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Show v.v - w hiah nsnnnssassnaMaaMssssCTJiisaii "" s put lltompfctl AssrtMiiatioii of ,, liiujr William. 0$Atn gunctum. . Published avery WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, by the Oodkx J?ijbli8ui.q Company. JAMES McOAW, Prenldf nt Mill Business Manager, to whom all Business commsmicatious should Le J . , r addrsssej. t La Liberie reproduces, from the Avenir du Uutrres, the following account,' appending to it an editorial note; stating ' ltd C TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. $6.00 3.00 One Year (til Months Three ilouths . Single RATES OF ADVERTISING. 5 g a H i a a H CO ' i (. : ' 'j ' !! if I ' i" I s . BY TELEGRAPH. that the Prussinn Government has denied the circumstances in question,' but that the account is so circumstantial, and had gained 6! tidcV frcdctics'.tirougbout France, that La Inherit reproduces it,but frith 'alt tcsevw.'UMiit ii; i iff The King o Prussia, JcsLr ins iumptu-ousl- y to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of the Trinccss of Wales.had given, the dtfj befoVghe titsfuf Deceiver, at Versailles, some epfc'ndiJf fetes .and a gala banquet at the Prefecture, to which eighty persons bad been invited. Public balls hai taken; pln.ee, i andi loiitary bands had been playing5 uitil I eleven o'clock at night. The fountains playul in.thepreenoo of the" Iwhoio seeorlj: including the King, the Crown Prince and the Prince of Wurtemburg and Baden Baden, (leiij jUoltke; andjflOjj( 'jither general' wifii their staffs. The day after these festivities, the King was walking I through the pict uresque scenery between Louvesiqnnrs and Bougivai, surrounded by a small escort. Suddenly a detonation .was heard, and a bullet whistled paHt the ear of the Ki,og, who became giddy, ud leaned on Uo arm of out of, the. escort 7 Mealtime the attendants ran in the direction from whence the shot cauie, and made a search, and a few minutes later jbrought to the King's feet a Bavarian soldier, th a countenanco still' defiant, and lolding in his hand a gun still warm. The King looked at lumeni), without addressing him a single word, 'made a minutes nfiarwarsliii aasUai, sitttJIa a few rods from tho spot, the Bavarian was jibet through Utejiead 'iIT til-i- OGDEX, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, JAirilAUYvlS, 1871. I I 13 . I.' r M n Devoted to News, Literature, Agriculture Science, and the Arts. liO ao - Op 9f.r-- It only roads leadjngfrQm tie ", city are more or manded a leader, whoso policy was of a " Many of requires the signature of the President less delay rd. Street parg are not run more energetic character. into become law. tue streets are almost entirely those present clamored for the adoption and m Special to the Oodi Junction Boutwell Secretary ning, and the Atlantic by AS tends to put these bonds on the market deserted.. '.The telegraph lines to the of pacino measures by the Government, l'acihc Telegraph Company. K5 East are entirely prostrated. This p. m. in which demand' they were loudly as speedily as possible. , 115 1 he ban Domingo Commissioner was papers are without news from the East seconded by the majority of the vast 170 and stands as follows: and Europe, and the Commercial Com- assemblage. ' Cries of. "peace" were completed '' Doings! Ben. Wrhite Prof. of Carrell uni- mittee have received no report up to heard along the whole line. ' vi Wade, Local and Special yotU.es will bo clinrgod . An official meeting of the Government versity, and Dr. Samuel G. Howe of this honr, three p. m.. oenu 'r line for tto first Insertion, ).' twentv-fivNom- Boston. Fred Douglass will go as a Tne Kepubiisan Caucus, at ppring-fiel- d, was subsequently convened, at which it aud Sfteaa cauta par line tor aver; culeiueut Insertion. nominate Logan for Senator, by was resolved to elect assistants to aid in guest. The Commission party sails from Confirmed! Transient advertising to be paid for in advance. N. Y. on Mondny, and expects to return the following vote,' Logan 98; Ogelsby, the existing Adminstration, and for this A cViuarw oousuU of foii liues uf type of this between the 15th and 20th of February. 23 Koener, 8; Palmar, 1. The most purpose four of the ablest Generals and ' size. Comy Yearly advertisers allowed to chaos at pleasure, fire since the Wabash four Ministers were selected and officiThe sensation .of has been the destructi.-- e With only the additional sharga of twenty-livMorton and Avcna conflagration, occurred in the ally invested with powers pertaiuing to confirmation of Mr. Pcrten, be will cants a square for composition, but they ' Cameran made long and effective speeches west division , last, night. The build- their new office. , , charged EXTRA for occupying space over con. tract. Information the American was The as burned latest from that it would known be Tarls to a ing urging ungrateful tia Advertisement not marked, on'tlie cof y aith man with so great a naval record as Cuttlery Co.'s Works. It being the gives the number of inhabitants at prennwlr 1 Insertion!, writ be VublithMat our opAdmiral Porter, to refuse to confirm him. areest cutlery manufactory W tne city, sent undergoing the harrass of siege in tion ttutil ad cjiaf gad at traiuknt rates. These speeches and others were made with a capacity equalling almost any in tbat city as 2,005,70'.; the number is exbe ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted till forbid, will with the idea that opposition to Porter the country.' There was a large quanti- clusive of the troops of the regular army, and be in ordered out, every instance, 10,000 c Hitinwd until would be very strong, but it turned out ty of valuable machinery. in the place, sailors and members of the Garde Motarged for accordingly. The privilege of yearly and half yearly advertisto be a waste of thunder for when the all of.which was ruined. The origin of bile. ers is restricted to their direct line of busiuass, ami vote taken it stood 30 for for to nine the fire is not known. The structure advertiseor Florence, IX t. other Keal Estate, all Legal, Auction, Lieut-Gen- .! was worth about' $15,01)0 and the conPhil. II. Sheridan, of tho ments foreign to their regular trade, will be chargagainst. ' ' '' ',' I ed for separately. , e The Admiral took the news of his con tents are valued at about $100,- - U. S. Army, arrived at Teresita, Italy, No Advertisements from fhe States win be Inl' ' '' in' his usual unruffled way; It ooo. ' firmation serted without the cash (nt our advertised rates,) Costs ' "' Baron Vn Sotawinu, .the Prussian ', 'FOREIGN.' . ,' is a singular coincidence that today sevaccompanying the order, Unless from one of our regular authorized Advertising Agent. en years ago Admiral Porter opened his Minister to Austria, left Yionua ;for Versailles, 13.: All communications devoid af interest to the u, second and, successful attack at Fort Pesth yesterday, where he had, a long been have re rublic, or intended tu promote private Interests, Confirmatory dispatches Fisher. Telegrams of congratulations ceived from the command of . Prince interview with Baron Von Bcust. will bBCBrul as advertisements, and payment we in in If character, advance. personal required A Itoiiiauec, are pouring in on Admiral Porter from Frederick Charles with reference to the the, lty&Ut reserve the right to reject any article, or advertise-BientChicago! all portions of the country. Many from defeat lately sustained by Gen. Chauzy, this class. Louise Muhlbach, 'm her "Letters the staff of militay officers. Admiral Por- near Le Mans, at the hands of the com Special to tue Ogilcn Junrtinn. Jty rMwmt Fiata Editor' C. W. PENROSE, Associate from Egypt," lella a very romantie story ter's confirmation insures that of Admi- bined troops of Prince Frederick Charles about the wife of Count Benedetto the ral Rowan and the navy are generally and the Grsnd Duke of Mecklenburg. Trovo, U. T., 11. well satisfied. General Butler declares Le Mans ia now occupied by the German OCDEN DIRECTORY. Yesterday morning the U. S. District French Minister Plcnrpotentiary at.-thof Prussian court before the Outbreak himself a strona advocate of female troops, who have seized a large quantity Court met at 10 o'clock. ' , J X1' war."-- " the to Conunder the tho and holds motion oa that present The argument quash suffrage, of stores and : provisions left by i the rnifed Stales Officers for A vory rich Greek merchant TeliMt stitution as it now stands they are enti French at the evacuation. The Prus indictmeut in the case of the United Utah. II. McKay occupied the morn ia Alexandria, had two black wivos tled to vote. Governor Vernon II. Vaughan. sian cavalry columns are closely pur- States The appropriation bill for fortifica suing the retreating battalions of ,the ing session. The motion was overruled wliom lie loved dearly, and Jor whoso A. Black. Seeretary--Georg- e AMERICAN. One half French. tions was oompleted E. Patrick. by tho Court, after which it adjourned scrvleo he provided a large rstinue of .. .. , iMmkai-i,t.,:. New York, 13. beautiful girls.'- One of his wives ont i'i : 'i i of the estimated Amendments were 'V. S. Attorney C. II. Hempstead, bombardment yesterday was ex till two p.m. The Bordeaux Journal reports the agreed on for principal parts of country. The two E. Tourtellotte. the its Court At day chanced to sue a unarming white resumed J. Affair p.m. in its Supt. iWh ceedingly vigorous and powerful, and his McMahon at burial of death : V. : C. il' C. ; girl nd wa. no plcaiod with, lief, that Clements. if Surveyor-GenerIt has transpired that the Pope sent a effects.) A pertect ram of shells were sitting. The Judge on Boeing Justioe ' Isaac she coaxel her husfnuid into buying her. Receiver of Public Moniei3. B. Over- Weisbarden, which must be an error, letter to a Romauish Bishop in charge poured into the city from the advanced The beautiful stave became tho coiift Jen- The Germans evidently intend' to cut of the Island of inton. r Santimingo directing position of the German batteries, in Uigbee in Court, called him up and off from retreat ; it is highly Bourbaki tial R. servant, and companion to'ht'r'itegi'fr f of him in the duties a structed Land Offtct justice George him to nstruct the Triests to favor the flicting treat damage. Iho t rencb po Regutrar of probable he will be captured in the pass proposition for annexation to the United sitions, fronting Clamant and Meudon the peace, to the effect, tbat they had mistresses, and conducted bersokf toward Maxwell. es of the mountains. U. &. AeorJohn P. Taggart. jurisdiction in cases wherein. the amount them in such a sagacious, manner that have been occupied, by the Germans, . It is believed that the London Confer States. not exceed $100, and she becamo Indispensable to them. Sho 8. ColltctorO. J. Jlollister, 18. New ' York, A French eortie, in small force, at in controversy did Russia held will that be not at ence all, cases B. criminal McKean. where the penalty eet sang to them, and gossiped and frolicked Chief JutticeJ. An important meeting of the Board of tacked the Bavarian outpost but were in not exceed tlx so gracefully that cainui was banished does in forth the statutes Atsoeiate Juttice0. F. Strickland and will do as she pleases with, Turkey, and Underwriters was held to conthat Germany will be permitted to sider what action should be taken to repulsed. Fort Mont Valerien has suf- months' imprisonment, and $100 ..fine. completely. Mie won their anoouoa. C. M. Hawley. fered greatly from the bombardment; Where crush France completely - if she can is greater than that and through them also the nfleciiwi of protect the rights of what is known as the outworks are damaged and the amountthe penalty London to a letter, Gladstone, according Officers: they must commit or bind over bcr'master, tho vencrablo Greek merTerritorial the Alabama claimants, tieveral gentle French are massing large bodies of ' to the District Court and not to the Pro- chant William II. is Bufferinir from overwork and heart men vtnne troops before it for ita defense. Delegate to Congrttt expressed tneir views, the black wms ' But disease. unfortunately, bate the Court: that further stating one would be speaking every person in . llooper. I London, Id. who Not less than fifteen the Probate, Courts bad suddenly fell sick one .day, and before Zerubbabel Snow. of Attorney-Generjurisdiction room appeared to be most attentive the is It believed here, in diplomatic cir been considered still claim Thrones, are now wandering listeners. Minister Tucker advocated . by the Supreme Court, nightfall tncy were both dead. aneir MarthtlJ. D. T. McAllister. eles, that the Austrian Government and that said Court crownless over Europe. had decided that the decease known to nobody, and they werO Auditor William Clayton. : in the creation of public sentiment intends proposing to the approaching a H. Attor Sidell, had Courts Probate Jack. prominent Augustus Treaturer James only jurisdiction in hastily buried. The beautiful'' Jouhg America that would force England to Conference conditions of peace between nev. tell trom tne second story oi i same question slave, who had not left their side for matters. Que He Superintendent of Common SeheoU claims. ot probate the the justice recognize Franco and Prussia. will be up before the Supreme Court moment during the few hours of their "building in Brooklyn, last evening, and himself represented Robert L. Camplell. Bedford The report that the Sublime Porte had seemed inconsolable. She. aid broke lus neck. Insurance Company and wag largely expressed a willingness to , negotiate gain in a few days, after which the llluess, K-- t Italion from sent was the A however, to afsnuge the jgrief dispatch rulings will be given to thr public,' and concerned in their claims, and knew the direct with Russia ia now denied. " Weber County Officers:F. D. evmnathv meetine to ictor Emanuel sentiments of others concerned. ' Other said decision will be the law . in this of the ancient merchant,- and in this Probate and County Judye Paul Bedford, the celebrated actor, RickardsV "" "'"T paying "that more than ten thousand speakers followed, and the general sen died in this Territory, unless overruled by the Su way so endeared hersolf lo him that lie city y. in J. Herrick, Henry Americans are celebrating adopted her as his child and heir, ginve Select pretne Court of the United States. timent seemed to pe, tbat tne out in : CrsailUS, 13. ; he was just a little too old to marry 11. the chief cities of the country, the union Con cress to audit all the Alabama or the United Mates case Tue Jlolmw, Richard Ballnittyne. "'' Further dispatches received from the " " "J:f'" of Rome with Italy, we send congratula claims should be passed, and the United Mr. Buskin, for her. continued. Clerk and Recorder 1 S. Richards. McKay that state Duke of Grand Mecklenburg In course of timo the .venerable ears Mhier. tions to a united people. lue meeting States should be able for hself and of filed a pica in abatement on Protccuting the fighting north of Lemans was re- defendant, his swarthy wives in tho other William CritcUlow, of rejoined the the though entirely in opposition to itself to demand a settlement.. All sumed Kotariet Public legality they grand jury, on Wednesday, and the battle and the rortunate pyprpn came the Tammanv Democracy, was one of summoned been a world, ;! h i.'-- t H F. S. Richard.. by deputy inflicted having were recognize that outrages raged fiercely until darkness set in marshal wbd had been appointed, but into possession of his millions. At this the larzest and most influential ever on the American Sherif William Brown. people througn tne The success of the Germans was com had not "Auettot and 'Collector Sanford Bing held in the Academy of Music. qualified by taking the oath re- stage of her existence Count1 Bunedettf, commerce' of the nation; for all of which plete, in addition to their captures of quired by law, Adjourned till 10 a,m. who was then buly a penniless MUoinj scandal-mungeamus are The vastly ham. be should was and responsible " the day previous, seven guns, several to the French consulate in Alexandria, ed by the published affidavits of Edward England Treaturer Israel Canfield. held to a strict account. mitrailleuses and a large number of 14. Court called at Id a.m. offered her his hand and heart, and Stokes, who was recently arrested for Coroner Wm. N. Fife. January 14, New The of were York, army captured. prisoners The case of McKay continued. Mhaving married her, "with Ihe aid of her Surveyor and Superintendent of Schools embezzlement at the instigation of Jas. The Times Washington special says Gen. Chauzy is retreating, beaten at all Fink and Mrs. Lawlar, who has beea with wealth, cut for himself a road to funie. Wm. W. Burton, , argument Hempstead 'proceeded ,: ,. . i Com points. . ,.: ; f I ; known as "Erie preferred." Stokes the members of the SanDominge filed as in abatement the yes In this way, eh who was once a slave to The bombardment has been going on against Mr.plea mission are not yet 'appointed, the third without slaves, becamo a star in circles of At submitted Baskin says the present litigation grows out of terday. confilled. City Government: and Bishop with unabated activity all day, position having not been ( The Court ruled that the French worldi of fashion.: ..-- 1 , Incorpomted by Act of Jan. J.8, 18fl the regard and preference expressed lor Aimes' s i :. jl i. precluded him from flagrations are distinctly vis:ble in nu argument engagements forMrs. a on to Stoke's Lawlar, the the came "election late; stciety by bienniailly grand jury had ; plea Munloipiil was ac merous his the and 7T.-nJ '!'! resignation , city. places throughout i.;,' j. iZ ,7. . been empannelled and duly recognized econd Monday of February. Meetings mer actress and wife of Frank Lawlar, accepting, It. Howe of Bos .i Dr. S. On Tuesday evening' the' Prussian by the Court and the defendant having Alexander!. Stewart last year paid of the City Council weekly, on Monday tho actor. 'Stokes claims to have been cepted has been invited to accept the place. batteries were advanced eo as to com had tax, more than either one, of on friendly terms with Mrs. Lawler, ton, proper time to have made his ob in income " Gen. evenings, at City Hall, Main btreet. Seigel, in reading the resolutions mand a range fully a mile nearer the States ahd Territories, and twenty-seve- n her made Fisk before time the the of at Jfavor Loren Farr. acquaintance, long empanneling thinks they require higher proficiencies city than that which they had in their jections more than Arizona, Colorado, Dakota, the of Aldermen F A Brown, 1st Ward; and that although Fisk is passionately jury.. language than be pos previous position.' They then opened The grand jury came into Court all Florida, Washington KcW Mtxied,1 Ulubj L. J. Herrick, 2d, attached to her, and has lavished on her in the Spanish and he feels constrained to de fire on the city, but it was subsequently J A. J. Shnpei hbuBe?, diamonds 'and Erie' stocks, "she Besses, Id, "They presented two bills, also Idaho, and Montaua combined. ,j Mc, W, cline the position of Secretary of the discovered thai but six of, the batteries present than the whole State; one bill, Ignored, "against John Stewart, ft. Astor paid more Counselors James Mo Qaw,-.- Walter does not reciprocate his attachment but Commission. ' be will Commission The were of sufficient power io reach the ef Sanpete, the grand jury considering of Vermont' ' i ' ' Thompson, Willianv W.! ' Burton, Josiah has abandoned his protection, repeated 1 on New to from sail York, VS.n able !; Monday was Fort '; ,v '... him of unsound mind. Mr. D'lssy city with their shells.', 1.' and finally, although Fisk has with or Leavitt, Israel Canfield. 1 One of Utica's roost energetical .limbs; Tuesday of next week, mere are much damaged during this cannonade, remarked tnat said Mo wart Ucmps(ead more was Recorder Thoff. Q. OdclL tears in his eyes besought her to remain, numerous of the law recently took part in apriyato applications from civilians, which was kept up incessantly during fit for a lunatic has now left him permanently. Fisk and asylum than any other amateur theatrical ' Attorney Ai Miner. but of newspapers, on performance. He got correspondents until of the entire night and daybreak Marshal W: refuses to. believe she hag wearied Fife. " place, and that he appeared before the beoami this In untiUik success are with selecting good rejected they Wednesday. The barracks and other grand jury on his own confession of his along . IWowrt---Aaro- n Farr. him, but attributes all her phantasies to Commission, the President has not of another performer to strike the Ment- of Fort the duty interior in S. buildings of Mokes, Assessor and Collector inennan the interference Bingham. guilt, lue Court ordered that John to find men who are committed fron VT.' Burton. rouge were entirely destroyed and ren Stewart be discharged from custody, him. The blow was given straight (tier first avenged himself on his rival by sought ' Survegor-V- f. of dered uselesa annexation. None to advance in the Bliouldcf, and with a will. The lawthe for contracts purposes Stoktfs not military be his convicted on of could that he Police--all G, heavy !. Captain of Taylor. cancelling those who are selected, are committed to which they had previously been de own statement even if he were of sound yer was a little Confused.1 'Instead' of Justice of the'PiaeeS: Eggleston amounting to over fifty thousand dollars In response to a call of the Senate, the voted. Other Prussian guns of great mind. The grand jury retired. making the reply set down in his part, : then Railroad . Erie i Constable C. F. MUdleton. a vear. with the t. coma sent has Office what are- yoa Pdst Department been selected have and calibre II. McKay called, and on being ar he cried out "D n you,small finding Stokes not ruined, Fisk endea- munication to that, body showing the range and select, The audience, so as in elevated doing?", and an and him positions, not conciliate. Mr. placed Baskin to vored , t raigned plead guilty. Post Office: ' matter sent under the to Ogden was somewhat shocked. . 'The lawyer free of amount their the within of the between filed compass affidavit tile bring for continuance,' for an interview took place ARRIVAL AND CLOSING MAILS. to lor' law. It appears that if all that ARRIVALS. range many of the principal buildings purpose of obtaining witnesses, which has been advised by his friends two at Delmonico'a which was adjourned franking had in this is manner, !fi i v mm 7.00 a.m. Fait Lake Citv, dnilv through passed within the city. The Hotel De ille, he desired to obtain to prove the pre- sake .the stage. and did Mrs. residence of Lawlar, the to 7.30 West, Through Mail" dailv , , half-pathree o oiock paid postage at the regular chargesmilit the Hotel Dts Invalides, and the Palace vious good character cf McKay, also for I i 7.30 am, not terminate till Nartli, Throui Jlail daily ; of the Luxemburg are all covered with an alibi. Mr. Hempstead submitted the " ' Wal, B KldcrCounty, ially t 7..Wa.in. next mornine: and even then in a man would have added A spe; these J. I. I)Ahl.EH, MUSSET, ' t, . Kast, Tliroogh Jlail daily i .' i to Fisk. , Fisk then lions of dollars to the revenue. guns, and it is the intention of the matter without argument After consol- WARHM ner unsatisfactory Uutnia, Mimtamu Salt Lake City. CLUHlNa. cial Commission left the House these on to a Germans cannonade the from continued to open the oust Court the oilworks, ation Stokes 4.00 p.m, tried hearing Mi Uk Clr; dally j . " r r of being present at lhe buildings, which ' will speedily ' level the for purpose 1 and 4.00 DAIILER . . IILSSEY. 1S both p.m, in which they were of tho case untill interested, nest, mronpi Mint (tally May, 4, funeral of lion. Jno, Lavado, at Lock them to their foundations. A rumor at 10 a. m. The Tuesday, 3.4o p.m, Jiorth, Through Mail daily witnesses for the pros beinif unable to do so caused ms arrest. nort. Pa. 3.4A p.m. " Local, Box Elder County, daily , m BANKERS, has obtained circulation at the German ecution appeared and entered into re U.UU p.m, Fisk told Stokes he had the.New-YorJEast, Through Mall daily . Mr. Laughridge, as he promised, made headquarters y that there are in cognizance for their appearance at the ; jKxxrxos' (nkw building,, iudiciarv under .his thumb and .could a lenethv of memorial MAILS. report on the dications of the Parisians inclining aoove a ate. send Stokes, or any other man, to Sing Mrs: ; Victoria CUWUXS. MUX --"STUKET, Woodcull,' accompanied towards peace, and that they are now arhe and Rich County Wednesday! The traverse jury were called and dis Sinir whenever he wanted to. ... ' ' women that resolution a AND BAlF LAKE Crri3.30 . . declaring and Mattmlava . . ' i p.m. making overtures with that object in charged irom further attendance on " Stnkea declares that since his release on by Draw In .North Unlit Coin Dealers 14th anil Thnrsdayi tOop.m, MuTCurmicy. under the Knst, have the right of suffrage view. The probability of such being the Court as on the 6.00 a.m. bail the Fisk party have offered him a Hiia on Coursr, llnntSTille Wednosdavs and Saturdays validity Etcliana M.mtwiiy Frauoisco, thejquostion and 15th amendments. The resolution the case, however, .is hardly admissible of the manner 3.00 p.m. hundred 3'lain City Mondays sind Thurmlays 19 which the juries had St. Louis, Kew York, and all lirts of Europe. and ten thousand douars to was voted down 4.00 p.m. by the committee, But in view of the continued, although in been summoned had been ' Collections ' ptiverdale Wednasdaya and itotunlaya te and the purchase suit,, presented, the promptly attended to. ' 1 tf compromise two the Iloopnr and Alma Wednesdays and and tier being only toughridge which is resistance to effectual, also it' being to oil best them yet works, and discharge ni. his interest in the thought Jndge .. , . , , , , ,12-l Saturdays in favor of the resolution. No official authority is given now and opposed. " offIcb Hoims.''i they would not come together pay him twelve thousand dollars a year voting is Fleasanton for the statement. Commissioner as a n. !cnetal Delivery open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on guarantee until they were summoned. , wnicu aiuuua. tne for rental again, ground Sunday 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Court adjoujned till 2 p. m. Preparations are now being made by izing the Internal Revenue Bureau, and which offer has been declined I, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR. ....,, REGISTRY DEPARTMENT the German army for a grand shelling 13. the result will be made known resumed its session. The grand Court teo from 9 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.'8 fixed bVa will of has been which assault such of Paris, row. There Col. Kirk who executed with to p.m. Outside Door open from 7 jury came into court all present where- Otfioe opposite Ogdcn Hotel, ,: ' iv,:1. OGDEN CUT. -vitrnr ihf, military orders of Gov. Ilolden clerks, and probably a great reduction to take p.'ase on Sunday next. 10,000 upon the Judge thanked them for their AC MvXtUSJ'astmastoi, .; USA ;. j ryrj. All kinds of legal business promptly attomled of North Carolina and whose proceed- in clerical force ; the object is to reduce incendiary bombs will be fired into the diligence in their deliberations, and dis in that the cost of collecting the Internal Reven city on that day; the mortars from charged them from further attendance It?' to. Trains ings produced such consternation of i; ww-to be fired are of the increase in witii which shells these are ue prothe proportionately 2d till the The Corut for here how purpose day adjourned Leave ' daily; until further no- State.is i the of constructed 0gdn and amount Collec for Assistant the . size, accounts gigantic collected, of a. m. his 10 of May, 1871, at tice, for Salt Lake City at 8 ft.m. and curing a settlement as strongest and most reliable material, . tors are being discnarged. imo toe iiauey aunng see Attorn time at counselor. axd et xat, enlisting parties p.m. (For extra trains An. Illinois Postmaster gives notice as Will PraoUca in all the Courts in Utah. ami a1. . Gov. Ilolden with-- having soon as he can will determine on a plan A number of these have already bwn Table.) For the East, at J.25 a,m. For He charges drawn, into position, and others will follows: "After this date everybody must joining Territories. SW.ial attention givnt" failed to support itira is his operations. for consolidating the district, when the West, ai 6.35 p.m. . ') ,: i.. ,". William number of higher grade of officials1 will fallow. lick their own postage stamps, - as my foreign and Domestic Collections. V by The preferred charges ft.m. Lalce Arme from Salt City, afLate advices received in this City from tongue s be mustered out. It is estimated that Indian of Commissioner out" Krk'iV' .Wells , OKico 4.25 in give against and 4.45 p.m. Frtim the East, p.m. fairs are regarded as very strong and of the entire resolution will diminish the Bordeaux state" that a review of the Tost Oilice- From the West, 6.35 a.m. JliiiUlhiff, Eastern of on an in French took on Paris $2000,000 committee Many people have been poisthe place expenses troops upwards per serious character by .; Salt Lake City Tim. will num. Tuesday. Marshal Vinoy was present oned by wearing crimson wrappers, appropriations, an investigation mean ' ' 14 aniline the and from CAIID.S. drawers 1HSIXESS and reviewed the troops. The soldiers Chicago, in the stockings Divine lVortilUpI begin next Tuesday, and One of the most fearful snow and sleei betrayed their, dissatisfaction with the used in the dye, and have only saved 1VKRT' MERCHANT AND PROFESSIONAL is held every Sunday, in the Tabernacle, time Gen Farker is busy preparing his storms ever experienced in this section, inactive military policy of Gen. Trochu, their lives by adopting white nrnn should have a supply.. Tie will do lhai at 11'ft.w.; nod in the fohool Houses of defense. ' ' la the bst stjls of Ins art. oOO, is now in progress; the trains on all the and becoming demonstrative, loudly d the has House passed The just the various AVards at 6 p.m. . t 4 7 12 51 f 1 Square, m 2.50 4.W 8 8 IK S 23 42 7 a 3.50 6.00 ft 65 34 6.00 8,60 11 15 Column, A .VI U VI in 22 61 7 85 115 17.00 25.50 29 38 Business Cards $4 per month. JIM $2.60 $52 a 000,000 dollars five per cent bill. An Fxposure of Fisk's . . . Admiral Porter's ination e . . 1 The San Domingo missioners Selected! Utter Defeat of General Chauzyl Bombshells to e , Fired into Paris to Morrow! What the Franking the Privilege y. Nation! t Great Conflagration in of Tremendous Storms in the East! The District Court at '" ; Provo! ; y. M. t. . : - . . al ' .:.': , to-d- V"4'"' ; al ! -- the-Ne- hr nt JVn-i-Lest- r. s ht - ' rs , , ; , . ' -j i y. , . ! ' ) . . .... ', : st 43u-p.n- ' i. to-d- f . . 4-CO.- -- , .OGIllV - i . . Ocdau-iMoada- ys . 1 l" ' , 1 re-org- : to-m- or , , . : ill W. R. KKITIIIsY, . -- , ..., , . ; i'X IavittV near |