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Show BY TELEGHAP1I. Washington, 0. probabablity if a complete Union of the Republican factions in Missouri. The nominations of officers for the Legislature are received with great satisfaction. Even this union will hardly prevent the election of a Democratic Senator. lu the House, Resolutions were sub mitted declaring the forcible arrest and elentiou of Messrs. Lass and Master- ton by the Paraguayan Government, while under the protection of the American flag, an insult and outrage A long argu demanding reparation. ment, in which several members took part, followed. The conduct of Admiral Gordon in the matter was severely re Z. C. M. I. RETAIL London, 5. Correspondence. Telegrams received here from Verinstate that official a at recent sailles, Ouden, Jany, uth 1871. Special to the Ounrx Junction hy the Atlantic uud every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, terview between Minister Washburne facinc Dear LXtiuiauj.j Junction. Juingiiipu COMPANY. PUUL18U1.NO OUDEN by tilt) and M. Jules Favre, the former observed I have just returned from a short JAMKS McG AW President and Business Mutineer, that he understood it had" been conclud- visit to Ogden Valley. When I left on be should communications Business all wbiu to ed by the Prussian Government to grant Tuesday morning the weather in this addressed. him the safe conduct necessary to allow city was very warm and pleasant, but as him to be present at the Conference of I neared Ogden Kanyon, it was soon AND celebrated The A Rare Treat. Successes the European Powers in London as rep- apparent that "Ancient Henry" or some ComDramatic and Couldock resentative of France. Favre replied other body had elevated the wind very Langrishe to Minister Washburne, that he knew Considerably, which blue a keen blast pany will appear at the Ogden Theatre nothing whatever of the Conference from the mountains, and by the time I on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings he mentioned, and he would not reached the toll house I felt an if I had IICIWRTMEXT, next. These true artists, who have an leavo Paris under any circumstances. "William as been shaved without the aid of the barto their large and attention Call A Havre dispatch states that Bourba-k- i ber's razor. I was almost frozen and established reputation in the theatrical Stock, is just received, conon with an the Germans of Mr. was glad to accept the hospitality marching world, should draw crowded houses. in part, of sisting, immense army, and Gen. Chauzy at Dinsdale. When about one mile up the Everybody in Ogden who can appreciis achieving incredible successes kanyon, a splendid winter scene opened Poplins, Tartan Plaids, flected upon. Bliss was severely criticised and Minister Washburne censured with flying columns harrassing and ren- to the view. The lofty, towering rocks, ate refined dramatic talent should go Satins, Merinos for having deserted Bliss and Mastertou dering the German communication al- on either sido, the ice piled up in the and see the Couldocks. Ucpcllaiits, most useless. 10,000 French troops are river, at intervals, forming beautiful in their emergency. Gen Hardy, who was detailed from marching to Paris Shawls, Arabs, via. Charteres. little cascades and waterfalls the frozen Lecture. Moses and Mormonisrn, at Sheridan's department to visit Montana, There are 10,000 troops in Havre at mill, the evergreens on the mountain Chameleons, Cloth Coats, Cordon's Hall, Sunday eve, 8th inst., by and investigate the Montana present, and 20,000 operating in its sides, together with numerous other stuISalmoral und Gored 1 war claims expenditures in repressing neighborhood. A forward movement to pendous works of Nature all combined E. L. T. Harrison. Indian hostilities, has returned to his Paris is expected It is supposed to make a scene of wild beauty, grandeur Shirts, etc. AMERICAN. all is The Celebrated California and headouarters that the at Chicajro, French troops intend march- and sublimity. New York, o. pre Arrived. Yesterday morning the of to to the around Paris. miles is fifteen 8,000 London to about from come ing injj'ind said A closing paring is Secretary report K. Ogden Valley R. report lllanhets, ltugs, following officials of the C. P. ar. I he claims amount to a million French this morning, attacked a body of long and about four miles wide. It is that Amadous, the new King of Spain, Flannels and Hosiery. arrived from the West in a special car: has been shot dead in Madrid, hy an un- dollars, but it is likely will not reach a Saxons of Manteuffel's command near well wooded, und well watered by the A. Gen. J. known assassin. The report, however, quarter. Gov. l'otts, ot .Montana, who Balboe. The French captured tho out Ogden river, and several of its branches. J. Corning, Esq., Asst. Supt., THE was appointed with special reference to posts ot tiio tierman position alter a It is an excellent farming and stock Stevens, Gen. Master Mechanic, John cauuot be traced to any trustworthy lis ability in looking alter tliis affair, brilliant engagement. W. source. raising country Wilson, Div. Master Mechanic, and is complete in Midnight official dispatches from Ver London The Times, after comparing aided Hardy materially in his investiga IIUNTSVILLK A. A. son of Cohen, Esq., the smalluess of the American to the tions. Cohen, Esq., sailles, claim that Gen. Goeben has ef is the largest settlement in the Valley, 3ents Ladies', Misses and Three or four weeks will elapse be fectually disposed of the French army and contains of Alameda. British army and navy, says this couna population of about fourChildren Hoots, Shoes, which Gen. Lincoln commanded fore be will Faidherbe unveiled. Statue the by Thev are on a tour of inspection of try commands as much respect as if it teen hundred, which I am informed is Metallic and has Beam's Miss al been not routed ami scattered. have been Slippers, Over-Shoewhile to parents the were armed comhave a teeth, England increasing rapidly. They the line, and will visit Salt Luke City s, Lille from via. to lowed see received and the for it, Aretie of the the have to requests Dispatches lost is declared substantial meeting house. respect modious, before they return. world. The Time ascribes ihis, in a view have beeu firmly but politely re Bordeaux state that in the recent en- Their etc. is regularly attended etc., The Secretary of the Interior gagement near Bapaume, the town sufAlso part, to our known willingness and fused.fix by about 175 scholars, who are making Called. G.W.Ward, Esq., Mayor of large will the day when the statue will be fered severely from the shells and artil- satisfactory advancement under the to fight. ability HATS and Willard City, called to sec us yesterday It is reported that a large number of exhibited to him, aud the members of lery of the opposing forces. The town tuition of Messrs. C. H. Wardlcigh and the press will be permitted to view the of Bagigities, situated a little southward G. Halls. A dramatic association has Mink. Coney, Tannine, to be for are debts, suits at alleged is brought moving tranquilly Everything of Bapaume was almost entirely destroy- been to have beeu contracted in western cities precious object at the same time. organized and bids fair to make a Squirrel and ISeaver Setts; "Willard, and the municipal authorities A delegation from rsew Bedford, ed by a heavy artillery fire, which has individual members of the firm against good mark in the dramatic world. and Valises; Trunks in interested in the The wholo town laid the owners ruins. now are just ship city Suits have just Mass., representing particularly of Woodhull & Clariin. EPKN, Window Curtains Carpets, the Ordinances ot tins city winch were been begun in the Common Pleas against and merchants holding one third of the of Pennine. Strongly fortified and sit- is located in the Northend of tho Valley. ForAlabama before the were in tho of uated claims, Somme, Department a C. Clallin by Cincinnati drugand Shades. published in the Junction. Other places Jennie to urge about 21 miles southwest of Cainbrai, It has a much smaller population than READY-MADCLOTHING. and physician, for drugs aud pro eign Affairs Committee ambitithe areas but Huntsville; people besides Willard will be glad to get these gist bomin of also a law in with accordance has been a state of placed fessional attendance, which defendant the passage as their hern and soul ous, enterprising Tho Highest Price paid for all kinds Ordinances if they did crowd out more denies having had. The women declare the President's recommendation on the bardment. A strong Prussitn furce have a good school, of Furs. They neighbours. have a taken before walls the effort up position subject. entertaining matter when they were themselves persecuted, and that an HARD The House passed a resolution, grant- of the town aud maintain a destructive well attended, and is progressing favorA full Stock of GROCERIES, is making to destroy their business. under Mr. W. Halls. published. etc. per fire which has already ruined a great ably WARE, etc., Several French capitalists have re ing an extra allowance of At both of these settlements Mr. annum to Schcnck, while Minister to portion of the town. The guns on the Cull and Examine. Accident. On Tuesday last Mr. Win. cently purchased large tracts of land in has exhibited his "Phantasma Tyrrell the of are for manned a by garrison, purpose employing city bravely Kansas, with the view of introducing the England, to audiences. in this delighted on in goria" the who an Bench, the Ptowe, residing amanuensis, cotiseiiieuce of notwithstanding the fearful odds manufacture of silk and velvet, for which Tho "OonuN Junction" arrives regucity, was returning from Brigham City, they think that State excellently ad- disability of his hand from wounds re- opposed to them, still continue a vigorby mail, and, as you will observe larly in ceived in battle. and deterous resistance are a united and rade part of the distance on a load apted. additions to your subscription the by . hold mination to to the town tho last. Reading, Pa., London advices report that the opinion of hay. When near Mound Fort, one of list, it is much appreciated. The hat factory of Reed Miller of this Bordeaux, 5. is widely prevalent that the French Yours as ever, the wagon wheels came off, and Mr. w fire this morning, During the battle which took place armies, operating within and without city, as destroyed by II. in tho of the Stowe was thrown violently on to the Paris, will soon be able to so break the loss over $lo,(JOO; mostly insured. Bapaume, recently vicinity .1. Pottsvillc, Pa., ground occupied by the hostile armies Mr. Morris Phelps, MoNTPKMEtt. German line of circumvention as to enafrzn ground-- , liis thouldcr was An explosion of fire damp occurred was several times lost and OODEX, U.T. new supplies, from and he lies in great pain. Dr. ble .'ho garrison to obtain Montpelier, Rich County, FAVOR1TK 1101,'SK, HAVIXO BEEN if not to raise the siege altogether, yesterday,& at the Forestvil'.o mines, of The French troops took six villages dur- writing riventlv renoVHteil, nail fiiniialied throughout Wordworth is attending the injured Armv correspondents all declare that D. Hock Co., ii"ar Minersville, killing ing the engagement, storming and reports a very pleasant winter so far, the Proprietor feci con itii patent Snriiur man. position which the Prussians snow about four inches deep, a general fident In being aide to give entire satisfaction to the Frc.'ich army is growing stronger, one instantly, and burning another, so Families, and the. Traveling, comand is better prepared everywhere for that he died in a few hours, and slightly established. As slowly but irresistablv time of health, a good business in haul Iay Boarders, munity, at a reaaonnld price. The table ia sup injured two others. The mine had been they were being driven back, in u Explanation. That little trouble at offensive measures. liotn from tlielalimrma and in huh mamou. tn peeled in the morning by the fire boss brilliant and impetuous charge of the ing logs and poles from the kanyon plied A Hark will run to ami from llie Track to carry A fiendish outrage was perpetrated the saloon near the Depot, referred to in French battalions, the Prussians lost going on, stock doing well on the range, pawiiRers to tho Home free of cbarire. 13 years old, at 418 who reported it free from gas. A Hu. licit tn the House ia a FINE BAR and the Junction of last Wednesday, was yesterday on a- girl, Another explosion took 3,000 troops. The victory gained by p. in. West 4 Itii street. The victim, who was prospects good for plenty of hay, and a SODA FOUNTAIN. Ravensdalo Si. near on as at we the French this occasion was Colliery JOHN MAI1U.N. troops substantially represented, but it left alone by her mother, was seized, p'ace store just opened doing a si snme it is mainly attributable to the excellence of fMen, Utah, May 2fi, 1870. appears that the only interest "Steve" gagged and bound on the bed by Charles Clair, burning The men, flourishing business. explosion was ter- their artillery, which was superbly handthought fatally. had in the matter, was to protect his McDermott, aged 39. He was shortly rific The enemy observed ihis and but all the particulars are not re- led. Montpelier is a nice little town, Te r ami tins morrilii" afterwards arrested, establishment and one of his customers ceived. times several made the battle during bail. in was committed $",000 situated, and with excellent New York, 0. determined charges with the view of pleasantly against the two half breeds who comThe (Joroner has been notified to hold Susan Southard, was found in Water effecting the capture of'the batteries and opportunities. Success to the Montpe mitted the assault. They were the as- an imiuest. ut Bellevue Hospital, on the near Grand street ferry, position lu'ld by the French artillery, lierites. SALT LAKE CITY. sailants and they gave the man that bodv of John Smith, a seaman, who. on street, comwith last a but their efforts proved futile; every at OFFICK IN KKTOND WH'TH RTI1EET, OH'O evening, assaulted while Dec. 'Jth. intoxicated, KITS THE OMAHA HOUSE. "gash in the head." the second mate, but tut' latter delendc pound tracture in her leg. She slated tempt was met by a tremendous raking Calla from the Country promptly at- 4jr himself with a sabre, striking Smith on that she was proceeding horn when a cannonade, which so thinned their collJrZm towted te. to outrage her, but umns that they were fain, after several Gross Imposition. No imposition is the head, also ruffian inflicting cuts on the ab was metattempted to with determined abandon the resistance; hopeattempts, projectas more to be condemned than that of domen and arms, from which he died screamed for help, w hen he knocked less. Great excitement prevails at 'short weight." So common is this, The mate was arrested at (he time, and she The fracture Bordeaux, where the details of the en her down, and ran away. to bail. that hardly an article of commerce is admitteddefiant was caused by the fall. The girl was gagement are just received; people ami The response of the shoe AND offered to the public which has the full makers on strike, demanding that Union sent to the City Hospital. troops are wild with exultation over this will to moon rise about success the the French arms. This evening Such is not the men be put to work before the 16th, lias weight represented. 4.15, and will be two thirds eclipsed by Madrid, 5. case with Dooley's Yhast Powder, little effect on the manufacturers. The the earth. The greatest observation will King Amadeus has completed the orthreaten veneeance upon the Crispins now universally used in this country. First-clas- s be at 4.52 p. m., Boston time. The ganization of his cabinet, which is an Furniture of all kinds at tho Jersey shoemakers for interference in lowest rales. Each package contains, with scrupulous the strike, but no violence has yet been eclipse will end, 0,02 p. m.. This eclipse nounced as follows: Zcr ano, President will only be visible in the Atlantic States; of the Ministry and Minister of War; Black Walnut, Maple, Malioganj, exactness, the full quantity or weight attempted. SALT LAKE CITY, etc., Cheaper than the common concluded an no part of this can be seen beyond the Martos, Minister of Foreign Affairs; The Coroner, labeled upon it, and will produce better Another eclipse of the Montero Rios, Minister of Justice; Ber- kind elsewhere. Mississippi. of the on Crawford, body Joseph which ranger, Minister of Marine; Sagosta, and greater results than any other inquest Are prepared to fill ordcri for Repairs done neatly and with despatch. who was killed by a Mow on the head by moon will take place on July 2ml Minister of Interior; Ulloa, Minister of bottle in the hands ot B. Barber, on may be seen in the extreme West, Baking Powder in market. Try it and etc. Public Works; Ayalla, Minister of rendered The New Year's night. jury satisfy yourselves of the truth of our San Domingo resolutions are likely to Foreign Affairs for the Colonies. The MANUFACTURED OT BVEBT DE8CBIPT10S this verdict, and Barber is held to await assertion. For sale by grocers. receive unfair treatment in the House. new ministry gives satisfaction. ON THS SHORTEST NOTICE. the action of the Grand Jury. Berlin, 5. The Coroner also concluded an inquest An attempt yesterday to call the Senate Imagine We Bow. The typos cordi A note has been addressed by the Of Material and Workmanship, on the bodv of the colored woman, Mar resolution up out of its regular order FURNISHED TO 0&DE&. ally acknowledge the compliments of garet Jones, who was killed by her hus- was met with decided opposition, not Austrian Government to King William, from in but Austria which New the alone from Democrats, many Mr. Poland and his confrere, and we band, at 250 West Houston street, on recognizes At Wholesale and Iiclail. who have already put German Empire and expresses a hope call public attention to their advertise- Monday. The jury rendered a verdict Republicans Near tho Tost Ofllce, Ogden. themselves in a belligerent attitude. that amicable relations will always exist against Jones, who is still at large. ment in the Junction. understands the Wood two between Fernando the fully kingdoms. The Republican general committee ol for organization. course the resolution will be likely to Beware of Frost. This is the wrong the county met Don't Remove Him. From the Det-cr- Tim facilities at our command enalo us to offer Horace Greely was elected chairman for take, and has announced his intention THE YEUY BEST QUALITY time of the year to attempt footing it the and form at in to it TWIIX FlTl'LY every oppose every course or fine. In email or lance Evening Newt we learn that efforts ensuing year. Mr. Greely delivered INDUCEMENTS CHEAT to hramlnl auit the trad, on the ahorteat Hiickii, through the mountains. The weather in a long address; he trusted feuds in the stage. are being made to remove Mr. G. L. than any iu the markot. notice and will be one way of preventing This iiapr now end. would lie A lari(( the Tallies has been very mild for a Republican party quantity on hand. immediate action, but Mr. fitch,' ol Ferrell from the office of Postmaster at TO COUNTRY Apply to L. W. SHLKTL1 FF. Plain Oily, or to week or two past, but that is no guide repudiated the idea that any Republicans Nevada, understands the nefarious busi Vie WM. VANDYKE, know Cache noth Logan, County. had in the past acted with Tammany One Door Euat of the Theatre, Ogden City. as to the temperature in "high places." Hall. He spoke in terms of eulogy of ness even better. His attempt during ing of the circumstances leading to this, STOREKEEPERS discussion to patch an extraordinary Benjamin Edwards of Bear Uiver Valley, Gen. Grant, and said he would make a the but we hope the authorities will not re' amendment to the resolution is regarded no than is belter in i'rcsident IhiJ, few attempted a days ago to walk from now. CllOUXD TO LEASE. as the only effectual way of killing it. move an efficient and well respected pub Ithica in Bear Lake Valley to Randolph vessel which is to carry the com lie servant without' duo reflection. We The i. Manchester, N.H., BUILMNrt The only EXTENSIVE FIRM in the SEVERAL TEItY F.UOIRI.E about 10 miles distant, starting at sun A shocking accident occurred in this missioners who visit San Domingo has can state from personal knowledge that Lease on the North-wes- t Corner of most in fitted the been Roots and UiiIob Sqnare. elegant style; Mr. Ferrell is a faithful and trustworth Territory that manufacture up A party of young down. He lost his way, spent the night city, this evening. best filled hold is with the very the Fur particular apply to J AS. McOAW, Enq., at Shoes from Leather of their own tanning, in the mountains and got both his feet men and girls were amusing themselves the JUNCTION Olttce. in the moonlight down Clark liquors and eatables that would tempt officer, and that he has the confidence of by .'I'.Mf coasting the community where he resides. And so badly frozen that there is no prospect Our ftoods Valley Tan street, which is quite steep. A young the most, fastidious stomachs. Captain of saving them. He is under profes man named Polk Fleming and a girl Howell is in high humor, and says he is we are satisfied that if there has been to last. first from any negligence in postal matters in the AT THE REVEKE HOUSE SALOON, named Harriet B. Ilalleck upon one sled ready to go on a five years' cruise. sional treatment in Salt Lake City. CALL North it cannot be truly laid to the door ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. South Btreot, Suit Lake City, where canal and upon the across FOREIGN. rapidly passed Two Logan boys who thought they of the Logan Post Office. We hope for you will tinu JOE. SIMMONS or uii awiathiiU the track of the Concord railroid. Just Madrid, 4. ready and willing to aerre you with could do better abroad than at home, and before it reached the track the Northern The funeral of Trim took place here the sake of the public to hear that Mr Cull and compare the quality and price FllESH OYSTERS, confirmed F'errell is continued and in of our Goods with those of States feeling parental restraint rather irksome, up express approached and struck the on Sunday and was attended by an im- his office. GULDEN ( KOWN CIGAKS, manufacture. determined to start on their own hook sled. The body of the girl was shock- mense concourse of people of all classes, PIGS FEET, etc. was and who evinced she as the instantly mangled deepest sympathy; JS-J- Call and see him. So without the knowledge of their friends ingly killed. Her head was completely severed the funeral cortege passed through the f they st arted one day last week to see the from her body and thrown on the side of Btreetsthe utmost solemnity prevailed. In this city, January 4th, 1871, Samuel world. Two days after they were found the track. The remainder of the body The occasion has never bad a parallel in Wo are Proprietors of Sticknet, aged 80 years, 9 months and about three miles this side of Corinne, on was borne about three rods further, and Madrid, as showing the united sympa- 12 Middlesex He was in born days. The it. the the train passed over young thy of people. the Railroad track frozen, and insensible, man was thrown KITCHEN'S King Amadeus arrived in this city County, New Hampshire, and was bap upon one side of the To all whom it may concern. withjan empty whisky bottle lying near track, one leg completely cut off from yesterday. The greatest enthusiasm tized into the Church of Jesus Christ of METALLIC them. They were wrapped in blankets the body, and the head and other por- was manifested on his arrival. His Latter-da- y Saints at Nauvoo, in 1843, was a scries of ovations, and the The girl is the IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT and conveyed to Brigham City, and from tions badly bruised. NOTICE of Mrs. Ilalleck, widow oftht day was one of rejoicing throughout the emigrated to Ltan in looU and came daughter engaged in Business in thence to Logan. It is hoped they will late to Ogden, where he resided until his John Ilalleck of New Jersey; she city. Ogden City, (fcr which the City Ordirecover. was fourteen years old. nances provide that a license lmict bo King Amadeus on arriving in this city death. 5. a visit of condolence to the widow paid City, Jersey ohtained,) without first procuring a was Father honest and an notice of sorrel a Estray Stickney yearling The Compositors of the Evening Journal of Gen. Prim; he was conducted to the A light, cheap and durable article, which license are liable to be taken before any. colt. See advertisement. struck this morning; cause difference in chambers where lay the remains of the upright man, highly respected by his Alderman of said City, aud be subjected prevents Hoots and Shoes from to a Fine. regard to the price for tabular work; Gen., awaiting interment, and was visi- numerous friends and acquaintances. over. running and Elegance. F. II. Webster other men have been procured, and the bly affected, on beholding the deceased. We shall miss the By ordor of the City Council, of the kind presence the He expressed the deepest sympathy with at his workshop, five doors South of the paper states it will not LOltIN FARR, Mayor. the widow in her bereavement, and the old man at tho Junction Office, which Shop and County Rights " nlte House, makes the best kind of old hands. fell dead in most touching and earnest solicitude for he frequently visile 1, and where he John Attleboro, Caughan, lor bale. boots and shoes to order. His work TIIOS. Ge. ODELL, City Recorder. while taking a drink; her welfare. He afterwards proceeded was ever ready to lend a helping hand a saloon, first-clais was he labor of of the which to to Chamber the and equal manship Cortes, in any ' o capable, anyAssembly cause, heart disease. The Office of the City Recorder is at Jlonor be to bis memory, anu peace where he took the constitutional oath as Philadelphia, f. thing East or West. If you want a pair the Office of the "Ogden Junction," A fire occurred this afiernoon at West King of Spain. The city was perfectly and comfort rest on the sorrowing heart of No. 1 dancing pumps, side spring Seventies' Hall, near lie U. C. R. R. End Mill, in this city, owned by Ash- - tranquil and the multitude assembled of his aged widow, who has lost a kind gaiters or dress boots, Webster can fit worth and Henry; logs, $8,000; insured, during the ceremony in the Cortes was and loving coujpauiuu. Millennial Slur, Station. Salt Lake City. N m. Please and order OJice Hours fi m 10 4. ra. till 3 copy. you like a glove and suit you to a T. quiet. perfect governed by $4,000. She (DjJcn function. Fatal Mine Explosions in Pa.! French North! in the Austria Recognises King Emperor of Germany! Fiendish Outrage in There is a DRY GOODS GEOCEEY well-assort- ed Lex-Mau- s, New York! Cloaking, Shocking Accidents and Extensive Fires! SHOE DEPARTMENT day-scho- CAPS; y, E $-,- HOTELS. OGDEN HOUSE, dislo-CAte- MAIN STREET d, r lk-d- ")0 DR. R. TIBBITS, l'iiyMioiuiiiimlHurccon, Interesting to All. FUENITTJKE TEASDEL & Co. CABINETWORK. EAGLE HOUSE y, COFFINS nnrvrc a cunrc Tomto - JStoxiejst First-clas- s KOItrJlT 86-l- SALT! et SALT! f are OYSTERS. 17-t- i CITY LICENSES. BOOT & SHOE HEEL. y, ss TEASDEL & Co. |