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Show I Zt (Oj&tn function. plliilKd vrT f RAXKLIX C. W. WEDNESDAY and PATCRDAY, D. RICHARDS, PENROSE, Abocu Editor. Editor. OGlE.V, UTAH. Saturday Morulas, Jane 11, 1870. this pleasant valley. Cows can be obtained for labor, and milk flows in abundance. Wood for firing, and logs and timber for building are close at hand, and independence w ill be there, the swill and sore reward of diligenee, judgment and perseverance If you want Good Board and a comfortableC'lean lied, go to the Travelcorner of Union er's Rest, North-wes- t It. Pool, Propr. Jons Square, Ogdcn. and lodging for the night, your bumble servant being taken under the care of Dr. W. H. Anderson, postmaster, bishop's clerk, doctor of medicine, carpenter, farmer, agent for the Jinctiox, and a thorough good fellow. When the tired traveler' dusty journey for the day is o'er, how sweet it is to have a good sup per and go to bed. I have arrived at this interesting sweetness, o goodnight, JUNCTION, Maiab Citt, June 7th, 1870. the Saints depended alone upon him, and hie brethren, if they should go astray, the people would be led astray; hence the necessity foV them to live so as to have the light of God in themselves TO-NIGH- T, that they might know when the truth was spoken. It was the duty of the Jim Hi Snliinlay. Saint to cease building up the enemies The Celebrated Tragedian, of the Church. God commanded the Elders in 1833, never to labor more to And Mini build up a Gentile city,' but to build up Zion. Ho related many interesting incidents in the settling of this Territory, The Favorite Actress, late of tho Salt Lake Theatre, demonstrating that, the hand of God wus over the people, and his blessing upon Will appear in the beautiful Play of the land and the crops, and said the III All! Saints would be brought into such a pos1 1 ition, that every knee would tremble, ili Ui and it would appear that they were Supported by tho Company. Rbout to be swallowed up ; many would tlee to save their lives, but would lose The whulo to conclude with the Laughable Farce of TUB them, while every time there would bo ram in the thicket" for tho faithful. "a Showed that it was the Lord, and not Brigham, that governed the people ; and SEE POSTERS. exhorted them to attend to every duty diligently. Doors open at 7.30. Performance at 8. The meeting was prolongod about three hours. A most excelAdmiMKion, 75 cts. A 50 eta. -- a lent spirit prevailed, and every ono felt Stork Pay Taken, that the time hid been spent profitably. An ample dinner was provided for the company. At lour o clock we started back for Portage, and the whole party supped together in tho school house. BKtIS TO INFORM THE Another day is finished, night lias MRS. M. KOWKINU (if (Men nil Vicinitv that she had spread her mantle of darkness, and opened her new MILLIN ERY ESTABLISHMENT, peace over tired nature. All is quiet One Door South of the Tost Oflice, and still, my downy couch (down on tho And has on hand a choice selection of floor) invites me to repose, so Junction, and every other man good night. Q. invites their attention. To she OGDENTHEATRE Z. C. XvT. I, OGDEN CITY. MR. T. A. A. A. ADAMS, iniinv illkm iht iiiio Bit Tl ch ujiim mnn o.nnmur LIMEIMCK BOY. NOW OPENING: to-li- and-a-ha- lf MILLINERY. SUMMER GOODS, Straw Hats Prints, latest Domestics, Denims, Checks, 47-- 4 Silicias, day-scho- ol Ginghams, ol 47-- tf LEGAL NOTICE. Chambrajs, Irish Linen, salt-risin- e. Swiss - 411-- Parasols, NOTICE. c, Shakers, 47-- 2 STEAW HATS. An endless variety it tiiit iiiiu mi BOOTS & SHOES. n, d. grass-covere- drain Eeapers, Mowers and Wagons. s, Grass Cradles, Snaths, Kirby Reaping &Mowing Machine combined. Hoes, OffU-u- Hakes, tf-'-- NOTICE! Hillvillc District. GEOCEEIES. South-easterl- y The Stock is complete NOTICE. all Pepartments. t. 3 NOTICE ss Vt th At 8 o'clock this cloudless summer l the company was again in momorning iSF CtNT!.F.MBM WUIllting , tion, atl well and in excellent spirits. Ilroatl und Iliilfer. Suits should call and seo Patterns at No mishap has occurred on the way up i Bread Is truly cttllwJ the (riaff of life. Thikkill & Karl's. from Brigham City. When the conveyances were on the way from "the city" TVe can bear the monotony of 6read betto meet the company at the railway stater than any other eatable. It ig one of PreMiih'iit Young Trip tion, tho axletree of Bishop Layton's A'ort.i. the real necessities of life, and when carriage broke, one of Bishop Home's tires came off, and one of Elder Tay properly made is always palatable. But Box Kitten Co., PuRTACiK, lor's mules was taken sick. Repairs what variety in this staple article may June 7th, 1870. At 8.30 we rolled out of Brigliam City, were made at Brigham City and a fresh be found in different families! It is Elder Taylor, who an advance guard leading the way, bear- team supplied for met with in almost all colors and of all about tour miles the overtook company ing aloft the gallant utars and Mripos, from and everybody has travconsistencies. White, brown, 'dobie color, fourteen Portage, aud a the in train, carriages eled along pleasantly aud in order. A rULIi SUPPLY OF grey, with the blue spots and tints in- company of horsemen in tho rear. A tub company describable. Firm and fgfit soft and ride of a little over ten miles in a northwesterly direction, over an excellent started out this morning as follows, heavy pastry, tough, brittle, crusted, road, brought us to the banks of Bear viz. : Styles leathery, sticky, flaky, crumbly, sweet, river. A mounted escort, with the President Brigham Young, wife and national colors, met us a short distance two children. sour, chaffy, spongy, and so forth. (SPRAGUE, GARNER, MF.RRIMAC, President I). H. Wells and wife. The people need lectures upon the man- from the river, and on tho opposite bank DUXXELL, AMERICAN, ete.) were a company of boys itiul girls w ith Elder John Taylor, wife, and broth ufacture of bread. Many of them in the er William. tings, and most of the inhabitants of native countries were accustomed to purElder Wilford Woodruff and E. T. HEAR U I V F. It CITY. Clark. chase it ready made. Thousands of This place, built on a bluff above the Eldeo Lorenzo Snow and 11. P. Jcn-n- . women who live in large towns and river, has been settled about three years, which respectfiiilv Also. cities never made a loaf of bread in their mostly hy Scandinavians. Seventy famiC. W. D. Penrose F. Elder Richards, GENTLEMEN'S Best The Accommodation for Scandinain the fort, mostly lives. When they come into this new lies reside ( wen Dinsdiile. vians. A city site has been surveyed and Elder Brigham Young, Jr., his son Travelers will be found at the Traveler's And SHOO FLY NECKTIES. country, their first efforts are often very and about tkrre lnmdtcd lots laid ofl; John R. Pool Rest, Ogdcn. X.n. The Demurest Models fur Dress Cutting on unfortunate. The laborer after a hard some very respectablo adubie hcrnscs Howard and llynim Young. sale. Instructions in the art gratis. Bishop R. T. Burton, his son Robert, days toil is regaled with small dobies, have been erected, and quite a iiuinlicr Burt. Andrew R. and Winder J. Merchant fjgjg" Tati.or Bno's, Tailors, of fruit trees planted out. About l.VMI Towelin humorously called biscuits, or doughy, acres of land are Bishop Joseph Home and wife. have just received some new Spring goods. under improvement, C. wife. and AND WATCHES. JEWELRY leaden bread, w hich sticks in his throat, l.ayton Bishop in irrigated from a canal four miles D. B. Huntington, Esq., Hyruni J. VNHEItSl(iNKl) WISHES TO INFORM milE and then drops flavorlctss into his hun- longth, which conducts the necessary 1 hi minion. iik fi lends ami the public generally Cambrics, Smith and John Squires Jr. CorrcHiMMidciicc. Malud. a from bavo tho wafer They that he bus located him.--. If on gry, but disgusted stomach. Enough M. Thatcher, Esq. MAIN in a stock ami for STREET, are OfinKN City, June 9th., 1870. E. W. Vanetteii, Esq., wife and Mrs. saleratus is sometimes served up at a splendid range hite House, and is now in Ogden, South of prosperous condition. The J i' motion is of Clocks, Watches ami all kinds JfNCTlON : ElUTOtt to repair meal disguised in a little flour and water received here aud much appreciated, Egbert. I have recently returned from Jewelry at the shortest notice, in a workmanlike Sir: Samuel Bateman., hsq. inthe times. Tithing on terms to suit is which and the evidence of an milliner to "alkali'' a whole family, if a merciful people's B. B. Bituer, Esq. and Joseph Brin- - Salt Lake City, where I have been on Office orders taken at par for work. A Sunday-schoand telligence JAMES FKODM1A11 business. While there I heard everyprovidence had not placed in the human are both well attended, and Presi- ton. Ono mile from Portage, without any body talking about "Lake Side," and it constitution secret springs which send dent Nielsen, who has setthe of charge sensation except what the dust really appeared to me they had "Lake forth neutralizing juices. tlement, is an energetic man, who be- peculiar wo pass over the I tan line into Side on the brain." As my business The healthiest bread fer common use lieves in progress and improvement. produces, Idaho Territory. Abournine miles fur engrossed nearly all my time and atten YOU ARE TO THOMAS WHITEHEAD. were While the ferried being carriages is good, well baked, yeast bread. Soda tho mountains seem to recede on tion while in this city, I had no oppor T hcrcl' notified that a Hill of Complaint has over tho river, a meeting was held in a ther Ui-I'rnliato Court of M'elier County, g bread are all bowery erected in front of the school-hous- the ea.t and west, and sweeping around tunity to enquire the whereabouts of l lidi tiled in the wherein biscuits, and EMA WHITEHEAD is Territory, m a circle, almost enclose the the charming place just named. Now, nearly well THOMAS WHITEHEAD detendant. for when and a to the President pleintilf very Young spoke change properly end Malud northern of Away as I suppose you "know everything, Valley. the ohjoct and prayer of which are to olitain a made; but for steady diet, and for long people for a short time, instructing (hem over to the west, is Samaria, a small I will thank Muslin, you to tell me the locality divorce from the lionds of matrintotiv and the care how to obtain the material to put up and custody of plaintiff's infant chiid. aud that but flourishing village, where twenty of this "Lake Side," about, which so von are keeping yeast made breod is far superior. good comfortable houses and to to out answer a said reoinred make complaint lay families are located; two miles ahead on many persons appear to be going crazy, on or Is'foro the id day of July, A.D., 1H70, anil in The great difficulty with some folks is to tine city; to obtain their naturalization the eastern bench is Willow Flowers, Ictault thereof, said complaint will la- taken tut Springs, and oblige your Enquirer. 'If I could only gctgood papers and obtain tho privileges of the got the yeast. true and judgment rendered according to the we and notice which log pass through suid and of homestead and too We complaint. prayer laws, that is our fear correspondent cvi- yeast that would, keep, I'd have good Bv order of tho Conrt. exhorted them under every circumstance houses and extensive fields, and much buried up in the "cares of the town broad all the time," says many a dis to into lMbbons, lenccsofft life; F. D. RICHAKDS, Judge. struggling to th gospel,, cling north-eas- t, built on a world" to know any other locality than Attest: F. S. RICHARDS, Clerk. tracted housewife. For the benefit of President Wells and Elder B. Young, and yonder to the 4 sloping bench, is Malud City, sixteen that of his "business." Lake Side is many families in Utah, we give below a jun., followed, in plain and practical miles and a from Portngo by quarter ami to material advice tending spiritual the odometer on the President's situated between Farmington and Kays-villrecipe given by an experioncd cook, for carriage improvement. in Davis County; it is said to be a STOLEN' FROM HOOPER'S SI'RIXO RANGE, s its three blacksmith with six stores, will in making good yeast, that keep After ft meeting of three quarters of of Mack Horses, one 4 and the ether 5 vears old; medium in size; one hits a white spot summer without turning sour: an hour, we started on the road again, shops, two saw mills, grist mills, school most delightful place of retreat. foreheiuL liraud on the left, thigh not legildv, Box Elder huuses, its ono hundred and twenty The energetic and enterprising Su on the other branded on Hie left slioulder LY, the bar "Put a handful of hops in heading northward, through families, fields, gardens and general about thirteen L not show ing plainly; some whitu hairs miles, of the passing county a bag kept for the purpose into improvements. Plenty of land, abun- perintendent of the U. C. R. R., Joseph intermixed Willi the black, tail considerably mixed two quarts of boiling water; while scores of nioumls of different, hight., dance of wood, four creeks of water for A. Young, Esq., who is ever solicitous with white. Any oue giving iitt'ormdtiou lending not the work of nature, when the ricovery of said horse will lie liberally re- MENS' AND BOYS' sleeping, wash, peel and grate six aevidently irrigation- - the road to northern Idaho for the happiness of everybody in gen to road turn in us in the It Y (iAKNEK, Ogden City. It EN warded brought sight by medium sited potutoes.take out the hops, and Montana, running through the setof in and the rising generation par put lu I lie potatoes, boil a few minutes, tlement, there is every facility here for eral, bkn Hampton's iiotei, a large and prosperous city. ticular, is running excursion trains stirring constantly, add half a teacup OCDEN TANNERY. rearing miles from Brigliam. snugly Just above the salt, half teacup white or light brown twenty-fiv- e present location is a fine once a week from Salt Luke City to F YOU WOULD RE WELL FORTIFIED, TRY sugar, let it cool, then add a teacup of tucked under the sheltering bluffs, in a bench, four miles in length, as level as "Lake Side" for the benefit of the LEATHER. young potato yeast, if you can got it, if uot, pleasant little green vale, through which a table, commanding a view of the Come to mv Tannerv ami see if I will not sell folks. with Bear River its banks winds, fringed brewer's will answer, let it rise until a veil as (KMID LEATHER as the best, and as chene whole green, grassy vulley of the MaI rossing lad. The As Mr. Young is a cosmopolitan, we as tho cheapest ill the market. mass of foam, then stir it down, put it greon ami waving willows. .of this town is population IIYDES and BARK WANTED. of in ft large mouthed jug and keep it over a solid and substantial toll bridge, somewhat mixed, tho elements not alto- have no doubt but the citizens of Ogdcn JONATHAN IinOWNINQ. Mil corked tight. Observe, if you jug it be- we pulled up at the hospitable mansion. gether harmonious; but the apostates will come in for their share of railroad NOTIONS. fore it has ceased working, the cork will Here the genial Ben cultivates bis farm who gathered here are thinning out and of "four quarters," of eighty acres, the the new watering place where to be thrown out. For trips is tho of large family, place rapidly improvspirit m r: perhaps ft larger quantity than here in- which is plowed and planted, raises ing. they can bathe, boat, dance, sing, awing enhis stock his and hogs, grows dicated will be necessary. I have used Crossing Beep Crock, on this side and recover the lost appetite for tho on- yeant made in this maimer for several tertains the weary traveler; and here of which lies the business quarter, we A LARGE QUANTITY OF of a good dinner. years, and never lost any from souring a substantial dinner was prepared for pass a crowd of citizens, ho bow us wel- joymeut TAYLOR JOHN comBRO. whole & the and the whole Museum tho Men there's Then and in the hottest weather. A toacupful company, come, ami pull up at the residence of in Salt Having carried on business will raie two largo loaves. The special pany was prepared for the dinner, judg Bishop Iamels, a whole-soule- d Welch-maagerie of J. W. Young, Esq. As new- ljike City for the last ten vcam.successfully feel confident that me uisap-peareino emuoies uy way this in is is who no there shakthat ing here. After point yeast presides attractions are being constantly added they ciui give satisfaction to the resiiUins of Ogden. flour used in it." tho dust from our garments, as a A choice collection of At three o clock we the ing the road we have to that establishment in Salt Lake City testimony against To make good w hite bread with this ClotllM, OllHHilll01OH, and bridge, climbed the hill, pushed on traveled over, washing out a few pecks, tho first of the kind ever instituted in yeast, and the necessary flour, water, up the Malad valley. This is a beauti no spooks from our eyes, and making the Adapted to tho Season, always on hand. Territory everybody will want to d vallcv, averaging about ourselves look lovely, we assembled at etc. all that is needed, it kneading. This ful Also, see them occasionally, and we expect Gents' Own Materials Made Up. five miles in width from mountain to 11. oO in the must be attended to when the ingredients bowery. Biock Half West a of the Bank, Oplen City.of tho mountain, affording ample A good choir sang some hymns and excursions will be got. up, that special & Scythes, are niiicd. Knead tht dough thoroughly best kind for stock, and will,riuigo doubtless, anthems in good style. President 1. trains will be run for the purpose of at oars. Go at it as if you meant work. at. no distant date be thickly populated. 11. Wells si oke of the change which, giving our citizens a chance to seo the It is watered lv the Malad river, winch by the of God had come upon Keep at it in spite of tired arms or achwild-catand lakes its rise at the head of Malad vallcv the landblessings ft since Fremont explored the bears, lions, wolverines, ing back, the more you knead it, in rea- and emiities into Bear river. It was numerous other such as Bur- animals, and pronounced it incapable country, son, the better; cover it up, put it in a named Malade tickne by some French of producing to support life, and upon nura never saw. who much TO THE FAHMKHS OF UTAH. found sickness the w hen to warm trappers, risc.and moderately place power wielded by the priest. the beavers here. At 5.15 we hoodlegal which God has committed to man it comes up light and pretty, mould it among rjSy" Board by the day or week, nnd T SA AC MOORK.0C.DKN CITY, IS ACENT FOR reached from heaven, and which the world ac Good IJay-rakc- s, Lodging, at tho Traveler's Rest, 1 thu Territory of tho up without further kneading, Into rORTAGK, and support, in its adminis knowledge loaves and in ft few minutes it will be which is sixteen miles trom Bear River John R. Pool. (rations, both for the living and the Ogden. ready for baking. Give it time in the Bridge and, by tho road we came, forty dead. Jfciy Ge.nti.kmsn wanting a No. 1 areThe Machines, and a larRe assortment of Wbroih, Elder W. Woodruff discoured on the oven, but be careful not to burn it, and one miles from Brigliam City, and is the mi cxhiliitiou at Nalliaiiiel Lcavitt's, Main-s- t Suit , of Ready-mad- e i Itox it furthest kcttlcmcnt north and effects of union and of hlder I'tiih. Clothing should go you will have good, sweet, wholesome, County. It contains bout forty fa mi necessity, to the ordinances for tho re to af CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. -- a & Earl's. attending Tiiiukill Wagons furnished to order, white bread, which, with a piece of lies, and is situated on tho cast idc of demptiou of the dead. ISAAC MOORE. Elder John Taylor boro testimony to rich yellow butler is tit for a king to the valley; tho farming land, which is JIoe-Mad- e Last night Blankets. and tiic rich the truth of the worV, and showed that we saw a Forks. productive, lying across" eat. splendid pair of blankets, river on the west side. When the waters no man on earth knew or could know mado at A. Randall's woolen mills, Hut somebody will say 'how about of Ogden Henderson crerk are brought to Port the first simple principles of the gospel which had been bought for cloven dol the flour and the butter? Where are we age, by tho eight-mil- e ditcti which is until Uod revealed them ; that all intell lars and ft half. Well woven, heavy, yet ALL KIXDS OF to get them!" This is a very important being dug, so that the people can make igenco was from God, that man's folly sua and in every sense comfortable, VOTICE IS HEREIIY GIVEN. THAT A and orchards, it will be a very was exhibited in the false philosophy of was it question, and ono some of our laboring gardens District being seasoable) Mining grati organized Mnv 2X, 1N70, the times, that tho doctrine of the atone (weather beautilul spot. to seo such an evidence of the pro commencing lit E. Edwards' Saw Mill, thonce friends who are living from hand to The cit iena, cloanly and neatly dressed, ment was true, and all the sacrifices of fying the centre of Riacksmith's Fork rivor, running up being mado in woolen nianuftic in a direction to the Eastern boundmouth, in Salt Lake City, and Ogdcn were drawn up in line on tho road to the ancients pointed to it, that the doo gress tares. Keep at it, gentlemen ; minerals ary line of Civ he County, thenco along said line have reason to ask seriously. We reply, welcome the company and, as soon as trine of the resurrection of the body was will North to the rentre main Vork of Logan river, and and the far bring money, you e Wert following that stream to a the flour and the butter, with a great all had arrived, assembled in the school- - believed by the old prophots, and was mers will supply the necessaries to keep them point due North of said mill, thenco South to the place of house a neat, substantial log building, eternal truth. it in the country. bait Lake Herald. beginning. many other good things re attainable Zn, by 4011. Elder B. Young, Jr., spoke on the ne CHARLES W. HT'LSE wr duly elected ReIN FACT, We can endorse the Herald on the Og corder in almost any quantity in several por President Wells, and Elders John Tsy cessity for each individual to have a of Milville District. FREDERICK. den Mills lor Woolen and W. Woodruff and F. D. Richards personal testimony of the (ruth, and blanket subject. Wi YEATES, Secretary. tions of the Territory by ordinary in in 4Mm each addressed tho congregation in upon the alteration of the climate, favor between somo of them during the slept ana so do ustry intelligence. Why encour and instructive and the forth manner, spirited ing Vegetation, breaking many of our friends, who, in the present aging the people to riglitcousne?, prny- - of springs in formerly desert places, seasonable weather last winter, and a warm, cozy comfortable snoose we had dull time, cannot find constant employ ertulness, industry and in both hero and in the South. to a W. efforts C. their Presi the Penrose Elder up building oity. spoke wpon ment, continue to stick in the Urge dent Young showed that the trials of primary object for which the people who HERETOFORE Those who will not sustain the Excel- nlHE under the style 0f iMn,t 4 towns, grubbing along in ft dependent this life were necessary to give us an were present, left their homes in foreign sior Mills deserve to have in the Saloon and Billiard Business, in nrhniiller, neither blan- Is this day dissolved by mutual consent.Ogden City, condition, when they could soon beoome experience, illustrating, by familiar countries to gather here ; not to dig for All debts due the late firm will l collected by lluclnniller nor other comfortakets, of or the make pcticoats themselves but ngures, and Tiny comfortable by striking impossibility knowledge gold, independent wealthy, and all outstanding indebtedness of said firm wiil on many points without experience; that to build up the Kingdon of God ; allud ble garments to protect them from lie paid by Buehmiller. The Businesti out into thinly settled districts? hvroafter FEERYi even if, as some philosophers areue, ed to tho fact that most of those who "The canld barreu ldat that blows nolsslv will h,, curried on by Buehmiller al the Old Stand, All Orders addressod lo D. II. For inotanoe, there is Malad Valley, there is here his tormer Patrons, a also new no hereafter, righteousness was were present had embraced the gospel, good." are ones, Invited to call. where plenty of good land it lying out more profitable and produced more hap siuce the accession of Briehnm Young, Ogdeu Cilj, will have promr1 We reiterate, "keep at it gentlemen," BLCHMILLER. 1ST0. June of doors wailing for the hand of the piness m this lire titan wickedness: and to the Presidency, and as the same pow- your Oplen, 2nd, attention. goods will sell. 4j-husbandman to bring out its treasures, that the faithful observance of the laws er and testimony was received, a? under of God. even if done mechanieallv, with the administration of Joseph Smith, it fifeS" Taylor Bno's, Merchant and where the present settlers invite out feeling Tailors, any enthusiasm or spiritual was a proof tiiat the Lord acknowledged half a block west of the bank, Ogdcn. Mormon labor. Bread in plet ty lies excitement, would bring ponce, and joy President Young in the position he oc A HOUSE AND LOT, WITH A GOOD BLACK-f- around in the fertile acres, an 1 butter ana salvation in the after life. cupied. "T'th fchop attached, for Pale first-cla55" blocks Gkstlkmen TV hosAfter the President fifth were visitors wanting IT. Young said not over South ol White Hon. Main Street, OgdeT meeting, by the ton, in the waving gra : which pitably entertained r R,.b,., t Kepmerck, at the Western hnuuire at the houses' of the of the people now in the Church belong Tuilors should go t flourishes instead of sage brusb 11 over Saints, Til IRK. ill & Eakl's. inn. North Mde Inion Square. Superintendent. everybody finding refreshment ed to it in the time of Joseph Smith. It Mr SllUllllCr Fill B. CLA SOy, |