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Show Take a Drink. She (Dfltlnt function. J. WILLIAMS The Cincinnati Timet tcllg story of a gvecn young couple from ltipley county, Ohio, who were "doing" the exposition, which has this ending: At last the "gal," whose name appeared to be Jcrushu, intimated to Reuben WILL CIonT TO ORDKK BILLS OF ALL short notion, and auriply their that she was suffering for a drink of ciiKtoruera aa usual. a not and he "Continental water, curing dura" for expenses, started in search of Orders. f! DlfriRKKT MOOD AXD TEXSVS. Bring on some place where water could be found. Will in take who taught, Payment for Lumber: f 'i'y falter, ihnrtii young Observing one of Rabcock's Fire Exti, wo a preacher, .'.lelber Charley Grain, Stock, Store Pay and Cash. nguishersof which there are a number who praubt; in the building, charged and ready in A iiliough his enemies railed him a screecher, who case of fire he broke for it, mudcr the irraujjht. impression that it was a hydrant. 1'oNts "Here, Ruslia" says he, "is one of t'.'ui heart, when as taw her, and kpt sinking them tarnal city notions, unk; where we can get a drink." Jnd hia t nesting ber'i, kept winking and "Why, Keube, what is that?" wunk; "That? Why, that's a hydrant, of hit aha Id bar turn foil to thinking anil thuiik. course. Vou can't fool me on any of your ft- hastened to woo her, and sweetly ha wooed, patent notions. I'ia posted. I've been to i r hit lore grew ontil a mountain it grewed, town nfore, I have." AVe hawc also at ou office fur sale . nd wkat ha waa louring to do then be dooed. ltuslia, whoso confidence in her "felI'uldished every WERNEFPAV and SATL'EDAY by 11)9 (MPI.1 ttuUslilNa COKPiiY. J.1ME8 MdiAW, I'residenS and Hiadnens Manner, .. whom all ItiuineM coininuniistioiui nhoiild 1 addressed. Lumber Dealers, The Lovers. THE & CO. A NEW YORK TRIBUNE. 1871. GST MEDICAL DISCOVERY VINEGAR- BITTEES. - Through ftrucglo and mifferinir, at tho rost of multiform agonioa, beriMivementu, devaluation, tht American Idea Hmbmlied in the nrenmiiie to our father' Dci'laration of Inileuondence han ita toniih;t realization. Tho noble, fcxtertion that "ull men are created e.ii;il," and endowed by their Creutor villi right to life, liberty, and luu jiui'Miit of happiness, in no longer a glittering generality, a but tho IHK t'ii fancy, a pliiluaoplier'a "peculation, ni'oKiiigod ban of our political fahric. The datiM ilns which from lkmton devolution, .MiutMcre of 1770, find its logical completion, JH- -t h, one century later, in the XVtli Amendment; which givua to the equal political ami civil light of every man born or uaturali.ed in our liepul.lic the nhield and defence of the Federal Constitution. The billows of Caste and Privilege may roar and rugc around that rock, and may tnuisieutly aceut on the point of washing it away: but its foundations arc dccp-luiand steadfast, and the breakers id' Koactioii and Slavery are hurled against and dali their spray over it in vain. We do not underrate the force of Prejudice una ArttiTaoy. wo no not torirct that a very large minority of the American I'eopln still hold ill their inmot hearts ilmt lilm ks have no rights which U'hitea are bound to respect. Wu fully appreciate the desperation wherewith all the warring olcnicntH of hatred to Kcpiihiicau achievement will tie rwmbiued and hurled against the but:.eineiitK of Jtrpublieart ascendeiicv in the Presidential election oflhTi We do not doubt that twill auccesses, facilitated by ltcnuhlicitii to not to Warranted will inspire the charging freeze, and give feud nad host with a sanguine hope of victory, such as full satisfaction to purchasers. it to put forth its utmost strength in the nervi-earlier stages of the contests of I W4 .ml lSiix. 11. 1). SCOVILLK. )et oui faith is clear ami strong that the Allied- ran People stilt bli-s- s ( J.kI that, on the red battle- tlelds ot our late Civil Vtur, the ruion win upheld Ay tf and flavcry destroyed, and will never consciously decide that the precious blood thereon poured out was lavislMhi iu vain. TheTkiui'nk ladicvesln the prosecution of the great struggle hv legitimate means to Is'iiencent ends. To Mate Sovengnty, it opisttN indissoluble Nation! Integrity; to Slavery for Macks, Liberty for all; to Proscription, KiifnMii'hiscment; to Popular Ignorance, I uiversnl Education; tu intensity aiul eternity of wrathtul llah. universal and invincible tioisl Will. It would fain du its utmost to hasten the glad day when the South shall th the North in exultation and gniti-liul- e uver tlio disapiHaraiii e uf the last trace or taint of tliut spirit which impelled Man tu exult Aro iirenam! to FILL BILL."' of LI MIlKIt all Iu the ownership and chattleliuod of his fallow through Hid Wiirtrr, ut tlieir Slinni S.iw Mill on Man. Profoundly do we realize that the contest is not tliu yet ended tliat .Millions muiiru, more or lesis publicly, the downhill of the slawholdcrs' y, and reiir their children to hate thomc by whose valor and constancy its overthrow was achieved. If we ever seem to diner from other Republicans, our conviction that magis nevnanimity is never weakness, that vongi-ancer nilitic, and that devils are not cast out by at tho Kollowtnj,' ltutr; Hic)y.chuh, must serve to explain nllegcd eccentricities whose pcrfeet vindication we hnive to 7.1 Time and li. Hit lion. Tlir. Tuiiiu.Mi has Imvii, is, and must he, a zealous advocate ot Protection to Ilontr Industry. Hegai'ding habitual idleness nn the greatest fis- to Sqiiare-Ilget- a, hiiiiiau progress, tho bane of liiimau Imppiness, e seek to will our ciMintrvnieu in iiim.-1from tile eusiuiriiig lures ut' ofTrttTic, and of always overcrow ded Prolessioiis, lo the tran W ; would of I'riMluctivo Industry. quil gladly deplete our overcrowded cities, where thousands vainly jostle and crowd ill misguided Ivliveroil anj atiora In Oiidett City for $1 extra ipmst of "Something to I)o," to cover pniiries and r loo lert. plains Willi colonies nhsmiicd 111 Agriculture, Mechanics and Manuiactiirc, and constantly W t, will tnka Cttali, Moik nnj flniin in the projwting into tile blank, void wihh-nies.- , Illume anil the works i, civlli.ed .tlau. lloltl.ng tlie rn.tii'tioii of Home ludiistrv bv iliscriiuiua- ting duties on imjHirted Wares and Fabrics csscn tiai to the rapid, lenetlc4ut ditfusiou of Proline am ltnh.-- of CORX Vnntei! JmmnliaMy. tiou in all its phases and dertuients, and to the instruction of our in all the gainful we urge our coimirviucn to adhere arts of to and uphold that h .1 i v, in uinloiiJiling tiitli All Orilim a.liln-iMH- l tu RARNAKH WK1TK, that tlie true interest, not of a class of a section, Font Ni Stm-t- , Oytli'ii, will rnvivc irunil iittiti-tiobut of each section uud every Useful class, is ;:if thereby subserved and proliiMted. Tin: Tkiiiok aims to be a News-- 1 taH'r. Its corrcsHhdcnts tniverse every State, are present on every iiiiirtant battle-hrlare nirly advis.d of every notable Cabinet decision, okserve the of Congress, of Ij'gisla-tureand of Conventions, ami rcjxirt t us by We have telivraph all that is of general-interest- . aid for one ilay's momentous ailvices Euroii.' Cable more far our than for the entire by iu a hich those advice reached our !fhivh oulhiy. iiusliH-piiivigilance, and unbounded filth iu the liberality and discernment SALT LAKi: CITY. of the reading public, w ill enable us to make a journal which has no superior in the accuracy, variety, and freshness of its contents. Tim Tkiii-r- E shall be such a journal. To Auriculture and the ubservient arts,. we have ilelMleil, and shall devote, uwire and than ineiins any of our rivals. We aim Hjiace to make Tim Wkkkly Tin hi ne sm-- a paper n no farmer can afford to do without, however w iih-lPER THOUSAND. his jwditic may differ from ours. Our reoi'ta of the Cattle, Horse, Prodtiro, and fleimral Markets, are ao lull and accurate: our esfuys in elucidation ef the farmer's culling, and our regular resirts of the Fanners' Club ami kindred gatherings, are o interesting, that the pisirest tanner will find therein a mine of suggestion uud counsel, of which lie cannot remain ignorant w ithout positive and serious loss. We sell Thk Weekly to Clubs for less than ita value in dwelling, for wastn-iape- r; and, though it. ukcription is already we tsdievc that a Half Million more very large, farmers w ill take it whenever it shall be- - commended to their nttentkin. We ask our friends everywhere to aid us iu so commending it. ?f Eundrccb of Thousands o 3 u O 3 ua Hear i tesmonv to their Wonder- ful Curative Elfects. j fnt-he- I'iekets and on hand, or S ? WHAT ARE THFV9S?:; Shingles, Cedar Their oilor is strong, difiusive, and somewhat aroomtic, their rRoi-EHTiE- taste bitterish, nnd analogous to mint. notice. neuret ba nntad to spent, and lis- spoke, with hia lip what hia heart lung liaii i 'ek aoka; ha managed to let the truth leak, and it loke. a naked bar to ride to church, and they rode; 'i uvy so sweetly did glide, tliut they botii ilioulit 1 tbay glode, 1 nd they came to the plac tode. "!in i nd ir to be lied and homeward, be said, let u dnTe, at aeon are drive and they aa thay wished to arrive they arrore; whatoTer kecouldn't coutrive ahe controvo. lie klu be waa dying to steal, then he rftttlo, M the feet where he wauled to kneel, thcra he knole, nd he aaid, "I feel better than erer I Me."' they to each other kept clinging, ami clung, i bile Time hia awlft current waa winging, and wuug; And tbia waa the thing be waa bringing, ami bruns- i The man Hally oanted to catch, and had caugha "liat ahe wanted from othera to mutch and htid naught las the one that aha now. liked to aeinleli, anil she wrxighr. And Charley's warm love began freezing, anil froxe, "A bile he took, to wuLerurlly too Ilia girl he bad wished to be squeezing, and ting, auuoi. "Wretch:" he cried, ' i when etie threatened to Iravo him, and left; flow could you duceivo me, an you bar deceit!" A nd "lie annwered, "I yrosaiead te clruve and I've cleft!" of Iav.v Crook ettlteatento Death in a Trading I lout. A CarniKlMoii A most mysterious and iiiiirder was perpetrated on Tuesday night or early on Wednesday morning nt I'fitdley'g Landing, Arkansas, on the Mississippi river, alout fifteen miles . bore Memphis, the victim being a young km it tiumed John Bell Crockett, a grandson of L'oluuel "Duvy" Croekclt, ol'frou-lirrlif- e fume. The deoensed was the Hwner of it Iruding boat, in patnership Kith 1'eter Hull, which lias been moored at the above landing for nearly two cura, and an I he young mnn was sober, widuslriiiu and intelligent, ho did a largo business nnd was known to have amassed s considerable sum of money, ilcwnfrlnst teen on Tuesday, and he d had then in his possession a ocket-book- ., containing from $:i00 to i 1(X. On I ho night of Tuesday, a man on board the boat and got some tthisky, and Crockett Jet i red for the ght. On the following tiny he was not iiiind, and a fisherman, who had a boat moored near Crockett's, stated that ho sliought he had gono up to Bull's plantation on some business. No on had seen him all thai day; his disappearance ecemcd mysterious, and sear h mis made for him, but no one could get any trace of bis whereabouts. Late in tho ereig several of the neighbors to force open tho cabin door f the tracing boat, and on doing so, lound, to their consternation, Richard t'roekett lying dead on the floor in a pool of blood. At his side lay a heavy Si nn harrow tooth, with which tho had fractured his skull. The pocket-boo- k containing his money, supposed to amount to between $200 ami :!00, and Lis watch, a valuable gold tie, were missing, showing thnt the murder had been perpetrated for the purpoye of robbery. The body was taken to the house of Robert Pennington, with whom the unfortunate man had boarded, and yesterday that gentleman came down the river for the purpose of securing a Collin and informing the friends of the deceased of his tragic end. The deceased wns well known in Memphis, and was highly respected by all the merchants with whom ho did business in tho city. He was a native of Trenton, in this State, about twenty years of ago, and unmarried, although we learn that We was soon to bo united to an estimable young lady of the neighborhood. Memphis Avalanche. eold-bloo'c- well-tille- niur-di-r- A cr 3Iytery in the Calendar. e In this year there will be weeks. Sundays, but enly fifty-tw- o during the year does Sunday omeoficner than once in seven days. The first week in the year begins with Sunday, and so do all tho other weeks. This may appear mystevious at first, but for 1871 and hy consulting tho it will be secu that the last week in 1871 begins with Sunday, and has a Sunday following it. As two Sundays aunot come together the year 1872 be gins with Monday, nnd, it being Leap Year, Sundays will occur once in seven days thereafter. The arrangement will place Sundays t the end of the week instead of the beginning, and a complete theological tiiumpk for the Seventh Day Itapiist. This complication of tho cal endar is suytosed to have been planned who on account of their suly the Jews, wero entrusted with education, perior it revision. This explanation is not to be binding upon anybody, nor to cn-tliwith any person's constitutional privilege of universal UlerstUn. fifty-thre- ra cuk-ndur- s ct ler" elicited our unqualified admiration, took all he said as being gospel, but seemed puzzled, nevertheless. Why, Keube," says she, how do you drink out o' this jitucruck concern?" "Just take hold o' that brass coneern," indicating tbu nozzle, "and put it in yeur mouth, and I'll show you a trick by ginger." Kusha did ns directed. Applying the nozzle to the capacious oiificu in her frontispiece, she awaited events; nor did alio wait long, for llenbe, turning the cock, Uush uttered a scream, and what with spitting, sputtering, and making wry faces, Utube saw more sights than he ever dreamed of. At length Kusha got her mouth cleared. "Thunder und Mars, Keube! What on earth do you call thnt stuff? Why, its bitterer than gall. "(' pshaw, Kusha, your're green. Why, that's Ohio River water. It's not ueur as good as the water in your dad's well not by a long chalk; but it 8 the Let me show only kind city folks has. you how to drink it." So saying, Keube opened what nature intended for a model for a traveling cel lar door, and putting the nozzle there gave the cock another turn and took one swallow, when he, ton, cavorted and tore around ns thongh a hornet had mistake en his mouth for its nest. "Well, jroll. I'll bo gosh almighty, gill darn'd. May I bo eternally fluber-gaste- d and cut to bits, if thnt ain't the rottencst, tarnlest, ouariest, stinking wa-tfI ever did taste. Tell you what it is Kiishs, that's some of that new kind of water city folks have got to drinking. Sulphur water they call it. I always Learn tell that it tasted like rotten egg, and that's them, sure, and no mistake. Let's go to tho hotel, Kusha, fir I begin to feel squeamish in my inards." So saying Keube and Kusha walked off, while the large number of visitors who witnessed the scene were making the building shake, and bursting their sides with laughter over their ludicrous blunder. A 3Iaii Tilting villi an Iron Holt Driven Through his Head. On tho Missouri Pacific Railroad, a few days ago. a freight train run into a loaded with railroad iron, and the locomotive ond three enrs were t embankment. thrown down a The Warrensburg Journal, speaking of tho nccident, says : "It seems that the engineer, Mr. Dun Donoven, bravely stood at his post, and doubtless at tho sacrifice of his life, It was at least a half hour beforo he could be rescued from the ruins of the locomotive, and then, oh what a fearful sight. Tho lever by which tho engineer controls the engine, known as the throttle lever, a rod of iron about, three feet long and an inch by an inch and a half in size, had struck him on the lower pnrt of his right temple and been driven through underneath his nose, coming out on the opposite side at least one-haits length. This was yet attached to its place, and thus the unfortunate man was Tho lever transfixed to the locomotive. was unscrewed and detached from the engine and the engineer carried to a house with this iron bolt still through his head, und in this condition he remained for two and a half hours, u nt ill Dr. Cutler was sent for at this place, who, upon his arrival, removed it, gave tho man the proper surgical attendance, und cared for him as best he could. Mr. Donoven was brought to this place yesterday evening, and provided comfortable quarters at King's Hotel. His eyes were almost forced out ef their sockets, his ribs on his right side nro badly bruised, but, strange- to say, at this writing he is still alive, though very little hopu is entertained of hit recovery. hand-ca- r ten-foo- lf llnmilng the Line- - tnt. STEAM SAW MILL I. .TAJIKS & Co. Middle Fork of Ogdcn Kiver, Sheeting, Si. leel. per 100 52.00 per lOO feet. Flooring ami I'iekets, 2.t; per 100 feel. Truckcoit SaltLnkc LUMBER YARD, Medical Properties and Uses Wife?' m u Hp tils TII.3 DRI fJ St? la ui III TTiy.T AKB KOT A ! peculiar tendency to tho Urinary ON CARS AT OGDEIT, $25.00 per 31. oors, Sawh Doors, and ISliiicN made lo order. Appct:.-.-ers,- Salt Lake & Truckco Urinary Organs, such as Gravel, LUMBER YARD. aii'ir.it :keat r life P'-.- u::w-u'.- For IiiUaniinntory nnd Chronic niicnmn-tli- :i mid ioiit, l)yipftwiln or I mligcHllon, Billoiisi.Koiuittriit nuil Intmiiltlnit Fever oT flio Liver, Kidiiry and Diura):'! t'icso Hitters havo been most iuecess. Illiidili-i-- . ful. Saclt nincnaeii aro canned by Vltlntrd ADDRESS, of the Bladder PigcHtlvo Organ). i, DYSPEPSIA OH- lXDIGESTIOX, Head, - nehe, Pain In tho Shouldrrs, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dlzzlaes3, Sour Eructations f tho Stomach, in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Talpltatloa Had of tho Heart, Inflammation ot the LtrngaJPain in tho regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred ather painful symptoms, aro the offsprings of Hyspcpsfa. They Invigorate the stomach, and stimulate the torpid Uvcr and bowels, which render them of unequalled cfScacy la cleansing tho blood of all impurities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FO It SK I X DISEA SES,t:rnptlons,Tettcr,Salt Rhucm, Elotchcs, Spots, Plniples.Pustules.Bolls.Car-bunclc- s, Scald Head, Sortr Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch., Scurfs, TJIscoloratlons of thefikln. Humors and Diseases of tho Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the usoof these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredalomtof their curative effect. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its impuritlesburstingthrough the skin InPImplos.Erup-tlon- s or sores ; cleanse it when you nnd It obstructed and sluggish In the veins ; cleanse it when it Is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. , lurking In tha PtX, TAPE and other WO system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed aad removed. For full directions, read carefully t'.ie circular around each bottle, printed Iu four Ian guages English, German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. K. H. McDOXALD & CO.. CaL Druggists and Gen. Agents, 8an Francisco, and SJ and S4 Commerce Street, New Tork. 60LD BY ALL DKUOGISTS AND DEALERS. tto J). W.PAltKll UltST, Salt Lake City. HO-- Retention 2d Cnpiea 60 Copica - - - allot . - LUMBER odoi e Hook, has recently been played by some sharp rogues upon unsophisticated farmers in Cauada. There is much interest manifested in the Dominion in relation to the exact ronto of the project- YARD, ONE LOT NORTH OF WHITE HOISE. tions and Dropsy. " TW bent quality 30r, lr, 50c., and from 35 to $25; per 1000 feet, 51-t- or in the detline 5.1, or change of life; after Confinement Labor Pains; or in children. Bed-Wetti- In affections peculiar to females, the Extrnct Brtehu is uncqualcd hy any oth er remedy, as in Chlorosis, or Retention, Irregularity, Painfolness or Sup- - pression of customary evneaatione, U- lcerated or Schirrous state of the uterus, Lencon or Whites. lm-- Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel and Dropsiral Swellings. This medicine inereases the power of Diges tion, and excites the absorbents into healthy action, by which the wntery or calcareous depositions, and all unnat- ural enlargements are reduced, as IT its ptiin well or inflammation. Extact Hkliioi.i's Brent- - has cured erery cas of Diabetes in which it has- Irritation of the been given. of the Bladder, Inftttnniatien Is rapidly auptnedlog all other preparations for producing EUgant, Strict and irjWMoaKi SOILS, BISCCITS, BEEAJ, PtrfecUt Pars aad incitement and alber CrWiHa Cain. ready for immedial km. The CtUMc, and ata-ayiU VORLD, and It WILL KEEP OS LAXD OB SE1, n ant climatt, or yean. It Is wall adapta to lha uu of Uoutektrptn, Miners JTarowj, Emigrant!, ce aad ! la fact, in meri rmpKt, tin BEST TEAST POWDMM ' saada "or tU EUtHen, tkt Camp, tha GaUt." SOLD BY CIKXEB3 4 cck of Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys tho and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases ol the Prostate Gland, Stone in tW Bladder, Gravel, Calculous, Brick-Du- s Depwit, or Jiucua iUiiKy uiscuaTgcs, ad for t- fceblcd and lciintc const itationsr ol DEALERS EVEP.YWUERE. by DOOLET ic BROTHER, 69 NEW STREET, NEW-YOR- Manufacturod symptoms.-- t Indisposition exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficul- THE ty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trem- bling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Hot Hands, Flushing of tho Body, Dry- the skin, Eruption on the Pace, Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the muscular system, &c. each.. 1 3!i enclw 1 10 each. Ol) 75c, and fl t BFimGoiice par TRlnfNE, 25 and SO cents per line. and $A per liue. Wekkly Tbiiiinf, 2, According to jHisition in the paper. T Riitiarriliera w ishing ta preaerre Mr. Oreely'a enyth onfull"What I i.KxowS10orforFakmijio," H and who for e., price, Daily, pay or 2for Wkkkli TnmvNE, we will send the book, poet-paimade ut tho if reipieat time of ubcrihing. UIei.mboi.d's Extract Blcuu is Diuretic and blood purifying, and cures all dis- eases arising from habits of dissipation- llKLMnoi.ns la suppiScd with the latest improved Extract Bucho is a. sov- ereign remedy for the evils resulting facilities for turning out every from the use of Alkali water,. whicH isso description of widely distributed in the wost, exposing almost every person in this- vast region - to its baleful JOB PRINTING cfiBect Soli by all druggist and dealers whcue. . $1.25 every- Beware of counterfeits. for Ilelmbold's. Tak In the finest style. $40. Wheal, 23, ness of ed Canuda Southern Railway, soveral mutes having been turveyed, and some sharpers conceived tho idea of taking advantage of this. Procuring some surFrom !Uar Lnkr Diviile. r.eaf Mount Nelio, for &ilu, at the Mill, veyors' instruments, they started out upComon what was the supposed route. BOOKS FOIl SALE AT TUB TRMUXE OFFICK. ing up to a farmer's house, they would Tit Tnmrx Almanac. run a line directly through his building, Thiiunb Almamao Kkpri.m. l&iiS to 18jS. a Half bcund, $10. vols. him to manner in a as such or damage Ami at tho Vitrei, from Recollection; or a Hpst tiFK. Ut IToiace as much as possible. When the farmer (ireely. Various styles of binding. Cloth, f 2 fat. saw where the road was "bound to run," . lLalf Clotk, Library, $3 50. Half Morocco, MuriK-c1000 feet. $.1. Antique. 7. to his great disadvantage, ho would be- $25. to per Political By Horace (Ireely, $1 SO. come somewhat excited, and express to KWBUNK'S SixIIVPAVU(S AND MECHANICS, i. Iu Cash or it. equivalent. th a "surveyors" his regret that his propteenth Edition. Large octavo. Cloth, Vi. Pear Ccltcrc roT Profit. Quinn, il. erty must necessarily be so greatly damElf.wents of Aoruilture. 'ew Warring. aged. Then the 'nurveyors' M ould mildEdition. Cloth, $1. Oats, lSarle.y Drainwo for Health and Profit. Warring. ly hint that for a consideration the line 60. Cloth, might posibly be swerved a little at that Sent free on receipt of price. particular point, so as to leave Lis buildla making remittance, always procure a draft Tho farmer would on New York, or a Money Order, if ings unharmed. Whore neither of these can lie procured scrape together such sum as he was able LUMBER PLANED OX ONE SllE, possible. end tlie money, but always in a rfjiiptered letter. to command, which being made over te at Reasonable Rates. The registration fee Iim lioon reduced ta fifteen the surveying party, they weuld run the cem, ond the presen registration system has lieen found by the DosUi4 authorities tu be virtuline wherever it suited him that it should ally an absolute protection agii:st losses by moil. extenwas trick The played quite go. All Postmasters are obliged to regis tor letters Apply to J. II. TKKRT, at Z.C.M.Iust, or of th when reqiwated to do so.. sively, and the unsuspecting Provincials mnn in the yaroh Tfiass, cash in advauce. to were relieved of considerable raoney LEVI WHEELER. f the advantages of the rogues. Address THE TRIPl SE, Sew York. White Pine Lumber is used by persons from the age of 18 to OGDEN JUROTION Advertisln?; Rates. line. Extract Bictitr Helmhoi.ii's Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Person, entitled to an extra copy can, If pre. ferred, haw either of the following Uicks, ystv age prepaid : I'oliiticnl Economy, by Horace-(freely- ; l'enr Culture for Profit, by P. T. tlirinu; The Kliincnts of Agriculture, by George E. Waring. Iaiit TmnrsR, of Urine, been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affec- f 2. And One Extra Copy to each Club. VHBTE PINE or Incontinence and also one - and Urethra, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned in its evacuation. The remedy has TRIBUNE. $ n both sexes attended wlk the feUowiwg - 0. Five Copies, one year, f2 ifsue To One Audi ess, nil nt one I'otWllfleei - ?1 ."si each. VI Cnpiea JO Copies .jr, each. Si i Copies 1 (is) each. And One Extra Copy to each Clab. To Names of Sulweriber, in Copies Irri-tatio- Disease of the Prostrate Gland, To Mail Subscribers. .... .... Chron- ic Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Illood .which is generally produced by derangement i f tho TRinrxK. Mail Subscriber, $l0per annum. SEstt-H per keki.y TkiurxE, Mail Subscriber., annum. 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