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Show An Ordinance Ifcgiilnting Proceeding in C'jim arising under (he Ordinance of the City. Drought before such Mayor or Alder- An Ordinance in Relation to ceived on all goods Bold by him. ''He before 'eucli , drues or' mefli.;n, M man, the Court be satisfied from the tes tint shall also give bonds to said city,, with their possession a Water -PuMUlwt every WEDNESDAY ami SATl'KOAY one timony that there is sufficient reason to sum the of Sido Walk aud approved security, in j egiecung or r. fear such an offence will be committed hj tlx OiBEX I'UULIfHINO loMFAJU. thousand dollars, conditioned for the fusinar to eomnlv with !.. Shade Trees. fhe by person complained of, said court honest and due performance of all duties tion of this ordinance shall be liable Ml shall the offender to enter into Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City herein required to be by him performed, fine iu any sum not !.. An Ordinance In llelatioii to Sec. 1. lie it ordained by the City bondsrequire or recognizance with or without Council of Ogden more than 'one hundred dollars ' and be shall bond the all streets which that approved by City, Council that whenever security, in or of Ogden City, Ogi. any Bum not exceeding one of said city shall, and are hereby de- filed in the office pf the City Recorder. prisonment not exceeding sU months complaint shall be made before the thousand dollars, to keep the peace to- clared to alT both so licensed at tbo auctioneers be discretion 2. rods That of Sec. wide (including six the court havi Fee. 1. Be it ordained by the City Mayor or any Alderman of said city, on ward the people of said city, and partic sidewalks,) between the lH Council of Oj?dcn City, that no person oath or 'affirmation that any breach of boundary line shall receivo all articles which they may jurisdiction. towards ttic for of " A. ularly at and sell as Passed to complainant, any on 30th; blocks, D. official the be auction,, May give 1870 of platted a tue said limit within required map the ordinances of smd city has been term not (hall keep dog of said exceeding six months. LORIN FARR, the street known as receipts therefor, if required, and at the Sec. 10. If the person complained of main city, except rity without having the game duly regis committed, he shall forthwith issuo Q. Odexl, City lWoordey which shall be eight rods close of any sale, shall deliver a true acMreet, tered as hereinafter provided, and ob warrant directed to the Marshal or any as mentioned in the proceeding section wide, including sidewalks. That all count of such sale, and pay tho amount taining a certificate of such registration of his deputies commanding him to arrest fail to give such bonds, or enter into owners or occupiers of lots in said citv realized for such articles sold to the per2. of See. An entry, by the Recorder the offender or offenders therein named, such recognizance, he shull be commit are hereby authorized and renuired to son entitled to the same on surrender of An m city in a record book to be kept by and bring him or them forthwith before tod to tho wuiHiM'i- - .itunor nil r city prison, for any term not dig suitable ditches to convey the waters the of such articles, if such reJ'ardou him for such purpose, of the description such mayor or alderman for examina and the Keiuiti 1,8 receipt six months, but shall at any across the sidewalks to or from their ceipt shall have been given, after deof Fines aud ost. of a dog, together with the name of its tion or trial. Rut if the real names of exceeding time be discharged from such commitrespective lots, and all persons having ducting the one per cent, as mentioned owner or keeper, thnil constitute sucu such offenders arc not known they may ment, on giving guch bonds or entering or making such ditches ucross the side- in the preceding section, and a further Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the be proceeded against by any name registration. into such recognizance us prescribed iu walks, must Council of Ogden City, that the Mav2 or such not the culvert same. for bridge as gum sale, compensation Sec. 8. It shall be the duly of said 2. oec. n henerer any peace officer of the preeeding section. And such de- and keep them iu such order as to pre exceeding ten per cent, on the amount of Recorder to register any dog on applica- said city or other person Khali witness fendant RTlti J " """"" shall pay the cost of such pro- vent the waters thereof from overflow to grant luu pardon for th. such sale. tion of the owner or keeper thereof, and any bre.ieh of the ordinances of said powered if he be adjudged guilty as ceedings, and must keep such bridge or cul Seo. 3. It shall be the duty of every violation of any of the ordinances ing, issue to such owner or keeper ft certifi city he is hereby authorized to urrcst of, otherwise the court may vert in auctioneer licensed as aforesaid to pay said city,. or to romit so. much proper repair. nVI cate of registration, under the corporate the offender, or cause it to bo done with complained . assess the cost against the person mak' any .1. Seo. 2. Any person or persons hav the said sum of one on all ffline- or penally cent, wnien U ), per neal, on payment by such owner or keep or without process and take him before Deiongs the complaint. ing or er to said Recorder, for the use and ben the Mayoror any Alderman of said city to ing musing anciics lor their conven- goods and chatties sold by him into thp eity, together with any costs of presecu. Sec. 11. Whenever a conplaint shall ience running in front of their lots, be- City Treasury monthly or oftener if re- tion as to him shall seem just and, rea! efit of said city, the sum of three dollars beuealt with according to the provisions be made before said Mayor or Alderman tween the street and or hav- quired by the City Recorder,' and in ac- sonable." .Such certificate shall be numbered in the of the ordinances of said city, which in and under oath by the owner ing ditches in theirlots,sidewalks, on or within the counting for such sales it shall be the Sec. 2. Be it further ordained "tt,. order of issue, and shall be in force for must be done without unnecessary delay. of writing, any property, that the same has been line of fence, are hereby to rethe auctioneer to make his of one year only from and after tho date Provided, that if the arrest bo niado by stolen Mayor is authoristed and empowered required duty every or embezzled, and that he besaid ditches so as to keep the water turns to the Auditor of said city, under in cases, of confinement in prison of the same: but may be renewed a private person he may deliver the of- lieves, such of any the therein from overflowing and property damaging oath or affirmation, and exhibit to said person for a violation of the City Ordiannually on payment annually of the fended to any peace ofliccr of said same, to be concealed indescribing house or said streets any or sidewalks. The said Auditor his books of sale whenever said nances, to pay all jail charges in addL Hum of three dollars, us atoresmd. city. place within the limits of said city, said ditches between street and sidewalk Auditor shall Sec. 4. All dogs so registered shall v. .met, jii an case bee. fl. When any person shall bo require them. And any ...... w or Alderman, shall issue a war shall bo sixteen feet from the line auctioneer refusing or neglecting to com- where he may be satisfied that :iayor wear a suitable collar, with the name or brought before said Mayor or any Al- rant it ia just directed to the Marshal or uny of Of said lots, exceut on what in known initials of the owner or keeper, and the derman charged with tho commission of his ply with the provision herein contained, and proper, and the Auditor is directed him to search as deputies, Main commanding Street, where said ditches shall forfeit his license and be liable to to issue an order on the Treasurer t number corresponding with (hut of the an offence, such person shall be examinin tho day time, the houso or shall bo twenty feet from the line of a fine in certificate of registry inscribed thereon; ed or tried without unnecessary delay. diligently, any sum not less than ten nor pay the amount out of the City Treasury such place where property is believed to lots. And all persons erecting any dam more than oue hundred dollars for eac upon the order of tho nd all dogs found running at large l!ut when it shall be such Mayor. necessary per be secreted us in tho complaint alleged. or sluiceway in the ditches in front of offence. Sec. 3. It hIihII.Ihj the duly of the within the limits of said city, not so roe son may bo detained in the city prison And said Marshal shall make of return their lots are hereby required to do so Sec. 4. All auctioneers aro hereby Mayor to report ixtered and collared, shall be liable to be for examination or trial forty eight his t0 th8 doings under such warrant, w ithout under the direction of the City Water forbidden to sell or killod by any person. hours. expose for sale an City Council the number of fines remitAnd all property recovered under Master, and must delay. keep the same in good kind of property so near to the streets as ted, with tho amount of each fine, Kec. . Any bitch found running at Sec. 4. If it be determined that the such process Khali be subject to the or uruer ana to cause people to gather in crowds c and jail charges so remitted, acc'ompa. repair. large within the limits of said city, w hile accused be put upon trial immediately, der of the Court such warrant issuing Sec. i. The owners or occupiers of the sidewalks so as to obstruct the free nied in heat, shall be liable to be killed by it shall not bo necessary to luuko any by his reasons for remitting th nee. u. person lauen into cus larming land within the hunts of enid use or passage over the same, or to us same. any person, whether registered or not, complaint in writing. The court shall tody, charged.wiywith offence shall, city are hereby required to mako their immoral or indecent any and the owner or keeper of tho same issue subpoenas directed to the proper Passed May 30th, A. D., 1870 ' language in crying of the court before whom he proportion ot cood and sufficient wate tueir goods, or to make noisy acclama shall be liable to a fine in any sum not onicer lor all ttio witnesses required by order be LORIN FARR, Mayor, liable to bo searched for ditches for brought, irrigation, and keep the same tions, or ring bells through the streets in Titos. G. Odkll, City Recorder. exceeding ten dollars for each otteuce provided , neither party shall have more money or he may have, in any property ami cost of prosecution. repair, under the direction of the their goodi and chattels. than three witnesses to prove any one and if any be found belonging to him Water Master having jurisdiction, who advertising Sec'. 5. Nothing in this ordinance Sec. (I. If the owner or keeper of any ract, ana shall forthwith, or at its earli the same shall be taken and inventoried shall give reasonable notice of the time shall be so construed as to prohibit any An Ordinance (log shall suffer or permit tho same to en est convenience, proceed to hear the cvi and held , ter or be in anyplace of worship in said dence and determine in a summary man Court to subject to tho order of the and place at which such work is to be sheriff, constable or other officer from the Discharge orRelating Firearms. that satisfy any judgment may done. ity during public service therein he shall ner the complaint alleged atraiust the of do rendered selling any property in discharge of ofti Sec. 4. All persons aro hereby uiai against such defendant, bo liable to a fine in auy sum not exceed- - fender and enter Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City , thereon uuiy ui puoiic auction. with judgment and any remaining after satis forbidden to run water or dig ditches Sec. 0. Any person violating the Council of Ogden City, that any person in twenty-fou- r Ing five dollars and cost of prosecution. hours. But if any im fying suchsurplus judgment shall be returned across of the public roads or streets visions oi tnis ordinance, when not pw See. 7. If the'owner or keeper of any portant witness be absent the court may oth discharging any gun or pistol m Uhin the to tho defendant on being discharged within any the limits of said city for the pur crwise provided, shall be liable to a fine limits of said city, between the hours of fierce, dangerous, or mischievous dog adjourn the case till such witness may custody. pose of conveying water for irrieation. in any sum not exceeding out hundred sunset and sunrise, or on the Sabbath shall permit or suffer the same to go at oe naa ana mo court shall have full irom Sec. 13. Said Mayor and Alderman or otherwise, unless they stone, pave, or aouars lor each oflenee. day. except in case tf defence of self, large within the limits of said city. power to compel the attendance of wit shall keep a true record of all culvert the same, under the direction of proceedPassed May 30th, A. D. 1870. whether registered or not, he shall be li nesses. family or property, or in the eischsrge hud before ings them, in which shall be the supervisor. LORIN FARR, Mayor. able to a fine, for the first offence, in any of official duty, shall be liable to a fine hoc. 6. On any good and sufficient entered tho nature of the . oeu. complaint, urn not exceeding nve dollars and cost ; cause in any sum not exceeding twenty-fivine vuy water Master is Tuos. G. Odell, City Recorder. being shown by cither party, th when filed, the date of issuing warrants for the second offence, not exceeding ten court may continue any cause from time and hereby required to seo that owners or oc dollars for every such offence tho names of witnesses subpirna, of lots making water ditches dollars and cost; and on the third con to time as justice may Sec. 2. Any person discharging fircupiers And the require. who testified in the case, and if the with the requirements of the pre An viction for such offence, in any sum not defendant shall at all times, before earms within said city, without a lawful in Ordinance to cause be heard by jury, the names of the comply sections of Relation judg this ordinance, and breastwork for the protection of the exceeding fifteen dollars and cost, and be ment, have the right to give bail or en the City Ordinances. their verdict, the judgment of ceding them of or any breach liable to pay all damagss caused by said ter into recognisance, with or without jurors, notify any neglect at any time other than as mention-ethe court and the dato of the satisfaction of tho same, and it is in the preceding section, shall be hereby made his Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City dog; and the Mayor or Alderman before security, as the court may direct, for his of when satisfied. judgment after such notification and a non council oi uguen whom such third conviction shall be had appearance at tho tune and to a fine in any sum not exceeding place of such oec. n. All criminal prosecutions duty (Jity that no action to enter complaint ehall issne an order to the Marshal of examination or compliance therewith, ten dollars for each offence. suit or case no in and prosecution, prooeeding, pending trial, arising under the ordinances of said aid city, or any of his deputies, requirSec. 3. A breastwork or battory for shall exorbitant bail be required. If city must be commenced and carried on before tho Mayor or any Alderman of at the time any ordinance or part of any said city against the offender, who upon ordinance shall be ing him to immediately eauso such doe tho defendant fail to give such bail in the name of repealed, shall be target shooting, to be deemed lawful, "Ogden City." conviction shall be liable to a fine in any affected in io on anieu. or recognisance, he mar be com any way by such repeal, but shall be a wall eighteen inches thick, Scc. lo. Hits ordinance shall not sum not. e Sec. 8. Any person who shall kill or mitted to tho dollars " ouch actions, city prison till tho time of be so construed as to repeal or modify for each exceeding twenty-fivsuits, or six feet high in the back, six fct wide, cause to be killed any dog registered and examination or trial. offence, and to pay all damages proceedings, shall prosecutions, all respects with side wings one foot thick, each exin proceed the provisions of any ordinance of said that . ! It bucu1. may accrue by reason of such netr- - a it Sec. 6. The defendant on beinz broucht collared, pursuant to thia ordinance, ex when the mode of procodure is lect; and it shall further be the oruinance, or part of an ordl tending two feet, increasing flaringly to of nance naa not been repealed. duty eept as herein provided, without the eon before the court shall be informed of the city the front, of adohies or brick, or mud, or provided for by such ordi uie uny w ater Master to assess, collect, fent of the owner or keeper thereof, or charge preferred against him or the specially bee. 2. Whenever the term "here to its equivalent of any other material nance. and expend all taxes for the construction fore occurs in who shall deprive any registered dog of complaint when made in writinn shall Passed May 30th, A. D. 1870. any ordinance, it b.n Passed May 30th, A. D. 1S70. and keeping in repair all water ditches be construed to mean its collar, or put a collar, a herein pro be read to him, and shall bo inquired of LORIN FARR, J.ror. time any previous LORIN FARR Mayor. to the day w hen such ordinance shall Tuo. G. Odbll, City Recorder. leading to and through said citv. vided, on any dog not to registered, or whether he bo euiltv or not sruiltv. If Thos. G. Odell. City Recorder. SIDK WALKS. uffer a collar to remain on any dog after he take effect, and whenever the term plead "guilty," the court may Sec. G. And be it further ordained, "hereafter" the expiration of the cert ificate of regis- into tne amount of emit and inquiro render occurs, it shall be construed that tho sidewalks in said citv shall, and to mean tration, and without suh certificate be- judgment according as the facts shall be any time after such ordinance arc declared to be, sixteen feet shall take effect. ., ing renewed as hereinbefore provided, if ne plead "not ouUtu" the evidence Ordinance relating to wide,hereby i measured outward from the boun ehall be liable to a fine in any sum uot on the part of the prosecution shall be Sec. 3. Whenever, in any ordinance Vagrancy. dollars. ' dary lines of the blocks ae platted on th or resolution, words in the plural num twenty-fiv- e ' exceeding ' heard, then that on the part of the de' SEAR official map of said city, except on what ber are used in See. 0. And be it further ordained by fence; after which, if either or ean describing party Sec. I. Bo it ordained by the City is known as Main referring eald Council that the Mayor of said city satisfy the court that important testi Street, which shall be to any matter, parties, or persons, any . , be and ii hereby authoriied to issue his mony ean be procured and is still want Council of Ogdon City, that all persons twenty toet wide. matter, party, or person, shall be witnin the limits of said city, not having We are new to exekuge .1 '' Sec. 7. Every owner or occupier of single deemed to be included, although distri- proclamation forbidding the running at ing, the court may, in its discretion visible means of or support, living idly, any ioi or lots on tho streets of said city ouuve worus to that effect may not be large of any and all dogs within the lim- continue the hearing of such caso till who are found CLOTH AND YARN FOR WOOL loitering about the streets that are now opened, is horeby its tif said city, at any period of the year such testimony can be had, required used. provided the or publio places, or lodging in the night to remove from the streets and sidewalks Sec. 4. Whenever whenever in his opinion the publio safe- continuance shall not be for a any subiect.matter.par- - On noil ltd of Gruw tn irt.rw .lirlifc anfctult fit longer lime upon the premises or others with- in front of said lot or lots all ty is in danger, or when there are mad term than three days; and provided fur- out wagons, f y, or person is described or referred to in Wool will he roquin-d- , if it ia m.t birni'kfd tin or coins about from permission, wood, lumber, cowyards, boxes, fencinir. or rabid dogs in or near said city, unless ther, thai said case be not heard before house to house ordinance by words importing the price of the grease will he deducted from the wool. begging, or placing them- or other obstructions to the free travel any such dogs be scourely muiiled with a a jury, n hen all the numoer or tho masculine gcn testimony is given selves in the streets or other public of singular or teams; and any such owner der, several matters and Beef and all kinds of Soft Grease wire muiile, fastened on with leather the cause may be argued by both or persons, fe to beg or receive alms, and all or persons who places shall neglect to remove males aa well as occupier etrapa or chains: and all dogs found run- either party. And in no case shall a males, and bodies taken in Exchange for eepers or exhibitors of any such obstructions, or who shall in ning at large within said city during the hearing by counsel be denied. corporate as well aa individuals shall be table or device, and all persons who any obstruct such time specified in such proclamation, unany way travel on any deemed to be included, .The rules above See. 7. Should the defendant refuse travel from place to place for the VIVD pur street orsidewalk or alley that is orshall prescribed shall less muxxled as herein provided, shall be to the fine and costs awarded in iho pose oi gamming, and all persons upon be apply in all cases, unless pay within tho limits of said city, it ehall be otherwise liable to be killed by any person. opened the Court may whom shall be found any instrument or expressly provided SST Wanted a first-claFULLER and Seo. 10. Any person violating the judgment against him, except by permission of said Couucil. in any ordinance, or unloss there be Giuuuut mm io me city prison, or order thing used for the commission of bur' FINISHER. shall be liable to a fine in any sum not provisions of this ordinance shall, when him to work on the Public hiirhwnvs. glary, or for the in re picking locks or pockets. less than fiva dollars nor more than fifty somethingto such subject or context not otherwise provided, be liable to a with or without a ' construction. pugnant ball and chain, at and who cannot give a good eccount of dollars for each offence. fine in any sum not less than three dolbee o. .When any ordinance renealinir RAXDAIX, P rCJSIXYil Co. fhe rate of two dollars per day till such tho possession of the same, shall be 8. Sec. lars nor more than ten dollars and cost fine and cost be Any pcison ridine. driving. a former ordinance, clause, ot provision. thereby paid. Rut when deemed vagrants. or for each offence. the defendant haa property and neglects Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the imalleading any hprse, mule, or ether an- shall itself be repealed, such repeal shall or team Passed May 80th, A. D. 1870. sidewalk in said upon any not be construed to revive such former or refuses to pay such fino and cost, the Mayor or any Alderman of said citv LOIUX FARR, Mayor. eity, shall be liable to a fine of not lass ordinance, clause, or provision, unlesn it court may in its discretion issue an comor on having personal knowledge, than ono Titos. 0. Opeli., City Recorder. than twenty-fiv- e dol:; : do expressly provided. ; ; directed to the Marshal of said plaint being made under oath that any lars for nor more Provided every such oflenee. bee. 0. If any ordinance conflict with city, or any of his deputies, commanding person is a vagrant, to cause such perin this section shall nothing be so con or be repugnant to any ot her, that which An Ordinance Authorizing him that of tho goods aud chattels of son to be brought before him, and if, strued to prohibit persons from cross- shall have been last passed or approved a ltcMard for the Arrest said defendant, he cause to be made the upon examination, such person be found ing the assidewalk to or from their prem snau r Accused of amount of such fine and cost without un guilty of vagrancy, he or she shall be ises. prevail, and so much nH 1 rime. parts of - any prior ordinanco or pro necessary delay, and if property shall be liable to a fine of not more than fifty dol Sec. 9. AH persons are hereby for vision as ehall sold on such execution, the Marshal lars, with costs; or be be inconsistent with anch put to labor hot bidden to obstruct the sido, walks or ast Sec. 1. Re It ordained by the City shall give publio notice of the timo and to exceed ordinance, clause, or provision. shall T ADTES' tlftmjm SALT LAKE CITY ARB davs. at the discretion thirty I i riwiiortmll.v hivttod to eull and examine the Couucil of Ogden City, that the Mayor place of sale and a brief streetsby playing at ball, quoits, marbles. oe aecmea to De repealed thereby. description of of the court; and further, may be re- jumping, rimire Stix-k- of (Win t the of lioopg, flying of kites i and he is hereby authorized anil di- the kind of rolling jusseu outn A. 1K70. 1). may property by posting a notice quired to give bonds with good and suffi or omer games, or to rected to Issue his proclamation offering thereof in three engage in any LORIN FARR. Mnr publio places in said cient securities in a penal sum of not in said streets or sidewalks calcu- Thos. G. Odell, sports a reward of such an amount as he, in city, of not less than ten days, City Recorder. except bv less than one hundred nor exceeding one lated, to horses or teams, or to next door to tbo liimkinz Hons of llnesov, Pahler his discretion, may deem proper for the eousent of such defendant; and said Mar- - thousand dollars, conditioned that the annoy orfrighten 4 Co., Eaut Trniplo gti li't.'wbere they will find a obstruct tho free travol of any arrest and delivery to the proper officer, shal shall mako retuvug to the court aud said defendant will, for tho of six nice stock of.. ,i space or teani, under the penof any person w ho way be charged shall pay all monies so collected within months next An Ordinance Itclaling lo 'ry onsuing the execution of alty of a fine of not icss than with crime committed within fhe city, five days after such sale, and the court said ono, nor MIXLIXFJIY, bond, be of good behavior, and in more than ten lMiTsielaiiM. whenever he shall have knowledge of shall pay said fine into the dollars, or imprisonment Treasu- - default thereof may bo committed to the not City FEATIIEISS, to exceed ten days for each offence. ucb occurrence or receive information Sec. 1. Be it ordained btf fh r; ry, and any surplus of such hne and coat City prison until such security be given, , MT,OWEK8, . in relation there'o from any responsible shall be t SHAPE TRKKS. Council of Ogden City, that all not exceeding ninety days. " paid to said defendant. persons DKFJiS TI6I JOIIXUS, Sec. 10v And bo it further ordained. shall, before person or persons. l assed May 80th A. I. 1870. ' jec. 8. On tho trial of any cause practising medicine or surPassed May 30th, A. P., 170. the Mayor or any Alderman of said LORIN FARR. Mayor. that all shade trees planted on the side- gery within the limits of said city, obLORIN FARR, Mayor. city either walks in said city shall be twt fourteen tain a licence from said Council party may demand and have a Thos. G. OdelL City Recorder. for such Titos. 0. Opill, City Recorder. Snn1owii4 Shakers,' feet from the boundary line of the blocks purpose. . on into court conthe cost jury paying as on the official Seo. 2. platted "A board of examine sequent thereon ; and if so demanded IIonnctK, HabicV Hoods map of said nit the court shall issue a venire directed to city, except on what is known as Main sisting of three competent persons, shall Aii Ordinance Declaring the the Ordinance the Street where such trees shall General Notions. Declaring Marshal of aid city, or any of his planted be appointed by said Council whose duty C .Heaftiirenient of 31 axon deputies, ity Charter to have the eighteen feet from tho lines ofbesaid shall be to examine Into tho it him to summons lots commanding qualifica: Work, and Cut twelve persons qualified to servo as ju- nance.and I. Hector Ordi- or blocks.,! tions of all applicants for license to PRICES THE SAME AS IN Stone. Paving Seo. II.. Any person fa ilinir or neg rors under the laws of the Territory of medicine or practice snrgcry in said EASTERN CITIES. I'taU, or a less number if agreed upon by Sec. 1. Be it ordained bv the Citv lecting to set out shade trees as provided city, from whom a certificate of qualifiPec. 1. Be it ordained by the in section the ten of this to terve as jurors on the Council of Ogden SuCity cation must be the parties, ordinance, obtained to entitle them Millinery and Drrumtkinx " their Brunch City that the act of Council of Ogden City that all walls of trial of such cause. Said is hereby authorixed to exarutMi with promptitude. proceed to euch license from said Council. jurors may be Incorporation of said citv. approved pervisor mason work, all flues, and set out said trees at the owner's exUdiae' own ovens, challenged and shall be sworn, and mad material in the luteet rtjl"- fee. 6. up Any person violating th.T.rA. 18th, 1861, and all acta amen' boilers, cooking ranges, grate eel tings, .. their verdict as provided by the January thereof, be and tho pense of visions this ordinanco ehall be liable datory same are fnrnaces, copper settings, and other laws of said Passed May 30th, A.D., 1870. to a fine in any gum not Territory. declared to have the same force like work, shall bo measured by solid or exceeding one Sec. 9. The Mayor or any Alderman hereby LORIN FARR. hundred dellars for each offence. Salt Lake City. Alaynt. and effect within the limits of said city cuhio measurement. Thos. G. of said city, on complaint OPKLr, Recorder. I'asscd May 30th.; A. D. 1870. City being made as if the provisions thereof had been Sec. 2. All raving, flagging plain in writing, and under oath, that LORIV Vap.p f.- -specially ordained by 9id Council. plastering, hard finuh, and rough cast- person has threatened, or is about any Thos. G. Odkll, City Recorder. to fcec. i. The punishment for the vio An ing, including opening, shall be mea- commit an offence against the Ordinance ltelating to property lation of any of the provisions of sid sured by superficial measurement; also Auctioneers. oi or person anoiner and of ell against acts, ordinances of said city nil cut eume, plain-tooleeuch as door-etep- s, the An Ordinance in Relation to yyB WILL TAKX ON SUBSCRIPTION, ' Sec. 1. property of the person complained shall be, w hen no other penalty is preBe it ordained by the doorsills, coping and hearth- oi, may issue a warrant City the Drugs and Medicines. ' CLEAN COTTON RAGS scribed, by fine in any sum not. exceed- Council of Ogden reciting stones, but those parts only which show complaint in substance, directed City, that no person to the ing one hundred dollars, or w hen set shall be measured. All shall sell or expose. ior sale by way of impriswindow Marshal, Sec. 1. . Be it ordained -- s wili allow . - , , of his onment not exceeding six by . commanding him or , , , for vrhi( by the City months, or vendue or auction, , within the limits of Council of tdlls, caps and water-tableshall be deputies, to forthwith arrest any and Ogden City, that all physiboth such fiue and imprisonment at the said city, bring 1 measured by running measurement. any property without first ob- cians, nurses, the person so charged before such May- discretion of the Cents lb. court, apothecaries or . Passed May 30th, A.D. 1870. taining a license from said Council for other persons, druggist, or or Alderman, issuing such warrant to are hereby required to Tassed May 50th, A. D. 1S70. such purpose, for which license such LORIN FARR, We will afro allow THREE CENTS dot lb. ft nswr such complaint, and if, on examin a plain and legible manner, in CLEAN LORIN FARR, Mayor. person shall luoi. G. Quell, City Recorder. Mayor. ination GtXJiYSACKS. into the pay City Treasury J'.nglish, all drugs and medicines which of any witnesses that may bo Thos. G. the sum of one per cent, of U monies re- Odeii, City Recorder. Author up jour Kag and brine the m aloof t they, may put up or cause to be put up, thai Office. Street, Ditche, r s 1 , irayo-Thos- . ,t. . L 1 em-ban- k semi-annua- e s, d in i i . Excelsior Mills!! . 0033332 , CITY. CLOTH - YARN. ss MILLINERY exe-cuti- ESTABLISHMENT, lerons ..-- SALT. LAKE CITY , . NEW MILLINERY - Establishment. ,,,, er be-fo- re FMEKCI,OTIIIG, lints' i m. in loroe i i 1 s, de-liv- er Mrs'STEmiOUSEt i 34-- tf Subscriber's' Attention: d, s, Five la-fe- el per |