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Show Blank was bard at wor dragging th e stones into the excavation. As the girl approached he turned bis back toward PublliJiwl every WEPNE8DAY nd SATURDAY her, bidding "her go tome and tell her ). the oufiui Pinsmuunta C'iavi. mother he would not' rest until he left things as be found them... "1 do believo that man is crazy," The Widow Prebbcly's thought Estelle. "What' folly to try to !" she till up that tunnel, single-band. . aloud., , , , said, , , BY MBS. C. Yf. FLAXDEKI. t 'tOne will do anything for revenge," " ; , growled the man. 7b Tito Chapttrt. Estelle turned away, tembed by his " " savage mood, and after wandering over CHAP. I. the fields, sat down under a beech tree w i.uuiauu Am one uio niouniaina 01 to rest. Eved the widow of a farmer, who, by As she looked' down among the leaves laid Lad early rising and patient toil, and old brown burrs at her feet, she by a few thousand dollars. took up a leaf that had a curious red Never was widow moro cast down by ' ) J Mistress spot upon its yellow suf faee. was than her bereavement is nor neither and "Blood? it dry husband. yet Prebbely by the death of her wet," said Estelle, looking attentively at 'i v i t, J j And well she might be, for, as all the dots! The hundreds of dollars ; were the the stain. ',U must hav come rrotn the neighbors said at his funeral, he was lived. smallest ever that one of the best men port of Widow Prebbcly's Ions. workman yonder,' and yet how fresh i it From the hour of their marriapre until In the excitement of gold digging tho looksl" To be continued. that of bis death he had not spoken an products of the farm were overlooked.ho unkind word to her, nor failed to sup- one, of course, being willing to dig potatoes, when at every thrust of the pick- An Ordinance in Relation ply hor reasonable wants. ax lie was liable to throw out a "nugWe wish as much could be sa!4 resto Pawnbrokers. pecting the character and disposition of get." See. 1. Be it ordained by the City Seed time and Harvest came ana went, Mrs, Vrebbely; but the truth is, she was one of those light colored pieces of and one day the widow opened her eyes Council of Ogden City, that no person or humanity that cannot be warranted to to the sorrowful faot that the cellar and persons shall open, establish or keep a "wash well,"' granary were empty, her oxen exhausted, pawnbrokerage within the limits of said ghe had been pretty in her girlhood and perhaps dying of overwork, and city, without first obtaining a license for such purpose from said Council, and that is to say, she had been as pretty every thing going at sixes and sevens! When the widow, did wake up, sne giving bonds, with security, to the peoas calm eyes and pink and white complexion, without a bit of expression in woke in earnest, but she found Mr. ple of said city, in the peual sum of five the face, could make ner. She had, Blank quite a different sort of body to thousand dollars, conditioned for the perhaps, boon in some respects adapted deal with from what ber husband had- faithful observance of the provisions of o Mr. since it was his na- been, lie was a nervous, fierce, unrea- this ordinanoe. Said bond to be apture to crave some one to sheltor, and onable man,, already half insane with proved by and filed in the office of the love, and kbor for; and this woman his absurd expectations and eager long City Recorder. See. I. iso pawnbroker shall roceive had allowed him to slave for his family ings. The moment the woman opened to his heart's content, without ence ber lips to approach him for his want any article in pawn from any minor, or fretting about his overtasking himself, of suocess, the tie between them snapped from any person who is by law disquali ; fied to transact business on bis own ac or cheering him by display of affection. OMitidcr. If the fanner ever missed that kind But hate each other as they would, count, nor at any other place than his of companionship which is so essential neither was willing to give up hope of licensed place of business; nor shall any to the happiness of some people, be was final success, and so they went on, grow- pawnbroker receive a greater rate of wise enough to keep the want to him- ing more suspicious and unkind toward interest on money advanced on pawned self, and to exert himself to the utmost each other, until life became burden articles than three per cent, per month. Sec. 3. All pawnbrokers on receiving to find amends in the love of hie shil-drc- to all the family. Just when Mr. Blank had become es any property in pawn shall issue to the who, as their mother very Justly aid, when In her fretful moods, "were pecially elated with what seemed to him party pledging such property a certifithe most brilJiant prospects of success, cate or check for the, same, which shall lllYebbidy!" last thousand dollars was contain a brief description of such propFor a whole year after the farmer's the widow death Mrs. Prebbely devoted herself to reached, ami she resolutely refused to erty, the date of issue, the sum or amount for which such property is pledged and economy In the house, and was a modol advance another farthing. We often hear it said (at least married the rate of interest to be paid thereon. in this respect. The Jrear ofter, she began te discard Indies do), that tiers is nothing so un- They shall also record in a book to be one widow's weed after another. Uy reasonable as a woman! kept by them for that purpose, the hour If Mrs. Prebbely hail been the very fe- of the day, the day of the week, the th e time the roses had bloomed tht eo summers over Mr. Prcbbely's grave, she male predestined to Serve as the "speci- day of tho month and the year, when had concluded that weeping was not men woman," she could not have been such property was received and the more untraolanlo that she was at that name of the person from whom received, good for blue eyes, nor too much housework for the complexion; and for the inauspicious moment, ' the kind of property, the sum or amount She couldn't, she shouldn't, and she loaned thereon and the rate of interest purpose of shunning the first and imto be paid on such sum or amount, which proving the last, she started upon a wouldn't. "She had let the dolt shovel all her book shall be open to inspection to all Visiting tour among her city relations. Thoughtless Widow Prebbely t She little fortune into a stone oave," she said, interested parties during business hours. had not leaned that one visit abroad is "and the best thing he could do was to Sec. 4. On presentation of Buch cer usa it for hii own totnbl . the nest eta for ten at home! tificate cr check at any time within six When Mr. Blank hoard her decision months from its date,' to the pawnbroker A widow, with the modest fortune of a farm and several thousand dollars his eyes glowed like coals of fire, issuing the same, and tendering to him well investod, is usually well received, "Yes,"- he said, hissing out the words the amount due on such certificate or aud her visit are cordially returned, between his teeth "it will mate a good check at the time of presentation, he especjally if she has any male connect- tomb, and he waa very much obliged to shall, without delay, deliver to the hold er ef such certificate or check the prop ions, who have an eye to the main her for tho sutctestion One night Mr. Blank come in, wbite erty therein described. chance. Sec. f. No pawnbroker shall remove Among the latter, Mrs. Prebbely was as a sheet, and announced that all hands visited by a distant relative of her late resolutely refused to work another day from bis place of business any property husband, who was of a speculative turn unless tbey were paid for their services, held in pawn by him, without the conor their wages socured to them, over the sent of the owner thereof, except it be Of mind. This man happened, one day, to take widow s signature. to another licensed place of business in walk over the farm with Johnnie, the "lou must keep your engagement said city, on surrendering the former widow's son. As they were sauntering with me, be cried, gnashing his teeth place of such business, fcco. b. Jse property pledged under the along be noticed the lad playing with Ibink of the months I have labored some stones that had bits of bright ore here, the time I have lest, the hopes you provisions ef tbia ordinance shall be in them, and in an instant he waa in- are blasting:" forfeited for until after "I woulun t advance another dollar to the expiration of eix months from the spired with au assurance that he had save your life," said the woman. discovered gold. date when such property was pledged. I dare you to say that twiceJ gasped 'Where did you find these, Johnnie?" Seo. 7. Any person failing or refusing be asked of the boy in as careless a tone the man. to comply with the provisions of this as possible, fearing that his eagerness "No, nor a penny, either." ordinance shall be liable to a fine in any The glaring eyes of the half maniac sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, would betray the presenoe of the treaslooked into the cool blue orbs of the de or to imprisonment not excoedmg six ure. n 0, there is plenty of them down termined woman, until ha took in tho months, or both, for each offence. " "'' Lore In a ledge. I oan show you where utter hopelessness of'hiscuse,lhen,turn Passed June Gth, A.D. 1870. it is. There was a man here latt spring, ing on his heel, he said L0R1N FAKK, Mayor and he knocked off large pieces to take morning 1 wm commence Thos; Q. Odeli, City Recorder. to the city." filling up that mine, and, let me tell you, "Somebody has made the discovery it will be the most sorrowful filling up All Ordinance' Itclntfnsr to i : before me," thought Mr. Blank; "but you have ever known. the Kecpingnnd the next morning n idow ProbI'll get the start of him." ot (.aunpowdcr, Cotton iany The boy led the way to the common boly had occasion to send Johnnie to the Mtro uiyccrlne. alledge of grayish rock, impregnated neighboring town, and be was to be Sec.'l. Bo it ordained by tbe City with specks of oopper, which the ignor- lowed toprolong his absonce,that he might visit his aunt, who lived a couple of Council of Ogden City, that it shall not ant man supposed were gold. His resolution was soon taken. He miles from the place whither his errand be lawful for any person to keep, sell, or give away within the limits of said was too pour to buy the most barren carried bim. This little exoursion was au the more city, any gunpowder, gun cotton, or field, much more to work a mine of any kind of ore. Hie only hope of success agreeable to the boy, compelled,, as ho bitro glyoerine, ia any quantity, with was in persuading the widow to place bad been, to labor late and early at the out permission of said Council: Provided mine. her little fortune at lils disposal. . any person may keep for his own use "1 shall not worry about you for three not exceeding in quantity five pounds of Very cautiously, and with the utmost ecfesy, Widow Prebbely was informed days," said his mother, as she bade him gunpowder, one pound of gun cotton or "but you must not let your four ennces of mtro glycerin. ; that her farm was neither more nor less good-by- ; Seo. 2. All permits for the keeping or than an inexhaustable gold mine 1 That aunt coax you into staying longer, and all that was necessary to make both her you must come in season that 1 may not disposing of said article i issued by said few hun- wait for you at supper." Council shall be registered by the Reand him ' millionaires was dred dollars to be invested in opening . VI will not faiL motfctr, and I It bring corder, and shall state the name of the the mine. you some of tho red streaks, of. which person or firm to whom granted, and the As we have said, Mrs. Prebbely was you are so fond. Tbey are always ripe place where Such articles are to be kept not a strong-minde- d woman, nor was by this time, and auutio promised me or sold, and shall bear date of the day of he a Judge of metals. She had teen all that grew on the tree she Calls mine.' issue, and shall not be issued for a long' Mrs. Prebbely stood by the irate, look er period than one year. ' And nq per her children playing with the shining tones from their cradle up, without ing after Johnnio as he went down (he son or firm holding such pormit shall the thought that hsr husband waa rais road, and as she did so, saw the lad keep at their place of business (or else turn aside and speak to Mr. Blank, who where within the limits of said city, exing cabbages over a gold mine. ' was busy in the field near the mino. A cept at such places as said Council shall .. It is true she rubbed her blue eyes in auuuRuient. and said "It couldn't be;" moment after Johnnie resumed his walk, designate) a greater quantity gun but Mr. Blank "knew it could, and it and the widow, returning to the house, powder than twenty-fiv- e pounds, of gun went about was was discovered which her day's work, cotton than twenty rouhds. 'or of "nitro vat to, and as gold being ' glycerine than five pounds, which "dliall trfrytrAtr, why not on Widow i'reb more laborious than usual. Some time during the forenoon, the be kept as lar from fires, lighted lamps bely's farm!" Well, it is an old saying, that the daughter came to ber mother to Bay that or candles as may be practicable. And 'fools are never all dead." At the the workmen were not at the ledge, and no person shall sell or weigh any of such time of which we write, there was cer asked what the reason could be that articles after, the lighting of lamps or iainlr one living , and that tme the Mr. Blank was working there alone. candles in the evening, unless the same Mrs. Prebbely then remembered the be in sealed canisters. And it shall be creduloui widow. Mr. Blank, too eager to make his own conversation that had taken place be- the duty of every porsoB or firm te whom fortune, and too jealous of the tin tween them the previous evening, and sneh permit shall be granted to keep a known geologist to have hie hone lone repeated it to her daughter, but added sign in a conspicuous place at the front deferred, persuaded Mrs. Prebbely to that she did not think Blank would of their place of business, to wit, tie sign a paper, making over to him half really give up the work, but had resort- word "Gunpowder" in printed or painted the Drofits of the cold crop, and idedc ed to this method of frightening her into capital letters. keo. a. is person snail convey or iag herself te advance enough funds for paying his bills. him to develope the wealth of the "I am sorry you have quarreled with carry any gunpowder or gun cotton in mines. him," said Estelle. "He's a desperate quantity exceeding one pound, through When this agreement was signed, the man, and you ought to get rid of him at any street or ally in said city, unless the same be secured in tight canisters or report was allowed to spread like wild once." "I'm going to get rid of him," said kegs, so as to prevent the? same from fire, that gold had been discovered upon the widow, deoidedly; "but it can't be being spilt or scattered, and in no qnan Widow 1 rebbley a farm. Uo one, not familiar with what done in a minute." tity exceeding one hundred pounds, ex "Dr. Jeffries says Mr. Blank is craiy, cept under the direction of a police offi country sensation is like, can begin to understand the sudden notoriety which and that you must be, too, to bo so in- cer. fluenced by him," said F.siollo, the blood the widow and her farm attained. Sec. 4. Any person violating wVy of Not one in a thousand of the people rising to her cheek. ... i is provisions oi ims oruinance snail ee of the neighborhood had seen gold in Several hours passed by, which were liable to a fine in any sum not exceeding the ore, aud not one in ten thousand marked by the unusual coldness between one hundred dollars for each offence. would have eueseed what it was had the widow and daughter. Estelle, to Posset June 6th, A. D. 1870. LORIN FARR, Mayor, they seen the pure metal. How, then, while away the time, strolled out into should they know that bright speaks in the field and went to look at the tunnel. mos. u. upkl!.) city iiecorder. the gray rock were not exactly what Mr. Blank so . connacnuaiy, aeciarea them to be. As may be supposed, expectation was at fever heat, and Widow Prebbely's poor, shallow brains were as completely addled as brains could be ! She advanced two hundred dollars from her bank account, thinking k a very generous sum to. commence operations with; but bless you, "what was Mr. Blank, two hundred dollars," "when the earth beneath them was run ning over with gold?" The man gulped down the two Hundred dollars as a greedy toad would gulp a blue bottle fly. Two hundred more, ana tnenjive nun- dred, and yet, there was only an ugly, narrow tunnel that ran into the solid rock, very sparsely pitted with shining . lolly. -- !,-- COJOIEKCIAIi. A,. .'. of Orj&m Junction' hqdtn City, Utah Territory, June 18, 2870. Office . "', Liulre 22e to JSe ' ' ' BARKGK 5fc. to 65e. BROWN 6HKETIX08 lc. to 20c, BLANKETS t.00 to 120.00 per plr. . bleach jnjSLnrs-ri5- BKD TICKINGS ,BRIMJANTS-c.tp- THE 4-- fJ to V CARrETIKd, , " & EVERY WEDNESDAY . ' t. ' .''i :;:!" t i and State legislature when in nession; ForLvj! Newe raeetved by pvepy tamer )S.xtlmi S porte of the Proceedings of the Ifarmen' Club of the American Instltnte ; Talk about Fralt glee, Finaucial, Cattle, Dry Good, and fleaeraj 'hmia '. Kenorts. The Full Keporti of the American Inititnh. mere' Club, and the Tarioue Agricultural Rfporui in eachliumber, art richly worth a yeir'i gbl . , . t acriptiou. tiOKTlUULTLKAli JJCl'AUTMENT. To keep pace with the growing intern in tical Horticulture, and to comply with frequent eountl-the of all from for parte Informaappeahi tion ef a practical character i en the tubject, we hare engaged tho eerrkes of a poreon who li tx. perienced in rural affair) t write ia a lucii aty a series of articles on the Management of imail Farms, Fruit and Vegetable Culture, ani ho te make tnem pay, K'viue gaeral and specific direct, ions from planting to tbe ultimate disposal of the SATURDAY . i -- - ',' ; Aud already cojova an extenjiiva , circulation.';" ' '' ;'j . - i ' . ' : ' i '.'M , to SOe. . I i 27. to $6.00 per dot. GentV half $1.25 to $4.00 per dot. JACONET 30c. to SOc. ' , J" . n JEANS45.tolte, t LINEN, Irlih 65c. to 95c. Table, 90c. to fl.25 PRINTS flc. to H4C' RAVEN'S DUCK-J- 4e. SHAWLS $4.24 to $9.50. SKIRT BRAIDS 85c per do. 60c to 0. per doi. THREAD, Spool " Linen 75e. to $1.35 per D to 20e. per yd. T0WELLIxa-1- 7e. Ladlei'-42.- 25 HOSE, " erop. AXK HOME CORRESPONDENCE, FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE, 15c. per lb. EDUCATIONAL, per lb. to $4.50 per dos. per lb. HELVES-4.- 50 23e BACON 3e.rU...... BARLEY, BORAX-tfte.pe- AGRICULTURAL, 1 per lb. BEESYAX--.7- AND RAILWAY . , rlb. to $1.71, pertwt. BRAN A 8H0RT8-$- 1S BEEF Sc. to 15e per lb at ihop ; 10c oa foot BUTTER 20c. to 25c. per B. BAKING POWDER $3.00 to $4X0 per BROOMS 44.60 to $7. per dot. BRASS KETTLES 70c. per lb. DOMESTIC NEWS, in.' ' CURIUNTS24cporll,bjbl. COFFEE, Rio per lit, 28c per IK CHEESE 25c. to 27c per lb. CLOVES 65e. per R. CAN DLES, 12 oi.-$- 0.00 per box. CANDY, Fancy 32c to 40e per lb. THE " Patent Julian, to $11.00 per ton. 14c. to 16c. per lb. 13c. to 15c. 55c COAL $9.00 COD FISH COPPERAS CUDBEAR - CAMPH0R-$1.- ' $o.75 to $12JQ. COM POSITION OGDEN JUNCTION , , 40 75c. $1.25 per bwfaol. CUICKENS-5- 08, each. CORN mum Tm EGOS 20c Per doi. FLOUR $4.11 per mrk. GINGER 40c. to JOc. per lb. GLASS-x- lO per box, $6.50. 10x12, $7X0. GLUE 40c. per lb. KAY Fall eapply, $7. to $10. per ton. HOOP IRON 14c. to IV. per lb. HORSE SHOES $12A0 a keg. T If tuppliad with the lateit improved facilitiea for turning out ever description of 00 per ft. IRONS, IAD 12Je. per lb. LYE $11.00 per cane. to $6.00 per can. LEAD White $ Bar 20c. per lb. LOGWOOD 2c. to 33e. per lb. LAMPBLACK 20c. per Ih. LUMBER $3 to $5.00 per bnndred feei. MUSTARD 65c to 65c. per lb. M ATCH ES $8.00 to $11.00 per cat. INDIOO-$2.- JOB PRINTING In the finest style. ...... . J, I. MADDER-3c.-plb. "To-morro- w METAL, BABBIT 40c. per lb. 7l per gal. " Sngar Drip, $100 per gal. NUTMEG3-I1- .7 per lb. NAILS $8.90 to $9.90 per keg. ' MOLA8SES.-4l.- Ilpoing tmi LINSEED-I1- OILS, ' SPKRM-J3- ORDERS ' 60 ., MACIII5E-$X- 15 , " ' par gaL 23 nsn$iA roft per com O0AL-4S.- 50 Jc per lb. OATS Fo$ter8, ' PEPPER, Black-4- 6c per To. " Cayenne 70c per lb. PEACHES 10c. per lb. i FORK Sold at 20o. to 25c Bought at lie. to 30c POTAT0ti-60- c. to e. per kutbaU JIand Bills, J per 100. PICKET9,i-R-0 RAISINS-$6JJ5per- ; ' per aw. STOVB-tl.- OO POLISH, box. BUI Heads, ' ' " RICE 15c to 17c per lb. ROSIN 15c per lb. ROPE, MANILLA SOc to 33c per lb. box. SOAP, OLIVR, L X. " 1 " ' B06 per com. ' ETARCII G4e par lb. S 30a. i s " , " NAVY GRAPE $V. S Washing machine, 0 . ; ' rarty .Tickets, ?, ' , " , ' n ; I Cards, etc., etc. per ft, 80c TRCNK9, $5.00 to $10.09. WASHBOARDS $8.50 perdoa. WHEAT. $1.26 per bneheL WHEEL-HEAD- .... ; ;. A-- 20c. " . Invitations" Crushed $21.00 per sack t ! TK A4l AO to $1.25 per lb. , ' TOBACCO, . Order Books, ' . fcai. Laf-I.-I0 . .. , ' ' i" !, per tnU. $7. to $9, pet cord. " 5 ' $i7v Jaw Unied to and ,wltr3a.- PrompUy i . Subscriber's Attention! ! THK NEW-YORDAILY TRTTHTKK is pnblish- ed every morning (Sundays excepted at flf" ' jw WORKMANSHIP FIRST-CLAS- S P C V' Vjr aVJtu GUARANTEED. WILL TAKE OS SUBSCRIPTION, "y ... i.... r .t CLEAN COTTON RAGS ' . Gather np inn vw. yv ' J W will aim allow THREE CEST8 per H. for CLEAN 8UNXTSACKS. Ragt frsd bring tbtra tMmg U ,,r r....ilJ fft- ,.,(, For which ire will allow rive Cents per lb. THE TRTBUNB ALMANAC 18TQ. Trie 20 cts. TRIBUNE ALMASAC REPRIST. , 18JS 1' 'StoIs. Halfbonnd, flO.OO BSUULLsXTlONS Olf A11. Y tlFE,14ly wraT' fireely.' Various styles of binding. CirttH, ',! $2 60 Library.' 4L LHaHi MnMceeV' Half Calf, th. Morocco Antique, $7..-- r 5 t MARGARET FULLER S W OKKS. New foil 9 rolsi Cloth, lifli t,I Qt'fNN.;'T , PHAR CULTURE FOR PROFTT. ELEMENTS Vtt iA RICH LTllJtJL , t VtAJU-'8- New Edition. Cloth, Si. , , . PRAININO FOR T1EALTU AJflJ- PROfTT- -' A" IKO. Cloth, $1 W. t . . How to makj thcra. EARTH CLOSETS. INtt. ,2 : rr.ii "' 8ent fre oa receipt of price. , : ' ,.. i i a:i .. In making remittances for subscription.!"' '. a draft bn New York, or" 4 alwavs priK-wrOffice Meney Order, rf pnseible. W here neither them cm be procured, send the monoy.'rmt al1y in a SEWISTKRKI) lct'er, The. rcgitrt.Ji .f has been redsced toftetn eents, rtgistra tins, syttam has ,beea loand by the poena sUolute authorities to be virtually against lessee by mail. All Postmasters aredooblige U register letters wtievKW npqneft', to eo. ' Terms, cash in mhrance. Kew-TorAddress, THE TRIEVNE, ti '4e .... , perienced. TUB TKIliCNK will be always Mady te guard the farmer against any nub iinposiuva that comes within our knowledge. ' VETERINARY I)ETARTMENT. To make TUB TKlRliNE Mill more Ti7u.ihb to its agricultural readers, we have engaged Fruf. JAMES LAW, Veterinary Surgeon in Cornell University, to answer questions coiiceminf 4k ses of Cattle, Iiornes, Sliccp, and other duniettie animals, and to prescribe remedies. Answers and prescriptions will tie given only through the col umns of THE Til III ne are sure that this new feature in TllK TlilUUNK will add largelv to its readers, as all owners sf animals are liabfe to need the information proffered. Inquiries should be niado as brief as possible, that the quontioni, answers, and proscriptions may I piiMinhwl In- short, we intend that THE TR1BINE shall keep in the advance in all that cumerni tbe Agricultural, .Manntacturing, Mining, and ether interests of the country, and that for varitljsai altogether tbummt completeness, it shall remain valiuible, interesting; " and Instructive in the . world, published It has len well observed that a careful reading ond study of the farmers' Club Kepolt it Illfc TRIBUNE alone will savo a fanner hundreds of dollars In his crop. In- addition to theae reports, we shall continue to print tit best things writttn on the snlyect of ngrirulture by American aid foreign writers, and shall Increase these features from year,-tyear. ' As it ia, no prudent tanner can do without it. As a luuon to his workmen alone, every farmer should place I UK W'EKKUf TKIBL K upon his table every Saturday evening. TI1R TRIBUNE is the best and cheapest paper ia the country. This is not said in a Siirit of to create the It has falli-- tu New-Yor- k greatest newspapers of the country Here on4- trate the coinmorce,tlie Bianutactures, the mineral resources, the agricultural wealth of the Republic Here all tile news gathers, and the patronage l n Xaa iargo that journalists ran afford to print-itis the strength of THI TRIBUNE. We prldt the and best edited weekly newspnpor in the cheapest , country. We have all the advantage around tu. ly We have great Daily mid editioni. All the elaborate and intricate machinery of ear establishment perhaps the most complete in America is devoted to the, purpose of Mating THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE the best and cheapest newspaper in tho world. The rooult is that have so systematized and expanded our rouraee that every copy of THE WEEKLY TKIW.V con tains as much mnttor as a ouoitecinio volume. Think of it I For two dullara, the subscriber to THE TRIBUNE for one your buys as much reading matter as tliongh ha filled a'shelf of bis library with fifty volumes, containing the greatest works in the language. The force of cheapness can no further go. , , i r ? THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE is the paper "the ' the Here the student lean eager way people. lessons of science. Here the scholar may read recorviews of tlie best books. Hern may be found respondence from all parts of the world, tkcobwr-vation- s of sincere and gifted men, who servo Till! TRIBUNE in almost avery country. .; , .uit tli THE TRIBUNE Isstroug by reason of Its enormous circulation and great cheapness. It hatflowg been conceded that XU WEEKLY T1UHUKK has tbe largest circulation of any newspaper in the eountry.. Fur years we have printed twice amiaay papers, perhaps, as all of the other vvekly editions of the city dailies combined. This is why we ara enabled to do our work grrtnoroughly and cheaply. The larger our circulation, the better paper ere, ran . make. What are the practHw! snggoations? Many. Let every subscrilier renew his subscription, and urge his neighbor to do the same. If a man cannot afford to pay two dollant M him raise a club, by inducing his neighbors to sulcribe, and, ' we skill end him a copy gratis for hi trouble. Nnneo large and complete as TILE WKR< riper was ever before offered at so low a price. Even when onVcnrrencv was at tor with no such Cold, paper bat TUB TRIBUNE was Offered at that price; and THE TRIBUNE then cost of far leas than It now does. We haw .solved ne problem of making the best aud cheapest newir per In America. TERMS OT TTTE TfEErTLY TTJBCKB. To Mail Subscribers:,, ?s ,.,u ' " 12.00 One copy, one year, 6'i issues . s eopttui, 10 copies, to onoaddroas, ii.noeacn to name? of (and ono extra copy); e 11.00 each (snd subscribers, at one one extra oopy); 20 copies, to one address; ILK each (and one extra copy); 20 copies, to names of subscribers, at one l'ost-OfflttlM each (ani one extra copy; 60.cppies to one address, $1 each (and one extra copy); 60 copies, to name of subscribes, at one ist-0ftk- e f LU) each and . one extra conv.) t Semi-TrefklT Tribune The Xo'W' ' is published very TCKSDAY and FRIdA , and Deing printed twice s week, we can, or course, pria all that appoars In oar weekly edition, Includins; everythihg oa tliesnJyccf ef Agrknillure, ansVaas sdd much interesting and Talunbloniattr,for which there l not euffioient toofit tn TBF, WERKLT TRIBUNE. The IIUBUNE hi the course of a venr. Three or Funr of AND LATEST POPULAR. NOVKLkV? 1111111 ihiiuuib, iiiciu-n- .i iihtsc an'iir, i in book form, would be 'from six to eight dollars. Nowhere olse caa so much current intelligent and permanent literary matter be had at so cheap rate as ml UK BEMl-V- t KEKLY TRIBUNE. ' ' TEIBONsTi' TSRM8 OF IHS Mail subscribers, 1 copy, 1 year livl numlns) M Mall subscribers, 2 Copies, 1 year VH number) (! Mail subMrihers, 6 copies, or over, Sir each ropy IS. , Persons remitting for 10 copies $30 wiU'xscsl . uuiit b" an extra copy one) oar For iloo we will send thirtv-fon- r conissasd Th ' la DAILY TRIBUNE. j) . ;' , fork , Blanks, '; Brown 16c. to I7e. per lb, BUQAR, ; ' " a Deeds. , ' P) ' SCLPBUR-S- Oc. SALT, Fine 3Jc SALTS, Epeom 15c, . Letter Heads, ,. ,PUTTYfl5e.piTlb. - '!...; ''! " RELIABLE LOCAL ITEMS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, fte. ALLSriCK-4- 5c. .',' Of late years there has been a lucrative liniino carried on by unprincipled men; in iwlling worib. lass and om plants under new names to tlie jnei. , ALUM 1 r . ' ,! 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Now if the time to Sulxu ribe for t).." . 0c- - ; Great Family Ne wspaper 62. CAMBRICS-- 18t n, ana ta'za; c. lie. to PAPEB! iV ,. DRY GOODS. ALPACAS, Black 50c. to tlJM pr yard. . .. vV UE GREAT FARMERS' " TTIIOIXSiiEEiciE usiV I ed " - 1870! 5 iJ, BOOEBINDrtTG IF. ALL ITS BRANCHES. a: Fn'ti5 |