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Show cation of the contents of a ballot-bo- x with England is inevitable. And the IAL XOTICl-:has ever taken place, and wo Bay again, moment England strikes a blow towards Published eery WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, Take Notice. All persons knowing leluclion of Tariff on the Des-tre- t that it is not tho objeet designed in the the settlement of present complications, by th Ood.i 1'ciiLisHiNO Company. themselves to be indebted to the 1st. and law. all Europe will rush forward to take JAMES McOAW, President and Business Miuiaor, Telegraph Line. wkoni all Business communication shuuld be Store are posi Lave been made by those who part in the struggle. France left alone 3rd. Ward Efforts a. M rawed. wish to obtain coutrol of affairs in this is a couquered nation. Hut should other tively requested to call and settle forth AXD AFTER JANUARY lfiTII, 187t, OX will Ijo H'lit "C. W. PENROSE, Asscciatk Editor. of t.'U worrit or tf. Territory in opposition to the wishes of Powers be involved in the etrife, m with. fioni tnlt Iike to and from Franklin anil iuterme-dinl- e Lvvan ami the great majority of its citizen?, to present appearance iudicate they will, oiiit, ami to liunnwon, Gijsris Jewelry. The only estab ailditional five words or French Kiiiit, for 25 vulor and will be patriotism obtain from Congress the repeal of this 10 ct. roused to the highest pitch, and may liabment at which genuine Jewelry can fraction, From fait Lak to and from ?t. Oforgn and Tho object of this tiud a clause. , numbering & be is in obtained at to Pabpe Ogden grand opening tight their way point son lb of LeTun, 50 its; additionSaturday Morning-- Fob. 4, 1871. in, to U IIOLESALE & RETAIL al ttvo words or traction, ct. get the opportunity of stuffing the to success. Street. Main Bonssi'a, From ft. iwga to and from Xoptii, GiinuiHon Repairs neatly ballot-bos practised by the eauie class intcrniodi.ito pointu, 5 uts; additional live ltf and Killed While Escaping. executed. All work warranted. wordii, lOctH. in the States, and of thus g the north and south of fill t llDtwccn alt 'oin( Look IIibi! Are you indebted to Ijike, 60 eta; additional lire word or On Tuesday last, a man who had suc legal votes of the respectable citizens MJcU the lt. and 3rd. Ward Store ! If go ceed by false pretenses in who would scorn to take such a course A. MILTON MUSSER, swindling . ,1 n ra Wa era r.rmr.an.t n a..,.l. Messrs. Cowell & Bro., at Denver out f call at once and settle up. This request Superintendent. tf. JHLLUIIIAL LLLlIlU.Vi JOli and, therefore, we are in favor of the a case of Oysters which ha disposed of ia urgent and positive. election law as it now elands in the at the Denver, City was arrest- MERCHANT TAILOR'S 3T No mistake Williams & Co. Monday, February 131 li. statutes of Utah. Every lover of order ed and taken to theBakery, City Jail. As the win sen mm tier, cheaper tuan any AN und peaco iu the Territory should use officer was about to open the door which in Ogden, at their yard near the home PEOPLE'iTTICKET. OHX HAVING AND TATWR iutluence to preserve it intact. It will leads from tho ante-rooBROTHER, to the cells, JiKCTio Office. T7 bo our only safeguard to preserve the "l0 prisoner dealt him a heavy bio .HMi:.S TAYLOR, chwrmllv recoiimifinl hiiu mil wth' it U'T him ih" i;ttroii:Lt:u of all their Medicines at and lue his with JfeJT fist the Drugs back of of elections when the upon the elements neck, For Mayor: purity uth oM aii'i new. fri('inln, Mo will continue t!m hnsim1-at tlio OM Stiunl. which our mineral developments will knocking him on to his knees, and then the Pioneer Drug Store, Main St., Ogden LESTER J. HERR1CK. n I1(h k ptifthe Lank, where he 5 huif for the door. Mr. Whitney, after are of the finest quality, the Wines and Mm attract shall have gathered around us, ilm Iiittt stvlca of jiiitrt.ns Aldermen: 76-t- f lint. giMU in th MfTt h.mt T;ii')riii and every attempt to cast it aside, no calling on him twice to stop, fired at hiui Liquors of the purest brands. John layi'ir uit'i iipithvr continue thttir FRANCIS A. P.ItOWN. First Ward LusinesM ut fc.ilt Luke City. OF wltn a rcroUer, and alter calling to him If you want a cheap lot of lain Second Ward - WALTER THOMSON. matter how much the sacred name of fejf " d Wm. W. lil'RTON. liberty .nay be to effect it, Mll'lii 111'JT IU0,,e H.ho1,9' ,Ue ) Third Ward the ei.rhl Per, apply to Mr. It. li. Snmlle, at should bo regarded bv the people as a par. nWuior ii.ir. t i ...,,1 l. ; ; Williams & Co'a. yard, near ths Junc Councilors. blow aimed against their riK'iis mm on me spot. direct ot the lUeuame mail tion Oilice. ISRAEL CAN FIELD. UIXTAH MINING DISTRICT. and liberties, and tho prosperity of our is Bind to bo Milo, he appears to be DAVID II. PEERY. about twenty-eigMfTRICT, OltfiAXIZED JAN. 2:ird. years of age but he CHARLES W. PENROSE. futuro State. 17I, in liiiiinilcd in follows, to wit: lii'irinninir has riot been positively identified. The WINSLOW FARR. at J. M. f loddaid'w house on l:irch creek, and To ollicer Whitney has the reputation of runnini; Rmterly aloriK mid creek to the miumiit HORATIO B. SCOVILLE. Hie Curtain. ol 'I he mountains, from thence following Straw being a cautious man and a good officer, Ogden herrv cli ck to its month in 'c!jr river, thence City. the above particulars, which we and if All s well that ends well. Parental lv to ttie mouth of Jai ol, a creek, and lid- - Scotch have gleaued tiotu the Douver Stmt of YTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ."oiiih.i uwii:ic said creek westerly to lh nuniiuit of the obduracy has given way to the power of Feb. 1st., be correct, we presume no one 1 an ELECTION will be held in the uionutuiiii, from thence fi llowini Kav'ii cre;k to a place Calvin Miles' homxi, thence northlove and the force of circumstances. will blame the ollicer, but consider the City Hall of Ogden City, on Monday erly to opposite tic point of hc'rimiitii;. The little drama, the last act of which LomiuiJe perfectly justifiable and pro- - February the l.'Jth, A.D., 1871, for the CilA.S. UK LA BACME, Iti- - onkr for Linlah 1111 I! rf! Si il -II Pl4 IIUl UUUIT " Lutrict. of electing persons to fill the " , , i - I !.. .....I n purpose wna ' io I'luvvu IU wirueil 13 COnCltltl.Ml Lintuh, Jan. 23, 1171. following Oihccs, Municipal namely, "Bless you my children" has been pro Co.NHKMKi). A telegram from Wash MUNICIPAL 1871, ELECTION, Linseys, ONE MAYOR. nounced amid the plaudits of the rail ington, dated Feb. 2, says the Senate has THREE ALDERMEN. EC.fi 10RX, S, AND tilKlli FKKfll FI'TTF.It. to the music of locomotive continued Geo. L. Woods as Governor of V J 1'V W 1LL1A.M I'IDCiH'K. lit hi Stiirc in Jlowlay, February 13th. roaders, FIVE COUNCILORS. I tab, and Geo. A. Black as Secretary Wool Dc-Lain- cs, whistles. Muiu Street. for Utah. The Toll will be open from Eight After making desperate attempts by LOCAL REFORM PARTY threats, Worth r o Imitation. The 3rd Ward o'clock in the morning till Six o'Clock persuasions, law and tears to in the Evening. COMPETENT SCHOOL TEACHER. API'LY part the Weeds, now firmly bound to- - ln ,ai9 ci,y llas n excellent Sunday TICKET. V By order ef the City Council, to KICIIAKD JONES, Trustee, North Olrn, gether, the ritkttti found tliev could hcnol under the .Superintendence- of T1I03. U. ODELL. WehtT County. tf. lrW. 0 Turner. make fence to corral loveand constan- It cumbers about no For Mayor: City Recorder. cy ; so they submitted to the inevitablo 130 scholars who meet with great regu AARON F. FARR. 0 11AILII0AI) SALOON, th r.ct and consented to what they could not S"wJ l ktilff O'-lenif .Ham . Aldermen: a ..wvaa - tuicn was " A NEW LOT OF exceedingly wise, are on hand to impart instruction, and CHOICEST lUlANHf OF WINES, First Ward FRANCIS A. BROWN. but would have rpilE OF THE (XiPKN PrBLISIIIW ( - with the able Superintendentare worthy been OAKS ulwnrn on Laud. much disand JL wiser LI'ltilKS if VMEETINO Second Ward - JAMES IIORROCKS. Two lie lifl.l at Hun. Jn.!t-Jill.l.l Alill TAllLES ior lovers of great praise for their efforts to Ku hards' Kc.iili-nc- willM;iin .if tlie anie. Third Ward - ANDREW J. SI1UPE. played earlier. . I. . : . t Street, r l'n,Ti)-ii;hfieei. oi. me me ut young in t ie catti X'yon oVlink. All irouit Ililliin-2o li.' per Aner tue occurrence de.criM.il in ihn guiue in this Company r miumtfil t atlfn l. of life. Councilors: ni KliVNi'I.L.S A CO. J AH. M.11AW. I'rMiiknt. Junction of last Wednesday. Mr. and JOHN BROOM. Bountiful. We were pleased to see Oirilpn, Fob. 4, 1S71. C. W. PENROSE, Sec. Mra Pickett sought legal advice, and V. REYNOLDS. IMPORTANT T3 fr;ISEi53. succeeded in parting Mr. and Mrs. Weed the genial countenance of our friend CHARLES W. PENROSE. EVANS ASSAYS OKE WITH HASKELL SIIURTL1FF. for tho night, under the ShcrilTs care Bishop Stoker, of Bountiful, in our T. at hi often. Sisrh St:ct. IMeiem e. WINSLOW FARR. Lad at the he sanctum The I'rmiinu' Office and protection; but further investigations T NORTH OCJPRN ai'.OtT KICHT MILKS (jiii yesterday. Bishop was Nortii of Ikrilrn City a lvkh! FARM. nn- . ' "uu "T""5U every on Wednesday Proved thuir inl,im i 4 nii.ru r lesx; l.'arri-- of wliirh J uiing u iv. in uu uiocese. yo minitir istuining anil umlpr giHul cultivation. tenifil It is in a a uuiiiin ami reconciliation iiiem, excitement, injks nninling their own gixwl Kitnatiiin. iriiuy UllOKSKLLKU AN!) For imrtkiilitrn ennnir of R. 0. RKKRF.TT was effected. Explanatory. The newly married cou- - business and hoping for a good crop N r f I Tila muni t Oslrn : I U .. 0ln' . vc. City. V... In I i it. nave recciveu a communication r,u n-...o eyeiiiug IV. " ne Ilooks, Etc. j AT v r 3 l That's So. Civility and urbanity are i' v. ri;TCE8. igned "Subscriber," the publication of lraln re'urning next morning in time ltf fui"oy's C.'"..'". which we are compelled to docline. It is, ,0 hld farewell to the parents, who with great helps toward the increase of busi- OF GENTS' a left for nees. daughter, Chicago by People will go where their wants tr ought to be, generally understood younger T. II. WEBSTER. lire ottendctl to with an evident intercut ttiat anonymous contributions are not ,no u- - 1 train at 8 0 clotk- Box Elder Jliuing District. FASIIIOXALLK EiT AM) 81IOE.MAKF.il. 1,1 un ana Mrs. inife qualities are shed e inurnftl. n any resnectab ,,,l,r pub iliursuay evening Jlr. Cricket, lliso Ilall, Raco and rninsis nsTRicT. okoamsed 27, 1371, particularly when they contain matters Dancing Shoes Made to Order. iMiiiniliil as followi, to wit: Conimcncii:)!: 1 or importance or are personal in their "UUB u ,ul'lr'ne"usi eianca lor RKPAIKS NEATLY EXECUTED. and have the effect of drawing consider at a point on Dear liiver w here the F..utern L!n of box Klder County crosses said Itiver, thenco Five Doors South of tho White Ilnne. ltf The name and address rrancisco per (.enirai racihe, regretting note patrouage. haracter. South on the County Line to a int due East of tho head of Three Mile Creek Kanyon, thence f the writer should accompany any ,uat circumstances had forced them into West down said Kanyon and on to Hear River, OFFICIAL. thence following up aid Dear River to Ihe point artiolo for tho press. It ought also to notoriety, but rejoicing in the successful of beginning. ISoot antl Khoe .1 alter, be well understood that an attempt to termination of their exciting adven ini.HM.li LfclTI.Hij.Drdered to ha ! W m. L. WATKINS. lourth Street, half a Blisk from Main Street, jt veriiM'ii in mo "Ucilen JI'xction ii,.n.i.i Recerder ,urellox lor Eldvr obtain from an editor tho name of any thanks his numerous friend.-- for their very to the followini MH tioBof the New FostOtlii Iw liberal patronage iluriiif; the pa,- year, and hopes uewspuwr having the laritest circulation of Jo one has received any material in anythopaper one writing under a rtoti dt plume is a his by piinctmilny and alteiition" to business, to puniwiieii in odon. n. And be it further enacted. That tl. iner.t a continuation ot their support. jury in the little romance which has n Hto. piece of gross impertinence. lAHiers remainiHK uncalled for in Font Office But we have ether reasons than the reached its last chapter, except tho in any cuy, iokii, or vuiane, where anj a newspaper .s tkTS'S!ri'll,,? be printed, shall hereafter .b nnhliaheil on,-sliail jf' above for declining tQ insert "Subscri Dutchman who fired at the carriace onlv in the new.ianer Icvimr tlm ir.r,r. ;Pin SADDLE AXD HARNESS X MONDAY AT A MAKERS, MEETSIX P.M., NEXT, l""n " of d oiti,-.koi tne deliveryvw ber'e" effusiou Wo should not have i wulcu conreyea me lovers to tbe court i io no ucoitieii ot mo i'.n.ric.it4iir Opposita the Tithing Olfieo, Ogden, 11,101.. llu . il nonm,,! inmnu, n. w ill he held in the District ;n Ha i. i of lljmeu. of Ihtrirt t Ogden t.;..w h City ,..vi:..l,,i wWM.i l,i Slh, ulv .u Law, passed iiuuii3urii it mo uuiuur i mime uau I EEP ON HAND A (iOuT SUPPLY OF 8chsilhouse, lor the ptirpo-- e of elect n Trustee . . . I .1 . Hits. Collar', etc been attached. It contains impudent " ,v'Jt lr"ulr I'mr, turn ia ins pocKet, for the ensuing term, and transacting (ieneial LIST OF I.F.TTi:itS I Haines. Ind!e, iicpairs neally and promptly rxeruted. Terms I r.MU.I.li I NCLA1MKD IX THE POST School Buiue.. wl11 llavo to as for hole bullet "e is and raJ" an rcAoiiaL'l.. insinuations, personal attempt I V Office in Ogden, Territory of VtaU. on the W". X. FIFE. "I STOKER A RIDDLE, to stir up religious controversy in con- - in the body of the vehicle, and he may iid of Keh., liTl. which, if n t called for liefnm JEFFEEY DIX8DALE, - Trustee.. Mm Main Slreet, O'don. uie bi oi Jiarch, will sent to the Dead ELIJAH FU1.1.MAN, j ler uiuce: aectiou with a political subject, and thank his stars that he missed pcrfora- CENT'S LIST: NEW BRANDS OF Ogden City, January 3)(h, 171. waa evidontly written in such a way ting any other body, Allen Pr E Keniptpn 9 Anderson Keves II 0 We hope tho little Pickett left in the that the Jcsctiom would be compelled Cassi Arnold II p Kelle? (1 A to dcclino it, with tho view o its inter- - West will always be sheltered from the Aitkillft tr Kent tt' II OF THE REST QUALITY, AT L0A Alma W II J L2 MEAT alwiiv-- on bnud at tim tion in a paper that will condescend to storms of trouble and the blasts of ad- - A;i!l Loren-ieL T L Allen t Laiie tl ..... .. t. . .. ftimli AfTiiui.tod t. Ami At 1... ,, tticinn vawIIh ll,n n, ir, MINERS! ATTENTICH, vouiuu, nu v. 511 .ii v'uimui .v.a.jf vj iuu 11 mi. eiio una seiecU'U Astarito J l.ee l eeve L J R Limit J fy for a charge of illiborality against for a protector through life. King the Ilalhmtyiie Ilnriies W I.iiifley E A 3 I us. We understand. bell. Hilling E It Loiiclmcy 'f Olio Door Sonih of the Second Vard Slore, Ilritshoitse J IS IIEKEHY C,IVE lan iot L THAT A V OTICE The only point in the article worthy llvt ne M meeliiiK of Ihc liieinlKjrs ol the I'TAll Martin A T IL- 3VIaiu Another Alarm. linker W KR UlSl lilCT will McCorniac J e convene f consideration, in fact the only real on Mon.lnv, March Mil, Wl, in Child's Hall, Main 8tive't lientley 0 W McOeary J rUODUCE TAKEN AT CASH RATES. A late telegram asserts that the Brit- - J""!'k ! D point in it, is an argument in regard to Mcliiura 0 Oplen, at 7 0 chs k p.m. All persons interotcd in this Mining District Mclntiie W p :e reoiiesled to altemL the' numbering of tickets at elections, isn Government lias forwarded 9 .Viirdock W as matters of vital iniportunco to tho interests of Rut your meat at the IVople's Own Market and special iwdsiev t, tuo District will lie disjus.-ed- . Mower Ooo which denuded of verbal redundancy, instructions to Odo Russell at Versailles n"!Tu-don with prices. Neal II J f SAMUEL DEAN, Deputy Recorder. amounts to tins: lo prevent rrpeating, tn ascertain the intentions of Prussia in Crawford J B 1'iirdy Mr Opden, Jan. 31ft, 1871. Cros I 1'ackwilU F taking the name of the voter is all that regard to the French Colony of rondi- - '"urea well A 1'rice 0 Clark W U I'icUrd h is necessary; numbering the ticket will cherry. Collinir' It Head ? R II not lead to the detection of the repeater, Dallas 8 H'V-e-r V Information has been received at I.on- W Rikii. A WOTSCS. but will give publicity to the voter's sen- - don that Prussia has dcmanJod the ces- - Ialeyl I'owuie H Iiiniiiiar T WE A NUM11FR OF THE CELERIt ATED CLAMEXS LA N IK i li A EI! !!: YOU ARE I'rew K K falmhurv T TO STU DEHAK Kit WA'iDNS for Sale, cheaner timcnta, a Pet. turn in Divorce has notified thst hereby sion of (lis Colony as one of the condi- - IiunNoii C 'J F Parpont tiled in tluMUhVe of the Clerl the I'robato than they have ever been ol'.cied heibro in this For tho benefit of the publio, we make tions of peace. Doling II K Sprinitthorpn J 2 Court, in and for the Coimtv of Weber. Terr.torv Territory. AND . Dwiuim J ... , 8tonehountt W . ,t LA It A KKKR is of Utah wherein Mm ELIZA!!!: Ill some iunnur remarKS on tins voting sub- Tho colony is situated on the sea Ennlrom S N at Call flaiiRer T tlie Second Disirict CLAM1.NS and LANDUUALDER is riaintitl, 8 H Pticknev S Itefendant, prayinit for a Decree oi Divorce from ject. The Act regulating elections pro- - coast of the south of India, covers an Ell.'son l'ai- lield W II Sloro, Main street, or at inith 1' 1, the Howls of Matrimony existing between said C Fisher Moue A K tides tbat the votes and list of names area of about 80,01)0 square miles, and I'laintifl'and and are that the Tithing ttlllee. Delendaivf, you required Ohren S II Sumner ( to upponr and answer aaid Petition, in said Court, nan De "preserved for reference in case contains 92 vilWes. Tho r.Uv nf r.,.. Hayes J a Slurtevant J II L. .1. IIERRICK. on or before the ltiih day of March, A. D. 1S71, . HairiaonH . . TavlorO J. then and there to ! hidden, at the Court House - ... is miles on Halve awiu uir u..y j.cisou snaii oo con8 L about from Terrill uiciierry Madras, JJ in thtden City, in said County, and that if default .Now it will be readily percciv- - and contains a tested. Tracy N V ho made herein, said Petition will lie taken as population of 80,000. !!;:!,; AC2 Tinker 0 F -true, and judgement renderud accordingly. w euiaa u a repeater' votes several It was purchased by the French from Thompson iiy oroer ol lie. court, Hamilton C To! in W times undor ditrereut names, succeeding the King of Bejapore in 1672, and llardr W Ward J 0 F. D. RICHARDS, JmlRe. First ami Third Wards' W atei Holt XV A Ut deceiving the election lmry J C Judges, and tho after being taken and restored sevcra Unit I" W heeler I. F. 8. Richards, Clerk. Attest: Whitehead J illegal toting is afterwards discovered, times by the British, was finally left in Hunter B E S STORE, M ilon L I) Jaknoa F :v B the hands Jonea of the , WiUon 8 thereisnosurewayofprovingthattheinF2 French, lviU DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER Jones OGDKX. WiNon II dividual voted for hnsreceived more votes Tho designs of Prussia on this prov- - Kasey JT A FULL STOCK OF VillinKbeck C P SHIP. ibau lio is legally entitled to, unless the incc, which is in closo JUST RECEIVED. A ofCOMPLETE ASSORT-uii-LAPI.s LIST: WFREIl STATION. 1'tnh. Jan. "ft. 1S71. proximily to the Adann F 2 Inie Mr J ballot is numbered. Fy the numbering British possessions in India, give riso to Adneson C WE HEREIIY (ilVE .NOTICE THAT THE DkKiS AM) 2IEDICINES. Iwl S ' Partnerihin heretofore existing: under the Also, a Splendid Stock of DRY C.OODS ORO. Murdook Mm A of tho.b'allot and the proof of repeating the greatest alarm. Prussia , is known Iteaiichanip Mrs I 2 of title William A Co.," is this dav CERIES and Hutller Mi's B I) Murdock Mr I Etc., Etc. ED by nnilnal consent. All liabilities of the the evidenco is complete. Proof of re- - to have ambitieus O'Connor A late firm are hereby ssumd by Jw hna Williams, designs in Europe, but 1!p'rr J Mm J OMion who will continue the liusines. and to v hom ail peating without identification of the tick- - England lias entertained no fears in re- - Hanlm"wMrC I'oterson Mi 8 E assets should licpaid. .1. Wl I.L1AMS. Prescriptions carefully prepared. .M r M A Hill Mm 8 8oreimn et voted for, would not unseat the candi- - gard to II. M. McCAlirNEY. 1W All Orders promptly filled. All Orders addressed io L. IT. TEERI. Germany on the Eastern Hill Mm 8 A Smith Mrs 13 Stone L illegally cleoted. The repeater tion. Her diplomacy has been direeted HalveiKim Mrs I Ogdeu City, will hare prompt Hamlin Mr K Stuart Mrs S E DUKSS CLOAIt night be discovered without the number- - against llussian intrigues, pointing cast- Hancock MrsC attention. Terrell M A Near tho Utah Central Knirine House. Ocden. M aldron .MraL 3IAK1XG. Km? Mrs M A ing of the ticket, but how could it be ward, but no suspicions of Prussian st Mm A M. THOMAS King 2 M CO., CO A L AND LIME D. M. who hid the benefit of his illegal terforenco iu India ho3 hitlierto entered VISIIES EVERYBODY . Dealers, lp.ve rnnstanllr on bund .rood ISAAC MOORE, P.M. MRS. knowSTUART that has a (he SUPPLY of COAL, which they will sell on tho teB BSTo olifa-.- any e.f thee letters, thnapplicant SKVVINd M.VCHI.NE, and is prepiircd to do all Car-her mind. , at IS Cent on the Ton ai eve cost, for cushor miut call for "ndvertiseil letters," pive the dato of kinds of Senium, on reasonable at her at rates. I If Prussia has demanded this cession, this list, and pay one cent for advertising. Numbering the ticket does not make Residence on tle liench. FOURTH STREET, Four prodnce Lime at the old t lace rear the Thentre. A- - If not railed for within East of the Tithing (.nlice. the toter's sentiments public. No publi- - and perseveres in her demands, war be sent to the l.isil bushels of Sheilcl Corn wanted. onjio!th, they will Blocks i upcrintendent. 1 Pail Letter Offir. She TELEGRAPHIC. SIJ'( flton gunclimt. E. G. M. I. OGDEN CITY. Ii- -h inler-mwih- it ogii:, ltaii. x OCDEfJ CITY. over-ridin- . OPlflE! MOW 1STOTIOE. m T"? ST jire-inr- mb-use- Winter woticz ht Irop hi the Electors of T -- riaids, Satins, OCDEN CITY. I Poplins, Flannels, 11 111 I WANTED. i Alpacas, All Arinnres, VAUTED, Xnbias, Scarfs, Hosiery. 11-- 3 S1. Slreel, NOTICE. SCMOOl-IinilS- I 1 ... I SHAWLS, (irst-Ua-- , t. d ititer-este- il BLANKETS, 1 Bed Spreads. FOR SALE i ..' 1 Goods. ... . 0- mi 100 1 NOTiCE. ja. CLOTHING, Cardigan Jackets, Woollen Shirts, Drawers, etc. J. WATX!?JS, E. 11-- 3 -t NOTICE. Ttrxtr . .... , L SUITS 0 ..!.. 100 Cases BOOTS & SHOES ii 10-- 2 Meat for the People. heni.-leii- 1 1 meres, Meltons, Doeskins, MEAT MARKET, ir I Domestics Stripes, Slrot, ;lii. I hii-'- J Denims, h Pl-t- Prints. STUDSBAKER A LEGAL V. SOI i2 K-e-n rURNISHINGS. - ''' DRUGS&rEDECir.ES " i s rr it is e 3i t Locks, Harness Trimmings, Cutlery, Carpenter's Tools. GEOCEEIES. PUKE LIQUORS. qnes-datoth- AM) COAL YARD, ed FIRST-CLAS- ly t, 1LB. CLAWSOy, i J. M. THOMAS k CO. |