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Show She j4f tt BY TELEGRAPH. gttrtiott. SATURDAY, Published everr WEDNESDAY .ml COMPANY. Special to the OonEN Junction by the Atlantic and Tacinc Telegraph Company.) Manager, 1MFS McflAW, President and Rusinesa should be to whom all husiuew communication, addreixod. Fuss in New York over the Released Fenians! by tb 1 UtlDKM fUBUSHliia tion,on their arrival.at the Astor House, while. Tammany Hall engaged the Metropolitan, and an immense crowd gathered at both the hotels and many were the speculations as to who would get them. ht Kcw York, 20. After much anxious expectation, some of the released Fenian prisoners arrived about ten o'clock last night. The "Cu ba appeared at the upper quarantine, when it was found that only five Fenians were on board, as follows : Jeremiah O Donovan Rosso, Charles Under, wood O'Connell, John D'Evoy, John McClure and Henry S. Malleda. It was expected that 21 would arrive; the balance will not arrive for some days yet. The committee from' Tammany Hall and the Irish Republican Brother hood boarded the vessel, each tendering the Fenian exiles the hospitalities of the United States. After a scene of intense xciteuient, each committee endeavor ing to outvie the other in demonstrations of welcome, it was resolved by the remans to remain aboard the vessel for the night, and proceed to the hotel this morning. Lincoln, eb. The two houses met yesterday in joint convention to elect a U. S. Senator. First ballot: Hitchcock, 23; Thoyer, 17; Sanders. 9; Rodgcrs, 2. Second vote: Hitchcock, 29; Thayer, G: Sanders, G. Thirteen Democrats voted for Hitchcock. The successful candidate is a Republican, and the last delegate the Territory had in Congress. Lasalle, 111., 19. During the last 3G hours the Illinois river has risen seven feet It is supposed to be caused by the heavy rains in the neighborhood of the Kankokee swamps. been put in shape in a bill introduced by Axtell of California. The Government has an uudoubtdd title to the land, which is worth two millions of dollars, and has occupied it ever since the acquisition of California. It is now proposed that the Government should relinquish it without payment in order that it may be seized by a "ring" of speculators, who endeavored to squat on it some years ago, but were prompt- ly driven on it by the military authorities. Axtell's bill gives 5,000 acres to the city fur a park, bOO acres to land grabbers, and all the Government is to keep is 250 acres for its forts" and bar-- i acks. UTAH CENTRAL RETAIL RAILROAD. IKE OF UTAH. DEY GOODS PIOXElttl ! The Liberal ON AND AFTER Look Here, Voters w requested to Element of Ogdeu City Apaches! 1 meet at Cordon's Hall, on Monday, 7 o'clock at p.m., January 23rd, 1871, IHUMIITJIIOTV: for the purpose of making nominations 8 a.m., and Call attention to their at will leave Train Oplen daily large and vrtll of suitable candidates to fill all the S.Srt p.m. Arrive at Fait Lake City at 10 a.m. and assorted Stock, jttst receited, con ' ' ' offices provided for by our City Charter. Gen. Chauzy! 7.30 p.m. sisting, in part, of ; FOREIGN. a Committee. Central the of J5 5 order and a.m. i. p.m. Leave gait Luke City daily at By Berlin, 19. Poplins, Tail Mil Plnidx, 7 a.m. and 4.45 p.m. AMERICAN. J. A. JOST, Arrive at at Ogdeu The Prussian Government has fitted NntiiiM, Merino St. Paul, 10. Chairman. out and dispatched six fast cruisers, John Harbooge, a Swede, killed him Itcpcllnuts, Closikiugs , with orders to cruise along the West T. J. Statkkr, a quart of whisself yesterday drinking Shawls, an tn above tha addition In India Islands and elsewhere, to capture 1 Secretary. key on a wager. He lived only a few Cloth Coats I'ltuiiH'IcoiiM, and destroy the French merchantmen hours. ACCOMMODATIOX encounter. This is in pursuand Uorcd may Itnlmorul they is State The Senate considering a ance of the recent announcement of Exhibition. Mr. J. Tyrrell intends resolution, offered by Mr. Becker to set , MtirK 'te. WILL Rl'N Bismarck, withdrawing the declaration to exhibit his Phantasmagoria and aside the public lands of the State, to be Celebrated California The made at the beginning of the war, that (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) Optical Illusions in the 2nd Ward sacredly devoted to the payment of the French merchant ships having no ma DAILY, IllnnketM, ItngS is Road debt. Its Rail State passage nest. on Schoolhouse terial contraband of war aboard should Leaving Odrn City 5 a.m. and Salt Luke City. Monday evening Flannels and Hosiery. doubtful. not be molested. 4.40 ii.iii. on which full Due will entitle the pur He says he has upwards of 500 views to 19. Brooklyn, In the North German Parliament to chaser of a ticket to return un the Mine day and train free, and will stop by arniniriiig with tlie Among the war vessels fitting out at exhibit, and can make an interesting the proclamation oi King Ytiinam Conductor, ny at any point uu the line to take on or the navy yard is the gunboat, and instructive entertainment. as rend, announcing his acceptance of let on passenger. Corvettes, "Canandagua," the title of Emperor of Germany. The l'asseinrors will please purrhae tliclr ticket at is complete in l0gun8;"Vachiisctts, IOguns'Omaha," announcement was greeted with dcafen- - the otlicuH, Fifty rents additional will be clutiged fare is collected on the train. the when Mioses and Soiree. A soiree will be given, by 12 guns. The "Omaha" will be ready for ent I,ndie ng cheers nnd unbounded enthusiasm sea in about two months. Her destinawas manifested. 1'rof. Franklin's dancing class, at Child's Children" ISoot,, Shoe,,. PA HPS: tion has not been fixed upon. The Bordeaux, 19. fl.SP Ogden to Kaynville Hall, Main street, Ogden, on Tuesday "Canandaguia" and "Wackusetts" will Slippers, Metallic and A dispatch lias just been received " fl.On Farnilncton Aretie Over-ShoEvening, Jan, 24. A general invitation probably be sent to the Pacific and from Gen. Chaiuy, who reports that, 'on " Centrevillo Ine frigate, T ' European squadrons. is hereby extended to all. a large German force suddenly ete., ete. Monday, 2.25 Wood's Croon out as a ring slnp is Minnesota, fitting while Also his attacked ..... Tickets of admission $1,50. proceeding troops ' JAM Salt Lake Ctty for the European squadron, to release from Laval to the eastward. A desper 1 ATS and II the "Franklin flagship. ate battle ensued, which lasted several Chicago, 19. For all information concerning Freight or Pa- nslungton, 1!). Mink. Coney Krmiiie, The little Emma silver mine which hours with unabat ing vigor. Chauzy's sage, apply to Lecture. On Wednesday evening In the Senate the House bill abolishing was sold to the bank of Cali- troops fought bravely, and with such D. 0. CA1.DER, yesterday Squirrel and Hearer Setts; dethe offices of Admiral and (ton'l Ticket and Freight Agent. jast a very interesting lecture was fornia, for one million, two hundred energy and determined courage that the r and Valises; 'ranks amendments the that the with in navy, thousand dollars, was principally owned Prussians found themselves compelled to livered in the 3rd District Schoolhouse, of a on Curtain offices occurrence the cease JOSEPH A. YOUNG, Carpels, Window of the by a family named Chisholm at El- withdraw, after sustaining a severe re SUPERINTENDENT. by Mr. Thos. Wallace, on the subject vacancy; the amendment was agreed to gin. The family, two years ago were in pulse, involving serious loss. General Shades. and Electro-Biolog- y and ' ltf Spirit- and the bill passed. Mesmerism, HEADY-MADCLOTHING. circumstances. One of them was a Chauzy states that he considers this re poor A bill to secure the cheap transportaualism. A numerous and respectable in his rewho case left to the him will secure enable his Evening pulse printer, Highest Price paid for all kinds audience attended, and listened to the tion of breadstuff's and provisions from Post office, only three months ago. treat undist tired. His retreat is now AS of The in Furs. West to the East at uniform rates the continued in good order, and without Dcs Moines, Iowa, 19. lecturer with the closest attention all seasons of the year was in A full Stock of GROCERIES, HARD through loss of material. Last night three disguised men broke any The phenomena which have been mani- troduced in the Senate. CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! WARE, etc., cto. London, 19. down the door of Henry Forbe's house A communication was received from fested during the present generation A special dispatch to the Loudon Call and Examine. him senseless, near beat Mitchelville, under the above names, were explained the Chief Ordinance Bureau, suggesting bound and gagged the family, and rob- Timet from Versailles, dated yesterday, WB HAVE A LAROB ASSORTMENT OF bronze of that no further the bombardment of Paris proceeds with great clearness and in a pleasant cannon be made appropriations for soldiers monuments, bed the house of nearly $1,000. The says but slowly in the discovered steadily; the gunners system the outrage manner, and the relationship between as the guns are valuable and the num neighbors unbound and aided the suffer atically avoid firing on public buildings. morning, ii a n reduced. is and them and the witchcraft wizardry ber becoming very flag of truce was sent into the city ot a ers, men pursued tne robbers; one was tne motion A lor LAKE CITY. SALT appointment vote of A established. and news times letters. with of ancient committee to investigate the charges of captured. OFFICE IN KKCrtSD HOl'TII KTRKKT, OI'l'O- to 19. tendered the from A was states that Carlsruhe , Pottsville, Ta., thanks HITK TUK OMAHA HOUtSK. unanimously dispatch violence and resistance to law in the The reports of trouble between the advices from General Van Werder re fruui the Country promptly at t&- - Call South was adopted. lecturer, and an announcement w tended t. ,. ; The Annual Report, to be given to the striking and working miners in the port renewed attacks on his command made that Mr. John Barker would lec Shamokin region are increasing. Yes by the French troops of Bourbaki to the re next contains week, early ture in the same place on Friday even printerfrom several sub committees who terday a party ot armed men and wo southward of Belfort, in all of which the porta on the 7 sub at 27th inst., p.m., visited the Indian country during the men stopped the Longdon Collery, near Germans maintained their position how ing, Shamokin, where they broke the tools of ever, repulsing their assailnnts with con of summer, and explains how the troubles the Threnology. ject AND The 50,000 French operators and fired into the office of siderable loss. with Red Cloud and the Sioux Indians ),,, ,. Is alt of a Superior Quality, for Sale at the who left Bordeaux for Superintendent. recently troops were settled. The Board approved the the purpose of reintorcing the Command Tnnton, N. J., 19. The Second District Zion's Relief Ball. The party at Child's action of its Secretary in calling the The Grand Lodee of the Masons of of General Chausey, have failed in their and President the attention of Congress this State met here Hall on Thursday evening last passed and elected attempt to unite with him, the Ger COOPERATIVE STORE, to the present condition of the Apaches First-clas- s Furniture of all kinds at the off pleasantly and to the satisfaction of officers. man troops having destroyed the Rail MAIN 8 T R K E T , OUDKN. of Arizona, nnd asking for a special lowest rates. A and of and to north the of road protracted not meeting large all present. It Mas , overcrowded, appropriation of $30,000 to preveut the bridges received In Exilimiiru for Produce will I Maplo. Malioyanj-I!l;uk Walnut, Camden and Ambov 11. R. and the the and a free and general spirit pervnded threatened war with those Indians, and N. J. common lliaii th Merchandise. ftc, Clionpor The bombardment of I nns was ex Transportation Co., was held in kind elsnvherp. the assembly. We believe the ladies of invited their Chief and a dozen of his this city wlio know tlieiuclve to lie IN" All to take into considera ceedingly severe on Monday an im breves to visit Washington. The Presi an Uepnii s dono neatly and with despatch. DKIITK1) to tlie liHtltulimi, to the of roads the the 3rd Ward have accomplished the dent embraces this shells tion of and combusti mense (heir leasing quantity re'iucntcd to 8KTTLK LT iiiimediiitely. proposal and the Pennsylvania R. R. Co. They were in bles callable ot doing much damago was House has voted the l?30,000 required. object desired in getting up the party. Persons wiidiinn tn lieroiue STOCK 1IOLDF.RS session all day, and it is said the officers thrown into the city. A thaw set in on in tlio lufttituttou can un no. In a paragraph making an appropria to a were coldness se but and the it, strongly opposed large Tuesday, relaxing F EVERY DESCRIPTION JIANlTfACTLUKD tion for the Secret Service Fund, Wood VII.SOX WltlllllT, number of stockholders favored it. A Heavy Sentence. The Railroad offered an RCtf 0.1 THE SHORTEST JiOTIt'K. verity of the weather, which has lately Siierinleiidpnt. amendment, providing that prevailed. The German batteries were Memphis, 19. robbers who have lately been on trial no part of the appropriation be used in : very silent during the greater part of steamer from the wrecked and to effort San annex the Reports Domingo, at Elko have, we arc informed, each y as also were the rrench lorts. KMNIIKD Ti ORDER. , MctJill" state that the wreck is being H was well known that a large said it been sentenced to thirty years' impris-onmenamount had been taken from the Con- pillaged by river pirates, and the freight. whose defensive powers had probably KOEtKICT been weakened by the tremendous Ger MEAT OF THE I1F.ST QUALITY, AT LOW , in the Nevada State prison. tingent Fund for the purpose of effecting on the bank is carried off, several dead always on hand at the the previous day. A . ar the Tost onicft,,,0'(lon. a lease of Samana Isay. liutler op bodies were burned to cinders in the man cannonade of SClin . Parliumcntaire was permitted to enter JSP Estray Notice- - See advt. posed the amendment, Cox was in wreck. y and with Paris news, dispatches 20. Washington, favor of the total abolition of the Secret A Special Commissioner Pleasanton's letters of State of importance. Bis "Tu Trials of a Housekeeper" HOME MANUFACTURE. Service Fund. .After a lengthy debate, has now assumed One Door South of the Second Ward Store, are never experienced by those who use and without disposing of the bill, the recommendation in favor of the repeal marck's illness y to the more favorable character. The Premier rose. During tne discussion, of the income tax, made .u ciV x"xa.xiv;.fet 31 a iii Wtreer.tOgrlcn. - Uxi.ft.xt JJooley s l east Jowder, now univer Committee OUDKN,, took Ways and Means Committee, turns out is much better and the liveliest hopes I. ., MAIM, STREET, a ,,!.! protracted personal colloquy known the as entertained of his Call tha attention of the Public to hi New and are sally speedy recovery throughout country PRODUCE TAKEN AT CASH RATES, place between several members regard to be made with the knowledge and con Von Moltke in of Asaurbneiit Spleudid replying to the protest the best. It is always ready, always ing pledges made to their constituents sent of the President. The suggestions Iron nnd Tin Cornier. made are likely to be put in a formal recently made by TrocLu on behalf of Buy jour meat at the PeouV Own Market ami to election. the reliable, and requires from a third to prior down witn lilgn price. the French govt, against the bombard for action. Ware, 19. New shape Tork, f half Ufi than those of common manufac ment being commenced without t he usual wntra h keep coDntautly ou hand, Also, gioil for the , The testimonial performances The land grant question is before the which ture. This is owing to the perfect purity the variety oi states that ... notice, damage benefit of Geo. Holland, the deceased House on the order STTJDEBAKER special again of the ingredients entering into iU com- comedian, took place this p.m. The bill to construct the St. Croix, & Lake had been done to schools and hospitals of snperior quality; all of which h offer for sal will net the family Superior Railroad, this bill by many was accidental, and further attributable position, which insures the same result entertainment to the fog which prevailed at the time. at as low n4urj,a any that are tuiporiea Horn as the for $9,000. is wedge regarded entering the Kant. every time. Biscuits, rolls &c, can be The steamship "Cuba," with the three or four others, and the great pres When the batteries were nearer and the T HAVE A NUMIIKR OK TUB CELEBRATED N R. Job Work pnuctnnlly and nently executed had advantage of clear and 1 6TCHKBAKKK WAHONH lor Pale, rboaer artillerists made with it in ten minutes, and such as released Fenians on tele' was to board, sure is offered before in tliii pass it this session. uninterrupted range, they could exercise than they have ever been can be eaten with impunity by invalids graphed about 9 o'clock this evening off Territory. The Indian question has now come more prudence in taking their aim. or dyspeptics. For sale by every first-cla- Sandv Hook. There was much excite Call at the Seeond District squarely before the House. The design lenna, 19. ment among the Irish residents and of W1I.I. St'lTI.Y THE YERY REST QUALITY the bill is to place all the Indian Grocer. in Von a deliver Baron Buest, speech news Store, Main street, or at on of the hotel proprietors of SALT, coarse or line, in anaill or lerita receipt as far as possible, under one ed yesterday in the Austrian Parliament, tribes, The above can be obtained at 0. II. braudiil to auit the trade, oa the sliorUut the Tithing Otliee. of her arrival. JSy 10 o clock quite and bring the Indians not declared that Austria can now accept Government, and thesper tlian any in the uifiikut. notice ,, Tribe's, where there is also to be found number of the Irish organization that L. J. HERR1CK. A inrue uunimiT on nnno. under Government control. the friendship of Prussia without any had been waiting, formed in line, and organized to U W. Hit RTU FK, Plain City, 8 W full assortment of Apply New 20, merchandise. York, general loss to her dignity, more especially since WM. VANDVK: ... headed by bands of music, marched to The World 't London special of the the relations at present existing between One Door Eiiat of the Theatre, Ogden City. Castle Garden. 17th, says the bombardment of Paris the Austrian and the Italian Government Curb tor Chilblains. An old resiThe contest between Tammany and ceased are of an entirely friendly nature. Collector Murphy is viewed with con Gen. Sherman expresses the opinion First nnd Third dent of Ogden Brus8ells, 19. GltOUND TO gives the following rewell known it is as the Apache Indians this war siderable with a that interest, is this in in circulation a rumor There ceipt for the curing of chilblains and to STORE that should Collector Murphy succeed spring is inevitable, and in this view which is generally received with YERY EUOIIII.E .' lll'ILDlXd SEVERAL Lease on tlie llay irritation of the hands or feet. in securing the martyrs as the guests he is sustained by the opinion of a large City, t .a A M Corner, of J61 MA.IIV that the French army under Gen. credit, Union Square. He says he has OGDEN. proved its benefit by of the Republican party, the more number ot officers who have served on Bourbaki has succeeded in raising the For particulars apply to JA3. McOAW, Kq, t will the frontier. The Indian commissioners TLPT RECEIVED, A COMPLETE ASSORT- the JtacTIUK Olttt e, of Belfort. practical experience during the last prominent of the released prisoners of mnii f at once receive appointments in tn who have been in session here will do siege J A French brig laden with flour has thirty years. JMll Utt AMI MhmMaKN. Custom House, while on the other hand all they can to avert a disaster of this been a German captured by "Mix seven parts of soft water with if they are the guests of Tammany, kind. It is also believed by some prom- a short distance off Bordeaux. Aim. a Splendid Stock of 1RY GOODS, ORO- CERIES and will be made for them in the inent army officers that the peaceful Red one of muriatic acid, rub on the Advices positions from Versailles state thatdurparts ALL AT TIIK REVERE HOUSE ALOC, City Government. In either event.those Cloud will abandon his present attitude the recent scrtics from Paris, the affected and rWoiid South Street. Salt take City, where dry by the fire before of the lower grade will be provided for and lease for the war path when the ing or hi assistant officers of the French troops were in Prescriptions carofully prepared. you will fiud JOK, SIMMON foingtobed." ready and willing to serve you with in the City Hall Pork, it being a mere season opens. All umeri promptly iiii Jtl many instances heard entreating the solwill be who has Gov. been Hon. whether FRESH OYSTERS, employed Saulsburg they question diers for God's sake to advance and face tSF Caution to Tradesmen. See No- at the south end on the new r. U. or on elected to succeed his brother in the the GOLDEX CROWN CIGARS, A in lack vain. but enemy, general C. WOODUAiNW;,tice. I'Ui.S FKKT, etc. the new Court House. Collector Mur- U. S. Senate from Delaware, is a law of courage seemed to possess the I rench t j - Call and wo hiui. nhv with his party were out early in yer of considerable reputation and dis- ranks in almost all the recent sorties fcStroot, ' wr Best Wishes. The Millennial revenue cutter, waiting to intercept the tinction, but has never served in Con they would advance to within a hundred PEALER IN and this sona of feature A singular gress. "Cuba," and get the martyrs, s'ar, in entering on Its thirty-thir- d yards of the German batteries, but thci Hall chartered a steamer for torial contest was the fact that the three courage would fail them, and they would GENERAL MERCHANDISE, volume, has our most cerdial wishes for Tammany the same purpose The Collector is brothers were the only candidates; the retreat before the fierce musketry fire DRY GOODS, U continued suceesg. For many years expected to board the vessel first, Undc present Senator and the Governor of the which assailed them. 11 has one who was finally dec GROCERIES been a light shining in a dark his authority as Collector of Customs, state, and the To all whom It may concern. place, and a source of joy and comfort Tammany Las enlisted the services of ted. Safe Coupling. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ETC the Health Officer, he being entitled ny The New, York Iferald'i Washington t thousand,, May its beams of truth law to board all vessels bctore any dispatches this A Good Supply Since the great robbery the Central of MECHANICS VTOTiCE IS IJEREin GIVEN, THAT morning state that Pres continue to guide the honest on the road passengers embark. At this hour, 10.30 ident Grant intends to remove Murphy Pacific Company have arranged the TOOLS on hand. 1 all Tersons etmnged in Business in ! fountain of all light, truth and a.m., the "Cuba" had not arrived at the and put Woodford in his place. The couplings of the cars in such a manner Ogden City, (tcr which the City Ordiintelligence! . OCDEN TANNERY. nance provide that a license must be city, and neither of the tugboats have reason for the change is said to be that that they cannot be detached by any FORTIFIED, TRY the President wants to harmonize the ordinary means without severing the TF TOU WOULDL KBEA WELL Brisk, Business has been brisk in been heard from. obtained,) without first procuring n T 11 ii II , X New at factions in ad As and A nrize fieht occurred iron an link or the York, are liable to be taken before any license heavy 'own pin. Republican not Yester-dawill sell If I and to Come y my Tannery tf during the past few days. between Young Dallard that the Fenton men are still bitter ditional safeguard, they have subslitu yon as GOOD LEATH ER as the best, and u theup Alderman of said City, and bo subjected in particular, Main Street was Williamsbure. ted a corper wire rope in the place of a the cheapest in the market. and Pal Coyle, of Bush against Murphy. to a Fine. wowded with teams, and the merchants of Brooklyn, HIDES and BARK WASTED. The principle feature of interest in re the uual style of rope to the signal for $200, and resulted in a vie JSy order of the City Council, week, l 6 mov'n rouud i lively JONATHAN BROWN1NO. etyT61 tory for Dallard. The fight was very gard to Sargent's bill to enable the peo bell of the locomotive, which passes LOHIN FARR, Mayor. savage; Coyle was terribly injured, and ple of Ltah to form a State government through the train overhead. This rope is Mormons the that will it is claimed on that occa be cannot as the to recover. is not expected readily cut, Ten dollars reward. See adverTHOS. Ge. ODELL, City Recorder. The contest between Tammany Hall accept the prohibition of polygamy if sion referred to, and nny attempt to MAIC1X(. tisement. o with the Irish organization on one side. they can be allowed to live undisturbed twist it off or break it would only ring Tl RS. D. M. STUART WISHES KVERYRODY The Offico of :ho City Recorder is nf and Collector Murphy with the Irish in the domestic relations which they the signal bell for the train to Rtop IMf to know tlint she has a Why should not all roads ndopt these SEWINtl MACHINE, and is prepared to do nil the Ofliee of the "Ogden Junction." Republican Brotherhood on the other, have already contracted. At The scheme for plundering the Gov, improvements, which might prevent kinds of Seville on reiwnwitile terms, at her Seventies' Hull, near the U. C. R. E. Harrisville, on Saturday, the 14th as to who should receive the on Hie Bench, Fttl'KTH STREET, lour Station. Mrs. Harvy Murdook, of a daugh-le- r' crs. was quite exciting. The Rcpubli crnmcnt near San Francisco, supported accidental separation of trains, such as Residence Blocks East of the Tithing Ollice. 10 a. m. ft'U 3 f.xuOJJice Hours fro, the in a sometimes Both are doing well. and has with disastrous results? is occur the House, for cans made arrangements rccep by lobby, Expected War with the Prussian Cruisers Sent to the West Indies! Victory by 7-- "Shaw-mut,"10gun- 8; 7-- GEOCEEY XlltJlaJJ.VV, I1C. 1870, "'' " : Arab, tut: SHOE DEPARTMENT es CAPS; V E cheap! mm DR. R. TIBBITS, I'll vH?i UKurjjeon, .itoci:nn;s, iiaieihvaice, mixes, OIliS, IMIXTS, lllncs and Liquors. FURNITUEB CABINET WOltK. y s, y l'rn i nlmve-namp- d COFFINS , Meat for the People. Tomb - Stones, WIISOX, , -- MEAT MARKET, t1-t- to-d- ay STOVES, WAGONS ; SALT! ss SALT! , , , . M-3- 3 DRUCS&MEDICINES y. Pfl-- tf Ward' LEASE. NT Korth-wea- . man-of-w- aa-t- ar I1 HUE LIQUOliS. 0 OYSTERS. - Main OjLjUn 1T-- : CITY LICENSES. m y, iiii:ss i ci.oiii FIRST-CLAS- miiTii, 61-l- y . ' |