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Show Xlic .Working .Peopkv.f WEDNESDAY aud SATURDAY, p.blUhl tilevery OOM.X FUBLISUIKQ COMPANY. by The merry birds are singing,' ' '' Athl from the finrniit 1 The spirits of a tlitmmnd (lowers ; .M,mths 1 pjui,.. Devoted to News, Literature, Agriculture; Science, and the Arts HATES OF ADVERTISING. 5 3 5 i '3fo. 49. i ii $ 00 70 30 SO So 40 50 ik ai 60 100 at lim 90 135 ISA 200 44 75 i' I 15 18 21 lit ; TTTTT 2 Hi Surg 10 lines, 12 l $5 $8 1 fcjuar. .. T 10 3 4 7 9 11 . a in 11 16 19 25 20 30 34 45 Business Crd $5 per mouth. ; SO 2lr ' OGDM, UTAH, SATUKJttAY, JtJXK 18, 1870. TELEG11AP1L " i vasion of the Dominion of Canada, and the earnest wish is expressed that .O'Xeil and all other leading ienvansfmay be tried for the violation of the neutrality laws, and punished according to the statute, for what is regarded as a great AMERICAN. ' timen two months. '; Smith lmd had the animals at Work. He' had harncssad thousand came to King'shouse t o get some imuc. .as he drew near, the Deputy Sheriff drew his revolver, and commanded Smith to surrender. The latter mado a rush, to get into the honse with tht intention of 3eir.ing 'some fire-arwhich hung near the door. The Sheriff seized him. A struggle ensued. Smith tried to possess himself of Brown's pis tol. I presented my revolver at the thief's head and told him to surrender, lit did so, and was firmly secured, ' and guarded that nigkt by Mr. Tyler and myself. , We started for Ogdcn with the prisoner, On reaching Ulcnwood we camped. Tho prisoner had gouo to bed, was about to retire, the teamster had gone for wafer, Brown was a few steps dUuiiice from the bed. The prisoner ro9? up and began to put on his boots. On seeing this Brown placod his gun against the wall, telling mo to keep watch while ho got the hand - cuffs. (For what followed telegram pub lished in Ogden Junction, on 15th inst. Ihe verdict of the jury who held the inquest on the body of tho prisoner was "that Tcter D, gnuLh eame to las death by pistol shot, fired by the hand of Deputy Sheriff Brown, while the latter was in the execution of his duty." X cannot close my letter without ex pressing my gratitude for the kindness we received from, and the assistance winch was rendered us by our numcr- ousriends, both on our outward and homeward journey. I am, sir, yours " truftf. M '?f'it vtH 4 ii Vlo sweetly up tno.lj V'hile in his hnlt temple " We meet to praise and pray With chenrftir ok" ami- - grateful This Bu minor gubbatti Pay ! 2.00 .10 : ; : . lay. VtiLiK Thee, Limt." ftr mw thy V&IUW. iwaveii ia tit fesei The poor have only dundayi The sweeter ia th Tis then they make the musla That sings rheir week away.Oli, there's a swmtness infinite? ' In tho pour nutu's Saulntu W''' " A'V WARREN lirSSEV, Salt Lake City. ,' C. I, PAHI.KR, Helena, Montana. II ' . - i t ' IILSSEY, DAIILER & CO,, Tis fts a bnrrt at sumiltluc, t 'It? Washington. Red Cloud desires another conference A tender fall of rain, , , BANKERS, Thnt set the harest life S.nibtfpi.id f.lUVvaneS. with the authorities, which will proba crime committed upon a government oasists" .1 ten files or typeHUl (tiH bly b) jrranted. JEXKINW KEW BL'ILPIXO, Make old hearts young again. h! ku Wki ' ' lied Cloud had a final council with with which they are at peace, and an TlM) dry nnd daMy roadside HAI9T Yesrly advertisers allowed to change at pleasure, on The an OflDEX, STREET, people. unoffending outrage e the Secretary of the Interior, Ho de With stnilins flowers is gay: . with only the additional charge of twenty-livtenor of this dispatch has been communiAXJ) SALT LAKE CITY. etnts a square for coniponition, but they will be clined to receive any presents, and sim Tis open hoavon one ,duj In scto.i, , nf )' chafed J5A.TRA for occupying spaco over conwanted horses to carry the party cated to the President by the Secretary ply In (Mil Dn Coin anil Currwjry. Draw Dealers Tbs poor man's galdiath Pay State. of leave will The government itaii&d on home from the railroad. Exchauite on San Freuiuwo, .Montana, Denver,, "giloSlr Notiwl"i"Xitniwi5wit' under to O'Xcil and the arrest others be or M. NW and all Tis bore the weary pilgrim. :, t Louis, iork, tnmpe. jvirts The President, Secretary of the the outsids of the paper, will be charged twenty-iTlnth much liin hnuae nf ease ! Collection promptly attended to. 1 tf per cent additional on the above rates. of War, Attorney-Gener- dealt with according to law. '' " Advertisements not marked on the copy with the Treasury, Secretary That Messed house, called "Wutlfal and Porter are number of fill H imdihe4 t w i ' " '"' And soft mild Alr4l cub) tni kikge6 Uaisjeat now all absent from the that chamber, "peare," city. The The River of Lift suns through hi dream,' j Correspondence. Is President on back expected Tuesday "JJyiltTIMjJ'ETfllnwjq.l tlftrki wiUbe ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR. are at I'l"! t , i., And the leaves of hen-e- n t mtinuwi until ordered out, in every instance, and morning,' if he does not go from Pennicarsedfoaaqe-irdUjlTiEaglkvixle, Iron Co. "j Iln sees the guidon city gleam, West Point, in which case to .VIM sylvania IT OCice Hotel aurertis-tr- i 1870. nulf Ogden of ami 30th, May, opposite yearly yearly I . The privilege This shining ftbl.sth pay j h will be absent until next week. Sec OODKH CITY. is restricted to their direct lino of business, and Ogdkn- - Junction: ""I advertise-aun- t Boutwell is not expected back Editor retary all Uel Auction, Real Kitate, ot other Take heart, ye faint and fearful, ( Dear Sir: The agricultural interests bufiaeKS proimitlr All kimls of ttonW ' until 1 hursday or Friday, and Secreta- of foreign to their regulapiradoj will t ttar-ecross with Your bean courage to. iw Utah, and the mining interests of Nelor separately. 'CIry Belknap may return on Wednesday. Bo men.? a fiw now tearful " No Advertisements from the States will be inare meeting each other on this vada, cash to Commissioner Delano is confined (at ourjulvertlsed rates,) serted without the iu ,1 ., rhino Khali there) frontier. In speaking in this broid glory cfio of our his bed by severe neuralgia. y accompanying the order Krtlfl Assistant Where all the sorrow is banlnliod. sense, I but represent the very different rrrslar authorised Advertisuis; Agents. f is as commissioner. Douglas to acting the The tears are wiped away; All communications devoid of interest views and policies of the peoplo of Ne, 1 he Russian minister and wife leave private interests, public, or intended to. prompt tie shall And all The and vada Utah. eternity representatives of will be charged aarrs)i)ils, and payment for Long Island or next day ; these .', r Aa endless Sabbath Bay r we interests, differ more widely in required in advance. If personal in character, the minister Danish wife and will to go advertiseor ( and if of motives rewire the right to reject any article, action, witj posAh ! there are empty plaees, Denmark about the end of this month, principles the ment of this class, than interests they represent. concern. whom To It nil sible, may ; we Will last Since n,k and here; be gone till December. mingled .'FRkNfctiffi ?D. RICHARDS, Editor.. The want the water to use i' There will he minting faces The President has sent, to Congress, in agriculturists J 1 food and beautifying the C, W. TENR0SE, Associate Editor. raising Whun we meet another year! a message in condemnation of the atro-oioTOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT f .1) (ll lT earth with the mines, princigardens, But heart to brairt, ltefore we port. manner in which the conflict in ,- -. rt iv' all Persons vngnged in Business in tti;j t for and stamp-mill- s mushroom pally, Now altogether pray Cuba is being carried on by both sides, towns. 0CDEN DIRECTORY. Ogden City, (fcr which the City Ordi nance provide that a license must be That w may tnent in heaven, toS spewf'''!' representing that the object of the Cu Miners as a class are poor, they are Xha Uinai.SftblMtU Payl ' r.i-!- T their recognition as ever in chase after a obtained,) without firft procuring blliccn for ban who urge I niled fortune, and but is to United embroil the cense to bciore are taken l liable be ... belligerents . any ,.. few of them find one; when found it is Halt. ..,;,,' States in warfare with Spain; and de- often Alderman cf said City, and be subjected ''r''J-Therit J.' Wilson SJvirj, as was lost as made. Governor rapidly JliHOcllancons.11 to a Fine. claring his inability to see, in the pres ror a few months past, labor has been Ki. V. 1II0RNT0N. , Secretary S. X. Mann.' ent condition of Cuba, those elements well of the order Council, By City paid around the mines in this sec ia a woman in AkTns Oljio, Xarthalyi. E. Tat rick. i to constitute a war in the but through the anxiety to obtain V. S. Attorney C.JL JUiripstead,.' ' , required LORLN FARR, Mayor. who haa borne forty children. , sense of the international law, and invi- tion, t a little ready cash, tho market is beSupt. Indian Affairl J.E.Tdurfeilotte. Claim of the attention of to all the Siiigular , ting Congress M'indk-8Survfior-GeuerC. 0. Clements. overstocked. Some few are runThe North haa 5,843,177 pn4 t ,u aide u. relations and bearings of the question comingafter a THOS. Go. ODELL, City Recorder. the South, 196,773. , ,, , ., ., n i Kectivcr of dollar, when two might be in connection with the declaration of ning made nt home. ton. Miss Carroll,, a maiden lady of much -- 0and the granting of belNgcr mayor The citizens in this region, occupy a intelligence, from Winnebago Minnesota,- li George R. neutrality Rtgittrar of Land Office Maryland, appeared ent rights. The message was referred chain of fertile eld,-', ..vpit ,,. : cighty-on- o to before the House year vallies, contiguous Thc Office of the City Recorder is at Military committee to the foreign committee by both houses. what are supposed to be very rich silver Thursday, and presented and urged a the Office of the Two students from lrkuUk, Siberia, to table being negatived in the motion a Ogdcn Junction, Hollister. O. mines. From tho stand peint of our claim for an U. S. Collector J. Seventies' Hall, near tho U. C. R. U have entered the Cromwell University Congress by appropriation House. C. Wilson. the "Cullom Bill" is ready, to pay for her valuable service to the Station. ,', ; ,.. Cole introduced a bill regulating the neighbors, ' Attociate Justice O, F. Strickland and when let loose by the mighty men of the in planning tho Tennessee Tho Welland Cannl 1' to' bo c'ulargeil manufacture of brandy from grapes Office Hours from 10 fl. m. till 3 p. tn. to like overwhelm the Saints a camuaign. The commtitce did not hear nation, Hawley. a cost of $3,000,000 gold. " ' '' at apples, peaches and other fruits. and they are so anx her terrific .'1,1 tils but referred her case to through, .''llilVlMI I he bill granting lands to aid the con' ious to hurricane, ' Thera are 2,208 brewers, in England, get hold of our fertile vallies, that ono .of the members, to whom she will t ruction of a railroad from Browns Territorial Officers: ' ' can hardly abide the timopffhis urge her claims and present her testi whom ninetjtwo are la London. of they II. to . ville, Nebraska, to Denver, was passed; terrible Vr be.j 'i3 calamity to us. They are mony. Uencral, Logan, chairman or the Hoop,?. .'loAfj;-also a land grant bill for a railroad Henry AVarcl Beechcr av) "Never : gining to run their lines over Utah sur- committee, states that President Lincoln Zerubbnbel Snow. through Dacotah. Attorney-Generacold children, but soberly auJ qu'mlljf eys, and intrude on our right a little planned tho campaign, and that he Marthal Conference committees were appoint here J. D. T. McAllister. , - , 1, .; . , .;",',. reprove." and there. We, that are the citi- - ghoijkJ to him Logan, lung before tho ed on tho pension and legislative ap William Clayton? Anditor n 'oi ( izens do feel not like here, ot leaving really ' the campaign, the plans, beginning Trnuurer David O. Calder. Forty workmen were buried auvfl propriation bills. aud for the labors our country, donating maps aud figures and the whole cam iiIvcw iork. Superintendent of Common School through the caving in cf a' tulphur lu'uio ' their benefit. The future must decide paign, as it was subsequently conducted, : in Sicily. Robert L. Campbell. II. W. Wirti, of Elgin, III., was rob the result of their determination to recently, push i with the and :: : t'.K ,. roads, streams, bridges bed of $10,000 in bonds, in a sleeping us, and our resolve to keep what is ours, everything marked out An Irish lover remarked that it is a These maps car between this city and Pittsburg. two For this aud Springyears, Valley Wcfoor cVttnly'Offleers: and plans were sent by Mr. Lincoln to great comfort to bo' alonej "especially The Schurzen corps held a grand fes SAMPLE ASD SALrSROOJI " alley, north of us, have been afliicted the commanding general, under whose when yer swateheart Iswidye." a$ar County, u$yeff, D. tival on Tuesday and edncsdny. with tho grasshopper plague. This direction the ox was , i.n,..f fought. The Beethoven festival opened this campaign A lady in Paducah, Ky., died from an Spring the elements appear to promise 'tiliTl 1 Herriclc, Ilenry evening with Madame Parepa Rosa, an abundant harvest. was is enuff. It She for liter Inordinate use of needed, Uolracs, Richard Ballantjne. chorus of 2,500 voices and an orchestra while the ' ' have been destroy"snuffed out." " as it man "hoppers" a nam Clerk and Recorder x . b. luchardi. may Strange ally appear, of 600 instruments. The rink, which J'rotecutinif Attorney Aurclins Miner. holds over 20,000 people, was filled to ing the crops, mouths requiring a sup- ed Boozy has been arrestod in Albany Ogden The total number nf cattle in the va of food, have rapidly increased. In for being "boozy." ' Tho Public William Critchlow ovation was given by ply children overflowing. rious European States is not lesii,' itli are one of the staplo pro fact, aerifJLCLlbeJtrBelknsipjil' . ,..:,... - m;.v Gilmore and Parepa Rosa, the latter ducts of the A talented youth at Key West charms I hare on hand a larfre Ptork of the (Y!e1rated said, than S4,700,000. country. I have heard of Deputy Shriffrjliiapi Brown. tslIA WAN, I.F.B M S, CROW, BOWKX, sung the Star'fipangled Banner, with t no case car out the rattlesnakes of their holes and where little ahd'CotlktbrU-Stniforstranger yet,' Auuior Bing chorus of three hundred voices. AND ellAlir'8 BKAMP8 of The snlarr of Mr. Wliilelav Unid.'Vh'i has not met with a welcome on ries them about his neck, and makes ham. A reduction of four dollars and nine its arrival. All who hearty editor of theNew York Tribune, nin(tin(f feel any interest in practice of carrying scorpions and wasps Trtaturer Israel Canfield. cents has been made on each this is reported at $7,000 a year. !.! '.! i' rest assured sieeves. that the iu uis matter, Coroner Wm. N. Fife. ' for all points west, of 'Cullom Bill"may ticket, through, STOCK LAROE of no has a had Also, f"Of)r for". aiil-, Tillnn crrf Thondnre perccptablo in ocnoois Chicago, ' except Sacramento and San Stirfetor ana aupcrmienae.ni or r ' fluence in destroying the increase of -- Wm.BurionS"-' York New Independent inn front inthe Francisco. The freight tariff to the CASE LIQUORS, population on this frontier. We want fO.tXHJ to $8,000 for his winter lectures.' Pacific coast is reduced ten per cent. settlers in this chain of rallies, men who Red Cloud arived this afternoon and CASE WINES, 11,493 imtnifrrnnts landed in New Tort expect to dig their living from the earth, visited the theatre Incorporated by Xct of Jan. and make wealth their last week. 4,68 wera from Jcrniany 1 by beautifying . 5 NEAR CHAMPAGNES, ; Thicago, Municipal election biennially on the and improving it. and 8,016 from IreUnL,r ,t!i McFarland, who killed Richardson, is iwond Monday of February. Meetings Yours Respectfully, C ATA W DAS, A of the City Council weekly, on Tuesday In this city. In conversation with some Lord of Urotighatn nephew James A. Little. etc, etc. friends he announced his attention of We are now prepared to exchange failed at Melbounie. II is liabilities' evenings, at City Ilall, Main Street. set his wife's Indiana divorce Call and examine my Stock. having amounted to f 24,801; his assets, th Iun ' Mayor Loren Farr. Willarp, June 15th, 1870. CLOTH AND YARN FOR WOOL aside, and claims that he seen red sum niture of his house. : oient proof of fraud and perjury during Editor Oodes Junction: ,, ii. J. iieriius, Last evening the citizens of One pnunl of 0 reuse to Sir; oisrht pounds of For threatening to personalty chastise) his recent visit to Indiana to enable him 3d A. J. Shupe, is nut furnished the Willard held a Caucus Meeting (prepar wool win be required. ir It ttrj House. While succeed. the to American consul at Liverpool,, ant) Opposite Nearly Coumelort el the grease will be deducted from the wool. James Mo fliiw4 .W.ltor J. I)a Costa, a shipping agent, has been .AtSt. Paul's church, yesterday, Rev. atory to the election to be held on the price Thompson. William W. Buffoit,' 3osiah Dr. Ryder preached a memorial sermon 20th inst.,) for the nomination of City Douna over' to Keep too peace ior sis Beef and all kinds' of Soft Grease iLeavitt, Israel Canfield. Officers. The following gentlemen were ' " " ' months. Dickens. on Charles death of the Recorder Thos. 0. nominated as candidates for the several for in taken Exchange The limes says Washington special Attorney A. Miner1". Java must be a nice country to livq in. the majority and minority of the House offices : Manhal W. N. Fife. W. last year 188 trnrn, 52 women! Ward. For Mayor, George Durinj committee of foreign affairs, on the Cu Treaturtr Aarpa F&r. r. IT sToIner, For Councillors, George Facer, George and a"& children wera killed there' ban, officially publish question; Atttttor and Colleclor--&'. Bingham. -- J and , by crocodiles tigers, 108 persons FULLER and their reports. . The majority report, le Harding, Thomas Woodland, John P Wanted a first-cla. ' ' Surveyor W. W. Burton. Wood and Thomas W. Brewcrton, Esqrs. by snakes. the United of to the be cares it FINISHER. duty EAST A IIALF BLOCK TUB OF Pottco-O. Taylor. Captain of for Justices of the Peace, Ueorge J. States to recognize- the existence of the "JUNCTION" OFFICE, OGDKN. Juitict of tkefPeace S. Egglestoo. "Why," asked a governess of her to declare and maintain Marsh and William Ward, Eqrs. Co in PUGSEEY contest A Cuba, R.WDALL, little charge, "do we pray Ood to gito ConitabUC. F. Middletou. as Yours ever, to both and and All Orders personally an impartial neutrality give f romptly us our daily bread !, Why don't we as at Chablks Wright, attended to. parties the same advantages or inter for four days, or five days, or a week!" of Clerk meeting. course and trade with the United States; Ogdcn Post Office: Arllcls manufartureil by n la warranted to "We want it fresh ;1" replied U'e ingeErery to the President invites ' ' and the report " ""' ' JYuuufer Isaac Moore. tie niade or the Dost material, nious child. ' ' ' i Ogdkx, Juna 17th, 1870. rtio"tW Oncfaf Delivery from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. remonstrate against the barbarous man j ner in which "the war has been conduct Editor Oopen Junction: Thore are 400,000 ceres of land in lh ounaayg, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sir: Allow me, through the columns Yazoo Basin, Miss., liable to overflow, Daily Mails closb, until further notice. ed. or Salt Lake CUy ftt . The minority say they have seen no of your valuable paper, to give my 8.30 which, if properly protected, 5s capable:' evidence that there is a Cuban revolu- friends a brief account of my hasty For the East - "e.SOa.m. of producing more colton than has been i to tho Sevier mines. raised in the United States in any eve tionary government in existence, exer trip ' s Having received information from Mr .&&. since the war.. . cising permanent control over any part year From SultLake City of the island, and they are constrainea P. W. Thompson, of the whereabouts of 7.30 a.m. West of Prest. II. Young's Residence, ADTES VISITING SALT LAKE CITY J T The auditors' of the counties in Ohio, Bait Lake uty. From the East - 4.80 p.m. to believe that a constitution, political a span of mules which had been stolen respectfully invited to call and examino the which the Atlantic and Grsat through divisions, or control of the Island is from the Hooper's range, and which be- rimW Stork offinnrisaHh 7.30 a.m. West TO SALT LAKE CITT MOULD to on 4th attained Railroad I the Western of me, VISITORS the absence inst.; on that longed passes, rama tne proMAILS to fine see the paper; and mainly' call collection a writ from Justice Lggleston, for the of NATIVR ANIMALS and W R l8; nlsoMIXK-HAI.Wose for North Otrdcn on Monday at elections, the doubts as to what the con perty of that vorporatiob, subject to toi IIOMK MANl'FACTLHKS, ami ntnral ation, at $4,170,000 an iucroasoi uf 2.30 p.m. For Plairt City, on Thurs stitution contains, the way it was pro arrest of Peter D. Smith. On the earne nest door tn tho Bnnklnn llnnse of lliissey, T tiler ptcMluctiatui of the Territory, at I lie above eetab- - $000,000 in the pasty ear. , at 6.30 p.m. For Huntsyille, on mulgated, the fact that the insurgents day, in company with Deputy Sheriff, m Co East Temple street, where tnej will nnd ,( j nsiiment. ity, hold no important city or town, have no Wm. Brown, I started in pursuit of the very nice stock of Opea from 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. Oil. laj!jdlJidft aiS-pia- : 1855 In the value of products of in SMy capital, hava no vessels afloat etc., thief. On reaching Salt Lake City, and JIITXIXEI1Y, of Massachusetts increased,,, dustry coaches did we not the run, show: thcr say. that there is no finding .atxroxTralnsi CI H EEATIIEllS, $2!).,820,fit2, and the capital invested fa" team and continued vehicle and a hired Cuban srovernment outside the camps no jeave Ueden daily, until furtlier FLO WEISS, ZALL AT THE KEV8BK HOIiPE ATKW, $120,C9S,2')8. In ISfiS the produoisof: for Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and They look, further, upon the proposed our journey as far as American Fork heoond Routh ft wet., gait take Olty, whora industry in Massachusetts Were vnlnM-awe Green's There at J will put r.p DIIESS TUIMJIIXfiS. jj'SOp.m. (For extra trains see time declaration of neutrality as a concession (87 miles). And JOK. SIMMOXS or hi. assistant. you $517,240,613, and the capital investlc.) For the Ewt, t 7.25 a.m. For to belligerent rights which would enlarge lIoteL Next day, Sunday, we traveled ready and willing to serve yod with UNDERCLOTHING, ed , $174,499,950. , ' and the to for this stayed Santaquin, of the night country Spain against powers Attest, at 6.35 p.m. FBESH OYSTKRS, arrive from fcait Lake Lity, 7 a.m. at a time when they believe it to oe tn with Mr. Joseph Mathews, who gave ns wartaT'' so' Shakers, milk Snmlotrns, makes the "What GOLDEN KOWX ( CIGARS, account of his recent d 4.45 said Betty to tho when sho P10S FEET, etc. p.m. From the East, 4.25 p.m duty of the United States to preserve an a very interesting ISnbics' Hoods, ISonncts, States. Southern the to visit : "v-trthe nnd between Call and see him. parties, impartial neutrality ert,;Kia.m.-,her pails to the door oho mornJ ,,;.., brought ourwe continued the Oil 6th journey lur gelt Lake City Time. in this struggle against European supre Gencrnl Xotionw. if,.-;.. ,.. ing. and put up at the hotel of "Tail " r ,timacy on any portion of the continent. to Salt Creek the .fa "Please, mum, The minority also recommend the gov- Mr. Goldsborough, where charges for PRICES THE 1'iTinc SAME AS IN broke, and missus took the water froiu, ' "held every Sundny.irf the Tabcrncle, ernment to maintain a naval force in entertainment are very moderate, the boiler." to went Chicken Creek l 10 a.m. and 2 we Thence EASTERN where, OFFICE AT WALKER A MCXCTT'g DKUO of all CITIES. .'Ito waters the ; Cuban and the School in rights protect p.m.; BIAIKR, tiDES, U. T. from Mr. Palmer we obtained more infor In Alaska, if a nalivo murders ,li'i9 - Calls from th. "ues oi the various Wards at 5.30 p.m American citizens. and Drewmaking In all their Branches Country promptlT et We stolen traveled Millinery of mation an my property. received Rritish Minister has her relatives won't be satisfied unThe wife, te. tended Wltn executnl proniptitHifc1. official letter from Lord Clarendon, in on until we reached Marysvffiein Sevier Ladies' own material made up in the latent style. til he gives them a lot of blankets. They think a wife is worth fifteen blankets iii which the thanks of the English Cabinet County, where from Mr. F. King, w GROVES, the summer and twenty in tho winter this government for the learned that Smith would be at hi to are conveyed Feeond U Pomh ALT 8 Office, Pireet. LAKE CITT, MERCHANT AKD PROFESSIONAL There I Most, wife murders ore committed in thsj measures taken by the Admin- (King's) house that night. hmt Lake Utty, lurec uoors nusi ci Aevere iiouie.. will do tiiem prompt "ill I , PPly. of the mules for the first zi-9 !m ' in sight summer to save blankets. caught Feniaa in the uro wu istration vi suppressing nj '" tw it . s, al isroi, ej-tio- Vico-Admir- al n ' . , I ! 3 1 : j '!' y d tt. ' S'V4' CITY LICENSES. : ' 'l - '' , 'i e . . .;lantl al PklwvJoliuilin' ; a Jlnrj' , MrUl&oL47feart. fiG. t . E. al GARN, ' i'MJil. DEALER ." ' , i . - Wines & Liquors J Tratt, lU7n-test- ' I V .,- MAIN STREET, er City, Utah. III. Kentucky. Wliiskcys; ty-fi- ! i'1' Excelsior Mills!! ' 'tii , ... Main Street, Ogden ,.,.,. tf ' Q";jH ; cloth Ar . ' y, "yaiwv ; SeSeTUCKEK, Carpenter, Cabinet 3Ialcer, ss and f . - -- . ' - MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, SALT LAKE CITY iSSIiQ 0 jitj '- tf f . MUSEUM AND MEN AC ERIE. ili-i- Half-bloc- k j NEW MILLINERY SEMI-WEEKL- Y Establishment, J ........... t. OYSTERS. ", t - , Haf, . miUf-woma- , "' DR. R. TIBBITS, x'lij'Hicinn mid Wureon, uorsuip . WSRSS CARDS. Mrs. STEX LOUSE, u DR.WM.H. Jentit, I'i-R-m pump-handl- ' ; ' - " |