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Show She miction (Dfldcii 0(iM JI ICTTCffl THE Published every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, by the Oobsx Pvdusiiixo Oumpanv. JAMES McOAW, President and IlnsinoM Muniwr, ti whuiii all llusincsn coiuiuuuicatiou sliuuld l addressed. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year 0 $"i.'jn Six Months Throe Mouth Single Copy ) 3.1 Devoted to News, Literature, Agriculture, Science, 1.5il .10 RATES OF ADVERTISING. 0(.li:V, 4 s . BY TELEGRAM. JAXUAltY 1, 1S7I. UTAH, WKDXUSDAY, Lastly, they fix rates that wo shall pay per week, or per piece, which are much higher than we can afford to pay, and much higher thao competent men who stand ready arc anxious to accept, if not prevented by them. Therefore, Resolve'' That we do now declare our fact irii .ee; wo will employ whomsoever w tilcasc und at such rates as we may agree upon with workmen, regardless of any combination of men, and we pledge ourselves to protect to tho utmost extent of our power any and all men who shall come to us for work, whenever they may be interfered with hy malicious We recognise the right of persons. every man to the full value of his own labor, but we also rccogniso the fact that the labor of one man is of greater or less value than that of another. We would reward the industrious and skilful according to his merits, and resist every attempt to forco upon us inferior workmen at tho samo rales. The idea of all labor combinations is tho idea of the rights of man puttied to the extreme, the foundation of which is not charity and love. Wo stand upon the broad platform of justice. We will not combine to oppress any portion of our race. Our watchword is charity, our motto equal and exact justice to all. Marguerite Ballanger who figured prominently in a lately published private correspondence of Napoleon III has lately died of small pox. Tho flood at Homo is reported to have destroyed several millions worth of property, and thirty or forty lives. The Bourbaki expedition, says a London dispatch, is of such importance and promises such success that tho Germans feel more uneasy than at any expedition made by tho French since Sedan. Late advices indicate a desperate des. termination to relieve Paris at all and the Arts. YOL. II. examination made by Drs. Cuahman and Marsh, revealed a fracture of the skill, which was indirectly the cause of her death. fhe divorco suit between Dominick Murray and his wife, Josephine Sidiea, haibeen settled by the intercession of frltnds. bearing dispatches from Paris. The occupants state that it was announoed in Paris, on Friday, that the attaek made by the Prussians on Fort Mont Avron had been a failure; the Frussiaws were repulsed with a loss of 7,000 killed. I ho supplies in Paris are sufficient tai last for over one month to come, but will probably be exhausted in February; the popuiace are quiet ana hopeful. Rome, Jan. 1. A most enthusiastic and flowery re ception was tendered to Kiwg Victor Emanuel on his arrival in this citv which occurred Salntes wers fired, and the greatest demonstrations of joy were evinced by the inhabi tants. to-da- y. I London, 31. London, 1. Dispatches from Versailles state that 11.5(1 $2..VI $1 $7 $12 $17 1 Square, late to the SecreStransfclt, Secrcty fill bombardment the of Fort Nogent and 6 8 2.50 4.5U Special to the Ounr.ji Junction hy the Atluutlraud tary of State in this city, has bees ap42 AM 6.G0 7 9 has lVilie Telegraph Company. been Fort commenced the Rosny by Post Master Gen. ;u :,b b.M S.fjil 11 lfi Column, German troops. Tho entire German pointed 61 7i US U.M) A great snow storm has fallen here, 17u to been advanced has 115 Mont 85 17.IH) ii.fto 29 J Scheme to Rovictual Avron; army Business Cards $1 per month. their artillery and mortars have been and London is at present snowed up.I. and Relieve Paris! Lisbon, cliiuiS'd piacea in position, ana are now oper Loral ami 8Koinl Notices will The United States Steamer "Brook-lin- " at Central Tark continues Ikating on eastern tne forts. first for the lino cents per iuwrliuii, twenty-tiating arrived at this port with all ewollcnt, although it has thawed nil on and iit'teen cents per linu for every sulisriiwut Prussian Exactions Berlin, 80. well on board. This tho streets da. were sent has evening Tho the to tho Defeated French! King following the In advance. for be Transient advertising to paid Florence, I. by parties of masqueraders. tiueen : A Square consist of teu lines of type of this ersaillcs, 2V. Tho bombard Official telegrams from King Aniadeus' ci ment Fort Avron being occupied cn has silenced Avron Fort of the by tho escort announce the enthusiastic recepYearly advertiser allowed to change at pleasure, German Wounded FrozGirnians, establishes a besieging force emy s guns. Tho railroad station at tion of the new with only the additional thartfw of twnty-ttKing along the entire en to Death! wljbin the outer works of the Frcuch at Noissy was shelled, and tho French arrents a tiiiire for roniKwilion, hut they will bo rowtc through the old Kingdon f Mur-icover is at The of the charged EXTRA for orrapyui; weakest dislodged. Bouby onf points along their tillery The citizens of Carthagena and t. Prussian loss was three men. The gar- Albacete lint of defence Fort tie Rosney, imme-dMcAdvertisements not markod on the ropy with tin" turned out enrnassc to roc eive Explosion in front of the captured work, rison of Fort Aviou tied to Paris. linmliernf insertions, will published at our the cortege, ami manifested tfnbounded at SO. ion until ordered out, ami cliargi-an hardly more than a utile distant, Brooklyn! Copenhagen, enthusiaui as the King was present td te rates. Tho harbor of Copenhagen ia block view. stiuds on an elevation no higher than A V E RTI S E M TS inserted till forbid, will lm . aded with ice. th&oftlio position just taken. r; iiittnui'i! until ordered out, iu every iiislunce, uud Manifesto of the N. Y. Forts tc inched lor aeenrdiiikdy. Ndeut and Naisey, on its right And left, Bordeaux, 30. Shoo Manufacturers! Tha privilege of yearly and half yearly advertisA worthy old clergyman in a neighborAccounts received hero show that both are located on a lesser elevation, and not ers Is restricted tn'theii direct lino of business, und and has nure difficult ground, and with Fort do the Prussian and French troops have ing town is very nil Legul, Auction, Ilea! Eslutr, or oilier advertisements foreign to their regular trade, will lie chargIloiney captured, oro indefensible. The Buflered terribly from the cold. Strong a short memory. It is a common habit England Settling the ed for Germans could throw shells from the reinforcements havo. been sent forward with him in the pulpit to forgot 'someFisheries Question! No Advertisements from the State will hp ithout the cash (at our advertised rale,) serted gitis which reduced Fort Avron in the to all points to replace the French sol thing, and then after sitting dowa, to Vast sulurbs rise up again, and begin his supplemenaccniiipuiiying the order, unless from one of our diers of thus licllville. at quantiincapaciated. From Paris, ion regular authorized Advertising Amenta. Death of General Airon some guns will be ablo to roach ties of material, calculated to increase tary remarks with tho expression, By Xll communications devoid of interest to the in Madrid! the comfort of troops have also been sent the way." A few Sundays age fce' golf points in the city within the walls. public, or intended to promote private Interests, will be charged as advertisements, and uvmeiit to the front. It appears that the Prus half way through a prayer, when he 1. Washington," required in advance. If personal in character, we the Secretary of War has ordered a sians have committed excesses at Orleans hesitated, forgot what he was about, and reserve the right to reject any article, or advertisethe in French Victory Coirt Martial to convene at West Point and Blois, because the inhabitants, who sat down abruptly without closing, Ia ment of this class. North! thi week to try the case of the colored had been ruined, were unable to meet a minute or two he rose, and, pointing Editor. Associute C. W. PENROSE, their requisitions at Orleans. The Prus- his forefinger at the amazed congrega Caitjt Smith, who is charged with lying. Ameal i Thf Court will be composed of officers sians threaten to take away as hostages tion, bo said: ."OhI by the way A Town in Pennsylvania OCDEN DIRECTORY. the Academy and New York, and fifty prominent citizens utiless COO.OtX) fra A female lecturer said: "Get mwrried Destroyed by Fire! it I believed, that the charge will be francs are paid for the maltreatment of men, ami be qulclt about lU soldiers. young and Prussian Ofliccr lor that Smith will be dismissed. Sla(CH United priced AMERICAN. Don t wait for the millcnium for the 80. Madrid, llah. 'Jhe of the has Secretary Treasury Vernon 11. Vauglian. Washington, .11. Gen. Trim is rapidly recovering from girls to become angels. You'd loot well Gorfrnor the Assistant Treasurer at New In consequence of tho drain of. Mrs. wounds ; seven of the eight balls beside an angel, wouldn't you, you Secretaru George A. lilack. his Yoik, to sell a million of coin each in his shoul.Ier have been ex- biocKUeaagT" Marshal M. E. Patrick. imbedded Reiknap, the programme for the official i Thirsday of the present month and to U. S. Attorney C. II. lleinpsleiul, ; his condition is comfortable; reception ly the President on Monday tracted two million on bonds the first pukhase the latest wnUlaty. ticneral nevcral Cabinet K. Lhoiizy, has been Timrti'llotte. withdrawn, Supt. Indian Affairs J. and third Wednesdays, and one million he has suffered the loss of five fingers. in tho French kaleidoscope, is figure Ministers have also given notice that C. C. Clements. has assumed Admiral temporariTopele on the eecond and fourth Wednesdays there " ill bo no receptions nt their resReceiver of Public Monies. 11. functions of Prim as Minister of said to be an Englishman by thevameof mating a total sale of four million coin ly the Shaw. 4 idences that day; this will serve mater31. Boston, ami tho purchase of six milliou bonds Foreign Affairs and Var, as well as the Tho Timet of this p.m. speaking of the a the Council. Ayu-lof Senor George It. ially to check the New year'g festivities. Registrar of Land Office Presidency the month. The action of tho President is criticised (lakes Ames failure, says we are able to doling Maxwell. has been appointed Minister of Colon- WABREN HUSSBf. Ihe funeral of Mrs. Belknap wife of in gome quarters, but the majority of slate from reliable authority that the Fait Lnka Citv. Xlelnna, MontiMW. U. S. Assessor Julin P. Tnpjrurt. ies. War took of place this p. the thoughtful people arc glad to ee Ames Co. will after their debta are thaSccrctary exU. S. Collector 0. J. HolliBler. a resolution Cortes The adopted m. at 2 o'clock from Saint John's HLSSEY, DAIILER & C0M . this recognition of an event bringing liquidated, find themselves enjoying a asChief Justice J. 1!. McKean. Chlrch. The remains were received at pressive of horror at the attempt to and of vote Associate Justices 0. F. Strickland" an J grief to a member of his otlicial family. surplus of at least eight million dollars; tho Church a sassinate Prim, passed BANKERS, by the two officiating Minis-teIt appears from returns made at the the idea of insolvency as counocted with C. M. Hawley. and the coffin was borne by eight confidence in the Government. NEW BUILDIS0, JENNI5(I8' census oi'ice, that the colored popula- the firm is simply absurd. Bucharest, SO. metseiigers from the War Depart mont, in 10o0 is tion 31. of 1S70, coitnlies, 3IAIX been Servinn new A has Brooklyn, STISKKT, Ministry Territorial Ofliccr: folbwed by the pall bearers and mournANB HALT t.AKK CITT. William II. A clothing store belonging to Jacob InlMJOiu the mine counties it Delegate to Congress The coflin was covered with rare formed with Princes Ghika as head. er Doftlnm Utrid nit CvrttiutJ. DrtV in was 1,411.4(12. lut, London, 31. Kuppcl, CI Main Street, was damaged to exilics in the form of crosses, hearts and Hooper. KxitiuiiKe on fun Frunciwu, Montana, PenTer, New York, .10. the extent of $"00, by fire this evening. Zorulil)al)el Snow. fifty-sithe all of Kew ft. Louis, occupants York, auil all parts of Nearly and at the head was a crown of A terrific explosion, causing the death Tho adjoining dwellings on both aides wnatlis, filled with German eoldiers ' Collections Marshal J. 1. T. McAllister. carriages side of Fithor the coflin promptly attended to. iff Jnpomcas. in hist losses of three men, occurred the were William Clayton. Auditor injured, the wounded in the recent asffault on night fully ww adorned likewise with garlIron Foundry of Miller N. Defore, covered with insurance iu local comTreasurer James Jack. were frozen to death before the ands of flower. The remains were reached Chalicra.- - There has been liiooklyn. The water in the boiler was panies. tiain Superintendent of Common Schools 111 In a at II tcnijlortirny Oak tault placed New York, 1. allowed to go loo low, which was the Robert L. GuupUell. ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR. mortality among the wounded great ( emetcry. Not satisfied with the result of the cause of the explosion. The engineer intense frost. Thi) funeral cortege was one of the caused by OlSIi'c Ogileii Hotel, opposite and fireman were iiistanily killed, and game played at the Aeabemy of Music A dispatch from Bcsanean reports anIVebor Coiuily OHieors: ever seen in Washington, not OGDEN CITY. F. U. the dead body of a painter who was t; on W ednesday lust, Uudolphe has re- large'! on Probate and County Judyc attack made unsuccessful other that which ttcwrVi accompanied the about the building was picked turned to the fight, and has challenged excepting Richards. The Germans lost 1 400 killed and to.All kinds of regal busioou promptly rema ns of the lamented daughter of ltf American game, Select Men Lester J. Herrick, Henry up his morning in the Oushwick creek, Dion to piny a wounded. Secrflary Seward, four years ago, whose barfeet from of and the distant the scratch scene 31. Richard of l,r(H) points, push Holmes, London, llallantyne. 15. IVY. functil took place from thesame church. i: V. S. Richards. disaster. The new Canard steamer rel, for a money slake of $1,K)0; the Clerk and Recorder Official information received here, those present at the church were AT LAW, '' AND ATTORNEY COUNSELOR Amoig states that Count Von Bismarck has Will l'roseeutiny Attorney Anrcliiis Miner. "l'ariliiau" now on her first trip with a w inner also to lake Ihc proceeds of the the president, the all In nil in Vtnh Court imf the IT. S. William Critchlow, very large mail on board, and nearer house. The game to be played in New Kotaric Public Trrriroriivt. fnwial nitration givon to memlers of tho Cabinet, except the sent a communication through the toiiiing 2"itli of last the was ' due and 31st fourteen days out, to Jules Favre, Foreign and Domestic Collection. k'. S. Richards. Tuesday. York City between now abfent in Georgia, Minister, Washburne She sailed on llie lTili inst. A fire oc- January. a shall be the latter Sheriff William Brown. that granted headi of the bureaus of War and Navy saying Itrlck Attestor and Collector S&nforJ liing-la- curred in Itrooklyn this morning, by safe conduct from Taris through the (Ifllcc In Yesterday afternoon, Wm. Ashley, a Departments, members of foreign legatOlllee. which eleven houses were destroyed, and master carpenter, residing at Jtiiilriiug, him to repreto enable lines German memions, Senators, Representatives, in going home took the train for the occupants! turned upon the street Treasurer Israel Canfield. sent France at the Conference of the bers of the Iowa Association, the chil m. N. Fife. with very little clothing. The fire ori- South Orange, instead of Bloomfield; Coroner dren connected with the Soldiers and Great Powers which assembles in this NOW!!! Schools his mistake at Uosevillc frame and in a two O 01 PS 2 J) 4 s.'i 111 H.MI ! tim-rtio- roii-In- spai-- ! o- at Fatal - - KN in- w Prim-Insurrect- i to-d- en-livn- ed n. ly abscn-minde- d, cd , bat-ard- Surveyor-Gener- Over-io- n, . 0Etf, 1,'07,-01- O-i- n x Attorney-Gener- Knrr-pv- , Bel-fo- rt Bel-for- . i four-ba- ll W. .".(HI t, Attorney-Genera- I'nu-Hr- it IT II s l, TatilfH Bloom-fiel- near d, bb-'i- nt Survetor of SuperiiUcndcnl Burton. Wm. C'ily .overninenl: Act of Jan. 18, 1811. Incorporated hy Municipal election biennially on the lecond Monday of February. Meetinps of the City Council weekly, on Monday evenings, at City Hall, Main Street. . Mayor Loren Farr. 1st Ward; 2d 3d James Mc Gaw, Waller Counselors Thompson, William W. Burton, Josiah Lcftvitt, Israel Canfield. Recorder Thos. G. Odcll. Attorney A. Miner. Marshal W. N. Fife. Treasurer Aaron Farr. Assessor and Collector S. Bingham. Surveyor W. W. Burton. Captain of Police?. G. Taylor. Justice of the Peace S. Eggleston Constable C. F. Middleton. F. A. Brown, Aldermen J. Herrick, A. J. Sliupe, L. Ogdcn Vost Office: ARH1VAL .... .... AND CLOSING MAILS. ARRIVALS. ftalt Lake CitT, daily . . "West, Through Mail daily . . . Mail daily Hortli, Through " 1x-al- , Uox Kliler County, daily . . Kaat, Through Mail daily . ctoai.m JPalt Lake City, dnlly . . Vest, Throuch Maii daily . . . North, ThrouRh Mail daily " Local, Box Elder County, daily . . Kast, Through Mail daily . 7"s1a.m. 7.30 a.m. 7..'K a.m. 7.0 .nu p.m. 4.l 8.45 p.m. 3.45 p.m. 3.45 p.m. 3.45 p.m. 9.00 p.m. MAILS. CLnSINO. Caoho and Kirh County Wednesdays 3.!10 p.m. and Saturday . . . , North Oplcn Mondays and Thursdays 2.30 p.m. llinitsville Wednesdays and Satunliiyj 6.00 a.m. 1'lain City Mondays and Thursdays 3.00 p.m. ltiverdale Wejlnesdays and Sntnnlnya 4.00 p.m. Jlooper and Ahna Wcdiiesdnyn anil 12.00 a.m. Saturdays office nouns. General Delivery open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. REGISTRY DEPARTMENT Open from 9 a.m. to 3.:X p.m.' Outside Door open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. ISAAC M00UE, Postmaster. Trains Leave Ogden daily, until further notice, for Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and p.m. (For extra trains see time Table.) For the East, at 7.25 a.m. For the West, at 6.35 p.m. Arrive from Salt Lake City, 7 a.m. nd 4.45 p.m. From the East, 4.25 p.m. From the West, fi.35 a.m. Salt Lake City Time. IMvine Worship cottager, ginated story the flames spread so rapidly from one to another, that the eleven houses were demolished before the firemen could check families were renthem; twenty-twdered homeless, and a good portion of their furniture was destroyed loss $:15.(HK1; insurance, $18,000. The decision of Judge Woodruff in the case of Alexis Nicholas, the Prussian counterfeiter, who was convicted and sent to the State prison, but whose counsel had served out a writ of Habeas Corpus, on tho ground that Judge Benedict, who preside I at tho trial of Nichhe olas in place of Judge Woodruff, being ill, having been appointed for the Eastern District of Brooklyn, N. Y., had no legal right to sit in Judge Woodruff's place in the Southern District of New York City, mid that his client was therefore entitled to be discharged or have a new trial, was rendered yoster-day- ; the prayer of Nicholas was refused. Washington, 31. Gen. Dent, on returning home from a visit last eve, received a severe fall through being run into by a boy's sled; his injuries are sufficient to confine him to bed for several days New York, 31. A number of gentlemen, engaged in the manufacture of boots and shoes, held a meeting yesterday with reference to the existing strike of the Crispins, when the following manifesto, signed by them, was preparod and put forth: "We, the manufacturers of boots and shoes,- do hereby declare that, whereas, our business operations have been interfered with, during several years past, by secret organiia-tionwhick assumo to lay down rules and regulations for tho government of our factories, and which) under such dictation, has become tyrannical and unbearable, we deem it at this time our duty to state some of the facts in the caso and our resolutions in the matter: First, our factories are nearly all declared upon strike for tho simple reason that we cannot pay the exorbitant rates demanded by these organizations. Secondly, they prohibit us from employing any person not a member of their organization, threatening to strike if we do so. Third, they refuse to allow us to employ any boy, who wishes to loam the trade, unless he is a son of a member of their society, cveu excluding our own children. Fourth, they insist we shall pay the same rates to all workmen, thereby preventing industrious and skilful workmen from earning more than the lazy and is held every Sunday, in the Tabernacle, at 11 a.m.; and in the School Houses of the various Wards at G p.m. ignorant. o s, discovering Junction he sprang off, missed his footing, rolled umler the wheels nod was cut to pieces; his body was frightfully cut up, the skull broke in, and both legs and his right arm were broken. At ten o'clock last night, as Charles Keller, a German, 28 years old, was passing through Green Street, on his way to market, accompanied by a little child, he was met by a gang of half drunken ruffians, who rudely jostled him and attempted to crowd him off the sidewalk; Keller becoming angry at this rude behavior, pushed back and remonstrated with his assailants for their unseemingly conduct; a quarrsl ensued, when Frank Emerson, of 03, Prince Street, ran into a den ami returned soon after with a shovel handle, pointed with iron; vith this weapon Emerson attacked Keller, struck him on the head, and, felled him senseless to the pavemcot; in this condition Keller was taken to the Prince Street Police Station, a doctor called to attend him, who after examining tho insensible victim of this bruial assault, pro nounccd him seriously injured. It is feared that his skull is fractured; ho is suffering from compression of tho brain. Ho was taken home at the request of his friends. Emerson was subsequently arrested. A tragedy is expected from a quarrel between Jem Mace, John Morrisey and a gambler named George Hill, who had a fight at Mace's Saloon. Hall spit in Morrisey's face, Morriscy shot at Hill, missing him, Mace knocked Hill down as he tired at.Morrisoy, and carried him into his room and locked him up. All three were drunk, and "the fancy" are greatly excited over the present situation, which promises bloodshed. Seven factorios are soon to be opened by Crispins, who arc confident of success, though the employers insist they will fail. The death of Ann McLaughlin, at 185 Avenue "C," was reported yesterday at tho Coroner's office, and set down for investigation by the Coroner. She has lived very unhappily with her husband, who is by occupation a shoemaker, caused by their inordinate appetite for intoxicating liquors, and on the 20th ult, was struck hy him over the The left car with a woodoti bootjack. injury, which did not seem very serious, was neglected for some days, until erysipelas set in, when the woman was She removed to Bellcvue Hospital. was placed under appropriate treatment by the Home Physician, Br. Metcalfe, but gradually continued to sink until her death on Saturday. A lot HUBSCKIIIK City in January. London, 31. liver The British Government has ordered Heat Family Published! to the be to instructions telegraphed Government officials at Canada to peraloss of to property amounting invo.ving mit no further seizures of vessels on SATURDAY NIGHT $2000O, buildings were dis A commisc fishing grounds. troyt'd, among which are many of the sioner has been OF THE WEEKLIES! TUB GREATEST appointed to go to Washmost prominent buildings in town. The ington for the purpose of discussing the f70,000 WAS PAID, DURING TUB fire tompanies from Lewistown and Ilnr- relative to the Canadian fisheries, ove; out yer, for' tha Infraction and Enter treaty nsbirg, were sent to the scene of dis and with the view of arranging such tammt'iit of it liundtwl of tboumnd of rmlm. M0 kpt Six of line' Large Cylinder Pre trucion, but arrived too late to be of fresh clauses as it may be found expe ruuniiiK, day and night, to rnijiply IU mucl service ; many families are ren to adopt in the circumstances, and ootintantly dtnniind thin lurorito dient lor enorinom joirrrwl. dcrul homeless and destitute. Every trT, every nketch, and erery artiels as will meet the wishes of both GovernSATURDAY NIGHT is original, and in Tic fire broke out in the cellar of the ments in the matter. printed It is understood written for it columns, by the bwt Harlware store owned by Mr. N. O. that the of the British Govern- talent thatexprexMy noncy ran firocnr. policy of in Fraicisus the Crystal ment will be to defend its actions with Lewiston, The urlty and moral tons of SATURDAY i nf the lilglient order. A quantPalire building in this place. reference to the seizures in question, and NKillT that con in the least offend the religious Nothing oil and and powder exploded, ity to maintain that they were made in the or political Imlii'f of any one will be allowed to the in whole flames. on it pHf e. wrajped building legitimate exercise of its right under the appear In tart, it ia tho Itest Family Paper published, Philadelphia, 1. existing treaty. and it past Rucce i proof that it is Tut papm A Madrid dispatch states that the in- for every home in the land. Soeral alarms of fires during this SATURDAY NKi HT i a large paper, moning were taken odvantage of by the cipient revolution has broken out in column of tiie lievt reading matfirenen to indulge in riots and brawls Madrid, and that the city is in a revolu containing forty ter, elegantly printed on fine white paper and sevejal parties are reported injured. tionary tumult. The utmost confusion neatly illustrated. A New f brry Is commenced every three week. Mchacl G. Burns, a saloon keeper prevails among the inhabitants many of Five continued Stories in every apr. who was assaulted by John Bean on whom have espoused the cause or tne From seven to ten short Short Htorio of Love and Adventure in every paper. FriiLy evening last is still living, and Republican party. From six to ten beautiful piece of Poetry la hop are entertained of his recovery. Dispatches just received in this city, paper. announce a most important and decisive every Half a column of Fact Worth Remembering, FOREIGN". FriOn French the for troops. giving item of interest to every one. victory tne head of Gu Light Reading i a splenLondon, 30. day a body of French troops recently didUnder collection nf Witty and Humorous Paragraphs. Tie French Government estimates the posted at Biavre marched in the direcIn every paper i published a Fairy Tale, writcntite number of troops at 760,000. tion of Labonille, a small town situated ten expressly for the children, ' r,.,' The column of Answer to Correspondent conBourbaki's command is charged with on the left bank of the river Seine ; and Information in reference to matter of Law,' tain the luty of revictualing Faris, and has attacked the Prussian position at that Domestic and Friendly Relation, History, Ancient The engagement becoming gen- and Modern, and everything connected with Love, alrenly on hand a large amount of live place. stock and provisions for the purpose. eral, a heavy and determined battle en CourtuUip aud Marriage. At i proper moment, this army will sued, the eround was desperately con KACH NUMTlF.lt OF "PATUHDAY NIGHT AS MUCH READ1NO MATTER A9 make a desperate effort to join Chauzy's tested by both armies, but after six CONTAINS OF TIIE POPULAR MONTHLY MAGthe army of the hours fighting, the Prussians were com ANY forcci and AZINES. THREE DOLLAU8 PER THAR WILL Loira, which will then, with gret. energy, f.2 NUMBERS OF "SATURDAY pelled to abandon their position, and PURCHASETUB SAME MONEY EXPENDED IM Labonille was evacuated accordingly and NIGHT." push on for Paris. Gen. Paladincs' reA YOU U MAUAZINE BRINGS ONLY verse is now charged to meddling politthe French troops occupied the town. was icians, who persuaded uambetta to Intelligence of this signal victory SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OF "SATURDAY interfere with his military operations. immediately dispatched to Havre and NIGHT: Di.fiatches from Stuttgart and Darmsupon receipt of the news, the greatest For One Year, 62 Numbers, is only fl.nn. tadt announce the ratification of the joy and excitement were manifested Six Months, 28 Numbers, is only fl.iSO. Four Months, 17 Numbers, is only I.(X). Federal treaties by the Chambers of throughout the city. 31. Dec. OUR CLUB RATES: Hesse. and Madrid, Wurtrmburg send four copies for one year to A Prussian dispatch reports that Col. Gen. Trim died at his residence this oneFor $10 wo orwilleach copy to a separate address. address, Ballcnstcin, commanding a detachment morning at one o'clock, from wounds re- For $20 we will send eight copies to one address, addresse. of sit companies of foot, two squadrons cieved on Wednesday last. The greatest or each copy to separate The party who Honda us $2i for a club f eight of caralry, and two guns, was surroundexcitement prevails throughout the city. copies at one sent (all time), will be entitled to a ed by the French near MontToisey, and A conspiracy is believed to exist in copy rn.EE. to Gottrs-trof Club of eight copies can assas after a desperate fight of two hours, cut this city the object of which is add single copies at t'2.M each. the leading opponents of the his way out, losing only one hundred of sinate Bo sure and subscribe for no other paper nntil his command and taking two hundred Republican party. yon see the SATURDAY NIGHT. We will send Specimen Copies free to any who and Pirty prisoners. Madrid, 1. addreHH. The disturbances in this city have will send us theirDAVIS Gen. Pettingas has arrived at Havre A FXYERSON. . from Bordeaux to superintend the forces greatly abated; tho city was in a state of and Pub, of SATURDAY N1C.KT, Trop-firm The of the city. He was enthusiastically comparative quiet yesterday. Philadelphia. P. and determined measures taken by the rcccited by both troops and citizens. l.U5IXi:SS CAKIS. Government at the outset have aided A dispatch from Besancon says Gen. Freskow has issued an order removing greatly in producing this result. MERCHANT AND PROFESSIONAL 1.1VERY should havo a Bordeaux, Jan. 1. the population to the right bank of the supply. We will do thorn A balloon has arrived in this cify In the bwt style of the art. river Doubs. Sailers' Orphan Asylum, ami many of the Lading citizens of the district. Mifflin, Ta., 1. A great fire eccurred here last night fifty-eig- lnpcr ht elght-png- e .. te NUM-BERJ- ). ; p after-war- d |