Stock to its registered partment building is half finished. It is To ia.ll hj the .savage, or any way Xotimis and Ciroeeriej 265 70 40 feet and feet will It by .05 to value., HOOTS deep. ,., hand. AND HHOILS. ou 1.30...... j Oaintatitly Ogden Kaysvillo u SuiuM followed Brigkuiu, their captain and II. C. WAKPLGIOH A Co.H The fifth annual regatta of the "Bay-onn- e be ready for work on the foundation by 1.70.: 86 " Farmington ' guide, ' ' IVitMl Mir Awn fta- SanfortlTe Yacht Club came off Croquet Nlippera, a The the middle of August. um FlulU.-- a 1.05 2.05 Tliouxh tli journey wa long and the deert was " Centrevillo 6tMm The district Legislature has passed a winners of fbe first class were "Kaiser," JTanieCla4' ' wide, " Woods Cross 2.25... ...1.15 "Wilhelin," and -- Sophia." The "lieUe" military bill that all male citizens be' and all the latest alyles, Th7 reaohod Salt Ik Valk-- through the help was the winner of the second class and tween 18 and 45 are to be enrolled, and " 2.60 Salt Lake ... .1.60 3, Wauxsrs. II. IU Scovius. Also of high heaven, the force of i, the District to conthe vl5los80tti" of the third class prizes. military flu July'-'- " h, In eighteen, sist of fifty companies of infantry and tRsMil(W will plwiso prrh' thnlr tirkntu ut ATS and C A 1 & ; WILLIAMS Indianapolis, 27. & SCOVILLE, bat- - tb iitliiw. Fifty iviitu lul'lltuilii, will l cliarird The examination of U. J. Brighton ou five of cavalry, and one four-gutheir lahert were great and thetr .uttering, were bu Uie hni b cullei'tMl m tits tra;u. Ladlex NiiimIowiim, CJIpttiew, the charge of perjury iu swearing to Mttnufactiirani and IValera in hard, A Xillsoifs Ac., new law point came up in the police Fi false accounts agaiust the Slate; for all Informarion ouuoemlnc; Freleht or PatBut now, through (Jod' Massing, they have their to , court was sage, fBarbaria apjily KfrawaudPaiiumaK. was GojiU held yesterday. Sawyer The accused prititing , , D.O.CAI.DKR. waned exuuiiiiation.'ttud was remanded charged with using profane language in Tlie holiest are gathering from every land; Uon'l Tiukot and Freight A (tout. the streets. According to the testimony e- Marion iu lor trial thour to come Carpets. 9Io4iuiti Momiuu. daily utrengthcu County defendant was a German t.aiug and Criminal the bail amount theeursing of Court, Window Cur'aiMi hand; being was in Dutch. The JOHN SHARP, 2 fixed at $ )00. Judge said be did t" Shades. nn4 BCPKRINTKNPKSt. not know of any law against cursing in c 'TlieSaintl la the mountain! are growing quite Houston, Texas, 27. 44Iiizel strong, The Ttailroad from Houston to Colum- uiinu, win. outers icstineu tnai- sue also NEW LOT OF READT-MADAnd the "ring" la Salt Lake say they can't ataod bus has been sold to Messrs. Masterson cursed in English, when the Judge fined CLOTIIINQ. it long. and Wagner, for $13u,U00. The road her $5. ' A full Stock of OROCKllIEa, Il.iBI itr. ftc., "clean all to them Collector the the President's will be placed in fine working condition, ThfJ threaten Casey, WARE, etc., eU. law, arrived yesterday from and will be in complete running order out," Presiand the that stales Branch, Long Bui (he great trouble i how to bring It about. 1st. Call nd Examlntii J.T. Townley, form by September Uur Mill is now running and we are dent will make no visit here before bis on route the Central Kailroad erly agent and and We've "Judge, politicians, preachers prepared to furniBh who has been imprisoned for robbing the trip to California, no public business, in ' rings," his opinion, demanding his presence in mails bis made last night. escape With their "civilization" and other gay thing, 1 About 1,000 persons assembledthis Washington. o Still the "Jlonnoua" eontluue to "voto all una Jacksonville, 111., 28. the Union Grounds to witness a p. waj," Our yard on Main Street is supplied J.Wesley Jones and Frank Carpenter, of Base Ball, between the "AthletAnd the great "one maa power" get. atrnngrr game witu a good assortment lo meet the ics" of Philadelphia and the "Ecktords" committed to jail here some da sago, each day. demand for of Brooklyn. Bets of KW to 50 in favor charged with the murder of Richard were last evening brought e wan to clear the whole track, of th"Athlelic8" were Beatty, Hie grand offered freely the Mayor, who, after hearing the e "Mormon." Jumped up on to but found few takeis. But the "Athletics" 4, Mi ete. WAST A PAIR OF flOOB BOOTS OH case, released them on bail of $20,000 f ' "Eckfords" 6. hit back, IF T0C to Oo each. 8I10E8, .j With thnaka to for Inking auch pain, Cleveland, Ohio, 27. The body of a dead infant was found A meeting of the Stockholders of the Xexi Door to Z. C. M. I.f Intending tome day to take bold of the reins, II.. B. SCOVILLE can be seen at the in the woods, near Virginia county, on K. Lake and Southern Shore Michigan Office, SAS5t. hi in, Kayeville. to Tn rtjnLia A I II 111 111 It. was held The meeting was Tuesday lust. The remains were of a Ofpkkh of Otttertl Mtfrchandl.,cnorrii oanalitlnK Win. who c'lild and of wife, Barkley called to order by Horace F. Clark, the were recently married. every day, during business hours. Oa Thursday President, who stated, that by the Articles Cursima Women A heavy rain fell here last night, of the issue Consolidation of morning Inst wo liaj an interview with Five doors West of the Z. C. M. I., oa CROCERIE8. UUr him Call. of the slock yet univcuod could doing vast good to the corn crop. Fourth Street, Ogden. Mr, J. 8. Henry Coleman Ashbury, one of the Mauglilin, of Ontiwa, Iowa, nut be made until authorized by a vote HARDWAHe, whoia visiting Ogdcti in the interest of of the Stockholders. The Hoard had men charged with the murder of Win. Meridosea. here reached llamerick at TINWARE, atteral capitalists of Ilia State for the determined to double the track on the OLD COCXTBV "WATER-TIGHTS- " entire Hue of the route, but iu order to yesterday in custody of the Deputy DOOT8 t 8HOEd, sit of favorable a for do it the stock must be was eoinmitied to jail. ' purport "electing MADE TO ORDER. issued, and this Sheriff, aul 28. the establishment of Reduction Works, Omaha, Hnls, Clothing, Fanejr A'o meeting was called to remove the limitAtkinson, a contractor employSo far as ha has Hugh tionn, eie. was Mr. The resolution ation. Maiiglilfollowing projpectel, ed on the High School building, while Kcvlri nmtly kkmiuIuiI, and on stmrt notlca. in considers uur judications here as ex- then offered,"niid voted upon: Resolved DKPAKtJfEKT THE remrrved to has engaged on 4he outer wall yesterday that the Stocklioldertatithorize the AO R1bh nf Pay will h takru for w.k and full a aaaorrmrit ! tremely promising, and his only wonder 55 and fell lust to feet his the rnmpriam fooling One Work Ya1 of the I'riitn auit MMllclnna, wanplete of $15,000,000 of the Stock of the' Lake Uiv ni lit th Kataiaidimrnt. falUU, Ullai fatidaliaav U that crushors and smellers have not Shore and Micliigau Southern K. U. yet ground sustaining such , serious injuries Dill lftra purcliMing clMwhera. on OIHee. i and ihcllciivli, tttnrj article., Tithing to cause death a few hours after, faen established, here before. OSfuen, , That's unissued. The resolution ' Wins carried as The wiirrnnsAD. ' Lin-- , ojiioe constitutional at convention THE LIQUOR DEPARTMKNT a vote of 23,814 shares in favor to just what v THE ItK ST QUALITY OF y. Og'lon is the best by coin yesterday, fixed the salaries of the Cmtnlii. th rhiitrwt MHrtMt nf WlrM( Braadlas.' d 1 then shares against meeting Alcotnd, etc., rc, ad of which am anw bainK anlil tho Disflae in the mountains fur the purpose, adjourned. Not iestbau ?24.000,000 of Supreme Judges at $3,500 and at Ilia very lowest pnanllila prica.. 1'rimeniilkMi ' U id a few months will prove the truth Stock' was represented et'wiich; Align trict Judges S3.000.I j i PINB C"fiill)r rnmpmindil hy k OmiboKnit braniriat.m.-t All rtp Indchtnl In tha lt and 3rd tif what we hitve maintained on this sub- nstus Schell, hs.. of.N.V., represented 'foreign. 's OUT! SNIXIXCJ 2nd Wrd Store are raqiMMted to wittla imiiw-- i ' , v 27. London. Lake near Mount Bear from Divide, ! , . by proxy. Shortly farter the Ugijvn Ulty UMiptmtivs narcautiiif alely ject during the past six months. Suc- $23,000,000 lio arc interestAbout 50 gentlemen the adjournment of the meeting of tn.Ututiun, Naab, for Sale at the Mill, from cess to lao crushers and smellers. R. BALLANTYUK, OUT! Stoektiolders the Board of Directors con- ed in lhet subtnariue telegraphic cables y f oprititidot. vened when the whole subject of A new in A in' imc ik, India, China and Australia, Fine Knglish Gkniixp;. Ales on issue of slock wa referred to the fresi- - arc lo day celebrating the oih anniverDraught at W, II. Pideock's. Main St., leui, and Treasurer by a sary of the successful laying of the Aand at the Vrd from Cl-t- f tlantic cabl of IHliO. The occasion is OgJen. unanimous vote of the Directors, f " the some and of one of interest, sTvv; 11 great Washington. II I) IjI I) 1 f 1 1 1 L GovernStrekt Lights. We learn that on l:J I I I'J Secretary Bnut well's attention was to most prominent members of the 111l I : ment arc in attendance, nothCyrus W. Iriday evening, 21 st, the City Council of day called to lie fact that he had in Cash or its equivalent, ; XI TILL ?ELL THEIR HPLENDI9 fT K OF ing whatever to do with deciding the Field is one of the guests. Sail Lake City resolvudlo adopt I he Patii Paris'. 27. ' as to whether the troops tor s question .ie. aio 7 POSTS ent Portable Complete tranquility having been reGaslight of Messrs. Taylor which Kentucky is now demanding pay, it is the the stored A Co., for in accor the I'nited served throughout country, in States, 1 lighting the streets of the city. OntN, ley, dance with the act of Uongress passed a nit e.itt ion of President 1 heirs shortly to The Portable In Gaslight is becoming very few amfull issue a after the battle of Bull's Ilun. proclamation, granting days compopular In the East and West, where coal The A FKW iX)I) Secretary of war, whose business it nesty to all persons arrested for gas has Seen in use for r and is to decide that question, has already plicity in i tic sets of the late Commune. LOGGING HANDS WANTED. It is expeo ed that the, rates of disHOSIERY & This fact is conclusive evi- docided that the troops served in accor Applv to Winthkop Tablet, one bloc'1 l ha act mentioned, and that count will be reduced by the Bank of with dance FANCY GOODS. dence of the Last ihrTiihing Office (on the Bench), quality f the light. ItK Kentucky is fully entitled to be paid for France at an early day. of Snrthn Utah are raapwlfwlly Tha Iwlin. cost. we understand,1 is lens than (Igdcn. , such Hwvieel (en Shetland hlsil tiiakes Invitvd to call au4 iuoptM twfon purcaaaieg !" favorWe been have EiOLA.ND. Fbom same Hie LEVI to WIIKrXFJt. lir. an emphatic endorsement" AND of coal gas. 4tf TL1E tEBVICKS OF The action of Mr. Boutwell is ed with tho perusal of a letter from Eldor We should l;ke to sec a few of these elfect. 6 tolling both the Secretary Mrs. ' equivalent President to I. this John fine Htrtof city in the streets of Ogden. lights of war and the Generalof the army, that Id tha Millinry iMpartmant, . brvu Uava raicVt F. D. Tiichards. Elder Hart is now prellreaamakar will ! iu atteudaiioo and a firMl-ciLAKE they know nothing about the question FI6 At nml nrnr. to COST EIGHT,' JfeiS r.WArtirjaa food .Mil prira. inottarata. Jtr The most durable Furniture is to which they have certified. siding over the Newcastle Conference, for sale at K. The Secretary or State authorises the and is enjoying the spirit of his calling. Wilson's, Main Street, Og an thry are about to uiak a rhange la thair 4ta. , 61-statement that no info mation, either ofhis labors in connection with these ficial or otherwise, has been received at By Elder Geo. Lake, 72 persons have Looi out fok Your Turi'S. Attent- the Department of Slate,, tt'garding the of of minister as been Favre Jules HOME MANUFACtiHES. baptized into the church during Stobek, Opposite Salt Lake House, ion is directed to the notice in this No. appointment D. JAMES & Co. of France at Washington., ,This is a di the past sis months. is Small rag57-lpoi Salt.Iritko Citj. Kf the Juhction, "To All Whom it May rect cuntradictiou to the statement tele Ifavinjr removed their Mill lo the While in Newcastle, Sunderland, North ing in otjR and 'Concern. " Owners of canines must colthe Ttmr$, to Pines on the Bear Luke Divide, are now published graphed and South Shields, Jarrow and other this a in. to fill bills for the best Jourual that lar sind prepared whether pups, register them, or, Chicago, 27. places eoiiliguom and some of the Saints bold barkers or foodies, pets, At ten o'clock this morning, Alfred have been attacked, but their lives have linking urs, they will be "collared" by Zeigenmeyer, who was convicted at the been mo WHOM IT MAT CONCUR. THAT CASH is now in operation, manufacturing l loin preserved. F.lder Hart thinks that X -- JOntry (br the f Rirhmond, Cnch Ike polic d forwarded by express to present term of the Criminal Court, of contli-tio- u of Buiwriot qusjitj. niwlfl the could 1S7I, 10th, here Muy the Utah, embracing if wwnty, sees people h degree, in having t half th mt half of 8. W. oiiarter of Str. 27, hound's Umbo.. If a dog iu't worth murder in the first William of many of their relatives and friends rf norih-wiGumbleton, life of Mr. t IW. the taken of 84, at the Lowest Rates. ... The Illifhewt Prtee paid for quarter hree dollars fier flnnira, it isn't worth a in December, 1870, was brought into in the old country, they would never rest qintrw of te. M, Mt half of Ke. IT?, wt Wool. . ot half at tiurtu-wnime. There are several if not more court to hear the sentence which iiaa qiranr it until they had accomplished their re- half M aoafTi ftt quarter nf 8or, 2, niitli-wn ill er delivered in filltd the at Orders of nnrth-equarter of Brc. in. Town' nwrt' fowling, yeljiingirfs that ought to be been flxed'upon" by the jury, Judge lease. He bears Oiiien City. testimony to the faithhip 14, Niirtli Kanm 1 east, contnlnluit bU) iirrm, Booth addressed the felon tn an eloquent In natirle The htbt tritat for the inhnbttutitd, ami U promoted to " higher sphere." and impressive imanner, during which ful and efficient labors of Elder Geo. now twpn h to of lota In to paraon ' (linpitfij any iwly at our Jrotnoter will soon be looking around the thowto. prisoner sat motionless as marble, Lake, whom lie has succeeded, and who or pwwriK enlltlwt to hail Teams Kj5 bo or cltUiuiiie to All ownara, poiwaaaora never moving a muscle nor changing he pills prejiared for tke purpose. ix.rtion, of aaiJ eutry, will tak duon'itlta Lumber on Shares from the say Is a man of God,' having (the f any pria countenance in the least. The Judge a prnviilad Id tha ttatutc miike ant application, confidence and respect of the people ofUtali. Mill to Ogden. .'QkNtinB Jbwkir. Tke only estab-'hme- sentenced hira to the Penitentiary for IF YOU WANT WM. I). HENHRICKS, life. among whom he traveled. natural hi of and term the durinor at which gertuime lewelry can Rfc broonl, May Mayor. ah, 1RTI. 47Jm of Juiltf and Junuarv first nf The e obtained term in Ogden is at Parpk & cou-- . All Orders addreawxt tn Bossseu's, Main Street. Repalfs neatly each year to be spcut in solitary DIED. to has been Time ASD TINWAnU, granted finemenu seated. All work wairatstrt. ltf BARNARD At Coalville, Summit county, on the i 00 TO , his counsel to make application for a attention. receive Fourth will prompt 8treet,0glsn, of illness an in CONCERN CASH file of to MAY after 19th THAT sit bill a and IT exceptions mouths, St., Aldermas's CoURT.iOn Wednesdny tiiperteda TWHOM Town Wita, Vi"llvill City, MAIN 'STREET. OGDEN. to the finding of the jury and the Kobeut SalmoX, jun. aged 35 years, tache l oimfy,Sn,I &) tali, mail May loth, ISil, ni' 'ning last, before Alderman Thomson, m " pronounced. s. r.. s and Best in f 'taht ' The V, r 5 months and 28 days. 'A sot '0, I Cheapest f Deceased was a bracingrJ. W. 34 ' ilr. Ifn. PAUL, Arrhiteat and Bailder, will act a. K. N. W. U Hw, S; W. K. ' J, and Owatonna, Minn., 2. ioa Hardy Waa fined $8. and eosts oar Agent iu fcaltUke City. Jlf of reaping , and mowing native of Paisley, Scotland, and etui X . W. W few for drunkenness. A trial At the same time 11; N. K. U and E. 4 Soc. 10 Tn. 10 the of i 1861. He was re- K; W under the to Utah W. No. 8. Ci auspices . 34 36 machines, and Section grated ni fltfls, William Hardy was (toed $10 i i 8f Minnesota Stato Agricultural Society, is spected by all his acquaintances, and In Tonlilp 11 Siortti nf Kanpa I W. onntai'D Boot and Shoo Sinker, d cast for llWacraa haa too niada in trut for tho inbulu 1 .molesting, abusing and re being had here. There are about 80 At the sign ofth. Bif Boot, Fifth Streot, Og'lwi. of the gospel The taoU, and it now reuly tn be dlopoard of In tuta faith the in died Iowa the at than ,ls'inn a officer wile in the discharge entries, less number AH kinds of BooU aud Shoe. mud. to Older. K u any pron or prnn antitW thereto. All peraona doming to he the owner or poea-o- r w his paira naatly executed. Prodoea talaa la jmymri, trial last week. The Wood, Kirby, funeral took place on the 20th ir.st., and duty. aaiil of tako mawill of (in portion entry FRESH AND SALTED MEATS CON Ilichest Price paid for all was numerously attended, Bishop Wild notine any Marsh, Excelsior and ether noted anil nuka th application as providwl in the 8TANTLY ON HAND. The and bct Ftimi chines are coming, and the trial excites etntuute fit ulan. kinds of Hides. " the ceremonicg. performing U WtHJAJH MACOHAJ!, Mayor. 49- - Ronnrohar tk Big Bot. I3 '"re is fortnd &t R. Wilson's establiebi h (interesl,jtlt,till.l'-- ' Mill S'.w please copy. OGDEX CITY, UTAH. 88rf ' 61-t- f Wentl., May H, 16H. J week. "at, Main street, Ogden. .... MIXED TRAINS SHOE DEPARTMENT FIITTI! KTHEKT, Iati ' - , II forty-seve- n - fr4. y. " LUMBER Itulhllng Mttterlal, 5 I WiiKlows minds ''" , The Red Topped Boot and Shoe OGDEN CITY Kill of Iiiimlcr, clc, order. in-- on flERCATJTILE Shop! he-fo- iron-hom- Lumber, Lath, Pickets, ingle, y. HOOT&HHOESHOP, fclii,-000,0- msTTfurion, Main Street, Ogden, DRY GOODS a 0--tf REMOVAL! -- ' THE WHITE PINE 4 LUMBER YARD mm e tiTii-imin- llru-.h- 12-- it.'-Tu- WHITE UIHRBR I ; SIXIjIXU $20 to $24! per 1000 feet, Taylor & Cutler $30 to $40 per 1000 Vice-Preside- feet, 4()-l- LADIES' fl - ll II TNSTTTTITTON: CEDAR " Mulu Btreet, OttUen, tar ete, Wheat, tuueii payment. HARDWARE TINWARE, one-Ibur- .h GKLiAJ3S, BEAR , , DIVIDE. STEAM SAW MILL. u BRIGH AM CITY m ' NOTICE. lap-dog- ii Tuwn-niteo- -- nnrth-miK- Voolen Factory FINISHING LUMBER, i;, it Cash paid for Hides nanted ra nt NOTICE. WHITE, STOVES stn-teuc- ..- E. RALPH DOUGLASS. iJTjxciimi. thpet , J. WATK1N3, " |