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Show be kept with the horse; also to condemn the worthless 'scrubs now running on the range. We think there is no time to be TiMlshd everv WKDNKSDAV and SATURDAY . 1'uulisiUXU lest, and there is no better time than by the (Kin The winter evenings being a good JAMES McdAW", President and Bsaiitesa Malinger, now. to whom nil lliniiieas conmnniiratioin idmiUd lie time to meet, form companies, discuss She (Dgttcn gimdion. Comi-am- addressed. J. WILLIAMS & CO. Lumber Dealers, thesa stock subjects, devise the best OltDKR BILLS 0? ALL means to get what you want; time thus WILL fTT TO hort notieo, and supply their spent, we warrant, will never be regrett- cm turners as muaL ed. Any information wanted by branch Iringon.your Orders. The following is the report ef the committees will be cheerfully given by . . us, Chairman of the committee on Horses: Will take in Payment for Lumber: Hoping this will meet with your apn To the Dtitrtt Fine Slock and lie reto will we be able and that Grain, Stoek, Store Pay and Cash proval, i port further on the subject, we remain your humble servants, NliinglCH, I.nlh, FieketH, and The Horse Committee, REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON II. J. on hand, or Cellar Faust, , THE, HOUSE. Chairman. on short delivered Salt Lake City, Jan. th, 1871. The history of the horse, intimately notice. it in with that of niau. interwoven. can hardly fail to intercut the most cureless utuJent. , From the earliest ages he Tapping I,nkc Talioc. has been man's faithtul ally aiid willing The project for tapping Lake Tahoc, slave.. j lie not only I moves nil the maWe have also at our office for sale chinery of the field and camp, but shares on the top of the Sierra Nevada, and with his riilor all the futiguu uQ'l danger taking its waters in a grand stream riltST-CLAS- S In peace, how various and in- down the mountain sides and through of battle valuable are his services ; every branch the great central plains of California to of. industry 'owe 'much to Ins patient San Francinco, distributing it for mintoil, he plows the soil, bows tho seed, ing, irrigating aud town purposes along reaps the harvest, and frannports it to tho way, nnd at the end furnish- Warranted not to freeze, and to give the tliMiiul market from y war to year, ing San Francisco with abundance of full satisfaction to purchasers. and from youth to o'd age lie toils un- water fur all uses this, perhaps the atH. 1$. SCOVILLE, ceasingly for his master, in the cart, the most magnificent water scheme ever mill, the freight wagon or the mail coach. tempted seems to bo seriously put in Agent of The is execution. .Not only has he relieved our wants, and the way company ininistvred to our comfort, but ho shares formed; Congress has conferred the Francisco in our pleasures and aniusemeuts; he necessary rights upon it; not only works steadily and patiently in welcomes jt, ami the route is already the loaded wagon, but. in the race be- laid down. There is to be at first a tuncomes as excited as his master and ap- nel of three miles, and for twenty-fiv- e the water will be carried ulong pears to rejuino in the pleasures (ot the miles chase. In gracefulness of motion, ele- and in the north fork of tho American river. The use of the w ater for mining gance of forni, and dignity of Carriage, along nnd among tho foot hills hets'Snpf ikir l evory other 'qusdruptd; purposes,which fc o. it is to be carried, is attached muster and .obedient to through his will, he btjars him without .Question relied upon as a chief return for the cost Are i.rcimml to FILL BILLS of LI MBER all A large extent of or murmur, h rough sunshtne and stortnj of the enterprise through tho Winter, ut their gleam Saw Mill on over mountains and through river, car- -' rich placer mining territory now re- tho ries hint' with, unfaltering' nerves into mains utterly neglected or but paitially the thickest of the battle, and, if re- improved for tho lack of such a gener- Middle Ogden ous and constant water Bupply as this pulsed, his speed and endurance bid deI j : fiance to pursuit; hence, no animal has will be. , received the sume care and attention i f ; . , and training as the horse, and none so .i Murderer. at tho Following Kntes: worthy. 100 Lawrence Sullivan, who was convicted Kliveiiiig, $1.75 JJp bo successful in the breeding of me norse, we must not omy continue lor in tho December term of the Court of several generations, but Jt must be un- General Sessions of murder in tho second dertaken by a people fixed in their hab- degree, now lies at the point of death, Square-Edge- d, 100 feet. its, devQted to agriculture, and should from complete mental prostration, in his be conversant with (he great phjiieal dungeon in tho Tombs.- For two weeks laws tlwit must bo carefully observed in he has resolutely refused to swallow a 100 reing breeds of .animals in ordur to morsel of food. Neither has he slept a Insure success. Every Country has wink for that space of time, but has Delivered anywhere in Or'en City tut (I extra feet. a loptcd the breeds most suited to their walked tho narrow confines of his cell per wuuts. , In America it has been found raving and muttering, and jabbering of We will take Caeli, Stoek and Grain in paynecessary to adopt different breeds in hell and tho legion of devils who were ment. different localities, hence we see Ken- constantly, surrounding him.1 He re tucky, Virginia and the Southern States fuses to converse in fact, cannot if he 200 Bushels of CORN Wanted Immediately. with the English thorough-bredbeing would. A man with originally little best suited for the saddle. Kentucky intellect, and very easily excited, the imports her draft and carriage horses fatigues and suspenso of the trial thorAll Order .MrcMcd to BARNARD WHITE, from Ohio. Tho Northern States have oughly unnerved him,' and be is now a Fourth Street, Oplen, will rece.ivo prompt atten3tf adopted (he ''Morgan," which is a thick, raving maniac. Oneo, in his frenzy, 1m tion. heavy set, hearty horse, good roadsters tried to beat his brnfn4 out agailmt the and beat suited to liia uliuialo. New wall of the cell. The officers of the ison pi York State imported "Messengers," were then obliged to strap him down, which, crossed with. iJio "Thorough-bj)d,but since he became so weak from want produced 4hq ,','IIamiltoninm;" of food and sleep, there ouly remains a the renowned trotters and fioe carriage solidary wide strap of leather which and buggy horses. The West has not confines his hands together as he lies on adhered to any particular breeds, but in his back in the throes of dissolution. Ohio and Illinois they have imported At the direction of Dr. Willinm T. "Normandy" horses, which tako the Noalis, tho experienced chief physician SALT LAKE CITY. preference to cross from ; they are of the City Prison, Sullivan has been healthy and hearty, good walkers, and removed to the padded oell in the prison, as rowtstur, will go six, miles an hour. and, with his snowy-whit- e apparel and California has spout virre luonoy than colorless face, he is a perfect picture of in importing horses, and "Lazarus ruiug from the grave." It any two States some good horses have, becoming known that life was. almost wits, much In PER THOUSAND. ben raided there? . , . i w extinct, the Rev. Father Quinn, of St. Peter's Church, was sent for yesterday, With tho history of all these States who administered the sacrament and did all in his power to Console and alleviate before us, we come to the following recommend the importation the sufferings of the condemned. Mr. W. F. Howe, who appeared as for of "Thoroughbred" horses, the "llamiltouiau" and "Messen- counsel for Sullivan, after sentence of ON OGDEN, ger" for buggy and carriage horses, and death was pronounced, and who secured a of and tho best writ as of the half-bree-d proceedings stay error, "Normandy," suited-improve our stock .on, hand. also visited the doomed man yesterday, District-Attornenotified d y stands sixteen hands and immediately The, Garvin of the condition of the dying high," weighs from ll!00 to 1000, and Sash Doors, will travel eight miles an hour gait. man. His wife and siter have been in to constant w attendance grieving and niourn-ing'The.rtasoB give for breeding to large his terrible condition. K. l'.Star. horses, is this; our present, hovscs are siBillaml almost worthless. In a hh a large dashboard, the driver Awrit Tragedy. The San Diego is frequently under the necessity of Union of December 2'Jth gives tho folhis or to neck see stretching standing up his team. . Dy breeding to large horses, lowing particulars of a bloody deed comfirst we gst iie and bone, the next eross mittal iu Arizona. ean 1 for blood, speed and symmetrical j On Christmas Eve, between 5 and 6 form.'. We deem it expedient to form o'clock, Charles Heed, station-keepe- r, herds, or stock associa- Mrs. Heed, James Lytic, stage driver, tions, as being the cheapest and best, and "Old Tommy," cook, were seated at ADDRESS, means1 in our present situation. By supper at Mission Camp stage station, forming stock associations, we can send on the road to Tucson, about 3d miles for horses, get our herds ready for east of Arizona city. While they were Salt lAtbe City. , , , s;ring and begin tho f improvement eating, three Mexicans rode up to the sn.tr. station, and one of them opened the door ef oiviocli. 'j l I It is not in our power to make a cal- and asked if h could get soino barley He then went out, and culation how much we can be benofiled, for his horse or how much money can be made by a in a few minutes opened the door again, and presenting a pistol, shot Mr. Heed. right step in the right direction. The As the driver turned to reach his pistol, colls which are lost every year will amply pay all tho expenses of herding; tho he was shot through the heart, killing 1oss in getting scrubs or none at all, is him instantly. All three of the Mexeans to be considered. We also ' know from then rushed into the house. Mr. Reed stock was still living, and they cut his throat. experience, that the value of our ONE LOT NORTH OF WIIITE HOUSE. will he doubled every year-- , Horse "Old Tommy," the cook, was seized, anil his head severed his from eutirely raising is a lucrative business in I'lah; surrounded as wo are with plenty of body. Mrs. Reed attempted to escape, good grass, a genial climate, winters when tho .murderers fired upon her, The bent quality just long enough to feed the colts to shooting her through the thigh. She make them gentle, always a market for would have been instantly killed had it a good horse and ready cash. Suppose not been for a faithful dog that sprang we reverse thiugs now, and instead of upon otto of the Mexicans just as ht fired, Jrom Bear Lake Divide, near Mount Njbo, for importftiglre" Mpoft Tiftyl thouln4 dor-lar- causing him to miss his aim. The MexSu.e, at the Mill, hei'scs a jenr, theTcrritar icans then proceeded to plunder the ry wSuld S gainer Instead of loW; aJid premises, carrying off everything of value at the station. They look all the a greater amount of labor would be( "better class of hordes, provision, clothing, saddles, harness, 'with Aud at the Yard, from saying nothing of the pleasure of driv- etc; a needle gun, shotgun, pair of reand about in $150 coin. farFollow horse. or volvers, a fast a They ing good mer with a good team, and you will find then went to the stable and took the $25. to per 1000 feet. him with grain to sell, go to the store four stage horses there, and loaded them Iu Ctuh or iU equivalent. yort find his credit good, plenty of wheat with plunder. Whilo engaged in this st home and, perchance, does not work they heard Mrs. Itced groan, and one of as hard as his neighbor with a poorer the fiends started back to finish her, but team:' what he does he can do well, hj at this moment a couple of sheep herders plows deep. We further appeal to ond belong'nr to the station approached; and reccommend all the Bishops and leading the villians mounted their horses and started off with their plunder in great men of the Territory to form like associ. ations unto this. Appoint committees haste. LUMBER PLAXED ON ONE SIDE, whose duties it shall be to take the best at Reasonable Rates. means to import and propagato good Colorado and Lincoln, two new States, stock in each settlement. Also appoint the latter carved out of New Mexico, are a horse committee, whose duty it shall applicants for admission to the Union. be to examine all stallions, condemn the Congress is said to favor both, and upon Apply to D. K. TEKRT, t Z.C.M.rust, or of the man iu the yard. worthless, and give certificate of appro- their admission the Union will number LEVI WHEELER. val to the good, which certficato shall 8'J Slates. M-, j The Ilorso. ,. - - . Ano-eiatio- loN STEAM SAW MILL. I. JAMES s 1 -- Fork of lUver, Iiot IIumii'l feet. per 2.00 per Flooring and Pickets, feet. $2.25 per s, . 7, Truckco& SaltLako LUMBER YARD, SHINGLES, $4.50 Fencing Lumber . CARS AT 825.00 per M. lTalf-bre- at Ioors lUinds made and order. car-wa- SaltLako &Truckce ' LUMBER YARD. " J). W.PAllKll UllST, WHITE PINE LUpER YARD; . "WhitoEine Lumber - wrthf per-lurni- $25. per 1000 feet, $40. ; Wheat,' Oats, and Karley Wanted. frdcOSyAL DISCOVERY TUB NEW YORK TRIBUNE. 1871. VINEGAR, BITTERS. i Through struggle ')d nufferint;, at the rout of multiform agonies, bwreawmenti, devastation, the American Idea emUidied iu the preamble to our fathers' lleclarutiun of Indepemlence iu complete realization. Tho noblo, inspiring tuntertiou that "all men are created equal," and endowed by their Creator with inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happincKH, in no lunger a i:litteriiip generality, a ljet' fancy, a philosopher' speculation, but the recosiiracl luuie of our political fabric. The b nijiu Revolution, which liatua from the Boston Maacre of 1770, finds Its logical completion, just on' century later, in the XVtli Amendment; which givci to the oipial political and civil right, of every man bom or 11utur.1li7.ud iu our Republic the shield anrl defence of the Federal Constitution. The billows of Caste und Privilege may roar and rage around that rock, and may transiently secTa on the point of witshinj it away: but its ftiiiuda-tionsar- e deep-lai- d anil steadfast, and the breakers of Reaction and Slavery aw hurled against and clash their spray over it in vain. We do not underrate the- forces of Prejudice and Aristocracy. M'edo not forget tliat a very large minority of the American People still hold in their inmost hearts that lilacks have 110 rights which V bite are bound to rciect. We fully appreciate the desperation wherewith all the warring elements of hatred to hHililiran achievement will be combined and hurled against the battlements of Kcpuhlicau ascendency in the Presidential election of S7i Wo do not doubt that Usui successes, fitciiitated by Republican feuds and disseusions, wilt inspire the charging hoit with a sanguine hope of victory, such as nerved it to put forth Its utmost strength in the earlier .tages of the contests of 1SS4 and lMM. Yet our Uilii is cleur and strong that the American People still bluss (jod that, on the red battlefields ol our late Civil War, the L'nion was upheld and f luvury destroyed, nnd will never consciously decide that the precious blood lucroou poured out was lavished iu vain. Tim Trhii'sk Iwlievcs In tho prosecntion of the great l ruggle by legitimate means to beneficent enils. To ftate !SVereiRiity, it opMtsca indissoluble National Integrity; to Shivery for lilacks, Liberty for all; to Proscription, enfranchisement; to Popular Ignorance, I'niversal Education; to intensify and eternity of wrathful Hate, universal and invincible Uissi Will. It would fain do its utmost to hasten the glad day when the South shall vie with the North in exulmtion and gratitude over the dinpptrajice taf the last trace or taint of that spirit which imjielleil Man to exult in tho- ownership aud chattichood of his fellow Man. Profoundly d we realise that the contest is not yet ended that Millions mourn, more or lesa publicly, the downfall of the slaveholders' Confederacy, and rear thoirrhildrcn to hate those by whose valor and constancy it. overthrow was achieved. If we ever seeiu to differ essentially from other Republicans, our conviction that magnanimity is sever weakiies,that. vengmnce is never politic, and that devils are not cast out by Beelwdiub, must serve to explain alleged eccentricities whose perfect vindication we leave to Time anil Rejection. Tiik Tumi ne has is, and must be, a Kual-oadvocate of Protection to Home Industry. Regarding habitual ldlenew as the greatest foe to human progress, tlio bane of human happiness, we seek to will our countrymen in masses from the ensnaring lures of Sjieciilntion, of Traffic, and of always overcrowded Professions, to the tranquil iwths of Productive Industry. We would gladly deplete our overcrowded cities, where thousands vainly jostle and crowd in misguided quest of urlomething to Do," to cover prairies nnd plains with colonies ahaorljed in Agriculture, Mechanics and Manufacture', ami constantly projecting into the blank, void wilderness the homes and the works of civilized Man. Holding tho Protection of Homo Industry by discriminating duties on iuiHrted Wares aud fabrics essential to tho rapid, beneficent diffusion of Production in all its phases and departments, and so to the Instruction of our people ill all the gainful arts of peace, we nrge oar Lountrvmen to adhere to and uphold that policy, in undoubting laith that the true interest, not of a chiss of a section, bnt of each section ami every ueful class, ij thereby subserved and promoted. Tils TRIM'S aims to be a Newspaper. Its correspondents traverse every Slate, are present on every important hattlc-helare early advised of every uotable Cabinet decision, observe tho proceedings of Congress, of Legislatures, and of Conventions, and report to us by telegraph all that is of general interest. We havo paid for one day's momentous advices iVoui Europe by Cal le far more than our entire 'eccipts for the issue in which those advices reached our readers. If lavish outlay, unsleeping vigilance, and faith in tho liberality and discernment of tho readinn ptlblir, will enable us to make a journal which has 110 superior ill the aocm-acy- , variety, and freshness of its contents'. Tui TuiL-Ishall be such a journal. To Agriculture anil the subservient arts, we have devoted, and shall persisteutly devote, more means and spac e than any of our rivals. Wo aim to make The Wkiu.v TainrsiK such a paper as no farmer tod afford to do without, however widely his politics may ditlerfroni ours. Our reports f the Cattle, Horse, Produce, and General Markets, are so full and accurate, our essays In elucidation of the former' catling, and our regular reports of the Farmers' Club aud kindred gatherings, are so Interesting, that tho poorest farmer will find therein a mine of suggestion and counsel, of which he cannot remain ignorant without positive and serious loss. We sell Tim U'tf.RH' to dills) for less than its value in dwellings for vvate-paH'- r; and, thongh Its subscription is already very large, we believe that a Half Million 111010 farmers will take it whenever it shall In) commended to their attcntiou. We ask our friends everywhere to aid us in so commending it. f fP ''Hundreds of Thousands Bear testlmonv t their 'Wonder-fu- l Curative Effects. Isi WHAT 8 i MI r f P g . ' ' '' tiiv sm o a 3 10 Copies 20 Copies) 60 Copies And One ra THEY ARB SOT A VTLE .... Advertising Rates. Duit Tbibcxe, 30c, 4nc, 50c, 75c, and tl per lino. PKM-WmTftrtrs. 25 and Ml cents per tine. Wzkku Vbibvme, $2, to, and i--i per line. Accisrdiug to position in the paper. To snliscriliers wishing to preserve Mr. Groely'a essays on "What I Kxow or r'ARMiJtn," and who pay the fnll price, I. e. $10 f)r Dahv, 4 fiir or $2 for Wikklt Thibcsx, we will send the book, post-paiif request be made at tho ' ' ' time of subscribing. BOOKS FOR SALE AT THE TRIBUNE OFFICE. Thk Tkibi'sti Amajhc Price 20 cents. ' THlBl'Mt Auvakac Keprixt. 118 to 1801 2 vols. Hail hrnud, flO. Rgcou.riTioxs or a Bvst Life. By Horace flreely. Various stvles of binding. Cloth, $2 80. Library, $.1 50. Half Morocco, $4. Half Cloth, $5. Morocco Antique, S7. Political Koonomt. By Horace (ireelv, $1 50. Ewrank's Htdravucs axd M bchaniVs. Sixteenth Edition. Large octavo. Cloth, $5. Psab CrLTCEi i n Profit.. Quinn, L Elements of Aorhtitciik. Warring. New Edition. Cloth, ?I. foh Health axd Pnont. Warring. Cloth, tt 50. Sent free on receipt of price. la making remittance alwsvs procure a draft on New York, or a Post-Oitie- c Money Order, if possible. Where neither of these can be procured send the money, bnt always in a reuisterko lettor. The registration fee has Wn rednced to fifteen cenis. and the present registration system lias lsen found by the postal authorities to" be virtually an atwolute protection against losses by mail. All Postmasters are obliged to register letter, when requested to do so. in rash advance. Trrnis, Address THE TRIBUNE, New York. UsKI AND Btj. IlFANCYDRINK,P5 Hade of Poor Ram, Whlakey. Proof Pplrltn aud Itcfusjo Liquors doctored, splood and sccf ened to ploasothe tasto, called "Tonlca,,,M Appetisers," " Rcstorurs," 4c, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and rnln.hnt are a true. Medicine, niadu from the Native Boots and ncrba of California, freo from all Alcohollo Htimnlnnti.. Theyaro tho and A LIFE GREAT BLOOD tllVINts PRINCIPLE aperfect Henovatot and Invigoratorof tho System, carrying otTallpolsonona matter and restoring tho blood to a healthy condition. o person caa taUo these Eittcrs accordlnj to direction and remain long unwell. JilOO will bo Klven for an Incurable caso.provlded the bones oro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, end tho vital orjjani wasted beyond tha ' point of repair.1 For InflnnnnfitoTy and Chronic Rheumatism.! and aont, Pyapcpsln, or Indigestion, rmiFILIt ' i nilioiisi. Remit trnt and Intermittent Fovera Diseases of tUoHlood, Liver, Kidney and boon most success-fu- l. niuddcr, Such T)Iseaae aro caused, by Vitiated Is (renerally producodby derangement Illnnd ' . ' tf the PStreatlve Orsransi. ' DYSPEPSIA OH. IXniGESTIOX, Head, ache. Pain InthoShoalders.Conghs.TightneMof the Qiest, Dizziness, Boar Eructations of the Stomach, Bad tasto la the Month, Billons Attacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, Inflammation ot tho Lungs.Paln In tha regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, ers the offsprings of Dyspepsia. The J invigorate tbo stomach, and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled cScacy In cleansing tho blood of all Impurities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. theso They are giyen in complaints of Urinary Organs, such as Gravel, of the Bladder and Disease of the Prostrate Retention th Chron- ic Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid tation a Or- ' gans. Irri- Urethra, Glandi or Incontinence mxi of Urine from a loss of tone in the parts concern, ed in Us evacuation. The remedy hat also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affeo- tions and Dropsy.. , Hitters hava FOnSKISDISEASES,Ernptlons,Tetter,8alt Khaem, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration, of (he Skin, Hamors and Diseases of tlft Skin, of whatever name or nature, aro literally dug up and carried out of the system In a short time by the nse of these Bitters. One bottle la snch eases win convince the most Incredulous of their, curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Bolls.Car-bunclc- s, , IIelmdold's Ej4tact Bdchu is used by persons from the age of 18 to 25, " i. and from 35 to'55, er in the decline er 'i change of llfsr; after - Confinement Labor Tains; or in' children. Bed-Wetti- In affections peculiar to females', .' ,. i ,. .(" Extract Buchu is unequaled by any er remedy, as in Chlorosis, or th i eth- Reten- tion, Irregularity, Painfullness or Sup. pressiom of customary evacuations, TJT. cerated!or Schirrous state of the uterus, Leucorrhcea or Whites. burstlngtbrongh tbeskln lnPlmples,Enip-tlon- s or sores ) cleanse It when you And It obstructed Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, and sluggish In the reins ; cleanse It when K Is foul, and your feeling will tell you when. Keepthe blood Gravel and Dropsical Swelling". This pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, Turklngln tha medicine increases the power of Digessyitemof so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully and excites the absorbents into the circular around each bottle, printed in four lan- tion, guagesEnglish, German, French and Spanish. healthy action, by whioh the watery or J. WALKER, Proprietor. B. H. MCDONALD CO, Cat. calcareous depositions, and all unnat Druggist and Gen. Agents,, San Francisco, and S3 and M Commerce Street, Sew Tort. ural enlargements are reduced, as well SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS ASD DEALER. IT as pain or inflammation. Estract Brciin Helmbold's has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. Irritation of the of the Bladder, Is rsptcBy sopsraediiut all ether prsparatioos lor produdaf Elegant, Swttt and WXolcmu BOLLS, BTSCT7TS, PtrfteUf Fur and SuelncMat and other GrtddU Cose. StliahU, sad stvat. reads for tsiaurffatt ass. The CBIAP. SST Baking PeKder a IU WORLD, and It HILL XSSP OS USB OR. SEA, bt aaf climate, fw rears. It is wefl sdsptsd to the as of BtHktftn, if Own, jrarftMTt, BmtgnaM, ac, and Is In fact, la nerfrtpt,t4MBSTTASTP0WVMB tuto "for Us KUchm, Ms Camp, IU Ostfcs." SOLD BT GROCBBS DEALEE8 EVERYWHERR Marmfaotured by DOOLET A BROTHER, 69 NEW STREET, NEW-YOR- Inflammation Neck of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases of the Prostate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Grarel, Brick-Du- st Deposit, Mucus or Milky Discharges, and for en feebled and delicate constitutions, of both sexes, attended with the following: to exertion symptoms:. Indisposition Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficul- THE ty of Breathing, Weal Nerves, bling, Horror of Disease, Tre- - Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision,' Pain in the Back, Ilot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Drj OGDEN JUNCTION ' . tl or) each. - 1 25 each. - ,. lWicacu. Extra Copy to each Club. To Names of Subscribers, all at one 10 Copies fl 60 each. . !20 Copies 1 35 each, . ' . - ' 1 10 each. to Copies And One Extra Copy to earh Club. Terson entitled to aa extra copy can, if preferred, have either of the fidltmiug books, postage prepaid: Poliitical Economy, by Horace (ireelv; Pear Culture for Profit, by P. T. Quiim; Tho Elements of Agriculture, by Owrge E. Waring. PltOrtRTIES peculiar tendency to the Urinary ' 9. Their odor is rtronr, difiusive, and somewhat aromatic, their rnopiBTiss chu leaves are gently stimulant, with To Mail Subscribers. - - f2. - - Xrcavcs. - MKDICAl TRIBUNE. five Copies, one yuar, 32 issues - - - To On Andres, all at one Buchq taste bitterish, and analogous to mint. flrtper annum. Mail Subscriber, $4 per annum, five copies or over, &eaeh; an extra for copy will be sent for every club of ten s,--nt at on time; or, if preferred, a copy of Recollection of a busy tile, by Mr. lireely. Oibs Copy, one year, 52 Issues - - 9 ill , TERMS OF THE WEEKLY Diogma Crenata 3 gSs TaiDCXF, Mail Subscribers, Trim-jib- . From Diepensatory of the United States. 5 ARE 1THEY? f f 5 X- a , TJ, ST TERMS. I) BUCH Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA ness of the skin, Eruption on the Face. Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the muscular system, &c. JOB PRmTINGOFi MM! ! Helmbold's ExTKACTBrcHuisDiuretlo and blood purifying, and cures all diseases arising from habits of dissipation. . Is supplied with (he latest improved facilities for turning out eyerj . ...' i - . IIslmbolm Extract Bcohu is a ' descriptioa of sov- ereign remedy for the evils resulting from the use of Alkali water, which is so widely distributed in the west, exposing almost every person in this vast region, to its baleful effects. JOB PROTING .. Bold by all druggistsand dealers every- where. Ih lb finest style. Beware of counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other. Pciae, $1.25 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $.50. Delivered to any address. Describe symptoms in all communications. Address II. T. 1aino Broadway, It. T. None steel-engrav- BOOKBINDING IN ALL ITS TRANCHES. HELMBOLDy 391 .... are genuine usJess dene up in wrapper, with fac-sill- ft of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed 79-l- y II. T. UEL&COLD. |