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Show BY TELEGRAPH. She Ofliro function. -- verr WINEIUY Special to the Oonr. Jusctiom ly the Atlantic ami 1'ac.IK Telegraph Couinany.j and SATURDAY, C'OMi-AX""fcy the WMS PVBUSH1NG Mid Busmen Manager, va V.-- I V, President communications khuuld. I ,A wku'in" all Republican Leagues in North Carolina! Buius Jdr Tiik Third 1Iats The Pabty axd s Hull on Chili at Ward Parly Outrage by Kuklux T11E in Georgia! last was a pleasant affair Friday evening so far as plenty of dancing, throughout, nJ 800'1 humor coulJ livey 8Pirit There were however one or it- make twoUra The Alabama Claims! Civil Service Reform! Some uninvited persons backs. endeavored to intrude among a company AMERICAN. to occupy the room New York, 23. already large enough A Washington special to the Tribune comfort would permit, and M full as floor says the accounts were, received ou would not withdraw untill the giving the particulars of a and dance the publicly Saturday, manager slopped terrible Kuklux outrage at Louisville. to "get." Fortunately Jefferson County, Ga., on the 14th requested them the order, or they for them they obeyed traveled faster and have would certainly would have been than in a different way them. for Strangers daut run pleasant close of the ball the At town yet. this several hats were minus, and the owners had to go home with their heads tied up in what looked like night caps, but which were supposed to be pocket Those who abstracted the hats for sport are politely requested to return' them, and are informed that some of them are known, and failure to comply with this hint will bring consequences that they have not calculated upon. Vit hope illmannered persons will not J . .x.: ... i ' intrude. again as at mis jmriy, ana n mey If I? . . ...:n i i .1.- ? do irusi lue maiiugci s win tiujj me intrusion promptly, and not allow their friends to be imposed upon. And in regard to the hats, we repeat our suggestion of a few weeks since ; at every party let some competent person take charge of clothing not needed in the ball room, ticket each article, give the owner acor- ' responding ticket and not permit any person to handle any artie'e untill the So much on proper ticket be returned. hank-erchief- inst. A party of marked marauders rode up to the jail, broke it open, and took therefrom nine colored prisoners, five of whom had recently been convicted of offences, and were serving out their term of punishment; the oUicr four were awaiting their trial. The victims were taken a short distance from town nnd unmercifully whipped. From seven of the sufferers they cut off one ear; from the eighth both ears were taken, nnd the ninth was brought back into town and there shot, receiving nine wounds, most of which were fatal. These were turned looe. So far as heard from none of the murderers have been arrested. s. AVashington, 24. Committee on Foreign The House Affairs will meet for the ' special consideration of the Alabama j claims, and putting them in a shape for settlement. A proposition before the committee, which is likely to receive their sanction, will appoint a commission to take testimony for the purpose of determining the a mount of claims. The proposition of the Government to assume the claims commands sufficient strength to meet the approval of the majority of the committee. It is proposed to provide in the bill for the authorizing of a commission in which the British Government have the privilege of appearing if it shall choose to do so. The sentiment in favor of the repeal the hat question. of the income tax grows stronger in the On Monday last, nt the House every day. AcctfESTs. The Civil Service Reform discussion. U. P. R. K. Depot a quantity of baggage C0lllUluni(..a,i0ll!, tt ,.re received from fell upon "Frauk" a freight messenger, several heads of Civil Service Depart-sli-htl- y iujuring one of his legs, '"ents. showing that their clerical serbeen wonderfully efficient; the had vice Frank can move around but he will p communications were considered as 8 he goes for several days. It nnating from interested parties. that changes had been On Tuesday Maihal Fife, of this city, j was charged fell from Judge Hichaid's new building, ,,)aJe ia tbe Neu' York Custom House lor political causes. The char- but escaped with a ligttbruaeonthc.ere-di,Ijpule- j The Jebate prom. arm. ine .uarsuai is none oi your lignt i8e to ne protracted. There is no doubt that the forty- weights and he may consider himself second Congress will meet on March fortunate in not receiving further injury. 4th. with y The Senate passed ft bill Mr. Jos. Tyrrell's Dissolving Views. exhibition, at the 2nd District School- cIa'sse of invalid ,iaynwnl ufaU pc. 20 House, arew a crowuea nouse on .Monaay i,)tis per cent, which will neccssi-tvenin- g annual expenditure of abont five last. Nobody could complain millions for the or twenty-fiv- e of not receiving enough for their money. Kn, five Years to which it is limited. The In fact, there was too much for one even- , ct Ul p.,,, t!le llouse. bin The question of compelling the Tacific ing's entertainment, the great number and variety of the views scarcely allow-- : Railroads lo give security for paying their accrued interest on the Govern , ,. .ur. iiient or second ing DumtmiL mijc iui c. PKiumiuu. mortgage bonds was Tyrrell started yesterday on an exten- - discusl y by the House again fcive tour through the settlements south Committee on appropriations, but no anJhewill, no doubt, meet with great agreement was reached. .U'W 1 OI K, i. success, and return laden like a bee to A fire broke out last night at 12 o'clock ai hire in Otrden. in a four story brick house at 255 Pearl street; the first nnd second floors oc'The Tr.iALs of a HorsEKr.EPF.n" cupied with New Haven Copper Co., are never experienced by those who use were damaged to the extent of !?5,000. occupi- Doolet's Yeast Powdeh, now univer- - The third and fourth floors were uauiaueu c urewsicr "J iu., sally known throughout the country as ?:u bllildinff wag thi best." It is always ready, always $20,000. The fire originated in the reliable, and requires from a third to a rear of the cellar. The statement of Dallas Smith a Boat&' fat than those of common nianufac- on the Canal boat man Smisky" ture. This is owing to the perfect purity who with the sailor William Wilson were 'toe ingredients entering into its com- - arrested on suspicinn of having caused pinion, which insures the same result the death of an abandoned woman named lclla Mears; it appears that she fell every time. Discuits, rolls &c, can be in attempting to go on board nwe with it in ten minutes, and such as overboard the Cunal boat. Smith with his two abttttca with impunity by invalids companions on the boat tried to rescue or dyspeptics. For sale by every first- - her; a strong tide carried her under the e!a.s Grocer Tier; he then jumped into the water, but having a heavy overcoat and boots Tl'e above can be obtained nt G. II. on he was unable to place a rope around Tribe's. Whom llmi-ia nlur. t.i lio fnnml her body; after supporting her for some fuH assortment of general merchandise. time he was compelled to let go of her to Isaac Hood, an Engineer, stive himself. and William Wooley a weighman, both corrooorated the statement of Smith at the inquest held 24. tke Notice. ATI persons knowing The inquest on the bodyTrenton, of I. Downes, Selves to be indebted to the 1st. and supposed to have been foully dealt with, rl ard It was proved that on was held Store are he wandered down night Saturday to call and settle forth requested the road in an inebriated condition nnd with. tf. fell down on some pieces of glass und his bauds; the loss blood and exGex VINE cut estabJkweluy. The nnlr haustion caused his death; the jury "limcnt at which genuine Jewelry can rendered a verdict of accidental death. obtained in Ogden is at Pa'bpb & The city was much excited till the eviVessel's, Main Street. . dence given before coroners jury. Great Repairs neatly now felt and there is no reais relief wuiw. All work warranted. ltf son to suppose the man had been murdered. Xew Year's Gifts. C. C. Asmussen's Washington, 23. ' An amendatory or supplemental bill !rc. Main Stcet, Salt Lake City, is a rposttory for elegant jewelry, hand-8ora- e to what is known as the Congressional Enforcement or Election Act was agreed wtches and clocks and a splendid upon by the House Judiciary Committee, ""fflsnt. of toys: , itist the rlac and will be to at their meeting t select presents for New Year's. pressed through Congress if possible at the present session. This measure ex. Hammond has removed to new tends the operations of the Act of last session, to cities of small size and is guises opposite the Tithing Office, really intended in its details to have has for sale Schuttler wagons, effect on every election precinct in the Wagon timber, iron," ploughs, Buckeye country, while the former law seemed intended more especially for the alleged "lowers, etc., at low lm prices. naturalization frauds in Northern Cities. Look Here ! Are you indebted to The new bill looks to the supervision of it also i6lst.and 3rd. Ward Store! If so. the colored, vote in the South; discovered defects of the remedies many u at once and settle up. This request Lin the practical workings of the law last s ' re- urgent and positive. tf. f fall. The military feature however . mains quite as strong, ana usuauy no mistake Williams & Co. places the naval and military forces in command of the civil forces, while it in- eu lumber, cheaper .than any flicts severe 30!se in punishment for bribery or ugaen, ... near lDe :ntimi(atio 0f voters. )arll Jcctios Office. The House military committee agreed to send Messrs. Asher, Cobb and Morgan to west point to investigate under the order of the House, the charges made against the colored eadet, Smith. The special Senate committee on the South have summoned the Governors of N. C. and S. C. It is proposed to restore these two States to commence with. The committee met and organized this morningand looked over the mass of documents sent to the senate by the President. The Conservative men of North Carolina intend to be heard before this Committee and will be able to show from indubitable proof, that many of the late outrages in that State have been committed by the colored and white members of the Republican Leagues organized for piling-in- g and barn burning. They could not deny that there are outrages committed on both sides, but they attribute them almost wholly to secret political organizations. FOREIGN. London. 23. All the German batteries around Paris continued their fire yesterday, making the bombardment at once fearful to the inhabitants and splendid to the beholder. Shot and shell, from 22 batteries, fell within the line of the encicnte on the east. The Saxons pressed forward to positions near Mont Heuel and Roman-vill- e on the south east. The Uavarians held their ground successfully against renewed efforts to break their lines on the south west. The batteries of Meu-do- n covered a location of German guns one hundred yards nearer the city. Fort v Issy remaining silent on the west. Later intelligence of the sortie from Paris on Thursday last has been received. After being repulsed, the French troops fell back, and at night remained masked in great force on the plateau, immediately under the protection of the guns of Mont Yalericn. It is reported that the attack was renewed on the following day, but with what result has not been ascertained. The total rout of the French army of the north, under Gen. Faidherbe, is officially confirmed. The French loss at the battle of St. Quentin was between two and three thousand in killed and wounded. Gen. Von Uoerben reports having captured over six thousand prisoners, and is vigorously driving Faidherbe in the direction of Amiens; the German loss is stated to be severe. If you want a cheap lot of lumber, apply to Mr. H. B. Ssevillc, at Williams & Co'g. yard, sear the Jlkc-tio- ! -- ? Office. j COJIMEKCTAjU em-lim- ! ,.,. Office -- VHKATV-S- posi-!ive- . - -- i y ilLElftllEl " " 50r. " TIIUKSDAY, DEC. NOW OPENING! 14c. to MIOWX SHEETIXfi . to Jlc. fKIXTiv-B- e. aH) W. TICKIXC?, iV. to IV. . p.T rr'L " " " " " JtLEAClIEnti-- DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) Winter Goods. Leaving Oedrn City CRA8It,lV.to!c. " " " " " " " " " " " " AXD A ITER THIS HATE. JANUARY l rwponihle for any D,.M coiitnu tcil ly unjr of my family except on u order ieihiI by me. JOHN R. POOL. 1j44 RAILROAD Satins, Poplins, Flannels, of thr- - A N'EW JOSEPH A. YOUNC. SUITS SUPERINTENDENT. Opposite 100 Cases (aioiEiirra, KEEP Kcur OX Bridle, Bit", Collars, etc, etc. neatly and promptly executed. Tcrm reawmabl. 14m STOKER k BIDDLE. Main Street, Oiiden. ; arpets, Window Curtain and Shades. READY-MAD- CLOTIIlXG. E The Hiaueat I'rice pnid for all kintla of Furs. A full Stock of GROCERIES, HARD WARE, etc., etc . Call and Examine. , , : DR. R. TIBBITS, PliywielKii iiiitl Surfjeoiw SALT LAKE CITY. llAJSDWAKE, DKUCS, Produce will bo Morrliaudist'. i!e OFFICE IN SECOND SHI TII STREET, OPPO , SITE THE OMAHA HOISK. 3-- Cal( tiuui tli Comrtry wvuiptly tended tm. at received in Exihange for All Pcrwiii who know tlicmsrlve. to be IN to the liTe-namImliliiliiHi, are LI liunicUuteiy. reiinted to l to FfOl'K HOLDERS P.ron in the Institution can do ait. DKliTKU Furniture of all kinds at tbc lowest Black Walnut, Maplf, Malio";aii) etc., t'hcnitf r tlian tlto First-cla- ss rte. kind elsewhere. Repairs done neatly and with dopulch, COFFINS DF.SCHIPTIOK MASIT VCTDBI OS TUB 8HOUTF.ST MOT1CB. OF EVEItY WILSOX WniOHT. efitf Suicrintcwd'iit. OF IIOREUT lVIISOf, 'Scat the Tost LOW ' TAKEN AT CASH RATES. PRCDUCK Oilice, HOME OF Cassimeres, 3Ieltons, Doeskins, Jeans, T HAVE A GOI S NTM11KK OF THE CELEBRATED L. J. HERRICK. Domestics DRUCS&fVlEDlC.NES Stripes, First and Third Wards' Tickings, STORE, Denims, TtST iuuiiiii Locks, Harness Trimmings, Manufacturer of PURE CANDIES, AS.ORT I W-t- GROUND TO LEASE. VERY ELIOIBLE BI'ILDINO Leoso on Umi Jioi Corner of I'iiIoh ipinrn. For gnrtictilars lply t JA8. McOAW, Esq, at the Ji vcnox Office. SEVERAL AT OYSTERS. TUB REVERE H0lE ?AIX, South Ptrnn. Salt Lake Citv, where-yowill find JOB. SIMMONS or his aeaistanta and ready willing to serv. you with FRESH OYSTERS, ( ROWX CIGARS, PIGS FEET, etc. UOLDEX ruin street, Ojyclon, GENERAL f CALL C. W00D3IAKSEE, DEA1.EK f ORO-- Preacrlptions carefully prepared. All OriicrH promptly filled, ltf SALT! W 38-t- PURE LIQUORS. ' SALT! ILL el PPLV TIIK VERY BEST QUALITY of SALT, courw or fliio, in small or lurnff tsw lti, hramliHl to suit the trade, ou the nhortoiit uotii-and chnier tlmn any in th market. A Inrjte nuantity on hand. Apply to U W, SIR 11 TUFF. Plain City, or to WM. VANDYKE, On Door Eut of the Tbeutre, Ogden City MEDICINES. Alw. a Spleadid Stock of DRY GOODS, t.KIhff and Cutlery. Carpenter's Tools. H. WALLACE, HALT LAItlO CITY, RECEIVED, A COMPLETE nient of 1)RU(;S AM mm AND FURNISHINGS. OGDEN. fond Also, STOTES, ; V1IN ' of enperior quality; alt of which lie offer fur Mt at as low figure a any t?iat are imported froia the Eut, N.B. Job Worh puiietunlly mil neatly executed Territory. Call at the Seeond District Store, Main street, or at the Tithing Ottiec. , Copper, Iron and Tin IVaro, on hand. wbico ne kef pi continuity Tarieiy of L STUWEBAK Ell WAtiONS for ftile, cheaper than theY have ever Ivcu offcrwl bvfore in thi Prints. MANUFACTURE. CHARLES PEARCE, M-- tf STUDEBAKER Odcn. AI! STRKKT, oodk.v, Calla thrlftentlon of th Pnldic to bis New and splendid Aneoi tliwut of Buy yonr meat at the People'a Own Market and down with high prices. WA XEW BRANDS P Meat for the People. TorrxTo - Stonos BOOTS & SHOES AXD HARNESS MAKERS, the Tithing Office, Ogden, HAND A OOOD SUPPLY OF "; OP 3Inin Street, Ofjtlen. Fourth Street, Imlf a Block from Main Street, Oc lcn, tliMiku hi nimienii friend for their very libera! patronage during the pawt year, r.nd hoie by hi punctuality and altention to business, to merit a continuation of their iiiort. ItlDDLE, ' ' ' JIATS aiicl CAPS'? .Mink. Coney, Krniine. Squirrel and Heaver hetts? Trunks and Valises; One Door South of the Second Ward Store, Hoot and Shoe .Maker, SADDLE etc., etc. THE BEST QUALITY, AT TEAT Cardigan Jackets, l'riceK, always on hand at th. li ' Woollen Shirts, Drawers, etc. MEAT MARKET, BILLIARD TAItLlj? for lovera KTOKEK A Cliiklreit! Hoots SIMM's .Slippers, letallie ami Arctic Over-Shoe- s, C tf LOT OF CLOTHING, SALOOX, J. WATKINS, Client', Indies', 3IifeH antl at. SHAWLS, BLANKE T S, OILS, PAIXTS, FTJENITURE Bed Spreads. Wines and Liquors, CABINET WOItK. The Second District Zion's jmtne. E. is eomplels in Also A IlilliartN 25 vts. per Game. CO. REYNOLDS Mm ' SHOE DEPARTMENT tun I)c-Lain- cs, HRAXHS OK WIXIB, UQrOKK ami dflAllS iilwnvn on liand. .i THE fl.lw Alpacas, All Wool CHEAP! CHEAP! AS Arnmres, CHEAP AS THE CHEAWIST! Xnbias, LARGE ASSORTMENT WE HAVE Scarfs, Hosiery. dry c;ooi$, milK CHOICEST Kirt-t'la- pur- For all iuforniation coweruing Freight or Pac age, apply to D. 0. CALPF.lt, lieu'l Ticket and Freight Agent. Linsoys, ?Iain Street, Ogrten. JTwo Flannels ami Hosiery Lake City, entitle the Ogdeu to Kaynvilla farmiUKton " IViitrevill. " Wood's Croat " Salt Uke City Scotch Plaids, NOTICE. I will not fait a.m. and Skirls lite Celobratoil Cjuifnila. lllankets FARES: " M " aiTTOX FLAXXEL, 2Sc. to Vx. IRIMI UXEXS. 60c. to$l.no HU E I UKOWX CKXIMS, 30c. to 3.V. 1STL, & chaser of a ticket to return on the wine day and train free, and will (.top by arranging with th. Coudnctor, at any point ou the line to take ou or let otT pasaeugers. Pawliirvr will plcaxe pnrcliox. their tickets at the offices. Fifty rents additional will be charged when the fare is aulloctod ou the train. - TKirK.s, toasjjr. DENIMS 25c. to Sac. . DEI.A1XKS to 24c. 17J4-" All Wool 3c. to 5U-- . 72c. --" jC-tFLAXXEIA JEAXS ;V.toS5c IHHVK1X8-41.- 1S to $140 . to .Vic. FLAXXELH, PIIUITIXO CUECK.-i- , 26c, to2Sc. LIXSEYS, 2V. to 40c. FROM TRAIN 4M p.m. on which full faro will Arab, (liaiiu looiss Clolh Coals, Italtiioral ;tnl Caorcf nt'N WILL OF wolW eun-sistin- g, Salt us, Shawls, ftio almve an ACCOllllODATIOX STOCK eciveetf in part, of KopoIIanls C'loakliig, AX Heady - TVIncLo DRY GOODS. their large and Poplins Tarttm IIails MerinoM In addition to OF GENTS' fit, it. xr lh. , Jtck, just 100 HAY $S. to fit), per ton. , 1H70, wdl Wato O'V-daily at 8 a.iu, and Call attention to 5.i p.m. Arrive at Salt Lake City at 10 a.ui. bud assM-tc- d 7.30 p.m. Leave Bait Lake City daily at i a.m. and 145 p.m. Arrive at Og leu at J a.m. and .4o p.m. Trains STORE, r l.iwliol. $1. br, $2. Al'I'LHS". HF.KK 1 MAIN STREET, 00 DEN. " " DET GOODS GEOCERY AND ON AND AFTER Jyo k OATS. 1VTATOK8 yMt 'y PIOXEEll m'EOFlTAH. Ikt Uu HA R LEY, j y. RAILROAD. PRODUCE. KLOm fclSo per mu k. j special Notices. OGDEN CITY. z. c. UTAH CENTRAL all of a Superior Quality, for PRICE LIST. WHOLESALE i ' of Ogden Junction, OyJtn City, Utah Territory, Jan. 25, J871. z. cm i. Cull aud see him. . IN MERCHANDISE, CITY LICENSES. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ETC. A Good Supply of MECHANICS' TOOLS on hand. To all whom it may concern. VfOTlCE IS I1ERE1J1 GIVEN, THAT all l'erauiis rntruged in 15nsiiieK in Bags City, (t'er wnich the City OrdiOgden at Wholesale. OCDEN TANNERY. nances provide that a license must be TOU WOULD BE WELL FORTIFIED, TRY A full loipp'v of CONFECTIONERY, ORANGES, IF obtained,) without first procuring a LEATHER. LEMONS. NI TS, FANCY l.KOCEKIES, Etc., Etc. Come to my Tannery and aee If I will not aell license are liable to be taken before any BOLOGNA SALVAGES, etc. , ami w chep Alderruun of said City, aud be subjected yon a t,(R)l LEATHER w the HONEY IX THE COMB, cheap. as the coeaieKt in the market. to a Fine. HIDES aud BARK WANTED. Orders from Country Stores solicited. By order of t he City Council, All Orders addressed to D. II. TEERY, JONATHAN BROWNING. 464m LOltLN FAKR, Mayor. Ogdeu Citjr, will have prompt CLOAK I) attention. Near the Utah Central Engine Honre, Ogden. TIIOS. Ge. ODELL, City Recorder. M. THOMAS k CO., COAL AND LIME o D. M. 8TUAKT WISHES EVEIiVHODY , fealern. have conxtaiitly on hand a good The Office of :he Ctly Uecorder is at MRS. know lhnt she has a on the SUPPLY of COAL, which they will n Cat ii. at 15 Otit on the Ton above cost, for cash or SEW IN' MACHINE, and is prepare.! to do all the Otlice of the "Ogden Junction." kindrt of (Sewing, on retnnile tenon, at her Seventies' Hall, near ibe U. C. H. R. produce at canh rates. the near old Theatre. at the Lime Residence on the Bench, FOI' RT1I STREET, Four place Station. Corn Shelled wanted. btwhclsof Block" East of the Tithing Office. I,0i0 Superintendent, Office Houti row 10 a.m. till 3 p.tu. i. M. THOMAS k CO. Surprise Boxes and Pop-Cor- A n FULL STOCS OF m GEOCERIES. Ix.-it- 8o-3- miss COAL YARD. HKST-CLAS- II. E. CLA WSON, 77-!- l-- tf ll 61-l- i |