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Show guurtisw. 8be SATURDAY, every WEDNESDAY and COMPAST. bjtneOOBM PCSL13HIKO Fourth of July Celebration. a salute of three guna Wadsworth's Artillery. At from Capt. will be colors national the rise, sun hoisted by Col. D. Gamble, followed by a guns. "The salute of thirty-si- x Banner," by the Ogdcn Brass k Star-spangl- Band. At nine o'clock a.m. a procession will be formed on Union Square, by the Marshal, in the following order: Infantry, commanded by OGDEN CITY. FOR THE com- Lieut.-Co- l. W. Elmer. Ogden Brass Band, Capt. W. Pugh. Committee of Arrangements and Re- PIOXEEIt LIXE OF UTAH. UTAH UMBER OPENING: NOW porter. County Officers. THAN Prints, latest Styles- - IMPORTED. GARNER, MERRIMAC, DUNNELL, In addition to the above an AMERICAN, etc.) WEDNESDAYS & SATURDAYS, ARB PREPARED TO FCR.MSU THE Denims, of Ogden city and Vicinity with a Inhabitants Checks, Towelin nr U. P. BREWERY hail-stor- and our Mill running In the Best Orove of 20-t- PARPE R.R. Depot, Chamhrays, BOESSEL Irish Linen, Flowers Ribbons, 4.00 per Ton, RELIEF CJHOUTLY EXPECTED TO ARRIVE, DIRECT from the East, a (.nlendid Assortment of Spring1 Joists, Flooring Firwl sunt Thiris Wiml lXSTiTLTiOX, SEE. Thirkill Earl's. TOUEIGX. London. In the Lords, Russell moved for.acora their company mission to inquire into the means wheretrip to the north. They armed in Og- by union between England and her col den at noon, and went at once on board onies may be perpetuated. He consider' the cars, which were waiting to receive ed the great national armament now the vast, improvement made them at the Utah Central Depot, and pro afoot, and in the mode of warfare, made the ques eeeded to Salt Lake City. They were tion of our relations with the colonies all in good health and spirits, much grat one of great moment. He argued in fa tified with the journey, their reception vor of maintaining intact the colonial and dwelt particularly on the by the people and the scenes they had empire, preservation of the union with the tuna witnessed, and reported all moving well das. He regretted the withdrawal of RiTctixBD. President Young returned yesterday from northward and crops did. 8 and Inch laum- - Iiy ber and Slaectmg, Thousand. An endless variety of NOTIONS. FIRST-CLAS- S A Picketing, at $40. looking splcn Taylor Bbo's, Merchant Tailors, half a block west of the bank, Ogden. Horn Again. Hon. F. D. Richards nd C. W. Penrose, Esq., who accompanied President Toung on his trip north, returned home yesterday. They are both well and have enjojed themselves xceedingly during their absence from this eity. Welcome home, gentlemen. the parrison from Quebec as imprudent and impolitic. There was a terrible disaster on the Great Western railroad. A large excur sion train was run into by a freight train. Several cars were thrown from the track and three demolished. Thir teen persons were killed and from thirty to forty injured, some fatally. The police and military ofKervios, Belgium, were called out to suppress some disorder, and fought among tuem selves: the police were unarmed and were quickly driven off, many of them being badly hurt. Liverpool, You will find Fure Wines and A committee f the Commons, in in liquors at the First and Third Ward vestieatintr the diplomatic service, was informed by Lord Clarendon that tne Drug Store. Government had reason to believe that Remoiocs. Rev. E. E Bayliss of the United States intended to raise its Corinne, will hold religious services in mission to England to the first rank, and that the courtesy must be reciprocated me sitting room of the U. P. R. R. Tass-ngby the establishment of an embassy at on Depot, Sunday June 26th, at Washington in lieu of the present miser 10,30, a. m. On Tuesday, June 28th, per M. Alio, Grass Scythes, Cradles, BUI of Lumber VT of & BRO. OF GEOOEEIES. Adapted to the Season, always on band. Madrid In the Cortes Romero submitted a proev. of Lake Salt Pierce, City, will telegraph to the ject for a preach at the same place. Balearic Islands. The Imperial insists that tho Peninsula, Taylor Bko's, Merchant Tailors. under the house of Bragania, is the aim ve just received some new Spring goods, of the revolutionary party. 7,30, p. IS e SMITH & GO'S. LTJMBEE YAED One and a Half Blocks West of tho Junction Office, And near the U. C. R. II. Dnpot WJZ HAVE ON HAND A LAME QUANTITY of good Lumber, of varum sir.es to suit tho requirements of the purcuaxor. Aluo an immense uuantity of I'lcketa. all of which wj will sell cheap lor Cash, and Oram nt Cash price. K.b. All thoso persons wbom vte have accommodated, and who know thenjhoives induhtud to lis. are requested to come forward and nuiko selllo- tuent wituin one nioutn ana wive costs. 6MIT1I L Co, l'roprietors. JOHN TAKE ALL KINDS OPPAY, Eggs, Butter, productions of the Farm. Floor, or other AT $4.00 HOME Store Pay at cash rates, or even Cash Itself not Shingles On good All Order, addressed to D. H. PEERY, Ogdou City, will hate prompt attention. "LATHER AND SHAVEM." FORMERLY OF THB THOMAS, OriImi House and well known as an accom milO.MAS JT. l--tr li. TOIT MANUFACTURE. Tin, Iron and Copper Ware, wnica ne keeps constantly on hand. variety of CLA Aiso, a good STOYBS, of superior quality; all of which he offers for sale at as low figures as any that are imported from the Eat. N.B. Job Work punctually aud neatly executed 12-'i-m C. WOODHAXSEE, 3Xniu GENERAL Street, Option, DEALER IN MERCHANDISE, GROCERIES, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMEPJTS,ETC. A Good Supply TOOLS on hand. wsox, Superintendent, of MECHANICS' . Mm OCDEM TANNERY. IF tf PER MAIN Sill LET, OUKCN, Calls the attention of the Public to his Naw and Splendid Assortment of Sheep, Cows, Work Cattle; Wagon, etc. The Stock is complete in CHEAPER Til AX EVEIt all Departments. OFFERED BEFORE. arc on exhibition at Nathaniel Leavitt s, Main-at- ., Onden, I' tali. CALL AND EXAMINE TITEM.-f- c Wagons furnished to order. 45-2ISAAC MOORE. TO NOW furnish tho host quality Coal Also Stock ot any kind: Territory of tho plished knight of the sciison and blade, has one ned business on Main street, a little north ol N. Leavitt's. He asks for the patronage of his old fronds and or all wbo want a clean shave in an easy ehair, with light hand and a keen raior. Htf COAL! COAL! PKLPARED SPIUOOS IS on the Cars at Kcho. All orders to be addressed John FpriOT, Coal y ville, Summit county, L'taii Torritory. FOR Machine combined. Tho Machine, and a largo assortment of Wagons, I To FARMERS and MER CIIAXTS of UT.ill we offer this advantage: We will FACT, KirbyReaping <fo wing m, 30-1- 1 DRY GOODS, sion. at WESTERN LAGER BEER HALL, North side of Union Square, Main Street, Ogden, where they can be supplied with that Artxle, of the very best quality, and at reduced prices. per thousand ovsr Ogden price. We are also prepared In furaith 2rIIalf a Biock Wost of the Bank, Ogden Clty.1i IS AGENT WHO PKLIfiUT IN A ALL PERSON'S JL Glais of tine Sparkling lieer, pleaso call at the refused. Gents' Own Materials Made Up. MOORS, OGDEN CITY, NOTBCE. mo will deliver la Salt Lake City at an advance 12.&0 At Market Rates: KINDS ALL SHOES, AND STATIONERY. CHARLES PEARCE, Hoes, Cansimeres, Cloth, Vehitinfjs, ctn. TgAAC cheaper than any other boose In Hay-rake- s, Forks. TO THE FARMERS OF UTAH. a Bill for Building will do the line. Rakes, Eeapers, Mowers and w agons. Parties requiring Snaths, Tlaving carried on business succcsefully in Salt Lake City tor the last ten years, feel confident that they can give sausiaction to tne resiuems oi uguen, A choice collection of i BOOTS, 2Mm well to give us a call, aa we will furnish a General UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM numerous f ieuds and the public generally located himself on has be thut MAIN STKEET, in Ogden, South of White House, and is now prekinds of Clock:,, Watches and all wired to ronair Jewelry at the shortest notice, in a workmanlike manner and on terms to suit the times. Tithing Office orders taken at par lor worn. 47-- tf J AM .3 tUUlUUAJl ool, CAPS, win at $35 pens? THE JOHN TAYLOR IlItKaS AM) MED5CIXE3, X.B. Prescriptions carefully prepared STKAW HATS pall-beare- rs CALL Have on hand a splendid Stock of tAhewise an excellent Asaortmnt of 20-t- 3'J-- tf It lu 12 T, MAIN 00HT DO, Citmicalt Oils, Paints, Glass, otc, MENS' AND BOYS' & Wert's, Ovvosite Biihop Flooring, Finish OF LARGE QUANTITY SPRING GOODS, ing lumber and BOOTS & SHOES. ss Sti-- tf HATS, Grain Wuminor we think hlch, together ill enable us to supply our ctHtmno.n nnd the public generally with such articliu as tiiey need, at prices that cannot fail to ,v gatitiarliuu. I'leae call snu esamine oci"r trying ui;ku"i. lul.cn Wheat, Corn, Harley, Outs, Isutter mid in exchanif" lor !. at llio hiticl Market NOT CASH KEILSLU. prices. NEW STOCK sun-dow- ml (itxxls, with our prewnt Stock, KINDS OF IScanis, Shakers, FEMALE 1JJ8TITUTIQ?J, MAIN STREET, OUBEK, Tim- Scantling, Parasols, T EN 1) Second District Zhou's OPERATIVE MERCANTILE CO Planlk, Swiss Muslin, COAL! COAL! BTJIirsirVG COAL! S C P ERLN at the following rates: ALL Freight or JOSEPH A. YOUNG. E XT. ber in Utah, we will furnish Lumber, at the C. P m $1.75 Ticket and Freight Agent. Having a Large Supply of every kind on hand, Ginghams, Si") D. 0. CAI.DF.R, Cheaper than ever before offered to the Public. Silicias, fl.no For all Information apply to LUMBER, Cambrics, pur- FARES: OF 5 Lake City, entitle the Ogden to KaysTille " Farmlngton " Ccntreville " Wood's Crose f Salt Lake City Article First-Clas- s fait chaser of a ticket to return on the same day and train free, and will stop hy arraigns witu tho Conductor, at any point on tho lino to take ou or let off passengers. PoHMngers will please purchase their tickets t the offl'-ea- . Fifty cemts additional will bo charged wheu the fare is collected on tho train. J. WILLIAMS & CO. Domestics, THUS ACCOMODATION' Leaving Oprden City 6 a.m. and 4.40 p.m. on which full fare mil ANY (SPRAGDE, Leave Salt Lake City daily at 5 a m. and 1.U p.m. Arrive at Ogden at T a.m. and 1.45 p.m. WILL RUN CHEAPER A FULL SUPPLY OF Ela reported a bill providing for refunding, to the State of Mass., the interest on the money expended on tho Ky. rnilE BKST BEER IN WEBER COUNTY, coast defences in the war of 1812. Forty-fou- r Young Ladies, under the J manufactured and for sale in quantities of N. Y. Troy, from Five uallous and upward at Landt s Brewery, direction of Miss R. Canfield. of Ogden. A tremendous here has on Burch Creek, four miles south-eaUruors will saloons and families supplied. Forty-fou- r Young Gentlemen, under done great damage to the fruit. It is deceive prompt attention. also reported at Albany, Binghampton the direction of Mr. E. Freeman. A. la: dt, rropnetor. f Citizens and Strangers, under the and Poughkeepsic. J. H. Itowley, ofElmira, a miller, and & direction of II. S. Wheat, Esq. Mcltisha Barton, were drowned by being Mam Strtet, Ogdcn Viiy, the under and at Schools, down a a in run boat Sunday Day propeller, by Watchmakers, Jewelers & (I tinsmiths. Milton. direction of their respective teachers. Agents for American and Elgin "Mines. Keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Buffalo. Bear Guard of Cavalry, commanded Sue Jewelry, Foreign atches, duns. Pistols, and Gen. Starr and Col. Smith have gone Ammunition ol all kinils. G. P. Capt. Taylor. do to examine our Stock to the will well Purchasers ly charge Washington to answer before purchasing elsewhere. When the procession is formed, it will pending in tho U. S. Circuit Court conRepairing carefully done aud all work warranted. inarch along Main street to the residence cerning tho Fenian raid. lm Springfield. of Msyor Farr, where his honor, the The past two days have been terribly Members of the City Council and invited hot, the thermometer standing at 98 in quests will be received and assigned the shade. Rain is much needed in this their position in the procession, which section, but the crops arc not suffering will then proceed down 1st North street, materially. CO. ARE SOW PREPARED TO Chicago. X furnish the best quulity of Coal, at and along 1st West street to the Taber- Tho TriUtnt't Washington special says SecBtcle, where it will be seated in that among the applicants for the is General B. F, Utah of retaryship order. on the tars, at Echo. Shaw, of Dixon, 111. Another man put National Anthem by the Ogden Cboir, in his application in less than an hour Co.. Coal All order iddrouod to RODIXSON led by Frofessor W. Pugh. ville, Summit County, Utah, will meet with prompt after Coi. Crowe's death. attention. Providence Prayer by the Chaplain, David M were struck by lightMany buildings Stewart. ning and several persons injured. Whip Music by the Band. ple's wheelwright shop and Stone, Barnes ami of Declaration of Independ Spraguo s premises, at Grcnville, Reading were struck by lightning, set on fire and ence, by A. Thorne, Esq , to be followed destroyed; loss tixtccn thousand dolASSOCIATION, lay a salute of thirteen guns. lars. MAIN STREET, OGDEN. D. Oration by the Hon. F. Richards, Denver, 21. The Denver Pacific Railroad will be RELIEF SOCIETY BEG TO Orator of the Day. rpiIEcallFEMALE the attention of the Ladies to their business the for to J opened day; formally Salute of one gun. rack is now laid to the suburbs of the Speeches by the Hon. L. Farr, Judge city of Denver, and within two miles of OF A. Miner, R. Keithley, Esq. and other the depot. liinghampton. distinguished gentlemen. A fire, on Sunday.destroyod the stocks etc. Songs, toasts, sentiments, of Hallett Brothers, Parker & Webster Consisting of Artificials, Feathers, Ribhous, Ilats, etc., etc. Music by the Band. and G. T. Barnes & Co.; loss heavy, in A fine assortment, for sale, cheap. f surance $40,000. Salute. Baltimore. Benediction by the Chaplain. The funeral of Jerome Napoleon Bona ATTENTION, LADIES! Ia the afternoon, athletic ei;rcises at OF ALL KINDS MILLlNtRY was the Among parte, quite private. FIRST-CLASMrs. PENROSE'S, on the East side of Jones' Grove; dancing in the principal were Revcrdy Johnson, Main of South a little Ogden Uouse. Street, Hon. Thomas Swan, John A. Dit and balls of the city. Hats, Bounets, Uabies iloous, etc, niaas u Commodore Purviana. order. At a salute of one gun. Straw and Tuscan Goods cleaned and altered to San Francisco. the latest Fashions. disAt night, illuminations and grand The Board of Supervisors has author- GOOD WORK OCARAJiTLED. zed the Mayor to offer a reward of 5, play of fireworks. AlVD EST 000 for the apprehension of the parties tST" Gcntlexes wanting first-clawho tampered with the ballots in the Tailors should go to First Ward, in the recent election. JEWELRY AND WATCHES. & led by Mr. Wm. iro, BETTER AND 5.1m 7 AFTER will leave Ogden daily at 8 a.m., and 6.80 p.m. Arrive at Salt Lake City at 10 a.m. aud 7.30 p.m. Trains 0. $29,977,-30- if THURSDAY, MAY lO NOTICE! Uillvillc District. The army bill, appropriating was passed. Thirteen Veterans, RAILROAD. 1 STREET i h. UTAH CENTRAL ON AND MAIN STREET PROGRAMME. Wads-wort- LumbeR OGDEN HOUSE, Fife, Marshal of the day; jlr. J. Hall, Reporter. jU seven o'clock p.m. the committee ,et in the City Hall, arranged and adopted the following Guard of Cavalry, manded by Major G. J. Wright. Artillery, commanded by Capt. WHITE HOUSE, Washington. In the Senate Drake introduced a joint D. resolution, extending the operations of the internal revenue law to foreign teleBest of Accommodations and graph companies, having offices in the Iteasouable Charges. United States ; referred. Sumner's amendment for penny post age was rejected 19 to 29, aud Nye's for a two cent postage 23 to 28, and for al OGDEN, U T. lowing all newspapers to go free to bon- - First-Clas- s Board $8.00 per Week. afide subscribers in the United States 23 & COHEN, Proprietor, BAMBERGER to 25; also Drake's allowing five hundred dollars to each member of the Sengfgy Free Bus to and from the Depots. ate and House for postage. 43-- m lu. tiie evening session, bills were in troduced authorizing the President to open negotiations with the British North American provinces for their admission as States of the Union ; also for the annexation of Dominica, providing the OGDEN, U.T. HATING BEEN public surrender to the United btates millS FAVORITE HOISE. X recently renovated, nd furnished throughout the public buildings and fortifications with patent Spring Bods, the Proprietor feels conto be incorporated as a State in the Un fident in being able to give entire satisfaction to f amilies, aud the Traveling comHoarders, ion, the United States to pay 1,102,000 Lay at a reasonable price. The table is supin gold to liquidate the debt of Domini munity,from both the California and Home markets. plied ca. Also a supplementary act fur the A Hack will run to and from the Track to carry free of charge. relief of the widows and orphans of the passengers to the Ho'se Attached to the House Is a t'INC BAR and crew of the Oneida. SODA FOUNTAIN. JOHN MAIION The Post Office appropriation bill came Ogdon, Utah, May 29, 1S70. up and Trumbull's amendment limiting the franking privilege to the departments were rejected, 22 to 215. llauisey s proposition to repeal the franking privilege to the departments was rejected, 26 to 28. Casscrly voted for repeal, and Cole, Corbett, Nye, Stewart and Williams against it. The bill was then passed. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT A The consular and diplomatic approMining District was orpin led May 28, 18,0, at h. Edwards saw Mill, thence priation bill was considered in a com- commencing running up the centre of Blacksmith's Fork river, mittee. Among the amendments was in a direction to tne eastern bound one for a Consul General in Liberia, and ary line of Cache County, thence along aaid line to centre the North main rork ol Iogan river, another raising the Japan mission to the thenre Wen following that stream to a point due highest grade. The bill was then re North of said mill, thence South to the place of bec:nnine. ported to the Senate. CHARLES W. HCL8R was duly elected Re The House considered and passed the corder of Milville District. fortification bill, appropriating $1,205,-75FREDERICK TEATES, Secretary z. c. m. i. 1 Col. W. N. Advanced AMEHICAX. MAI ments. day-brea- HOTELS. RE-OPENE- Council On Thursday last the City named the gentle following appointed the make necessary arrangeoieuis man to Fourth of July for celebrating the this in city: next W. Thompjmes McGaw, Esq., Col. S. Bamberger, R- W. Reynolds, son, and D. H. Peery, Geo. Rodford, Esqrs., Hon. A. F. Farr, committee of arrange- At BY TELEG11APIL YOU WOULD BE WELL FORTIHZD, LEATHER. TOY Come to my Tannery and seo if I will not te you as GOOD LEATHER as the best, and as cheap as the cheapest in the market. Lumber Yard, In HYDES and BARK WANTED. Due notice will be given of JONATHAN BROWNING. security we will also give time, on MM PATMEyr, for large orders. W shall open an extensive Ogden, In a few days. locality. Parties in Salt Lake City tan look out, as we shall open up ther In our line in a few weeks, and give every one a chance to build and Improve at cheap rates. All communications to be addressed for the present to JOSHCA WILLIAMS CO, Weber Station, C. P. R. R. 44-l- y ESTRAY. HAVE IN MY rOSSEFSIOX TUB FOLLOW-tn- g described animal: One small Brown Horse, 6 years old. branded K L on left thi(su,y.hite stri, . will in face, hind fet white, which, if not --Tlh day of the on Monday, Auction beaold by June neit, at the Estray Pound. Ogdcn. Wm. N. FliE, Puundl.enr'T, Ogden, Ogden City, June lth, U10. I to-- s ' |