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Show Zt Snow ISouiid. lcu gtmctiow. The Kansas Pacific R. R. is reported clear, and trains are arriving and de JAMES MfflAW, President awl Btisiaps Manaxar, parting on time. Tho suow in the cuts to whuw all Business eoiuiuuniuilious tiliuutil has been opened just wide enough to permit tho passage of ordinary cars, C. W. PENROSK, Associate Editor. PuMiiihcd evory WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, by til OUHW Pl'ULISKlSO VotfANT. 1 aUrd. Sudden Dhatii. On Sunday morning last Mrs. Morris an old lady living at Marriott settlement was found dead in her bed. She commenced her New Year's in a brighter and better world. Bek Convention. At the Bee Convention held in Indianopolis on the 22nd and 23rd ult., our agent, Mr. W. D Roberts, who has gone East to purchase Bees to fill orders from this Territory and gather information on the subject of was requested to make some remarks. We clip tho following frm the Indianopolis Journal of 23rd ult: "Bv reniie.st of the Ass.miiLtinn Mr Roberts, the delegate from Utah, gave an account of, tliA Italian. Vipa , Inlplv ... in. .j of troduced into that Territory, and also 1. . . . , i i . Jammed. named George Cow C. P. R. R. had the ry, working upon one of his fingers badly crushed while coupling cars on Monday last at the Depot. Under Dr. Nellis' care his hand will soon be well. UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD. OGDEN CITY. PIOXEER I.lAi: OF UTAH. A man and Pullman's Palace cars just manage OX AND AFTER to pass, scraping the walls of snow on i either side. 1 Tho detentions during tlio cold time UelncHlay Morning, Jan. 4, 1871. - " were long and serious. No trains arJ..J... Trains will loavo Opion daily at 8 a.m., an Denver between the lHth and rived at Fire! Fire! i t. 0.3(1 p.m. Arrive ut Salt Laka City at 10 a.m. and 20th, ult., as they were completely was the purpose to secure the Italian 7.30 p.m. The number of extensive conflagra- snowed in. Passengers who left Kan- bee for Utah, and then to exclude the Lfiivo Salt Luke City daily at 5 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. tions, which have occurred in tha East sas City on the loth, spent their Christ- black bee Irom tlie Territory by legisArrive at Ogduu at 1 a.m. aud 4.1a p.ui. the in during the holidays is startling mas at Wallace, where they arrived on lative enactments so as to keep the stock Dure. Thera were to hn no imli viilsnl extreme. Every day's telegrams bring tho 18th. Those who left the same JA7IKS cV (O. interests in hive patents there, but there aews of disastrous fires, in many instan- place on the 18th, came to a halt in a Wa.1 tn h ft. Helec.firin In mlditiou to the above an Ami nil una Ar prepared to KILL HILLS of LUMliF.R nil mailp ces burning whole rows of buildings and cut on tho AN l'Jth, where they lay to bo common property throughout tho through tho Winter, ut their Strain Saw Mill on ACCOlillODUlOX TltllS threatening destruction of entire towns. imbedded in tho enow until tho next ierruory so lar as Dee culture was con- tin At Mifflin- in Pennsylvania, on the hut 'lay. After sundry efforts with a snow- - cerned, lie was much gratified with ais KUX WILL Kinu rtceptiou iiere; lite class he repreevening of the Old Year, fifty eight build- plow, wheh finally with two engines ran off sented were seldom treated abroad with DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) ings, soiiio of them the most prominent the track and tipped into a ditch, the so ijiucu kindness. in the town were destroyed by a fire train ran back to Ellsworth, where it Leaving Ojrden City 5 a.m. and Salt Lnko Citv, The Suootino at Pnovo. Teleerans at the Following Rates: which erigiated in the cellar of a hard- stopped until the 2Cth. These trains ui. oil wlih'h lull fare will etititlo tlio cf it ticker to return on tho same tlay und to Salt the Lake further ware store. papers give, Kl.T. Sheet 100 did not reach Denver until midnight on OF train free, and will utop by nmiuging with the information about the of Richtrd I Of I. Cniiliirt.r, t uny j.uint on the line to taku on or shooting , On Saturday night, as a son of Erin the 29th. A train which loft Denver on let off liiiKeli'i rt. Brown at to alluded in the Provo, in two o'clock would) say, "about briefly the loth diil not reach Kansas City un PaKtfnferfl will nlftt-!- niirrlmwo fl..i Hquare-IMger- i, &2.00 tlie oliires. Fifty crnts H.MUioiml will bo morning,'' Constable Middleton discov- til the 27th, haviBg been detained sev our last issue. It appears that Brown charged 1UU OTi.eu mi! lino is fuiiecu'.i on nit muu. ered flames rushing up the south-weeral times on tho way, suffering severely had been carrying on illicit intercourse with a niece of John J. Baum since list corner of Parpo & lioesscl's store on from cold near Orinnoll, where FARES: they JUK reel. Ogdeu to Kaysville $1.30 in the Juno, Main street, Ogden. I5y tho Constable's lived two resulting girl's hard-tacpregnancy. and buffa days on " 'arniiii(;ton $1.6o Delivered anywhere in Oplcn City for tl extra This was discovered her and by grandmother, exertions, discovery lo prompt timely " meat, and finally had to shovel and Centrevillo per lou leei. $iui and on application to Brown to ma-rthe fire was put out and the building, work and fight their " Wood's Cross $2.25 Wo will take Cash, Stock aiirl drain in nay way out. Scotch Plaids, the is " he not with probably ene-bnSalt Lake City of Main street, only refused, nant. girl.it alleged $2.50 The Denver Xeirs records the followsaved from utter destruction, as there h ing accidents iu connection with the de- but threatened the lives of the family. Satins, Fur all information concerniiie Freight nr Miss Baum's uncle took the matter in Huge, apply to 200 bo provision made for such a catastrophe tentions: of CORN Wanted Immediately. Poplins, I). 0. CALDKR, hand, and, by his own confession, siot Jo tliat vicinUy, we believe, except tho There was irreat destruction r,f (ien'l Ticket and Freight Agent Flannels, rank over Walker's store, the contents of and machinery, and many were injured and killed Brown to avenge her wrtng Ail Orders addressed (o IHDVinn WHITE and ditched. and defend himself. John J. Baum md Fourth Street, Ogden, will receive prompt attcn- I IIILOIV JOSEPH A. YOUNG, which are now nearly solid from frost. .1 n tinti lillt?l On the 20th, near Wilson Creek, as the '.,' SL'PKRINTEXDEXT. O.I imL. who is to . It had awht's of said Davis, be that a Henry pan appears snow plow and three engines were going vipacas, been placed outside Boessol'i back doer on to the trestle, Jas. Baxter, the plicated in the affair, aro both uuler enginIMPORTANT TO MINERS. All Wool n a covered barrel; tho wind roused eer of the last engine, fearing that the arrest. EVANS ASSAYS OK K WITH IHSI'ATCII CHEAP! CHEAP! AS truss would his from give way, jumped . at hia. Iliec, Sixth Street, Oi;ilen. Rcl'ercncM the emouldering embers iuto flamss, Armures, and was so much injured that he late Supt. of thcln- - an be had at the Jisotion Printing OuVe. Major Daxilson, engine barrel-covewWch bunted through the died in about an hour. dian Reservation at Fort Hall calloc to CHEAP AS THE OIEAPEST! Xnbias, amf ran up (he corner of the house. On the 21st a man named P.ill Wight-maseo us on The Maior las Saturday. UOOKSELI.KH AND SEWS AOF.NT. at Wallace. Hlintieil ami full The establishment would soon have Scarfs, WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP done good service among the red met at run a knife into his abdomen some large been a prey to the devouring clement if nvo or six inches, was taken to the Fort Hall. Under his judicious Hosiery. Books, lie Etc. Papers, Magazines, not discovered in the nick of tone. 0 hospital at tho fort and Cared for. nml ia AT PUBLISHERS' PRICES, the Lamanites have becnin-ducc- d IIiuxim's is niado other ltf L'oRXfcli, Ogdou City. . If no provision against yet alive. Whether he will live or die is -to cultivate the arts of peace, md smk 1:1:1 A SEW LOT OF accidents from fire than Main Street yet an open question. T. II. Near Wallace, Sam. Thclps, the mas last year raised a considerable cro) of WKRSTEK, now possesses, without great caution ter stone mason of tho division, while cereals and FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOEMAKER. vegetables which would hive and constant vigilance the frame build- ridinu on the outside ladder of aeiihoiwo been much larger if it had not been for Cricket, Hnse Kail and ltace ings on our principal street may disap- car, was hit by the side of a cut into Shoes Made to Order. the of tho grasshoppers. The which the ravages train ran he and was instantly pear some windy night, and leave killed. His REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. remains were sent east. Major being disqualified for a civil ofice Five Dixirs South of the White House, ltf nothing but a residue of ashes. Think In all this scvero weather the Union by a lute Act of Congress, has hac to of it, merchant, and provide against 111 Pacific has kept its road open, trains resign his position. He left for Soith Jl YILKOAl) SALOOX, rain and desolation, nil of a SiiiHirior Quality, for Sale at have with but fow exceptions arrived on Carolina, on private business, on Sin- and thoso detained were only be- day morning, having made time, The Second District Zion's The Kaoriuiieiilo Homicide. hind a few hours. This reflects arrangements THK CHOICKST IIKAXDS OK MINT J ' OKH and CK1AKS alwnvn on liund. great to locate his family in Ogden until lis Ta'o BILLIA11D TAlii.Kii for loven) STORE, The examination of Chas. Dell, char- credit on tho management, particularly return. of the game. as it was anticipated when the road was MAIN STREET, OGDEN. M" RKVXOLIK with CO. Chas. E. the murder of I ged Fisher, opened, it would be impassable. r.a rovAP.- mi Pi'oil.ue will lie received In Exchauce for during mere sitoulu be a penon at Sacramento, on the eveuing of tho a considerable portion of each winter. Merchandise. V appointed at our parties to take carj of 14th, took place on Thursday lust, A .Sunday All Persons vhn ISoot n 1.. tv. Salt iht.htt OF GENTS' Maker, hats, coats etc. Quite a number of hats Fourth Street, half a Shoo before Judge Henley. An account of ... llKIITKI) to the aliivi.imm.l 1 ,..,;,. ;., HI, from Main Street, to SETTLE IT Oirden. rcpiestcl r..w "Phocion" tho lively and talented cor have been lost or exchanged lately. thanks his mimontng iniinediately. the affair which led to hU arrest, has Perwma wishiiiR to bvcniuo STOCKHOLDERS liheral iationiWe during the past year, and hoie in the Institution can do so. already appeared in the Junction. respondent of the Omaha Herald, in a Only one was lost on Monday night; the v ui, ,i nmui.r mm auennoli lo bUfiuejri, to merit a continuation of their iixrt. Mm WILSON WRIOIIT, According to the report of the examina- communication to that paper fromDcnvcr, person who has it will oblige Josiah Stf writes Leavitt the Superintendent. tion in tho Ileeord, l)cll appeared in by leaving it at the 1st and 3rd following Sabbath day ex & iVaru Store. Salt in Lake City, among the SAUDLE AND HAUXKSS MAKERS, court with his head landagod and his perience the Tithing Office, Ocden, Opposite arm in a sling. Great interest was "lawless and rebellious Mormons:" Fi - Blooded Stock. Yesttrday T"JSEP ON IiAXD Cardigan Jackets, A (ilHIIt SUPPLY OF "DAMS MORMON'S." TUB manifested in the proceedings. Miss I write this from Room 1G, of the Salt afternoon, Mr. W. C. Rydalch retimed IV Harness, Undies, Ilit.t, Collars, etc, etc. ' Woollen Bailie Fsher' testimony was favorable A NTMIiER OF THE CELEI1RATED Lake Hotel, on as beautiful a Sabbath from Canada, where ho had been to pur- ..O..V,l,F.. 10 I HAVE STl llKllAKKIt AVAGUNS for Safe, cheaper to tho prisoner. The evidence disclosed as mortal ever aud experienced, ttian tln-- have ever hevn ,Oir,t l,..fi,,, in l,id just chase stock, bringing with him o DurDrawers, etc. Territory. after a naticnt ntt othing essentially different to the j a ov.1 I H.U ham bulls, ono weighing 2200 lbs; 14 Near the Utah Central Kiicinc Holme. Osrden of the affray already published, in the tabcrnaclo. Would you believe it, Call nt the Soooiul there were four or five thousand of these Durham cows and heifers, one of the T M. THOMA? A CO., COAL AM) LIMK and Judge Henley gave as his decision deluded Store, Main street, or at Kwlers. have f , assertibled on heifers heml a irood constantly people weighing 1510 lbs.; 2 yearlngs, SUPPLY COAL. Will, together in the .11 ,. .!.. h ll,.!v fht the testimony would not sustain tabernacle! And would you the Tilhiiig Oillce. further be- alo, 2 colts, a mare and stud, of the Car. at ISofCent- - on the Ton alxivo coat, for cash or him in holding the prisoner to answer lieve that old men and young, old women i rasn raiei. finsiiH-L. J. HEUTliriv. "Coachman" breed, and two pip, a Lime at the old place near the Theatre. thaQranJ Jury even for manslaughter, and maidens, each aud all, had the un- Cumberland and WW bushel of Shelled Corn wanted. I, a ISerkshire. Tnesc blushing impudence to unite in singing ''6m J. M. THOMAS A CO. and ooBsemiently ordered Lis discharge. our excellent orthodox hymn, are all for persons in Salt Lake City. & The Judge's decision was loudly ap"Come thou fount of every Idessing?" Mr. Rydalch left Detroit on 22nd ult.. CONSTABLE'S SALE. plauded, and Dell left the court with And after the singing in their blafphem- - and was detained Firxt and Talrtl Wards' three days in Mich- BV VIKTl'K OF A WKIT OK EXECUTION uuo minium- - oi mis glorious out pastorto me directed, issued hy L. 3. IIEIiKICK, kit friends, a free man. , in mid f,,r i.r,in ri.v f STORE. ale, tho preacher iu charge had the igan by storms. All tho stock has lome AMernuin Xorth-EiiUK)ii tha fiiarter of Lot'one il), Block audacity to pray; and, iu that praver, through safely. KlVS (,'). A XEW n l'lut Citv ll'ili. BRANDS OF , VIIC rl 'im,,l,,ll The Covernorliip. not only to invoke general blessings.'but Quarter of an Acre, the Proiertr of Peter Munsee of unid City, and will exose the Kaine at PiiMic also to specialize in behalf of their Dbess-makin1ST RECEIVED, A COMPLETE ASSORT-li- u Cassimeres, D. Etc. Mrs. ' The M. .Sale on the lireiniKes Iiupkh Mm .,,. ..r . Washington correspondent of the enemies Think of it! A Mormon nt of and 2 p.m., on Friday, the lath of January next, Stuart announces that she has irsta iuincy Whig, Gen. G. V. Rutherford, preacher praying for Culloiu, for Pat IMtn.'S AMI MEDICINES. Meltons, oi retr ine luiiunci. uue on a liniment rendered and is premred oy Aiiiernuin iierncK again tlie said .Munsee. A No. a Snlciiiliil fit.wk of mtv finiina ron. Connor, for P.eadle, and good chaplain class sewing-machinwrites to that paper as follows concernlor thirty didlars and t. hKIh runt and tlie cost nml Newman. Doeskins, to make is dresses one and cloaks of tho for most the laiics, of "Hit. C. F. M1DHLKT0X, Constuhlo. ing the Gofernership of Utah : beautiful aud quiet days I ever experi- at her residence on tho Bench. See Otdeu Citv, Decenilier 28th, 1S70. Jeans, l(4-:- t enced. These infernal M,irmnn imvn "Yesterday (Friday) the President ProHcriptiuua carefully prepared. the position of Governor of Utah closed all their places of business, and advt. f.Tln.T All t Il'tlpm npfimn Domestics, ill to Hon. 8. M. Culloin, and out of shame the Jews and the very Gentiles expressed MY IX aemre mat .Mr. Uulloiu would accept tho have done the same. There is not a POSSESSION THE FOLLOW, SPEC IAL, XOTICKS. Stripes, rllAVE C. uiiimuls. wl,i,-lif .. ..i..in..i pfllee, coupled with tho proviso that if whisky shop or gin mill open anywhere, will I'e 8ol,l at the Kutrav l'ouud, Ocdeil City Be did not Oesuink J kwklrt. The only eitab- - Jan. 7, 1S71, at 2 o'ehx'k ii in.: more s no urunkenncss. acoept it, he (the President) uuuauiim-uuOne Ilean COW, 8 years old, brand on left would make no change for the present. Imagine a city of twenty thousand in- nsunieni at wnicii DEALER IN genuino Jewolrj can Denims, ThU was done through Gen. Logan. habitants all duly sober, ijuiot, religious, be obtained in Ogden is at Parb & hinOnemt lcirihle. Spotted lban COW, i years old, nnderbit GENERAL This statement comes direct and reliable and honest on the Lord 8 day ! And Boksskl's, Main Street. Repairs MERCHANDISE, matly One lied COW, 4 years old. nnderbit in left It is distinctly asserted that Mr. Culloni think of the suffering such police regu- extx-iucu-. ah worK warranted. ltf DRY GOODS, ear. will not accept. The office and emolu- lations must inflict on the thousand-and-on- o a v.,. .,1.1 One Red Iliimlln HKIVKJ1 ments are considered insufficient, comloafiug vagabonds who come aud go iii phi leu ear. GROCERIES INkw i ear's Gift?. C. C. Asmtisicn's One rtlack LAMB, hide In left ear. pared with his prospects ia other direc- every day. As I write the streets are Mam Ono Salt I. AMU White Lake More, feteet, slit in rr,,i, City, is a One W hite tions." full of decent, well clad, comfortable AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ETC. WKIMKi: i,,,.l. l.i, ,,. ;i,. for elegant jewllery, e On this point we think that the head loosing peopio. fcome are going to, some repository nnu III U'll. sill A flood Suiinlv of MFfir viop watches and clocks and a splendid avtps are coming from church; some are on WILLIAM N. FIFK. TOOLS on Land. f each of these distinguished persons is thoir assortment of n ilm I"4"3 tnv. rl..m i.im AND , inat vuu " FURNISHINGS. ,U Poumlkeeper, Oeden City way to visit friends, and some are seloct j for New Year's. clear. We should think Utah would be presents HOME MANUFACTURE. promeuauing, tnat ttiey may enjoy God's the last place Cullora would choose as a clorious sunshine. It is firm n. fv;n,n M. D. Hammond has removed to new residence, and do not seo any reason clasp of the hand, and their a bright, geuiul smile; but everywhere there is premises opposite the Tithing Ofice, MAIN STREET, OGDEN, Locks, the Manufacturer of why Governorship of this Territory tho presence of a serene, contented &mt where he has for salo Schuttler warons, Calls tint attention of the Pnlilic to bis New and uould add to the cares of the President Assortment of joyous air. This, too, iu the wilds of wagon timber, iron, ploughsBuckeye Harness Trimmings, lm when the office is already filled. Let tne lvocKy Mountains, aud beside tho mowers, etc., at low prices. Tin Copper, Iron liatrs Surprise Boxes nnd Ton-Cor- n .,,. An.l th,a Mnmh Utah alone awhilo, that's the truo poli- - bitter waters of Ware, ivo, ai .iiHuosaic. Dry goods, groceries and liquors is the work of these rebellious Mormons. Cutlery, whica fte kces constantly on hand. Also, a good ui nrsi-cias- s at tne 1st and Brd A full supply of COXFKCTIOXERY, OR ANGES variety 01 An Ordiiiaiieo in ltelatlon " rd Store, quality Main Street, Ogden. Prois, fA.M'Y (.IIOCEK1ES, Tools. Carpenter's llOLOliNA Steam Mill. Attention is directed SAl SAGES, etc. to duce taken. of snperioriiality; all of which he oilers for sale IIOSEY IX THE COMB, clienn. to the advertisement of D. James and at as low figures as any that aro imported from Sec. 1. Be it h Mm r:i sg So mistake Williams & Co. Orders from Co., who are furnishing lumber at their Council of Off J en Tilv. that tho Country Stores solicited. N.B. Jb Work Afo. will sell lumber, cheanur than Ann otruiH punctually and neatly exocuted A FULL STOCK OF raw mill on the Middle Fork of Ogden of said city is hereby authorised and house in Ogden, at their neat the yard Xtver, at very low prices, and now offer empowered to give deeds of any lot, or junction umce. OCDEN TANNERY. to deliver it at any place in Ogden at lots, or parts of lots in YOU WOULD BE WELL FORTIFIED, TRT havo been or may be fold by the The IF Drugs aud Medicinrs at City LEATHER. reasonable rates. This is the firm that muncu oi sum Etc., Etc. Come to mv Tannepv nml km if T city, ana Bittn tlie same. the Pioneer Drusr Store. Main at n,ien "XTEAT OF THE It EST OITIITTV w;ii,e.ii it imr furnished so many lies, otc. for the con anu aeiiyer mem to me purchasers. are of the- finest, mmlitv tho ill,:, UUUi yon as (itK)D LEATHER as the best, and as cheap T V ' '"V, ,,v;n. l'ricss, always on hand at the as the cheapest in the market. of a.u. zu, the imto. i'eo. 7C-truction of tho Utah Central, deliver Liquors purest brands. II IDES aud BARK WANTED. LESTERJ. IIERRICIv, All Orders addressed to D. II. TEERY, ing nearly half a million of sawed tics JONATHAN BROWXTNO. lirS"- Genuine Drugs can be obttined ('llAinnnH Ogdeu City, will have prompt and lumber in ten weeks. They can fill Tuns. G. OliELL. Citv Recorder. at the 1st and orl Ward Store, Ogden. DItl-LSOne Door Smith of the Second Ward AXI attention. bills at any time during tho winter as Store, Weekly. l'oraerov's W'eillu nmnmt Precriptions made up by a practical their mill is run by steam. They offer is spicy ew lort paper, which can chemist. ZVIuiii Sti-oot,0tlM. STUART WISHES EVERYBODY to take stock and produce in exchange bo had for $2.50 a year. It is full of Jfe If you want a cheap lot of MRS. P.know PROPl'CE TAKEN" AT CASH RATES. that she has a for lumber and want a quantify of corn variety, is a good, readable family paper, aiuilv to Mr. H T5 SKWIXO MACHINE, and is prepared to do all and offers important inducements to kimls & Co's. of ilhams ment at the Sewing, on reaantmM terms, at her People' Own Market ami yard, Bear the Juxu- - Buy yonr immediately; clubs. Residence on (he Hi ndi. FOURTH uown un STREET, Four iiitd prices. niw uiuce. Works Superintendent. of the (.'.lice. (fai:, tail 1 . . TIIUKSDAY, DEC. WIIESilltyiETillL 170, : STEAM SAW MILT, NOW 1. OPENING! Middle Fork of Oden Hirer, jmr-rhu- per ing, per il't't. nt Winter Goods. ti,t Flooring and 1'ieke., V.Z.y per k y lf P. Bu.-Iu- pne-inn- ht Dc-Lain- os, J r, C. B. McGKHG OK, r.s, II Ai: WARE, SHAWLS, BLANKETS, , Main Street, 0len. OILS, PAIXTS, Bed Spreads. lies an ft Liquors. Kirat-Claa- a ... - at E. J. Jikc. mil ATKINS, .I...;-...- ... stokkb: hidiili: 100 SUITS Roacly - 3a,cLo CLOTHING, ll Shirts, rs STUDEBAKER WAGONS COAL YARD. v Ii(rkt 100 Cases BOOTS SHOES DRUCS&rEDICINES MVIIV STltEET, J o, 1 e, sixtv-nin- To-da- y e PURE LIQUORS. W00D3IAXSEeT Tl.li'ii, Prints. 111 -- hind-som- . I H. WALLACE, HALT IVICK CITY, CHARLES PEARCE, PURE CANDIES, and ..., STOVES lools. ' Meat for tlio People. GEOCEEIES, tf MEAT MARKET, 3 CtOlIt u. AN II. B. CLAWSOy, FIRST-CLAS- Ijtt Tithing , |