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Show PROSPECTUS :z. c. m. 1. example of endurance to the end we must an follow. Tho Lord had pronri m rul.lWw'1 erery WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, ised that those who observed certain ., .I.- H. at .s.l..a.n f I' J iiiu IkAHtH i knuaiuiu wj'i.i SALT LAKE HERALD commandments and counsels, should "run and net be weary, should walk FRAN K LIN D. RICHARDS, Editok. not faint. " How many who have Wednesday, and to be swallowed will 8, 1870, things disappear, C. W. PKNROSE, Amociati Editor. The Veteran Tragedian, II MIAMI, a new Morning Journal. fainted and fallen by the way would no more. will be strictly a newspaper. It The HERALD ... . . f.rw.l ' r.Miani.: and Yorelffn .1... i.. still be in full faith and fellowship with " "1" win contain . me . . will aim , , . tin JS J TAVLoa lino's, Merchant Tailors, "u w"1 l)V TelKniiin anu JJttll t TAir. the church had if moment. observed these earliuat the at they powiulu reader, have just received some new Spring goods. sayings? Some objected to our religion Wcdiiexdaj Morning:, June H, IS 70. all parte of th. Blob. Tho President Trip 0rtI1. as materialist!. Of what good would Tlw Favorite Actnwe, lnte of Hie Salt Lake :ti11 j.Will OA lnUOpflluvua jsi ; ..ii'H- nt IntnrMt In A it ml aflit Will iruui runejiia uiTheatre, .1 none.an immaterial Jill religion be? Our God Will make fo ' plat pone u am iiwmu " tlietr First Appearance in the beautiful (orItward, Brigham Ciiv, May 6th, 1870. will endeavour to aaranre rue uiisireBw. ui uw Plllr. was a material God, and our work some fWmiri the fichu of the people of Utah. vi ilia nay On Saturday morning, 4th inst., Presi I m .:.u .i.,.!,. ti, PiiMirfliAra m fwiall v and reliir- - WIIOLESALE&RETAIL ithing substantial and real. The glories f"i The most popular form of pliyic is tlie dents Identified, iwtaiiiju.t principle, aod labor JN Jtu U'lwW Brigham Young, George A. Smith, of His X JLif s ror mo nauurui kwu. kingdom were realities and no jiill. Folks with weakly slormchs and with several of tho Twelve, and a nuin-bj Intere-tiuHome and Foreign Correspondence and dnrlng their Enimwment thev will anooar in one would be to receive them permitted w II h fotmil til It columns. ecliHiltvo pal Wen who gnpo at a powder ' " onto of tUeir great characters, of Bishops and other leading men, The druideratum of newspaper advertiser! I a unless they were tried, and found wor and gag at a potion will shut their eyes started BEE POSTERS paper that u ifunerally read 1T the people. The by Utah Central train, at h a.m., thy of them. Proprietors of the SALT LAKE HKRALD will and gulp down pills by wholesale. There from Salt Lake to City on a trip to the Doors open at 7.30. Performance at 8. seek to secure this by uclaboring energetically T. B. Elder Lewis related his auer auu iuij ore endless varieties of pills, some for northern experimake a papsr tnai win sougui settlements. t Arriving ence in joining the church, having come Admission, 75 ctn. fc 50 cts. . ik Villtnf-ia- l IVinartmAiir will he under the pecial diseases and others for every ill Ogden by seven o'clock, by courtesy of to this charge of EDWARD L. iL0AN. Territory in 1803 without any that flesh- is heir to. Some dcxigned for the C. P. Company, A WEEKLY HERALD will be Issned as soon as they continued their OCDEN Hav TANNERY. local effect and others for the universal thought of obeying Mormonism. me nwewwrj uiaiunui wi nwinw without to cars journey changing BrigF TOU WOULD BE WK.LL FORTIFIED, TRY been led to read and investigate the body. ham City. The switch is nearly three ing Tinin tnf iU Knlf T.nl-- ITorald liIAIUISU, works of the church, he became con Tast IVrtiinps have been made out of miles from fViniA tn . tnv ........ It T will inn. l , nuu iJ (Published every morning except Mondays.) iw'n uu, ...11 town, but carriages for the fill 0.75 . $S.00 1 Month as UOOD 1.KAT1IKH as the best, and as cheap 1 Year pills. How many portions huTe been company JmJ been forwarded from vinced that the principles were true, you 1 Woek 25 4.(10 8 Mouths t ua m me uiarKet. viifupcfti was in the 2.00 3 Mouths ruiued by them it is impossible to tell. Salt Lake baptized following spring, HYDES aud BARK WANTED. City, and tho citizens of Brig-haand being called on a mission to the JONATHAN BROWXISO. In every civilized country you may find Styles T1TISTXESS COMMC SrUfiPRTITTnfl oiw. City turned out in great numbers in States, went there and labored in Ken them, indeed they aro one of the evi- all kinds of vehicles to meet tho (SPRAGUE, GARNER, HEBRIM AC, men H M. C. 11 n HAH, nunlncffl .Manager, dences of civilization; the higher the whom tucky and Virginia, and in his minis Bull mKo iieniiu, !au utae mj. OST nTM TrmiT nv iimrui.: t vvma' they delight tohonor. The Minute T DUSNELL, AMERICAX, tit.) civilization, the greater the number and Men were out in force, also the "Lan try obtained a testimony for himself, WM. C. liUNBAR f whereby he knew this to be the work of One it rOW II MOllSK A VMrl nhl Kn murlrs lint variety of pills. Whether made of sim- cers," a company of boys from ten to God. He branded the other. suen were of last the lumflu fulfilment They bread the or of of nauseous spoke ple compounded n nvu i. viL ..I. mi. vormue. fifteen years of age, uniformed, mount u'u tin t.a tlflV T Will IV1V lurmin .ha wartll predictions of Joseph Smith, and showdrugs, coat them with sugar and get ed and the Band Brass and equipped; ed that those who had driven the gaints above doflt:ritod atiimuU to me tt ftirhmmul ri ht. them patentod, and swullowers will be crowds of the citizens, who escorted the from Missouri, were tho greatest suffer JOHN BRIGHT. l found for them by the the million. PeoGOOD SUPPLY OF THE BEST QUALITY company to the "Queen City of the of Miito Lime is kept constantly on hand at ers in the late war. He concluded with ple haro (heir pet pills. Some swear by North," which was decked in her lioli Checks, a powerful testimony in favor of the Holloway, others by Oraefenberg, and day garments. Williams' Daniel Kilns, final each of the innumerable "brands" has truth, and i triumph of the great A spacious bowery had been IT An .TMrJ it Mil. lit VIup Q erected, work in these mountains. I s special votaries. Mention a com- - 80 will deliver it on the Curs at Welwr 8utioa for Toweling by 120ft., with a platform at the east President Brigham Young! proved ylaint wltich has suddenly seized you or end, well seated, and deco tastefully that tho wicked had suffered a thousand o which you are 45 Cents wer habitually subject, ratca. At ten 0 clock meeting com Cambrics, fold more than the saints, and therefore. three-fifths and of those who hear you menced, when Elders John Taylor aud Best of Accommodations and will haveseine kind of pill to recommend though we had endured much, we had Kca.sonable Charges, George Q. Cannon addressed a very large no right to complain. For forty years which "will do you 10 much good." congregation, imparting some excellent hero had been persistent efforts to de LIME! It Js reilly aittoiiiohing how confiding instructions. In the afternoon, at two ltKICIC! this and had been tveti' tlio most work, U.T. stroy people OGDEN, people are in o'clock, (he people again assembled, PORTERVILIE (MORGAN COUNTY) for its downfall, but they had Irst-Clarelation to these little globes of mystery when Elders F. THE looking Board $8.00 per Week, Lime and Brick CompanT are pre-D.Richards, Robt. L. .... . r Without knuwing a thing about their looked, and would still look, in vain BAMBERGER k COHEN, Proprietors. Campbell, I). B. Huntingdon, R. R. Bur Pres. Young then bore a striking and eomposlt itrnj perfectly ignorant' of the ton and Isaac Groo occupied the time. JS? Free Bui to and from the Depots. name or nature ofthoir component parts, Your at to Kilns their the or at will of powerful Portcrville; testimony they .. Jife, ship purity . riw , correspondent did not join the , thtmi lin t Para at a w ,l.l ld and young, male and female, of all onesty of character, and divine mission designated en the lines of the V. P, C. P., or U.C. company until Sunday morning, so had Hauiwut. mvj win warrant 10 meir rRiruiu a. of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, and : ages, seels and degrees, introduce them not an artii'la Tliav nriiM.V w. nf wi. l.a uuuv opportunity of reporting their Mn.kli,uJ t uuuuru .1 with the utmost confidence Into the sen showed tho necessity for his death, that ui.ij-in.iviaii vqiiu, jm mimci (II. uricv ni speeches. r r I ion iwniam per inonxana. lann, biock I iii l.1' 1 ana cret chambors of the human hon- -. is testimony, or statement, might be in .i On Sunday, at five a.m., an excursion at Ub Kates taken, in payment I .. .1 to Orders ' ""flrtTHPV he .nut tn TIIIIM AS llRni'Llll ITT tlio of force. He referred to the many southdisturbance which may tram left Salt Lake regardliss 41"lm Porteryille, Morgan County City, calling at Og nHIS FAVORITX HOi:K, HAVING BEEN Flowers, be created. , den, to give an opportunity for the peo erners who had led mobs against the with iwviiiiy rriioraieo, ana nirni.iiea tliroughont the Proprietor feels ton- Beds, Sprint; patent The pill world like all others is freand the retribution which Lad .fl(tnt. . luiiiiv alila ti iriwu1 .n.i.. tl... : pie to attend the Sabbath meetings at Saints, n wH.iiw B W Families, and the Traveling comquently agitated by novelties and inno- Brigham. We were rather behind time overtaken them in the war. Read the Day Boarders, munity, at a reasonable price. The table is sup-vations, but the most remarkable among in irom ikiiii inecaillornia and Home markets. IJTJUIVIIVGr starting rout Ogden, but made the scripture, "Come out of her my peoplo, puni A Hai'k will rim In a nil fnim ha T..k ... . them that Las come to our notice is re- run in about tiair an liour, with Utah that ye be not partakers of her sins, and iownrni to the Horse free of charge. CO. ARE NOW PREPARED TO Aiiaciira io ine 11110 IS a fins BAR and pOBIXSOX ferred to by the 1'harmactutieal Journal. Central that ye receive not of her plagues," and engine and cars. Tho Brigham j.V lurnisn ine dosi quaiuy ot uoal. at A djetor showed the MA of for JOHN the HON a Saints leav recently proscribed necessity . lady City people Lad, with great kindness, May 2S, 1ST0. twenty-fou- r pills doulbe startled friend, provided 'conveyances for the excur ing off the foolish, and evil habits of UKln, Utah, as well as leaving the midst of bey were not all to be taken at one sionists,.and there was no need for on the Cars, at Echo. any Babylon, dose each of which containod two one As All mvlAra Ailriraaaail tn RnillVHAV the wicked. to the A. C I trials of the Into walk. (own., The weather te; ville. Summit County. Utah, will meet with n'ronint grains of the oxide of silver, a twenty-fourt- h was lovely, i Not a cloud was in the skv: Saints, they would be brought to a po- . MENS' AND BOYS' of a grain of muriate of morphia the blue waters of the lako ition in which it appears that they must rippled and and a portion of extract of JOHN TAYLOR & BRO. gentian; the danced in the bright rays of the morn certainly be overwhelmed, and some pills being coated with silver in the lug sun; . every peak of the grand eld who had appeared to bo faithful, would Having carrieil on buninem snrreiwrully In Salt Lake (Hit for tlie liut tun mr. r..l Mna'.i..... .u.. usual manner. They were delivered to mountains showed with vivid Niiiaiai-iiom me resiuenis ol distinct go over to the enemy, but the Lord Ugucn. the lady in an ordinary pill box, but ness, and seemed to be A choice collection of pointing the soul would open the way of deliverance. Lis ClotliM, CtiHsiiucreH, work would triumph, and those who for having no pocket in hordress, she placed to heaven, and an atmosphere of peace tlw box in hor bosom, never VCNtlngM, MAXKIKI.D sook ARE NOW would it be rR18M0X AND despised by everybody, . ... thinking of and joy seemed to be spread over the .. . , i. 1. ... Adnpled to the Season, always on hand. of u rwciiom y the cars w f... "oi qiiaiiiy 01 coal We had many things to do away with, danger from their proximity to her per- beautiful valley of the Great Salt Lakel on at cho, on terms to suit the times. (rents Own Materials Made Un. son outside, when the intended to introNOTIONS. At 10 a.in. the bowery was crowded One thing was usury. He lad prac SMIalf a Biock West of the Bank, Ogden Clty.-- ff Cash, Stock and all kinds of nrodnee laVaw l duce them to her Inside. ticed it as well as the rest, but the time payment, at rah rates. Orders addrensed to with people from various settlements Jllli.TI .11. liKWIN. rare of i f lll'PklllTil In three quartors of an hour a loud The choir from Willard Echo, will meet prompt attention. 42 1 m. were present, must come when taking usury of eur explosion took place; her underclothing and sang alternately, with the Bricham brethren must be done away with. He "1 v A LARGE QUANTITY OF was reduced to tinder, she was could coutrol the rich much easier than painfully City choir. . and would no doubt have been burned, President Geo! A Smith addressed tho the poor now and the time must come TO THE FARMERS OF UTAH. in Zion, when the poor could be direct destroyed by the flumes, ifshehadnot congregation in a thoroughly practical been cool enough In tho midst of the discourse. He showed ed in their labor, and tho rich in their T8A AC MOORE, OGDEX CITT, 19 AOEXT FOR the necessity of 11ELIEF ASSOCIATION .4. iiua iwrriiorj 01 mo " i wealth. danger to extinguish them. teaching the people "temporal things. MAIX STREET, OODEN. Oxide of silver when reduced by con tho consequences which had ensued I have only given a few of the chief &Mowing from tact with vegetable extracts, becomes ex RELIEF SOCIETY BEO TO j.avo,;xiAAiularita vuxa.uin.ea. THE FEMALE TIlA MiU'illntstl .. neglecting the counsels of Prcst. Young, points in the discourses. It is impossi... ami- the attention or tl.a I Also, m III UI " tlArT'IlS, ble to do justice to thera without a ver n.v vu ciuiuiuvo a. flainamci loavitt s, 31iun--The Lancet, a standard author in regard to plosive. up storing I grain, A.1..H IT..nil. , producing, .... -- ii t. uu -u mings inemeni, buys that a by home industry, what we noed for batim report, which the Jukctiox Las & Grass Scythes, 117 CALL AND EXAMINE THE5I.-- S or M nimtiai fnrni.th.ui tn nf.ins similar occurrence has been known "in homo use and not to space publish. consumption; the folly and ISAAC MOORR. The excursion train left for the return compounding the extract of colocynth nonsense of being bound up by the with the oxide of silver, and that with tyranny of fashion, the necessity of trip at 5.30. Everybody folt well re Consisting of Artificials, feathers, Ribbons, HaU, ei eosote of oil of cloves this salt Is rcduo- for thoir trip. the teaching boys some trade and of paid A flna uinrtmnT Aat VU. 1 cd to the melalio state, with the This morning at 8 o'clock we start for produc abolishing such societies as had pushed tion of heat amount log often to an ex their Adieu. Tou MOTICE IS ITEKEnv way into Utah, forbidding mem the North. We are off. nTTv irirtw ATTENTION. LADIES! J Mi plosion." bcrs to receive over a certain number of shall hear from me again. Ilay-rakc- s, Q. MILMXERY OF ALL KIXD8 B. at Edwardf Saw Mill, thence rummoiKing Here s a pvctty state of things ! Tills apprentices, and the ntre of rules lHarkxmith's up which runninjf Fork imposing rfror, Main Street, a little South of Arrival rrof. St, Clair, arrived in a .& tilth Aflat nrlvJ riiraarrii.n ti,. v.. i Optden House. are in frequent use whioh are llublo to favor U irUUIIU- mid Hats, Bonnets, Babies' Hoods, etc, made to monopoly, etc. He related several this on Sunday evening. He is now ary lino of Cache Couuty, thtnce along taid line vi uor. city Hoes, m explode. or 'n wri :, striking anecdotes in illustration of his Uigm Straw and Tuscan Goods cleaned and altered to . mcr, waiting for Miss. Brearley of California. thence vmt fnllnwititr thnt !(. j Combustiblo pills t Will they explode remarks and exhorted the hue i.aT reunions. North of aaid mill. thnrA tjvtt.mm fi,..i. tw UIV i VI people to be who is to accompany Lis OOOD WORK GUARAXTEED. family to Mon after being taken internally . This is cleanly, industrious, independent, taste-- ! tana. She will arrive on ItST Thursday an Important question. By limited per nil in their dross, to make vvauus vi aUllVlltr Vini riri. WW their clothing FREDERICK YEATES, gecrctary. morning, and sing at their entertainment sonal experience and extensive testl- - with their own and in a fashion of that hands, Forks. The St, Clair lectures, evening. monial evidence we know that violent to suit GROUND TO LEASE. themselves, to be faithful to th on six in months especially Utah, will convulsions and tremendous rumblings troth, spread forth the knowledge of God interest this people, since no OEYERAL TERT Fl.TnTni person outare frequently caused in the interior by and be D Bites to Lease on the North-we- 1 1 n n .1 r, ALL KINDS OF prcparod to Inherit his glory. side of this Church, and but few Mor ri"W SL C. BOWERS AXD ALL OTHERS TOTie the presence of these disturbers of bodi-l- y I rested. Ynn are liarohv YnT imrtirriljtrfl innlv in Tie Elder Geo. Q. Cannon followed wi iir v.") upon mons Lave enjoyed so extensive oppor appear at the V. 6. Land Office, in Salt Lake City the Jtrymnw rfflo. peace. Hut are they volcanic in their the 1'i.h , ,nck.. i. anu. neceirer inereor on' f necessity, and results of unity and tunities of studying the people of this the 13th riav of Jiitm. A fl ikto natures! Are they liable to burst iu- - obedience. Many considered these ob to enter under the of tha Territory, as Mr. SU Clair and Lis fami Act of September provisions eide a fellow and make him 4ih. 1841, the North U of the fly all to jectionable features in Our system; but in ly. 7 7 If so we shall advise our read- what had been lownuiip iu worth. pieces Range 2 eat, at which time and place you can accomplished in this TerHard Scrabble District. tout con and ers to quit taktng pills altogether, unless if appear tou tee prvper. Witness u1' wanting a fine quality a I. imk J.. wi ritory proved their value. He showed .III., , mill. Jiaj aji -some guarantee is given of their nonex-plosiv- e that s XTOTICE IS JIERKTIV 1TTPV IN FACT, nm JOUX JOXES. if the spirit of revelation dwelt in (lent Furnishing Geods should tra to , . 1 . Mininir nistrit wD. tr. wm jaw m r.ieventn character. We ehall expoot to every heart, and & , j TniRxiu , . Earl's. j, o guided every mind, it ' see in future, pill prospectuses "warran- would ...... nanyon, Jlorran be a very easv matter fo ), S.MAI.L Pox.A few days since a ted iot Ir miien. Umdc I gnc ripledt,!! vPatent safety authorities of the Church to control ,Tu mm frem vii: mnn 10 ,oe young I Morgan County, went Pills," "Aiiticouibustible bolus," and everything for the place of beginning. building up of God's to wok at the U. P., R. H. OSCAR O. in tucu like recommendation to public fa-depot Og dnlr .Wiai HERETOFORE kingdom on earth; then those who en under the style of Lan.lt Hiiohmlller. Koeord.rofHardifcr.hbr.CricT den. He had, been there but a 'short Tn : ; ,( p.. In the Moon-anjoyed this spirit would be prepared for Billiard in T"0MAS Citr limine., Ogden ' BROUOH, time, when he'was' taken sick with the hi this day disnlvcd hy niulnai consent. All debt Seriously, people onght not to swallow every duty; every change; and 8ecrtary. due the late lirm will b collected every small pox. - A Physician was sent Rnclimiller hy dewn these little pellets without knowfor, and all outstanding indi tjtclncss of taid firm will counsel; every requirement made of 11. hr- Uii.'hmill..r from Salt1 Lake City, who attended to be mid . Th. uuviiim ; uvnmiier ing something about their nature and them would be a pleasure and they the patient, after which tLe latter re- will be carrivd on hy Buchnuller at tlx Old Htaiid, All Orderi tddreiicd to D. IT. TEERTi Sometimes Ut WW nM' properties. roM' they are per- would carry in thoir hearU, and around tariM to ll. turned to Lis Lome, in Morgan. '!harmless; r Spanish licit District. fectly frequently they contain them, as an atmosphere, love, teace. BCCHMILLER. Ogdaii City, will hT. prompt We trust that our city authorities will Ogdon, June 2nd, ISTO. considerable poison. ' The medical frajoy and happiness. continue their vigilance, enforce the attention. ternity, with a few honorable excepThe meeting adjourned for one bour ' tions, delight in mystery. They like Rnd reassembled at 1 o'clock. Pres't quarantine regulations, and do all they W.wr.'.K,nC. Norlh nile thence can to prevent this terrible disease from people to gulp down what they prescribe D. II. Wells delivered a discourse on the without being too curious. "Take what spreading among our eituens. t IfOTJRE AXD LOT WITH 1 Cnnn in Harder necessity of trials, to perfect the saints; Shn for Sale, three blocks' c','lih is given you and ofk no WM. EDFOX White House, Main ftreet, OpVn. questions." re.errmg to the trials, temptations, HATCH, lfeSr Nothing like leather. See Jon-athRut this is au age of P"'""'15. ' n,!n V 'TIS' .R,;'rt Secretary. Ogden, enquiry. Every sufferings and death of Christ, who? Inion Square. advcrtiscuicnt. Stb, 1570. Zt (Dmlw function. k. body is prvine into everything, And as a better knowledge of chemistry, and a better acquaintance with doings becomes mere universal tho empire of pills will wane and many specimens of the nasty OGDENTHEATRE nil flX!?hZulK OGDEN .June MR T. A. L TNE ogdi:v, i . .1 A. A. ADAMS, ... iu ,., i. O w m CITY. . Ct Jll er : I NOW i OPENING: a rriJs supply 11 op Prints, latest m 46-3- 11 42-t- -- Domestics, I Lime! Lime! Denims, A HOTELS. m WHITE HOUSE, Bushel. RE-OPENE- D. n MAIN STEEET IMHRICK! Silicias, Ginghams, ss i.nii: ami ltuirii111. T. . Chambrays, Irish Linen; ogden: house, ri Swiss Muslin, j. ' 111 COAL! COAL! -f awnaiOA-llUI- Kibhons, coal: . $4.00 per Ton, Parasols, Shakers, , 42-3- m KEEP THE FIItE STEAW HATS. IlVItXIXG! oto. rw Eeapers, Mowers ana wagons. An endless variety . FEMALE BOOTS & SHOES. , KirbyReaping . 11- - ... NEW STOCK vrj-n- Grain SPUING GOODS, NOTICE! Jlillville District. Cradles, Snaths, THIRST-CLAS- 111 " l CALL A-IV- SEE. Hakes, ; NOTICE. ittt.t. r... nir ..... 1 11 S-t- GROCEKIES. NOTICE! on-",- l.-- ha-t- " X r;.r, . r NOTICE. yi-- oa " "" The Stock is complete ta all Departments. v; ir ' 1 41-i- NOTICE. 46-- 3 NOTICE n' l", fy;!.B&,rM We-te- ir.B. CLAWSOX, StrperMendeni |