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Show rfuf (ftntu h? (PAL Zt m 0" (Dgta function ...Wished every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, PuBUsmso Company. by the Oaoss ...... (hi&fufiut six Mouths ree Mouth. Hinnle Copy - 00 2.00 .10 - 5 3a s a a v4 N & , rH C 2 o $2 $3 $5 $8 $15 $ 20 25 3 S T 10 18 .1 I 911 21 30 30 40 8 1" 60 11 18 19 25 45 20 30 34 45 75 100 ,"1ilarel0lines, " ? Colnmm A u I x 35 $ 60 40 70 80 50 65 100 90 135 135 2O0 $5 per mouth. juinoffl Cards Transient advertising to be paid for In advance. this A Square consists of ten lines of type of 8' Yearly advertisers allowed to change at pleasure, charge of twenty-fiv- e with only the additional nti t square fur composition, but they will befor UXTUA occupying epaco over conhrged "ftoscial Notices or Advertisements retained on n the outside of the paper, will be charged twenty-rates. on above the additional cent per advertisements not marked on the copy with the at our option until ordored out, and charged at transient number of insertions, will be published "ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted till forbid, will be until ordered out, in every instance, and ( mtinnedfor accordingly. ciarjed The privilege of yearly and half yearly advertisers I restricted to their direct line of business, and til Leirnl, Auction, Real Kxtate, or other advertisement foreign to their regular trade, will be charged for separately. No Advertisements from the Stntos will be inserted without the cash (at our advertised rates,) accompanying the order, unless from one of our reralar aiithorined Advertising Agents. to the All communications devoid of interest puWic, or intended to promote private interests, and payment rill be charged as advertisements, required in advance. If personal in character, we reserve the right to reject any article, or advertisement of this class. FRANKLIN D. RICHARDS, Editor. C. W. PENROSE, Associate Editor. 0CDEN DIRECTORY. United States Ofllccrs for Utah. : ' : Governor J. Wilson Shaffer, S. A. Mann. Secretary Manhal M. E. Patrick. U. S. Attorney C. II. Hempstead, Supt. Indian E. Tourtellotte. Affairs-- 3. C. Clements. J. B. Overt- Surveyor-Gueral- of Public Monie Receiver on. Registrar of Land Offtct George R. Maxwell. U. S. Assessor John P. Taggart. O. J. Hollister. U. S. Collector Chief Justice C. C. Wilsen. Associate Justice 0, F. Strickland and .Hawley. . UTo. g 2 3 I 51. OtJI)i:, to Delegate William Congrett - II. p Zerubbabcl snow. Mart hal J. D. T. McAllister. William Clayton. AM 4 Treaturer David 0. Caldcr. $u;erintendent of Common School Robert. L. Campbell. I I Attorney-Gener- , Weber Count j Officers: and County Judge l'robatt F. D. Richards. Select M?n Lester J. Hcrrick, Henry Holmes, Richard Ballantync. Clerk and Recorder F. S. Richards. Aurelins Miner. Prosecuting Attorney Kotary Public William Critchlow. Men Gilbert Belknap. Deputy Sheriff William Brown. Attestor and Collector Sanford Bing- j ham. Israel Canfield. N. Fife. Surveyor and Superintendent of School --Wni. W. Burton. Treasurer Coronir-Vi- m: City Government: Incorporated by Act of Jan. 18, 1801. Municipal election biennially on the econd Monday of February. Meetings of the City Council weekly, on Tuesday evenings, at City Hall, Main Street. Loren Farr. Mayor Aldermen- - F. A. Brown, 1st Ward; L. A. Counselors J. Ilerrick, J. Shupe, James 2d 3d Mc Gaw, Walter Thompson, William W. Burton, Josiah Leavitt, Israel Canfield. Mecordcr Thos. G, OdelL Attornrt A. Miner. Marshal W. N. Fife. Treasurer Aaron Farr. Assessor and Collector S. Bingham. Surveyor W. W. Burton. Captain of Police V. G. Taylor. Justice of the Peace S. Eggleston. Constable C. F. Middleton. Ogdcii Post Office: Postmaster Isaac Moore. General Delivery from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sundays, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Daily Mails closk, until further notice, for Salt Lake 3.30 p.m. City at For the East 6.30 a.m. For the West 3.30 p.m. ARRIVE From Salt Lake City From the East West - 7.30 a.m. 4.80 p.m. 7.30 a.m. MAILS "lose for North Ogden on Monday at p.m. For Plain City, on Thursday, at 6.30 p.m. For Huntsville, on Tuesday and Friday, at 8 p.m. SEMI-WEEKL- Y Leave Ogden V V li H I UTAH, SATURDAY, JUXI3 25, 1S70. BY TELEG11AP1L In that he declines a monument, but rests his fame on his published works. Ho also urges his children to practice AJIEHICAX. in a broad spirit, and not to Christianity Washington. The House Territorial committee, to- accept the narrow construction of any day, decided to report a bill for the ad- man or sect. The Dean closed with a mission of New Mexico as a State, with glowing tribute to the illustrious dead. Faris the title of Lincoln. The organization V Univers publishes the following: of the Indian Territory ig to be called "Rome 18th yesterday Cardinal Patris-se- i, Douglas. speaking in the name of the sacred New Tork. college, congratulated the Pope ou the was a scorching day; the Yesterday occasion of his entrance upon the thermometer at three p. m., was a year of his pontificate and and eighteen in the sun; in twenty-fift- h the shade there was a little breeze stir- expressed a desire for a definition of the The Pope mads of infallibility. ring. The street cars were almost stop- dogma a significant reply, insisting on the danped, owing to the effects of the heat on the men and horses. Three mad dogs ger of the spirit of emancipation in the church. running along tho streets were shot by The Emperor is still indisposed, but the police. The usual Sunday murder was perpetrated, Win. Hamilton, a fire- there is nothing in his condition to exman, shooting, fatally, Patrick Friell, a cite alarm. Lisbon, 20. letter carrier, in a quarrel about some The dcrees abolishing the death penaltrifling matter. Tho steamer G. B. Upton has arrived ty and pensions will appear Madrid. from Aspiuwall. Tne officers confirm Petitions in favor of Montpcnsier for the previous reports of the capture and destruction of the first expedition, which king are being circulated here and in left this port on the 16th of May. They the proiinces. Representations were made in the Cortes that many of the report the successful landing on the return trip of a hundred men and addi- signatures attached were spurious. Havana. tional supplies, taken aboard at Aspin-wal- l. The English steamship Doria, with the The landing was effected on an new West India cable ou board has arriunfrequented part of the coast, and one infested by Spaniards. The officers of ved at Porto Rico, after a pleasant pasthe Upton knew nothing of the fate of sage. Sir Charles Bright, one of the the first expedition until they reached originators of the new enterprise was a New York. The entire cruise was made passenger. The laying of the cable between St. Thomas, Porto Rico, and Jaunder the American flag. maica will begin immediately. festiThe manager of the Beethoven's City of Mexico. val concerts acknowledges the loss of An earthquake, on the 11th of May, $40,000. was felt at Tabasco ; all tho churches Chicago. The weather; on Sunday, wig ex- and nearly all the private dwellings at eiauulta were thrown to the ground; tremely hot, the thermometer at 9 a. m. near Pachulta the roads were rendered 71 in the shade. deg. being John McNeil, a printer, died of sun- impassable by rocks from the mountain sides. stroke. A Washington's specialsays that news It Woxt Comb Up. Many of the has been received there of the death, on Saturday, at his home in Alabama, of friends of the Cullora Bill, who are anx C. C. Crowe, whose appointment as Secious to see that "precious" thing pass retary of Utah was confirmed on Friday and become a law, have been calling evening. y opens with scorching heat, the lustily for sometime past, to have it thermometer at 8 a. m. being 80 deg. in brought up at an early day. But the the shade. bill appears to be very stubborn, and The crop reports from Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan, on the whole. like the "spirits of tho vasty deep" it are very favorable. The dry weather will not couio. which prevailed during May did some From the Daily Globe, of the 11th inst, injury; but subsequent rains have, to a we learn that another call was made for great extent, prevented damage, and the most intelligent opinion is that wheat, it, Mr. Fowler said, "Let that he in the States named, will be nearly or passed over!" The presiding officer quite an avcrags crop, while corn, al- said, "The bill will be passed over ob most universally, looks well. The wheat harvest in Southern Illinois commenced jection being made." And it was pass last week, and the yield is reported ed over. hun-dundr- y. . To-da- Territorial Officers: Hooper. n The heart is like a river, Wherein two Currents flow One to the Futiiro leading. One to the Long Ago. On toth the banks are roses, On both the sun is cast, Hut the current which is smoothmt Flows over to the past. Devoted to News, Literature, Agriculture, Science, and the Arts. BATES OF ADVERTISING. g VfTTfiY IB I I TT an 0(jI)E LIU TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. The Future and the Fast. Trains daily, until further no-fSalt Lake City at 8 a.m. and '0p.m. (For extra trains Bee time Table.) For the East, at 7.25 a.m. For " West, at 6.35 p.m. Arrive from Salt Lake City, 7 a.m. Dl 4.45 p.m. From the East, 4.25 p.m. froai the West, 6.35 a.m. good. Near Woodstock, on Friday even a Oermau woman, 111., New Novel. Mrs. Annie Fitch, wife of Hon. Thomas Fitch, Representative ing, airs. tVertzcl, while temporarily insane, attacked with in Congress from Nevada, has published an axe and razor her son aged eighteen, and daughter aged eight, inflicting ter a new novel, entitled "Round down, Or rible injuries; she then cut her own Lifo and its Possibilities." We hope the fair author will send us throat. The children may recover but a copy. she will die. Windsor. VOl I. Conflict With a Maul Lion. WARREN singular contest took place lately in a Mexican village near Monterey. The Periodico Official of that city gives the particulars : two young brothers, Eugenio and Jose Maria, sons of Don Fraucisco Can- tu, were engaged in cleaning out a well. at a place called Los Positos. Sudden ly a rabid lion appeared and violently rushed upon one of the young men, knocking him senseless to tho The other young man, twenty ground. years of age, on seeing the imminent danger or his brother, rushed in turn upon tho beast, who immediately abandoned its prey and furiously fuccd the one who intended to dispute him. Joso Mann possesses extraordinary strength, and having succeeded in draw ing bis arms around the beast in an ad vantageous manner, he attempted to choke it, The young man anil beast rolled on the ground for some time, and finally the beast freed itself from the hold of its oppressor, in a dying condition, and the brave Cantu finished kill ing it by smashing its head with an agricultural instrument which he was using at the time when be was attacked. The two young men were hurt more or less; the beast was attacked hydrophoo, PerioiJico Ojtirial PROSPECTUS (if TMK LIKE HERALD. SALT C. L. PAHLER, Ill'SSEV, Salt Lak City. A bia. UNDEKMCN KI WILL, IV A VKW PAYS, the publication of the SALT LAKE KRAI. II, a mw Morning Journal. The 11 KHALI) will Ik- - strictly a It will contain (lie Intest Locul, Uciiprul and Korclirn to ami aim will and hy Ni'h Mail, pre Bent to its rtalfr8,at tha uirliest potillo moment, the miwt intervtiiiK ituma of uo gathered from all part of the iclolie. It will he independent in tone, and it editorial will trt;at current Upica of interest in a straight- - mm m ux - sti:i:t, ogdex, AND SALT LAKE CITY. IValers in Gold Dnt. Coin and Currency. Draw Exchange on Fan Francisco, Muntaita, Denver, St. Louis, New York, and all parts of Europe. Collections promptly attended to, Itf A. MIIViaR, ATTORNEY COUNSELOR. & Ofllcc opposite Ok1cii Hotel, CITY. OGDEN All kinds of legal business promptly attended ttr to. CITY LICENSES. To nil whom it may concern. IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT vngaged in llnsiness in Ogden City, Iter which the City Ordi nances provide that a license must be obtained,) without first procuring a license are liable to be taken before any Alderman of said City, aud be subjected to a Fine. l?y order of the City Council, NOTICE LOUIN FARR, Mayor. THOS. Ge. ODELL, City Recorder. o The Office of the City Recorder Is at the Office of the "Ogden Junction," Seventies' Hall, near the U. C. R. K. Station. Office Hours from lOfl. m. till 3 p. m. E. G A UN, The Editorial Pepnrtment will lie under the charireof KDWAKI) L. SLOAN. A WEEKLY HERALD will he issued as soon as the uecessury inateriul for it arrives. for the Salt Lake Herald: (I'uUMnwI Year 6 Months 3 Montlis -- - every morning except Momlays.) $0.7.1 Js.im 1 Mouth 4. m I Week IN Wines & Liquors. SAMPLE AXD SALESROOM ON Salt Lake Herald, Salt City. MAi:sr STIIEET, Ogden City, Utah. KDWAKI) L. SLOAN, M. C. DLNUAK. Excelsior Hills!! NEAR OaDEN CITY. Eight business houses were burned Correspondence. here, 20 July, most of the goods were Vie are. now prepared to exchange thousTotal remtT-'d. loss, ten Vie have just received the following safely and, light insurance. The fire is sup- letter from Major S. M. Blair, director CLOTH AND YARN FOR WOOL. posed to have been the work of an inof the Union Iron Works: cendiary. One pound of Oreaso to every eight pounds of Fortress Monroe. Iron City, Iron County, Utah, Wool wdl lie required, if it is not furnished the A military force has been sent to drive June Cth, 1870. price of the grease will be deducted from the wool. the negro squatters from a farm at Ocean Editor Ogdes Junction: View. Dear Sir: I am instructed by the Beef and all kinds of Soft Grease Cincinatti. members of the Union Iron Company to taken in Exchange for The grand Sangerfest picnic occurred tender our thanks for sending you y ; forty thousand persons were us copies of your very interesting A3V1 present. The steamer engaged in car- paper, and especially for your excellent to the the into ran rying parties picnic article on iron. first-claFULLER and a bridge and knocked down her chimThe Agent of the Company has been CjT Wanted a FINISHER. neys, demolished the pilot house and in instructed to forward you a year's subjured several persons, creating an in scription for the Junction. We hope it tense panic. Many were restrained, with will continue to advocate the interests of K WOALL, PlGSLEYACo. difficulty, from jumping overboard. home manufacture, and that, through St. Louis. our united efforts, we shall, ere loug, The board of army officers, of which become a people. is Schofield General President, appointWe expect our engine, etc., will arrive ed by Gen. Shearman to select and re- in a few days. 1 am, sir, yours respectfully, port upoa small arms and accoutrements for use in the United States army, conS. M. Blair. cluded its experiments last week. Sevensets of accoutrements and carty-two The decrease of the public debt durtridge boxes were presented for the in- ing the month of May was $14,901,909. subspection of the board. Ihe board Last week 12,687 emigrants arrived VISTTINO SALT LAKE CITY ARE jected all arms to rigid experiments, the TADIES invited to call and examine the result of which will bo promulgated only at New York. Choice Stock of Oood at tlm through the official reports. Among the Lady Buggins is the name of a noble arms tested were several sent by EuroEnglishwoman. some use in and by foreign pean parties next door to the Banking limine of II nosey, Pahler governments, but although excellent New Yorkers drink about 200,000 I Co., Eat Temple Slreet, where they will find a weapons they were found inferior to glasses of soda water a day during the very nice stock of many American inventions. season. Summer MILLINERY, They have harmonized the tactics for the three arms of the service as far as Never be above your calling, or be FEATHERS, practicable, and introduced many new afraid to appear dressed in accordance FLOWERS, and important revolutions, and simpli- with the business you are performing. DRESS TRIMMINfiS, fied the whole system of commands, esPatti never travels unless accompaENWERCLOTIIING, tablishing them upon a regular and uniform basis. A commit'ee of the board nied by a pet poodle, of which she is Sundowns Shakers, Hats, is now at Fort Hayes, where companies very fond. lion nets, and are assembled to allow of the new tacMaine is bragging of a matron, in tics being practically tested. her seventeenth year, tho mother of ('enornl Notions. San Francisco. four children. Musgrave, Governor of British ColPRICES THE SAME AS IN was united to Miss Field, umbia, A family of nine brothers and sisNew of David of Field, Dudly daughter ters in Maine has never been invaded EASTERN CITIES. Governor York. Bishop Kip officiated. death. The youngest is 02 and the by Haight and Mayor Selby were present, oldest is 79. Millinery and Dressmaking in all their Branches I have on hand a larfre Stork of the Celebrated BHAWAN, I.EK RUN, CROW, BOWEN, AM) SIIAKI'S BRANDS of Kentucky Whiskeys; Also, a LARGE STOCK of CASE LIQUORS. CASE WINES. CHAMPAGNES. CATAWBAS, ETC. KTC, Call and examine my Stock. Xcarlj Opposite White House. ss S. S. TUCKEK, 38-- tf MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, SALT LAKE CITY NEW MILLINERY Establishment, Ratic' Hood, y executed with promptitude. FORE1C1X. Carpenter, .Tolner, uml Odliiiet 3Inlcer, ptrnnge that the gold must vuiuslt Out of the sunny hair, Strange that the silver spiaueth Nets for the old to wear. Strange that the wrinkles trample Out the young faces bhwin. Life shadows that. In evening. Over bright pictures come. How a RldrIowlIow W on a Jlotlj Coutt'Ntt'd Rsu-i'- . performance at Wednesday, the Enquirer RolutWe to Bafllo's Cincinnati, says : Some little trouble 'wan had at tli start, tliouirh the second attempt wouM have been successful had not lliililo, who had the pole, been held. At the third attempt the drum wag tapped, tne ouy again loitering, and in the sudden spring forward stumbled and threw his rider before the string was passed, lie v.a not to bo baffled in this atyle, however, and free of weight, pulled forward in 8ii leaps to a good fourth position, the favorite having gotten on nrat, iiuuy second, and the filly third. Tho rider- less nicer pulled up alongaide the leader at the quarter, and before tho half-mile post was reached was leading tne tavor-itwith a clear length of daylight to spare, amid tho cheers of the excited aud amused spectators, the only ones not enjoying the huge sport at this moment being the backers of the wild lender, who was, of course, to bo ruled out. to tho three-quartSo from the half-wathey kept, CaBle leading, O'Malley ft good avamvd tnd. gaining, liiddy Malone third and running well, and the nameless one a tolerable fourth. So, too, they flashed under the Btring and to tho quarter where tho Irishman took the lead, the bay seeming to have enough of this running for fun, fulling to In rear and filly to a good third position, llcforo the half-wa- y post was again reached, however, Baffle had again swept up to the front and was a free leader, unconsciously forcing the pace of all. At the Biddy pressed tho favorite hard, and the three leading horses were well bunched for a moment. As they swung into the homestretch the mare lapped the brown horse amid the cheers of her friends, and was neck and neck with him before the distance stand, where she showed ahead, Baffle leading her under the string by five lengths and she reached the goal second, with a length and a half to spare, winning the dash in 3:.'!'., O'Malley third, and the The filly a poor fourth. judges ruled, and properly, that a race begins at the tapping of the drum, and, not at the passing of the string, and that therefore Baffle, having been unweighedi after the race was begun fairly, the money on him was lost. e rs Only Five Ciit. Five cents each morning only a mere triflo. Thirty-fiv- e ceuts a week not much ; yet it would buy sugar and butter for a whole family, $18 20 a year and this amount invested in a savings) MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Half-bloc- k MINE-RAL- 24-- 1 OYSTERS. 17-t- Mrs. STENllOUSE, 34-- tf GROUND TO LEASE. DR. R. TIBBITS, PhyHlciaiifuidHnrrfcon. t. lentiwt, B9-- Bobtail Ore is a city in Colorado. Michigan complains of invasion by of potato bugs. m DR.WM.H. GROVES, BUSINESS CARDS. styled ' bank at the end of each year and the interest thereon at six per cent, computed annually, would in twelve years amouiit HALF A BLOCK EAST OP THE to more than $070 enough to buy a good farm in the West. "JUNCTION" OFFICE, OGDEN. Five cents before breakfast, dinner, All Orders personally and promptly and supper ; you'd hardly miss it, yet it attended to. is fifteen cents a day $1 0" per week. Enough to buy a small library of books. Eery ArtirU manufactured by us Is warranted to Invest this as before, and in twenty be mad of tha Ixat material. years, you have $3,000. Quite enough to buy a good house and lot. Ten cents each morning, hardly worth a second thought ; you buy a paper of pins or a spool of thread. Seventy cents a week it would buy several yards of muslin. $30 60 in one year deposit West of Prest. 6. Young's Reaidonce, this amount as before, and you would Bait Lake City. havo $0,340 in twenty years ; quite a littlo fortune. Tea cents before snug TO SALT LAKE CITY 8IIOULD VISITORS to call aud sea ths Hue collnrtion breakfast, dinner and supper thirty of NATIVE ANIMALS and BIRDS; also cents a day. It would buy a book for IIOMK M A N L' F ACTL" RES, and natural the children. $2, 10 a week, enough to t. prodiKtlens of tha Territory, at ths above pay for a year's subscription to a good Open from S a.m. to 5 p.m. newspaper. $109 20 per year ; with it y you could buy a good mclodcon, on which your wife and daughter could produce sweet music, to pleasantly wile tho evenTHE It K VERB HOUSE SALOON, ing hours away. And this amount inCALL AT South Street, Salt Lake City, where: vested as before, would in forty yearn yon will find JOE. SIMMON'S or his assistants and to serve. you with produce the desirable amount of $15,0fK). ready willing Boys, learn a lesson. If you would FRESH OYSTERS, be a hoppy youth, lead a sober life, and GOLDEN CROWN CIGARS, be a wealthy influential man instead of I'IGS FEET, etc. - Call and see him. "4 squandering your extra change, it in a f library or savings bank. Investigator. Two young women turned out with Ladies' own material made up iu the latest style. London. and hoes and paid their road tax spades The telegraph reports slight showers in the town of Beloit, Wis., the other Divine. "Worship Salt Lake City. at scattered points in the kingdom. held every day. Sunday, in the Taberncle, An explosion occurred in one of the 10a.m. and 2 OFFICE AT WALKER MC.NL'TTS DRlJfJ p.m.; and in the School STORE, OODEJJ, U. T. "ouses of the various Wards at 5.30 In a recent speech in Plymouth, Mass., powder mills, atvtaunara p.m. government Calls from the Country promptly atAbbey, near this city; several persons Hon. W. T. Davis claimed for the ancient tended honor of being the were killed. town the three-fol- d VERY DCILDINO ELIOIBT.E Corner of Many people assembled, to listen to the first municipality in the country to con- SEVERAL Lease on the North-wesermon of Dean Stanley, of Westminster struct water works, to use gas fcr illu- Union Square. L ERT MERCHANT AND to AS. For J McOAW, particulars apply Esq, at Office, Second South Street, 8A LT LAKE CITY, PROFESSIONAL Abbey, on the late Charles incKens. minating purposes, and to witness a the Jrncrios Office. Three doors West of Revere House. reau was ""A best will the of last of Dickens rart circus perfoamance. the ait. Salt Lake City Time. The Past so full of pleasure, . A rai.iU glit wl. ' Connects the present moments With those of Long Ago A bridge we oft are crossiug, Possiug the friends of old, With faces fair and youthful, Aud hair as bright as gold. three-quarte- YARN. SIam Street, Ogden, CLOTH , y DEALER 2.00 SI BfClttPTIONS and all Itl SINESS COMMUNICATIONS to lie addressed to WM. C. DC Nil Alt, Business Munager, Shut in the heart for aye-- Si range we are never willing To say to the Past good-hyc- . The future is a shadow A cloud whose golden sheen Make every cloud look golden, That's iu the distant soeu. NEW I1L1LII1NO, rend Term strange that the Past remaiiicth & co. BANKERS, 11 forward, plaiupokcn and liberal manner. It will endeavour to advance the intrcnt of the Teiritnrr, defend the rijuhta of the people of I'tnli, with whom the Publishers arc socially and Teliaioialy identified, sustain just principles, and lalsir for the general eood. 6itre-ti- n Home and foreign Oorrpondenc wil be found In its columns. Ihe desideratum of neriiper advertisers Is paser that is (renerally read hv the people. The l'rsprietors of the 8 ALT LAKE HKltALIl will seek to cectirs thin hv Inooriiis" energetically ' make a piipsr that will he sought alter and widely lleltna, Montana. DiiiLEit JENNINGS' THE 1 I'pon this ebbing river Our thought like vessels go Some, to the Future sailing ; Some to the Long Ago, DriitKiug at their returning, Kelics we dearly prliee, Drought front those distant ishmdii Hound by youth's sunuy skies. Seven sisters work (heir futher's farm, in Wright county, Minnesota. Great Britain has 100,000 wiles of Macadamized roads. , |