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Show ( BY Elit.Ogttmguhrtiott,: and BATVRDAY, iLu&i .very WEDSKSDAT f the OtDtX PCSUSBWO COrA.NI. Thbatr. jptcial 'tequcgl On Wednesday night, by of number of the citi-lena Mr'. Lyne appeared again also in hi great character of 'Damon;"' beautiful in her personation jlis Adami The house wag not over of "Calanthe." erowded, but the performances were tlie audience.,. highly appreciated by did himself much Thome again jlr.'. " ertdit. This popular star is rising and lit has already become a favorite here with the lovers of the legitimate drama. The company rendered better service did. on Satur0n Wednesday than they day night. Mr. Pearce's singing .was loudly encored. At the close of the performance, Mr., Lyne and Mise Adams was again called before the curtain, and once more received the hearty congratulations of the audience. On behalf of himself, and Hits Adams; Mr. Lyne responded in a brief, but neat and heartfelt speech. for the joint benefit of Mr. Miss and Adams, thero will be lyne presented the historical play of "William Tell;" after which a beautiful poem, "Our Country," from the, pen of Mr.' T. A. Lyne, will be recited by Mias Adams, (i the "Goddess of Liberty." A song by Mr. Fearct, and dance by. Miss E. pf Pfi 1 . TEQJlAPn. a grand treat. WHITE HOUSE, To liridgo Builders. . M r t.A i Over ilie IVeber ltiTer.i tub 'Central On the South side '(rfj Jhe that .iliaPrtiidii'i'Ayin'LlVig lracK' !.!.!.! ..,...-.r- ,. Ogden, June i 16, 1X70, Rear-Admir- al i.,!. 48-- 3 . To all , ,. . ; .. ,, v..(j. , . ,, ..; liom it in ay' coiicerii. r . ; jT NOTICE.;" ' , liiHtrict. Ilot.Snrii : : ; 48-- 3 i ! 1 NOTICE! Mlllrillc District. :'c pre-per- ii, 47-- tf r . LEGAL NOTICE. Just Sale AT THE OGDEN BRANCH Coma to my Tannery and ee if I will not sell you a. GOOD LEATHER as the best, and as cheap u the chuapiwi in tne market. ...i IIYDE3 and DARK WANTED. c JONATHAN BROWNlNb V' "Watchmakers, JOHN TAYLOR ClotliM, 1ST Gertlxmix wanting ' ' Tailors should go to Thirkill firt-ela- ss " & I 1 ' ' etc?,r Adapted to the Season, always on hand. , A aplendid bilL Ggdin High School. See advt. See adrt. irHalf a Block West of the Bank, McCCinMICK'S Reapers a Lime! Lime! 45.2m Ogdea City.-f- tt TO TIIE FARMERS OF UTAH. fTSAAa M00BE. OGT1EN ITY, IS AGENT -- S iftiWTrr1tury efthe. f0 it . WHICH WILL BE KirbyReaping &; Mowing Machine combined. 49-t- f SOLD CHEAP. Wo, The Machines, and a larp! susnrrment of aro on exhibition at Nathaniel Leavitt's, Main-Ogden, Utah. 1NT KXAtlTNlS tBKn3ii TnCALf. "' Wagons furnished to order. 45-2, , , ISAAC MOORE. , .fi . 'J ESTRAY. IN MT POSSESSION TUB nuimnl: On umall Brown Hnrm, i vmn d.l, hniniimt K bolt Wl hicb, tt !Ht in ne, bind ii-- t wbltn, wklnh. 'lii'iofl.'will h,,M br Aitrtlnrf rm Mmi(irT.th 2JtfcclaT of June next, at the Entray Pound, Oplni. i Wm. N. FIFE, l'onndkecjwr, Oftden City, June ISth, 1S70. Ogdca- ; ; ' InATE GOOD SUPPLY OF THE BEST QUALITY of White Lime Is kept coiifaiitly on hand at A Ianli?l .WilliniiiH' Kilns, j',- : i'r, ) ,f Oivili.n CIlv - . 'hi '!..' Pull) tV PUr will the i i , K n m unit 111 , Kiftyci-nt- . - '",''"' of a Mile from tho Wetjer Station. He will satliver it on tho Cars at VVeUr Stutiuu for 45 Cents per Liiishcl. .4Mni " a ;BKIK! VIE POltTEItVILLE 1UCICK! Co- COUNTY) d operative Lime and Brick Company are to furnish the ieople of Morgan and the 1 No. Article, of adjoining Counties with ItKKK IXIIE AXI . "LATHER AND SHAVEM." FOKMERLY OF THE TIIOMA3 House and well known as an accomawl blade, has plished knight of tho little north at opened hnsiness on Main .tret, He asks for the patronage of his eld N. Leavitt's. friends and of all who want a clean shave in an tarj chair, with a hjht h.nd and c keen razor. 14tf THOMAS, Hpi'iiijf mid Summer at their Kilns at Porterville; or they will ship thhmon the Car. at Morgan City to any point designated on the line, of the U. P., C. P., or U.C. Railroads. They will warrant to their Patrons a genuine article. The price of the Lima shipped at Centa. per Bushel th. price of Morgan Sixty-fiv- e the Hrirk, Dollars per lliousand. Lash, stock and Produce at Cash Rates taken, in pavment. i Orders to be seat to THOMAS KHOLUIl, 41-l.. ... .' 1'ortervilU, Morgan County. ln 1 k E0BINS0N the CO. ARB NOW PREPARED best quality of Coal, Joists. Flooring i,.' attention. t24m . ,' ' 'i " '" ""' n'; NTUEET,- 3IA.iV 0GT1EV, " Have on hand a splendid -- - " , ' ," r AND MAXFIELO ARE NOW FEMALE j :i s i. COOPERATIVE ''notice::'1';'1.';': X UGEtt .BEEB WESTERN' RELIEF ASSOCIATION, ; t MAIN STREET, OGDEN. . ;. ; v!i rTUIZ FEMALE ItELTEF SOCIETY T.tQ TO cull the ntteution of the Ladies to their ' ' ' r ao-t- Hat, ' SMITH & CO'S. . Picketing, at $10. per M. U.I , And near th U. C. K, U. Uep.it. the line. " ' il- We will deliver In fait Lake City at aa atntnce ' , To TAKMEItS anil JIEIl- CIIAXTS of UTAH wc offer riiin ' ndrau(ag: IVc will il. SHeep, RatecEggs, Butter1, '. . , Store Pay at cash 'i We are also jireparcd to famish ;., ',1 i ' ? !1 '' - 7 I ii i i jn. ,i H, i ,i , ... 'i ,i t i j h i i.i i(. iOILJJ Sl'ItlOC IS KOW'TIiEPAEJED. , furnish the lnwt qualit; Coul (J MILMNEET OF ALL KINDS J; at Mra. PKNROSE S, on the Kast ide of Main Street, a little South of Ogden House. On good security w. will also ghre time, on put Ilata, Bonnets, Babies' Hoods, etc, made to riTMi.vT, for largo orders. order. We shall open- - an 'extensive 'Lumber Tard, In Straw and Tuscan Goods cleaned and alter! to the latest Fashions. Doe notice will be given of OgduB, in a few daj-s- . GOOD WORK GUARANTEED. i i:. locality. Partio. In Salt Lake City ran look out, as' we 39-- tf shall open op ther. in- onr line in a few weeks, and give every one chance to bolld and Improve '! SEE. atcheap rates. . O AT $4.00 PER TON ,,, on tli. Cars ot Jiclio. ; , ,, 7 t Ail orders to be eridreased Joint Spricjrs, Suuiiuit couiity, V'laii territory., , , ( Coal-yilM-l- jt HOME'; MANUFACTURE;;: CEAHLES PEARCEe MAIS BT11KKT, (Kll)K.N, ' " Calls th attention of rtie PuMic. to ktl KW anJ i .1 Splendid AssdrtineiiS of 4 t ,( Tin Iron and Copper ' ' ,l Ware,' Whfca he keep .. , ,1 constantly on tutnd.' Also, a good variety of .' .f I S,TO,TES;fr; of niperlor quality; all of wtiich he offers for sale at as low figure as any flint are imported froth th Kant. 1,. ii h; .lt. Job Wuik punctually auj ,PaUy txucutej 3Iulii ,Stroet, O d e i , .'l'1.'.'i DEALER . M 1 i ; CEHEKAi MERCHAKDISE, r . DRY C303S, ' ' : ., i THRST-CLAS- 9 GKOUNDO LEASE. f p. a , I ',:, CHEAPER TIIAX EVI2II in i oiti:. 'i offeei t t Shingles" " . '''' ; M ', r; ! i 'l; ( t' I. . or even Cash i&elf not ft, rates, ;" t j. id COAL! COAL! Flouf, or tifher Also Stock ot any kind: &ws, M'ork Cattle; Wagon., etc.; ' :r j Cai-- persons wliom we nave the who knnv tlieniselve. Im!eit.d to ns, rqud i.!- refused.'' . 11 e will "W to com. forward and luuko sailie-uiiu- it ... within ou month and save coet. ,r , tMll'll A Co., I'roprictors. yi productions of the Farm. 'Also.ulin-tueus- ' TAKE ALL KINDS OF FAY, At MarVet r. f ,f wbkh prioe. quantity of Pickets, all sell cheap tor C'uh,' and disji at are ; of giKd J.iniilrt'r, of various siienstosuit V Hie roquirementii' of the1 purchaser. N i HAND A LA RGB JCMIm Bill of Luutber cheaper than any other hoow In V' ,ji v ; ftir Building will do B1U LADIES! m- CALL AND ; ' ! i ' ATTENTION, ' . , FIRST-CLAS- S ! GOODS, ; ! NEW STOCK Consisting of Artiddala, Feathers, Ribbons, i to etc. t ' i i A fine assortment, for sale, cheap. . ' 20-t- f HALJ,,; North .Id of t'nloa Snnsrsi, Main Strest, Ogdea, whero they can le sit)iplieii with that Article, of the very best qiuilitv, and at rfJuued pricas,, YAED Flooring, Finish- LUMBER Oiie anil a Half Roc V;t of Ilia Jt'XCTio (Jirmc, ... ' 'I (,, ing Luml)oraii(l "tfE WANTITlf 0i . f I ALL l'ET.SONS WHO lKLIt?m' I.V A Ulas. of Hue Sparkling Iiior, plcaae call at the ;;;; (1RISM0N furnish an excellent Quality of coal ou (he cars at Kcho, on terms to suit the time. "',. y.T. Prpwcriplioas carcfull j prepared of f2.50 per thousand over Ogden price. KKEF THE FIRK , A,M) .STATIONERY. ': well to give us a call, as we will f.iruUb a General ." J etc.,'' (srooerieitt l)rv (JoIh, HATS, CAPS, J100TS, SHOL'S, at $35 per Thousand. . - ' '' : of Chcmcaltt 'Oitt,' Patntt, TITO . ftnk Likewise an excellent Asaortnient of Inch Lum- Parties jreivuiring a - ' h Beams, IIKrGS AM) 5Ii:i)ICIXES, Ca, Hafters,; ';'::;: TO All ordors ad.lro.sed to ROIIINSON k will meet with prompt I Oppon'te Mihfih V at on the Cars, at Echo. ' ITiTUTlOiV y M $1.00 i(T Ton, (, ,'! .'... First nnI ni!rl lVanl II ATK COAL! COAL! uxniNiis G coAiit .(.,,, GooiIm, i ! I.IJIK! (MORGAN INSTITUTION, w r h U A I X SIUUJJI, OIJDEK (! ..;"! KXl'ECTKU Ti) ARRIVE, DIRECT SHOIiTLr Kaitt, a splendid Akdoi tiuetit of , (. j t which, toi;etiier with our proseut Slick, we think will enable us to sni'ply our cutomors and the public generally with m li articles js they may need, at price tnat cannot fail tORiveaatielaqtioa. Please call and esamiue belore U yiiiK else Imce. Wheat, C"ii), Uarlev, (kits, DiiMer and f.- -p takeh In exchanfa1 r (iiKi.li., at the hie.li.st Market prirel., CAoll NOT UEl'Uer.l. i ... .. ber and : h COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE ,, ., Plank, .; L1JJI2 iff "' Second District Zitin'a1 ' One-Thi- Reapers, Mowers SPKIM undi and Wagons. ' Mowers, .:: it? ait ii , -- 1 CKLKDRATID Earl's. n, B'ght, Gents' Own Materials Made Up. . Ietoematioii is wanted of the Where-bout- i of James' and Samuel ; Lawrence1. "When last heard from they were in Carol-to111 , .;. yi,, Their sister. Mrs. Elizabeth Watkins, f Ogden,' requests them to either come r write to her, if they wish to see or ear from her again while she is alive.,' Mrs. W. has been in a very low state f health for some time Illinois past. nd Missouri papers, please copy.: ' ' Don't fortret the loltit benrfif. tv. , ! Cussimercs, VctinH, AND d & BRO. Having carried on bnsiEOf wiroeasfully In fait Lake City for th, last tan years, feel confident that they can give satisfaction to the residnta of Ogden., A choice collection of , ' !(! Jewelerj Gunsmiths. i Agontu for American and Eluin Watches. Keep constantly on hand a large atuKirtment of nne j.wetry, horoign Matches, Ouns, Pistols, and ' : AinmiuiitiiJI of all kinds. Purchasers will do well to examine our Block ' before purchasing elsewhere. Repairing carefully done and all work warranted. 71m :'!,,, ') CMAMPIOX, , , ., ailditimial 'Will beeliargell wnen ine ur u couoi lod on tlte (nua. ., .1 m 'I. ' '..'.- ..! " : ) ( , ... i .t-.FARES: .,,,1 OKd.n to Kaysville ,. ., 'f. ,. $1.00 " ,i I'ai'nuiujton ... ,,". , '; , 15 Cheaper than ever before offered to tiit PnLlic. ALL KINDS OF tte BOESSEL PARPE Mmn Utreeti Ogden Cuy, Cash, Stock and all kind, ofnrodnoe taken In payment, at caxh rates. Orders addressed to JOHN M. LEWIS, care of A. C. BECKW1TU, M l m. cbo, win meet prompt attention. 2. C. M. I. ' . r.'I JOSEPH A. YOUNCJ Proprietor. iir OF A good supply of tba 'TRALV: entitle purp.m. on aliii li full fare ikvi n irinrn f'n iiri mine hut nun iinnr wi tram noa, and mill stop by arranging wita the Conductor, at anv noiut on the line tu take ou or let off passenger. , of Having a Large Supply of every kind on hand, BEST BEER IN WEI1EU COLNTY, manufactured and for sale in. quantities of and otir Mill running in the Best drove of Timfrom Five Gallons and upward at Laiidt's Hrewory, en Bnrch Creek, four miles southeast of Ogden. ber in CUh, we will furnish Lumber, at the V. P. ; Saloon and Families supplied. Orders will je;eive prompt attention. " B,R. Depot, at the following ratea; 20-t- f i A. LANDT, ; ! ' Thi Kiebt Ream ako Mowee. Mr. Isaac Moore, is Agent for the celeb rated Kirby Reaper and Mo wen H has a number of them for sale, one "door north of the Female Relief Store, en Main Street." Give kirn a call and look at them. ' l (t , X TRY - Received ailtl for J. WILLTAMS & CO! . OCDEN TANNERY. YOU WOULD RE WELL FORTIFIED, IF ilK A I IKij- - u ' litie n"UIE , is IMrORTED. lii l f i.,; ; , f BREWERY in-law, Landt f TAiavlticr il ; it, . WILL El'N 4.4H . .J,..t ' i . THAN. ... ' ACCOHliODATIOX LUMBER, sister-- A. j the irfli. NOTtCE MILIiINERT.; Trch SUMMER GOODS, KiwJum.'Kr. , ' - :: ft lu aJdith'n to the above an WEDNESDAYS & SATURDAYS CHEAPER ;i tikkii building a new brewery on Main Street, 3a the rear of the White House, where, when it is finished, he intends to ' manufacture his justly celebrated lager beer. The sixe of the building will be 0 x 30 feet inside. Tke walla are 'of . ; granite rock. AKD ..... J,i'U TO FARMERS. - ;v: : Article on the. ,eist!on.;:flevr(y.tTfl fathers have signified their intention to speak; against it, of whom flftccn are French. Institute. BETTER !: r, .."! Siti 4' at Havana. The police have arrested a num.: .. ; .1, You will find Pure Winea and ber of foreign,! residents v for meetLiquors at the First and Third Ward ing at a masonic lodge three montlu ago. Drug Store. A rebel fort has 'boVn 'fcaptured on the Maximo river, and fifteen rebels Gentlimeh wanting Summer killed. S Suits should call and see Patterns at It is reported that eighteen insurgents VTOTTCF. IS HEREBY. GIVEN ;rTHAT A District was organized on the ISth i liming ThirkuC & Earl's. have been killed and sixteen captured in' day'6f June, lf7(), commencing at the llot'l'prlnga, tiie ban Miguel mountains. thuuee South ono mile, thenca Kaat six running A Spanish gunboat has captured some miles, tlience North six niilos, thraee Yt t six The Best Accommodation for South five miles to the place of be addrcssod to' mil, thence Travelers will bo found at the Traveler's important correspondence, ginning. iaiu tnstrlct being In nebor andDox ' UespeiieS. Elder Counties, Vtah.i'. . ' .i ;!.' Job x R. Pool. Rest, Ogdea. JOHN SPIKltS was dulyelected Record of the Five boat loads of armed insurgents Hot Springs Mining llirrict, ani were captured off Cayo Guajoda. THOMAS H. MUSORAVE, ' Madrid. Merchant Tatloe Bbo's, t Tailors, Becwtary. Sy j .j ' Bonnetts, one of the English captives .'.-;-- ! half a block west of the bank, Ogden. in the hands of the Spanish brigands, has been rescued by the national forces; Pboclamatios. Acting J'' Governor three of the latter were shot in the en- Mann has issued his proclamation, resgagomentfTn; piting Thomas Knapp convicted of murAt six o'clock this morniue the re-- . MRS. M. UOWRWa I1EOS TO INFORM THE of Ogdi'ti and Vicinity that .he Inis der, for thirty days, until Governor mains of Chas. Dickens were conveyed oiM iiwl her new MILLINERY :.STAUUi-l- l VENT, Shaffer has opportunity to hear certain from Ji;s tate residene aJL GaibijUt by One Door South of the Tost Oflicf, statements which it is believed will like' train to Cbaring.'Crou fjluue And hrw on hand a choice aelcctlon of I iaJuce executive clemency. Salt Lake placed in the hefcrsef jlittJA; were Charles Miss and "Harry, children, fftrtld. invite, tliolr attention. Dickens, and Mrs. Charles Collins; in To which she respectfully Also, Hecood were the Miss bin OKXTI.EMrN'S Hogarth, We Cai.lrd. had a pleasant call on and ,Mh. ,Atstin, sisteri of Thursday from Judge L. B. Kinney Mr.' Dickens, 'Mrs'.' Chas. Dickens,' Jr., And SIIOO FLY XECKTILS. brother of J. F. Kinuey and Patrick John Forster ; in (he third, coauh were X.B. The Demorest Models fur lircss Cutting on the art gratia; Instructions in Lynch, Esq., formerly, and for many Frank Beard, Charles Collins, Murray, sale. f ' ! ' !i 47.4 , Wilkie Collins and Edward Dickens. Clerk of the DisThird Judicial yearn The entire party was attired in deep but trict Court in this Territory. Mr. Kinney JEVELRY AND WATCHES. simple mourning. There was no crowd came to Utah, as Indian Agent in 18G3, at Charing Cross, and the procession rilllE L'NDKRSIG,E WISHES TO INFORM his numerous fi'ieuda and the puhlio generally l was'Hlrfven at unofc 0YJXestrn-4iUII expects to settle in and Ogden engage himself oa. 'n. i , th4 rensain wc receJVed tli.tt ho bus located ia mercantile, or other business, here. , JUJN STREET, , ,. .., , , by Dean Stanley and other eSicials, and in Ogden, South nf Wliita HoUe, and Is now to repair all kind, of Chicks, Watche and placed in the Poet's Corner, at the foot at the ahertaat Botjce, in a workmanlike SSF" Buy your Liquors at the First of Handel and fit the head f Sheridan, Jewelry manucr and on terms to suit tho times. Tithing and Third Ward with cithCumberland on and Store t&kon at par for Work. Office orders McCauley Drug . JAMES FROD8DAM. ; . er side. The usual lowers were strewn Board by the day or week, and upon the bier. Dean Stanley read the Tho coffin was depo.i-- , flood Lodging, at the Traveler's Rest, turial services. ted in its final resting place, and the ' Or11- Johm It. Pool.' funeral of Dickens wa ended. Upon' THOMAS WHITEHEAD YOU. ARE the comn were inscribed the words,. hereby notified that a Bill of Complaint has ' Tailor Bao's, Merchant Tailors, "Charles Dickens, born February 7th,' been filed in the Prol ate Court of Weber County, wherein ELI Z' WHITEUEAD "is "half a block west of the bank, Ogden.;, ,' 1812; died June 9th, 1870." Thousands Utah Territory,THOMAS WHITEHEAD defendant, plaintilTaud -- , ', crowded to the Abby during the day. the object and prayer of which are to obtain a bonfls of the divorce from matrimony and the care Gixtlemii wanting a No. 1 and custody of plaintiff's infant child, and' that SuB8CHiK!l.-M)u- r Man-- , To Business of d 'ait Ready-mayou are required to. make answer to aaid conuplaint Clothing should go or before the JM day of July, A.D., 187U, and in '' Thirkill & Eabl's. ager tays the hands in the office want, on default thereof, said complaint wlil tie taken a. flour, and if any ef our subscribers true and judgment rendered according to the ,. DoppD Iw. H. W.'Naisbitt, Esq., have any to pay on sulicrintionu'he prayer of said complaint, By order of the Court, from g. L. City, dropped in to see us wishes them to F. D. niCHARDS, Judge. bring it forthwith to the ' ' Attest: F. S. RICHARDS, Clerk. lie is visiting the Northern office of the Jusctiok.,AV1 .yesterday. Settlement on business for the General T" . l Lear Suit Lake .City daily at 5 a.m. and lljp.nu Arrive a Ogdea at I a.m. ude.45 pJiu,,,,) . IS tTEREUT .OITEN, THAT A District waa organised May UN, 1S70, .. .V .... ,,, $l.f) cowmencing at JE. Edwards' Saw Miil, tlieuoe Cntrevjlle. ARB PKEPAKED TO PIBNIHH THE ' ' the centre of lilacksmith'i Fork river, .',, ;Wod4 pria.- up ' -, . running ) I Ui ... ; ( ..n ,i. JunalMWO. a1' ,$Ljr y In a direction to the Eastern bonnd-ar- y VTOTICE IS IIERSUY GIVEN, THAT HY line of Cache Connty, thence alohg aaid line Inhabitants of Ogdea city and TicinHy with a , sait.Lak, ,ti? virtue of an Ordinance, paswd Hay SO, JS70, North to the ceutre main Fork. f Logaa river, ' ' ; '. i... '. . i A all the Council of Ojjden by City Citj, Tor .11 fnforniatiun con.ruin? Freichf or Fa. persons thence West fulloinc that stream to a uoiut due owning oi keeping dipi in thofcity or Ogavn,aro " ' ' North of said mill, thence South to the place of eage, aily td roiiiired toTibter litem. First-Class $ i llie Police are iiiHtiu' Ud to as. (bat tbopro-- . nepinmng. .V CHARLES W. IIL'LSK was ,duly elected Be nP.aCALDl'Jt,, ;.:;: vision, of said Ordinance arp nilly'cttrrird olit. cordorof Milville llintrict. Ticket and freight Agent. , , ( The certificate of ntgigtnttiou may he obtained ' ' FREDERICK YEATES, Secretary. 1U at iv vlScf, hetcu,4b hours, of 46-la.m. and ' . ' , .' . ip.it ... , lty order, iyri;uiXTESESt TltOS. d. OPKLT., 48-- 3 llecordor. tSty Paris. m ,,',' . ' Yt UTAH OGDEN, U.T. f 4J-:f- c it . , DispatchesfrpBi 31omej mMiJJldJ,! say that the discussion of the infallibility dogma ontyiues, , and that D,u Pau-- j trup energetically 'combined ibe idea' that there were any rights of the people' : t STREET L IT M B E SI AI1ST THIS JkXVY 11 Trains' will leave Ocden daily at a tn and o.Siip.m.' Arrive at Salt Ltike City at 10 a.n. and i Miilorial to bt furuUhed Contrie tors.' TlIUllSDAY, per BiaF. Free Bug to and from the Depots. j1roaI .' tc COHEN, Proprietors. BAMBKRGEIt AVOMTK' IIOnPE, nAYtNO HKEN renovated, and furnished throughout with patent Spring Bed, the Proprietor feel, confident in being able to jjive entire satisfaction to Tho Unrig, to w' Six hundred ,nd ovontj-flv- o Day Boarders, Families, and tho Traveling com and three feet feet (675) (3) long eight '8)J(iche munity, at a reasenabl. price- .- The table is up- irom txun the California and Home markets. wide, from outside to outside, and a" guar J on each pneu A Hack "win run to and from the Track to carry aide two (2) fee.sjij ($) jjichei higb, , passengers to the House free of charge. .Attached to the llouae ia a i'lNH BAR and For Surthafl irpeclfioationi apply to' Weasrs. ,SODA FOUNTAIN. ' ' ' JollN MAH0N. THOMPSON k FIFE at tin Tithing Office. 'Ogdsn, Utah, May1 SO, 180. ' ( !.. are with the people of Cuba in their struggle for liberty, and he would be glad to see this continent left in the possession1 of ' Repifblicah t"rWetB, he, considers thatjjjs jpaLb, vf office requires him to sec the constitution and laws rc- speciea wuuoui any regaru to nis individual dosire or sympathy. Commodore Gleason hits been ordered to the command of the Pacific fleet, and Lee to the command of the North Atlantic fleet; Commodore Hen-- , neck to Portsmouth navy yard. It is stated that the President has re ceived a dispatch from Minister Mortley,! relative to the prosecution of converts to ristianity m Japan. TOKEICSX. s RAILROAD. .i ON AX D AFTER ' V - , ., :m A VOOTimiDUE agreed that the condition of affairs in Cuba would not justify a declaration of .beerepi. rights, and while it was .known ; : UTAH CENTRAL PIOXITOK I.IXE OF UTAH. HIIIaisIOM. MAIN" STREET OGDEN, U.T. ',;'' Board $8.00 Week.' First-Clas- . i on Tin: ' Best of Accommodations and Reasonable Charges. ' i - ui .... LmnbeR RE-OPENE- D. S ty million dollars. It- Uas been, ,. toliafcly acjit&Lsed that Caleb .Cashing Ml 'nothing loftta'witli the Pitskloni'i CitbaaJmrlbageU K W outside of the Executive department knew of its existence before it was submitted to tho cabinet. Belknap and Bout-we- n were" absent, ' 'iMt' those' 'present HOTELS. , Washington. Casserly introduced a bill providing that nothing on the joint resolution authorizing the Northern PacitioRailroad to issue bonds for the constuction of their road is to be construed as a guarantee by the United States on any of the; BALED rROl'QSALS WILL UK RECEIVED bonds issued, and prohibiting the com-- . at the"Tithing Office, Ogden, unltl five o'clock pany from issuing mortgage bonds or ( crcatingother indebtedness to exceed fif--i pjuuSATRY,,IUBJCtu,lS70,to , , Bowring. with to the conclude whole The laughable farce of a "Dead Shot," in which Mr. P. Margctts will appear as "Ilcctor Timid." We anticipate a full house and .J.M 'i:il7.KO - ' 'All eommnnirarloris to be addrtssed for' the ' r.riLMNO SETEBAL Lease on ELIGIBLE ' ' .. '. the North-we- jt Corner of prescntto ' Union Square. ' .TOSII0A WILLIAMS CO, ' For par'uculars apply to JAS. McdAW, Est, at M'elwr Station, V. P. K. R, fhe Juhciios OfBre. ' i" ' 39W ' ly AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMEWTS.ETC. :A 'GooJ ' Supply TOOLS on hand. of MECHANtCS' BIVOSCE? ABSOLUTE Tork, LEO ALLY 011TAIXED m Indiana, Illinois and other fr'tatea, for persons from any Mute or Cotintry, i'lrsl avervwhere; .jlemirtion, drunki:ime. juilkient camoj.no puhlicityj..no charpe until divorce olitalued. Ailvic. free, iiusi-ne- ss -' ' estnhlisbed fiftech veai-s- . M. HorSE, Attorney. Addreaa, , , Ko'8, Nassau Blreet, ft'ew i'ojk.eity. TERT Handbills, Posters, ar.il " Trintedat the - " Cards ' "Z Offic. of this Papr with rieatnesi, punctuality and diipatib, on reasonaftl teitnf. |