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Show V BY TELEGllAPll. fu bj WKDNKSDAY ami SATURDAY, Frm.ibiii.NU Company. MitWM Mt.(l iV, rrenident and limine! Manager, communications should be to whom all Business addressed- - the citizens Hooper. will assemble at 11 a.m. for Hooper the dedication purpose of attending School-housPresident their new are Hcrrick L. J. p. Richards and e. of tbe of F. ex- officiate. pected to We are glad to hear that the "Musk Rat" folks are showing a determination is possible for so to advance as fast as it to do so, and we settlement a young that flourishing district predict for and happy future. a prosperous We have Signs and Sidewalks. in this men facetious young some very is practical fun Their now. city just to say it is too. But we are sorry in a proper Turned sense. without channel it might be of benefit to the community, but running ns it does now, to be stopped. jt is a nuisance and ought senseless of this The latest development J fun is the removal of tradesmen's sign" their proper positions, and deposwhich they iting them in places for the never intended; upsetting of erc movable articles left outside the stores over night, and putting them on the side walks where they are likely to trip nocturnal pedestrians; up and injure and other tricks indicative of from low-mind- add idiotic mischief. We call the attention of the Night this matter, and assure the these stupid pranks that of authors further proceedings of a similar kind will be dangerous to their health. Mr. Whitehead offers a reward of $10 to any person giving information which will lead to the detection of the person or persons who removed his sign on Wednesday night. Watch to See advertiseRead, Everybody. to take place on Monment of Election 13th February, 1871. Rcmetuber day, and the day go to the polls. On Wednesday Poland, of the Junction who was Saloon, partner of "Steve," fined last Satin day tit the Alderman's Court, was arrested in comprny with James White, on a charge of robbing Mr. A. Checver of ?::00 in greenbacks, while the hitler was in the Saloon in- - Cuabge of Roiibkhy. last, M. A. toxicatcd. i Oa Friday tlio prisoners were brought P. By before S. S. Egglcstoti, Esq., J. advice of Counsel they waived exami- nation, and were bound over in the sum of $700 each, to appear for trial at the next term of the Third District .'ourt in Salt Lake City. In default of bail, White was taken to Salt Lake City last evening in charge of Sheriff to be placed in custody of the officers. and left U. S. Poland was liberated on bail, the Court with his friends. Ltxxe. i Brown Our friend F. Thomas writes from Lynne that small pox has made its appearance in that vicinity. The President of the District was sent for to visit a sick person, and was him- self eoon after taken down with the bU pox. From Mr. Thomas' statement, which is corroborated by many trustworthy persons, it appears that the oouse from which the contagion was Wan is a place of public call. Ihepublic should therefore be eau- 'wned against it. The house in question is Cordon's, a little distance from Ogden m main road leading North. If it t( 'me that this loathsome disease has aa(iils appearance at that place, the Proprietor should certainly make it tnoivn, nnd cease keeping a place of paWic entertainment until the disease " entirely disappeared, or it maybe J?fead over all the country. W. Tor Twelve Years Past Dooley's 'mst Powder has been gradually but rtly increasing in demand and public "or from its n chemical puri-.Tn- d the uniform success which the making of good bread, rolls, ''scuils, &c. itig au established fact m one p0vm(i of dooley8 Yeast row's will produce belter results in the ""nary department thnn double the Pow- jn ity of the majority of Baking no waste ,t inns 'Hour prepared with it, it is the cheap. reU as the bfsL Ful1 weight guar-"neeAll Grocers keep it. well-know- ia n-- d. first-cla- ... o vvt wenient in ss luiiu mi caie. 's oee au- - Jukctiok. OiiEs.Mr. George geagcrs caJed ;n ce us a few davs aim with n. Knlon,li,i .fCClraen f argentiferous galena of great ""s wnich he had brought from a m Bingham Kanyon, owned and 0rKed by the Seagers family in com-in- r They are all Ogden boys and 8'dcr ,ley have struck as big a thing 'he "Emma." The species deposited for inspection at the I. We have also Keen some r? promising -- rocks" from Tarious es near Og ien, about which we do ' Wlsu to Bay much at present as we tot desire to bring about a big rush d J m't ee at their meeting yesterday. The revealed a report of the Special to tlie Oi.nr.x Jim no liy the Atlantic and condition of things not very creditable 1'ucilk Telegraph Cuuipauy.j to the officers of the Military Academy, and showed a great want of proper discipline. It. was very evident, from the testimony which had been taken that this aroso from the neglect of the oilicers to punish the Cadets iu the first class, who, it is alleged, are the sons of high officials of the Govt. These, with other Cadets, grossly violated the rules and discipline of the Academy, aud instead of being brought lo trial, Bethere seemed to be a disposition to hush Tho Committee up their misconduct. are of the opinion that the Institution will utterly fail in its mission if there is any laxity iu the discipline. The subAMERICAN. ject is to be further considered. New York, '1. The House Foreign Affairs Committee Specials say that a large part of decided at their session to pay army will escape; that the Swiss the owner of the steamer "Meteor" have no inclination to capture the SoOO.OOO, being the difference in the French when they can avoid it. a amount which he was offered a is said to have expectation of funn- South American Government near bythe y ing an offensive alliance against close of war, and what can now be obwish Italy and Austria if France tained, the U. S. having prevented him be pushed to the wall. All indications from making the tir-- t sale. The- "Mecontinue to favor the probability tliat teor" was built originally to sail alter Southern France will refuse to have the "Alabama" and "Shenandoah," peace on the terms reported to have and if possible destroy or capture them. been proposed. The attitude of Austria as Washington, evinced by Baron Yon Bitest in a speech The question of granting subsidies tg reveals the intention and undei standing Sleani"hips and Railroads was upperof that Empire and Russia to occupy all most in bothllouses of Congre.iS territory they may want, which lias here- ami debated in the lower branch with tofore been hell by Turkey; that Gergreat vigor and voted upon, but in the many will consent lo their control of the Senate no conclusion Has arrived ut. Eat. if she be undisturbed iu her Tiie b.ll pending in the House was of the West. the St. Croix land grants, which bus It is believed that the taineness r.nd been considered from time to time since drooping tone of the Slock .Market is u last, session. The measure was not part of the policy of the manipulators deemed important in itself, but as furwho are not included and will be the onnishing a precedent for the action of But the House on ihe ly buyers at the improved prices. twenty or thirty pendit is partially too, in consequence of the ing laud grant schemes, which are to lack of public support. To advance follow it iu course. The debate was more is.siu-titaprices i eay enough, Mnce money can generally oa the land be readily obtained to carry stock, but on this particular bill; hiial'.y the the point of dilliculty is to find a market opponents of the measure moved its for the purchased shares after higher recommitment to the Committee on Pubprices have been attained. Both ''bulls" lic Lands,which was agreed to by a very and "bears" just now seem to be paus- divided majority, and which action is ing to reileet; money is still ample at 3 equivalent to its final defeat. It was to (i per cent. afterwards stated that it was killed by Bennett has purchased the greater the friends of the Southern Pacific R.U.. part of the block on which the Herald who are determined that no Railroad office stands, and will pull down the bill of that character shall be passed present building, and erect large and until their measure is disposed uf, but handsome ones next spring. it begins to look as if none of the steamon the first Theodore Tilton is to ship, railroad or telegraph subsidy bills pros., the (ioltkn Em, a new weekly, to would be passed at this session. to be d ".o'ed to the free, untrammelled disc:i-j:e- ;i of nil questions of Church, FOREIGN. State, pi lit ics tasd literature; and it is London. 1. understood he has wealthy supporters, An official dispatch says that Bourba-ki'- s and is determined to run in opposition army, SO.lKjO strong, entered to the Independent. The federal auSwiierlaii Bents and estate are drooping here thorities have summoned the citizens to and their tendency are decidedly downprepare to detain them. ward; no property is selling, and there Odo Russell telegraphs o.i tie ."1st is very littls building; fewer contracts from Versailles that, the postal service are outstanding for luui.-e- s than in ten has been from Paris and Versailles to Havre and Dieppe, which years. .las. Rankin, a negro, who when a paits nre now in communication with child was the slave of John Aspinwall, England. has just died at Flushing, age 111. The French do not wish forei'tners to Ju ige Blatchford decides lhat relatives enter Paris until the city '.as been may be appointed trus'res in bankruptand no exception will be cy. At a meeting of the directors of the made in the regulation regarding thai German Emigrant Association yesterday fact, which has been made by the Gerafternoon reports were submitted, show- man authorities. ing tiint during Jan. 110 Germans were Bordeaux, 2. landed in this port against 21U7 during The Committee of National Defence the same mouth lust year. hold a protracted meeting in this city at which M. Simon was Poughkeepsie, 2. All the available force of the Cold The lint nre of the deliberations present. lias not Spring Foundry has been set to work been made public, but it is known that lor the manufacture of 60,000 bomb- after the adjournment of the conference, shells. It has not transpired from whence Gambetta telegraphed to Jules Favre, the order emanated. insisting that the armistice extend to Washington, 2. the western, or Bordeaux army, now There is some talk of the President shut up in Switzerland. M. Gambetta has issued a proclamavetoing the Bill which passed yesterday, to repeal the test oath, lie is advised tion, convoking the National Assembly to do so by such men as Butler, in the in this city on Wednesday next, the 8;h Ifouso and Morton in the Senate, on the inst. The proclamation is very patriground that the time has not yet arrived otic and deliant, and commences "To when it is safe for the Government to arms, to arms." to their political restore Versailles, 2. rights. It is stated that the Bill passed Emperor William entered Fort Vale-rie- n the Seuate, through a misunderstandyesterday; he was accompanied by ing, and that if it had to go before that Count Bismarck and Gens. Von Moltke, body again, it would be defeated. Von Rak, mid u nnmbcr of other officers Should the President veto the Bill it w ill belonking to the Imperial Staff. The of fort had been fail, as it cannot command previously occupied by cither House. Avast amount of matter the German troops. His Majesty ro le which has been accumulating in the round and inspected the various batterDead Letter Office, for the past year, ies and fortifications, which hud been will be disposed of fit public on rendered available for the defence of the Monday next ; the catalogue includes fort during its previous occupation by articles of almost every conceh cable des- l he French. His Majesty, Count Biscription. The Post Otlice Committee, marck and Von Moltke were several of t he Senate, agreed to the House res- times ongagotl in conversation witli refolution, relative to the Charpenniug erence lo ihe character of the defences. fraud, with the recommendation lhat A complete lin. of demarkation lias been Ciiarpcnning be allowed to go lo iheCour: established between ihe French and of Claims, if he has a case. Tlie Senate German troops outside the ramparts of Finance Committee had a long Paris, and is strictly observed by both on the proposition as to what action parties. should be taken relative lo the direct London, 2. tax imposed on the States, which was A telegram lias just been received in suspended for sometime in the late i cool this city from Bordeaux. A meeting of States. It is proposed to relieve, them the municipal authorities of the city was from the payment of the lax. New convened this morning at which resolualso come un- tions in favor of a coutinunnoe of the York, and Oregon, der ihe list of .states which have not war were offered and immediately adopted paid their proportion of this tax. by the unanimous voice of the Assembly. The, Senate Military Committee had In accordance with these resolutions, before them evidence in the case of the measures will be immediately taken to who are accused raise nddition.il war funds, aud for this West Point Cadet-iof maltreating certain Cadets of the first purpose levies will be made upon ihe class. Tlie evidence shows that the son various municipalities throughout Ihe A number of fresh troops of President Grant, and the sons of a provinces. number of prominent officials in the War are being added to the ranks of the army Department and the army, were ring of the Republic at Bordeaux, and the leaders in the outrages, and that on this general feeling in the city is warlike and account the officers of the Academy were hopeful. A dispatch from Berne states that the afraid to punish them. The Committee will recommend that the strictest disci- army of Bourbnki is now in Swiss pline of the Academy be meted out to. Territory. Orders have been issued by all concerned, whether Grants or others. the Swiss Federal Government, instructMr. McGrcw, Chief Clerk of the 0th ing the various cantons to disarm and Auditor's office has gone to San Domin- detain such troops as may enter within go as bearer of oilicial dispatches, from the boundaries of their respective jurisdictions. the State Department to the CommisThe order of the Provisional Governsion. ment of France for the election of the New York, 3. The World's special from London, National Assembly is published; it exdated Friday. 2nd, says a letter from cludes from the list of candidates all Col. Duncan Keratry, assisting the War members of the royal houses which have Department in Bordeaux, says that reigned over France since 17P9, includthere is an immense reaction iu official ing Orleanists, Bourbons and Imperialcircles, and among the populaee,against ists; it also excludes from tbe list of the Provisional Government, and that candidates all officials of the late Empire, ten millions of the people would vole and all who have ever held office under for a restoratirn of ti e Empire Napoleon, or prerioufly been Imperial Franca will refuse to continue candidate? for office. This measure, it the war. The Mobiles who arrive at is believed, will effectually crush all chances for Napoleon's restoration by the Bordeaux shout "Vive L'Empereur." Lack of Discipline at West Point! A lew Understanding Between Austria and Russia! Misunderstanding tween Prussia and England! Bour-buki- 's to-d- Gam-bett- (jer-nian- accu-p.'Uio- n sub-iov- 1 1 ls two-thir- , to-la- y. 's parliaments candidates friendly to the cause who are eligible. There is a rumor that Prussia had notified the French Government that the election must be free and express the will of the people without restraint. They allege that the only guarantee of lasting peace is the full and free action of the people to elect whomsoever they please to represent them iu the convenht tion. The British Government has transmitted instructions to Mr. Odo Russell at Versailles to obtain correct and reliable information relative to the truth of the statement that the transfer of the French colony of Pondicherry is demanded by Germany, and furnish to the Goveri.ment the result of his enquiries. The majority of the members of the British Cabinet support the policy which is being pursued by the Government in t he matter. They consider the proposed transfer a menace emanating from Prussia and directed toward the British posin India, aad will protest sessions strongly against, the acunsition of the that tho stipucolony. It is uu lation is that it shall bo held by Prussia on the same terms as it has been hitherto held by France. The Paris Government has officially announced thr.t tho election for the National Assembly will take place in that city ('ii Sun lav, the olh inst. The Timet in an editorial this inorniivj, strongly condemns the condition which Germany seeks to impose on Franco as the price of peace. The sum demanded u an indemnity for expenses incurred by I ho war is excessive, and a demand which it is impossible that France, iu its present condition can fulfill. Tho Tiaus also considers the proposed retention of Melz a highly unreasonable action on the pari of Germany, or one that should never have been included in the conditions stipulated. Nothing could be more unfair and unjust iu France, than such a demand. o French ruW could sleep securely in France if tho Germans occupy Finding of ilsv MoUi MaJIs. Z. C. RETAIL Tho following circumstances iu connection with the discovery of the parties who committed tho mail robbery on the train at Alia, as previously published in the Junction, are taken from the Sacramento JiccurJ, as communicated to that paper by officer T. T. Burke who was specially dispatched to tho sceno of the robbery and arrest to work up the case : The parties supcetod had been arrested on Sunday by citizens of Truckee. Call attention to fheir largo and The man J. T. Wyth not Wyath, as was Siftck, just received, contelegraphed when arrested offered the sisting, in part, of parties arresting $2,000 to let him go. a ii His examination commenced before Justice Pluinkett on Monday last, and on DRY GOODS GROCERY well-assort- ed I'oplins, Tart ; IMaid, Thursday the prosecution rested, and UopoIIaiiis, C'loakiugg, the defense was commenced by asking &h:uvl, Arabs, time until Friday morning, which was ClotZi Coats, granted. On Thursday night AVyth at- Chameleons, K- - moral and Gored his wrist first suicide by eutting tempted with a knife. This being unsuccessful, Sklris, clip. ho tried to cut. his throat by making two Tho OlvSjratcd California wounds, one on each Ride of the jugular IJus Illinikels, Tiie which was vein, night punctured. jViaitiK'lu and Hosiery. was exceedingly cold, and this fact prevented his bleeding to death by congealHe ing the blood around the wounds. THE was found in I lie morning lying with his head in a small pool of blood, and he had placed tho knife under his pillow. is complete in The finding of tlie money was rather JliHNcs nnd A lot of dogs had been playing Cj!oh1m curious. under the platform at the depot, and ISools, Shoes, these ilogs brought out some of the regSlippers, Metallic and istered letters, which were picked up by Arctic Over-Slice- s, boys, who while openingjthoni were seen etc., etc. by a gentleman, who at once took them Also to the Postmaster. A search was instituted, which resulted in the finding of a HATS and package of coin originally containing 3Xitik. Coney, 80 had been 2,000, but from which uiad LJeaver Setts; 1.1 Squirrel that About feet from taken. package ii - SHOE DEPARTMENT- ' i i. ! Iidiei Children' CAPS; I'l-min- 1 Trunks aud Valises; The latter was found 2.000 in bonds. had evidently come there by being thrown through a hole in the platform. Carpels, Window Curtain and Shades. . Burke reports Wyth's condition as exHEADY-MADCLOTIIINO. tremely dangerous, his wound having The Timet, also published a become inflamed, and that the physician Tho II ighest Trice paid for all kinda lengthy article on the recent action of in attendance declared that there was no of Furs. the American House of Representatives hope of his recovery. HARDA full Stock of GROCERIES, passing a resolution of welcome to the etc. WARE, etc., released Fenian prisoners. It says the Call and Examine. action of Congress in tending a welcome to O'Don.ivaii lloi sa. whose object was to overthrow the Queen, and dismember the United Kiugdou, is unprecedented in the ' annals of international comity, and if seriously intended, would be regarded LAKE CITY. as an impression of hostility; but it is LIXE OF UTAH. OFFICESALT IS SKCOSl) SOUTH STKF.KT, a exhibition of manners. bad only simple THIS OMAHA HOUSE. During the !a!o civil war in America, He- - Calls from tha Country ON AND AFTER promptly no English body expressed sympathy t. with the Confederates. England is ex1 pected to trial Americans as if they TIIUItiSlX.VY, v.er" composed solely of nervn. while 1HTO, Amei seem to think that England has no susceptibilities. Traiim will limvn Oil daily ut ft .m., and The Provinces of Alsace and Lorraine 5.50 p.m. Arrivo at Salt lake City ut 10 a.m. aud are not excluded from holding elections 7.30 p.m. for the Constituent Assembly on WednesU'uve Suit Uikc City daily at R a.m. aud 2.45 p.m. day next as was heretofore suppos- Arrive ut Ogdidi at 7 a.m. mid First-clas- s Furniture of all kinda a tho juu. ed would be the case. lowest rates. Pinri.-.-l to tin' ().; i n .Tun iicii. Jtv V.ctvt pt.ito Iu additluu to tlie iiIhito an Black Walnut, Staple. Illauoirnny, Teli';;lal.l. t'te., (.'heavier than the common E Met?.. y UTAH CENTRAL DR. R. TIBISITS, rlyNicljmjiiulHuraj,eoii, RAILROAD. rioxixni OI'PO-SIT- DUC. U FURNrrURE iu-i-ns CABINETWORK. Return of President mil ACCOSflODAM Young! WILT, kind elsewhere. Repairs douo neatly and with despatch, ' RUN Stilt Lake City, 3, a.m. DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) President Young left St. Georga, for Halt Lake, yesierday morning, City fi a.m. and P.ilt Liika City, staved at Tnker last night, aud expects biivinain. Ocden 4.o p. on vliirii lull turn will entitle tlift lo be home next week. of a tiek't lo rt'liini cm tl:n winio day aiul OOFPINS te T Cwrrc hjxmtlciife. Lou ax, Jan. Editor Ofincs Jrscnos, 27, 1871. ill you permit me to eay a few words to the numerous readers of your Sir. train five, and will Mop Ly ariniijxinj; with tlie t'oiiiliictor, ut any point mi the line tu take ou or let ofl p:eM!tiM . I'aiiiKi'r will please pnrolnfo tliclr ticket at tho ol!ien. Fifty cinita additional will Lo cliurgod wUeu the fine is colle twl ou the truiu. OF EVECT DKSCltlPTIOX MANUFACTURED OX THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Tornlo - atones FUUMS1IED TO OEDKII. 86-- 1 W popular paper. In two of its issues I have seen my name brought unceremoniously tefore tho reading public. Now I have no fault to find with the writer's using my name, for it in customary for poj u'ar characters to be written about and their names and heroic deeds to be heralded through the land; but I would like the privelege of criticising those articles in which my name figures so conspicuously, as 1 do not want any false impressions made on the public taind derogatory to my influence or character, for I have a natural pride in my no!!e Jiueaje. In those articles referred to, my name was mentioned in connection with a rope, and many people, cither through tlie dullness or dv. ailed condition of heir intellect, or the bungling way those articles were written, tliou;ht 1 hud fallen into tiie hand of V igilaiiters, who tried to elevate me, but failed through miscalculating my proportion?. Now 1 w'xAi t i disabuse the minds of all who entertained such erroneous notions, by simply staling that, such was not the ease. I do noi produce proof, as I am credibly informed by a certain person in Logan, a friend of a certain "Move." that he ihii.ks I would make a splendid head for that headless institution. He says (ho public can rely upon my word, for I never deceive. Golly! I wish I Could return the compliment. 1 expect my name will shortly appear in another paper (a paper that is struggling hard to gain notoriety) as a candidate for the headship of this New Move. Now I wish lo state that I have given no license to any one to use my name for such an object, and that my mind is ns unalterably fixed as the laws of the Medes ami Persians; aud I never will disgrace my noble lineage by condescending to accept so degrading a I will rather remain "Poor position. Tom" of Logan till I die. FARES: Another Mining District has been organized in the North. See advL I'tu" See notice tl.3P Cgden to Kaysville " yarniinRton " Ccntreville " Wood's Cro " Salt Lake City $2.05 $2.2$ $2.50 JOSEPH A. YOUNC, SLTKIUNXKNDKNT. CHEAP CHEAP! AS 1 CIIILUMSTIIE CHEAPEST! WF. HAVE A LAKGE ASSORTMENT OF azfiOCTXiiiis, I 35: SUVA It 2 meeting CHARLES PEARCE, Splemtid Assortment of Wines and Liquors. of a Superior Quality, f"r Sale at Copper, Iron and Tin IVare, wmcn bo koi'im constantly on ham!. variety of The Second Dialr'ict Zion'g S T R E Produce will tie F. T , receded STOYES, liia SALT! I VIM, SVl'I'LY TIIE STORE, OIIDEK. in Exchange All I'erwna who know thomwdvea to be In the ahove-niuno- d Inxtitutiuu, for WILSON WRIGHT, FnpprinteiidcnL C. VfOODMAXSEE, street, ISOfjdcn, DEAI.KR of the DRY GOODS, Ogden Publishing Company. GROCERIES IIES, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS.ETC. In this city on Feb. 3rd, 1871 of A Good Supply of MECHANICS' pneumonia and brain fever, Margaret TOOLS on bond. m Ann, twin daughter of George and Julia OCDEN TANNERY. S. Whitehead, nged one year.five months YOU WOULD KE WELL FORTIFIED. TRT and sixteen days. IF LEATHER, Millcinial Star please copy. Cnme to my T.mnpry nnd mm if I w ill not Mil Feb. as In this 3rd, of inflammation yon 0001) LEATHER as the best, nnd as cheap city, The Imperiulisisare coming Assembly. Washington, 3. a the cheapp.'t in the market. of the brain, CAsrER, son of Lemington The West Point investigation was much alarmed; they will, however, obey HLDES and BARK WANTED. considered by the House Military Com- - the order, but bring forward in all the and Hannah McCarty, aged 5 months. JONATHAN EROWNINO. 1- -1 a VERY f FMOII11.K VUiV TIT'lMlINf SKVKRAL Loike in the North-wen- t Corner of Union Sijimre. h'or im tii iiliirx apply to JAB. MrGAM', Kq., at the.lnNi jum Ollii-e- . oD-'- .f AT OYSTERS. TIIE IlonK HKVF.HK PAtOOX, gouth jStrei't. Salt Lake City, wlraro yon will find JDK. SIMMONS or hi. really and willing to serve you with I'KKSH OYSTERS. CiOLDO CIIOWX CIUAUS, l'KJS FEET, etc. ImII a.e rwjiicstcd to SLTTLE LI' immediately. I'uifoim wiiiliiiig to Ntohiii STOCKHOLDERS 111 tho Inntitiltion can do 80. Iniii SALT! liKPT QUA MTY uf FAIT. rnaiiK or fine, in Mimll or lnre Sucks, liniuilcil to rfinl the trai'.e. on the .liorUuit notir" and rhi'iiuT tlmn tiny iu the market. A lnt(jc fiuiiititv nn limnl. Apply to L. . Sill Kl MFF. Plain City, or lo MM. VANDYKE, Our DiKir Koat ul tlio Tlitulra, Ogden City, (AIX Miircliandise. Sfitf AIo, a good of innrior quality; nil of whidi lie oftm for ula at tie l"W fignrvi as any that are imported from tlie Kant. N.B. Jul) Wurk p'.mctuiiHy and neatly executed nil MAIN and OKOUM) TO LEASE. OILS, IMI3TTK, COOPERATIVE MANUFACTURE. MAIN Mil LET, OdllliN, CnlU thii attmitioD of the PuMic to bia New W-l- CEKERAL MERCHANDISE, of HOME ties For all information concerning Freight or Paa age, apply to D. O.CAI.DKIt, Oen'l Ticket and Freight Agent. Tom. Mini.vo. ar tho Post Ofllce, Og:dcn. in and see him. L 17-t- f CITY LICENSES. To all whom it may concern. VTOTICE IS IIEREB1 GIVEX, THAT nil Persons engaged in RusineKS in Ogden City, (fcr wnidi the City Ordi1M nances provide that a licenso must be obtained,) without first procuring a license are liable to be taken before any Alderman of said City, and be subjected to a Fine. I!y order of the City Council, LORIN FARR, Mayor. TIIOS. Ge. ODELL, City Recorder. The Office of :he City Recorder 5s at the Office of the "Ogden Junction." Seventies' Hall, near U. C. R. R. Station. Office Hourt from 10 a. m, till Zp.tu. , |