OCR Text |
Show She 0j4m function. Published erery WKDNKSDAV and SATURDAY by the Uoukh l'uMisin:ia uompa.ny. JAMES McGA W. President and Business Manner to whiini all Busine. communications should be addressed. Indolence. Mother: "Now, Charlie, run and fetch WILLIAMS the beer." Charlie: "Ugh! its arainin' so ant tain t tit to turn a dog out in. Can't you send gran'father?" Faul (Minn.) doctor was afked to dance the "Lancers." IIedccliued,but expressed a willingness to lance the dancers. A St. There is much food for reflection in to adopt the axiom of the natural philosopher, the following questions and answers: so surely docs she also abhor anything "Who bits a woman when sho is down?" like indolence. A healthy child in, of 'Why, another woman." "Who then down?" "Why, another course, often at rest, but never indo keeps her lent. It is always at work in its own woman." way; it will be ever ready to do some An exchange lets fly the following: thing, to work at something or another. "Pulverized alum and common salt put The very mischief of a young child is on a piece of cotton and chucked into merely misdirected industry. a hollow tooth will shut up its aching so A child is never so happy as when it will want to hug us for tellis busy. The embryo soul puts out feelers quick you ing you; but you can't unless you have a into the strange world in which it is certificate of good moral character, are placed, and tries, step by step, and mo a married woman, and over twenty- ment after moment, to fit itself to work. It is forever imitative; its very voice, nve." and the motion of its tongue, are to be If Nature abhors a vacuum, learned; and gradually, and by mueh practice, are these mysteries to be ac quired and understood. A child is seldom a heavy sleeper; it will awake with the sun; and the chief thing it dislikes is to go to bed. Waking with the sun in the morning, ready to be out and about to commence the day with refreshed strength and invigorated appetite, it is often chid into indolence, and taught to be lazy, until from re peated lessons it gains a bad hadit, and "custom lies upon it with a weight, heaiy s irosi, ana aeep almost as life." Yet if there can be one thintt which can conquer the ills of life, which will make all things pleasant and all difficulties easy it ia industry, the grand opponent and conqueror of that rust of the mind of which we have been sncakine. "There is no art or science which is too difficult for industry to attain to; it ia the very gin of tongues," said Lord Claren don, " and makes a man understood and valued in all countries." it is the philosopher atone, and turns all metals and even stones into gold, and suiters no want to break into its dwell ing. As indolence makes all thinss difli eult, and gives a man pain even to walk to his door, and loll in his carriage, so jnuusipy makes an tilings easy. NEW YORK TRIBUNE. LUMB COMPANY. LUMBER YARD, SALT LAKE CITY". PER THOUSAND. WILLIAMS & CO. 1VITX FURXISII Fencing Lumber AT TIIEIlfc YARD, ON CARS AT OGDEN, $25.00 per Corner of Union Square, iVorth-We- st M. Doors, Sash Doors ml JSlIml made to order. Close to the Salt Lake & Truckeo LUMBER YARD. Junction Printing Office, ALL KINDS OF Plank, Scantling", ADDRESS, D. W.PAHKll UllST, Joists, Eafters, WHITE PINE LUMBER YARD, Fencing, Inch Lumber Siding, White Pino Lumber Battens, Flooring, 25. per 1000 feet, Finishing Lum $25. to $40. per 1000 feet. ber, and Picketing, llaflliiig for u ItroadFaced litrkej. Salt Lake City. Ro-t- f The Oakland Transcript of ihe 28th Inst, tells the following : A pretty good joke was played upon ne the citizens of Brooklyn on Christ mas tve, which we cannot afford to lot pass, although the principal party who figured in it is one of the finest and best appreciated men in the town. Our friend Jim has got a pet owl a bird which he esteems highly and this nocturnal carnivorous beauty was made the tool by a waggish friend of his to play the trick. Jim and some other sociable Brooklynites visited Moffit's saloon on Christmas Eve to participate In a turkey raffle. While the sport was going on, the wag alluded to proceeded to our mend a house and took the owl up to the saloon. At a late hour it was an nounced that but one turkey of the "broad-race- d breed" was left, and Jim, who had been into every raffle, entered into this last one. A certain grocery dealer took a chance, and as no one Ise seemed inclined to invest in chan eea, the raffle was closed and the sliak ing proceeded. Jim won the turkey, ONE LOT NORTH OF W1IITR II0CS8. Tli. best quality From Bear Lake Divide, near Mount Nebo, for tsaie, at tna Jim, Ami at the Yard, from In Cash or 111 equivalent Wheat, Oats, and ISarlcy Wanted. and, to prolong the fun, put it up again, taiting a chance for himself. LUMBER PLAXED OX 0'E SIDE, Our friend threw the highest and called at Reasonable Rates. for the turkey, slating that as the night was iar advanced he would go home. Moffit proceeded to the adjoining room, at Z.C.M.Ins- t- or of tha ana soon emerged with, the "broad Apply to D. H. rEEKY, man in th. yard. laoea turitey," winch, to the intense LKVI 1VIIEELER. amusement of all, proved to be Jim's r owl. After the first excitement of the joke had passed, our friend again conNOW!!! vulsed tho orowd by positively refusing to take the bird, for the reason that he Best Family Taper Ever had "a derned sight better and smarter Published! ewi or his own at home." HUIiSCUIHE FROM $30 to $35 por TlioTJLstinci. Hills sawed to order at a few day's notice. TUB GREATEST OF THE WEEKLIES! North Carolina Holdcn is about to be VfcK f,,mi WAS PAID, DURING THE impeached for "high crimes and misde past year, lor tlie Instruction and Enter- i its nuiiureils or thousand of rmlm meanors" against the State. The char utimneui Six of Hue Largo ProsnB. are kn ges against him are thus summarized constantly running, dayCylinder ami night, to .iipplj th. ennrniou. demand for this faroriM journal. by the World'. "The charges against him are eight Every .tory, .wry sketch, and every article iimui in Bjiinun a it it r ia original, and in niunoer, who many specifications. written expressly for It. columns, liy the best each one blacker than the other, giving taimt money can procure, name day, date, fact and circumstance, KiTJ'nT,!uriJ,.i ""J ."'0.ral ,Um of SATURDAY accusing him of inciting civil war, of wIFfrlnna setting on foot a vagabond standing ar or political Mief of any one will be allowed to on us )iagoa. my, of defying the process of the courts. ajuHwr it ia the beat Family Paimr nnlli)iwl and tearing up, with ignominy, the writ andIn itafact, past success la proof that it i. nil paper ot naoeat corpus nateha alone to ty- lor every nome in th laud. I1T U a laree ehrht Men mnop rants, of arresting and putting into a SATU RDAY NIU containing forty columns of the best matstinking iron cage, side by side with a ter, elegantly printed on flue whitereading Bauer and murderer in a few days to be hanired. a I bp"t illustrated. most estimable private citiien and an I ','ry i,mm,cod,r,7 thewoek. torlea in every raner. riv. continued . i i. muupugueu uuiii-s- man ; 01 Hanging up From wvon to ten short ghort Storic of Love in every paper, uy me nee auotner Clliten ana letting I ,ix t0 ,?B hmx,UM rioc t Poetry in himnp and down again; of clarpiniLr"m every puixr. nineteen aniens or one vicinage into Italf a column of Fact. Worth Remembering, one. "i mvnr, Jail, ana eighty-thre- e in another; of I'udor Liirht the head of (J as lovrery nrawing out, contrary to all law or di(i eolliK'tiou of Wfttynmi llumomim forms of law, many thousands of dollars xale, i"ii iiuuiisiieu a """'j frora the State treasury to keep his expressly for the children. fair; The column of Answer, to CormnnnrW, on and of soldiery foot; repell muis iiiiutiiiuiioii in rierelM tn niutt.,r .,r I ing, oy iorce anu iraua, tno effort to Domestic and friendly Relations, History, Ancient prevent this cr any other wrong by him and Modern, and everything connected with Love, .bum uiniliaCi in his career as a despot, a firebrand, a w EACH NUMBER OK SATTTTinA V viniiw kidnapper, brigand, and robber." J LATH, SHINGLES. "t mZJth t 'ir tru-eule- nt "Man wants but little here below, nor wants that little long," is a libel; man wants everything he can see, or hearov, and never is willing to let go ov his grab. Whenever yu find a man who is thoroughly satisfied with what ho has got, yu will find either an idiot, or one who has tried hard to got some more and couldn't do it The older a man grows the more wantful he hokums; a. Ms hold on life slackens, hit pinch on a dollar grows grippy. Josh JJU. lings. Mr. and Mrs. Sanson, of Chicago, filed eross bills for divorce. He testified that she poured a panful of boiling water over lus head, ,ud then Bcraped thel hair off with the pan, he submitting "to see now iar she would go." He now minits tsiie went too far. CONTAINS AS MliOH READING MATTER A3 ANY OK THE POPULAR MONT1IIV maija. ZIN'ES. TIIKKR 1H)I,I.AKS PER VKR u n i PIKCIiASK 62 NUMHKRit nv NUUIT." T1IK SAME MONEY EXPENDED IN A MAUAZINK ONLY BK1.NUS YOU 12 KUSI- - ruicK os ssiwpthv ...1 A ivui i; Eor One Year. 62 Number, ia onlviinn Si Months, i8 Ntnnliers, ia only '$1.50. Four Mouth, IT Numbers, ia only $1.00. our cum Profoundly do we realize that the contest is not yet ended that Millions mourn, more or less publicly, the downfall of the slaveholders' Con federacy, and rear their children to hate those by whose valor and coustancy its overthrow was achieved. If we ever seem to differ essentially from other Republicans, our conviction that mag nanimity Is never weakness.tliat venireanre Is nev er ixjiiiH', anu mat nevus are not cast out by ueeizeouo, must serve to explain alleged eccen tricities whose perfect vindication we leave to lime and Keflection. Thm Tribune has been, is, and must be. a leal- on. advocate of Protection to Home Industry, Kegaruing habitual idleness as the greatest fco to human progress, the bane of human happiness, we sock to win our countrymen iu masses from the ensnaring lure, of Sisjculation. of Traffic, and of always overcrowded Professions, to the tranquil paths of Productive Industry. We would gladly deplete our overcrowded cities, where thousands vainly jostle and crowd in misiruidcd quasi or someiniug toiw, to cover prairies and Hums with colonies absorbed In Agriculture. Mechanics aud Manufactures, and constant! v projecting into the blank, void wilderness the homes aud the works of civilized Man. Holding the Protection of Home Industry by discriminating duties on iinKirted Wares and 1'abrir essential to the rapid, beneficent diffusion of Produc tion in ail its phases and detiartments. and so tu the Instruction of our people in all the gainful arts of peace, we urge oar countrymen to adhere loaim upiioui that policy, lu uudoubtiug faith that the true interest, not of a class of a section, but of each section and every useful class, is thereby subserved and promoted. in irihuxk aims to be a News paper. Its corrosiiondents traverse every State. are present on every important liattle-tielare early advised of .very notable Cabinet decision, observe the proceeibngs of Congress, of Legislatures, and of Conventions, and report to us by telegraph all that is of general interest. We have paid for one day's momentous advices from Europo by Cable iar more than our ontire reeipts for the Issue in which those advices reached our readers, If lavish outlay, unsleeiiinir viirilaiir. anil no. bounded faith in the liberality and discernment of the reading public, will enable us tn mulfn Journal which baa no sujierior in the accuracy, anu irt'suuess 01 us contents, thk Taiti-- l 'sonj, .vs shall be such a journal. 10 Agriculture aud the subservient arts have devoted, and shall iwrsist.ntly devote, more means and space than any of our rivals. We aim to make Thi Wekslt Tbibuni such a naner as no fannor can afford to do without, however widely his politic may difler from ours. Our reports of the Cattle, Horse. Produce, and General Markets. are so full and accurate, our essays in elucidation of the farmer's calling, and onr regular roports of the fanner.' Club anil kindred gatherings, are so interesting, that the poorest farmer will find therein a mine of auggestion and counsel, of which he cannot remain ignorant without nositive and serious loss. We sell Thk Week.lt to Chilis for lew than ita value in dwelling, for waste- paper; and, though its subscription is already very large, we neueve mat a Halt Ml on more farmers will take it whenever it shall lie com mended to their attention. We ask onr friends everywhere to aid us in ao commending iu Daily Tribune, Mail Subscribers, tinner annum .t Trmvnk, Mail Subscriliers, tl per annum. Five copies or over, $3 each; an extra copy will be sent for every club of ten sent for at one time; or, if preferred, a copy of Recol lections oi a uusy life, by Mr. urcely. TERMS OF TIIE MEEKLY TRIBUNE. To Mail Subscribers. ..... .... One Copy, one year, 62 issues Five Copies, one year, 62 issues . ... .... To Names of Subscribers, all at one 10 Copiea - $1 60 each. 20 Copiea . 1 85 each. 60 Copies i Ki each. Aud One Extra Copy to each Club. Flour, Grain, Stock, and all kinds of Produce taken at Market Hates. Torson to an extra. eonv can. If nra. entitled . .i . r ; i i r . i ... errvii, nave euner oi me nuiowing boons, post : Poliitical Economy, bv Horace age prepaid Greel.v; Pear Culture for Profit, by P. T. tjninn; mo uviuuuib ui .agriculture, ueorge . D.UIT Tribune, line. 30c, 40c, 60c, 75c, . K. B. SCOVILLE, Agent at Ogden. I nATFsa. ud $1 per ... Triufne, 25 and 50 cents por line. iaiuuHB, ia, o, ana to per line. According to position in the paper. To Subscriber wishing to preserve Mr. Greely's ways on "Whit I Know or FAMuira ." ami pay th. full price, i. .., $10 for Dailt, $4 for or 2 for Weekly Tribune. the book, post-paiif request bo made at tl,. time of subscribing. Seki-Whk- lt II- - . iTo.i.i M' OFFICE. The Tribune Almanac. Price 20 cents. Tribi'xe Almanac Reprint. 1S38 to isss o Half bcund. $10. Recollections of a Bpst T.t... Rtr Greciy. Various styles of binding. Cloih. tl 60. 1 Library. 13 60. Half Momnvi n.ir m-- o. 5. Morocco Antique. $7. Political Economy. Bv Horace Greelv i n vols. rr.,. KWBANK'S .!, J o o tc a Is: X Sis 5 si bt td mm Made of m f5 hi OtK Si -- t v m K A. n VILE l Ki IlrDRAUUCS. AND MECHANICS. Ri. harge octavo. Cloth. S. Pear Cultueb tor Profit. Quinn, $1. Elements or Aoriciiltitr.. ' w Edition. Cloth. $1. Draining for Health ani Pnnm ' ir K' Cloth, $1 50. peut free on receipt of price. I making remittancea alwav. nriVtira a draft on New York, or a Post-Offi- c Money Order, if Where neither of tbnui possible. send ilie money, but always In registered letter The registration fee ha. been reduced to flftocn cenia, and the present registration ha been found by th costal authoririm t,,system h .An ally an atwoliite protetion agid.ist losses by mail. rusiiimau-r- s are oDiigeu to register letters when requested to do so. lernis, cash in advance. irr; Address all communications, JOSHUA WILLIAMS & CO., Weber Station, U.P.K.U. OR, H. B. SC0VILLE, Box 10, OGDEX. Adore THE TRIBUNE, New York. Crciiata DioKimi BucIiq liCavcs. Properties Their odor .c? is strong, and somewhat aromatio, their taste bitterish, and analogous to mint. diflusive, Xfj','? TTIET ARE NOT - g 8 From Dispensatory of the United States. 5 .4 , erf -" S ARE THEY? fssWHAT J- O! o 3 3 Tv 3 XLUHUX8US 01 rpi XUUUBauua Bear testimony to their Wonderful Curative Effects. w Medical Propeetiks asd Uses Bii. chu leaves are gently stimulant, with a gi? Toor Ruin, Wblakey, Troof E5 peculiar tendency to the Urinary Or fiSia gans. EtM 1 They are given in complaints of the-- Ppli-I- t nd Refuse Liquors doctored, iplcca and sweet enedto please tha taste, called " Tonics," "Appctiz era," " Restorers," &e., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and mln.bnt are a true Medicine, made from the Native Boots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic; fMiiimlnntn. They aro tha Urinary Organs, such'as Gravel, Chron ic Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irri tation of the Bladder GREAT Ul.OOD ri RIFIEIJ. and A LIFE CIVIMJ TRINCII'LE aperfect renovator and Disease Invlgoratorof the Bystcm, carrying otT allpoisonon matter and restoring tho blood to a healthy condition. Ko person can take these Bitters according to direction and remain long unwell. 100 willbe given for an incurable case, provided the bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. For Inflammatory nnd Chronic Khonma- - and Urethra, of tho Prostrate Retention and Gland, or Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concern ed in ita evacuation. The remedy has? I also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affec- and Gout, Pyspcpsln, or Indigestion, llinonH.Uciuittont nnd Intermittent Fever) pisonnrsj of tbo Itlood, I.ivcr, Kidneys and Rlndder, these Hitter have been most success ful. Such Piscase are caused by Vitiated tiHin tions and Dropsy. Helmbold's Exteact Buchu is Hlood.whlch lJ generally produced by derangement of the Diircitlvo Omails. PYSI'El'SIA Oil 1XDIGESTIOX, fiead. ache. Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tha Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tha Stomach, Dad tasta in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the flcart, Inflammation ot the Lnngs.Pain In tha regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. They Invigorate the stomach, and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all imparities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FORSKIX DISEA SES, Ernptions,Tetter, Salt used by persons from the age of 18 to 25, and from 35 to 55, or in the decline or change of life; Labor Pains; after Confinement or in children. Bed-Wetti- In affections peculiar to females, the Extract Buchu is unequaled by any eth. Bhucm, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Bolls.Car- Scald Head, Bora Eyes, Eryslp- buncles, elas, Itch, Scarfs, Dlscolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug op and carried oat of tbo system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in inch cases will convince the most Incredulous of their er remedy, as in Chlorosis, or Reten. tion, Irregularity, Painfulness or Sup. pression of customary evacuations, Ul- cerated or Schirrous state of the uterus. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever von find Its lmpuritlesbnmingthrongh the skin lnHmples.Eru or sores ; cleanse It when you nd it obstructed and ilugglsh la the veins j cleanse it when It foul, I Leucorrhoea or Whites 11 Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, 1 and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. Gravel and Dropsical Swellings. This medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the absorbents into PIN, TAPE andother WORMS, lurkinghi the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroy ed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed in four lan guages English, German, French and Spanish. 3, WALKER, Proprietor. RH.McDONAlD ACO, Drngglsta and Gen. Agents, Baa Francisco, Cal. and 92 and Si Commerce Street. KeW York. fv"S0LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AMD SEALERS. healthy action, by which the watery or calcareous depositions, and all unnat- I ura' enlargements are reduced, as well as pain or inflammation. II ELM BOLD EXTRACT S ha BuCHD cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. Irritation of the Neck of me liladdcr, Is rapidly nip.rwung alt other prepsiation. for prodadnf ftyaxt, M and rioluosw ROLLS, BISCUITS, BRSiD, ucktckeat and other Criddl Calct. Ttrectlf Pvn and SdialU, and olteayt rtady tot immediatt tttc Th. CHEAP. CSTBMnf Powder in Uu WORLD, and it WILL KEEP O.V Zi.VC Oil SEA, in njr climate, for yuan. It li well tdspttd to the &M of Uouukcepert, Minert, Marinon, Emigrant, and Is In feet. In every retpoci, JU BEST TEAST POWDER Bud. "for the Kitchen, Ms Cmp, tit Callci." BOLD BT OBOCEB3 A DEALERS EVERYWHERE. Manufactured by DOOLET Ai BKOTIIEB, 69 NEW STREET, NEW-YOR- VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE Inflammation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases of the Trostate Gland, Stone in the Bladdsr, Calculus, Gravel, Brick-Du- st Deposit, Mucus or Milky Discharges, and for en- feebled and delicate constitutions, of both sexes, attended with the following symptoms: to exertion. Indisposition Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficul- ty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trem- ihe rmsT EnuioN or One HrNmuD atd Fiftt bling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, TuorsANn copies of VICK'S ILLl STRATED SEEDS and FUlilAL GL'IOE, is published Dimness of Vision Pain in the Back, and to send out Urn and ready pagos, an Engraving niuivnti ii(.Hiranie riower ana vegctsute. It is elegantlye,frjf printed an line tinted paper, illustrated with Throe Hundred line Wood engravings and Two Deautilul COLORED PLATES. Ihe most beautiful and the most instructive Floral tluide published. A GERMAN EDITION published, in all other respects similar to the English. Sent free to all my customers of 1870. as rnnidlv a. possible, without application. 8ent to all others who orour tnem lor 1EM CE.MS, which is not half the cost. Auuros JAMES TICK. Rochester, N, Y. 89-8 Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Drj- ness of the skin, Eruption on the Face, Fallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the muscular system, &c. Helmbold's ExTBAciBccnn THE OGDEN JUNCTION is Diuretic and blood purifying, and cures all eases Advertising: Rates. teenth Edition, For $10 we will send four copiea for one year to addresa. orT,arh T1 J Mifte or nd eiht co,.ic to one address, or each copy to .eparate addnwee. The party who send. Da 20 for a rtios r copiea (all sent at one time), will be eutitlrd to a copy FRKS. bet ton-ti- p of CI nil of eiKht eopiea can after- win u uu suiKiecooies ai m.Mi j4ch Be sure and subscribe for no other naner nntil SATURDAY NIOHT. yonw. e will send Specimen Cujiios free to any who will send us tueir address. DAVIS KLVERSON. Prop's, aud Pub's, of SATl RDAY NIOUT ' Phikdilphia, Pa. $2. 9. To One Andreas, all at one 10 Copin $1 50 each. . - 1 25 earn. 20 Copies . - 1 00 each. 60 Copiea And One Extra Copy to each Club. I 0,, t 31an. BOOKS FOR SALE AT TUB TRIBUNE "si'mpniv srnscRirnos r S TERMS. in Heavy Charge. VINEGAR BITTEES. Tlirou;U stnijcgle and suffering, at the cost of nuillilorin agomus, bcreavemeuta. devastations, tbo American Idea embodied iu tiie preamble to our miners Declaration of Independence its complete realization. The noble, inspiring assertion that "all men are created einiiil," and endowud bv thoir Creator with inal ienable right, to life, liberty, and the pursuit of iummhuhss, is uo longer a giittunng (feuerality, a poet's fancy, a philosopher's 8ieculution, but the recognized bae of our political iabric. Tho benign Revolution, which dates from the Boston Massacre of 1770, finds its logical completion, just one ceutury later, in the XVth Amendment; which gives to the equal political and civil rights of every man born or naturalized in our Republic the shield and defence of the Federal Constitution. The billows of Caste and Privilege may roar and rage around that rock, and may transiently seora on the point of washing it away: but its foundations are deep-lai- d and steadfast, and the breakers of Reaction aud Slavery are hurled against and dash their spray over it in vain. Wo do not underrate the forces of Prejudice and Aristocracy. We do not forget that a very large minority of the American People still hold iu their inmost hearts that Blacks have no rights which Whites are bound to respect. We fully appreciate the desperation wherewith all the warring elements of hatred to Republican achievement will be combined and hurled against the battlements of Republican ascendency in the Presidential election of 1S72. We do not doubt that local successes, facilitated by Republican feuds and dissensions, will inspire the charging host with a sanguine hope of victory, such as nerved it to put forth its utmost strength iu the earlier stages of the contests of 1N04 and 186H. Yet our faith is clear and strong that the American People still bless God that, on the red battlefields of our late Civil War, the Union was upheld and Slavery destroyed, and will never consciously decide that tho precious blood thereon poured out was lavished in vain. The Teibisi believes in the prosecution of the great struggle by legitimnte means to beneficent ends. To State Sovereignty, it opposes indissoluble National Integrity; to Slavery for Blacks, Lilierty for all; to Proscription, Enfranchisement; to Popular Ignorance, Universal Education; to intensity and oteruity of wrathful Hate, universal aud invincible Good Will. It would fain do its utmost to hasten the glad day when the South shall vie with the North in exultation and grati. tude over the disappearance of the last trace or taint of that spirit which imiielled Man to exult in mo ownership ana cluittlehood of his fellow E E BUCHU, ' 1S71. UTAH Cheapest Yard in Ogden. Truckco& SaltLako SHINGLES, $4.50 A GREAT MEDiCAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA THE & GO'S COLUMN. arising Helmbolds from dis- habits of dissipation- - Extract Buchu is a sov ereign remedy for the evils resulting from the use of Alkali water, whickiso widely distributed in the west, exposing JOB PRIATINGOFFiCJ Is supplied with the latest improved facilities for turning out every description of almost every person in this taat region to its baleful effects. Sold by all druggists and dealers eveiywhere. Beware of counterfeit!. Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other. Price, $1.25 Sff 50. ' per bottle, or 6 bottle for Delivered to any address. JOB rRCfTDfG Ia the finest style. Describe symptoms in all communications. Address II. T. HELMB0LD, 894 Broadway, N. T. None steel-engrav- BOOKBINDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. are genuine unless done up wrapper, with in fac-simi- le of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed 70-I- y U. T, HELMB0LD. 1 |