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Show She ndcrguncttotv WEDNESDAY and SATCRDAT, CO?ASY. by tb OODXM PfBUSBINO JAMES McOAW, President and Business Manssfsr, to whuni all inuisw communications tlioulJ bo Publihd vry adilrwmd. C. W. TKNKOSE, Associats Editor. OODEX, UTAH. "Wednesday Moruluff, Jan. IS, 1871. ELECTION, The McCSarrahan Case. Itailroad Disaster. The Caucus. Allusion has been many times made Cur Hali, Ooden, By letter from Biahop Budge of Rich Jan. 16, 1871. County, we learn that the folks, in the in Our telegraphic columns to the An unusually large number of citizens case, now en jtrial before a valley of tho beautiful lake are enjoy ing themselves in winter diversions, but Congressional Commutes, specially dele- for such an occasion convened at the in consequence of the mildness of the gated for the purpose of finally deciding above place, and time, for the purpose season have not been able to take their the usual recreation of sleigh-redinsnow in the valley being very tilgUt. I ' Tho Bear Lakers are still subject to the great annoyance and really serious drawback of Irregular mails. To Is stinted to one mail per week .is d for people who have been to the facilities for swift and easy communication common-populous lowhenWiia weekly but even calities affair cannot be- depended upon, the nuisance becomes unbearable. We should like to ask the special mail agent a question or two; and as the Col. has been kind enough to notice our complaints, and request before, we feel greuter confidence in making our inter rogations: Is the mail contractor at liberty to start from Bloomington on the day and at the time which suits his pleasure and convenience, or is the not a regular schedule time by which he should be governed! If the time of de parture is fixed by contract and named in the schedule, what is to be done with a contractor who sets tho schedule at nought and the citizens who are inconve nienced at defiance? The following extract from Bishop Budge's letter will illustrate the point, and offers a specifio charge against the carrier, relieving us of the objection which is often made to postal complaints that we indulge in generalities. be of getting np the people's ticket for the and, impudence election of the Municipal Officers ef it, if there is really any finality te reached when , money : con1biti are 'orought lot bear! upon an OgdenCity:' ; On motion of Vo. W. Burton, his important question. The following facts in relation to this caso7 from the San Honor Judge F D. Richards took the 'i Francisco BiZ&tiit will ne Juuit." proe chatr. : ii . On motion of D. M. Stuart, Esq., interesting to.our readers, ,.!.- , When tho. New Idria Minins Com Wm. W. Burton was appointed Secre- pany located their mining claims in tary. 185, the exterior boundary pf the grant The Chairman delivered an appropri known as tho Panoche Oranae did not ate and interesting opening address, in reacli within twelve miles ef the claim. which he clearly Set forth the object of On the 2Cth day of July, 18C0, Congress . .i . i . i .1 and urged the necessity the. an me act mat mineral meeting, passeu ueciaring lands of the United States, both survey of electing to offioe those uten, and only ed ana unsurveyeu, were open to explowhose intelligence and general ration and occupation by all citizens, those, fitness incite us to entrust to their such to as be regulations subject might custbe charge great and growing interests prescribed cy law,, and to the local toms and rules of mines. The act also of this municipality. provides that any person or association F. A. Brown, Esq. motioned that a after might, expending $1,000 in labor and improvements on the lode, file a dia- committee of three be appointed to draft gram of the same in the local land office, out a ticket, and present tko same to and receive a patent therefore., etc, The this meeting. New Idria Mining Company had,' when James McGaw, Esq. motioned an this law took effect, already expended $150,000 on their mine. The' company amendment, that five be appointed on then complied with every provision of said committee instead of three. Amendthe act of 1800, and actually paid over ment carried. to the Recorder of, the local land office On motion by Hon. F. A. Brown, the $5 per acre for the amount of land included in the diagram, together with the Chair appointed Warren G. Child, W. costs of survey, and received the usual N. Fife, C. F. Middleton, D. M. Stuart certificate. The survey and plans were and Robert McQuarriEsqs.e te form said transmitted to tho General Land office, Committee retired. committee. from which, in their usual order of busimade by C. W. Penwere should a have been issued ness, patent Speeches without any protracted delay. The rose, W. Thompson and F. A. Brown, company took precisely the same steps forth tho necessity of te obtain their patent as did the leading Esqs., setting tho opportuman true improving every or Nevada such as mining companies the Chollar, Gould & Curry, Savage, and nity of asserting his right on all occa''The mail comes into this valley on other companies bad taken without any sions like the present, when officers' of Wednesday, and has usually left Bloom hindrance, and with Complete success. ington on the Tuesday night following; In the winters of 18C7-- 8, McGabbahan, trust and guardians of tho publio weal thus about a whole week passes before and those in his interest, ob were to be elected. we can send an answer out to any letter tained tho working introduction of a bill, giving The committee returned and reported that we may receive. bira tne right to purchase seventeen as follows: "I have usually sent my letters to thousand acres of land of the United We the undersigned committee have Bloomington en the Tuesday letters to States, at $1,25 an acre. This step was go from Paris must be posted before the not taken nntit the Gomes title, under selected the following : mail comet id on Wednesday or Thurs which he had claimed, had been tainted For Mayor: Lester J. Herrick. day morning, to go out the. following with fraud, and defeated in the Federal First Ward: Francis A. Alderman, Tuesday,) in order t send the latest Courts. McO arrahax proposed to buy ' information; but last Tuesday, on Mr this land or the United States, acknowl Brown. W. Hoge going to Bloomington, the Alderman, Second Ward: Waltei edging that there was no other title mail had deft in the morning, so our But he did not to buy until the Thompson. propose answers will be two weeks old this time. rights of the rew Idria Mining Cora Alderman, Third Ward: 'William W. Although we have formerly only had a pany had become perfect under the mincame weekly mail, yet it rcgularry, ing aot. Congress, by its own aot, had Burton. gave s time to write, and west right made another disposition of 480 acres of Councilors: Israel Canfield, David II. oucx. new long will these things be! land which contained the New Idria Peery, Charles W. Penrose, Winslow Just think of th mail coming in on einnebar lode. McOakbaiian's bill was Farr, II. B. Scoville. defeated in the Senate, after being thor Wednesday and not leaving until the f W. G. Child, oughly investigated by the Committee on William N. Fife, following Taesday, and even then start Private Land Claims. McGabbahan and M. Stuart, David Committee have his backers introduced this in either bill the ing morning or at night, C. F. Middleton, at the option of the carriers! Is not again in the Lower House, and Founit Robert McQuarrie. to champion the claim. There has this lovely 1 Surely a better arrangO' will begun be another fight over the claim in Ogden City, Jan. 16, 1871. ment than this can te mado. The Bear Congress, for there is money in it, as we On motion of Peter McFarland, Esq., have seen by a proposition to give one Lakers should have at least a man I the labors of the committee wero refor his influence 5'JU,IKA with, mail; but if this eannet at present be offioial In favor of the claim as pre ceived. high granted these, let their miserable, seated by McGabbahan. No decision On motion of James McGaw, Esq., weekly allowance be doled out regular- has been made adverse to the New tioket as presented was unanimously the sus-to i And Id' i tho Mining Company, except if present contractor will ly. 1 further examination of the casebe-.-- e adopted. not fulfil his agreement, for Justice's the Land Office, and to refer the Minutes were read. sake turn him out of office, and let the vault case again to Congress. On motion of Samuel Glasgow, Esq., U. S. mail be carried by some one who t that tbe do the minutes were accepted and ordered supposed generally will honor his contract, and not swindle cisions of the Supreme Court of the to be published in the Ogden Junction. the Government and outrage the peoUnited States, in civil cases like the On motion the meeting adjourned ' ple by such spasmodic peregrinations. above, are final; but here is a case which lint die. ' has been decided both by the U. S. Land : W. W. BURTON, Office and the U, S. Supreme Court, and Secretary. Resignation of Governor has been two or three times before ConYnuglinu. each hearing gressional Committees, 'Women," remarked the contemplaBy private communication from Salt only exposing its audacious and fraud u tive man, "are as deep as the blue wutcrs Lake we learn that Governor Vaughan lent pretensions, and now, trampling of yon bay." "Ay, sir," rejoined the has resigned his gubernatorial position under its feet their oombined decisions, disappointed man, "and as full of craft." but desires t occupy bis former offio forces itself to be heard again. d of Secretary. The hungry crowd who, Senators and If the SPECIAL NOTICES. clamored for tho position Representatives who compose the Con at the death of 0 evernor Schaffcr, were gress of the United States were all above Take Notice. All persons knowing awfully disappointed at ihe appointment bribery and corruption, ' such a case as themselves to be indebted to the 1st. and of Mr. Vaughan,. and kave used their in- the above could not continue to show its 8rd. Ward Store are posifluence ever since against his continu- shameless face, before the Government to and call settle forthrequested tively ance in office. We have no doubt that and the nation. As it is, the tf. with. cause proves that the Governor ha yielded t pressure of this Gencini Jbwxlbt. The only estabbrought to bear upon him from several pertinacity, money and cheek are more in than and has lishment at which genuine Jewelry can laws, directions, high places. resigned because he powerful courts and ofor in Ogden is at Pabfe & that obtained his chances be for the publie sentiment, they thought retaining fice were very slim. Utah is getting to can resurrect the corrupt carcass of a Boessel's, Main Street. Repairs neatly ' ltf be a very important Territory when so cause which the most supreme judicial executed. All work warranted. much fuss is made in regard te appoint- tribunal of the land have lulled and buried. New Yeab's Gifts. C. C. Asmusscn's ing its Governor. What does all this prove! Why that Store, Main Steet, Salt Lake City, is a unless a power arises in the nation which repository for elegant jewelry, handA Sensible Chung?. shall sweep away the venality and fraud some watches and clocks and a splendid around its fountain head, assortmont of toys; just the place to The people of the Great West hare accumulating and decay will divide and select presents for New Year's. hitherto been subject to much annoy- corruption weaken it until it will be membered ance through receiving no mail from M. D. Hammond has vemoved to new among the. dead Republics of ancient the East on one day of the week. The to dissolution and dis premises opposite the Tithing Office, times, brought pious (!) city of Chicago could not be honor by those who should have raised where he has for sale Schuttler wagons, desecrated by th departure of trains it, to the chief place among the Govern wagon timber, iron, ploughs, Buckeye on a Sunday, so business East and West i lm ' ments of the world. Y'r, ' mowers, etc., at low prices. was thereby subjected te serious loss and inconvenience. It has been very Look Hebe! Are you indebted to Sonq MtssENGKn. We have received annoying to us and our ooicmporaries the 1st. and 3rd. Ward Store! If so, the for Song Hetungtr January, which, on the Pacifio slope to be deprived of to an interesting editorial call at once and settle up. This request addition in our exchanges and' correspondence' one tf. and miscellaneous matter, contains the is urgent and positive. day every week through this miserable music and words of ''Hold the Fort," arrangement The Salt Lake Herald "Hurrah for the Winter No mistake Williams & Co. jfcaJ King"and "The has drawn attention to it en several New Year" two stirring songs with will sell lumber, cheaper than any We are happy to learn, by occasions. and a glee with piano accompa- house in Ogden, at their yard near the this evil is about to be chorus, that telegraph, niment. The Song Jletunger is a popu- Junction Office.. remedied. The Postmaster General has lar monthly, published by Root and IJgy The Drugs and Medicines at made arrangements with the Burlington 111., at $1 per year. Chicago, Cady, the Pioneer Drug Store, Main st,, Ogden, and Quincy Railroad',, by which tne is both good and cheap, and we can are of the finest It quality, the Wines and mails will be conveyed from Chicago en recomtneud it confidently to oar musical 76-- tf the of the connection with purest brands. Liquors Sunday, and make ' friends. Union Pacific, so that we in the West Wmti to Gsr it. If you want to get t&" If you want a cheap lot of lumwill receive our mails seven days a week instead if six, for which, as in Dooley's Baking Powder, go to G. II. ber, apply to Mr. II. B. Scoville, at & Co' a. yard, near the Juncduty bound, v feel truly grateful to Tribes' General Merchandise Store, Williams Main Street Ogden. tion Office. the P. M. G. . OGDEN CITY. MLMCIPAL Hear Lake JIails. g, ' acsus-tome- 1871. - Monday, February 13th. PEOPLE'STIOKET. For Mayor: LESTER. J. HEItRICK. First Ward' Aldermew FRANCIS A. BROWN. . Second Want WALTER - Tilra Wurtf THOMSON. Wo. W. I3CUT0N. Councilor!. . ISIUEL CANFIELD. WAVID H. I'EERV. CHARLES W, PENROSE. WINSLOW FARR. HORATIO 11. SCOVILLE. The People's ticket. The caucus at the City Hall on Monday erenlng, the minutes of which will be found in another column, was the largest that ever met on a similar occasion' in OgdenCity. ' We are pleased to see that ourtiliiens are beginning to take a wot lively in terest in publio matters than has here tofore been oustomary, Jvery man who lorms an integral part of the body politic should be a living and acting entity, and while moving ami blemlititr in unilr with the mass, should realise that his identity must not be lost it his adhesion, but ought to make itself felt in its true force in the right direction. The intelligent body of men who assembled on Monday night, met in this spirit, and consequent ly the caucus was interesting as well as nunimouj. The remarks of the honorable chair man were truly excellent on the duties and privileges of citUens, and tho proper course to be pursued to secure to the people who Lav settled and built up this Territory the jeaceful ami secure enjoyment of their houiis, possessions and civil rights. So also were the speeches made by the gentlemen who addreste the meeting while the committee were arranging the ticket. They showed that Ogdca is live to the requirement of the times; ready to aUnd up and defend' itself against all Influence! opposed to its unity aad progress, and not behind Us later municipalities iu Intelligence, ability, patriotism, and liberality of entiment. The ticket presented by the committee vaa accepted in iU entirety without a elisaentient voice; and we place it at the nead of our columns as the Psoplk'i Tickbx, feeling assured that it will be triumphantly sustained by the great lutt of ear eitiiens at the election on iaa aeeeni Monday in February next. Ike Chairman spoke in terms of eulo-g- y of tie f eeUleman nominated for Mayer, tat hie sentiments will be endorsed by all tne intelligent people of the city. There may be aeu whose choice would fall on other men, but all will concur that the candidate U the licad of the rtOPLi'e TicRar is in every way worthy of and qualified for the position. The Chairman painted out a feature of the ticket which ia worthy of speoial notioe. Some of the candidates nominated, though thoughtful, practical, and true, are men unused te public business nnd are proposed for platen of civil pub-li- o trust for the first time. Bat to weigh against their inexperience 1 munioipal affairs, the majority of the names enrolled are thoroughly versed fa the routine of ciXjr bueinew, parliamentary rules and legal technicalities. Thus, while new blood li infused, enough of the old bone, sinew and substance is incorporated to make a sound, steady and ' substantial boJ. nomishe caucus Wa'cord'ally support nations, and earnestly exhort every citisen of the United States, residing within this corporation, to go to the polls on the second Monday in February, and present his ballot in favor of the advocate of truth, liberty and equal rights whose names appear in the Fkoh.s's - Ticket. . Exomtauro ako Minino Jocisal. This excellent Weekly Mag&xine article frem the pens of the ablest men in the two professions named in the tide, with occasional explanatory illus- irtivs, admiralty execatod. To ouv min-iog population, this journal ahould be of great interest. It is publieied by Western & Campwy, 37, Park How, New York, at $1 per q&tjl eon-tai- ' On Friday last, Denver was excited of the Kansas Paciover the fic passenger train. Reports were circulated that the cuts were again filled up with snow, and others that a terrible accident had occurred. The train arrived nine hours behind time, and acceding to th Denver Nevrt it had left Kansas City on time, but was detained between Lawrence and Topeka, by an accident which had happened to a freight train, by which jthe line was blocked. The road however was free from snow. In about four hours the train was again in motion, but on arriving at White Horse, 138 miles from Denver, was again brought to a stand still, (his time by a serious accident. The Eastern and Western bound freight trains had been instructed to meet at White When the latter had reached Horse. the Station, the former dasbed np on the same track, and ran into tbe other. One engine was totally wrecked, and the other seriously broken np, but singular t state, no person was injured and neno of the oars were thrown from the track. The conductors of both trains, each probably considering himself in the wrong, telegraphed to headquarters, resigning their positions. The Western bound train had no headlight, and this no doubt, was the case of the accident. By telegraphic dispatch from Cheyenne, it appears that passengers arriving at that place are often Beriously inconvenienced on finding that their tickets, bought in California, are stamped via Kansas Pacific, compelling them to go by that route instead of the direct route by the Union Pacific. Passengers for the East would do well to purchase their tickets at tho proper office, or at any rate examine them, so that they may be preserved from imposition. non-arriv- al - Fast. On Saturday last a young man from the country. uaJer tho influence of "gasoline," couldn't travel through the city at a decent pace, but tried to go by lightning speed. The Chief of Tolice objected, took him before Akternian F. A. Brown, and the gay and festive lad had to deposit $7. uu high-minde- open-mouthe- d, . ' '?.....; . ? ''...''' ' V NOW ' ' &RtIiL WHOLESALE OPENING! AN IlYZIYTEniSE; STOCK or Winter Goods. Scotch Plaids, Satins, Poplins, flannels, Linscys, Alpacas, All Wool Armures, Dc-Iiain- cs, ' NuMasV" " :' Too-- 0 Scarfs, ;; Hosiery. A NEW LOT OF SHAWLS, , BLANKETS, Bed Spreads. WANTED, COMPETENT UnHXlI, TK.VCQKR. APPf.T to RICHARD JOXKS, Triitc, North Ogrtm, f. Welier County. A 100 ' ly OGDEN CITY. ESTRAY NOTiCE! RANDALLS WOOt.ES OTllAYED Frmtorr, Oetlen. l.rhullr COW", hrnn WJ XI., Any I4rm.ii givine (the J roviTKnl,) on riclit hip. iuforiiiatibn trailing W kt--r rocovery will In re warded bjr JAMES MAY. FROM SUITS OF GENTS' O . 2 A. STEVENS, A. M. POLAND. JUNCTION SALOON, RAILROAD DEPOT, OGDEN. Choicest Brands of California Wines and Limira, and the Best Cignrs in tbe Market constant ly on hand. POLAND k STEVENS, Tli 4--tf - CLOTHING, Cardigan Jackets, Woollen Shirts, Drawers,- etc. Proprietor. - ESTRAY NOTICE. T IIATK IN MY POSSESSION ONK HOURKf X Jfwrlins COLT, with buM ftiee, light iiiaira anil ran. no mart or nranui visime. m uwuor i reo,it--t- rl to prove property, pay charges, uud itiKe ii away. JAM KS JOHN, Portnqe. 3--1 box Elder County, V. T IMPORTANT 100 Cases BOOTS & SHOES TO MINERS. ASSAYS ORE WITH HISPATCII T , EVANS at his offlnt, Sixth Street, Osdon. References can be had at the Jusctiox Printing Office. C.B.McGEEGOE Books, Papers, Magazines, Etc. ltf PUBLISHERS' AT Uhoom's CORNER, NEW BRANDS OF Cassimeres, Meltons, Doeskins,; Jeans, PRICKS, Ogdcu City. T. H. WEBSTER, Domestics, Stripes, Tickings, Denims, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOEMAKER. Cricket, Base Ball, Race and Dancing hhoes Made to Order. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. Five Doors South of the White House, ltf Prints. RAILROAD SALOON, 3Iain Street. Ogden. BRANTS OF WINES, THE CHOICEST and CIGARS alvrxTS on hand. Two First-Claof the gam. It'll' BILLIARD TABLES for lovers llillianls 25 . Mm UUI VI I '1 1 1 un flllMJ per Game. AND FURNISHINGS. REYNOLDS CO. J. WATKINS, E. Boot and Shoe Maker, Fourth Street, half a Bloc from Main 8troct, Ogden, th.mks bis numerous friends for their very liberal patronage during the past year, and hopes by his punctuality and attention to businexs, to 1 ra merit a continuation of their support Locks, Harness Trimmings, Cutlery, Carpenter's Tools. ; STOKER k RIDDLE, AND HARNESS SADDLE MAKERS, the Tithing Office, Ogden, ON. HAND A GOOD SUPPLY OF KEEP Bridles, Bits, Collars, etc, etc. Opposite Repairs neatly and promptly executed. Terms reasonaoia. STOKER BIDDLE, Main Street, Ogden. H. WALLACE, A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES. Etc., Eto. LAKE CITY, fSIT Manufacturer of All Orders addressed to D. H. PEER!, Ogdea Citj, will hare prompt , ' Bags . attention. PURE CANDIES, Surprise Boxes and Pop-Cor- n ai nnoiesaie. A full snpply of CONFECTIONERY, BOLOGNA SAUSAGES, CHANGES, etc. S.JS. CLAW SON, IIOXEY IN THE COMB, cheap. Orders from Country Stores solicited $Wm lfS Superintendent, |