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Show ft Ehc (Djim gunrium. .very WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, UrtOopts nuussiso CoMrx.ii. JIarwif, JAM!'" JlcG AW. President and Business should be communication to wboai U BaiB uJdrawvd. PuWiW ty C. W. TJiSROSE, Associate Editoe. OGDEX, UTAH. Saturday Morning, Jan. 7, 1871. What We Ought To lie. Fditors should be infallible. It is true that every mortal who has laid claim to the divine gift of infallibility Lai made a foel of himself. And that eneven Popes, for whom the God-lik- e their claimed been has by dowment followers have manifested human weakness and failed most when their pretensions werr greatest. But never mind. An editor should never make a mistake, never err in judgment, never publish anything but the exact truth. He should be ubiquitous, know everything, please everybody. He should pitch into everybody's enemios, praise everybody's friends, and, at the same time, give universal satisfaction. He should publish communicated rhymio twaddle and prosaio nonsense in such a way that, with a few editorial magic touches, it will appear as genuine poetry and the essence of wisdom. He should give the extreme grain of credit due to everybody, and yet offend nobody. Whether ill or well, lively or dull, merry or sad, whether aaything happens or nothing, ht must furnish news for the people, write for their edification and amusement, and suit every carping critic who reads his productions. He must puff every publio character civil, military or ecclesiastical, musical, theatrical, or spouticnl, feeding their vanity and satisfying the publio at the same time, lie must remember everything, forget nothing, pocket insults and entertain bores. He must issue his paper with unfailing regularity despite circumstances, and wait for his pay till his ubscribers get ready. If he cannot do this, and a thousand other things that no other man Is expected to do, then he is only common clay, an ordinary human, a fallible mortal, and sot fit to be an Editor. A Word with Weber Count j. The importation of blooded stock into this Territory, which has lately been renowed under the Agency of Jlr.Rydalch, will be a source of gratification to our enterprising farmers and other public spirited men. We hope this good work will be continued. Our stock has been deteriorating for years. Our cows are scrubby and many produce no more milk than a sheep, and most of our horses sire "plugs." The introduction of tho "Broncho" was not very profitable to the Territory. When we sum up all the disadvantages attending this w ild and jumping breed of animals, aud consider past loss of life and limb and present danger from these never fully tamed little beasts, we think it will be etneeded that the "Broncho" is not a success, and that the infusion of good Eastern blood is far preferable. Tke Durham bulls brought in by Mr. Rydalch are huge animals, aud no doubt others of the same breed will soon be imported for various parts of the Territory, for the people here have a singular custom of following together what they think a good lead of any kind. But a little caution will have to be used in mating these big fellows with our littlo runty cows and heifers, r many will be lost in calving. Our stock cannot be raised to a high standard by a sudden leap, but must be gradually worked up to the desired condition. Whet is the matter with the old Weber County Agricultural Society? Is it dead or only gone to sleep for awhilo. If it be defunct, it ought to be buried and its name blotted' out, and a new Society organized; if it is taking a nap, it should be roused at once from its slumbers. Thero ought to be a good, live Society in this county, composed of farmers, stock raisers and others interested in theso important matters, who will take an interest in them, and make practical efforts for that Improvement which our present position loudly demands. We want better stock, new seeds, improved implements of husbandry, combined efforts for a better system of agriculture, inducements for competition by fairs exhibitions and prizes; in short we want a new impetus created, to put life, thought and action unto our sleepy farmers and n pat Initio men of means, that Weber Csunty may not be behind in any measure inaugurated in other places for the increase of wealth and the diffussion of plenty's blessings. Look at Home. kindness. Indeed, there is a parable in Choking your wife to death in New York city is termed murder in tho third my dream, whatever may be the application. The soldiers of our war have degree. There is no State or Territory on this been more clement and magnanimous The leader of a negro minstrel troupe continent where life and property are than the Gospelers. in the East because the resuicided obeUtah. in The than more secure one evening were only eighty ceipts dience to law and peaceful demeanor of To the Rescue. cents. permanent residents of this Territory France still holds out and opposes a Tretty, but scientific governness: are the admiration of thousands who can we obtain a specimen of this foe. Her to bold have the reverses front "Pray, have visited here since tho "great higb-way- " Miner (gallantly), "Well, Miss, mine?" not crushed her; the tramp of the Gerwas cast up. The scarcity of mine, and us this ere's a worked-ou- t man hordes on her soil has not humbled three's the only specimens left. At your crime, and the lack of those social erupher. King William feasts in the palace humble service, Miss, I'm sure. tions and scusations which disturb orof Versailles, but he does not yet occupy dinary towns and cities in the. civilized Paris. Hosts of armed men are rising world, make our settlements too quiet in every direction, fired with enthuup aud the men of and "slow" for world, siasm and determined to drive out the even render it difficult to run a newsinvader. Against the stolid calmness Mr. and Miss COULDOCK paper for want of local items of that class of German discipline they hurl the force AND which, interest the general public. But of French ardor and intrepid valor. in the face of these facts, which are paDesperate efforts are being made to tent to all who know anything about COM VAX Y relieve the Capital. The armies of the DI6 AM ATI Utah, journals East and West continue Loire ore in tho Ogden Theatre, Will moveperform executing strategic to publish every now and then startling on ments with a view to concentrate on the news of outrages, rebellion, dark deeds, AND WEDNESDAY TUESDAY South, the forces of the North, which and so forth among the "Mormons' EVENINGS NEXT. have achieved several important victowith recommendations of what ought to JjgJ- See handbills and posters. ries, aro marching to the same centre, be done with such a lawless community. and from all points the Gardet and leTheso yarns are spun by miserable of la lelle France aro pushing forloafers who occasionally infest our prin- gions ward to the rescue of Paris, their idol cipal city and are disappointed at the City. poor chances they find for stealing a On this grand movement the fata of living. I). JA3IK8 & Co. the nation depends. If the united efThere is nothing wonderful in whole-clot- h forts without and within the besieged Ar prepared to FILL BILLS of LUMBER all lies coming from such a source, the Winter, at their Steam Saw Mill ou succeed, Paris will be rcvictnaled, through the but it is rather surprising that news- city new life- will bo infused into tho nation, papers of any character will at this date the present Government will be conOgden give them a place in their columns. We firmed in their and the Prusposition, respectfully suggest to Editors East and sians may be driven back again across West, that when they next try to work the Rhine. Bnt if this heroic rally and at the Following Rates: themselves into a virtuous spasm over desperate struggle should fail, the doom 100 the condition of Utah, or the morals of $1.75 of Paris is scaled, and France is at the feel. the Mormons, they just cast a glance of tho new made German Emaround home, put their Lauda upon their mercy Square-Edge- d, peror. . mouths and think on the long list of 100 feet. Acquitted. The following additional murders, robberies, personal outrages, arsons and other crimes recorded daily information concerning the shooting 100 feet. 3.23 in their own columns. Take the follow- affair at Provo, the particulars of which in Delivered Ojplen City for $1 extra aiijwhero in our was received per last, ing telegram as a samplo of affairs in appeared per 1K feet. Descret Dcscret tho New York. telegraph line, by Wo will take Cash, Stock and Grain in payment. "Murders were never more frequent Evening Kewi; Pnovo, Dec. 31st., 1870. here than now. During the 48 hours After a lengthy examination, quito been have there ending Monday noon, 200 Bushels of CORN Wanted Immediately. five homicides, and 13 attempts to kill; the Magistrates decided to release John on J. the Baum, homiof plea nine mon wero hot aud stubbed yesterjustifiable cide, because of the seduction of his All Order" addressed to BARNARD day." niece, Mary Jane Baum. Tho evidence Fourth Street, Ogden, will receive promptWHITE, attenGoing now to tho West, an extract elicited from sixteen witnesses, during tion. Ulf this maltes it quite evident that from the Sacramento Record will bIiow day, Bichard Brown's private conduct in this that it is keeping pace with the East. KSTKAY NOTICE. place, has been most infamous and "We are living at this moment is a licentious, and that his efforts to destroy HAVE IN MY rtlSSES?IOS ONE SORREL condition. Human life the innocent were not confined to Mixs yearling COLT, with bald face, lijiht uiane tail, no marks or brands visible. The owner appears to have no value among us. Baum alone; but, it appears that he aud is requested to prove projierty, pay cliarges, and Murders are common, in the public boasted he could have the company and tako it away. streets, and under the most atrocious use of any girl he pleased, and that he JAMES JOHN. Portage, 3 Elder Countr, 1'. T. circumstances; and the murderers in would not marry Miss Baum although nineteen cases out of twenty escape soot she had entreated him, in tears, to fulfill free, and walk in our midst with the his promise fo her; he trying to cover JSV3P0RTAHT TO MINERS. blood of their victims still fresh upon his wicked course by accusing and EVANS ASSAYS ORE WITH DISPATCH their hands. at his office, Sixth Street, Ojiden. References threatening others. Upon John J. Baum As tilings are now proceeding, the stating in court that he was the man who can be hail at the Junction l'rintiuj( Otlicc. time will soon come when men will bo killed Brown, ns he said, for two reasons the seduction of his niece and the habitually shot down upon hearsay suspicion, nnd malignant scoundrels will threatening of his life, publio sentiment BOOKSELLER AND NEWS AUENT. be enabled to rid themselves of those underwent a favorable change; wherewho are obnoxious to them, simply by upon Harry L. Davis was acquitted and Books, Tapers, Magazines, Etc. spreading a report that their intended the examination for the defenso AT PUBLISHERS' PRICES. victim has said or done something that Edwin Whipple and W. X. Duscn-berr- y Broom's Cornkr, Ogden City. Itf will bring him within the range of the acting as counsel for tho defense, pistol of an enraged and reckless father, and John J?. Milncr, Esq., conducting T. H. "WEBSTER, husband, brother cr lover. The state the prosecution in behalf of the people. BOOT AND SHOEMAKER. FASHIONABLE that can tolerate this Had John J. Uaura more openly vindiof publio opinion sort of thing is savage and debauched to cated his injured relative public senti- Cricket, Base Ball and Race the last degree." ment would have more fully sustained Shoes Made lo Order. After looking on such a picture as the him. All seem satisfied with the result REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. with but few exceptions. Five Doors South of the White House. Itf foregoing extracts present, will journalA. F. Macdosald. ists not hide their heads in shame for RAILROAD SALOON, A FaII. the deeds cf their own localities, when On Thursday last Mrs. John they compare the murderous, rowdy Low, of this city, went to the spring Ogden. drunken spirit running riot all around near her residence, for water, when Bhe THE CHOICEST BRANDS OF WINES, and CIOARS alwav on hand. s Two BILLIARD TABLES for lovers them, with the quietness and order of slipped on the ice and fell, injuring her the game. much abused Utah, where liberty and spine, and is at present confined to her uf Mm REYNOLDS A CO. law each claim their own, and both rule bed. We hope the injury is not very serious, and that Mrs. Low will soon be together! . . ISoot nnd Shoe Maker, able to attend to business again. S. S. Cox on 0GDEI1JHEATRE C. 2S. OGDEN CITY. Middle Fork of WHOLESALE &RETAIL : RAILROAD. ILE OF UTAH. PICKYEEK AFTER TIIURSDA.Y, DEC. 1 1870, will leave Ogdon daily at 8 a.m., and o.30 p.m. Arrive at Salt Luke City at 10 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Leave Salt Lake City daily at 5 a.m. and J.45 p.m. Arrive at Ogdon at 7 a.m. and 1.45 p.m. Trains OPEK! MOW In addition to the above an AN THAU ACCOMMODATION WILL RUN DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) STOCK Winter Goods. Leaving Ogden City 6 a.m. and Salt Lake City, MO p.m. on which full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on the same day and train free, and will atop by arranging with tha Conductor, at any point on the line to take on or let oil patfrieiigers. l'aswugera will please purchase their tickets at the office. Fifty cent additional will be charged when the fare is collected on the train. Scolcli Plaids, Ogden to Kaysville " Farmiugton " Centreville " Wood's Cross " Salt Lake City OF FARES: Satins, ltiver, Poplins, Flannels, Linscys, per Sheeting, UTAH CENTRAL ON AND THE LAfJCRISHE STEAM SAW MILL. SI. I. $1.00 $1.& $2.05 J2.25 $2.50 For all information concerning Freight or Fas. sage, apply to D. 0. CAI.DER, titii'l Ticket and Freight Agent. JOSEPH A. YOUNC, SUPERINTENDENT. Alpacas, All Wool $2.00 per HEAP! CHEAP! AS Arnmres, Flooring and Pickets, CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! Rubins, per Scarfs, HAVE LARGE Hosiery. 0 Dc-Lain- cs, J c.b. McGregor, pro-cede- d, Jlaiit Street, HARDWARE, SHAWLS, BLANKETS, Bed Spreads. DRUGS, OILS, PAIXTS, Wines and Liquors. at ail of a Superior Quality, for Sale The Second District Zion's COOPERATIVE STORE, 100 SUITS OF GfeNTS CLOTHING, Cardigan Jackets, Woollen Shirts, Drawers, etc. 100 Cases MAIN STREET, OODEtf. Produce will be Merchandise. The Hon. S. S. Cox, in his late speech on the Amnesty bill, thus poked fun at the zealous proselyte from Massachusetts, whose piety and humanity are not up to the standard prescribed in the New Testament: Mr. Speaker: I am not given to lay stress on dreams, but I dreamed a dream last night, superinduced by the perusal of the Scriptures (laughter), searching for texts appropriate to this theme. (Laughter.) Perhaps it was also induced by associating the gentleman from Massachusetts with this measure of meagre mercy. (Laughter.) I thought I had accepted the invitation, which was once tendered, to attend one of tho grand upon the coast of Massachusetts, held by the throngs of the disciples of John Wesley. I thought I saw the gentleman from Massachusetts upon his knees at the Methodist altar. (Laughter.) lie had come at last to the throne of free grace, and as he arose a new light seemed to beam from his He was countenance. (Laughter.) saluted as he rose by tho old Methodist refrain: camp-meotin- SPIXTAI, NOTICES. Ue.nui.nk Jewklrt. The only estab- stoke:.: New Year's Gifts. Asmussen's Store, Main Steet, Salt Lake City, is a repository for elegant jewelry, handsome watches and clocks and a splendid assortment of toys; just the place to select presents for New Year's. C. C. "Mercy'e free! Mercy's free!" M. D. II ammond has removed to new premises opposite the Tithing Office, where he has for sale Schuttler wagons, wagon timber, iron, ploughs, Buckeye lm mowers, etc., at low prices. Bk25" Dry goods, groceries and liquors COAL YARD, Engine House, THOMAS CO, COAL tconstantly on All Persons who know themselves to he to the alxive-nameInstitution, ar requested to SETTLE 11' immediately. Persons wiohinj to become STOCKHOLDERS in the Institution can do no. J. 7"-6- first-clas- STUDEBAKER WAGON S A NUM HER OF THE CELEI1RATED IHAVE WAGO.NH for Sale, cheaper than they have ever been offered before in thia Territory. Call at flic Second District Store, Slain street, or at the Tithing Ofliec. L. 76-- tf Prescriptions made up by a practical chemist. If you want a cheap lot of lumber, apply to Mr. II. B. Sjoville, at Williams & Co's. yard, scar the Junction Office. A Also, a Splendid Stock of DRY GOODS, CERIES and CO. H. WALLACE, SALT LAKE CIXY, Manufacturer of PURE CANDIES, Bag's Meat for the People. rUllE LIQUOltS. SSti-ec- IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AGRICULTURAL in AND FURNISHINGS. HOME Locks, Harness Trimmings, Cutlery, STOCK OF GROCERIES, Etc., Etc. One Door TRODUCE Second All Orders addressed to D. II. PEERY, Ogden. City, will have prompt attention. TAKEN AT CASH RATES. H.B. CLAWS ON, Buy your ment at the People's Own Market and down with high prices. 91-- tf x Superintendents ETC IMPLEMENTS, of MECHANICS' Mm MANUFACTURE. CHARLES PEARCE, STRKET, OGDEN, MAIN Calls tha attention of the Public to his New and Splendid Assortment of Copper, Iron and Tin Ware, whica h on hand. keeps constantly Tariety of Carpenter's Tools. A FULL I Good Supply TOOLS on hand. A OF THE BEST QCALITY, AT LOW Prices, always on hand at the MEAT MARKET, South of the Ward Store, 3Iaiu Street, Option. t, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, "TEAT JjX. GRO- Prescriptions carefully prepared. All Ordom promptly filled. Itf Prints. A ASSORT-me- Domestics, Stripes, C. WOODMANSEE, Tickings, O tl o n , Slain DEALER Denims, No mistake Williams & Co. Jjs3f will sell lumber, cheaper than any HOXEY IX THE COMB, cheap. house in Ogden, at their yard near the Orders from Country Stores solicited. Junction Office. Liquors of the purest brands. 3IVIIV OGDEX. STJIEET, AND M. THOMAS J. IIERRICK. 924m COMPLETE JUST RECEIVED, of DKUtiS AM) MEDICINES. Jeans, A full supply of CONFECTIONERY, ORANGES, LEMONS, NUTS, FANCY (.ROCERLES, BOLOONA SAUSAGES, etc. $03 Tho Drugs and Medicines at the Pioneer Drug Store, Main st, Ogden, are of the finest quality, the Wines and WILSON WRIGHT, Superintendent. sr.tr Ogden. LIME have hand a good SUPPLY of COAL, which they will sell on the Car, at 15 Cents on the Ton above cost, for cashor pnxluce at cash rates. Lime at the old place near the Theatre. 1,01X1 bushels of Shelled Corn wanted. TM. OF Cassiinercs, 3Ieltons, Doeskins, IV Harness, Bridles, Bits, Collars, etc, etc. Repairs neatly and promptly executed. Terms reasonable. STOKER A RIDDLE, Mm Main Street, Ogden. s of quality at the 1st and 3r 1 Ward Store, Main Street, Ogden. Pro- Surprise Boxes and Pop-Cor- a at Wholesale. duce taken. 8S3" Genuine Drugs can be obtained Then I awoke; and lo, presto! he beat the 1st and 3rd Ward Store, Ogden. comes the plumed warrior at the head of his brave Massachusetts militia (laugh-tor- ), to whose camp I had also been invited by him last summer. I thought then that my dream was one of the Irish Buff, green, blue and pink note pa- contraries, and that the Christian had per and envelopes are now in vogue paied before the martial clement. I saw his long red plume. It was moved, as among the fair sex, and crests are the poet sing?, by the gcntlo breath of monograms almost entirely. NEW BRANDS kiddle, Near the Utah Ceutral for First and Third Wards' STORE, lishment at which genuine Jewelry can & be obtained in Ogden is at Parpe & SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKERS, Boessel's, Main Street. Repairs neatly Opposite the Tithing Office, Ogden, executed. All work warranted. Itf TEEP ON 11 AND A OOOD SUPPLY OF "AumilDg grace, how sweet the sound." (Laughter.) And it seemed to me that the conversion of the gentleman was thorough, that he was translated to a new and better sphere. I see him now, standing, not on the golden pavements, but on the walls of the New Jerusalem. He has a white robe upon li is form. (Laughter.) He has a harp in his hand. (Laughter.) He joins the chorus of the angels and of jusi men made perfect Main Street, Ogden, thanks his numerous friends for their very liberal patronage during the past year, and hopes by his punctuality and attention to business, to merit a continuation of their support. received iu Exchange BOOTS & SHOES DRUCS&fVfEmCINES E. J. WATKINS, Fourth Street, half a Block from OV GROCERIES, A NEW LOT OF First-Clas- llutlcr. ASSORTMENT isiv ;oois, I semi-barbaro- A AVE Also, good STOVES, of superior quality; all of which he offer far ale at as low figures as any fliat are imported from, the East. N.I1 Job Work panctually and neatly executed: OCDEN TANNERY. WOULD BE WELL FORTIFIED, LEATHER. IF YOU TRT Come to mv Tanierv and see if I wiB not sell you as GOOD LEATHER as the beat, and as cheap, as the cheapest in the market. HIDES aud BARK WASTED. 46-3JONATHAN BR0WNIN3. DIllwSS ASI CXOAKL MAK1XG. D. M. STl'AltT WISHES EVERYBODY MRS. know that she has a FIRST-CLAS- S SKWISO MACHINH, and is prepared to do ail kind of Sew ins;, on reasonable terms, at he! Residence on the Bench, FOl'RTH STREET, For Blocks Emt of the Xi thing Office. 61-l- |