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Show $k Ofliftt Fulillshwl every WEDNESDAY awl SATURDAY by the Oodin Pbhushiho Cosirir. JAMES Mcfl AW, President and Business Manager, to whom 11 Ilusinasa eonimuiiictfions Hhoitlii be arid rosso. True Xobilily. True worth ii being, out seming In doing ear b tT that goes by Boms littkt good osa) iadraniiig Of great thing! to do by and by. ' lor whatever men ay In blindwMr And spite of tha-- fmcie of youth. There's nothing so kingly aa kindness. And nothing so royal m truth. We gat back otir mat aa w measure e cannot do wrong and feel right, 5 or ran we give palu and give pleasure-- , Forjwticeaveiurss each alight. The air for the wing of the sparrow, The btua for tlia rohin- and wren, But always tha part that la narrow And straight for tha children of men. M Til not in tha pages of atory Tlur fmra or ita ilia to Though be who nudua courtship to glory dives all that for her amtle; won kar lor whan from her heights s Alaa! it laoay to prove ' That nothing's o secree! aa honor, And nothing a royal aa lortv lglla, Ilcerca- - liOllH. An affbir cf a somewhat private nature, if public defttmation and cantiga-tio- n of the wife of a drunken member of Congress by her husband can be private, Mtooiulied Washington last Wednesday night. It wan in Willard's Hotel. For some tune pact Richard J. Haldeman, Democratic member from the York District of Pennsylvania, has been on a great debauch. Ten days ago he entered the House of Representatives so maudlin drunk that he wag unable to nrliculuto when he arose, holding on to his desk; and, after a rapping of the Speaker's hummer had failed to seat him, he was left standing until some of his friends got hi in off to the cloak room. His wife, a lady of refinement and v fotlu8S character, the daughter of Simon Cameron, of Pennsylvan'a, mortified beyond measure, sought him out l ail endeavored to get him sobered down,. and, though failing in her labors did not despair, but clung to the wreck. On Wednesday night, towards midnight, the wife of a United States Senator, whose- - husband was 'at the Senate attending the night session on the San Domingo resolutions, was roused by loud and infamous language in an adjoining room adiaressed to the wife of Haldeman by that dtebamched Representative; and then hearing slows, the Senator's wife rang for help.- Soon the proprietor and two or three servants were brought to the hall, and'two members of Congress were rouscd'front their rooms by the then loud shrieks of a female voice, mingled with the exclamations of The Don't, Richard, don't! don'-t!botel proprietor, Sykes, at once hammered on the door, and warned the wretch Haldeman that unlets ho instantly ceased his violence, he would spend tho night in the police station, lie stammered out a maudlin "Yes," and his wife not appealing to those who had by that time arrived in the hall for thoir protection, they did not feel warranted in forcing the door open and taking her Scn-ato- - way. servant was stationed In the hall to watch for further trouble, and again at half-paone and four a. m. it became necessary to pound on his door, to frighten tbo ruffian from further violence. On the next morning the cowardly was ordered to leave the bouse at once, and never to return, and his wife was invited to remain. Her face was shockingly bruised; both eyes were blacked, and other marks of this demon's brutality were on her person. She said that the fiend had twice knocked her down, had kicked, and ehoked, and bruised her, yet she still thought it her duty to remain with the loathsome wretch, and try to reform Mm; and, on that day, they both left for York, he ft drunken sot, and she a heart-brokehumiliated wife. On the next occasion of this brute's appearance in the House, in on intoxicated condition, the is to be expelled suramanily, for be caanot possibly longer associate with any man in Vtte York the Houscj. of either party A st wife-heat- A JVap $nudum. er wife-whipp- er Prayer and Pugilism.. The New York Sun says: "Last Saturday night, Mr. Tiers, the local preaoher and chief exhorter of the Mooapin Methodist Church, about eight miles' from Patterson, New Jersey, lifter giving the benediction, walked out with, the rest, and at the door was met by a young man named Pulis, who was wishing everybody a 'Happy New Year.' Tiers is over seventy years of nge, and his wife still blooms in her teens, and the greeting whs so distasteful that he and his ton de clared they would 'slap the chops of l ull' Subsequently the old man leaped from his carriage and made for Pulis to fight him, and when a lady told him it was shameful aftiei coming out of watch mooting, and oa a Sunday morning, lie sailed her 'an- old lubber head,' and sailed in, but wag prevented from fight ing by the members of the church. He makes ft fervent prayea, and is ft first but has three times stur- class exhorter, , . . ! waJ a ngui suev eoniing oui ( cuurcn. i - 1 A Boston judge has picked up some- where the aburd idea that witnesses are not criminals. He rebuked a lawyer for Uailgcring one in a late case, and laid down the ostatusliing. proposition that a witness should be treated in the same maimer as any gentleman would treat a visitor to his house. The lawyers talk of having him impeaohc-- or sent to a lunatic asylum. J. of rive Days and Mglits. have recently bad in our midst a most remarkable case of coma with general anastliesis, lasting one hundred and hours. Emma Gray, who twenty-fou- r lives at 017 Greon street, was atlacked with convulsions early in the evening of the 27th of December, which were repeated vry frequently for four or five hours. After the convnlsions ceased, she fell into a comatose state, in which she was utterly deprived of all senses, not being able to be aroused by powerful shocks from electric batteries, or any applications which ordinarily succeed in reaching the human senses and provoking some evidence of vitality. The patient was visited by several of our prominent physicians who had heard Such cases arc of the phenomenon. mentioned as being of extremely rare occurrence, and doubtless all of our disci-pi- cs of Ksculapius would have been glad to have witnessed this one. Watson, in his "Principles and Practice of Physic, " says that after epileptic attacks, the subject has frequently been known to lapse into a stupor which lasted for an hour or two, sometimes for half a day. He says of sensibilinothing of the complete-logty, however, as was the case in this instance. Many features in the case bore a strong analogy to that f the sleeping beauty from Union county Tennessee. The Green street woman was in this condition from early Tuesday evening till about 10 p. m. on Saturday, during which time she breathed regularly anil freely, with no distortions of her faee, her eyes being just closed. To all outward appearance she was merely enjoying a gentle sleep. She says that she came to this city from Memphis, and that about five years ago, while living remote from scientific medical men, she fell into a similar state, which lasted Preparations were nearly a week. made this last time to put her on exhibition, when she gave signs of reluming 8 (rsaioiisness. The case is carta inly a most remarkable one, both as to cymp-tom- s and duration. Emma is quite a stout, hearty girl, and looked, and really was as well, in a short time alter awaking, as she ever was, with the exception of paleness and weakness, which were the natural result of doing without food or water for so long a period. St. Louii limet. We s .1 can Poor Immigrant Wrong. The Lancaster (Wis.) Democrat, of the 18th inst., gives the following sad chap ter of a poor girl's history, who left her native Baden to seek her sister in the New World: We are called upon to chronicle a case of deception perpetrated upon ft lone German emigrant, that lor pure cussed-nes- s equals anything of the kind that has come under our observation for some time. The narrative of the girl, as we get it from Mr. Smith, a reliable gentleman, shows that she hns been tho innocent victim of foul treachery from the day of her landing at New 1 ork until her arrival here. The name of the girl is Louisa Fisher, a native of Baden, Germany, and aged 21 years. ( She eame to this country in search of ft sister, the wife of Philip Reichel, who, she soys, lives somewhere within the limits of Grant countv. On. her arrival in New York she was besieged by runners and taken to a hotel, her bnggago being left at tattle Garden. When gelling ready to leave the city,, the pretended landlord of the hotel volunteered to take her check and procure her baggage. Not feeling disposed to trust to strangers, she proposed to accompany the niau, but was told that it was not right for a man and woman to be seen, walking together in the city," and was accordingly persuaded to deliver the check to the man. The consequence is that neither the man nor baggage have been hoard from. The trunk contained all of tbo girl's clothing, besides money and other valuablcsdesigned as presents to her sitter. Being unused to tho ways of the world, the girl made an appeal to some penson who pretended to be detective but who undoubtedly was an. ascovipuce or tile landlord. This individual, alter several attempts to re cover the trunk, told the girl that there was no use trying longer to get it, as it had evidently been taken off by some other person. Having purchased a ticket through to Dunleith, the girl proceeded on her journey, arriving at the latter place on Monday last. There she made known her destination, and was recommended by the hotel keeper with whom nho ate breakfast, to ft mnn who, he said, lived in Beetown, and would accompany her to her sister's. The man spoke German, but said he was born in Ireland. Reposing confidence in her guide, she paid her hotel bill, and the two started across the country on foot for Beet own. Lumber Dealers, NEW YOKE TRIBUNE, I.ring Picket!, and on hand, or Shingle, Cedar delivered on hhort a Hundreds of Thousands .a Bear testimony to their Wonder- 3 O ai r, - S From Disjiensatory of the United States. lul Uurauve tuecis. it a w2 PUMPS, STEAM SAW MILL. 1. Co. Middle Fork of Ogdcn Hlver, Sheeting, eel. 2.04) per lect. and Pickets, IOO Flooring ler 100 2.2. per 100 loot. Truckco& SnltLako LUMBER YARD, ARE THEY? WHAT - " " o s a 11h ft i- o fWv!&, &i ON CARS AT OGDEN, $25.00 per Door. M. Kasli Door, mind made to order. unci SaltLako &Truckce s3 LUMBER YARD. ADDRESS, I). W.PAUKU UliST, Salt Lake City. BO--tf WHITE PINE LUMBER YARD, 12 TITEY A TIE NOT A TILE eel I F A N C Y DRI fl K.PIv Mado 3t Poor Ilnm, Wlilnkry, Troof IwplKti ndltpfimo Liquors aoctorou.spiceoanaswcci ened to plcae the tasto, called " Tonics," ' Appetisers," "Hustorers,,&c., that lead the tippler on to drnnkonncsg and ruin, but are a true Medicine, tnado from tho Native Boots and Herbs of California, frco frum all Alcoholic Ktlntiilnntn. They arc tho GREAT m.OOI PrRII'IEIl ttnl A l.IFF. GIVIX1 PRINCIPLE ft perfect Innovator and Invlgorator of tho System, carrying on" all polsonoui direcperson cm ta'e these Bitters according to tion aud rcuialn long unwell. J 1 00 will bo given for an Incurable case, provided the bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other menns. and tho vital organs wasted beyond tho' point of repair. $25. per 1000 feet, lilood, which generally produced by i DlgestiveOrgana. DYSPEPSIA OK INDIGESTION, HmJ. c f tho ache. Pain Inthc Shoulders, Conghs.Tlghtnessof tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the 6tomach, Bad taste In tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation ot tno Luugs.raia in mo regions of tho Kidneys, and hundred other painful ormptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. They Invigorate the stomach, and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render thcm'of unequalled efficacy In cleansing the blood of all Impurities, and Imparting new life and Tlgor to the whole system, FORSKIN DISEASES, Eruptlons.Tetter.Salt P.huem, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Eyes, Erysipelas, Itcb, Scurfs, Dlscoloratlonsof the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skla, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug np and carried out of the system In a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in uch cases will convince the most Incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon find its or sores j cleanse it when yon find It obstructed and sluggish In the reins ; cleanse It when It is fonl, snd your feeUngs will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WO RMS , lurking in of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read earefully the circular sronnd each bottle, printed in four languages English, German, French and Spanish. get-lin- Wheat, and Rarley Wanted. Api'ly to D. II. PF.KRT, at 7.C.M.Iust or of the iii.in iu the yard. LJJVI WHEELER. 66-t- f Recollections or A tr Urt. By Retention Gland, or Incontinence of and Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concern ed in its evacuation. The remedy hu been recommended in also Dyspepsia, wd by persons from the age of 18 to and from 35 to 55, or in the decline chauje of life; after Labor Pains; s I 5, er Confinement t in chililrei. Bed-Wetti- In affections peculiar to females, the Extract Buchu is unequaled by any er remedy, as in Chlorosis, or ti. Reten- tion, Irregularity, Painfulness or Suppression of ustomary evacuations, U- lcerated or Sshirrous state of the uterus, Leucorrhce&v r Whites. Diseases f the Bladder, Kidneyi, Gravel and Dfropsical Swellings. Thu medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the absorbents into healthy action, by which the watery or as pain or inflammation. Extract Helmbold's Br cub has cured every case of Diabetes iu which has been given. Irritation of tie of the Bladder, I, rapidly aupsnedlng all other preparaUans for producing Bitgat, Sweet and WioUmM JtOLLS, BISCUITS, BRSAD, PerfeeUf Pars and Buck teat and other Griddle Cat. etalt, and otttxii, iWf ror immediate . Ths Powder t Ms WORLD, and It WILL KSSP OM cKatate, for ysars. It Is well adapted LAND OX BE A n to Ik, ax of Boueeteeport, Minert, jrsrfasn, XsUfTontt, 46, and ts la fact, in etety reepect, the BEST TBAST PQWDKS, ef "or IkeEUeken, the Camp, Ike Galtqr." DEALERS EVERYWHERE. BOLD BT GROCEB3 aaada Manufactured by DOOLET BEOTHEB, 69 NEW STREET, &. NEW-YOR- it Neck of tl Inflammation Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases if the Prostate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick-Du- st Deposit, Mucus or Milky Discharges, aad for en- feebled and delicate constitutions, if both sexes, attended with the followinr symptoms: Indisposition to exertion, m Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficu- THE lty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, TremWakefulness, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Drj-nes- s of the muscular system, &c. Helmhold's Extract Buchu 50. Oreely. Various stvles of binding. Cloth, I.ibrary, fc! 50. Half Morocco j4. Half Cloth, $6. Moroceo Antique, fT. Political Economy. By Horace Greely, $1 60. Kwbank's IlYKRAiiuca and Mechanics, Sixteenth Kdition. Large, octavo. Cloth, fc. Pear Ci'LTt!E ror Profit. Quinn, fl. F.LKMFSTs or AohicuLTURK. New WaiTiag. Edition. Cloth, $1. Krainino for Health and PRoriT. Warring. Cloth, tl 50. Sent free on receipt of price. I making remittances always procure a draft e on New York, or a Money Order, if possible. W here neither of these can be procured send the money, but always in Rkoistered letter. The registration fee haa been reduced to fifteen cents, and the present registration system has lieen found by the postal authorities to be virtually an absolute protection against losses by mail. All Postmasters are- - obliged to register letters w ben requested to do so. Terms, cosh in admnce. Address TILE TRIBUNE, New York. is Diuretic and blood purifying, and cures all dis- eases arising from habits of dissipation. Is supplicl ivith he latest improved facilkies for turning out crery description of IIelmdold8 vereign Extract Buchu JOB HUNTING is a so- remedy for the evils resulting from the use of Alkali water, which is so widely distributed in the west, exposing almost every person in this yast region ' to its baleful effects. Sold by all druggistsand dealers every- where. 2 Horace ti Disease of the Prostrate BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Price 20 cents. Hcby and Urethra, Proprietor. B. H. McDONALD CO., CaU calcareous depositions, and all unnaDruggists and Gen. Agents, Ban Francisco, New York. 34 32 Commerce and Street, snd tural enlargements are reduced, as weD J. WALKER, OFFICE. 1S38 to 1S58. of the Bladder itation of the skin, Eruption on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude To snbscritiera wishing to preserve Mr. Oreolv's essays on "What I Know op Farming," and who-pathe full price, I. e., $10 for Daily, 4 for or f-- J for Weekly Trimink, we will send the book, poet-paiif reqmsst bo made at the time of subscribing. Almaxa-- . ic Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irr- Affw-lion- a Daily Tr.inuNE, 30c, 40c, 50c, 75c, and $1 per line. Tnnu-YE- , 20 and 60 cents per line. WrtlLY Tuiiiu.ik, ti, fci, and $6 per line. According to position in tho paper. Tribcxi Chron- For Inflammatory find Chronic Rhenma-tis- m Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous rind IJont, Pyapepsla, or Indigestion, Rlllonn. Remit tent nnil Intermittent Fevcr and Dropsy. Discaai'sj of the Hlood, Liver, Kidncya and successmost been have these Hitters llliuldcr, ful. Such Piseases are caused by Vitiated Helmbold's Extract Bccbu is Is derangement OGDEN JUNCTION Advertising Rates. Tribi'xk Almanac Reprint. vols. HnJf bennd, 10. Urinary Organs, such as Gravel, thj Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, $iV. To Names of Subscribers, all at one . - 1 1 60 each. Id Copies . - 1 Boeach. at Copies 60 Copies 1 0 each. And One Extra Copy to each Club. Tersona entitled to an extra copy can, if preferred, have either of the following books, poet-ag- e prepaid : Poliitical Economy, by Horace firoely; Pear Cult uro for Profit, by' P. T. yuiiui; The Elements of Agricultr.ro, by George K. Waring. Tit They are given in complaints of bling, Horror of Disease, To One Andreas, all at one 1 fin each. 1" Copies 1 2l Copies each. 1 oo each. 60 Copies Aud Oue Extra Copy to each Club. BOOKS FOR SALE AT THE TRIBUNE Propekties Their odor is strong, diflusive, and somewhat aromatic, tbekr peculiar tendency to the Urinary To Mail Subscribers. .... .... ! Medical Properties asd Uses Bj. chu leaves ar gently stimulant, withi T1UBUXE. One Copy, one year, 62 issues 'lve Copies, one year, (2 issues - - - - Icaros. taste bitterish, and analogous to mint. TERMS. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY ' ISucIiq aJ Dn.T Trim;, Mail Subscribers, $10per atinmu. Bihi-Wek- lt TaintiXE, Mail Subsrriliers, $4 per annum, tlve copies or over, f.i each; an extra he will sent for every club of ten sent for copy at oue time; or, if preferred, a copy of ReroW lections of a busy life, by Mr. Ureoly. fremiti Diosnia 52 SHINGLES, $1.50 Fencing Lumber U, - notice. JAM BUCH VINEGAE BITTERS. 1071. your Orders. WhitoPino Lumber Since the English divoroe and matrimonial causos court was established some twelve years, no less than l,f75 After Waterloo, France paid an inmarriages havo bocu. dissolved, by its demnity of l,lG2,rr,0,W0 francs, of which 7(J0,U0O,U0O went to the allied powers. jurisdiction... MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. "WALKER'S CAUFOENIA the cost of Tiirnnh dtruc'-l- e aid aufferiiiu, TO OKDKtt BILLS OF ALL multiform VVlU,ki udsC1T bereavement, devwtntiomi, on short nutio-- . and supply their the. Aiiktk'huagiinie, Idea embodied in the- )re.tinhlo to cavtoinera tu usual. our fathera' Declaration of Indcpcndenca ita complete reHliation. Tho noble. lnsiiirniir aiMertion that "all men nr (rented on eiiul," and endowi-- by their Creator with inalto life, lilwrty, and the )iir."Hit of Will take in Payment for lumber: ienable righia liappineaa, in no longer a glittering generality, a a poet'a fancy, philoitopher'a apecolittioir, but the Grain, Stock, Store Pay and Cash. recognized ban. of our political tahric. TheHevolution, which date from the lioaton .Manaacre of 1770, tliina ita logical completion, Imt JLatli, one century later, in tho XVth Amendment; which gives to the equal political and civil right Pom tit I every man horn or uittimihzsil in our neuronic the ahteld and defence of tho Federal Constitution. Tlie billowa of Caxte and Priviktgo may rour and rage around that rock, and may tranniently loom on the point of washing it away: but it fuiiuda-tiunai- e deep-lai- d and ntcadfa.it, and the breakers of Reaction aud Slavery are hurled against and dash their apray over it in vain. He do not underrate the lorrea of Prejudice and Aristocracy. We do not forget that a very We have also at our office for sale large minority of the American l'enplo ami hodl in tiieir iiimoat hoarta that lllack Inivu no right which Whiles are bound to respect. We tully FIHST-CLAS- S appreciate the desperation wherewith all tho warring elements of hatred to Republican achieve ment will be combined and hurled againxt the battlements of Republican artcenileucy in the Presidential election oflST'2. Wo do not doubt that local successes, facilitated Republican Warranted not to freeze, and to give feuds and dissensions, will inspire bytho ctutrging. host with a sanguine hope of victory, such as full giiKisi'action to purchasers. nerved it to put forth its utmost strength In the earlier stages of the contests of 1801 and lSliS. let our taitii is clear and strong that the Amer- iII. J. SCOVILLE, an People still bless (osl that, on tho red battle fields of our late Civil War, the Union wan upheld Ayvnt. tf and Slavery destroyed, and will never consciously ileenlc that the precious blood thereon poured out was lavished iu vain. Hie lRiBi'Xi believes m the prosecution of the great struggle by legitimate means to iMMieflcent dels. Jo Mate povereigntv. it opposes indissolu ble National Integrity; to Slavery for lilacks. Utrtv lor all; to rroscrlption, ".utranchisement: to Popular Ignorance, Universal Education; to intensity and eternitv of wrathful Hate, universal and invincible UihhI Will. It would fuiu do its utmost to hasten the glad dav when tho South shall vio with the North in exultation and grati TO fc tude over the disappearance of too last trace or taint of that spirit which iui)ielleil Man to exult Am prcparwl to FILL HILLS of LUMBER, all in the ownership and ciuittlehood of his fellow the Man. Mill Stoam thuir at Saw on tVintor, through do we realize that the contest is not Profoundly tha vet ended that Millions mourn, more or less the downfall of the slaveholders' t'ou- publicly, fiileracy, ami rear their children to hate those hy whose valor aud constancy it overthrow was achieved. If wo ever aeeui to dilliir essentially from other Kopublicans, our conviction that magnanimity is ucver weakness,tliat vengenuco is nevat th Following Hati's: er politic, and that devils are not oust out 1V Ileelwjhuu, must serve to explain alleged eecen trii itiua whose perfect vindication we leave to 1.7.1 Time end Reflection. I The Thihi ne has been, Is, and mwt be, a zeal' on. advocate of Protection to Home idustry. llegardii; huhituu! idleness as the greutent foe to Square-l'dge- d, human progress, tho bane of hunias happiness, wo seek to win our countrymen in masses from the ensnaring lures of Speculation, of Truffle, of always overcrowded Professions, to the tranquil paths of Productive Industry. We would gladly deplete our overcrowded cities, where thousands vainly jostle and crowd in misguided Delivered anywlHtrn In OHen City for $1 axtra quest of "Something to Do," to cover prairie and pnr loo Iwt. plains with colonies ahsortied in Agriculture, Mechanics and Manufactures, and constantly We will take Ciwh, Stock auil Grain in payprojecting into the l.luuk, void wilderness the ment.. home and the works of civilized Man. Holding the Protection of Homo Industry by discriminating duties on imported Wares aud Kubrics essential to the rapid, benrnecnt diffusion of Producla a of COIIX Wanted Immediate v. tion in all its phases anil departments, aud so to the instruction of our people in all the gainful arts of peace, we urge our countrymen to adhere AILOnfem addrwed to BARNARD WHITE, to and uphold that policy, in umlouhtiug biith Foiirlh ftieot, Ugden, will receive prompt ! ten. that the true interest, uot of a class of a section, tiou- but of each section and every useful class, is Utr thereby subserved and promoted. The ThiuuM! aims to be a News-H'- r. Its correspondents traverse every State, are present on every important hattle-lielare early advised of every nobihie Cabinet decision, olMervo tho of Congress, of Legislatures, and of Conventions, and report to i by telegraph nil that is of general interest. We have paid for one day's momentous advices from Enroie by Cable far more than our entire leceipts for the issne in which those advices reached our readers, If lavish outlay, unsleeping vigilance, aud unbounded faith iu the liberality aad discernment SALT LAKE CITY. of tile rending public, will enable us to make a journal which liaa no superior in tho accuracy, variety, and freshness of its contents. Thk Tkiii-Ishall be such a journal. To Agriculture and the snlwervient art, we have devoted, aud shall ersisteutly devote, more s aud "quire than any of our rivals. We aim to make Tua Wkkklt Tuiauxi urh a paper as no farmer can aftord to do without, however widely TEW THOUSAND. his politics may differ from ours. Our reorts of Ine Cattle, Horse, Produce, and (ienernl Markets, are so full and accurate, our eexays in elucidution of tho farmer's calling, and our regular resirta of too rarmers t lull and kindred gatherings, are so interesting, that the poorest farmer will find mine of suggestion and counsel, of which he cannot remain ignorant without positive W e sell The loss. serious Weekly to Clubs ad tor less than ita value in dwellings for vraste-lK- r: and, though ita aulwcription Is already very large, we believe that a Half Million mure tanners will take it whenever it shall be to their attention. We ask our friend everywhere to aid us in so commending it. After crossing the bridge on Boise Creek, the man made some iudecent proOSR U)i NORTU OF white norsE. posals to tho girl, which were indignantly repelled. Whereupon the villian stole her Bhawl, hnod and money. Of the latter she had about threo hundred francs Tha beBt quality in" hard money and one hundred dollars in paper. Then throwing his victim into a mineral hole, thosoouudrcl decamped. After several attempts, the girl From Bear Lake Divide, near Mount Nebo, for manage! to' get out of the hole, and afSule, at the Mill, ter wandering through the fields, found refuge in the house of a farmer, who the day following, brought her to Lancaster. (Whether she came hero to make inquiAnd at tha Yard, from ries for her friends or to take some ac tion to try to recover her money, we are not informed.) And' now comes another $25. to $40. per 1000 feet, msifortune to this unfortunate. The Iu Cash or lit equivalent. man who brought her to g intoxicated, let the team- - run awny while returning home, and the girl was Oats, thrown and severely injured. She is now lying at the house of Conrad Knapp, near town, where she will be well pro vided for until her friends are found. Others have also taken nn interest in LUMBER PLANED ON ONE SIDE, the matter, and Sheriff Clise has started at Reasonable Hates. to ferret out and bring to justice the guilty parties. , I.CHEAT THE WILLIAMS & CO. Beware of eounterfeits. for Helmbold's. Take- no other. Price, $1.25 per ottle, or 6 bottles for $6.50l - la the finest style. Ask Delivered to any address. Descriv all comwuaicatie-ns- . symptoms Address H. T. HILMB0LD, 304 Broadway, N. Y. None steel-engrav- BOOKBINDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. are genuine unless done uf wrapper, with of my Chemical Warehouse, 9-- ly i" ani signed II. T. BELMB0LDJ. |