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Show The Railroad South. and behold all arms have become new. Recovered feoh Indians. The folTo keep pace with the times, and be lowing communication from the InterIn our issue of Wednesday last we PiitShed srery WEDNESDAY and 8ATCRDAT, able to cope with warlike nations, all preter for the Bannack Indians to the by the OoDts Puusai!o Compaht. gave a brief notice of the organization and Business President McOAW, Manager, leading Governments are compelled to U. S. Marshal of Montana is clipped JAMES coiumunicaUou should be of a Company to build a Railroad from to whom each succeeding improvement in from the Helena, Montana, Gazette-- . adopt addnwwd.. Salt Lake City to Fayson; we are now the art of human slanghter. Ft. Parker, January Cth, 1871. able to give some further particulars. C. W. rENROSE, Aisociati Ejjitob. The Franco-Prussia- n war has brought W. F. The necessity for a line through our Wheblkr, U. S. Marshal: into active service the artillery arm Dear Sir. I went to the Bansouthern has settlement felt been long OGDEX, UTAH. known as the. Mitrailleuse, with which nack camp with two men by the name and has often formed a subject of conKutch and Thomas Cutler, the now deposed Emperor expected to Saturday Morning1; Jan. 21, 1871. versation, but no practical steps have clear the ground of his adversaries, igno- that Col. Wham, the Indian A (rent at Wind River, sent up here to get a little been taken, until quite lately, to put the rant of the fact that the apparently girl that they think is white, who was into execution. On Tuesday project e but really Germans captured in 1862 on Raft River, by the sleepy, to stock the amount of a million last, were prepared to oppose it with an uannacks. I succeeded in finding her, and a half of dollars been sub- Un $tmduw. Eh . Correspondence. Editor Junction Dear Sir our wide-awak- : beloved come amiss. : Perhaps a few lines from City of Logan will not OGDEN CITY. The health of this city, is good, with but few deaths this winter. We hav about two or three inches of snow, not enough to go out sleighing. Business is pretty good, as the weather permits, the ladiesjto go out shopping. The currency of Cache is more plentitui this year than to-d- OCOEN CITY. Z. C. ItfL I. Loo ah City, Jan. 18th, 1871 in years past Our friends, the hoppers. took less toll this year, so we shall have more to pay the printers. 1 our valua ble paper comes to Logan regularly. Why do they want to change our Post Master? They can t get abetter one but I suppose there are office seekers here as well as in Washington. Our grist mills are doing a good work A new mill has started to grind corn, oats, barley and potatoes for puddings and starch. Our school houses, six in number, are crammed full of boys and girls; one house is so full that the Bish op had to knock out one end and build another room to it; we have evening schools or meetings every night in the e find the week. meetings much better than so much dancing. 1 think we are improving, we have two stores, one tin shop, two tanners, and shoe shops plenty. We shall have plenty of lumber as soon as Thatcher & Son's steam saw mill runs in the Kanyon, and shall be able to build good houses President Maughan has set us a good example in this respect. hverything is quiet and peaceable, no drinking or gambling done here. Logan Tom, that nearly broke his neck in Og- uuu Bumt'uuie ago, is geiung around again ; he says he shall quit dancing on a ropes end. lie sends his comnh I rents to the Junction, and is thankful was no worse. it I remain, Yours truly, A Bee in tub Hive of Deseret. WIIOMLl&RfflE and have her here in my room, and having of a similar pattern. scribed, a Company was organized and unproved weapon they will start back with her in a few The terrible effects of these arms days. Her name is Mclntvre. Gen. the officers were HUXICIPAL following ELECTION 1871. appointed: when confronted on the battle fields of Viall may know something about the President, William Jennings; Vice Pres the Rhine, woke up England to the neces matter. She is about fourteen years of Sfonday, February 13 Ih. ident, John Sharp, Senr.; Secretary, S. sity of improvements in her artillery, age, 1 Unnk, but small of her age; she is quite fair, and her hair is light; she J. Jonasson; Treasurer, James T. Little; AN and after anxiously looking around for is much sunburnt, which gives her the Superintendent of Construction, Fera- the best weapon to be had, sensibly appearance of being a quarter breed, mors Little; Chief Engineer, Jesse W. moved out of her own arsenals and which the Indians claim she is. I had no trouble with the Indians, in getting Fox; Directors, Jos. A. Young, Wm. Jenfoundries in her investigations, andjset-tle- d mem to Fer Mayor: give iter up, and she was will nings, Feramorr Little, John Sliurp, i LESTER. J. I1ERRICK. upon the "Catling" gun invented ing to come and po back to the Wind Sen., Daniel II. Wells. River Agency. When I spoke to Tim and manufactured in America. The line will be nearly eighty miles Aldermen; and Targee, (the Chiefs,) they Doy Sixty batteries of this formidable and were First Ward, . FRANCIS A. BROWN in length, and will, it is supposed, run effective surprised, but after I explained OP arm have been forwarded to the matter to them, they said it was Seoend Ward - WALTER THOMSON. in close proximity to the principal Wm. W. 1JURT0N'. towns on the England for the British army, and others au right, it l said so, tor they hod lairiWard regular road to Payson. It are to follow. The known me a long time, and I had never Gatling gun weighs lied to will be located immediately, and the them, and whatever I said was Councilors. 4041bs, and its carriage, 5391bs. Each and good. work of grading will be proceeded with straight ISRAEL CANFIELD. bullet weighs 880 grains and the charge as soon as the weather is favorable. Respectfully, BAVID II. PEERY. of powder, 80 grains. At a range of R. Hereford. CHARLES W. PENROSE. This enterprise will add greatly to from 200 to 1,000 yards, among broken WINSLOW FARR. the wealth and development of the Ter HORATIO B. 8COVILLE. infantry on uneven ground, a single bat Firb 1 The following by telegram is ntory. 1 he settlements south will be is estimated to have a wounding tery clipped from the Dettret Evening Xewi: brought into closer relationship with and killing power of 900 a minute, and St. George, Jan. 17. 1871. each other and our metropolis, their Utah as n State. in close infantry columns at the same Det. Ktvi: The and cotton will find agricultural products easy or James Kichie, Lsq., at Washing1ST of a minute. gin 1,200 range, telegram from Wasbington, we new interests and means of learn that Sargent, of California, has in transit, The handling of this terrible weapon ton, was consumed yesterday by fire. The fire was first seen in the gin, and livelihood will be developed, and with troduced a bill into Congress to admit of destruction is different from the man- was supposed to have branch lines to the mining regions, ore originated from Utah as a State in the Union, with the ner of serving ordinary field guns, so it matches accidentally dropped into the can be shipped with facility, and busi will form a distinct branch of the artil- cotton, or from friction. Three thou proviso that the Constitution of the new ness with the sand of cotton were destroyed, mining population be service. It is said to be easy to ana pounds rew State, shall contain an artiole irrevoca Wool Dc-Lain- cs, a bales saved; damage, The line will, lery materially increased. only and can be fired thousands w,uw. A maneuver, bly forbidding forever, without the con without portion of the cotton be doubt, be a paying institution, AFTER TUIS BATE, JANUARY sent of Congress, polygamous or bigam of times without recoil. It is said to longed to W. C. Smithson, and most of FROM AND 1871. 1 will not lie remoiiMilil fur .. and its connection with the Utah Cen to the residue The Richie. Debts contracted by any of my family except on us marriages and all relations of con a maximum of destructive power scanty crop tral will increase the business and add possess of cotton last season makes this a serious nu wruer Blgueu ny me. with a minimum of weight and size, and loss. eubinage. JOHN R, POOL. Geo. A. Smith. to the profits and 154-utility of to be far superior to either the French Of course if the bill should pass, the greatly both. or l'russian weapon of a similar charpoople of Utah can do as they please We have no idea that Payson City will 0 acter. SPECIAL SOTICRS. about accepting the offered position with HATE IN MY POSSESION TIIE FOLLOW, be the permanent terminus of the new tng dcscrilv-animals, which, if not claimed. such a condition. Duttthy make such road. It will doubtless be extended to will be sold at Public Sale. at the Estray Pound, A NEW LOT OF Taki Notice. All persons knowing 0dcn Cattle City. February 4, 1871, at 2 o'clock p.m.: special proviso for Utah ? Is there no the Southern of the Territo Ono Red extremity aoout two 1IK1FKR, themselves to be indebted to white 1st. yearn old, the and such thing as concubinage, using the "trip in fare, hole in each ear, crop off left; brand, The cattle plague which raged so fear 3rd. Ward ry and with the lines yet to be built in Store are posi III! Il'll term in its broadest or lowest significaOne Dark Red STEER, white spot in forcheail. the North, we expect to see the glad fully a few years ago in Germany, ex to call and settle forth tively requested upper and under crou off ritrht ear: no l,r,M tion, in ether Territories now knocking visible. day when every part of our flourishing tending into England and other countries, with, tf. at the door of the Union! Why then One RcddiKh Brown STAG, about two yean old, Territory will be connected by bands of ruining many stock raisers, and making no ear marks; brand 7 on loft hip. tie up Desibkt, at its birth, with a Con iron as well as Genuine One two year old W hite HEIFER, with red Jeweirt. The only estab by the ties of brother meat so expensive that tho poor were ear, brand on lelt hip not legible. gressional cord, and leave all other new hood, good will and common interest almost entirely deprived of animal food, lishment at which genuine Jewelry can One Yearling KILL, black, with ome wliito on born States "free and independent?" hark and belly, both hind Iot white nn to nn. has broken out again and is raging in be obtained in Ogden is at Paepe & brel joints, small white siiot in forcheail. crop off If special legislation on such a matter Main Street. umi uuuriim lu leu iKir. Repairs neatly iptii. many parts of Germany and France Boessel's, One Yearling Red HEIKEII. white in fare, while be admissable, would it not be well to The Denver uud Iloulder with such ltf under belly, half of tuii white, crtm off ritrht. rapidity that all efforts to executed. All work warranted. H.U. Valley awallow fork in left ear. try its practical application to the Discheck its progress have failed. The WILLI A 51 N. FIFE. On Monday last the completion and trict ot Columbia, and cleanse the atNkw Year's Gifts. C. C. Asmussen's Privy Council of England has, in con Og.lcu City, Jan. 21, 1S71. Main Steet, Salt Lake City, is a mosphere of the National Capitol before opening or the Denver and Boulder sequence, issued orders subjecting sheep Store, Railroad was celebrated fan such to the a an social Valley air of applying by and goats to the same restrictions im- repository for elegant jewelry, hand OF GENTS' A COMPETENT SCHOOL TK Am E!t. APPLY excursion along the new line. About the distant mountains. posed on imported cattle, and requiring some watches and clocks and a splendid - to RICHARD JONES, North ' The subject of the sexual relations is forty of the leading men of Colorado Trmtee, Ogden, all such animals, intended fnr tlm assortment of toys; just the place to elier County. a tf. a social question, at present beyond the formed the company, and according to London select New for Year's. presents market, to be slaughtered at the Denver A'twi, from which we glean their A. M. POLAND. reach, of legislative enactments. A. STEVENS. To be landing placo, instead of being consistent. Congress cannot touch this the particulars, the excursion was an M. D. Hammond to has removed new to the metropolis. conveyed alive natter without covering the whole exceedingly pleasant one. The Governments of Belgium and the premises opposite the Tithing Office, RAILROAD DEPOT, OGDEN. The Boulder Valley R. R. is fifteen Netherlands have ground. To tiaker away at one little Brands of California Wines and Lia- also made special pro- where he has for sale Schuttler wagons, Tlio Choicest .. . . . c: .1 . - tl ! luu uk in tue Mantel constant "," vomer of the nation, and leave untouch- miles In leneth. and extends from visions wagon timber, iron, nana. the on ploughs, Buckeye iy against importation of anied the thousand and one weak and rot- Hughes Station on the Denver Pacific, mals from POLAND k STEVENS, mowers, etc., at low prices. lm either France or Germany. ProDrieton. ten spots elsewhere, is ridiculous. seventeen and miles from quarter A new disease has made its appear von to Are Here indebted d If the marriage question is to be set-H- Denver to Erie, a town ance IMPORTANT TO MINERS. among the cattle in the State of the 1st. and 3rd. Ward Store ? If so, T EVANS ASSAYS ORE WITH DISPATCH by national law and monogamy is on the site of the coal mine, formerly New York, in Dutchess commencing call at once and settle up. This request tj . at hixiflVe, Sixth Street, Ogden. Reference to be its only legal form, why not make known as Austin's, afterwards Brigg's can tie nan at the county. It commences with a swelling of is Printing Office. tf. urgent and positive. the law universal, and illicit intercourse and now owned by the Boulder Valley the tongue, water runs from the mouth, criminal everywhere, and punish the In- Coal Company. It is pronounced "as the hoofs BSsT Io mistake Williams & Co. begin to rot, and the appetite fraction of the law In every place with good a piece of new track as was ever ceases. JIOOKSKLLKK ANI NEWS AGENT. The malady is spreading very will sell lumber, cheaper than any tie aaaae penalty. And if Congress can- laid," an I its bridge across the Platte fast, and no house in their Ogden, at remedy has as yet been disyard near the Books, not legislate on this knotty point for the (he best railroad bridge in Colorado." covered to Papers, Magazines, Etc, Jcnotion Office. arrest its progress. AT PUBLISHERS' PRICES, whole Union, why not be just and leave The Company was organized in Octo BROOM'S Corn eh. Ozden Citv. lne Drugs and Medicines at ltf Utah to sottle it for herself like her ber, 1870, with a capital stock of a the Pioneer Drug Store, Main St., Ogden, Steamer. Huriiing T. H. WEBSTER, million dollars, and bonds to the amount neighbors? of the finest quality, the Wines and are FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOEMAKER. NEW BRANDS OF W say admit the State of Deseret of $300,000, bearing interest at seven The following are the particulars of T 7G-of the brands. Liquors purest on the same footing as other States, with per cent, per annum, payablo semi- the txicKt'i, jiase jtau, luice ana burning of the steamer "T. L. a Constitution in which the social ques- annually, and guaranteed by the Denver Dancing bhoes Made to Order. alluded to in our telegraphic JGSf If you want a cheap let of lura- Meltons, REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. tion of marriage Is untouched; let the Pacifio H.R. Co., and the construction columns. The steamer was on her oer, apply to Mr. II. B. Sieville, at Five Doors Sooth of the White House. ltf work was new Slate come into close relations with commcuced on 21th October passage from St. Louis to New Orleans, Williams & Co's. yard, near the Juhc- the clvilnalioRr habits and experience lost. and was grounded for two days at Shoo tion Office. RAILROAD SALOON, The building of this rood connects Fly Bar. She was laden with 900 of older common wealths, and if its dotons Denver with the best coal fields of north- of freight, Ogdeii. mestic and social relations are demonamong which was a large COMMERCIAL. rl lHJB CHOICEST BRANDS OF MINES ' strated to be based on an improper and ern Colorado and will be of great benefit quantity of pork and coal oil. About JL LIQUOR8 ana CIGARS always on hand. s BILLIARD TABLES for lovers To Office of Ogden Junction, Ogden City, ' untenable foundation, lot them fall and to the whole Territory. To the Boulder 200 tons had been oi tne frame. unloaded, and the Utah Jan. 3871. Territory, 21, be swept away by the breath of popular Valley Coal Company, this road will be passongers were about to retire to 23 ets. per Game llilliardg their Wm REYNOLDS k m opinion and the force of advanced ideas. a fortune. They own about seven thous berths when a fire broke out aft. A WIIOLESALEPRICE LIST. But if they prove to be purer, more sta- and aores of coal lands in the vicinity of stiff gale was blowing at the time, and mODUCE. ble and. better in every way than those its present terminus.and the coal which the flames spread so rapidly that the FLOUR-43.Boot and Shoe Maker, per sack. of Us elders, then let the fact be duly ac- is said to be inexhaustible in quantity is passengers were compelled to jump into WHEAT! Ill" per buohel. Fourth Street, ha f a Block tmm Mni. st.u. locomotive the Utah best coal as free in northern the river to save themselves from desOgileu, thanks his numerous friends for their Tery knowledged. Anyhow give " 71 BARLEY,-- 90 liberal patronage during; the past year, and hopes and fair a chonoe as other Territories in Colorado and one vein gives indications truction. The weather was so I I III lh I ls V OATS, 80c. by his punctuality and attention to btniness, to intensely U V 111111 u uriii. a vunuuiiaiion oi tneir sunnort. POTATOES 1.1m 50e. the march toward political independence. of properties for coking. There are also cold that many who had leaped into the M per buhel. APPLES, $1. in the immediate vicinity, fire and pot- water to AND escape death by fire were comBEEF on feet, 8c. per tb. . Hons. We still hear cemplaintar of ter's clay,iron ore, mouldings, sand and 7 and sank to the bottom. MAY $8. to $10. per ton. numbed, AND nARNESS MAKERS. pletely SADDLE the miserable condition ef the roads bebuilding stone, and other valuable metals A few who remained on board were Opposite the Tithing Office, Oeden, tween this City and1 Bingham Fort lane, and minerals. P ON HAND A GOOD BUPPLY OF to cinders. burned DRY GOODS. north. We are told- - that it is positively Harness, orioiea, una, Collars, etc. etc. The road is a short one, but as Mr. jv The steamers "St. Francis" and BROWN 8HEETINGS 14c. to SOe, per yard. ttepeirs neatly and promptly executed. Tortus dangerous for teams t travel on this Carr who wasits principal projector and "Ann reasonable. BLEACHED 16c to 21c which had White," passed safely STOKER RIDDLE, rod whilo it is in its present condition. constructor remarked in his speech at over the PRINTS, 9c, to 14Jc Main Street, Oden. returned on seeing the bar, Id several places wagons will sink down the 25c. to 35c TICKINGS, celebration, "it commands four gate- flames, and with the "II. C. ' Yeager," STRIPES, 17Jr, to 2fJo. to tlto axle, and teams two feet deep in ways to the mountains, and he expected which was lying close by, saved many WALLACE, DENIMS 25c. to 35c. water. to see tho day when it would be com- of the unfortunate DELAINES 17c. to 24c. WALT " " LtVICE and the passengers There are Ihtei very bad places; one " All Wool 38c to SOr, Manufacturer of and boat's crew. pleted on through the ' on this side the Weber Mill, and two. on I LANNELS, 12Vjp?. to T2c gold and silver regions, and the rich The Captain, William Tompkins, the JEANS 4Sc. to 86c tii other aide.; The water continues to graiing and agricultural country of the chief clerk, Mr. McFarland and upwards - DOESKINS fl.U to $1.40 A FULL STOCK OF Surprise Boxes and Pop-Cor- n Bag's flood the street during the day; and at western DRESS slope toward the racific." 40c. ui iiuoics&ie. 50c. to FLANNELS, of twenty others are lost. One of the ght it freezes and makes a broadsheet SHIRTING CHECKS, 26c, to 28c " A full supply of CONFECTIONERY, ORANGES passengers states that after being lifted ef ice which is really dangerous for both - " LINSEYS, 25c. to 4CK iiHMU., NUTS. FANCY (.linCERira on board St. the The Francis he saw a man BOLOGNA SAUSAGES, etc Catling Mitrailleuse. CRASH, 15c. to 22c man and animals to walk upon. If it is Etc., Etc. and his wife, who were cabin passengers, COTTON FLANNEL, 28c to 35e. HOXEY o IX THE COMB, the that should cheai). water be kept necessary Every fresh war of modern times de IRISH to 80c $1.00 LINENS, to on Orders a when from wife the plank, Country Stores solicited. in the ditches for culinary and other velop?, some new weapon of destruction. holding BLUE BROWN DENIMS, SOc. to 35c. All Orders addressed to D. H. PEERY. cried out "I am freciing; let us die topurposes-- will' not those who are most in- In past times warriors would meet on she then let the Ogden City, will hare prompt go gether;" plank. terested flume tho water course, or adopt the battle field in deadly conflict, and YARD. The husband clasped her in his arms and TEN Near DOLLARS attention. the Utah REWARD. Central Kuitine so:ae other pUa rw,i. a not to any longer their sons would walk in the footsteps of they both sank to rise no more. The M. THOMAS COAL AND LIME CO, ON TUESDAY EVENING LAST, A endanger the life, limb and property of departed heroes wielding the same- kind reason so many were lost in spite of the LOST, t... ... IJealerg. hava rnnt.tMntlv Oold FINGER RING, between the j those who are under the necessity of of arms as their ancestor?, generation means at hand to rescue them, was the Otiien Post Office and the resiclen-e of J.lr. Simon 15 Cents on the Ton above cost, for cash or Cars, at of flames on in the Main street. The reward consequence of Iligi;inbottom, at cash rates. traveling on that road, and who pay after generation. Hut iu this age of in- rapidity tho gale and tho intense cold of the will le pai.1 to the finder hy Mr. F. A. Kinp, at produce Lime at the old place near the Theatre the Poet Qfflce, Ogden, on delivery of the taxes to keep it in good repair. vention old weapons have passed away water. bushclaof Shelio.1 r ring. Superintendent, J. M. THOMAS A CO. PEOPLFSTICKET. gin-hou- se NOTICE. NOW OPENING! IKI HIE RISE Winter Goods. Scotch Plaids, Satins, Poplins, Flannels, Linsevs. Alpacas, All Arinures, ; Nnbias, Scarfs, Hosiery. , ESTRAYNOTICE! I riagne. SHAWLS, L BLANKETS, Bed Spreads. 3 WANTED. 100 SUITS Roady - Mctclo JUNCTION SALOON . Cardigan Jackets, Woollen Shirts, : tf ad CLOTHING, Drawers, etc. newly-organixe- C.B.MeaRTCOOIi 100 Cases BOOTS & SHOES ofn nil tf Mc-Gil- l," Cassinieres, Doeskins, Jeans, Main Street, Domestics, Stripes, Tickings, Denims, First-Clas- . E. J. WATKINS. Prints. 50 FURNISHINGS. T'-EE- Locks, Harness Trimmings, H. CITV. Cutlery, Carpenter's Tools. coal-field- s, PURE CANDIES, GROCERIES. , , COAL at-- !(,. H.B. CLAWSON, |