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Show fldfn.gfimttiow. (the If ft rhlllsliMl every WKIiXWfiBAY and PATTTKDAY, liy thu OOBE.N PUBLISHING CoMPiM. .fecial to the Ocurr Junction by the Atlantic aud I'ui'iiiu Telegraph Comouiiy. Vresldeut ami Bukhiuhm Manager, JAMES In whom all Business commuuitatious bhoukl bo of Pour SteamBurning ers New Orleans! New Year's. On Monday last several of the stores were closed to give the clerks an opportunity of envying New Year's; business was not, however, enOgdeu was quiet, but tirely suspended. a was it lovely day, though a lively; blew from the cool breeze and sharp East. Congratulations were heard on 1 .1 i rtf ill lrnws Hand resounded cheerfully through tho We Uv ni intpi-vald urine the day. acknow to take the present opportunity ledge the courtesy of Capt. Pugh and m. .. tne liana at tnnsun is-- u. . . i v. ..r w.. ..o sliouia nave Dcenperiormeu ueiuiu. are always pleased to receive a visit from the Band, for we appreciate good Fights, Fires and Mur- at ders! Evacuation of Forts Nogent and De Rosney by the French! Capture of Mezieres by the Prussians! AMERICAN. Brooklyn, s fa II well-know- n e, music. 1 The Seventies' ball on Monday even-- l best ing, in Woodmansee's Hall, was the of was ahead and anyfar of the season, for thing of the kind we have attended room was rather The time. a long crowded, hut everything muvetl on like clock-worno confusion, no calling of numbers, no rushing for places, no shouting out, "all set." Everybody had all the dancing they could desire, and manifested no disposition to infringe on the rights of others. Good music, good calling, good company and a right good supper at the Travelers' Rest, ought to put any ono in a good humor, and all these wo enjoyed at the New Year's Party, on Monday evening.. Messrs. AY. F. Critchlow and C. Thornton are of great credit for their man deserving affair. tho of agement i. I f i j I j' j I i I I j ! Court-hous- e. in a critical condition and ordered him to tho hospital. O'Neill was arrested. Memphis, Tenn., 2. A private telegram from New Orleans announces that the steamers "Magenta." The 3rd Ward dance "Thompson Dean," "Julia Randolph," John Howard" and Grand Era," were in Child's New Hall, last Friday night totally destroyed by fire while at a wasa pleasant, enjoyable affair to old and wharf at that city, yesterday. The young who jigged away to good music "Magenta" and "Thompson, Dean" were loaded with sugar and molasses, and till they were satisfied. the "Grand, Era" had on board several 1 The 1st Ward had & ball in the School-- I hundred bales of cotton; tl loss will in house on the same evening, and put probably reach a million dollars. I New York, 2. the time well till 2 a.m., cotillions being at the City Hall The reception the chief feature of the evening. Other by George Booiue was a very brilliant dances, however, were indulged in to a affair, there were over 500 callers. limited extent, among them "Money were also given by SuperintenMuss" as one young gent called it, and dent Kelso, Win. M. Tweed, County clerk The recepi as far as his performance w as concerned Lowe, and Sheriff Brenuan. "Oriental" and tions the "Blossom," by 6 lie then he nui!-- t other clubs were well attended. expressed it exactlj-,bu-t be excused, as he said it was the first Little Bock. Ark., 2. The officers' quarters in the garrison Good i time he had "ever seen it played." at Norlhup were destroyed by fire on humor prevailed and the dance was the 27th loss about 800,000. lively. Win. Williams and J. Hewitt quar4 The Female Belief relled near Fort Smith tn Friday last, Relief Ball. during which Williams was shot and Society's Ball is to come off on Friday killed; he has surrendered himself to eveniug next, at Woodiuansec's Hall. the authorities. A negro named Boss was shot and 1 It is expected to be a grand :iff:?ir, and killed at the Cherokee Agency several it every effort is being made to render since by a s. j It will no doubt be cxten-- days Nashville, Tenn., 2. The Rev. J. Ellis, rector of Christ's sively patronised, as it ought to be, for ' those who attend will not only njoy a Church, tendered his resignation, which was accepted, because the vestry of his pleasant, evening, but render assistance church retused to adopt tue tree pew to a Society established to aid the un system. Mr. Ellis is an earnest preachfortunate. We expect to see a full house er of the extreme low church party, and although pastor of a wealthy congregaand a merry party. tion, is conscientiously opposed to reNabbed. On Monday last, Pherriff maining in a church having rented I Wm. Brown of this city received a telc-;- j pews. Washington, 2. This has been one of the dullest New gram from U. S. Marshal Patrick to he on the look out for the prisoners who Year's ever known in Washington, the closed as well as White House lately escaped from Camp Douglas. Our the residences being of the and 5 Sheriff is none of your sleepy kind, but members of the Cabinet. The innova was quickly on the alert and the same tion on the custom so long honored, was day succeeeded in capturing McKay, little relished bv the community in private circles. The usual number of I Sanford and McCarty, near the II. 11. visits were paid. The sky has been depot, Ogden. As a reward of $1,000 overcast all day, but a mild tempera''i was offered for the apprehension of ture has prevailed, and the streets McKay, this deserving officer is likely to were disgustingly muddy. So far as is has passed off very get well paid for his promptness and known, everything quietly. vigilance. Chicago, 2. An action of Assumpsit was comClose op Volume. The Ogdkn menced in the Superior Court at ChicaJunction, of Wednesday, announces the go by Wm. Tracy and others, survivors The of the firm of Moves it Tracy. New completion of its first volume. - JrxcTiON York, against Charles Duke of Brunsis a lively, wick, to recover $5,000 for legal servipaper, has done good service for Ogden ces in prosecuting claims for him, and Weber county during the year of amounting to several hundred thousand its existence; and is entitled to their dollars. An attachment was sued out on the ground that defendant docs nst liberal support. Salt Lake llerald. riside in Illinois, but. has a residence Rowdy. There is only one saloon near Paris, and spends a portion of his time in Brussels. near the R. R. depot where liquor is United States Inspectors of Steamers On Monday a row sold. occurred report the inspection of Id steamers in there, in which the Abel brothers and Chicago, Grand Haven and Milwaukee, "Steve" were interested, resulting in that no explosions or accidents by es of steam have occurred in those the drawing of knives, the snapping of cape districts during the year, and no lives 3ictols, and a gash in a man's head. It have been lost. Only two steamers vas "all the liquor," of course. have been lost., one burned and the other wrecked; six have gone out of I.v Tows. Hon. C. C. Rich from Bear service and twenty-on- e been added. Lake Valley, was in town on Monday Miss Nillson and troupe left this morning for St. Louis, she received last, looking hearty and well. We many presents yesterday; one from to wish see the General, and glad consisting of a deer's head hiin as safe and pleasant a trip home as llrignoli, wnu large aimers ana mourned witn a U possible in thin wintry season. massive silver collar as a charm to protect her from evil. not "The Best ever Made." was quietly observed by pus use any other." "Never could uso Buk- - pension oi ousiness and many Aew Year'n calls. The colored population ing Towders until I tried yours." "My had a grand procession and festival. is family will not use any other." "It The Richmond House, a large marperfectly splendid." "I find it much ble front hotel on South Water Street, cheaper than others." "Think it supe-rio- r opened about 15 years ago, has closed, of that part of the city to any I have ever tried." These the character changed having completely, being now re few of the many expressions in entirely wholesale. The hotel was oue i favor of Doolev's Yeast Powder which of the finest houses in the West. The I Prince of Wales and other notables well deserves the rapidly increasing sale stopped there. it hag attained for making sweet, light, ; meet on Wed The Illinois and healthy biscuits, rolls, pastry, ks. nesday; there legislature ;? a rir,p'"t of an im For purity, strength, and economy it portant session of three months or has no equal. It can be obtained at more. Hooley's Opera House opened toyour Grocer's. Doolet & Erotiieu, night to a large audience; seven theaProprietors, 09 New Street, New York. tres are now playing here. AYabd Partus. to-d- 5 : half-bree- first-clas- d. S Vice-Preside- , f - , ! ably-conduct- f t 2. About eleven o'clock last night, a shooting affray occurred on the Courthouse steps between two politicians, John Moylean, the Deputy Edward llag-gertSheriff, and during keeper of the Court-houswhich Haggerty was fatally injured. It appears that Haggerty attempted to force Moylean from the steps of the e into the street, when a scullle ensued, ending in the drawing of revolvers and the lodging of a bullet in the brain of Haggerty. Moylean attempted to escapo, but alter a short chase was captured and lodged in the first precinct Station-housHaggerty and was conveyed to the Station-hous- e the ball extracted, after which ho was Both are conveyed to his residence. married, and, in general, have unblemished characters. Jersey City, 2 Last evening a quarrel arose among a number of men in a house in Bay St., w hen one of them named O'Neill picked up a largo bottle which he broke over the head of l'at Doolan, whose skull was terrible lacerated; pieces of glass were imbedded in the skull, a doctor was called in who pronounced Doolan to be ... K 1 BY TELEGltAPJL ed , s f To-da- y Richmond, Va., 2. The remains of Captain Samuel C. Bines, one of those who perished in the Spottswood Hotel fire, were recovered to day; the greater part of tho body was burned and identification was almost impossible, had not the deceased's watch been found in his body. Jackson, Miss., 2. A serious difficulty occurred at the Crystal Springs on Saturday night between the Negro City Marshal Hall and a party of young men, during which Hal! was shot and killed by a white man named Ganway, who subsequently escaped. A difficulty occurred the same day at Clinton between a white man named Scott and a Negro named Wilburn, during which Scott was stabbed and instantly killed. Wilburn was arrested and released on bail. Tho excitement ran so high that it was feared ho might be lynched during the night. New York, 2. Daniel Canfield, an armed desperado, literally scalped Catherine Ward, in Cherry street last night. A young man passing by, attempted to sieze the knife from the infuriated man, but received a wound in the hand. Bridget Glenn, a friend of Mrs. Ward, knocked the assailant down with a billet of wood, he arose and was about to attack Mrs. Glenn, when officer Mahoney interfered, and with his club interceptMrs. Ward's wounds are ed the blow. serious ; the would-b- e murderer was arrested. Business is entirely suspended here tho Gold Stock and produce Exchanges are closed, and Sabbath like stillness pervades in all business haunts. The usual New Year's Day calls aro being received by all classes. The weather is mild and favorable to a general holiday. James Boyee, residing at 13 street, was fatally stabbed to day by Peter Agcn, during a drunken affray; the wounded man was taken to tho hospital, but no hopes were entertained of his recovery. This afternoon Joseph Scandal, at 01 Rivington street, while shoveling snow from the roof, fell to the ground aud was instantly killed. About 9.30 this evening a colored man. named Abrain Jones, residing at 250 Houston street, murdered his wife, stab He had bing her with a carving-knifbeen drinking heavily aud quarrelling with his wifii all day. After an apparent reconciliation, she went to the cup board, when he approached her from behind, reached a knife from the shelf and stabbed her in the groin. She died immediately. The murderer has not yet been arrested. Des-bross- e. Oxford, 2, Mr. Cardwell, Secretary of Slate for war, addressed a large assemblage here ami stated that the British army was never more efficient or better equipped them at the present time; that the Government possessed the best and most effective field guns in turopc, aud that more recruits than were wanted had already been enrolled. New Yesterday 1 ork, 3. the female brokers kept open house, and received a large num ber of visitors, among whom was Geo, W. Julian, of Indiana. Copies of the petition to be submited to the judiciary committee, by Mrs. W oodnull, were han ded to the visitors, all ot whom were surprised to hear that the most influen lial politicians agreed with the ladies, that the women of the land already possess the right to vote by virtue of the Fifteenth Amendment. The argument prepared by Mrs. Woodbull, has been written by the very best legal talent, ami will make an impression upon all those who have heretofore ridiculed the claims set forth by various ladies, that there exists no need of a Sixteenth Amend ment, the Fifteenth confering all the rights claimed by the women. Yesterday morning Justice Coulter, at Yorkvillc Police Court, issued warrant for the committal to the lunatic Princess Editha, asylum of the who claims to be tho daughter of Lola Moiilez. During the afternoon she was arrested and committed to the Island. Last evening a young man named Thomas Klllion was stabbed in the front of a dance house in Spring Street, by an unknown party. The place was searched, but no one arrested. Ivillion was sent to the hospital. FOREIGN. Versailles, The fire from the long range guns of the French in Montvalericn has com plctelv destroyed Mahnaison, 4i miles west of Paris. The fort keeps up continuous fire upon the surrounding country within range. London, 2 The foreign office here has announced that a postponement for a brief time of the conference of European Powers has been agreed upon in order to allow M Jules Favre to avail himself of the per mission lately given by Prussia, and to be present at the conference. The electors of Greenwich have pcti tioned Gladstone to resign his seat for the Borough, giving as a reason for the request that the closing of the dock yards is a failure of tho domestic and foreign policy of the Government. The dispute between England and Prussia arising out of the sinking of Knglisu vessels by the latter at Ducair, is likely to bo amicably Bettled: it asserted that full reparation will be made by Prussia and that the negotiations are already closed. Midnight balloon advices from Paris to Friday morning, have been received a very important meeting between the Mayors of the surrounding suburbs was held on Thursday. The defence of the nation at the capital and the conduct of the Government of national defence were discussed for over eight hours: much excited debate took place, daring which serious attacks ware matte upon en. lrocuu, Jules Favre and M Ticard. Resolutions were adopted a:dc ing of the Government that future oner ations against the enemy be conducted with greater energy and activity than have herctolore been practiced. German accounts of the bombardment of the fort to the North-eaof Paris on Saturday claim a decided victory, com pelling the French troops toevacuate the of forts Nogent and Rosney at at an early hour on frunday morning. Fort Noiscy remained silent throughout st out-pos- ts tho whole day on Sunday, and it is thought has been or soon will be evacu ated. A telegram from Berlin dated today, Monday, says the account recently published by the New York Times headed Queen Augusta and the Emperor' is a pure invention and does not contain one word of truth. Bordeaux, 2. A balloon has just landed in this city with dispatches from Paris, which it left on the 30th ult. The Parisians, though deeply crieved at the loss of Fort Mont Avron on Friday, are still hopeful and resolute. They are unmoved in their firm and steadfast determination to defend the city. Notwithstanding tho terrors which must attend a bombardment, t hey are ready to meet and endure any privation in this cause, and will embrace danger and even leath itself rather than endure tho humiliation of an ignominious surrender. The general tone of citizens and troops is highly patriotic and evinces a letcrunuation to assume the offensive Their voice is unanimous for vigorous aud speedy action, and they will joyful ly accept the struggle which is before them. Advices have been received here stating that tho French troops in Normandy have driven the Prussians from their posit ion in the heights beyond La Bouillo. They have also attacked and scattered them, capturing their position at Robert Lcdiale; at this lat ter place a rally was effected by the Prussians troops. The French, taken by surprise at this unexpected onset, were dislodged from the ground they bad so lately taken. Soon, however, their broken ranks, and they returning into the fight succeeded in their former capture, and drove the Prussian troops off the ground after a sevcro nnd deteimincd battle, which, though of but short duration, inflicted serious loss on both I Ze C Ble RETAIL shall qualify by taking an oath of office before the Mayor or any Alderman' of Ogden City, and giving bonds to the City Council of said city, to the accept ance of the Mayor, conditioned for the AND faithful performance of their duties, to be filed with the City Reoorder. See. 5. the Trustees shall be elected by the voters, residents ami owners of taxable property in their respective School Districts, and shall continue in well- office for two years, and until their Call attention to their large and assorted Stock, just roceived, consuccessors aro elected and qualified. sisting, iu part, of For the election of Trustees, and for the vote on the rate per cent, on the taxes Poplins, Turtun to be assessed, notice shall bo given at Satins, 9Icrinof least ono week before the time appointed, KopcIIantM, Cloakings, by notifying each taxpayer, either in Nh a wis Arabx, person or by leaving a writton notice at his resilience, of the time, place aud Chameleons, Cloth object of the meeting; said notice shall Ilalmoral and Gored bo given by at least five permanent etc. NklrtM, residents of the district; but if the district be organized, then said notice The Celebrated California shall be givcu by tho Trustees. At such ISIanketH, lings, meeting Trustees may be elected or a tax Flannel and Hosiery levied viva voce, or by ballot, as tho determine. meeting may THE Sec. (i. The Trustees shall provide a suitable school houso or school houses, is complete in and keep the same in repair, for which purpose they are hereby empowered to and I,ndiet assess and collect annually a tax on all renx' Uootm, Child Shoes, taxable property within the district not Metallic of one per cent.; Slippers exceeding one-hashould more than one-haof ono per Arctic Over-Shoe- s, cent, be needed per annum to build anil ctc.i etc repair school houses, or for other school Also purposes, an estimate of the approximate HATS nnd CAPS? cost thereof shall bo made by the Trustees, and the rate bo increased to any Mink. Coney, Ermine, sum not exceeding four per cent., as Squirrel and Beaver Setts? shall bo decided by a vote of of tho taxpayers voting at a meeting Trunks and Valise; called for that purpose, which tax shall Carpels, Window Curtains be levied on the taxable property in the and Shades. district; and by a similar vote a tax may READY-MADCLOTHINO. bo assessed and collected, of any sum not exceeding two per cent, per annum, The Highest Price paid for all kindi to pay teachers and furnish fuel, books, of Furs. A full Stock of GROCERIES, HARD- -. maps, and other suitable articles for school purposes. The TrusUes shall WARE, cte., etc have power to remit taxes, to prescribe Examine. and Call the manner in which schools shall bo to establish conducted, outhouses, playgrounds and other appurtenances. See. 7. The Assessor shall, within such time as the Trustees may direct, make an assessment of the taxable property in his district and report the same to the Trustees, and when appealed to, the Trustees shall have power to examine said assessment, aud, if necessary, corOGDEN, U.T. rect the same; and their decision shall FAVORITE HOUSE, HAVING BEE DRY GOODS GEOOEEY HEIMItTJIRXT, Flaitl, Coat, SHOE DEPARTMENT Mic Cens and lf lf two-thir- sides. Madrid, an assessor, collector, and a treasurer, 'who may be of their own number, or be selected from citizens of the district. Sec. 4. The Trustees, when elected, 2. E Much sympathy is manifested through out this city at the death of General Prim; the General was conscious to the last, and bade adieu to his friends who were present with the utmost serenity and composure; he was perfectly aware of Lis approaching dissolution but viewed it calmly. He expressed deep anxiety for the safety and welfare of the now King, Jtating his fears that, the troubles which had begun with his assassination were not yet over, but that the hostility of th enemies of Amadeus would vet manifest itself more strongly. The protroops are rising in the south-eas- t vinces nnd insubordination to the new Government is everywhere manifesting itself. The ranks of the hostile party are being continually strengthened by reinforcements of new adherents, whom the strict measures adopted by the policy suggested by Prim, had previously kept subordinate and compelled to dissemble and conceal all evidences of disaffection. The Cortes has invested Admiral Topeta with the full governmental powers lately enjoy eJ by (jcnoral Prim. Bordeaux, 3. Gen. Chatuy announces that the pos ition lately captured from the Prussians under Gen. Jouffroy on the left bank of tho Loire River, in front of Vendomc has been occupied by the French troops. lie consideres this capture an important step, as tending to greatly facilitate his successful operations in that neighborhood. Gen. Chaii7.y adds that it is his intention to follow up this advantage, immi'diatclv resuming offensive opera tion!. It is claimed that, over 5 000 Prussians were captured in the engage-meby the French troops. Under foreign Secretary Odo Russel is corresponding on behalf of tie British Government with Bis- mank, relative to the recent outrage on the English vessels, sunk at Duclair. Yrsailles advices state that Mezieres capiulated to the Prussian besieging The city was not sufarmf yesterday. ' ficiently garrisoned nor victualled to witlstand the prolonged siege. The Pruisian force before tho City, numbered over 15,(00 strong. After the (he Prussians entered the city and now occupy it. theGov-crnment.- i HOTELS. OGDEN HOUSE, MAIN STREET THIS ' ronovntort, mid tiirninlied throughout be final. fiirinc Uouj, tlie proprietor lioi Sec. 8. The Collector shall pay all with putmit ttf In liohig alile to tlv outire moneys or property, reecivod on taxes, Im.T Bdiirdera, FainilifK, Snd. lh Travoling comThe table u uc to the Treasurer, as the Trustees may munity, at a riwimlle pri-iliwl from ltli the California and Home market. direct; and the Assessor, Collector and A Hark will run to mid from the Track to carry KtixfiK-tlo- Treasurer, before entering upon the duties of their office, shall respectively qualify and give bonds, conditioned for the faithful performance of their duties, to the acceptance of the Mayor, to be filed with tho City liccordcr. Sec. 9. Whenever taxes shall have been assessed in accordance with this ordinance, and the taxpayers shall have been duly notified of the amount due, the trustees, or any one ot them, or the Collector, sdiall have power to com mence suits at law before any Alderman of the city, or other court having juris diction, against any taxpayer who shall nrglect or refuse to pay said tax, or levy upon and sell his property, as upon executions at law; and any conveyance of such property made by the Trustees shall bo valid. There shall be no appeal from any judgment rendered as prescribed in this section, unless the amount exceeds twenty dollars, when sued before an Alderman or Justice of the Peace, or fifty dollars, when sued in the Probate or District Courts. Sec. 10. The City Council shall appoint a Board or r.xaininiuion, to consist ol tbrco competent persons, who shall judge of tho qualifications of school teachers applying for schools; and all applicants of good moral character, con sidered competent, shall receive a suit able certificate, signed by the Board. Said Board shall also decide what text books shall be adopted in the schools. c Lout Has Comb. Last Friday Sec. 11. The Trustees shall visit, people of Salt Lake City, who officially, each school in their respective weie passing down Main street, were districts at least once during each term staitled by an illumination unusual and, on or before the second Monday in on extraordinary occasions. The October in each year, take a census of the children between the ages of four liglt proceeded from T. & W. Taylors' and sixteen years, residing in their Store which was lit up with veritable Districts; and within ten days thereafter gas generated on a very simple princi- shall make a Report to the County ple We hail with joy the advent of the Superintendent of Common Schools, best artificial light which has yet dawn stating the condition of the school or ed upon Utah, and hope soon to hear of schools under their supervision, and the banishment of coal oil, and the in- particularly the items contained in the ferior glimmerers by which darkness form for School Trustees, prescribud in hai hitherto been made visible in this the Act of the Legislative Assembly for Territory. the Territory, entitled, "An Act pro viding for the establishment and sup Aa Ordinance in ISolaliwa port of Common Schools." Sec. 12. Teachers of schools shall to Common School. furnish their respective Trustees with tec. 1. Be it ordained by the City quarterly report ef their schools, eetting Council of Ogden City that said city bo, forth the items contained in the form ani hereby is divided into four School for school teachers, as prescribed in the Districts, and numbered as follows, to Act named m the foregoing section, wJI: All that district of country within Sco. 13. In case the Trustees of any th limits of the First Municipal Ward, School District fail to perform any of exeepting that portion lying north of their official duties as set forth in this Ogden river, shall constitute the First Ordinance, the City Marshal is author DUtrict; all that district of country ized and required to forthwith enter a within the Second Municipal Ward shall complaint to the City Council against constitute tho Second District; all that said Trustees. See. 14. There shall be a meeting district of countrywithin the Third Municipal Ward, excepting that lying north held in each of the School Districts in of Ogden river shall constitute the Third Ogden City, on the firl Monday in District; and all that district of country February next, and erery two years in the Firut and Third Municipn! Wards thereafter, on said day, for the purpose lying north of Ogden viver shall con of electing School Trustees. Notice shall be given of the said election, in the stitute the Fourth District. bee. 2. should the public goot re- manner prescribed in this ordinance by quire it, said districts may bo divided the Trustees who are now acting. Sec. 15. Nothing in this ordinance into more, or two or more may be con solidatcd into one, or their boundaries sh.,M be bo construed as to deprive the may be changed by the City Council: present Trustees of School Districts of Provided, that where School Districts any power or authority conferred upon have built school houses by a tax on the them by any previous ordinance of the whole district, said district shall not be city, but said Trustees shall possess, divided until equitable provision has exercise and enjoy all the powers and been made for school houses in the new authority heretofore conferred upon districts to be organized. ' them, until said Trustees are superseded Sec. 3. In each School District there by the election and qualification of their shall three trustees, residents ard house successors under this ordinance. Passed Dec. 20, 1809. holders in their districts, who Bhall be LESTER J., IIERRICK, elected by a majority of votes given at Chairman. a meeting held for that purpose; and who shall have power to appoint a clerk, Titos. G. ODi-'Lt-, City Recorder. n; cap-ituhti- ... patMiiirerii . to. the. Hons free of charge. uj m ua iiuiI 11.1. nio JOH MAIlUTt. Opton, Utah, May 28, 1S70. ui 43-- 3 DR. R. TIBBITS, I'll vNicianniul Hurjjeon, SALT LAKE CITY. OKFICK IN SECOND WILTIf JTKKET, OPPO- hITK THE OMAHA HOLSE. Call from the Country promptly tU Bf t. tended 3m FURNITUEE AKD CABINET WORK. Furniture of all kinds at tho lowest rate's. Black Walnut, Maple. Maliojrany, etc., Cheaper than llio common First-clas- s kind elsewhere. Repairs done neatly aud with despatch. 0 O 37" IP INS Tomb - JStonojS DESCRIPTION Or EVERY MANUFACTURED1 ON TIIK SHORTEST NOTICE. KIKNISIIEI) TO ORDER, KOHEllT WIIjSOX, Near the Tost even-ingth- Oflice, Ogden. 80--1 in SALT! ex-co- p; ' . Atuu'iiea io uifl liouao SODA FOUNTAIN. SALT! Kl'PPLY THE VERY BEST QUALITY conme or fine, in mail or large Sai ka, branded to suit tho trade, on the shortest than any in the market. notice and A lnrir' Humility on hnnd. Aj.oly" to 1.. W. 111 KTLIFF, Plain City, or to WM. VANDYKE, One Door East of the Theatre, Ogden City, IVT1U, fifl-- GROUND TO LEASE. ELIOIT1LK VEItY rtl'ILmJJfJ SEVERAL 1ttaee on the North-wes- t Corner of Union Square. For partii-iilarappfy to 3 A3. McGAW, Esq., at the Jlnctioji Otlice. 39-t- f AT OYSTERS. TUB KEYERK IIOUgB gALOO, South Street, Salt Lnke City, where: or Lis assistants ready and wtllinR to serve yon with CAM you will find JOK. P1MMO.NS FRESH OYSTERS, (jOLDEX CUOWX CIGARS, IMGS FEET, etc. )- - Call and eee him. "u 17-- tf CITY LICENSES. To all m Iiom It may concern. VfOTICE 13 I1ER2B1 GIVEN, THAT all Fcrsons engaged in Business in Ogden City, (fcr which the Cify Ordinances provide tbat a license muM be obtained,) without first procuring a license are liable to be taken before any Alderman of said City, and be subjected w a Fine. By order of the City Council, i LORDi FARR, Mayor. TIIOS. Ge. ODELL, Cify Recorder. The Office of :he Citj Recorder is at Oflice of the "Oirden Junction." Seventies' Hall,, near the U. C. R. R. Station. Ojjia Jlourtrom 10 a. m. till 3 j. m. thu |