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Show BY TELEGItAPU. -- .nl.hcd everv WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, Psbusuimo Company. the Oo AMERICAN. New York. A new tunnel under Bergen Hill is to bo 4,000 feet long, at a cost Theatre. On Wednesday night the of aconstructed, million dollars. A. and F. Mr. Lyne, Veteran Tragedian, Mrs. Annie Holmes was thrown Miss A. A. Adams, down a hundred tb faTorite Actress, stairs of the Jersey Bde their first appearance at the new heights by her drunken husband, on she died of her injuries yesTheatre in Ogden, in one of their great Saturday; iharacters, Kotzbue's beautiful play of .The Stranger," in which Mr. Lyne sustained with his accustomed ability the leading character in the piece. Miss Adams played her part Mrs. jller" most admirably. Their performances created a great sensation which did not lose any of its influence throughout the evening, nor was there mything to detract from their reputation as first clags actors. They have made for themselves a name in Ogden. Mr. Thorn played exceedingly well, Mr. G. and makes an excellent Baron. J. Wright, makes a good Count ; Mrs. Rest all, a good Countess. Mr. Dee, a faithful Francis ; Mrs. Furness' Charlotte was charming. As Solomon and Teter, Messrs. VT. Pearce, and J. Wright, frequently brought down the house with rapturous applause. Wadsworth's Tobias was not a whit behind the others. 'Hark 'tis music stealing," was well executed by the Peasant girls, Mrs. Fowler and Mrs. Dec, and riveted the attention of the entire audience while singing. Each sustained their character with They exceeded our ability and success. expectation. Tho house was comfortably filled, and we were pleased to observe, as on the first night, that good order prevailed. the performances will commence with Ranin's splendid play of Damon and Pythias," in which Mr. Lyne will appear as Damon, and Miss Adams as Calanthc. They will be supported by the Company. The performances will conclude with (he "Limerick Boy " Doubtless the bill will draw a crowded house. Everybody should go, as Mr. Lyne and Miss Adams will appear only for a limited number of t, nights. Jgjs Taylor Bko's, Merchant Tailors, half a block west of the bank, Ogden. Lumber for tiik Million. All kinds of ordinary lumber, plank, scantling, joists, flooring, beams, rafters, sheeting, etc., delivered at the U. P. Depot in OgFirst-clas- s den for per 1000 feet. flooring, finishing lumber and pickets, at $10. Delivered at the I'. C. Depot in fMk Like City at an advance on the above prices, of $2,50 per 1000 feet. Address J. Williams & Co., Weber Station, U. P. 11. R. $a?"GEXTLEMKN Qeat'c Famishing 41 wanting a fine quality Ueods should go to Tiiirkii.l & Earl's. Thk Bachelors' Ball came off as per announcement, on Thursday evening in Jenning's new Hall. The room is a ipacious one about 74 feet long, by 43 feet wide is neatly finished so far, but we understand it is not completed. It was well lighted on this occasion. There was not a very crowded gathering, but the company was highly respectable. Excellent music waa in attendance, and notwithstanding the weather was warm, all present appeared to enter into the spirit of the dance and to enjoy it much. At twelve o'clock, the company repaired to the Whitchouse, where they partook of an excellent supper, after which dancing was resumed till about three o'clock in the morning. The good order which characterized the festivities, the courtesy, and attention to the comforts of their guests, reflected great credit oa the reception committee, Messrs. F. Wetherill, J. E. Hall and S. C. Bart-let- t. terday. Private despatches from McCremiux, Prcst. of the Jewish alliance in Paris, says ef the reported massacre in Rouma-ni- a, that the Jews are expelled, plundered and horribly maltreated, with numbers wounded and some probably killed. This is the first authentic intelligence received of these outrages. Chicago. A terrible tornado passed over a portion of Scott County, 111., on Saturday-destroyin- g orchards and crops and blow; ing down trees and fences for miles, there were no loss of life as far as heard from. At Medoca, 111., a few days since, Dr, Taylor brutally beat his wife, leaving her for dead; he fled to the woods, but the neighbors pursued and captured him to the sheriff; but while taking him to jail the mob hung him. His wife still survives. Washington The President has nominated James B. Delford, of Indiana, associate justice of the Supreme Court of Colorado. The mixed commission for the settlement of Mexican claims resumed its session on Monday. The ciaims number over two thousand, and they may occupy over five years in adjudication. Tho Senate has confirmed E. Peshine Smith examiner of claims in the State Bfg-J- See Garner's notice of stolen department; Oilman Maiston. Govornor horses. of Idaho; W. II. West, consul at Rio We learn that Mr. New Postmaster. Janeiro. An army order has been issued for Bridges has been appointed Postmaster keeping intruders off land secured to at Brigham City, rice Judge Smith, reIndians by treaty, until Indian titles are extinguished, or until the lands are signed. The Judge has held the appointment opened by Congress for settlement. Detroit. of Tostinastcr for a number of years at Tho Courier office, at Saginaw, has the above named place, during which been damaged by fire to the amount of time ho gave general satisfaction to the six thousand dollars. citizens there. Chicago. Coal Discovert. F. Thayer has ratten Talracr announces that, he will commence, on July first, to erect an im been out for some weeks past scouring mense hotel, bearing his name, at the the mountains of the Goose Creek range corner of State and Monroo streets, in search of gold, silver, copper and coal. eight stories high, and to contain seven Ahout thirty miles northeasterly from hundred and fifty rooms. The cost, with Humboldt Wells the party discovered a the ground, will be two millions. Hull vein of coal, and sank upon it some three the architecture will be very elaborate, feet ; when they found tho coal solid, of similar to the Honore Palace built by a good quality and closely resembling Louis Phillippc, and it is to surpass in the P.lack Diamond coal of Wyoming. stylo and elegance any hotel yet built, It burns freely and is pronounced inexhaustible in quantity. either in this country or Europe. The Michigan Central and Michigan The heaviest internal tax, and a very Southern railroads, with their respect ive connections, announce the reduction distressing one, paid on ardent spirits, fare from here to New York is paid every morning by those who of first-cladrink the stuff at night. to twenty dollars. FOItEIGiX. Governor Alcorn wants the marriage Rome. fee in Mississippi to be put as low as The Augsburg Gazette says that the for the sake of morality among merican delegates in the (Ecumenical possible, the amendments. Council show a growing disinclination to tho infallibilty dogmats and are dis gusted with tho sophistry and sycophanIn this city, on the 8th inst., of meacy of its advocates. Mart Jane, daughter of Daniel sles, eve., Constantinople, The conflagration has been checked. and Mary Murdock, aged 2 years, 4 Though the flames are still raging months and 15 days. fiercely at some points they cannot Da. Xtu--i and Salt Lake lltrald please spread, as the houses have been blown loss is burned immense. The copy. up. The district is one of the wealthiest quarters of the city. All the archives and plate of the British legation were saved. ss dii:i. - HOTELS. Paris. deahts from There were seventy-thre- e small pox in the city of Paris last week. The Emperor is reported to be suffer ing from a severe attack of rheumat- WHITE HOUSE, RE-OPENE- D. Best of Accommodations and Reasonable Charges. ism. PROSPECTUS or THE SALT LAKE HERALD. UNDERSIGNED WILL, IN A FEW DAYS, the publication of the SALT LAKE HERALD, a new Morning Journal. The HERALD will be strictly a newspaper. It will contain the lattxt Local, General and Foreign News by Telegraph and Mail, and will aim to pre sent to its readers, at the earl lost possible moment, the most interesting items of news gathered from all parts of the globe. Jt win o independent In tone, and Its editorial will treat current topics of interest Ir-- straightn and libtral manner. forward, It will endeavour to advance the intermits of the Territory, defend the rights of the people of Utah, wun wnom ins publishers are socially aud religiously identified, sustain just principles, and labor for the general good. Interesting Home and Foreign Correspondence will be found in Its columns. The desideratum of newspaper advertisers Is a paper that is generally read bv the people. The Proprietors of tho SALT LAKE HERALD will seek to secure this by laboring energetically to make a paper that will be sought aftwr aud widely read. The Editorial Department will be under the charge of EDWARD L. SLOAN. A WEEKLY HERALD will be Issued as soon as the necessary material for it arrives. MAIN STREET (Published every morning except Mondays.) 1 Year x.oo 1 Month $0.75 6 Months 4.00 1 Week 25 3 Months 2.IM STATE TELEGRAPH. Ocden, June 10, 1870. stole a span of mules from C. W. Thorn ton, of this city, was snot at Olenwood, Sevier County, by Deputy Sheriff W. Brown, while in the execution of his duty. Full particulars in our next, j street MA.IjS" OGDEN, We learn by Deseret State Telegraph that on Thursday last, Teter Smith, who mms FAvoniTK U.T. iioctb, hating been PIOXfiER IsIXK OF UTAH. iviilliou, ON AND AFTER TIIUlllA.Y, 31 AY 11 1M7(), will leave Oglen daily at 8 aJn., and 6.30 p.m. Arrive at Salt Lake City at 10 a.m. and JJO p.m. Trains UTAH Leave Salt Luke City dully at 5 a.m. sud 2.45 p.m. Arrive at Ogden at T a.m. and 4.45 p.m. LUMBER SUPPLY OF THE BEST QUALITY of White Lima is kept constantly on baud at OOTID A Daniel Williams' Kilns, THAN ANY IMPORTED. J. WILLIAMS & CO. ARB PREPARED TO FURNISH THE Inhabitants of Ogden city and Ticinity with a Article First-Clas- s of a Mil from the Weber Station. He will deliver it on the Cars at Weber Station for OF 15 Cents per Bushel. i, mi:: lime. 1S1.ICK! IIKILK! PORTF.RTILLE (MORGAN COUNTY) Lime and Brick Company are prepared to furnish the people of Morgan and the adjoining Counties with No. 1 Articles of THE at IJUi; AM) ISIMCK their Kilns at Portsrville; or they will ship them on the Cars at Morgan City to any point designated on the linos of the U. P C. V or U.C. Railroads.' They will warrant to their ratrona a genuine article. The price of the Lime shipped at Cents, per Bushel the price of Morgan sixty-lir- e the Urick, Ten Dollars per 1 h'insaiid. (ash, Block and Prnduco at Cash Rates taken, in payment. Orders to be sent to THOMAS IWUUUlf, 41-lPortorville, Morgan County. COAL! COAL! rtURNING COAL! Having a Large Supply of every kind on hand. on the Cars, at Echo. All orders addressed lo ROBINSON Co, Coal villa, Summit Connty, Utah, will meet with prompt attention. 44m ki:.:i tiii: fiih: HlKM.Vti! AND MA.YEIELD ARE NOW CRISMON furnish an excellent quality of coal ou the cars at Lclio, on terms to suit the titnos. Cash, Stock and all kinds of produce taken in pavmmt. at nwh rates. Orders addressed to JOHN M. LEWIS, care of A. C. BECKWITH, 421m. Echo, will meet prompt attention. FEMALE RELIEF SPUING GOODS, Consisting of Artificials, Feathers, Ribbons, Hats, eic, eic A fine assortment, for sale, cheap. 20-t- f Plank, Scantling, Joists, Flooring iki:ss Inch Xum bcr and Sheeting, at $35 per Thousand. - TRS. M. TRIBE AND MISS POULSEX RE-announce to tho Ladies of Oedvn Ticinity that they have opened a Drna Milking Kstablishment, ouo Block South of the W lute House. All kinds of Dress Muklnn executed In the lab-a- t stvles. Satisfaction guaranteed. if 1 spoetfully end its 46-- Flooring, Finishing Lumber and Picketing, at $40. per M. U. P. BREWERY mHE BEST BEER IN VEBKR COUNTY, manufactured and for sale in quantities of from Five liallons and upward at Lanrtt s lirewery, on Huron UreeR, lonr miles south-eas- t oi upien. Orders will Saloons and Families supplied. jecelvo prompt attention. 30-t- f A. LANDT, Proprietor. J. "LATHER AND SHAVEM." Hard Scrabble District. HEREBY GIT EN THAT A NOTICE ISDistrict was formed on the Eleventh day of April. 1870, commencing at the Month of Devils Uate, in mill threes Jianyon, inorgau County, and running Wost four miles, thence ffouth'ten miles, thence East eight miles, thence North ton miles, tlicuce West four, miles to the place of beginning. OSCAR O. STODDARD, Eq, was duly alected Recorder of Hard Scrabble District. THOMAS BROUOIf. 41-lSecretary. FORMERLY OK THE THOMAS, (Vd.'ii House and well known as an acconi of and blade, has the scixxora inlied jil kniplit opened business on Main street, a little north of He asks for the patronage of his old N. Lenvitt's. frionds and of all who want a clean shava in an easy chair, with a light hand and a keen razor. I4tf NOTICE. Spanish Belt DIMrict. A IS HEREBY GIYEN THAT District hss been formed, rommen-rin- g at the Ogden Woolen Factory and running Jlain Ogden City, East six miles, thence North six miles, thence Jewelers Went Gunsmiths. six miles, thence Sonth six mile, to the place Watchmakers, of beginning. The District being Six miles square. ActdM Tor American and Ellin Matches. J. J. KENTON, Esq., was dnly elected Recorder Keep constantly on hand a larpre assortment of tine jewelry, roreign nau.iies, nuon, ribioia, enu of Spanish Belt District. WM. EDS0N HATCH, an Kinus. oi Ammunition Purchasers will do well to examine our Stork Secretary. before pnrcliisiDi elsewhere. Ogden, 1570. and dons all work warranted. May, 9th, Repairing carefully PARPEStreet,& BOESSEL 71m NOTICE 3f-t- f Paa- - D.O.CAI.DER, Ticket and Freight AgeuC. Second DittrM Zion's COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE INSTITUTION, MAIN STREET, OGDEN, EXPECTED TO ARRIVE, DIRECT which, fognther with our present Stock, we think will fsnalde us to supply our customers and tha public generally with such articles as they my need, at prices that cannot fail togivKsa'tislaefinn. Please call and examine before trying ehww her. Wheat. Corn, Barley, tstla, Duller and rgs Isken In exchange lor Good, at the highest ilurket prices. CASH NOT REFUSED. Mf FirsI and Third Ward LXST1TLT10X, Opposite Jlirhop Wesff, IS rV 1 1 OGDEN. Hav. on hand a splendid Stork of MAIN i: T, is MFIHCTXFS, (HU, J'aintt, (Hats, etc., Likewise an excllent Assortment of 13 rv CoIk. (arprictt, SHOKS, HATS, CAPK. "HOOTS. AND STATION Kit Y. Ji.Il. rroNcriptions carefully prepared NOTICE. WHO DELIMIT IX A IMter, picas rail ai in. ALL PERSONS rpo(ilass of nne jWESTERN' sparkling LAGER UEEIt HALL, North sid. of I'nl'Hi Square, Mnin Strest, where they ran be supplied with that Article, of the very bewt ijunlity, aud at reduced prices. LTJMBEE YARD One and a Half Clock. West of (be Ji'KCTinjf Office, tb. And near TJ. C. It. R. Depot. "ITfK HA VK OS HAND A LAROK QUANTITY 11 of good Lumber, of various sires to suit the requirements of the purchaser. Alsosnim-mens- e qunntitv of Pickets, all of which we will sell cheap for than, and drain st Cash price. ri. II. All those persons whom we have accommodated, and who know themselves indebted to in. are requented to come forward and make settle' ment within one mourn ant save costs. SMITH 4; Co, Proprietors. COAL! COAL! well to giv. us a rail, as wa will furnish a General Bill of Lumber cheaper than any other house lo the Una. W. will deliver In Salt Lake City at an advance JOHN IS K0W PPRHHiS PRKI'ARED furnish the best quality AT $4.00 PER TON CHARLES PEARCE, MAIN Calls th. attention UTIIKKT, (l(JI)K.N, or the Public, to bis New and Ppleiidid Assortment of Tin, Iron and Copper "Ware, whica be keeps constantly on hand. variety of Also, a good STOTES, fr snle of superior quality; all of which lie offers at as low figures as any that are imported fiuiil th. East, N.IL Job Work punctually and neatly executed r C. WOODMANSEE, Main tStrcet, O jar tl o n , We are also prepared to furnish Shingles DEALER IN GENERAL CHEAPER TIIAX EVER OFFERED 1SEFORE. On good security we will also give time, on Coal14-l- MANUFACTURE. Store Pay at cash rates, or even Cash Itself not refused. TO IVsil on tli. Cars at Kcho. All orders to lw addressed John Sprlggs, ville, Summit county, I'tah Territory. , HOME milOMAS I Freight or Parties requiring a Dill for Building will do BUILDING At Markot Ratot: ELIGIBLE Ci EVERAL TERY Eggs, Butler, Flour, or other Corner of Site to Leas on the North-weO Union Square. of the Farm. Also Stork of any kind; For particulars apply to JAS. McGAW, Esq., at productions Office. the s Work Cattle; Wagons, etc. Cows, Sheep, 3Mf NOTICE! For all information coiHtoruiiij; "PI''? to SMITH & CO'S. TAKE ALL KIXDS OF PA Y, 4 $2.00 B, FIRST-CLAS- S GROUND TO LEASE. CALL tl.7.1 Chemical, SEE. f $1.80 D.CK.S AXI CIIAXTS of UTAH nc oflVr this advantage: We will au-t- (1.35 nml Hummer (Spring GootlM, ALL KINDS OP To FARMERS and MI.K AST $1.00 SHORTLY East, a splendid Assortment of R.R. Depot, at the following rates: X recently renovated, and furnished throughout with patent Spring Beds, the Proprietor feels conof $2.50 per thousand over Ogden price. ATTENTION, LADIES! fident in hoi lit? able t give entire satisfaction to MILLINERY OK ALL KINDS Day Boarders, Families, anil the Traveling comIIRST-CLASMrs. PENROSE'S, on the East side of munity, at a reasonable price. The table is sup little South of Ogden House. plied from both theUamornia and Home markets. Main Street, A Hack will run to and from the Track to carry Hats, Bonnets, Bobios' Hoods, etc, made to order. passengers to the House free of charm. Straw and Tuscan Goods cloaned and altered to Attached to the House is a KINK BAR and the latest Fashions. SODA FOUNTAIN. GOOD WORK GUARANTEED. JOHN MA HON. Odden, I" tali, Mav 26, 1870. ATVI3 4.Vlm FARES: Ogd.n to Kaysville " Farmington " Centreville " Wood's Cross u Salt Lake City ber in Utah, we will furnish Lutulier, at the U. P. CO. ARE NOW PREPARED TO furnish the bext quality of Coal, at $4.00 per Ton, Leaving Ogden City ft a.m. and Salt Lake Citv, 4.40 n.ni. on which hill fur. will entitle the pur chaser of a tirkct to return on the same ilnv and train free, and will stop by arranging with tho Conductor, at any point on the line to lake on or let on passsiigars, , ras.ngers will please purchase (heir tickets at the offices, Fifty cents additiomil will be charged when the fare is collected on the train. ' and our Mill running in the Best Grove of Tim DOBINSOX 4 V WEDNESDAYS YOUNC. JOSEPH A. SUPERINTENDENT. LTJMBEE, Cheaper than ever before offered lo the Public. M5IK! TRAI.V AND SATURDAYS, CHEAPER One-Thi- 41-l- aCCOHODAIM ON SUNDAYS, AND EDWARD L. SLOAN, WM. C. DUNBAR. Lime! Lime! In addition to the above an WILL RUN BETTER SUBSCRIPTIONS and all BUSINESS COMMU to be addressed to WM. C. DUNBAR, Business Manager, Salt Lake Herald, Salt Lake City. NEW STOCK OGDEN HOUSE, FOR Tills NICATION'S 4Mf CENTRAL RAILROAD. Terms for the Salt Lake Herald: 43-l- BY DESERET LumbeR UTAH THE Owinir to Ions continued dry weather fires in the woods have occurred quite Europe, and frequently throughout have been lately attended, in many OGDEN, U.T. ASSOCIATION, cases, witn loss or me ana property. First-Clas- s MAIN STREET, OGDEN. Week. Hoard $8.00 per in occurred the beauti a Yesterday, fire BAMBEUGEU ful forest of Fontainbleau, only a few COHEN, Proprietor!. FEMALE RELIEF SOCIETY BEO TO rpiIE call the attention of the Ladies to their miles from this city, sweeping over J to and the from Depots. hundreds of acres; the peoplo turned JsgT Free Bus out and succeeded in checking the or flames. A Baud or Thieves have infested the Ladies and Gentlemen, gee Mrs. eastern part of this city for about a Wring's advertisement, in month past. Suspicion rested on several u. persons, but no clue was found to justify Change or Bask. The Ogden Branch their arrest until Thursday. During of the Z.C.M.I. have removed their comthe night of Wednesday, Capt. P. G. plete and splendid stock of merchandise Taylor bad occasion to go outside of his into Mr. Jennings' new and elegant house, when lie saw a number of men building, which opens to the front of who appeared to be taking something Main and Tithing Office streets. from bis wagon. Captain Taylor went The wholesale department is carried towards them, when they took to their n in the large Hall up stairs, and the heels and fled in a northerly direction. 'etail department is in the spacious On Thursday morning he pursued the rooms below. Arriving at Willard, he fugitives. Call to accompany Constable called upon It will be seen from the above that and assist him in his pursuit. key have changed their base. Their A little above Willard City they overhouse is now opened, and their gentlo-Dunl- y took and arrested on suspicion, Charles clerks will always be happy to Slater, James Robinson, George Glass In the ait upon their numerous customers in and a man named Kennedy. the prisoners were found of possession Heir ew establishment. a set of lines, an ax, and several articles of clothing. Also a horse, saddle iSF See legal notice to Thomas White- and bridle. head, in Jckctiox. Many of the articles were claimed and identified by some of the citizens of RsLioiors Service- will be held in Weber and Box Elder counties. The t5 bridle and saddle were identified Sitting Room, at the U.P.R.R. depot, horse, by Mr. Bennett, of Davis neit Sabbath, June 12th, by Rev. E. E. and claimed county, who said the horse had been Bayliss, of Corinne. at 10.30 a.m.. and stolen from him about three weeks since. V Rev. R. Gaylord, of Omaha, at 7.30 The prisoners confessed to stealing some of the articles above mentioned. pm. They were brought to Ogden and The individual who picked up a lodged in jail, and at ono o'clock on klck snake whip between tho bridce Friday an examination was commenced before Justice Eggleston, but at the rend West's mill, on Wednesday last, is quest of the prisoners' counsel, it was "quested to take it to tho Tithing Office. postponed till ten o'clock SfegP" Returned On Tuesday last Elder Agrippa Cooper returned from his mis sion to the East In company with other missionaries, he left Ogden, by the U. P. R. R., on the 20th November, 18G9. On arriving at Crystal Springs, in Mississippi, he commenced his labors, preaching the gospel to attentive audiences. He succeeded in removing a great deal of prejudice which had previously ex isted in the minds of tho people there, in relation to the citizens of Utah. Wherever he went, ho was "received like a gentleman and treated like a lord." Teams and carriages were freely fur nishod by the people to convey him from place to placo to fill appointments to preach. He was always listened to with great attention and respect. He says the people in that section do not understand much about polygamy, and are not generally favorably disposed towards the principle, but they are entirely opposed to the Cullom bill. They would rather fight for them, than see the Mormons again persecuted robbed and deprived of their just rights, because they practise those religious principles which they verily believe to be true. Elder Cooper looks and feels well. He has enjoyed excellent health during his absence, and is glad to return to his "mountain home," to which we bid him welcome. He left for his residence in Oxford, Cache county, on Thursday. imrt MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ETC. A Good Supply TOOLS on hand. of MECHANICS' Mm for large orders. PIVOKCKS LEGALLY OBTAINKI) Vi' shall open an extensive Lnmbnr Yard. In York, Iiidiaua, Illinois and other Ogden, In a few days. Due notice will be given of States, for person, from any Male or Country, jepil everywhere: desertion, drunkenness, locality. etc.. sufficient cause; no publicity; no Parties in Salt Lake City can look out, as we charRS until divorcs obtained. Advice free. Jiui-nes- s shall open up there in our liue In a few weeks, established fifteen years. M. IIOIiPR, Attorney. Address, and give every ona a chance to build and improve Ko. "8, Kueran Street, Now York City. at cheap rates. All communications to be addressed for the present to JOSHUA WILLIAMS CO., Weber Station, I'. P. R. R. Printed at the Office of this Paper with ncatnae, 44 ly punctuality and dmpaWh, oa ieaonatl. tonus. PATmjfT, ABOLm t Handbills, Posters, and Cards |