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Show Zht 0ttcn function. and SATURDAY, PabUshed sverv WEDNESDAY Pl'SLKKISS CoMfiJT. by theOoi FRANCLIN D. RICHARDS, C. W. PENROSE, Associate Editor. Editor. OGDE.X, UTAH, Saturday Morning, June 25, 1870. Tlie Jews. Tne reported massacre of the Jews in Roumania has made a great sensation throughout the whole civilized world. This is a health aign. Time was when this act of wholesale murder would have no country where the Jews have spread themselves abroad have they had so much freedom and general success as in America, In every Elate and Territheir mart and stores are to be In tory seen, and their trading proclivities bare In opportuniiy for the fraest exercise. view of the liberal sentiments of the American people towards the Jews, we were very much surprised to find in the Atlantic of Boston, the declaration that tho Jewish people is "the most odious typo of nationality extant," aad that they carry "the stigma of their infatuation in their faces." Bigotry blinds the eyes snd dis'ort the judgment. The idea of such a denouncement of a race as remarkable for their beauty of person as for their rder, industry ani talents is really prepos terous. And here is the reason for the bard words launched by the Atlantic at the whole Jewish people. "Abraham's descendants had not the least spiritual apprehension of the great humanilary truth which underlay their remarkable history, and was destined to be finally wrought out by it; so that when Christ came be found them so besotted by worldly lusts as cheerfully to swamp piety in patriotism, and esteem every one good or evil in heart, not related himself to Go I and man nni versally, but only as he stood affected to their own pretentious but now lapsed nationality." Here is Boston's chief magazine pronouncing a diatribe against the Jews of olden times, for the same acts and motives that sway New England in the nineteeath century. Let any person acquainted with the spirit manifested by the men of the East on the Mormon question say if this be not the case. They "swamp piety in" pretended "patriotism" being "besotted by worldly lusts," and regard not our relations to God through the reflations he has given, which affect "man universally," but view us as we stand "affected to their own prcten-siou- s nationality." How easy it is to blame in others the evils which we foster in otirjelvea! The Jews, who have outlived the oppression and abuse of ages, will survive even the attacks of the Atlantic; and if there be any truth in the scriptures which Boston professes to reverence, the Jewish people, from thier will shine as a great iong disnersement, kingdom and wield mighty power in the earth when nations and peoples who hava afflicted and reviled them have sunk into merited Oblivion. We have no Jewish blood in our veins nor persunal jowiMi interests to vindicate, out we sympathize with a long persecuted race and have faith in their speedy redemp tion from Gentilo oppression and their establishment in their own land as a leading national power. President Young's Xortli. Trip St. Charles, Rich County, Utah, June 1 Tib, IsTO. BEAR LAEI. The chief attraction ef Sear Lake Valley, abounding as it does with picturesque and varied scenery, is the beautiful fresh water lake which almost nils up its southern extremity. Bear Lake is divided by a narrow strip of land four miles in length and from five to twenty rods wide, called The Torn-pikwhich stretches across the valley, east of St. Charles. The southern portion, which is the lake proper, is 18 miles long, and from 5 to S miles wide. Its depth about midway across is from 67 to IS" feet, being deepest on the east side, where the mountains reach down steeply to the water, except in little nooks and ravines, and the mouths of kanyons, where there is an abundance of for stock, and in two places, called North and .South Eden, there are good farms. Indian Creek, North EJen and South Eden Creeks flow into the lake on the east side. Big Spring Creek on the south, and Little Creek, (a branch of Big Creek at St. Charles,) Fish Haven Creek and Swan CrecE on the west. All these streams are well stocked with fish and the lake itself is a huge fish pond, containing several varieties of the finny kingdom, chief among which is the speckled salmon troui. These have been caught weighing as much as twenty pounds each. The land on the west side, widest at St. Charles, gradually narrows towards the south until the lake washes the foot of the bills. The beautiful deep blue tint ofthislovely lake borrowed from the cloudless arch above is so pleasant that the eye seems never tired of gazing small obupon it. Clear as crystal, ject may be discerned in its limpid waters to an incredible depth. 5.700 ft. above the level of the sea, this gem of the mountains glitters in the sunsh.ne, reflect the shadow of the lightest transient cloud, and hides its beauty from the noisy world like the modest violet in the quiet glade. The North lake is formed by the waters of the southern which runs through the Turnpike in a narrow channel, nd spreads over the valley about 4 miles to the north and the same distance from esst to west, and is fed by Big Cr?ek which runs iuto it from the westthroigh St Charles. These dimensions can be relied upon, having been obtained from measurements and soundings made by the Coin-t- y Surveyor, who "chained" its wilth in the winter time, and sounded its depth through boles cut in the ice at intervals. From evidence given by many trustworthy persons there is no doubt tiat Bear Lake is the home of a species of two lakes on a sand bar. Crossing a bridge which spans the outlet between the'two lakes, we found ourselves in a of position whioh forcibly remisJed u Wesley's hymn commenceing Lo oa t narrow neck of land Twtxt two uubouiuird seas 1 stand." As to the possibility of two unbounded seas, the Hues are meant for poetry, and the poetry has a habit of breaking over bounds of the possible. Running along the margin of the lake, and occasionally running into it for a change and a splash, we soon reached the eastern side of the valley, and a little distance north, came to THE WARM SPRIXOS. This spring issues in one body from the mountain's side aa though a giant had been pierced wiia some huge wea was pon, and the warm pouring from the wound into the basin The temperature of of the North Lake. this spring is not quite as high as the Hot Springs near Salt Lake City, but is too warm to permit of the hand being held in it longer than a few seconds. The stream is about IS inches wide where it runs out of the mountain, pouring at a rapid rate. It emits a strong sulphurous effluvium, but has not an un pleasant taste. The St. Charles folks had kindly built a shanty near the spring to permit of bathing but the water was found too warm for the purpose. After driving to Indian Creek, a clear mountain stream about a couple of miles South, we recrossed the turnpike and returned to St. Charles. Friday morning 17th inst., was cloudy and cold, so when we started for the south end of the valley at 7 o'clock, although it was in the middle of June, we were glad of our overcoats. A run of six miles brought us to risii UAVEjr. A small town on the edge of the lake where ten families reside, ander the Presidency of Elder Joseph More. It is a pretty place. Besides the beauty of the lake, there is the charm of green foliage, shade trees are planted in the streets, clumps of Cottonwood adorn the town in several places and little groves shade the lake shore. If fish feeds the brain, tho people of this place ought to be intellectual. As we did not stay for conversation we could not decide the point. Three miles further we came to Lamanites were of the same descent as we and that their present degraded position was the result of transgression, but that a remnant would be restored and becoaie "a white and delightsome people." Elder L. Snow said, if as large a comto pany of Gentiles wan camped near would town as Indians, their be robbed and all kinds of rowdyism and wickedness would be carried on, and counselled the people to forbearance with the red men and obedience to counsel. Elder F. D. Richards said the land we occupy was given to the forefathers of these Indians and we ought to remember this when they came to beg a little food. The whites had violated treaties and broken promises made with the red men, and tad taken every advantage to crowd them off the land. It was not to be wondered at 11 mey were suspicious and doubtful, and we ought to take a course to show mem mat we were honorable. President Young said the Lamanites were of the seed of Joseph. Very little of the blood of Ephraim was among them, thev were principally of Manasseh. We should teach them good morais, not to eamble or steal. Ought not to trade horses with them nor descend to tneir level, but try to elevate them to ours. The Indians must stop contention and be friendly to each other. He counseled the people to raise hops in sufficient quantities for exportation, to supply the southern market with fish, to take care of their stock, to school their children, and preserve them from cold in winter, and to spend the long winters m mechan ical pursuits, lyceums, and in cultivating refinement. At two o'clock we started to return, calling again at the Indian camp, where we witnessed an entertainment go: up for our amusement. A crowd of squaws formed into a semicircle, while a company of braves made the diameter. The braves played on a sort of tamborine, The Theatre will be opened when will be presented the instruct, v. moral drama of "The Drunkard, or tb, We hope there will b i alien saved. full house. First and Third WarsDrug Store for Pure Liqaort, Go to the hen-roos- - "Sold." The editor of the Salt Lth 'sold" on Wednesday Herald wa nigbj last for 25 cents. Cheap enough, th,t Edward ! Ncis akces. we published a In our Wednesday1! i!u, letter from "A Subscri- in which the writer voted the County Jail a nuisance, and asked th authorities to remove it. We understand that a numerously, signed petition has been presented t the County Court also praying for removal of the jail to some other locality What action if any the Court has taken in the matter we have not learned but we are satisfied that both the pel tition and the letter will receive the due consideration of that body. y , publish a communication from "8," call, ing the attention of the city autkoritiei to the existence of a nuisance at the T near the U. P. 11. R. Depot. We hu,' since learned that the evil complained of by "S" is being cleaned up. That it right. ber," been applauded; for the unfortunate descendants of Judah were considered a mark for every indignity, and their lives of little more value than a dog's. Ever since the day when the Jewish people assumed the responsibility and invited the consequences of the shedding of the Messiah's innocent blood, saving, "let his blood be upon us and upon our children," they have been a despised and afflicted race. Broken up as a nation by the Roman armies, the beautiful temple in which they trusted wanting a fine quality Gent's Furnishing G.ods should go to rated to the ground, so that one stone Thirkill & Eari'i, was not left upon another, their warriors lain by thousands and their women defiled, tbey were scattered upon the face cf the earth; objects of scorn and derision, every man's Land was lifted against them. TO-NICHT, Trieste denounced them as the enemies of God, pious Christians tortured and 25, 1870. with drum sticks, while the squaws with Saturday, slew them "for the love of God." Special end scalps taken in war, elevated on the Will be presented the Beautiful Moral Drams of of poles, singing a monotonous chant laws were framed for them, imposing danced up and down to the measure with severe pains and penalties for the inboth feet at once, at the same time adfringement of regulations almost imposvancing towards the braves to a given sible for them to observe. Or, The Fallen SaTed. Children point, when they would retreat to their former line, laughing and shouting aud mocked and spat upon them in the streets. Doors open at 7.30. Performance it 8. beating the scalps with sticks. Men in power rubbed them with impuWe few a minutes for stayed looking Admission, 75 cts. A SOcts. SWAN CREEK. denity. Horrible crimes were imputed to Store Tat Taken, -- j is a grist mill, a couple of houses, at the frolics cf the poor ignorant, Ilere them to afford a pretext for their deFor further particulars see Bilu. a few splendid farms, one of the finest graded savages and continued our jourstruction. Even among the leading nastreams in the valley willows growing ney, this time leaving the lake shore for THREE HUNDRED some distance and taking another road, tions of Europe they were confined to thickly on its banks, tall trees aud green for a MARES change, through the hills. When bushes in rich profusion, and grass covcertain localities, and heavy fines and r)K SsALK. in came we the lake the of again sight ered hills, one above another up to the The nmlrnrijrned hare, at BEAK RIVER BltlDGl Maret, boagtt corporal punishment were the penalty ol e pushed on sky had cleared, not a cloud was to be 300 carefully selected bights of the mountains. of driving Eaxt; but on iccoutU with the Tk-calm and the and still water, seen, lay their venturing a step from the precincts road of tha the base at ward, winding Indian difficult s wilt be sold at the abOTe the hill close to tho shore, through before us like a spotless mirror reflecting tioned place at exceedingly low rates, or exdiupt allotted to (hem. "The Jews' Quarters" face On the the heaven. hill of tock growers should avail themMhi for Cattle. patches of willow, birch and quaking sides are small level benches green of this opportunity to make a Rood investment may be seen to this day in some of the overlooking w ild flux, of meadow tne asp. by queen Bear River Bridge is North of Cohans, oa old cities upon the European continent. Montana 8iage Road. and wild flowers of various hues, round this lovely valley which in many counKE1B. would buildbe GIBSON a tries worth fortune for a miniature bay with a white shingly And as time passed along and the spirit Here in the not distant fuspots. ing with to beach MONSTER. the trees, fringed waving of brotherhood and liberty increased the lake, when about twelve ture, will tho wealthy Utonians erect TO According to the description given by south end of villas for summer residences, and draw among men, and national prejudices bethose who profess to have seen it, the miles from Swan Creek we came to an health and from cool the breezes came softenod. and tho hereditary anivigor monster has a hoad resembling n dog's, INDIA CAMP. of the mountains, while they feast their mosities of centuries faded before coma body the thickness of a good sited On a level bench overlooking the eyes on the beauties of the landscape JllHt for horse, and a back covered with fur. whole valley the red men of the moun- and their mercial interests and advanced ideas. on the rich delicacies palates Sale Its length is rather difficult to estimate: tains had gathered in from various parts to be found in every stream. though the cruelties of former times twenty feet nf its boly has betn ob- and set up llieir 1 here wore We trotted along? pleasantly at the foot AT THE OGDEN BRANCH OF wore not perpetrated in the same barof while out water a great por- tne Ites, Yampawiokup. served Utes, Snakes, a few of the hills which were clothed with tion of it was evidently submerged. It Bannacks, barous form, atill the Jews were under Mexicans etc summer verdure to their summits, while travels with immense velocity, bbooting the ban, were debarred from many privnuraoering acorn i.etju. they were here and there a tall mountain peak, Efforts lik the dart. a waters through and friendly, had not met for like an ancient of days, with snow white ileges which were common to others, have been made to capture the animal peaceable hostile purposes, but to hold council ac hair and beard, lifted his hoary head A good supply of the and were still "a hiss and a byword" to the present time they nave but cording to general anuu.il custom. Tab above the hill tops as though taking a Gentlemen wanting a No. 1 beenup unsuccessful. P. Mr Oosk of among all natious, and these"disabilities" by was there chief of the Utes, and peep over to see what raised such a dust Suit of Ready-mad- e Clothing should go Swan Creek baited a very large hook Jem his brother a continued until a very recent period. splendidly formed bolow, or to find out if the monster were several times with a piece of meat which athletic brave, his face tO TllIRKILL k l'.ARL's. painted and his visible. We reached St. Charles in the But amidst all the persecutions they disappeared; but on the authority of broad chest covered with beads. Tst early eventide and retired early. To the veritable "Saxey," an Indian took gwitcli-chic- f bars endured and the scenes of blood of several bauds of Sho the tender mercies of Mr. Win. Allred Correspondence. the meat and substituted a string of fish snones, and pillage they have passed through, in EXCELSIOR, Snake a and his kind and attentive lady I was in its place. Considerable joking on the rabbit out of the June AXD 1870. of 22nd. bush) chief of the glad to resign myself. What a treasure edicts Willard, of spite repressive enactments, is in of the monster subject indulged Snakes under Washakee, Toqueroncr in a household is a kind banishment and ecclesiastical anathemas, Editor Ogden Junction: MCCORMICK'S conbut the the Bear Lakers, Dear Sir: "The army of the Lord," among rox) oldfcowiait sSon, l'ocotello, spoken woman who looks at the bright In spite of the rack, the fagot, the duncurrent testimony of respectable! wit- (Ulaclt Black Hawk, etc. Most of these chiefs side of uat ire and makes the best spoken of by tho Prophet Joel, is strip nesses leads of CELEBRATED conclusion is to the it that came up to the company and shook hands. geon and wholesale massacre, they have ping in burn lrom our vines and makshe turns earth into Paradise everything; is be to a that not It the hoped myth. Our and of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Tabby did not present himself. amassed wealth, acquired influence and ing our apple and other fruit trees ap- "critter" will be caught napping before faiend "Dimick" had him Selah. Good night. is hoped that they will a talk with but it bare, pear Q. y gathered strength until long and be transported from its aorth-er- n and upbraided him for having stolen they are leave enough to sustain us another year. home to in comfortable the a power in every country. All the leadquarters horses in his band while none were Into this army is at work on the or Board by the day or week, and Deseret Museum. found among the other tribes. This Good ing governments of the world are in- chards and grain fields, our citizens are at the Traveler's Rest, a There has been misunder Lodging, great made Tabby ashamed and a little mad debted to them. Most of the richest at work in tho mountains prospecting Joiix R. Pool. for that which Editors or any other men standing concerning tne intercourse ex so he kept out of the way. They had Ogdcn. men on earth are of Jewish blood. Jews between Bear River and Bear hcen isting BE was is for the told that with needful, think, you mus. know Urigham sit in the legislative halls and senate that after the peaceable election of City Lake; and to vindicate the fair fame of ..WW men to use them up butcoming LiMBEtt for the Milliox. All kinds soon learn bodies of water, both of which ed had been fooled. They had of chambers of those nations where their Officers on tho 20ih inst., ou the 21st. theso ordinary lumber, plank, scantling, are highly respectable, (see altitude as theirthey a our d'hens squaws and papooses with them organized Mining District, forefathers received the worst indigI the am under above) flooring, beams, rafters, sheeting, joists, given necessity flock miles a of be known as the of quite goats and large bands of square, to nities. Some of tho greatest poets, mu- eight contradicting former statements on horses. Mr. John Porter who had come etc., delivered at the U. P. Depot in OgtVUIard City Gold and Silver Mining OGDEN sicians and authors of modern times are District; Alfred Cordon Esq., President this important "meeting of the waters." from Provo to seek four animals which dcn for $3o First-clas- s 1000 feet. per does not Bear River run Bear through ho had lost, found them, one among the Jews. Their position in the commercial and M. V. Dalton Esq., Vice President. Lake. It does flooring, finishing lumber and pickets, at not form a disreputable world is in tho front rank. They have After enacting such laws as were deem connection with the lake and then go off band belonging to the Utes and the rest $40. Delivered at the U. C. Depot in in places where they had sold them, and ed necessary, Alfred Cordon and others preserved their identity, the purity of exhibited some very fine and flattering and leave it. It debouches into Bear fortunately recovered them all. Salt Lake City at an advance on the PRINCIPALS OP TUB OGDEN HIGH their Israelitish blood, and the form of specimens or ore, ana under the circum- Lake valley on tho east side from a Two miles further we halted at above prices, of $2,50 per 1000 feet. Ad- THK take pleasure in announcing totw Paris, kanyon opposite their ancient religion. They have kept stances, our citizens were very calm. public that their School apparatus and g"not & unand dress Williams the J. lake town. Weber lak Co., virtuously leaving Station, facilities for intellectual development ars Now look out for coin in advance for and tho Sabbath day and the feasts and cereA new location in the extreme south touched, takes its course northward, a U. T. R. It equalled in CUh. outside of Salt Lake City, thOCDE! Jc.nctios. therefore solicit the patronage of the of the canand east known stream. they However, monies of the Mosaic law, though tho valley rapid large generally by C. W. Yours Truly, of Weber and surrounding counties. dor compels me to state that the lake has the name of Last Chance. The settlers fcif' Buy your Liquors at the First customs, faith and laws of the people shifted their a times for three sort of kindness the rivhaving quarters and Third Ward sneaking Drug Store. Oqdex, Juno 23rd, 1870. among whom they have dwelt were vio er, and runs after it for about 12 within a small circuit, and the present Editor Jfsctios: Ogdr BRASCriES TAUGHT. miles through au outlet from' 15 to 18 site being right in a corner close to the lently hostile. They take care of their Bbo's, Merchant Tailors, 50Tatlor Sir, In Wednesday's issue of your feet wide 12 Tuition the 25 and to from feet told per Term of Fourteen Weeks. mountains, deep. and own pwr country surveyor bury their own dead. They popular paper I saw a letter from "A & $7. them this was their last, chance and half block west of the bank, Ogden. Preparatory Course interfere with no other religious society Subscriber," calling the attention of the Bloomingion Creek, Paris Creek and Commercial same infatuation, hence the popular name. with North the Creek, lan(not including the BSy If you want Good Board r.nd a Advanced Classes or creed. They have few criminals. County Court to tho existence of a put out after the attractive river, and 16.09 About twenty families reside here guages) nubance on the bench. to the Travel- Phonography comfortable Clean Bed, with Nebekcr go are the Ira with for a President. is a It industrious, shrewd, junctiou quartette forming They perse 10.00 I now wish to call tho attention of the some sloughs, tumble together into the iood jlace for stock but has rather a er's Rest, North-wecorner of Union Latin vering and successful. The day of their City Council to a nuisance in the "V," in advance. The above charges payable bosom of the gallant stream. Legiti- dry appearance though tho crops in the John R. Pool, Tropr. Square, Ogden. humiliation and disgrace is passing near the U. P. tt. R. Depot, which has united in plural marriage, they fields look remarkably healthy. The road mately those not whose only annoyed persons away, and the time predicted by their forward together, one and to inlt Lake valley via llunlsville pasbusiness compels them to pass that way, travel thence Excursion. An excursion party con7 JjJ Among the advantages of the School undivided. The outlet issues from the ses by this settlement. The distance to ancient seers is at hand v. he a "Judal but it must enumerated a paper, edited by the students v"V; seriously endanger the north s Fork is 25 miles, thence to sisting of the 16th and 19th Wards Sunwaof in and Blacksmith the to lake, high be to will all dwell part which in safety" and hear tho voice health of thoso individuals who reside hall required oUically, also literary institut ous will be orgu ter, has a branch outlet about a mile in llunlsville 30 miles, thence to Ogden 12 day Schools, and a number of citixens, in proclaiming "her warfare is acoom in that locality, unless it is speedily length which also empties into Bear miles, total 67 miles. the stuonts, having for their ol0eJ among all about "00, left Salt I ake City, by then etinil and practical training In Oratory. removed. A meeting was hold in a small bow 10 miles up the kanyon plished; her iniquity it pardoned, for Your correspondent has noticed at the River. About tho U. C. R. R. at 7. 30. a.m. on Thurs- Debate, Declamation and Composition. he hath received at the Lord' hands back of a Restaurant, or through which Bear River flows into ery and was attended by the President Students can enter the classes at any time, their of something Tom and company ,the escort from St. Charles, day and arrived at Ogden about half-paterm will commence from the date of entry. double for all her tins." that kind, that in addition to a privy and the valley is a fine11 stream called miles further is a few of the citizens of Lake Town and nine. R's Fork, and Board, with respectable families, may be P"" Tho Danubian Principalities, which the filthy excrements from the hurnau Smith's cured at a cost from five to seven dollars per a in the Kimballville small settlement at where, Fork, especially They marched past our office prebody, there is a great quantity of offal contain a population. and decayed matter exposed to the view latter, there arc miles of splendid farm- Round Valley 4 miles west and a num ceded by the Martial band, which.when ber of Indians at several the of PRINCIPALS. have long entertained tho deepest ani of citizens; which bleaches in the sun, ing land, including present unoccupied, plenty our Sanctum, struck up the old chiefs. immense of tVm. W. Burtoh. of an T. B. LiwiS. opposite land, hay quantity mosity to tho Jews. Russia, which sways and from which most foul effluvia arPresident Wells discoursed on the familiar air "Cheer, boys, cheer" and though tho altitude is timber, we the air ise, at breathe, poisoning great influence in these provinces, should greater, snow and frost are said to be present position and future prospects of which was executed in good style. breath. Lamaniles. Showed that their traiert its power in behalf of tho unfor- every lf the City authorities, or the guar- not nearly so severe as in Bear Lake the Among tho excursionist were Elders ditions taught them to steal and hunt tunate Israelites; but it is to be feared dians of the public health hare not be- Valley. RS. M. BOWRIXG, FROM SALT LAKf CIi On Thursday morning, with a clear instead of laboring. Somo people want- 0. Pratt, sen., J. F. Smith, Bishop Kes-lthat the great Empire of the North is fore been apprised of the existence and bees to inform tho Ladies of Onp. cool ed them to was it President the breeze. a and but out, wipe sunny sky and others. icinitv thnt she has opened her new MILLl"11 interested in stirring up strife and tu- condition of things in the above ESTABLISHMENT. Young aud company started from St. duty of the Saints to be patient with named The party were under the direction of they certainly will thank Charles Owe Door Sonth of the Post OmcrV mult among these Danubinn populations, me for locality,their for a trip across the lake, not them, treat them justly, as they would attention to it and ; calling T. And has on hiuid a choice selection W. veH. McKean, and and other the them. elevate but same in in boats and strive Grow, to Asper, people, barges, to hinder thoir union as a confederation, I hope and believe they will take early anremade some C. Charles the Elder Rich same faithful drawn by Esqrs. After remaining at Ogden about To their ttauuu-Alswhich would bo a check to the advance measures to have the cause of this just hicles, respectluily imals which bad conveyed us from marks on the impossibility of wrong one hour to returned to Lake Side they removed. complaint of Russia in the South. If the horrible GENTLKMKNS place to place on this interesting tour. being made right, though everybody enjoy the balance of the S. Respectfully Yours, day. atrocities in Roumania are continued, Turning eastward from the main road ought to turn away from wrong, and And SHOO FLT NECKTIKS. of the saw mill, a run of upon the necessity of living so as to the power of Europe ought to interfere Tho Best Accommodation for a little north miles 6 Obstlemen wanting Summer Ladies' Own Materials m'- about three across the country have the manifestation of the Spirit of and prevent the of such Travelers will be found at the Traveler's Suits should cnll and see Patterns at K .B. The Demorest M odels for Dress CutUnt brought us to the Turnpike, a natural Uod continually. saie. Inctrnctions in the art gratis. barbarm and crurl persecutions. showed Fldcr John Johnthe R. of that formed th av the Pool. hv washine rods Ret, Ogdcn. Tsylor ItllHKILL & EaKL's. f f'.-e-d . tt To-da- OGDENTHEATRE June THE DRUNKARD CALIFORNIA Half-Bree- d 50-- 2 FARMERS. Received and Halt-breed- Z. C. M. I. Jy WORLD, CIIAMPIOX, good-nature- Reapers and to-da- Mowers, WHICH WILL SOLD CHEAP. 49-- tf THE HIGH SCHOOL wide-mouth- a inb)-taut- s -- ....... st cop'"-bute- st semi-barbaro- 49-l- y 3VLILLINERT' or SUMMER, GOODS. JT Straw JZLtt& |