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Show 0 I . , MMSJSMSasMMSMMBMMMBMeMMBSJMe) i A PS McGAW, President aud Business Manager, communications should be to wbooi all Business addressed. 1 CTSWIMMM THE OGDEN JUNCTION. Negro Boy Literally Cut iu Pieces. On Wednesday night a negro boy named Henry Barnes, about fourteen years of age, jumped on one of several coal cars attached to the New Albany train, which left Jeffersonville at nine o'clock. When the train was near the gas works,' $0.00 in Jell'ersonvillo, Horace Hopkins, tho One tear 3.00 brakeman. came out to attend to his du Six Months 1.50 Months Tore .10 " ties, when he saw tho boy and spoke to ' ' Single Copy him about being on the car, but at the same time warned him not to jump off T ADVERTISING. RATES OF while the curs were iu motion, but unVOL. Xo. 11. 1871. UTAH, SATURDAY, fortunately the boy was so scared that 5 3 a n he did not heed the advice of Hopkins, o e and jumping ho full between the cars, s S Saturto sufficient on has last till now The ondenrepa hand, preparations for the report rH two of which, including the locomotive rl been delayed in the hope of receiving day. The supply of horse meat will SO 2.50 SI t7 112 $17 $30 $52 (the train was backing), passed over Bmuham City, 1 gouare, full returns of the business of the United last till the 10th Feb. Great quantities 8 8 15 22 84 60 2.50 4.50 him, cutting off both legs below the Special to the Oonr Jcnction by the Atlantic and " Jan. 26, 1871. 7 9 18 25 42 68 States in the courts, and statistics of have been shipped to Paris from Belgium 3.50 6.00 Pacific Telegraph Couipauy.J knee, gevering one arm and cutting his 15 25 34 55 85 11 5.00 1. Ooden 8,60 Junction: Editor crime against the United States laws Bordeaux, A Column body in two, mangling the entire body 9.50 14.50 16 22 38 61 76 115 of this Dear Sir: Spending part and the laws of the States, but only Notwithstanding the depression which in a most shocking manner. The differ17.00 ia.50 29 38 64 85 115 liO at Mr. F. Crawford's school, we ent small amount of information has was naturally consequent on the capituBusiness Cards $1 per month. pieces of tho body were gathered up Widows mil been received. lation, patriot io sentiment still survives were much pleased to witness the pro- by Dr. Geo. W. Lewman, County Coro.. win awicra aud of Special classes various wal cents Last evening a fire occurred at a in the city. Representations have been gress made by the Or. ner, which were scattered for a distance per line for the first insertion, .nW-fivfeather store, at 35G Canal St. The fire opened in the Theatre, and other public students in arithmetic, ceoernphy and of ftlteen cents per line for every subsequent forty feet along the track; another makin skill Mr. Craw ford's to amusements devoted all. the in grammar. rear, destroying places formerly originated Food gentleman yesterday picked up a hand'"Transient advertisinn to be paid for in advance. calcuwell is to illustrations the now are and recreation open ing practical Lexington, Ky., 1 ful of bones on the track, that had esof ten lines of type of this A Square consists mind with lated to inspire the juvenile A negro was shot and killed by men in public, and are daily and nightly crowd caped the notice of the Coroner's jury. the lite. ed with earnest and patriotic audiences. a clear conception of the branches they No blame can be attached to the railroad last night. Ywirlv advertisers allowed to change at pleasuro, disguise e twenty-livof additional charge dethe ... 140 a in it" With about a Z. delivered are only pupils study. Columbus, Stirring speeches urging tliov will he . rot- or tho officers of the train, as the con,.,t,, i,i runts a Square iui over cou- The Wheeling and Toledo R. R. Co. still more determined resistance to the partment not calculated for school ductor and brakeraen are every day charged EXTRA for occupying space Occupy of and without assistants was incorporated yesterday. hi-oppressing forces of Germany, and a rooms, lf bothered constantly by boys who insist Advertisements not marked on the cony with the closer unity for the honor and safety much experience, his labors are very in riding on the trains as they pass. In Cincinnati, 2. be published at our opwill of insertions, h.mber 1 severe. his of is of the French Republic. Jas. Howard Cromwell, a resident and cliaigedat transient reeling New Albany especially, the boys are tion until ordered out, The school trustees are furnishing maYellow Springs, and a lineal decendent not only observable in Bordeaux, but is rude and daring in this rcpect, and bid inserted till forbid, will be Mil ADVERTISEMENTS of Oliver Cromwell, died yesterday, shared by the towns in the adjacent dis terials for the erection of some new defiance to all the efforts of the officers . uimi tmtinuec ui;" aeed 85 years. He was a grandson of tricts, delegations from which nave ar- school houses. We have free lectures of the road, often hooting at them, and . .rired for accordingly. riot, advertis-.r- . rived at Bordeaux, who strongly favor a every Sunday evening from men of ex- even The privilege of yearly and half yearly Henry Lord, of Ireland. of business, and throwing missiles at the conductors ii restricted to their direct line ra- further resistance, and offer their perience on various subjects. Last Sun- or braketnen for putting them off. Leeal Auction, Heal Estate, or other advertise- FOREIGN. day eveuing Dr. Ormsby Jr., by request Loisville Courier. ments foreign to their regular trade, will be chargFood! London, 31. delivered a lecture ou anatomy and l. jscrlin, InNrATOrtisementB from the States will be All the rivers and railroads have been an has The of officially Saxony King physiology before a full cmpany at the advertised our rates,) A Snuff-Take-r Poisonedcited without the cash (at piii, for the transportation of food to nounced his intention of abdicating the Court House; his modification of techniopened our of one unless from Hie order, rmiuiving Paris. The 8th Prussian Regiment has throne in favor of the Crown Prince of cal words and phrases, in order that all authorised Advertising Agents. An English gentleman lately went to the All communications, devoid of interest occupied forts Duinont and Valerien. Saxony after the settlement of the pres might uudersland and be profited, was home from India for medical advice. trablic or intended to promote private interests, in the A Berlin dispatch, published and payment ent conflict between Germany and duly appreciated. The Junction is Ho had been will be charged as advertisements, gradually losing the use of Times, says the negotiations of the BonaIf personal in character, we feouired in advance. France, and the consummation of peace getting more foothold here continually. his upper extremities; and his physicians advertiseor reserve the right to reject any article, and Bismarck nave taken an between the two nations. A. partes Most respectlully, attributed it to his use of suuff. But the ment of this chsasiL A telegraphic dispatch which report Important turn. A later dispatch, howenuff was the best of brown rappee, imhas been Editor. Associate consternation that ever, reports ed that the Emperor William, is about C. V. PENROSE, Lkvan, Jtun County, Conference! ported from a popular London tobacco18,1 caused at Wilhelmsbohe by news of the to return to this City U unfounded It Jan. 20, 1871, Utah. nist, and the patient, therefore, doubted convoke to the Constituent On Satur Berlin Junction: will come to Editor Ogden proposition uniji;ely that he the correctness of his Indian medical OCDEN PI RECTORY. ranee. of r N. T. Porter and myself of the treaty of day 21st, Elder Assembly before Dykes attendant's opinion, and sought other a ! has an account of peace. The Times nt arrived m Provo City, Utah Co., and by advice. liiited State Officers lor race in the harbor ot Havre between the wxa t nnj,m Conference will hold invitation attended an interesting meetHis London physician suspected that dm. United States war steamer "Shendo- - another meeting on Friday, of thig week, ing to organize a Henery it was the effect of some poisonous agvnt Vernon II. Vaughan. Governor "Hellnah," and the British steamer with the necessity ot each mixed with the A Constantinople dispatch says the dispense tobacco; and finding that George A. Black. Secretary con," which was won by the American Dykes at Smyrna have been destroyed family keeping hens, to the annoyance the snuff was , lit in leaden cases, Marshal yi. E. Patrick. exported in the fastest time ou record for a crew l he coun of the of themselves and their neighbors, by a torrent, A large part C. H. Hempstead, measures to he took to it If. S. Attorney moist, keep of that contest AMERICAN. description. y.u. is under water, and muny persons meeting is likely to prove successful in ascertain whether tho lead was not the 3. E. Tourtellotte. try Supt. Indian Affairs The Armistice begins instantly at far- drowned. New York, 31. establishing a henery on a large scale. C. C. Clements. mischievous agent in the case. Jsurveyor-GenrrRete. A dispatch from Bordeaux says Gam conclusson of the Armistice at is, and three days later in the various The Yesterday after partaking of the hos B. Over' J. Monks Public Six separate parcels were ordered Receiver of on noon at and Denartinents. Union of to Fort, from India expires Paris enables the German steamers belta telegraphed to the prefect that he pitality of Silas Richards , and samples from each carewill announce the resolution ot the lior Salt Lake County, we were informed R. resume their trips via English ports. February 18th. Land when it was discovered Ojjicc George of examined; fully Registrar Bismarck will leave France after meet deaux Government after communicating that the Little Cottonwood Silver Mines The Hamburg and American Companies U that lead was intimately combined witli Maxwell. The National the the with out of ore 120 from of Assembly. tons had delivered with the personage who is to come steamer "Halsatine sails on lliursday, ing John P. Taggart. JJ. S. Attestor every parcel of the snulf, and that wher" iterut and will take the United Slates Mail in earlv return of the Emperor to Berlin is Paris. He asks them to be firm and kanyon during one day. This is the the moist snuff adhered to the sides of U. S. Collector O. J. Hollistcr. will confident and instructs them to drill in- mine that the California Company offer- the leaden place of the Canard steamer, whose de expected; there is a report that he Justice J. II. McKeatt. jars, spots of carbonate of will enforce The Germans thousand start of hundred two the dur ed come in million who one because cessantly. Becruits lead were formed, as was conjectured, tuociute Justices 0. F. Strickland and parture has been delayed the and rigid passport regulations during ing the term of respite are allowed to dollars for. Many have searched severity ot the weather. C. M. Ilawley. by the carbonic acid gas liberated by tho Armistice. enroll by vicinity, but fermentation of the moist snuff in thu dug for minerals in. . that Washington, 1. dneji, - . the . armistice. . . . a .. A I I the between of division , The line done found an A UUVO House have ItUCU orders The Berlin dispatch says toiling, important passed quite tllliy Officers: Tib and French forces, seperates into been given for the discontinuance of the aeep uoie in tue grouuc wuu voua.u.r- - II. bill, to give nil honorably discharged William Conarets in The inforence 5. vcry obv5ou8f that if n.,.it soldiers or their widows and orphans a two portions each of the Departments dispatch of troops to r ranee. '" T snuff can be Hooper. Dig A dispatch from Versailles says the Z'Tubbabel bnow. homestead ou public land, requiring of Calvados and Oi ne. German prison other article of consLption The be to are ers carried been public exchanged. for a certain have armistice be to actual terms the of them settlers, T. D. McAllister. which ini( at is all moist, or liable to become Marthdit -i. time. All soldiers who served three funds are to remain in Paris. out in the west and north of France scholars, with a Library of 250 volumes ; so, may be in like manner poisoned; and Auditor William Clayton. is The reassembling of the Conference It is nlto reported all seemed pleased and happy. Iu the leaden witlinit difficulty years or more, are required to remuin cry r ; Trtmtrerinnm Jack. jars for such purposes should be -on the laud, while all who again postponed in consequence of the that the armistice has been extended to afternoon we addressed a crowded meetSchuols two Common years abandoned. of Supcrint'iirirnt entirely unnit. j Granville. Earl of at Springville all the departments, and that military ing, and in the evening have served but two years are required illness Robert L. Campbell. Lon between Postal communication to remain three years, as actual settlers. operations on the part of Generals Man- six miles South of Provo. Monday 23d, A Ghost in is wtl!l Graveyard. don and Paris is reopened. The Prus- teuttel, Merder, uouiDaKi anu uuri-balwe attended tho dedication of the First The bill has yet to pass the Senate, lVcWr Cmiiilr Officers: to into Paris cattle third are the sians this Ward School House, driving ceased being The question as to whether the Senate F. D. Prnlnlr mid CuuntH J tld'lC California The Stockton Jlerald, of the A Versailles dispatch mentioned a dedicated this fall and winter inSpring- can originate a measure to reduce taxa- feed the inhabitants. Bismarck has no Richards. the relates 27 th officers that the following : ult., report t,at firjng wa8 beard in the Bell- - ville, and the fourth is nearly ready for Select Men Lester J. Herriek, Henry tion, in the shape of a bill to abolish the tified British Foreign is available ded-o- f v hu at line the nichts after A of Paris of week dedication. since, about nine present fyr villo anJ yillette quarters yescouple Dieppe Immediately iuconie tax, which was raised last Holmes, Richard Balliintyne. to Paris, term. and her sweetheart the eirl school first voune 0'i disturbances a to a that a provisions s referred transportation clock, feared ication was V the jt began . S. Richards house, I anj Recorder and Clerk it terdl,y( by rhicb received, are sufficient we to until old lieia out the the supplies of of On sauntered lord, occurred. the have graveyard, Miner. city Coratnit.ee, composed Conference eveuing Aurelius Prosecuting Attorney their stores with the A disnatch from Sauntrut. Switzer- - another meetinir in Spanish Fork, six and seated themselves under a tree, William CritcMow three members of each body, to investi- The Germans share e Neck Kotariet Puhltc land, dated 31st, says the bombardment miles South, where we had a full house The girl expressed hergelf a little frigh-o- f F. S. Richards. gate and report upon the matter. The citizens. London, 31. had of tilt Senate of the Committee Belfort continues. On the 24th, a ond a very good time. Here we found teneil at being in such a vicinity at such Finance Sheriff William Brown. have occurred in French corps escaped to southward, but 0ur witty friend, George Myers who has an hour of the night. The young man Demonstrations on the Constiin not Sanford infringed Collector way and Assestot any Bing yg tnd tution in all the priveleges of the House several French towns aeainst both the the remainder of Bourbaki's army has made this year from his vineyard, after ridiculed all such fears, saying that the htm. of the ter been cut off, and are being driven to the gelling many of his grapes, one hundred time for raising the dead was "played to originate bills for raising income; in armistice and any mutilation Cnnfield. Israel Treasurer casei of of Swiss frontier. France". The of municipality of ritory out." But she was noi at an easy in absolute the W'm. N. Fife. gallons of superior wine. the meantime question Coroner to resistance to maintain Lvons. 1. On the 24th after passing over to Pay- - mind. She was evidently more afraid Lyons appears tladditr Surveyor and Superintendent of Schools the repeal of the tax bill has not lost the Germans, and sent a delegation to 7 miles, we held a nieetiag in the 0f the attentions of ne dead than sne this excitement The war in son, city friends. --Wm. V. Burton. any of gene intense. was ot the living, wnen suuuemy hub Deposit, The Ways and Means Committee hop Bordeaux to urge the adoption Meetings are being lieia evening, rayson has a same for the measures ral and store, felt somethine damp crossing her oheek, of arousine the object, did not ninhtlv fnr the nurnose farm, herd eround. dairy but ed yesterday to vote upon it, C . . . I f. . CSoTcriiment: I ' In. i iL. I.J uj au G.J. Cily for ei i,. Versailles, 31 decide, it is believed in patriotism or the citizens ana urging and talk oi adding me store to me iarm, sne gave onenosuriea, uouuueu Incorporated by Act of Jan. 18, 18C1. but will is very great Taris in her going. order distress The with Ileoublic. in the Hairv. etc. upon nnito started, tn ii.om rfpfenseof of the its on favor election biennially repeal. Municipal ons, 4 the saw her he of to as amazed Mona stood destruction impedes we The the man 25th 2. On railways the have teleeraphed unanimously New Municipality York, ti,a second Monday of February. Meetings Germans After flying toward town, and he has not Been Marshall Sharpe forwarded a letter to revictualing of the city. The illowinf cf the City Council weekly, on Monday passed resolutions declaring war to the and Nephi, appointing meetings. articles death. a good meeting at Mona, we arrived at er since. Alter wonuermg a moment the Superintendent of the Census at iu the meauwhil' are supplying tunings, at City Hall, Main Street. their own stores. from e felt the same damp touch on the back first of xcrtion, Census the necessity that Nephi just in time to nil me evening ap Washington, announcing Mayor Loreu rail". He looked around and saw Bordeaux, 31. 7 p. n., in a beautiful of his head. with at is 1st enumeration, undtr this pointment, Aldermen of A. F. Ward; Brown, , city Difficnl-Ganibctla telegraphed to Fayre at Decline of President Grant. meetinsr house, well auenueu. ruepui something white. He, too, deemed he 2d L. J. Ilerriok, returns from various wards, with estirequesting him to ,na .hour. I fiOO inhabitants, and is 94 saw a ghost, ana ii she Hew, he locomo A dispatch was sent Versailles 3d mate unfinished. A. J. Shape, , a respectable the been maintained has Grant President silence the by break tive 1 it at a much higher rate or speed South of Salt Lake City, total the populai i James Mc Gaw, Walter with the letter showing muelors ..i a Bomewnai ' the state and to wiin uecumug Paris Government, all than is allowed to railroad traveling by Yours truly, mediocrity Thompson, William W. Burton, Josiah tion to be 941,129 inhabitants, of His Administration has ac- name of the minister whose coining to reputation. Edward our city ordinance, and he did not catch Steyenbon statistics New sexes. and Canfield. wavitt, Israel ages.colors 1, and the complished a few real reforms m finance, announce been has Bordeaux e Back, his breath until he reached a pedestrian names over tue ot Eaorder Thos. O. OdclL ino give an increase motives of delay in his movements, giv- - and paid off a good deal or aeDt. uui whom he deemed a friend he took any enumeration. old A. Miner. Attorney in 48 hours, and he has not yet persuaded congress to Amount of Sleep Required. body for a friend at this juncture. He ly, Dry-iA Washington special to the New ne precise information Marshal W. N. Fife. eet rid of the inconvertible currency pretended that he had Deen running w Treasurer York Times, says the most liberal meas- a direct route in eight days. Aaron Farr. Face, has caused Paris of return to cash payments. He has and The Concapitulation Every man must Bleep according to tire himself so that he could sleep good, Assessor and Collector 8. Bingham. ure of amnesty yet accomplished by a feelingof stopor in the North of France. not yet succeeded in doing anything at his temperament; but eight hours is the and in the course of the conversation assitudt W. W. Burton. Surveyor gress was achieved today. The passage the most needful of Ameri average. If one requires a little more the stranger told him, as he was all London, l. Bill Senate the repealof House G. the of Captain of Police?. Taylor. states can reforms the reform of the civil ser or a little less, he will hna it out lor from A Constantinople to as so telegram far passing the . graveyard he "liked applied S. Eggleston uj(t'c of" the Peace ing the test oath, Whoever, by work, pleasure, to have been scared to aeatn Dy a wnite in the rebell- that the Turkish Government are mail- vice. He has notaccepled our overtures himself. who Constable C. F. Middleton. participaied persons with a view to the for a settlement of the Alabama dispute sorrow, or any other cause, is regularly calf that was there." It appears that ion, but not disqualifiing them by the ing preparations i Diureut Danubian He has not persuaded the Senate to give diminishing his sleep, is destroying his the calf had passed his tongue first upon of the principalities, of feature chief The 14th amendment. Oillce: of abdication Ogdeu of the consent to the San Domingo annexa- - life. A man may hold out for a long the cheek of the girl and then had lickits event in the poposed of Long, (colthe debate was the speech all die ARRIVAL AND CLOSING MAILS. a He has no doubt, only by a time, but. nature keeps close accounts, ed the back of the head of the young becomine Ju tion. Charles Prince reality. ARRIVALS. ored), from Georgia, who honestly, and merous detachments bave been ordered blundering piece of carelessness involv- - an(i no man can dodeo her settlements. man. We a.m. Lake Citv, daily elt hope all young girls who are the repeal. sipatloik. to pro ed the Administration in what looked YYe have seen impoverished railroads thus' readiness et, Thronu'h Jtltiii dnilv . . . 7.30 a.m. earnestly opposed in themselves hold to was may meet a calf to imprudent The Indian Bureau investigation 7.30 a.m. . North, Through Mail daily . on a moment s like some sort of responsibility for a that could not keep the track in order.tior frighten them home. " Local. Box 7.3iia.m. resumed last night, and com inned until cced to these territories daily EtderConnty, is a io4.30 p.m. . . last, Through Mail daily . very unpleasant and mischievous gold spare the engine to be thoroughly repairGen. Blunt, of Kansas, was notice. one o'clock. CLOSING. Advices from Bordeaux state that the conspiracy, lie nas Deen seemingly ea. jsvery year tract anu equipments WARREN HCSSEY, to C. I. DAHLER, the to as by payment ut Lake Citv. dailv 4 00 p.m. examined resuUinf - deteriorated. and .by comes the . By excitement which was occasioned by the chunireable with. reeard to his diplomaHelena, Montana. gii.lt Lake City. . 4.00 p.m. Indians. West, Through Mail dailT . . . . i i . . . 3.t' p.m. orth, Through Mail rtai'lv of ladies was held in news of the capitulation and the treaty tic representatives, and not very lortun- crash, and the road is a necp oi coniuconvocation A hichisf " Local, llox 3.4f: p.m. HCSSEY, DAHLER & CO,, Elder County, daily Rooms to- which were consumated at Versailles, is ate in others of them. Un the wnoie, l -- ion and destruction, eo inswiiumen . 9 00 p.m. one of the Capital Committee . . t, Through Mail daily to at tune office an are Thev cannot spare sleep enough exposing were excluded, still animated through the city, ine when his two years of BANKERS, day, from which men MAILS. notification end, he'will have done nothing to bus- - They slowly run behind. Symptoms of minority sentiments expressed in the Loughridge's for JENNINGS' NEW BUILDING, CLOSING. considering from the Paris tain in the field of politics the reputa- - eeneral waste appear, l'rematura wnn- received .st region been which has who and Rich County Wednesdays ronnrt. and was afterwards presented the Government, and which OGDEJf, he had eained on the field of war, kles. weak eyes, depression of spirits, MAIN - KTKEET, and Saturdavs 3.30 p.m. the House, and the female caucus branch ofto be official, in which they take tion to orth 2.30 AND SALT LAKE CITY. Opleu Mondays and Thursdays as happens to all strone faiiurA of digestion, feebleness in the p.ni, and fnunwviiie therefore, purports Draw o.oo a.m. Coin and In ttold and Dealers Dn.it, Currency. atdispersed. Saturdays Wednesdays themselves all responsibility, men who are discovered to be strong morning, and overwhelming mciancuo-onl- y lam City Mondavi and Thursdays 3.00 p.m. Exchange on Han Francwo, Montana, Denver, The annual report of the Attoraey-Gener- upon a show Versailles other on the is and the to his Riverdale side on of one negotiations, 4.00 signs, many Wednesdavs and Saturdays Europe. popularity 8t. IiOiiie, New York, and all parts ly ; these, p.m. ers every has just been completed and taching Hiper and Alma Wednesdays and and openly declare and proclaim them- wane. London Standard. general dilapidation. II now suuucnca tf Collection promptly attended to. 12.00 a.m. Bent to Congress Saturdays of iiU. A, lamitv causes an extraordinary pres nma bad a. lonir Exeoutive ses- - selves the Supreme Government as ti, OVKICE HOURS, urn thev orn down under it. Thev have of France, repudiating and denouncing ; wneral Delivery open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. i. 4v An the nomination the r. Trice, New Daily. The Wyoming T etkly and at the same time the reeoUrces to draw upon. They have actions, illegal Sunday 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. in office, Land Druinmond to the - been ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR. Bordeaux of the the announces the 21st of publiDEPARTMENT RKOISTRY authority News, ult., living up to the verge of their whole Drummond canceling and to $6.60. . vs. uaie. place of Joseph Wilson, 1 Open from 9 a,m. to 3.30 p.m.1 is viewed with the utmost scorn IT&LIUU " everv ,.e r.t a iv, year. rv. vitality branch, i & vw., v VUV iav Office opposite Ogden Hotel, t&UUUb Outside Door open from 7 m. to 8 p.m. was finally confirmed. in this Descrik OGDEN CITY. inrl means committee is and indignation by the delegation fri. to bo called the ISAAC MOORE, Postmaster. paper morning oeen nave daily meetings Ail kinds of legal business promptly attended nn tVin Kiibiect of the city. Numerous ..mi the bo to is ns. ltf convened, at all of which Resolutions Wyoming Daily A'eic. It : YovQ pIL0T.The Young Pilot, pub to. to. nnthincr wa9 done were passed strongly denunciatory of property of a joint stock company, with i8 the subject canvassed at ift $j, annura, per Leave Ogden daily, until further no- Senators have cbi5ag0 - the course pursued by the Paris GovernK. 894 a capital stocK oi ;?tu,wv, mosi. oi u neat and interesting monthly magazin tice, for Salt Lake leading lawyers and parl.a)LD, - ment City at 8 a.m. and amongst thethat, LAW, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AHamhnrlv including who and editors the owned see time jj.6U p.m. typos by (For extra trains The Timet says upon representation Will Prartioe In all tho CourU la Utah nd people in their terns 'for young 'the and T&ble.) For the East, at 7.25 a.m. For attention given to Territories. from Favre, Paris is already suffering will work on tho paper. Judging from number contains naa e West, at 6.35 thirty pages of enter Foreign and Domestic Special Collections. are of opinion that the Senate for wast of food. The Emperor the Weekly Xews, we may anticipate that p.m. greatly Arrive from Salt Lalce City, 7 a.m. right to propose a repeal. taining moral and useful reading and an Office ordered three millions of rations to be the in lieaTitt's J?rick Wnn.an'a Stiffrane advocates, esnd 4.45 Daily will bo a lively, interesting elegant engraving, EmThe p.m. From the East, 4.25 p.m. German the Bent from army. Office, in been have female Kuildiiig, coth Dortton, from the West, C.35 a.m. and being conducted on the ;n peror William, was expected at Berlin sheet, Salt Uke City Time. a decided flutter since yesterday. memo- vesterdav. The French authorities have operative principle, we have no doubt BUSINESS CAISDS. T,,.lrra Hi n trbam's report on the "Steam," said Dr. Lardner, "is th id sientd and Wood-- ! requested tho Prussians to prevent nil it will be a financial as well as literary rrrout finnihi lator it annihilates tim Divine .1 rial upset their equanimity llio Thi PruiiunM in MERCHANT AND PROFKfSHlNAli t VERY ('ilr " u:iii inorii ng is held best and space." "Yes," said another, and 1,1i mn should have a supply. W will do them in the Tabo naclo. bull has a ci itvism in fie colossal efforts to supply the success, for which it has our every Sunday, are a as making ..lauding too." l 11 in the tieet etjle of the art. multitudes of passengers, a.m.; and in the School liyusw ol papers upon Bingham's of which they have wishes. j City with breadstuff MB0LD "ce various Wards at 6 constitutional lawyer. p,3i. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. -- Devoted to News, Literature, Agriculture, Science, and the Arts. - II. FEBRUARY 4, 0(ili:, ii- BY TELE Gil APU. Correp 1 v. Important Bill Affecting Soldiers and Orphans! on Abundance of the Way to Paris! e u....., Turkey Preparing to the Danubian Principalities! Warlike Feeling in I , France! The French Suffering for Want of The Emperor William has Ordered Three Millions of Rations from the German Army! Another Meeting of the London r nan. t w I - at Destruction of Smyrna! The Bombardment Still Continues! I , to-d- al 4 I, It Sup-i- 1 Trriori:il I ?"L, Allorn-C.ener- a di y. r x : ii y -- .... y V- Trtm-jfulnt- e Fot .... .... .... -- al y. w Trains y. W. KEITlttY, T reVmn Vice-Preside- near Iost fae-gin- i" Woiliii s |