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Show Mdsio and the Telegraph. u.k- -t , t.--t WEDN1SDAT and SATCRDAT, h,tt.)" Th Thiatm. vAj Fuiumim wall congratulaU that they and We well OorT. citizem of Ogden thmtlrei now commodious, reepect-,1,ppointed theatre to resort during the season 1. they cn an eeninK witl1 botl1 pleas- whicli and "peud ure jhe theatre was opened on Saturday Bttning, June 4th. Tho Ogden matic Association then made their debut which occasion was for the season, on Dra- sensational presented the moral and prsroa "Ten Nights in a Bar Room." filled in efery part. jhe house was well The company acquitted themselves to entire satisfaction of the audience, whom they were respectably apby the entire performathroughout plauded the nce. a The opening night and we both felt proud lucccess, and gratified to witness so much home talent We oa the boards of our own theatre. wish criticise to the at have no present indeed we could not do so without apatpearing invidious ; but with care, on their and part, tention, perseverance we are not afraid to predict for them a brilliant future. Tne music on the ocwas certainly excellent Good order ing a certain telegram, said to have been sent from Ogden to Omaha by the agent of the U. P. R. R. Since then we have learned that the telegram in question was incorrectly quoted by the Inde pendent. The gentleman who sent the was T. M. Cooko, Esq., who merely answered, in a jocular way, a telegram from a friend in Omaha. Mr. Cooke is a gentleman well respected by the people of Ogden and by all who en joy the pleasure of his acquaintance. He wished to convey nothing derogatory to Ogden; in fact, his remarks about music had only a personal reference, and the telegram, being a private matter, ought not to have appeared in print. We have seen a copy of the real message, and nothing was said in it about getting the Boston excursionists away from Ogden as quickly as possible. However, th is was what the party desired, for they wished to arrive in Salt Lake City in time to witness the performance at the Theatre, on Saturday evening, and as they did not reach Ogden until half- past seven p.m., it was necessary for them to push on to "the city" as soon as Mr. Cooke, in connection with possible. the Utah Central officials, did their best to meet the wishes of the excursionists, and his efforts, we believe, were duly appreciated. Our remarks about music in the soul must be accepted by Mr. Cooke in the same spirit as his telegram was received at Omaha, and everything will be 0. K. message nd profit. casion was In our issue of Saturday last we published, with some comments of our own, an extract from the Elko Independent concern- pre- vailed throughout the evening. Mr. T. A. Lyne, the talented artist and veteran tragedian, and A. A. the favorite Salt Lake actress, will appear on the boards at our Theatre in the beautiful play of "The Stranger." Adams, eipect to see a full house, and Lumber for the Million. All kinds promise a rich treat to all present on the should of occasion. go Everybody ordinary lumber, plank, scantling, joists, flooring, beams, rafters, sheeting, etc., delivered at the U. P. Depot in Og5$- - Taylor Dno's, Merchant Tailors, den for $35 First-claper 1000 feet half a block west of the bank, Ogden. flooring, finishing lumber and pickets, at Delivered at the U. C. Depot in $40. Rimgiocs Services ok Sckbat. Salt Lake City at an advance on the In the Tabernacle, in the morning Elder above prices, of $2,50 per 1000 feet. AdD. M. Stewart delivered an ezceJent disdress J. Williams & Co., Weber Station, course on the first principles of the GosU. P. R. R, U . j i. pel He was followed by I'rest. L. Fan-oFell Dead. This morning a gentle the same subject. In the afternoon the meeting was ad- man, a stranger here, while examining dressed by Elders Ballantyne and Broom. the attractions in the Descrct Museum, was observed to reel, and immediately Bishop D. S. Tuttle, of the Episcopalian Church, also held services in the after he fell to the floor insensible. Dr, sitting room at the passenger depot of J. S. Ormsby was called in, but before the U. P. R. R. In the morning the he arrived, the unfortunate gentleman Rev. gentleman preached a discourse had breathed his last. From tho exam from Gal., 6th chap., 7th Terse; in the ination of papers on his person his name evening he preached from 1st John, is supposed to be Spencer Smith, of St, Louis. He had on his person the duIthcbtp., 18th verse. plicate of a check for $320 on a bank in fc- g- Tailor Bbo's, Merchant Tailors, St. Louis, a gold watch and other prop half a block west of the bank, Ogden. erty. The deceased is believed to have been a scientific man a geologist, nat Tbsatrs. A varied, chaste and en- uralist and botanist. Death is supposed tertaining exhibition will take place to- to have been caused by apoplexy. An morrow (Thursday) evening at the inquest was being held upon the body at the time of going to press. Deteret Theatre. Mr. SL Clair aad his daughter, assisEvening JV'r, June 4. ted by Miss. Iva Brearley, will give an SST $35. reward. See adv't, exhibition of a powerful sterioptican concert and lecture. To those who have Fisnctrr Yesterday John Pace and heard of the fearless position this family Frank Jaquos got into a quarrel, which have taken in respect to the Mormons, resulted in a regular fisticuff. They Mr. St. Clair's address, on that subject, were taken before Alderman Herrick, will be interesting and instructive. His and were each fined $10.00 and costs. daughter is a debutante in the profession, but said to possess much of the Correspondence. force of her talented sister, who died Superintendent's OrricE.U.C.R R., 1 winter before last, in Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City, June, Gth, 1870. J See bills. Editor Ogden Junction : Sir : I noticed in your paper of 5 Gkntlsmin wanting a No. 1 theDear 4th inst,. a clipping from the Elko Suit of Ready-mad- e Clothing should go Independent, headed, "Rough on Boston," to Thirkill k Earl's. in which it is stated that the Boston Excursionists telegraphed from Omaha to Thi Bachelor's Ball will come off the U. P. Railroad, Co's. Agent, at Ogin the following language: night at Jennings' new Hall, den,"Have a band of music ready to rein this city. The middle-ageyoung, ceive us at Ogden!" Whereupon, the and antiquated bachelors with their Agent answered as follows: "We have no musio in our souls, ur invited to attend. We expect is to get you away from here as t will be a duty who and those grand affair, soon as possible after your arrival." do not will lose a treat. go great Thinking that your comments on the The best of music is provided for the above, were calculated to wound the feeloccasion. Dancing will commence at ings of a very estimable gentleman, and 8 o'clock. place him in a false position before the citiiens of Ogden. I take pleasure in the above "romance founded Opened, Johnny Dee, has opened correcting on fact," as I chanced to be in the U. P. his new Ice Cream and Lager Beer Sa- R. R. Co's. office at Omaha, loon, on Utah Central street. It is taste- when the telegraph in question were messages fully fitted up with good appointments. sent and received. The first was not from the Boston ExThe thirsty soul can there moisten his but from an Agent of the U. cursionists, Parched lips with a glass of Landt's co- P. R. R. Co. at Omaha, suggesting a llated Beer, with Ice Cream, and demonstration of welcome to them at OgStrawberries. GtTe and all "Johnny" a call, be den, such as music, three cheers that style of things, usually seen in the "ill be glad to see his friends. newspapers, under the head of "Immense I Gektleheh wanting Summer enthusiasm." Perhaps the tender may have felt to Suits should call and see Patterns at banter his Ogden confrere a little, reThirkill & Earl's. membering the reception gotten up in Omaha, for the said excursionists, and The Salt Lake "Herald." We have may not have been altogether innocent feeeived the second number of this new of wishing to see in five hundred newsin different parts of the temporary. It is liberal in its tone, papers published a paragraph headed as aforesaid. country, " ni tery neat in its appearance. ' The gentleman in Ogden evidently The n ability of its editor, doubting the feasibility of the proposed movement, and may be feeling at the L. Sloan, Esq., Ma long experience in moment the many cares incident to a nnection with the wLU, we have great transfer station, meets the suggespreis, ' B doubt, be sufficient' to satisfy its tion of an intimate friend with a joke Ptrons that it wiU be ably conducted., about discord, which was received, aud read to me, as such. The Herald is issued daily at the rate I .have been thus circumstantial in of " ight dollars per annum. giving the ideaa conveyed, as I do not e heartily welcome our new cotem-rrr- remember the exact wording of the teleand wish it success. , grams; but I am certain that there was nothing in either of them which could, " in any manner, be construed to mesa Gektlemeb wanting first-clas- s to Ogden, or to the Boston disrespect 1'lors should go to excursionists. Very respectfully, yours, Thirkill & Earl's. Jos. A. Touso. YTe ss n d, la-a- re well-know- . B Y TELEGRAPH. AMEKICAX. Washington. Mrs. Kelly, who was captured some time ago by the Sioux, and whose account of the most indecent and brutal outrages committed upon her by the savages, has so worked up her people, that some arrived here yesterday to look after her claims before Congress. It appears that the Indians now here were the perpetrators of the outrages. Notwithstanding this, Mrs. Kelly, visited them and both parties seemed to be pleased with the meeting, and entered into a lively and apparently friendly chat. Tho funding bill of tho Ways and Means Committee will prohibit banks selling gold or purchasing bonds. The clause requiring national banks to exchange their present bonds for the now four per cent bonds, is stricken out. Vaccination. Dr. Tibbitts has a good supply of genuine vaccine matter. He may be found at his office daily, for the purpose of vacciuating all who require his professional services in that line. Mr. Tibbitts is a skilful physician, and we believe our citizens will consult the health and safety of their families, by paying him an early visit, and getting their children vaccinated. A preventive is better than a cure. The Wrong Bottle. The other night while fumbling about in the dark for the bottle containing his "bitters," an artist clutched ono containing ammonia, lie raised the phial to his mouth, aud drank a partof its contents before he discovered his mistake. Medical aid was called; the doctor Chicago. three administered the During a thunder-storproper remedies, and workmen engaged on a new building on now the artist, we learn, is doing well. North Avenue, were struck by lightning Gentlemen, be careful that you do not and instantly killed. Four of their were shocked. driuk out of the wrong bottle. Reports from various parts of the West say that raius fell last night and Lime for sale cheap. See 0? there has been very little rain hand-billand Thomas' Holroyd's for the past sixty days in this section. y a woman was murdered and 03131 found on tho railroad track near this city. Office of Ogden Junction, Ogden City, A' crowd, estimated at five thousand Utah Territory, June 8, 5870. J people, witnessed tho game of base ball in Dexter Park yesterday, between the WHOLESALE TRICE LIST. Chicago club and the "Forest Cities" of Cleveland. The game was one of the DRY GOODS. finest ever played here, and was won by the former. The score was fifteen to ALPACAS, Rlaek Me. to frl.no pr yard. " Lustres 'He to 2oc nine. BAR ROE Mr. to 6.V. The contest for Republican Congres4 1 BROWN 8HEETINOS 10c. to 20c, sional nomination, in the fifth Iowa dis$fi.OO to ULAN K KTf por pair. trict, between Palmer, the sitting memBLEACH Ml'SLINS 15c. to 'tis. ber, and Kasson, which has been It I'D TICKINGS 2c. to 40c- . bitter, ended yosterday by the nomination of Palmer. BRILLIANTS .Vic. to C'2c. A fire at Winona, Minnesota, on the CAJinnics 13c. to ic. 11.75 to $2.2i night of the 2nd Inst., destroyed some CARPETING, CHECKS 5.V. to 32c. twenty buildings, including four small hotels. 18c. to 23c. Loss, thirty thousand dollars, CORSET JEAN'S d about insured. 30c. to 45c. COTTOXADKR The Timet' Washington special says COTTON YARN $2.50 to $3. per lunch. the Houso reconstruction committee, by DAMASK-11- .25 to 11.50 eight to seven, have agreed to amend DELAINES 18c. to 22c. the Georgia bill, so as to require the " Arniuret 22c. to 24c. election of a new State Legislature dur" All Wool 37c. to 45c " ing the coining fall. Muslin ISc. to 22c. Central City. DEN IMS 25c. to 37c. per yd. Leopold A. Kline was killed this Ui;CKIN(l-3i- !'c. ,. morning, by Lcm Tuttle, an idiot, known FRENCH MERINOS-$l-- 35 to fl.60 as "Crazy Lcm." Kline hnd dug a ditch FLANNELS, White 4 lied ISc. to 52c. to keep teams off his garden, which Tut" 0c. to 75c. Opera tle was filling up. Kline went to drive GINGHAMS 17c. to SOe. him awny, and in tho altercation he was HICKORY 18c. to 27J4c. fatally stabbed. Tuttle had hitherto been to $. per do. HOSE, Ladlei'-$2- .25 supposed to be harmless, but was in the Genta' lialf $1 .25 to $1.00 per dot, habit of carrying a knifo and pistol with JACONET 30c. to 50s. bim. lie is now in jail. JEANS 4.V. to 60c. Fort Monroe. LINEN, Irish 55c. to 95c. Spencer Wright, colored, wns execuTable, 90c. to $1.25 ted at Eastville for the murder of M. to PRINTS- -!, Westcott in 1808. RAVEN'S DUCK 33jrje. , Havana. to $9.5(1. SIIAWLS-fi.- SS The steamer Spain, from Cadiz, brings SKIRT BRAIDS 85c. por dot 470 troops... THREAD, Spools Oc. to 90n. per dot. Toronto. Linen 75c. to $1.35 per fc A dispatch from St. Clond says that TOWELLING 17c to 20o. par yd. Reill is dissatisfied with tho Manitoba bill, because it does not provide a general amnesty. He intends to resist the GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &c. Red River expedition and has 200 men A LCM 15c. per lli. at Fort Garry and 80 on the prairie; a ALLSPICE 45. par lb. battle is expected near the Lake woods. AXE HELVES $1.50 to $5.50 pr dot. Reill is said to be robbing the mails, to BACON 23 per lb. procure funds previous to his leaving for BARLEY, 3c. per lb. tne l; mted states. BEESWAX-J.- 75 per lb. , m LumbeE RAILROAD. FOR THE OF UTAH. PIOXEEIt ON AND AFTER 1MTO, will loare Osrteu ilwtly at 8 a.m., and at 10 aau. aud 5.30 p.m. ArriTe at Suit Lnku-CIt7.30 p.m. Trains UTAH LUMBER Lwve Suit liika City daily at 5 a.m. and 2.40 p.m. Arrivo at Osdeu at I .ni. and 4.45 p.m. In addition to tho nlwve an WILL RUN , CHEAPER THAN AND SATURDAYS, Leaving Ou'leti City 5 a.m. and Salt Loke City,4.40 p.m. mi which lull fara will enlWIe the of a ticket to return on the mime day mi J ANY train fre, and will atop by arranging with the fon.luetnr, nt any point ou Hie line to tukeonor IMPORTED. let off paiwmpera. at I'aasvntrora-wil- l irteww mirchaaa thel tl,-k- t the tiUieoe. Fifty cent additional will bo vluirtfud hi-tho li.ru la cull if led on tlio tram. KltCIAI FARES: "1 J. WILLIAMS &C0. Quebec. BORAX Another destructive fire is raging in the woods in the neighborhood of Trinity Bay, and still another some miles up the river, and another at Point Aux Trembles. Should the present drouth continue the ravages 'by fire will be great. Delegates from British Columbia are now here; they have laid before the Dominican Council propositions respecting the entrance of that colony into the flOc. ass Article R.R. Depot, Dominion. FOIIEIGX. 45-- Rome. Yesterday, on the demand of a hundred and fifty fathers, at the end of the discussion on infallibility, the scheme was pronounced. On Monday the discussion of the chapter will commence. Paris. There is still much dissatisfaction regarding the mail service to the United States. The press is unanimous in calling for a reform. The bourse opened excited, resulting from the reported alliance between Russia and Egypt. A great many can: non, muskets and other material have recently been ordered from Brussels and New York on the Viceroy's account, and a large increase in the armament at the disposal of the government is suddenly apparent, and it is now almost certain that the Viceroy is preparing for a struggle against the Sublime Porte and that Russia will lend her powerful ' assistance. ' is a rumor again current that There Prevost Paradel will succeed Berthelmy as minister of France at Washington, and the rumor Beems well founded. , ..." y, The Fond da Lao (Wisconsin) Commonwealth describes a wedding which its editor attended at Oshkosh. It says: "During tho ceremony, the bride and bridegroom took each other about the waist and swapped gum !" U. P. BREWERY BKST BKF.R rpilBmanufactured J IX WF.HKR COUNTY, and for aale In nnanritioa of fmm Five (iallona and upward at Landt'a Brewery, of Ogden. on Bnrch Creek, four milea aouth-eaa- t Saloona and Familiea upplied. Order a will jeceive prompt attention. 20-t- f A. LANDT, Proprietor. "LATHER AND SHAVEM." OF THE THOMAS, FORMERLY X Ogdun Ilouaoand wall kuown aa aa aceom-plihi- d the aciziora of and haa blade, knight opened btiaiiiftaa on Main atreet, a little north ot N. Leavitt'a. He aaka for the patronage of bia old frienda and of all who want a clean ahara in an eaay chair, with a light hand and a kaea razor. 14tf ill furnish Lnmlwr, at the V. If. " at the following rate: , TnAVR Flooring Beams, Rafters, - Inch Jfliim bez? and MARKS . INSTITUTION, MAIN STRKET, OUDEPf', ARRIVE, DIRECT rjHORTLY RXPBCTKD TO Assortment of from ,ne splendid lti JSprinjj nml Hummer" GoodM, ' whlrlt, together with our present Work, ww tlrlrtk will enable us to enpply our rtutomere and the public generally whh euch articlue aa thay nay need, al price, that cannot fail to give eatisl'actiou. Please call and examine lwliira trying eleewher. Whoat. (Wn, Barley, ata. Butter and Ku'g taken in exchange dr liuoUa, at the uighoel Market prices. CASH NOT RKFLiSKD. vtf ISSTITUTIO.Y, Oppoeite Bkhop Wett't, I 31 A. f. x" Chmitnh, Oih, Faint, Glat ai imi .s Sheeting, at $35 per f . 3ii:ii( CtO.i ' ' Llkowin an excellent1 Aamrtment of "' ' "wio.Miii, CAPS, JK)OT8. SHOES, HATS,!oot, Ti-- y ' " ; ' ' AND STATIONERY".' X.B. Prescriptions carefull . ' if" prepared '' NOTICE. - WHO DF.LISTJT TTf A ALL PERRONS rpf J Ulaaa of Dae Rparkllng Baur, pleaao call at the WESTERN Thousand. , .. : OGDEN, Kav o hand a apleadid Stock ' ' , HTHEET, IV ' I4CEU BEEH JIAIX, f quare, Main Street, Ogden, whore they can tie anpplled with that Artiulo, of the very beat (inality, aud at rodoood prfce,' ' ' North side of .t'nlon 3e--tf SMITH & CO'S.- - ' FinishFlooring, ing Lumber .and Picketing, at $40. per 31. LUMBERYARD ami Clocks a Half Oue Ji'xcnoN' Wst -of the Office,. ; And near the U. C. R. K. Depot. IIAVB OS IIAN'D A LARGE QUANTITY of good Lumbar, of varioaa alma te suit the roquiromeuta of tlx pnrcluumr. Also an quantity of Pickets, ail of which we will sell cheap for Cash, and ti ruin nt Cash price. N.U. All those persous Whiau we have accommodated, and who know tlirmeulvva tndultd to na, are requested to coma forward aud luaku aelUa utont wilhiu one month and save costs. r.MlTIl A Co., Proprietors. WMn - , WK Partioa requiring a Bill for Building will do COAL! COAL! well to give ua a call, aa we will furniah a General Bill of Lumber cheaper tlian any other houao In the lino. We will deliver in Salt Lake City at an advance of $20 per thousand over Ogden price. JOHN SPRIOOS IS NOW PREPARED furnish the best quality Coal S To FAIUIEKS ami of UTAH nc otter tlii advantage: We will MEIl-CIIAXT- TAKE ALL KXXDS OF PA Y, At Market Ratoi: AT $4.00 PER TON productfona of the Farm. Aim Stork ol any kind: Store Pay at cash ratea, or even Cosh lUelf not refuaed, TTe MANUFACTURE. CHARLES PEARCE, MAIM nTUfcKT, OGDEN, Calls tba attention of tho Public to h!a New and f plendid Assortment of Tin, Iron and Copper Ware, wnica bo keeps constantly on lutud. variety of Also, a good STOVES,- Egga, Butter, Flour, or otlier Sheep, Cows, Work Cattle; Wagona, etc. TO on the Cars at Ki lio. Al! orders to tie addressed Johri Bprtgga, PnaU villa, Summit county, litali Territory, HOME - of superior quality; all which ho otters for sale at as low figures aa any tliat are Imported from the Kiist. N.U. Job W ark punctually and neatly executed 1Mb i , ; . , ; t C. WOODXAKSEE, are alao prepared to furolth ...J-, JXaln GENERAL CHEAPER THAX ETEIt OFFERED BEFORE. t . troct,fOKJLl5 na " MERCHANDISE; DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, J . . AGRICULTURAL TV MY POSSESSION THE anfmala: One Swin of American ono bay, itar in forehead, branded J L 8; A the otlier aorral, Man face, branded Both newly ahod all mnnd.' Owner pleaae prove property, pay clutrgca and take them awar. WILLIAM ROSF., 43-- J Ogden Valley, Webor County. .' .1 First and Third Ward milOMAS ESTRAY. CO Joists, FIRST-CLAS- S ' ' Second District Zion'a OPERATIVE MERCANTILE - , Flank, Scantling, 8tick-a- 0c- Madrid. CHURNS, Patent Juliun, $6.75 to $120. There was a riot in a village yesterday, COAL $9.00 to $11.00 jwr ton. in consequence of a notification, given by lb. COD FISH 14c. to 16c. the city government, of the collection of COri'ERAS 13c. to 15c. por eertain unpopular taxes. The troops Cl'DBEAR 55c . quickly suppressed the disturbance. Two 1.40 CAMrUOR citizens were killed and eight wounded. 75c. COMPOSITION n Many wore arrested. The city is now CORN $1.25 per bnahel. quiet. CHICKENS 60e, each. The preliminary discussion on the form of election for the Monarch has commenced in the Cortes. The majority of a committee of the Cortes favors the postponement of the M. TRIBE AND MISS POtJLSEX freedom of the slaves for sixty years. MRS. announce to the Ladioe of Oj.rden St. Petersburg. and ita vicinity that they have opened a Drona Official papers reiterate the etaement Making Extabliahment, one Block South of the lloune. that tho Chinese embassy will return White All kimla of Dreaa Making exocutoil in the latest home overland via Siberia. tvlea. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 London. The appointment of Scnor Dacosta as the Portuguese ambassador to Madrid is officially published. $2.00 i ALL KINDS OF to $1.75, per cwt to lie per lb at ehop ; 10c. oa foot. $1.75 D. 0. CALDKR, and our Mill running In the Beat Grove of Tim- w $1.60 JOSEPH A. YOUNC, (SUPERINTENDENT. Having a Large Supply of every kind on hand. bor in I' lull, we $1.35 Cetitrevllle Wood'a Salt Luku City For all Information eoneorning Freight or Paa-agn, apply to than ever bvforo offered to the Public. CIieaiKT Fannington Tiekot and Freiifht Agent. LUMBER, $1.25 BEEF 6c. BUTTER 20c. to 25c. per lb. BAKING POWDER $3.00 to $1.00 par dot, BKOOMS-46.- 50 to $7. per dec BRASS KETTLES 70c. per Tt. Cl'BRAXTS 24c par lb, by bl. COFFEE, Rio par ak, 28c per lb. CHEESE 25c. to 27c. per lb. 65c. por lb. CLOVES CANDLES, 12 ot.-S- l.00 per box. CANDY, Fancy 32c to 0 pot B). " or per lb. BRAN A SHORTS " " InhuliitanU of Ogdou city and Vicinity with a First-C- I $1.00 Ogdau to Knysvilte THE ARE PREPARED TO Fl'KNlSH unprc-cedented- ly if. WEDNESDAYS ON SUNDAYS, AND s. mis ACCoinion.iiM BETTER y; one-thir- lO TIIiniSIA.Y, com-panio- To-da- UTAH CENTRAL IMPLEMENTS, ETC. A Good Supply of MECHANICS' " ' Mm TOOLS on hand. ' On good aerurlty we will alao give time, on rim int, for large orders. tart A BSOLtTE DITORCKS LEGALLY ORTAtXED We shall open an exU!qaiver.Lumbor Yard, in in New York, Indiana, Illinois and other Ogden, in a few days. Due notice will be given of htatra, for poraona from any titan or Country, . locality. legal everywhere; desertion, driinkennesa, c- no publicity; no sufficient cause; In Tartles Salt Lake City can look out, aa we until divorce obtained. Advicfree. BusiMam street, Ogden City, ahall open up thera in our line in a few waeka, charge ness established fifteen Tears. M. UOIJUE, Attorney. Watchmakers, Jewelers iGitiiNinltlis. and give every one a chanc. to build and improve Address, No. 78, Natsan Street, New York City. Agenta for American and Elgin Walehea. at cboap ratea. Keep eotMtantly on band a large amortmnnt of All communication to be addreeted for the ftne Jewelry, Foreign Watchea, tiuna, Piatoia, and Ammunition of all kinda. i present to i . Pnrchara will do well to examine our Stock A CO-- , JOSHUA WILLIAMS before niirehaaing elaewhere. Weber Station, V. p. E. R. Repairing carefully done aad all work warranted. Printed at file Office of this Paper with neatne, 71m punctuality and ditpalah, on reasonable terms. ally PARPE & BOESSEL Handbills, Posters, and Cards |