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Show An Ordinance She 0jjdm gmtctum. VublWiH every WEDXKSDAY and SATURDAY by UlO OOMK l'VBUHMINa C'OKPIST, lu Ordinan eo in Relation to log. Sec. 1. He it ordained by the City Council' of Optics City, that no person shall keep a dog within the limits of aid city witliout having the same duly registered an hereinafter provided, and ob- taining a certificate of such registration. Sec. 2. An entry, by the Recorder of said city in a record book to be kept by him for such purpose, of the description of a dog, together with the name of its owner or keeper, shall constitute such registration. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of eaid Recorder to register any dog on applica-tio- u of the owner or keeper thereof, and isxue la such owner or keeper a certifi-aal- e of registration, under the corporate seal, on payment by such owner or keeper to said Heoorder, for the use and benefit of said city, the sum of three dollars. Suoh certificate shall be numbered in the order of issue, and shall be in force for one year only from and after the date of the same; but may be renewed annually on- - payment annually of the aforesaid. sum of three dollars, Sec. 4. AH dogs ao registered shall wear a suitable oollsr, with the name or initials of the owner or keeper, and the aumber corresponding with that of the certificate of registry inscribed thcrcou j and all dogs found running at large within the limits of snid city, not so registered and collared, shall be liable to be killed by any person. Sec 5. Any bitch found running at large within the limit of said city, while in beat, shall be liable to be killed by any person, whether registered or not, and the owner or keeper of the same shall be liable to a tine in any sum not exoeeding ten dollars for each offence and cost of prosecution. Sec. fi. If the owner or keeper of any dog shall sufferer permit the satno to en-tor be in anyplace of worship in said ily during publicscrvicetherein he shall be liable to a fine in any sum not exceeding five dollars and cost of prosecution. Sec. 7. If the owner or keeper of any fierce, dangerous, or mischievous dog shall permit or suffer the same to go at large within the limits of said city, whether registered or not, he shall be liable to a fine, for the first offence, in any sum not exceeding five dollars and cost ; for the second offence, not exceeding ten dollars and cost; and on the third conviction for such offence, in any sum not exceeding fifteen dollars and cost, and bo liable to pay all damages caused by said dog; and tho Mayor or Alderman before whom such third conviction shall bo had shall issue an order to the Marshal of said city, or any of his deputies, requiring him to immediately cause such dog to be killed. Sec. 8. Any person who shall kill or cnuse to be killed any dog registered and collared, pursuant to this ordinance, except as herein provided, without the consent of the ownor or keeper thereof, or who shall deprive any registered dog of its collar, or put a collar, as herein provided, on any dog not so registered, or suffer a collar to remain on any dog after the expiration of the certificate of registration, and without such certificate being renewed as hereinbefore provided, shall be liable to a fine in any sum not dollars. exoeeding twenty-fiv- e Sec. 9. And be it further ordained by snid Council that the Mayor of said city bo and is hereby authorized to issue his 'reclamation forbidding the running at f urge of any and all dogs within the limits of said city, at any period of the year whenever in his opinion the public safety is in danger, or when thero aro mad er rabid dogs in or near said city, unless such dogs be securely muziled with a wire mimle, fastened on with leather straps or chains: and all dogs found running at largo within said city during the time specified in such proclamation, muxled as herein provided, shall be liable to be killed by any person. See. 10. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinanco shall, when not otherwise provided, be liablo to a fine in any sum not less than three dollars nor more than ten dollars aud cost for each offence. or Regulating Proceeding in C'aHcsari Ing under the Ordinances of the City. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Ogden City, that whenever complaint shall bo made before the Mayor er any Alderman of said city, on oath or affirmation that any breach the ordinances of said city has been committed, he shall forthwith issue a warrant directed to the Marshal or any of his deputies commanding him to arrest the offender or offenders therein named, and bring him or them forthwith before such mayor or alderman for examina tion or trial. But if the real names of such offenders are not known they may be proceeded against by any name. Sec. 2. Whenever any peace oflicer of said city or other person shall witness e-- any breach of the ordinances of said city lie is hereby authorized to arrest the offender, or cause it to be done with or without process and take him before the Mayoror any Aldcrnianof saidcity to bedcalt with according to the provisions of the ordinances of said city, which must be done without unnecessary delay. Provided, that if tho arrest hi made by a private person ha may deliver tho offended to any peace officer of said city. Sec 3. When any person shall be brought before said Mayor or any Alderman charged with the commission of an o fieri co, such person shall be examined or tried without unnecessary delay. But when it shall be necessary such person may be detained in tho city prison for examination or trial forty eight hours. Sec. 4. If it be determined that the accused be put upon trial immediately, it shall not be necessary to make any complaint in writing. Tho court shall issue subpoenas directed to the proper oflicer for all the witnesses required, provided neither party shall have more than three witnesses to prove any one fact, and shall forthwith, or at its earliest convenience, proceed to hear the evidence and determine in a summary man- ner the complaint alleged against the offender and enter judgment thereon within twenty-fou- r hours. But if any important witness be absent the court may adjourn the case till such witness mny be had and the court shall have full power to compel the attendance of witnesses. Sec. 5. On any good and sufficient, cause being shown by cither party, the court may continue any cause from time to time as justice mny require. And the defendant shnll at all times, before judgment, have the' right to give bail or enter into recognizance, with or without security, as the court may direct, for his appearance at tho time and place of such examination or trial, and in no case brought before such Mayor or Alder man, the Court be satisfied from the testimony that there is sufficient reason to fear such an onence will be committed by the person complained of, said court shall require the onender to enter into bonds or recognizance with or without security, in any sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, to keep the peace toward the people of said city, ami particularly towards the complainant, for any term not exceeding six months. Sec. 10. If the person complained of an mentioned in the preceeding section fail to give such bonds, or enter into such recognizance, be shall be commit ted to the city prison, for any term not exceeding six months, but shall at any time be discharged from such commitment, on giving such bonds or entering into such recognizance as prescribed in the preceding section. And such defendant shall pay the cost of such proceedings, if he be adjudged guilty as complained of, otherwise the court may assess the cost against the person making the complaint. Sec. 11. Whenever a conplaint shall be made before said Mayor or Alderman in writing, and under oath by the owner of any property, that the same has been stolen or embezzled, and that he believes, such property describing the same, to be concealed in any house or place within the limits of said city, said Mayor or Alderman, shall issue a warrant directed to the Marshal or any of his deputies, commanding him to search diligently, in the day time, the house or place where such property is believed to be secreted as in the complaint alleged. And said Marshal shall make return of his doings under such warrant, without delay. And all property recovered under such process shall be subject to the order of the Court issuing such warrant. Sec. 12. Any person taken into custody, charged with any offence shall, by order of the court beforo whom he is brought, be liable to be searched for money or any property he may have, and if any bo found belonging to him the same shall be taken and inventoried and held subject to the order of the Court to satisfy any judgment that may be rendered against such defendant, and any surplus remaining after satisfying such judgment shall be returned to the defendant on being discharged from custody. Sec. 13. Said Mayor and Alderman shall keep a true record of all proceed ings had before them, in which shall be entored the nature of the complaint, when filed, the date of issuing warrants and subpipna, the names of witnesses why) testified in the case, and if the cause be heard by jury, the names of the jurors,' their verdict, the judgment of the court and the date of the satisfaction of judgment when satisfied. Sec. 14. All criminal prosecutions arising under the ordinances of said city must be commenced and carried on in the name of "Ogden City." Sec. 15. This ordinance shall not be so construed as to repeal or modify the provisions of any ordinance of said city when tho mode of procedure is specially provided for by such ordinance. Tasscd May 30th, A. D. 1870. I.OKIN FARR Mayor. Tiios. G. Ousi.i., City Recorder. shall exorbitant bail be required. If the defendant fail to give such bail or recognizance, lie mny be committed to the city prison till the time of examination or triuL Sec. fi. The defendant on being brought before the court shall be informed of the charge preferred against him or the complaint when made in writing shall be read to him, and shall be inquired of wholher he bo puilly or not lruiltr. If he plead "guilty," the court may inquire into the amount of euilt and render udgtuent according as the facts shall be. Ordinance relatin; to If ho plead "not guilty," tho evidence on the part of the prosecution shall be Vagrancy. heard, then that on the part of the after which, if either party can Sec. I. Be it. ordained by the City satisfy the court that importaut testi Council of Ogden City, that all persons mony can be procured and is still want- within tho limits of said city, not having ing, the court may, in its discretion, viciblo means of support, living idly, or continue tho hearing of such case till who are found loitering about the streets such testimony can be had, provided the or public places, or lodging in the night continuance shall not bo for longer time upon the premises of others withterm than three days; and provided fur out permission, or eoing about from heard before house to house begging, or placing them ther, that said case a jury. When all the testimony is given selves in the streets or other public the oauso may be argued by both or places to beg or receive alms, and all either party. And in no case shall a keepers or exhibitors of any gaming hearing by counsel be denied. table or device, and all persons who Seo. 7. Should the defendant refuse travel from place to place for tho purto pay the fine and costs awarded in the pose of gambling, and all persons upon judgment against him, the Court may whom shall be lound any instrument or commit lnm to the city prison, or order thing used for the commission of bur him to work on the public hi ch ways. glary, or for picking locks or pockets, with or without a ball and chain, at and who cannot give a good eccount of the rate of two dollars per day till such the possession of tho same, shall be fine and cost be thereby paid. But when deemed vagrants. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the the defendant has property and neglects 1'aBsed May SOlh. A. D. 1870. or refuses to pay such line and cost, the Mayor or any Alderman of said city LOR1N FARR. Mayor. court may in its discretion issue an exe- having personal knowledge, or on comThos. 0. Opki.l, City Recorder. cution directed to tho Marshal of said plaint being made under onth that any city, or any of his deputies, commanding person is a vagrant, to cause such perin nro Authorizing; him that of the goods and chattels of son to be brought beforo him, and if. An u Reward for I ho A r real said defendant, he cause to be made tho upon examination, such person be found of vagrancy, he or she shall be of Persons Accused of amount of such fine and cost without un guilty Crime. necessary delay, and if property shall be liable to a fine of not moro than fifty dolfold on such execution, the Marshal lars, with costs; or be put to labor not Fee. 1. Be it ordained by the City shall give public notice of the time and to exceed thirty days, at the discretion Council of Ogden City, that the Mayor placo of salo and a brief description of of the court; and further, may be re be and he is hereby authorized ami di the kind or property by posting a notice quired to give bonds with good and suffi rected to issue his proclamation offering thereof in three rmblio vdaccs in said cient securities in a penal sum of not a reward of such an amount as he, in city, of not less than ten davs, except by less than one hundred nor exceeding one his discretion, may deem proper for the consent or such defendant; and said Mar thousand dollars, conditioned that the arrest and delivery to tho proper officer, shal shall make returns to the court and said defendant will, for tho space of six of any person who may "be, charged shall pay all monies so collected within months next ensuing the execution of with crime committed within the city five days after such sale, and the court said bond, be of good behavior, and in whenever he shall have knowledge of shall pay said fine into the City Treasu default thereof mny be committed to the such occurrence or receive information ry, and any surplus of such fine and cost City prison until such security be given, in relation thereto from any responsible shull bo paid to said defendant. not exceeding ninety days. rcc. H. On the trial of any cause be- I'assed May 30th A. 1). 1S70. person or person. Passed May 30th, A. D., 1870. LORIN FARR, Mayor. fore the Mayor or any Alderman of said I.OR1N FARM, Mayor. city either party may demand and have a Thos. G. Odell, City Recorder. luos. U. Uniai, City Recorder. jury on paying into court the cost con sequent thereon ; and if so demanded the court shall isiue a venire directed to Ordinance Declaring the An Ordinance cc1nrlngtlie the Marshal of eaid city, or any of his Charter to the City aUCiiMiircmcni ol deputies, commanding him to summons orce and Elleet ot Ordi Work, l'uviiig and Cut twelve persons qualified to serve as ju nance. Mono. rors under the laws of the Territory of i tan, or a less number if agreed upon by Seo. 1. Be it ordained by the City Sec. 1, Re it ordained by the City the parties, to serve as jurora on the Council of Ogden City that the act of Council of Ogden City that all walls of trial of such cause. Said juror may be incorporation of said city, approved mason work, all flues, ovens, ciiaiionged aud shall be sworn, and d. January 18th, 18G1, and all acts amen boilers, cooking ranges, grate settings, liver their verdict as provided by the datory thereof, be and the same are furnaces, copper settings, isnd other laws oi said Territory. hereby declared to have the same force like work, shall be measured by solid or Seo. 9. The Mayor or anv Alderman and effect within the limits of said city cuoic measurement. of said city, on complaint being niado as if the thereof had been provisions See. 2. All paving, flagging, plain in writing, and under oath, that any specially ordained by said Council. uara and east rouuh hinsli, nas plastering, person oeo. i. i do threatened, or is about, to lor the tio- ing, including openings, shall be mea commit an offence against the property lation of any of punmiment the provisions of said sured by superficial measurement; also or pcrsou of another or against acts, and of all ordinances of said city all cut hi one, plain-toolesuch as dour- - me or me person complained snail be, when no other properly penalty is pre steps, door sills, coinne and hearth or, may issuo a warrant reciting tho scribed, by fino in any sum not exceed' thoce oulv which but show rlones, parts complaint in substance, directed to the ing one hundred dollars, or by impris when set shall bo measured. All windo Marshal, commanding him or any of his oninent not exceeding six mouths, or shall be deputies, to forthwith arrest and sills, caps and water-tablebring both such fino and imprisonment at the measured by running lneanurcuieuL me person so charged before such May discretion of the court. l'assed May Sttli, A.D. It?!). , or or Alderman, issuing such warrant to Passed May 30th, A. D. 1S70. J.UKl.t rAKJi, Mayor. answer such complaint, and if, on exam LORIN" FARR, iiios. u. Udell, City Kccerdcr. ination of any tuIucsscj that may be Tuos. G. Odell, City Recorder. Mayor. e; bo-n- un-lo- ss Orl '. JIaon fire-plac- s, ill f haie An Ordinance in Relation to Streets, Water IHtchcs, Side Walk and Shade Trees. Sec. 1. Be by the City Council of Ogden City, that all the streets of said city shall, and are hereby declared to be six rods wide (including sidewalks,) between the boundary line of blocks, as platted on the official map of said city, except the street known as Main Street, which shall be eight rods That all wide, including sidewalks. owners or occupiers of lots in said city are hereby authorized and required to dig suitable ditches to convey the waters across the sidewalks to or from their respective lots, and all persons having or making such ditches across the sidewalks, must bridge or culvert the same, and keep them in such order as to prevent the waters thereof from overflowing, and must keep such bridge or culvert in proper repair. Sec. 2. Any person or persons having or making ditches for their convenience running in front of their lots, between the street and sidewalks, or having ditches in their lots, on or within the line of fence, are hereby required to embank said ditches so as to keep the water therein from overflowing and damaging said streets or sidewalks. The said ditches between street and sidewalk shall be sixteen feet from the line of said lots, except on what is known as Main Street, where said ditches shall be twenty feet from the line of lots. And all persons erecting any dam or sluiceway in the ditches in front of their lots aro hereby required to do so under the direction of the City Water Master, and must keep the same in good order and repair. Sec. 3. The owners or occupiers of farming land within the limits of said city are hereby required to make their proportion of good and sufficient water ditches for irrigation, and keep the same in repair, under the direction of the Water Master having jurisdiction, who shall give reasonable notice of the time and place at which such work is to be done. Sec. 4. All persons are hereby forbidden to run water or dig ditches across any of the public roads or streets within the limits of said city for the purpose of conveying water for irrigation, or otherwise, unless they stone, pave, or culvert the same, under the direction of the Supervisor. Sec. 5. The City Water Master is hereby required to see that owners or occupiers of lots making water ditches comply with the requirements of the preceding sections of this ordinance, and notify them of any neglect or any breach of the same, and it is hereby made his duty after such notification and a noncompliance therewith, to enter complaint before the Mayor or any Alderman of said city against the offender, who upou conviction shall be liable to a fine in any sum not exceeding twenty-fiv- e dollars for ench offence, and to pay all damages that my accrue by reason of such neglect ; and it shall further be tho duty of the City Water Master to assess, collect, and expend all taxes for the construction and keeping in repair all water ditches leading to and through slid city. SIDK WALKS. further ordained, that the sidewalks in said city shall, and arc hereby declared to be, sixteen feet wide, measured outward from the boun dary lines of the blocks as platted on the official map of said city, except on what is known as Main Street, which shall be twenty feet wide. hec. i. tvery owner or occupier of any lot or lots on the streets of said city that are now opened, is hereby required to remove from the streets and sidewalks in front of said lot or lots all wagons, wood, lumber, cowyards, boxes, fencing, or other obstructions to the free travel of persons or teams; and any such owner or occupier who shall neglect to remove any such obstructions, or who shall in any way obstruct such travel on any street or sidewalk or alley that is or shall be opened within the limits of said city, except by permission of said Council, shall be liable to a fine in any sum not less than five dollal-- nor more than fifty dollars for each offence. Sec. 8. Any person riding, driving, or leading any horse, mule, or ether an imal or team upon any sidewalk in snid city, shall be liable to a fine of not less dolthan one nor more than twenty-fiv- e lars for every such offence. Provided nothing in this section shall be so construed as to prohibit persons from cross ing the sidewalk to or from their prem Sec. 6. And be it s iscs. Sec. 9. All persons are hereby for bidden to obstruct the side walks or streetsby playing at ball, quoits, marbles, jumping, rolling of hoops, flying of kites or oiner games, or to cngago in any sports in said streets or sidewalks calcu lated to frighten horses or teams, or to annoy or obstruct the free travel of any or team, under the penalty of a fine of not less than one, nor more than ten dollars, or imprisonment not to exceed ten days for each offence. er SHADE TREES. And be it further ordained, that all shade trees planted on the sidewalks in said city shall be sot fourteen feet from the boundary line of the blocks as platted on the official map of said city, except (on what is known as Main Street where such trees shall be planted eighteen feet from the lines of said lots or blocks. Sec. 11, Any person failing or neg lecting to let out shade trees as provided m section ten of this ordinance, the Supervisor is hereby authorized to proceed and set out said trees at the owner's expense. Passed May 80th, A.D., 1870. LORIN FARR, Mayor. Thos. G. Odell, City Recorder. Sec. 10 All Ordinance Relating to Auctioneers. ceived on all goods sold by him. He shall also give bonds to said city, with sum of one approved security, in the thousand dollars, conditioned for the honest and due performance of all duties herein required to be by hira performed, which bond shall be approved by and filed in the offioeof the City Recorder. Sec. 2. That all auctioneers so licensed shall receive all articles which they may be required to sell at auction, and give and at the receipts therefor, if required, close of any sale, shall deliver a true account of such sale, and pay the amount realized for such articles sold to the person entitled to the same on surrender of the receipt of such articles, if such redeceipt shall have been given, after ducting the one per cent, as mentioned in the preceding section, and a further sum as compensation for such sale, not exceeding ten per cent, on the amount of such sale. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of every auctioneer licensed as aforesaid to pay the said sum of one per cent, on all goods and chatties sold by him into the reCity Treasury monthly or oftener if acquired by the City Recorder, and in the counting for such sales it shall be reduty of every auctioneer to make his turns to the Auditor of said city, under outh or affirmation, and exhibit to said Auditor, his books of Bale whenever said Auditor shall require them. And any auctioneer refusing or neglecting to comply with the provision herein contained, shall forfeit his license and be liable to a fine in any sum not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars for each offence. Sec. 4. All auctioneers are hereby forbidden to sell or expose for sale any kind of property so near to the streets as to cause people to gather in crowds on the sidewalks so as to obstruct the free use or passage over the same, or to use immoral or indecent language in crying their goods, or to make noisy acclamations, or ring bells through the streets in advertising their goods and chattels.Sec. 6. Nothing in this ordinance shall be so construed as to prohibit any sheriff, constable or other officer from selling any property in discharge of offi cial duty at public auction. Sec. ti. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance, when not otherwise provided, shall be liable to a fine in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars for each offence. Passed May 30th, A. D. 1870. LORIN FARR, Mayor. Tuos. G. Odell, City Recorder. before such drugs or medicines le Sec. 2. Any person neglecting or r. fusing to comply with the foreirnin. tion of this ordinance shall be liable to lnO ir, SnV ti r. f lnao Unit. il a more than one hundred dollars, or ha! prisonment not exceeding six months W both at the discretion of the court h. J: jurisdiction. Passed May 30th, A. D. 1870 LORIN FARR. ' Tuos. G. Odell, City Recorder. if. . j Pardon and tlicReniiftin?nR of Fines and Cost. t i Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the cu Council of Ogden City, that the JfT be and hereby is' authorized ami powered to grant full pardon for las violation of any of the ordinance . said city, or to remit so much of anv fine or penalty which belongs to the city, together with any costs of proseen- tion as to him shall seem just and r... sonable. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, that the Mayor is authorized and empower! in cases of confinement in prison of any person for a violation of the City Ordi. nances, to pay. all jail charges in addi-tio- n to remission of fines in all case where he may be satisfied that it is just and proper, and the Auditor is directed to issue an order on the Treasurer to pay the amount out of the City Treasury upon the order of the Mayor. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the to th Mayor to report City Council the number of fines remitted, with the amount of each fine, eort and jail charges so remitted, accompanied by his reasons for remitting the same. Passed May 30th, A. D., 1870. LORIN FARR, Mayor. Thos. G. Odell, City Recorder. semi-annual- ly - Ail Ordinance in Relation to the City Ordinance. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Ogden City t!at no action, prosecution, suit or proceeding, pending at the time any ordinance or part of any ordinance shall be repealed, shall be affected in any way by such repeal, but nil such actions, prosecutions, suits, or proceedings, shall proceed in all respects as it such ordinance, or part of an ordt nance had not been repealed. Sec. 2. Whenever the term "here to- fore" occurs in any ordinance, it shall be construed to mean any time previous to tho day when such ordinance shall take effoct, and whenever the term "hereafter" occurs, it shall be construed to mean any time after such ordinanco shall take effect. Sec. 3. Whenever, in any ordinance or resolution, words in the plural number are used in describing or referring to any matter, parties, or persons, any single matter, party, or person, shall be deemed to be included, although distributive words to that effect may not be used. Sec.4. Whenever any subject.matter.par-ty- , or person is described or referred to in any ordinance by words importing the singular number or the masculine gender, several matters and persons, females as well as males, and bodies corporate as well as individuals shall be deemed to be included. The rules above prescribed shall apply in all cases, unless it shall be otherwise expressly provided in any ordinance, or unless there be something in the subject or context repugnant to such construction. Sec. 5. When any ordinance repealing a former ordinance, clause, or provision, shall itself be repealed, such repeal shall not be construed to revive such former ordinance, clause, or provision, unless it be expressly provided. Sec. 6. If any ordinance conflict with or be repugnant to any other, that which shall have been last passed or approved shall prevail, and so much and such parts of any prior ordinance or provision as shall be inconsistent with such laSt ordinance, clause, or provision, shall be deemed to be repealed thereby. " Passed May 30th A. D. 1870. LORIN FARR, Mayor. Thos. G. Odell, City Recorder. All Ordinance Relating to Physicians. An Ordinance Relating (o the Discharge of Firearms. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Ogden City, that any prwi discharging any gun or pistol within tit limits of said city, between the honriof sunset and sunrise, or on the Sabbath day, except in case of defence of self, family or property, or in the dit&argo of official duty, shall be liable to a fiat in any sum not exceeding twentj-idollars for every such offence. Sec. 2. Any person discharging firearms within said city, without a lawful breast work for the protection of the ciu zens, at any time other than as mentioned in the preceding section, shall beli. able to a fine in any sum not exceeding ten dollars for each offence. Sec. 3. A breastwork or battery for target shooting, to be deemed lawful, shall be a wall eighteen inches thick, six feet high in the back, six feet wide, with side wings one foot thick, each extending two feet, increasing flaringly to the front, of adobies or brick, or mud, or its equivalent of any other material Passed May 30th, A. D. 1870. LORIN FARR, Mayor. Thos. G. Odell, City Recorder. u Excelsior Mills!! NEAR OGrDEN CITY. AVe are now prepared to exchange CLOTH AND YARN FOR WOOL One ponnd of Create to evcrv eicht ponnda of Wool will bo rcqnirmt. If it is not furnished the price of the grease will be deducted from the wool. Beef and all kinds of Soft Grease taken in Exchange for CLOTH JSJST fiST Wanted first-cla- a YARN. FULLER and ss FINISHER. 18 A XDALIi, an-- it P UGSLE Y 1ST 111 V Co. W MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, SALT LAKE CITY X A rapertTuIlT invited to call and examino the Chnire Ktnek of Ooods lit th. I 1 NEW MILLINERY Establishment, next door to (lie Bonking House of Uiuaey, Dahter Co, East Temple Street, where tbey will una very uic stock of MIIXIXERY, FEATHERS, Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City FEOWERS, Council of Ogden City, that all persons DRESS TRIMMIXfiS, shall, before practicing medicine or sur 1 IWDERCEOTJ obwithin the limits of said gery city, tain a licence from said Counoii for such Sundo w ns, Shakers, Hals, purpose. Hoods, Roimeis, Rallies fcee. Z. A board of examiners, conami of three sisting competent persons, shall .Notions. General be appointed by said Council, whose duty it shall be to examine into the qualifica THE SAME AS IN tions of all applicants for license to PRICES practice medicine or surgery in said EASTERN CITIES. city, from whom a certificate of qualification must be obtained to entitle them Millinery anil Pnwunnking in all Ibelr Branch executed with promptitade. to such license from said Council. latent J'le. Sec. 3. Any person violating the pro- Ladies' own material made up in the visions of this ordinance shall bo liable to a fine in any sum not exceeding one Salt iMke Vii!' ounured dollars lor each offence. w-t- r Tasscd May 80th., A. D. 1870. LORIN FARR, Mayor. Thos. 0. Odell, City Recorder. Attention! Jlrs. STEXIWUSFji Subscriber's All Ordinance in Relation to "yy See. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Ocdcn City, that no person shall sell or exposo for sale by way of Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City vendue or auction, within Ihe limits of Council of Ogden City, that all physi said city, any property without first ob cians, nurses, druggists, apothecaries or taining a license from said Council for other persons, are hereby required to la lrngs and Jlcdicincs. such purpose, for which license such uck ju a piain anu icgioie manner, in person shall pay into the City Treasury Knglish, all drugs and medicines which the sum of one per cent, of all monies rc- - they may put up or cause to be put up, E WILL TAKE ON grBSCRIPTTOS, CLEAN COTTON RAGS For which we will allow Five Cents per lb. We will aNn allow THREE CENTS per lb. for CLEAN UUNNYSACKS. Gather np your this OHlce. Ks and bring them along Oi 9 |