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Show A She Oflfcn gunrtfott. Fearful Hide on a catolK'r. THE SATURDAY, Published .very WEDNESDAY and Comi-ax- . by the Oodem Pouusuinq jjes McOAW, President and Business Manner, to whom all Busiuww communications should be addressed. Cow i bit Frank Trask, a firermm tho night freight train froiu this city to-Providence, had a most remarkable escape from death ou Saturday night last As the train was- going oa down g radii TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. east from the suwiiiit of Bolton Moun- -' $6.( Ou Yer y.oo tain, he went t tho forward part of the Mouths hix 1.50 Throe Months engine to oil the piston. The oil is dis.10 tributed better when the train is going; Single Copy the fastest, and he took this part of the-RATES OF ADVERTISING. road, where the train gets its highest speed, t attend te it. By some sudden 1871. YOL,. OGDEX, UTAH, W11DXESDAY, JAXUAUY motion of the locomotive he lost his hold, and was thrown forward em to the cow5 t S 01 a party of burglars removed the lock of be the 5th Maryland regiment of Balti- seven hours drove him out of his posi- catcher, but instead of veiling off and 1 being dashed to pieces, as expected, the corthe basement door lit the North-wemore one thousaiiCt'8troug, and armed tion into St. Quentin. $.2 $1.50 $2.50 $4 $7 $12 $17 1 Square, pilot caught him by a few threads in the; li it ner the 30th and 23rd avenue 34 Prussian 00 needle 15 street, placed i.50 4.M) 6 8 ti gun, being the Faidherbe admits that he has been Cardigan jacket he had on, so thathr Special to the OonitN Jitnctios by th. Atlantic and 2 1 2J ti.OO J t i a new lock on the door, and secured it only regiment iu the cquntry armed with 3.jo Pacific Telegraph Couipauy.j 3 compelled to retreat from St. Quentin, was held with his feetc dragging upvit S.UO 8,50 11 15 2S 34 55 85 i so that when tried by the police there that weapou. Column, . 9.50 14.50 10 22 38 61 "0 115 with heavy loss. l7 the ground dashing alonjt in that perwas no indication of the house having New York, 23. 17.00 25.511 29 38 64 S4 115 170 a Cambrai, 20. ilous situation from fifteen to twenty" been entered. The thieves then cut a The long projected excursion round Business Cards $4 per mouth. Gen. Faidherbes has arrived here miles an hour. Ho did not lose his ! oqii' hole through the door above into the the world by New Yorkers started on with his staple. The army of the North sciotisncss nor his presence of Hilnd, but mid Suocial ftotices will i? cuargon i ..u furnishing store of Robert Morton, and aturday eve. by the steamer "Alaska." is in full retreat. The Prussians shell- nerved himself lo take cent per lino lor the liritt insertion, twnitv-fivchance best the Old in a short time placed iu bags and movmong the party are the son of Collector ed St. Quentin before its evacuation, for his life. slid flfttwn cents pT liuo for overy subsequent By a desperate effort he inwrtion. ed to a carriage near by over $15,000 Murphy and the son of Superintendent advance. Transient advortisniK to be paid for in fireing houses in several places and caus- succeeded in keeping his head raised, so of mens silk and underwear other the of Adams Co. this of scarfs, of lines Hoey tuu of They express consist type A Square ing great consternation. that it escaped the ground though he articles, and escaped with the plunder; will tfttich at many seaboard aud cull li London, 23. was hanging close down, and the least '"yearly advertisers allowed to change at pleasure, Demolished! found. of been no has en trace them Ul cities. An official dispatch has been received with only the additional dunga of twuiity-nvdepression would dash him to pieces... Washington, 21. FOREIGN. from Versailles, containing information The engineer, in the meantime, had mil , rents a square for composition, but they will liecouover Secrehas The President JJXTKA for directed the space occupying charged with reference to the sortie made from discovered tho frightful position ofhi.. on ExamiGen. London, 19, 3 a. m. U tary to issue the necessary Talent fur of Mecklngberg Mont Valerein on Thursday last. About assistant till, thinking he was gone long' issaid the Duke that Advertisements not marked on the copy with the It to the Southern Pacific R. R. on lands nniiilxr of insertions, will lie published at our opon Kinnes by the way of 40 French battalions were engaged, erthan usual, ho looked forward and account of the completion of the first is inarching tion until onlored out, and charged at transient en with the object of getting m besides a considerable force of artillery. there saw his shadow, by the light of no, section of that road, 30 miles of which May ADVERTISEMENTS inserted till forbid, will be the rear, and Hanking Gen. Chauzy's The whole movement was faintly execu- the moon, running a phantom race with has the on been by favorably reported c iiitiuuei! until orderod out, in every Instance, and in an instant he whistArmy. A dispatch from Versailles says ted, and in a manner which indicated a the Government commissioners. c urged for accordingly. that Bourbaki on the 17th, renewed his great degree of enervation and lack of led down brakes, and the speed begun advertihalf and of yearly The privilege yearly comof Senator Sumner, chairman, A heavy artillery fire from to slack; but. in the sudden checking of ses is restricted to their direct line of business, ami mittee ou Foreign relations, has address attack upon Gen. Von Werder's intrench vigor. all Legal, Auction, Heal Estate, or oilier advertiseil position south of iialtort, and was Mont Rabron afforded- protection and the train, the tender threads of Mr, AMERICAN. lie will charged a letter to Secretary i lsli requesting ments foreigu to their regular trade, gam repulsed with great loss; they gave additional advantages to the 'flask's jacket broke, and he was hurleif Huston, 21. ed tor separately. him to draw up a bill to be laid before ave commenced to retreat to the South French for success in the attempt, but, to the greund, pitching over and ovcr So Advertisements from the States will lie The Journal, this evening says the the committee embodying the recom without the cash (at our advertised rates,) The bombardment continues with notwithstanding the prospects of the ami yet We r etui nod his self possession, ward. Wcntof and Messrs our of one l'ratt from milem of the the Presidents message mendations suspension order, ai conipanyiiiK authorized strength. Earl Granville has movement, and the heavy obstacles and when his associates arrived by hit) dealers Agents. of stove unceasing extensive Advertising the recnlar wortli, about the Alabama claims. As soon as d All communications devoid of interest to the this as ever. , the accepted indemnity offered by the thus opposed to the resistarfce which side he was as city, is announced; the liabilities thia is furnished the consideration of imlilie, or intended to promote private Interests, now sunk the enemy might offer, the French He had wrticed the alarm for down .'russiaiis for the ai-English be to ship assetts said and $00,000, us commenced will be payment clni.ns Alabama advertisements, the be will charged 11 the Seine. Balloon advices from troops were totally repulsed, after a brakes, and felt thut his position waspersonal in character, we The cause of the failure is attributed to by the committee. required in advance. to the lGth, say the City is tran- brief, but exceedingly severe engage- discovered. lie was taken to Williauitio ' Paris reserve the right to rejec t any article, or advertisebusiThe report of the Commissioners ap engagements outside of regular ment of this class. ment. The loss sustained by the French and brought back to this city by the firm. and ness. pointed to inspect the Denver Pacific R. quil ? Gen. r aidherbe is continuing his ad- - n this action was considerable; over western train, which reached here at C. W. PENROSE, Associate Editor. Chicago, 21. R. and the telegraph from Denver to )00 unwouuded prisoners fell into the balf-pas- t four o'clock Sunday morning, ance, upon Perroune. The superintendents of the different Cheyenne a distance of a hundred miles hands of the Germans and several and carried to the residence of his fathMiss of late the Matley, daughter telegraph lines estimate that fifteen has been received by the Secretary of American OCDEN DIRECTORY. The Prussian er, No, 39 Walnut street, where Dr. pieces of ordinance. Minister, was married hundred miles of wire were prostrated the Interior, and state the roads as conwas troops suffered but littlo. This sortie Sloris was called to attend him. There?, in the there Church; Southampton hundred within a storm recent comthe structed and equipped substantially I .Stales Officers for by was directed chiefly against the Ger- were several cuts and contusions on hi.grand display. The and fifty miles of this city. plies with the act of Congress. The were man d Missers. Bimp-fielposition at Moillsson Shelorcd and legs and the lower part of his body, but Sheridan, Motley, Richmond, Va. 21. telegraph line is now completed through Governor Veruon H. Vaughnn. will Mont Renald; the primary and chief no fracture, nor anything of a particuand The Morion, honeymoon tobacco retired William a is Morrett, not ballasted for out, but the road Secretary George A. Mack. be passed at Pittmore Park. Mr. Motley object being to sever the commuDuica- - larly dangerout nature. Two-- o lhro merchant, aged 84, and one of the for want of stone; the soil along the line Marshal' V. K. Patrick. 11 tions of the German forces with the moitbs ago he was on the mime train, shortly proceed home. wealthiest citizens ct tins city, was being of a sandy and alkaline charac U. S. AttrrneifC. H. Hempstead. The Parisians claim they have pro main army. At Versailles, on the day coming fioin Providence, when thelo-- r He in was to death the bunied K. Tourtellottc. ter. Supt. Indian Affairs J. atWil-- 1 sufficient to last until the middle succeeding the sorties, o Parliamentaire coinotivo ran into a turn-tabl- e not of lighting his pipe from a taper, Xurieiiar-tie.nerInformation has just been received visions C L. IJeinciltN arrived with a message from Trochu, liamtic, and then had hi aim broken, of march. n,eei'rer of Public Moniis J. 1). Over- - when his clothes caught fire from the from the postal administration of Italy to be a proposal for an which was not entirely healed. lie Bay Gen. Bourbaki, after 2 days fighting, which proved name, nun ueinie assistance count ue which stales that the correspondence for ton. armistice. 1 ho entire proposition was if he had had the use tA both arms ho t. six miles he below 11 so crossed the was burned that rendered Ensure, badly George Egypt and Greece, Tunis, aud Tripoli lleaistrar of Land Office couched in terms which were considered could have extricated himself. Hart ' Von Werder is receiving reinforce death ensued. Maxwell. may now be forwarded from the U. S. to and was refused. It 18 frd Couranl, those countries in the Italian open mail. ments; a great battle was fought on the unuersioou inai John P. Taggart. Springfield, 111., 21. U. S. Assessor auiuority uas ueen have which lute been resulted The a re storms decisive in for this route O. Hollister. letters J. terribly Ordinary IT. S. Collector Eygpt, lHh, by to the advanced post of the granted The loss french. to the ana German Foul i ii the Pope. shade trees ail Tunis and Tripoli will be subject to pulse for mnt destrtict.vc Chief Justice J. H. McKcan. Prussians to grant a local truce, if de 0. F. Strickland and through the central part of this State, a postage charge of 14 cents per half in three day's battles was 4,200, while sired A'toeiate Justice by the enemy, for the purpose of The Roman corresnondent of the rail. from .loliet to this city, north mid south ounce or under, and fur Greece 11 cents the Frruch was smaller with nj guns C. M. lluwley. them to collect their wounded Mall Ga:ette writes: "Rich allowing tko few and but Alexanand throiiLrlt the entire breadth of the The is optional to gills continGermans, captured by and dead. ue to pour in upon His Holiness. A day seem to be trees the fruit, but and Greece State, Tunis, prisoners. compulsory dria, Officers: Territorial Versailles advices, state that owing to or two ago he was sitting alone, when hu William Gen. Bourbaki has retreated from Iutely ruined. There are probably not to all other ports in r.gypt and lripoli. Delegate to Congress the heavy fog on Friday, operations suddenly perceived at his side a veiled men the area in all thousand trees received here been a Mount Billiard, to Clamorte, there was Intelligence has Hooper. were much delayed, the enemy s guns lady; who, as he looked up, sank on her tioned that arc not more or less dam- thatt'apt. Urban of 6th cavalry com no pursuit. Zeruhhabel Snow. Attornetj-Generwere entirely inactive during the day knees and presented mm with a casket aged, and the majority are entirely nutted suicide by shooting himselt m Marshal J. D. T. McAllister. The German troops, on the Sth, A massing movement of French troops of gold. Astenished that any one could were Mcl'her torn Some the Fort with at a head the up by pistol Auditor William Clayton. destroyed. of the Abbercville village captured was observable near fori Mont Valarein come into tho saloon unannounced, the roots, many wei Uvistad .tiff, aud the son, Neb. No reasuu assigned. Treasurer .lames Jack. wliieli was fn names at the time, and to of the latter part of tho day. General in Holy Father waited for an explanation; at denuded subsidies almost Schools were ouestion of Common The rest entirely grauliug of Superintendent have expelled the French from their lines dications The in the branches. in that vicinity, are that an but the mysterious stranger said merely, their railroad shape L. telegraph Robert corporations Campbell. positions on lie frontier. The latter are Pray and hope, and before the Pope through the regions mentioned have bonds and lands seems to have been retreating on Balainout and Pont DeRoid, other sortie is considered imminent. recovered from his surprise left the sathe in The recent so completely thrown down that it transferred to the ocean steamships since been prisoners captured Officer: Weber County and the inhabitants are Hying into sortie slate that an attack will be made loon by the great door. Tho Holy FathF. will generally be cheaper to builtl new a summary of the bills m which action Switzerland. Probate and County Jwigc old ones. at an early day. They state that insub er instantly Biimmoned Monsignor Rieci, mutual a to than entire is lines subsidy demanded, proposes repair Richards. Lodon, 20. is not unfrcquent in the the Maestro di Camera' and inquired Des Moines, 21. of nine millions a year, aud the tioveru Lester J. Merrick, Henry Select Men from the publica- ordination It has been known ranks-ofthNational Guard. The men why the lady had not been announced. interest. Lieut. of the is intervention the asked to ment Richard guarantee Through Holmes, Hallantyuc. tion of the official account and docu evince a . S. Richards. Governor Maiden, Judge Tannahill, the same as on the Pacific bonds, for nicnts that the strong indisposition to fight, It was now Monsignor Ricei's turn to bo Clerk and Recorder in in com Oct. last, Pope the bombardment unsur- - astonished, and he declared that no lad. to the amount of nearly Aiirelins Miner. Mr. Brandt, the Governor's Messenger, considering Prosecuting Attorney with the King muuication by telegraph and the William Critchlow, and prominent citizens of Apponoose seventy million. There can be no doubt of mountable, struggles hopeless. had been there. 'Net only has there Xotaries Public Prussia, requested his majesty to se F. S. Richards. County, the difficulty with rioters ou the that a strong effort is to be made to pass cure his the Popes departure from A rumor obtains credence in the ucr been one here, but she has presented mo South Western Railroad lias been amica- a bill to authorize the building of 20 Rome in due honor, in case he should man Headquarters that Trochu is severe- - with this,' replied the Pope, holding up Sheriff William Brown. first-clawounded. The second German army the casket. J he casket was opened, and and to pro conclude to leave the iron steam-shipAssessor and Collector Sanford Bingbly settled and work is resumed. city. King Will ly left Versailles for Dijon, destined the Holy Father drew from it an ivory ew lork, -- l. vide for their owners issuing 20 millions iam Corps ham. replied affirmatively, and telegraph to reinforce the commands of Von Wer crucifix of exquisite workmanship. The Carracas advices report that the war of bonds, on which it is proposed th ed Victor Israel Canfield. Treasurer Emanuel to that effect. der and assist him in driving Bourbaki incident was probably got up by the Je enezueia is over. iMaracauo uas Government shall guarantee the interest. in Coroner Win. N. Fife. London, 21 and his command across the frontier in- suits, to sustain his religious exaltation,, Surveior and Superintendent of Schools been captured by Guzman Blanco, who Other bills propose subsidies averaging Advices received here from French to Switzerland. and at the same time produce an effect a without ten now of the million W. Dictator Burton. Wiu. is country sources, state that the army under Genon his adhcreuts." of th Hon. J. D. Cox, lval. Bordeaux, 23. Gambctta arrived at St. Mailo, Additional returns of the new Census Interior, and Hon. Stanley Matthews, eral N. Faidherbes has entered and oc Cioveriunent: Citj' From a Western paper we cut the fol 1 cupied Saint Quentin. The troops un Inowjiorated by Act of Jan. 18, SCI . cives a falling off of 3.227 iu the 14th of Cincinnati, are expected to arriv der his command, are stated to be in the French Sea Port town on the English of week the ot the next on for Channel, from Havre yesterday. After lowing notice : "Died After a short ill here early rtaril. comimrea witn the Lensus purpose Municijwl election biennially best possible condition and spirits, and a brief stay, he left for Cherbourg by ness yesterday, my wife, leaving behind second Monday of February. Meetings last September. representing Cincinnati ami Newport a movement her three infant children. In the hope upon the fortified town of steamer. The Irish exiles continue to receive Bridge Company before Congress. of the City Council weekly, on Monday Soissoii8 will bo commenced at once. that her poor smil is with God, I beg to 21. mounted eight-day with Bordeaux, An Main the of in raid, their friends Street, Sweeny's parlors evenings, at City Hull, A telegram lias just been received Hotel. Despatches have been received from inform my customers that my store will Many prominent gentlemen troops, in the mountains of Tennessee, Mayor Loren Farr. Aldermen F. A. Brown, 1st Ward; Lave called. A delegation from the by Supervisor Emery, and Merrill of the here which states that the army of Gen General Bourbaki, in which he reports be as well furnished as formerly, having; cral Bourbaki has been in full retreat that the heavy reinforcements recently confided my business to my principle L. J. Merrick, 2d Boooklyn Common Council waited ou Internal Revenue Bureau, resulted received by the Germans have enabled clerk who is extremely inteligent and 3d A. J. Shupc, them this morning, and tendered them the destruction of seven illicit distilleries since Tuesday. The Belgian Government has discover General Von Werder to resist his at as well versed in the business as the deJames Mc Gaw, Walter the freedom of the city. The party and 150,000 gallons of mash. Eleven Counselors N. B. Fresh corned ceased herself. Tlionipson, William W. Burton, Josiah wish it distinctly understood that they other stills were found, but as they were ed a conspiracy in the interest of the tacks, but be has succeeded in inflicting beef arrived." losa in The them. wealber molested French could not be serious or just Belgium. demonctration not upon will accept no prisoners receprunning, they Leavitt, Israel Canfield. From information received here, it is being very unfavorable for a forward tion till the remainder of the exiles Recorder Tho. G. Odell. Washington, &. This conies from Cedar Falls, believed that a rupture in the Italian movement, ho deems it prudent for the Iowa: story The investigation by the House mil arrive. n Attorney A. Miner. dream"An present to remain on the defensive, and ed on his wedding bridegroom Col. Robert. B. Clark, convicted for tary committee into the charges against Cabinet is imminent. The cause of th Marshal W. N. Fife. that he was night to have his returned cou not its has but U. Gen. Butler, made by Gen. iarnsworti accordingly troops difficulty transpired, Treasurer Anron Farr. chained to a log on the railroad track, printing and dealing in. counterfeit S. Internal Revenue Stamps, and whose of corruption in the management of the sidcred certain that at least one or two the position occupied by them before the and awoke to find himself on the floor Assessor and Collector S. Bingham defence was insanity, is sentenced to affairs of the Soldiers' Home, was re members of the Government will retire last engagement. M. Oambetta has pro with bis head nearly smashed with a SurveiorVf. W. Burton. ceeded to the head quarters of the army Col. Weitzel, of Bal Munich, 21. five years' imprisonment with hard sumed yesterday. Captain of Police V. G. Taylor. anexcited woman standing over In the Lower House, Herr Von Bray of the Loire at Saval. It is supposed the chair,and timore. aud Cant. Fennold, late of th Justice of the Peace S. Eggleston labor. turn asking mm if it was customary for Constable C. F. Middlcton. The gentlemen having charge of Hol- Wisconsin Home, at Milwaukee, wer made a speech in the course of which he object of the visit is to consult General brides lo be dragged out of bed by the land's benefit say when the funds are examined. Their testimony mainly re declared that he could not but rejoice Cbauzy regarding a plan for the reor feet. She said she never had submitted Austria of his and between over alliance an lated to the character of the appointees, army. ganization all received, they will have $1,4(X). to such extortion before, and she'd be Ogden Post Office: Versailles, 21 Germany, as this was the sole means of A Versailles dispatch to the Manches- who, under Butler s supervision, uav ARRIVAL AND CLOSING MAIL?, darned if she would now. He told her it The batteries Southwest of Paris have was new to ARRIVALS. ter Guardian says King William, the filled official positions in connection with realizing the great German idea. him, too." ".SO a.m. Suit Lake City, daily 21 800 to within advanced of Fort m ana th went included Berlin, these institutions, Moltke recently yards 7.30 a.m. Crown Trince and . . West, Through Maii daily . which New The York Herald's special say Moiilrouge, replied yesterday 7..SO a. m, out to witness the bombordment of the statements that Butler has not alway North, Through Mail daily y " Local, Itox KlderCounty, daily is exactly 179 year after the with one gun on the West. Fort D'Issy WARBKH 7.30 a, in, aDd saw that it did no followed the rule prescribed by th French 0. t. DAHLER, forts, Hl'SSBV, 4.30 li.in. Kast, Through Mail daily . board of managers, to appoint disabled coronation of the first King of Prussia, is firing two guns at long intervals. Ac hilt takn City. llelnna, Montana, particular harm. CU1SING. W Paris from counts terrible of damages report Empe 4.00 p.m, A letter to the London Time from the officers only to those places; but that King illiam accepts the title fait Lake City, daily DAllLER & CO., and suffering from the bombardment; 4.00 p.m. ror of Germany. . IILSSEV, Ve.it, Through Mail dnilv . of The Loire states that the hor- during the recesses of the board, he h 3.1 p.m. army withiu have the fallen Jiorlh, Through Mail daily shells was The with as covered of his the ChampsElystaken that presi City position advantage increase, " Local, Ilox Eld.-- County, daily 3.4.') p.m. rors of war steadily BANKERS, , was ses; mere nave been no sorties within the dent, to give those places to his per flags and streamers, and 9.00 pun. wounded often die from cold and hunlat, Through Mail daily . JENNINGS' NEW BUILDIKO, x is hours. The last thirty-siwithout regard to other illuminated. friends care sonal ground volunteers French that taking ger, MAILS. The President of the Upper House of slippery outside ; the lines have been re- MAIN of the German wounded are killed by nualifications. It is stated that General LOtMl. STItEKT, OODE.Y, inforced. The French outwork at Ville Itirh County Wednesdays the sights near Farnsworth will, before the investigation the Prussian Diet, sent a telegrapio di that German shells, AND SALT LAKE CITY. 3.S0 p.m, and Saturdays at silenced the of the Kin to showin Versailles congratulating Juif, beginning terrible beyond des- is closed, introduce testimony, patch Dealers In Gold Diint, Coin and Cnrrnncy. "Draw North Osdeir Mondays and Thrsla.vs 2.') p.m. Beaugany were Exc hange no fttc Fraiirinoo, Montana, Denver, and that the sufferings on that of the $50,000 paid by the Govern William, on assuming the Imperial bambardment, has broken out again, and St. )lHiitnUI odne'diiyn and ISatiinlays ti.OO a.m, cription, Louis, New York, find all parts of Earopa. 3.00 p.m, i'lain City HnniUvs and Tlmrwlays both sides are dreadful to the last de merit, in the purchase of the homo at Crown. .The Emperor immediately by four long reaching guns there are doing 4.U0 ii.ni. lliverdaie Weded;iys and Saturdays Collections over the was wild received thanks and returned tf batteries, making shooting promptly attended to, telegraph preraedi Augusta, Me., only $30,000 IIoou-- r and Aioia gree. Wednesdays and uncomfortable for travelers. ot the property. it tated future for a at owners match the billiard for 12.00 a. in. Germany by . looked glorious . . . The . long Saturdays The Western board of trade are for The Lower House adopted a congratula three ball game between the two French OFFICE UOfttS. King William of Prussia was on the General Deliwry open Irom 8 a.ra. to 6 p.m. Hudolsa and Garmcrr will take warding petitions to Congress, asking tory address to the Emperor, the Polish ICthinst., proclaimed Emperor of Gerexperts ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR. Sunday 6 p.at to 6 p.m. to secure eligibility to American members only dissenting. many in the presence of all the German place at Apollo Hall this evening; the them REGISTRY DEI'ABTMENT m. a. to and for 21, Lille, door the trade, and and legislate Princes foreign money, is ships match for $1,000 representatives. OlHee opposite Ogdcn Hotel, Open froa 8 a.m. to 3 JO p.m." An engagement is reported near Ver 000 points, which Garmerr receiving, for the encouragement ot ship buuuin OuUido Door o)en troai 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. All the members of the diplomatic OODE.V C1TV. 18tb BetSt. the East on of mond, in the Lnitcd Stales. Juiquin, ISAAC MOORE, Postmaster. add 'JO points or fift een per cent. in Paris, wilh the exAll kinds of Irgal business promptly attended a year two colored com canonading was heard in that direction Corps remainingAmerican than more For the Garmerr is having even, Minister have to. ting nearly ltf ception of the positors in the Government printing of for four hours, the result is not known appliad to the Prussion military authorcall slightly. Trains , London, 23. F. B. Blackman was arrested yester- fice have applied to the Typographical ities for permission to withdraw, but Leave Ogdcn daily, until further noW. IK. The hospitals of the Church of St. as la of admission for members; a on union Col. charge and 8 a.m. Whitely, their request is not granted. day by tice, for Salt Lake City at AND COUNSELOR came ATTORNEY r have an and been diamonds. the D'Dien, of worth up Sulphice partly night question again p.m. (For extra trains see time smuggling $30,000 King William, in a dispatch to the Will Practice in all the Courts in Utah and adIhe Museum to a diamond admission was refused; it is said that an destroyed by shells. Tble. For the East, at 7.25 a.m. For He was negotiating to sell Queen, congratulates her on the repulse joining Turritorics. kperial attention given to broker in the West. He will be taken be- appeal will be made to Congress asking Luxembourg received 20 shells withi of General lla West, at 6.35 p.m. Bourbaki in the East, and Foreign and Domestic Collection). the few Government to and unrivalled a act its an for for confer hours, on prohibit Monday Commissioner the 7 fore a.m. Arrive from Salt Lake City, He now he is adds stales retreating. Th Office iii Brick and 4.45 p.m. From the East, 4.25 p.m, examination. On Thursday the prem- printers from employing members of th vatories are totally destroyed. that the bombardment of Paris continues near Office. Post splendid conservatories of the Jard ises of John Dorflingcr, manufacturer of Lmon. liuildiug, From the West, (1.35 a.m. with good results. The German guns was entered Preparations for the carnival here in Des Plantes, which cost six hundred Salt Lake City Time. jewelry, 150 Fulton street, have been dismantled by some new cn an thousand have exten been francs are made of aid the destroyed. who wedges February, being by by burglars, French batteries in front of Paris. with A of is sive of rare of exotic scale. iron $1,000 two 1IISIXESS CAItDS. premium specimens plants, large and gun powder opened 3)ivinc Worship M. Favre has asked for a safe conduct of Tl. best the drilled worth fered for London, Regiment. is held every Sunday, in the Tabernacle, safes and obtained $10,000 MERCHANT AND PROFESSIONAL Gen. Von Goben, attacked I'aidhcrbe through the German lines, in order to i.lVEKY should organizations which will par have a supply. 1ft e will do them at 11 a.m.; and in the School Mouses of jewelry, and succeeded in getting away Among the London. and attend in the and after the review in of conference obstinate will an iu same the best the parade yesterday fight night ticipate without detection. 0a ttjle of the art. the various Wards at 6 p.m. run-nSlrg- . : Devoted to News, Literature, Agriculture, Science, and the Arts. -- ; II. 25, j BY TELEGllAPir. st Destruction of Telegraph Lines by Storm! Man Burned to An Death! . m1 e . Illicit Stills Butler e nation for Fraud! Progress of the Great War! iron-hors- e, clear-heade- 1 y Itali. al i . Bel-for- nt : -- 1 e steam-shipbond- s, ss s, up-tow- r .... .... .... y, : : KEITIILY, l;viUN tb-i- |