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Show Fall rWiniiwJ , vrjr Wijdussday and Saturday, I'retcii tiers. (XOa'CLUDBD.J 'I f Really? Mr. gtwart, you overrate jny importance, Supposing this perse cution to te real, and not uuaeinary, I have no more power to kelp yon than the man in the muou" Las. You sayyou have uocumcnts to prove your ease. If bo, I cau only express my firm .Tjcliof that if your uocuiuents be genuine, you have only to bring tlieift under the notice of the Jirititu government, and that gov ernmeut, if .persuaded thatyom re what and as you represent Voursqlf 'your documents, you say. .will prove, will not only ceaBe to persecute you if .ever they did persecute you but, in con eideration of your fcclhg'iihe tiein and representative of Chariot Edward Stuart. will settle on you a very handsome pen ' sion." The old gentleman Vhook his head ,"I don't., want a pension; I have a farm my own, find' am quite independent pt or any man s favor, or the favor of any governments, Jl Vjint nothing' hut to.be let ulu no. Let me drink and cat without fear of poison. Let me turn a corner without risk of a ' pistol or a bludgeon. Let liio sink down into the comnion herd of cmniuim iiien, and bo tit peace That J 8 all I ask. 1 want no pension, no Juoney, no recognition, .no anything from anybody, Peace and peace alone. That is all. And to you,sir," he added, suddenly, ''I owe an apology for having upon yojj. Jt wU b known in a week to the court and government of icloria that you have received Queen and spokon to me. Vou will bo a marked man, sir, dejiond ttpon ft, nn'oss you mo. Vou go forthwith and denounce ' Y.trivA llbn innv dtiiiuiiTii'a' - ima SP Jvmi I v 9. ....V. f" you full and froe permission." "That would be gross treachery, Mr. Sluart," replied I, ."and I shall not denounce you. Put if you have hi your " possesion the documents vou speak of, 1 shall be glad to see them. "You shall sec thorn this day wedr," ho said, "and without fail. Mind, I want nothing but to. prove, to you that I am what 1 sny I am; and that when of the fact, you will exercise your Influence with tho Untish government to to have me loft in pyRce. 'You are about iq gay that you have &o lnflue'ucef I kave my owu opinions on that subject, Vou'c ! s iy or me what-- cannot say for my U- - that I atrrno traitor, no Intriguer, noilirg but a poor, forlorn, last Remnant of Voftc royal aat powerful race, w ho asks notlpg but a grave; and ft quiet journey towards it." lo-lio- . 4 con-"riuc- v Mr. Hlnk.' true Li(' appoitment, brought 'mo Iho documents 'oji the day ho had fixed. The principaf onq iva.i a certificate of mamttg it frrVjared to me duly signed and in all respects authentic between Mr. Chortes Edward Stuart jf the 8mte of Ifew Tork, and lady of the same State, dated l Mu.t ' lu jostoi 'j'Jiyafcr, a" 1 It Durinar the entertajcn:ftt at .the phi Theater Comioue Mutjinlay evening. one of the Watson ifrvthers, gyuii(4St fell wliile perturutiii tupir feat cajlod "The Three lying Men," the apparatus was a sort of trapeife; held stationary, from end $t ' .which a gyninast, hanging by his legs," teud downwards, swung one of his companions to tlte third, who was hanging in the same manner as the first, at' a distance of about eight feet! In aUomp;iiu; this perihms swing from one to the otuer, the "Hy ing man failed to connect securely at the end, and foil to the stage, about fifteen feet. Instantly there was intense ex citement, women screaming and fainting, and men almost beside themselves with excitement and anxiety, making a scene of utter confusion. Thii nnluekv gymnast was taken behind the scenes inert and unconscious, but soon the. audience was informed that no bones were broken, and afte,i'wart ih man appeared with his comrades to prove the statement, lie was badly contused, however, having struck on his neck and shoulders, and the affair decidedly dullod tho annetite of the"audieiu' fur further entertainment. f Sea Foam, NhoMer 1Q79I Z. C. HI. adel- The Scientific American $l,iW-Cash$1,51)0 Cash, ror-l7l)- . A VALUABLE PREMIUM FOR i OGDEN CITY. OGDEN JUNCTION r, Lin-d- g" jZ" iBiirnieTtnTrirTrirrir luiiipver rid tho tertitiuwl suit iustriKtiil, . witliut liiug bothered with hard won'm or dry details. WHOLESALE &RETiUL & EVERY WEDNESDAY TO INVENTORS AND MECHANICS SATURDAY tuliif- ha' it eoutalns a weekly report of all i'atnnts iHiujiit t tt'a)iint;l"a, with copious notii'M of th luliHg AMKItlCAN Tho I'iuliidi-er- n AND El itOl'EAN of tlip Si ientititc American are'tho nioi"t cxton-siv- e I'utent Solicitors in th Yt orhl, and have facilities fur gathering a complein knowledge of the progrtrHs fif inrcntiou and DiaeoTery throughoat the woi'M: and With a vikwttimaik the quarter of acenfury, during which tliic journal has held the first pku e in Hoiuntitic und Mechanical Literature, the 1'ubliidjM'H wilt hwue iui Janu-rfimt, ths hr'f nnt MjlencHd Stool Engraving bv John Sartwiii of I'hilitdelplda, entitled : this journal ii of njierial And already enjoys an extensive .circulation. Dry Goods, Groceries, "MEN Merchandise. OF PROGRESS AMERICAN AND FIFTY CASH ONEHUNDRED PRIZES. Tn addition to the above premium, the publish! will pay $1,500 in CASH PRIZES for lists o' subscribers sent ill by Eebrimry 10, 1U70. l'emon who want to compel for those prize, should send at one for pnw tun and blanks for names. Terms of Scientific Amuricai), one. year t3,nft; six niontlu) $1,50; fonr months, $l.ut. To clubs uf IU aud upwards, terms per annum. Sieci-iiuropiea sent fi'cA, address the l'uMislien, 37 l'ark ltow. New York. MUNXiCO, How tojtet Patents. A pamphlet of I'ateut Laws and instruction to iuvcutomsont free. ELGIN WATCHES Iii'i-ot- t Tbe Chicago Journal gives a new rule for computing interest, and aays it is so simplo an so tru tUat every banker, nubi posit It broker, merchant or rleri no rerereneo. matheoilier for up Iiy iiuvi matical process can the tft obtained la :v . fuaiegt Six ;tLn Cr.xt Jluftlply'aoy ulvca number of dollars by the number of Jays of interest desired, separate the right hand figure and divide by six; the result is the true interest uii ucli number yf days at six per cent. iOirr Pan Cknt. Multiply any iriveii aniount by the number of days upm wliicu It la desired to , certiu the, and the interest, au-- divide- by foi e result will be the intreMt of such lor the ime require aiMcht per eel t.v Ten rta Cknt. Multiply the same as above and divide by thirty-siami the & sh Ikv race of iiilere.-- t at resy ten per cent. Arrival tUU IVvcJc '".! UATIOJCAt TATCII COM PANT i Having carefully examined and tcstad yonr watches, we find them perfect in all their parts, of fine finish, and well suapUd to the want of tbe time-keepipublic. VTe consider them the best inade watches in America for the price, and to the finest Enropean Watches, fvr accurate tune, that cost double or three times the money. VTc. eurfiilly recotameBi them to all partios wishing good . n. c. tiowiix t M'ttWAis, tnixn'sjoo, ' 4. O, aSUXIMAN, OIUS BIO. w. M. J, s. hato, a. s CO, c. r. BP?Kt CO., WIN DILI a BISiS, D. I'STKHMETER SlOKBE, ODOIS t IlNIITOy, I CO., M. KMXUXBG CO. S. r. SOE1IS k CO, The name shore will be recognized as the lao ing Jewollwri of Chicago. They bare no prcuiil-r- f interest in the Company, but freely testify as t the gonuioe merit ufsoldthe watoliea, which tor the paat year have been by tiicm. THE OGDEN JUNCTION eql 300 Regs Nails, 50 Ik 7 Rock Island Plows, sn).tiod with the I. facilities . i '. UteMt imiiroveJ ' J ; i JOB ritiNTiNG s 50 BoxWindow In I he finest st fo. i Glass, -- : 1 in 500 Gals. Coal Oil, 1 " Mo MoTcments 100 Sacks A . . , . ' :' . , ' . JllUJIead, bj the Company. .1 161 y.; belid Dlil ' ' Cr01, - Order Jtooli, ,' ' " , WATCH COMPANY ' si 9 etc., etc. - - 1f,- STYLES SIX - , , Hs-Z- ; . . H. I j ; .."I'll.-'.'O. M. "Wheeler Mat Laflir, J. T. Byerson." Culver n. Taylor, place'rl before the' public, the' tif TUE?ff WATCHES IN DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION has already secured Sir them a JYotionat Knttatioti, and the II E MAM) for thciu has so Jiivpldly Increased that the CumpHiiy have been compelled to ninbo large Additions to their force of JOmployoa and Maeuiu-r- r, in order to meet tht requirmueuts of tho Tnde. kailroed- - men, and others desiring ao accurate and reliable Watrh, are invited to examine the B. W. ltaymond Borenirnts. One of our loading' RailriNul Companies, thoreughiy convinced of their superiority, Has fucnisred them to their Engineers, ad they are pronounced by them to be the closest running American Railway Watches yet manutao-ireaad ally qnl tosonw of the tuest imported s. WstchsS M eorrect J4o Moremonts retailed by tbe Company. , ' . ea to aek and ' CU your Jowelcp ice thciu. But recentlr PCl'KRIORITi el WORKMANSHIP FIRST-CLAS- S ' j" - i ) sr- fm , .'' : . A.11 Orders addressed U R. P.TKA8DEL, QjdeB City, wiU hava fsom . attoutlaa. y ?- -- . r - . -- BOOKBINDING ' l ti Sitpei-in- h nttt if. " IX VVL A "Mr. Hart, in. Lapeer, Mich., lately received the following letter: '.'Mr. Hart rDcar Sir: .bont twenty years ago Sstole some goods out of your store to the... ' Mrn- -r nmniinri til si 10r Cvnisi. Tl and coua not pay Tor themi'wm then ; about two years alter that joti cheated me pujt, " of $2 XJ ; well, I thottglit you' had got a a head of hie and so I would call quarter 1. .. ...... . I i I or,!,ni.4V nn.T " KUIU iv sail uu ajun, .....11 pun ivvumc, I not do, 1 cannot; I fotin will lately; i( carry tho load any longer ; I do carnetb- ly ask your forgiveness. 'which I'am sur " 1 am willing1 to', you will grant,.-sinclnukiv restitution,,. $1) Z4 and interest ., for 20 years will bo, about $1,15, which yon will find enclosed ; His done, ihsnk ' God, 'tis done. Gwkftas fotgixen me,' the devil lias h .Mortgage oil; y 'o- -l : now;, Praise. thaLord." ii',T.v-,r- , ITS B1i.1NCnK8. 1 . 4 ' 4 ivrefti!!..!. nwimtHS r-- A ia Tlfifrsiitil turns uuott th ficsiioB whether the de- fendant intcnlrf by, inclosing a leaf of rose gcraniniu,) ti), thja 'IjaJji, t use'th)1" language cf flowers, in which case the in- Office and Salesrooms nontitit lenv wtHiui have saia, 1 9u ark , Business , my wkiVc ,,,,1, y.,.,, ,;iT .!. 159 & 161 LAKE STH CHICAGO. t Over 2!f,000'pcoriiB tked fof! tickets J " to witness tile ct!rein'y f the opciiiug I be French this (f LiiJyiVe.tfhauiliers nil onlr oi.a. l44?-iout of etterv. riVKRY VRHCriANT AN'I, riuilsS,siN u, season 2K1, and one gcit!ftriaa' out oT every. man Mioiild have S e do tl,n . .. ia fle best ot ttvt . - t -- NOW IN MARKET S. ."W. EaymoQd, . Tromptly attended: to and - ELGIN WATCHES ! x ELGIN WATCHES , la 9 ' 1'arty Tiehet, Card, v; f i 1 . -. 1 London, and Uevcrly Tucker iaanathw Henry A. W:isc, Thomaa S. , I!ocock J, A. Settdon. fl., A, Wtnonson and Charles James Faulkner arc still in VirginiaV ' Invitations, I'LOTIIINO, L r And a variety of other Items in or . 1 LAKE ST., CHICAGO. NATIONAL - ,rr y . !'(.. . Watch Coni)Htny, . s 159 & '.' CoiiAMlcrupy"S . Bttslne.il OJP' nnd Salfuroonu Rational . . : EoUllcd ' . . wt 41 n, ON TOTJB JEWELLER AND ASK TO BEE THE ELGIW WATCHES. , Letter 7irf3r, k MIX i' Hand Bills, Sugar, j . Potter,. rsBi 1 V Ladies' Watches, of elegant design and fluish, kiul a tientlenian'a Watch, of equal merit for qualities with the "B. W, Bayuiond," but of smaller sir.e, siierior to any. tiling yet niaunfactnred in. this uuutry-- , will . . shortly be placed in market. , t - t " " IT'i '. 1 vr ie i , son-in-la- ICS Waohingtou, St, Boston. WASJfcEIf RPAPONB, 4 Maiden Lane, New Tork. WHEELER, PABSONa St CO., 3 Haidcn Lane, New Tork. ' ECOTT Si HWWJjBOIB. Xlttabureh, Pa, ' JENSDS-- f & hatch; Oinciauotl ' Otwq, JItDDLETOIf ETOS., . .10 Maiden Ijuic, IT. T. " - . r r ' . Jeffert-'oDavis is npnounccd a hav' at Mciiiplif ing gone' fnto Tiusliiies Tcnn. ; Jolin I". Brcckenridge is practising law at Lexington, Kr. j Jas. M. Mason is on his farm at Winchester, "a..; the John ISliilell in with his Paris Jugreat banker, Krlangerj-neH- r dith P. is in full practice at last tho Londfrti bar ; ricrre Soedc, accounts, wits a lispeless Invaliil ; "R.' M. ''' T. Hunter is at his farm in Virginia; 1. , llv W 1 1UWUUO ,0 l Ublirillg , U " success in Georgia ; his colleague, Ivcr-sois a prosperous wod merchant at Macon, Oa. ; A. II." Stephens is sinking at his. home in Georgia; his gradually eollenii-ue- . wood I o - -lrerson. is a nrosnerons i inevchant at Macon, (la. ;, Gen. ' Lcc, ' of ; the MilUary ; in. at the ' head liiKtituteat Lexinjt&n, a. x Beauregard . is rrcsirfent (f a ra'ilroad at "ew leats; Jloshy i prantii.iiin lu. in( VirComm ni jiv Vs law ginia; . 41- .l :' ..ii iv hi iuu ni'ttu oi an ajrriciiiiurut pciiooi in Maryland ; &apha4 Serrfuea iat Moisi lccturing , bile; lUnkhcad Magi-iideon Carlot,ta and Maximilitin ; Vance is practising law in South Car- -. . ouna, ana rcluscs to ask for his pa ret on, j A. G. ISrown, Edward liurksdale and Wiley P.. Harris were supporting Judge , Dcut for Governor of Mississippi.- James L. Dems a State judge in South Carolina; Robert W.--' Johnson b4 'Albert Pike have opened, an office in WashYulce., and ington, E. ; C. ? Mallory are alternately in Florida sjidi N'ew York'f Wigfall of Texas - i.-- . ... ':., Natiobai, TTttcn CorA!rr, CniCAoo: Aists: The watches of your wake, snhl liy na during the past year, have, w ith scarcely an ex-- , ception, Riven more tbaiv ordinary satisfaction, and ere proving to be all that you claim fur them as ' accurate and durable Taking into consideration, the improvement you bar introduced in their construction, and the genoral tkieuess of finieh of even the lowest grade, vercgwrd them as being rell worth tboir price, and take great satisfaction in selling them to bucB of our customers es desire good PALMER, BACHIXDEHS ft CO.. " " - ; Men of iliC t fr turning out every description u V', i , UlUlitllilUUi inn (Assorted Sixes,) , ' A ml so, at etght o'clock, the carriage caaa( Aud entering it, 1 drove to Lothian's. . "At last I was alone with him once more t ' ' He had peen sitting a,', a table hoeped With manuscripts, and this be Was correcting. ' "I'm hem to interrupt all this," snkl I f "Too long you're kept your brain oq the stretch) ' Why be so heedless of your health, your life!" .. 'Hut what are they to yon. Mum. I'errival f" "''And tliat is what 1 have com to lot yon know, ' Paid 1, emboldened by the proffered foothold, lie fliikhod a little,' only just a little Replying, "That I'm carious to leara." And then, like one who, iu the dark, at first Moves cautiously, but soon run boldly on, I said : "ii&kh g&otbter that 1 sms, I've com To put upon the hazard of a die Mnch of my present and my future pei r ,. .t I'crUnp to shock, repel, and anger yon. Kincc 'twill not be unnvrnxd that 1 oflcn l. ' . I kdow you Ress uiy purposc,BB l yonlirink ' ' 'rom hearing me avow it ; bu; I (lt Ami that in Itoiiiely'Knglish uiwdortird..;' I'm hen to oirer yon my luuid; the heiu That should go w ith it has preceded it, " '' And dwell with you, so you can claim your own, Or gently bid it go, to trouble you . - , Xercr oguiu ., , "" Computing '. ; nuit i on-th- 't ' Yes T repeat If so disposed why not 1 ' Tor why shoiiltl woman any mure than niaa l'lity the rtlsscnihlcr with so much at suko.1 I know the ready taunt that hera will hue; r ''Already noue too backward areour girls In husliand seekiuK," hitkiuR inwluit way? ,! . ' v tWiking by stratiuum and buLnaginettt What food for Kot by frank, honest mejtiui ' ' i ' i mirth , Twould si ye to shallow men to see a woman ' Court the relations, Intertwined with all ' Xtf Diirost bauiiinatis that h liiav cmve ' . Th. tiAtc ftf wile i4 iulier U, Wliat'fvfnttn,d ana i auii yoi wuy snuuiu, ears rneerina: joain Thoughtful, and pure, and wisely provident. should not taiL That Satnrsn' lie one thing or a man, and quite another , ' For her, the woman I Why this flimsy mask f -This playing of a iirt,put on to Suit, ..... ,.. . . Not the heart's nied, but Kwdiion, custom-liotmyeigniug we miwt be sought, and never seek t ; Now, through the social hiiuleranc.es and bars, i no ooiu, iieruaiM me intri;iug, carry on frizes the true and oitlit to win. . j And so we hear it coarsely said of huxbauds, "itettor a poor one far than none at all," A thoueht ignoble, and wliicji no truo woman Should harbour one moment. Uie her freedom , Krociloin to seek and she'll not harbor it ! ltecatiso if woman equally with man - Wi're slio discriailnate. aould thus, privileged , Mitch more than now, and fewer solid unions Would be the tnir result. For what if mas Were changed to singleness until some woman Mibt seek his hand in marriage, would he be Likely as now to make a wise selection, the plafe consinlng nearly $4,K" fo migarve and itfaini nineteen likeneKnett of Jllmtriiius Anieri-ca- n inventors, it is a nutrL work of art. , bo Single picturs, priiKed on hoaxy )jH-r- will sold at flu, but any one aubsciidiug fur tlie Scien-tifi- u be one sent for the American year, paiiepwill together with a copy of the engraving, ourcciept Is" ulso ofleied as a promimu otlil. Thew:ribin-3,picture , ., for clubs ot i ui.tij-aii- -t dared."' INVENT0RS,'r General n . ALL. f llhintijitwt weekly jounml rOfl'bAK SC1ENCI'; MKCHAMCS.IN VKXTION, AKCIIKCTL'KE, CIIEMISTKY, ENUKKKIXU, th Kmurcii iirts, amert na Atilllt'ULTUKEanrt YKAR on tUe first ilivyvf JanuTWKNTY-Firrfar excocJiug that' ary nxt. having a circulation' of anv liiuiilar journal now published L of the aciutv DKl'AKTMENT T11B EDITOUIA tific Aiiierkan is very ably eomlucujil, and sonic nf tli8 most popular writers ill this Country anil munber iuuf 10 ljaroiwsre contribntorfi. Evejy inioorinl pasci, milwllisheil with fine piigrnvinpij TOOI.8 MAClUXWtY, NKW INVENTIONS, IIOb'SE-II(MAItU AND FOR THE WOKKsilUll, ENU tJtKIN'O MOUKS, liWELLlNU ttOUhKK. I'UULlC BtllilllN'GS A junrnal of o uiucli intrinsic vhIuo, at tho lew prlne il Hi a voar ouh to hav, iu this tluii)ig snd-den- ly a, hn JJatriagt.i)T voiiiea list 'Wg ask(4 anxiously tbe moxuentous quetioa-- u Why dou't the nion propose?" Latterly the fair creatures have become iuoreu4 more impatient, and some oftUem har .. . .,... ; .1;... in taivo ai. resoiveuj i'J ai, oic luitutive tujj most interesting businuss. Mr. Kpei Sargent, an American and a New cvtnes 'boldly to their help, ao4 illustrates how it may be. done, in tU fictitious history of ''Linda Tercival, tie Woman Who Dared." One day Miss a met .Hie ti4if her choice, and statc4 to him hor views, for which see tho first of the following extract, Thj shows how she wroii?ht3ft,, v:, enuugn, was coy, baKlilul, aiiU aoubttul. "Liks dear creature, yet know, im't quite sure, and would like a little tim, to think. He &Veetly "resists for a iim. Lioda continues the attack. -- She is im portuuate, aiid warmly Jiiesses her suit and the blushing Charts at Just, yields' and is led to the altar by the woman wha . Tliin dpli'inli'llv .A correspondent writes: 0nther6th inst., about noon, the inmates of the AND manse of llarvas, and several field laITS COLfMSS CONTAIX borers who were employed in a neighboring' park, were astonished to witness the jCMruurdiiiary snwtal of a copious shower of lare masses of sea' foam RELIABLE LOCAL ITEMS, falliug from the atinosphore. Iu the course of two minutes a hireo sur HOME CORRESPONDENCE, face of ground embracing hsudreds of acres became thickly dotted with this strange deposit, The weather was perFOREIGN CORRESrONDENCE, fectly calm, the little wind that was at time the blowing having been, more EDUCATIONAL over, in a, direction ,iMt fom but towAssortments of which are constantly ards the sea. There had been half a gale the day before from tho west and beipg Mtpfefeished with all tli Htaple AGRICULTURAL, north-wes- t; and it is coditectured that Items for and Families the foain, having been wafted up by its aecessary ; RAILWAY AND forco into the higher regions of the air, had been kept suspended there by w ind e occasion currents, until tho lull- ' JOBBI,Na TRApR POMESTIC NEWS. referred to cntned its unexpected and unnatu'ral-lik- e descent. owwa Vou- rirV a certain in October, 1798. Next to this was the certificate of biiptisiu of Charles Edward Stuart, dated November, 17D!; a' third tloou- -' intent purported to be a license from the State of New Y.orkto Mr. Stuart, granting him, on payment of certain foes, the jiermissio'ir to be thenceforward known us Mr. lilttiik. There w aa nothing further of a uy consequence. ' i I suppose I looked dissatisfied. At all euio AButn,. inat niMi no doubt his father was married at the time specified, and that hid uuut was Charles Edward Stuart. Singular-lliMioiii4no"Well J" he inquired, somewhat triw. umphant The i,'Wrwwt offJecember "Well," I replied, not at all triumph- 29th .Virginia iu'i i J; L . , says: antly, "but what Qf that? I myself We are Informed by parties who saw have knocn two people named Charles the at the t ime nf the .Edward Stuart, ,Htul neither of . them first strauga sihk, tliut sboeVitt this ciiyk heavy eartliquuke claimed descent from the royal family last Sunday evening, there appeared just ca that account." above the wester Uiiaon' thret. Wight "Of course not,T iaiii; 'Mrv JBlank, liglits, pt esenting the ajipearance of large if Ihey stars each 'they would havebeeuliiipostei furiarljcij-- with a 4ail LaM a had, fea.iiso thy yild have usurped a foot in length, With all the "tailU polntig position that, belongs to tuwsnly. There southward. In two or three minute the may be n. tliounaa-- t C nanus Edward I sfars, tails and all, merged iutiMiu tv,y-witStuarts, ift the world, for that matter; a Vail of haxe pvcrperiing'i't. Tu Wi there is only one of them the deglobe of fire thus sliroudod is scendant of kings, "and- thai is the man glowing said to have presented a very beautiful Vh. stands U'&jfo yod.1' It moved off iu s n jlh.vrffnr v I re-- 1 appearance. ',But, Mr. Htnavt, or Mr. Blank," , : erly direction, and In a few miuutos i'nils,i. vt . our more in in jpuuu, your paused hway. This at range sight was auiing golden chain, nnd.ihalis a very impor- observed by quite a number of persons one. The link which proves your tant tUa Oity. Whether it hmi anything lq father to be the son of Jam the Seooiid, to do with the artiiuak" business of bo calleili the man who fought and lost the evening and niht we -- aro - not pre-- , the battle of Culloden.". to say, ' 'Incredulous as pared Su, Th6his" he exclaimed; and, then folding' tip 14 f apers euddonly,' anI putting Ihera" cartliuiljt in Iusiscn F:trtliqunli into an oW hh1 .w?'l-wopocket-bao. 'u i County. he addcik '"I have Wf my time, aaiiyotJ have lost yours! 1 beg pardvn for Lav-iThe Vauth f l)ex;eiuber 20th tntrudeil myself uucmt "Va ave nas the following: ' " h". Well quit of me. Iiau you my Mcraddcn .intojnis us that Quite a claim, and had you taken any steps in smart shock of earthquake Was expeii-- . my behalf with the usurping government eneoa m tn.e lower part of the valley.at of the descendants of the 'wee, wee nuit-pacisut o clock r. m., of Decem Ocrman hunlio that wrac from Hnnover ber 20th. It was accompanied by a rumto sit in tho sent of tattvv men than himand caused quite a commo noise, bling self, you might have beeh a ruined, and tion among the orockcry, etc. it was felt you certainly would have been a marked, as far north as Jauesville. Two shocks man. You have, had, a narrow .escape. were also Mt in-- thl a f vilfogt Sauda , . ' Hood morning!" eveaiag, one-a-t about kalf-pn.' He was six, a ad gone before t could say a word tho other at elevqa o'clock. to dciain him. Wheft'I w out to the door to make an effort to bring him back and Tut him in a better humor, I heard his The JlotlaCJU heavy step on the Wairs, and the clunip of hi thick ctidgcV as he descended. I It has bocu said: The first thing, never saw or hoard, of hint Ttnpr. f . i J "i that rushes 'truly to the recollection of a solI have often wondeml w hat put the dier orjsailor. in the heart's difficulty, is notion into this old gentleman's bead; hia She clings to bis nioniurj whether he were erased W that score, and' mother. alTectTohr In the midst of all tho for-gnnd on no other; and whother his fulness and hardihood induced . by a resemblance the "published roving life. The last message he leaves portraits of Charles the Second and the is for her? hia last whisper breathes her remarkable DrplUc onthe. crown pujoc aannk " l'lia mother a she. wsliN tlu; ci inai reirti, (kii to tne strange coin lcssui of and fiCub obligation into cidence afi'orded by his rmmo, first gave the heart piety of her infant con. should al., I '! , Jl.- - II.. '.II !.!. iiiicuI. was ui coit)f loe jiiiu uio luua feel that her labor was hot iu vain. whole course of his life, and infuse the ways, She may drop into her crava, but aha little drop of, poisonous gijl 5 Iias left behind her iutluf'u;a tfiHt of experience, that might, otherwise haVe ariuodow is Dnr.en, out been sweet. 1 tlAiii hc'"bclieved" h's u.ner, row is Sped and will do its office. " own story. And it is JtVst possible that i e as mucu may oe saia iuf a gjeai many other pretenders of ' as 'and present One of Uie exhortcm at a. 'Washington times, who have gone thrpch. life buc- - prayer meeting last week was a man a deued with henvy'dehision, and mean who had let! home in the morning with L ing uo harm. Ail. the Iwn. the intention of committing suicide. Iljthe advice of a friend he took the prayer The endjof wAdll If the ilu'giwnliig oj meeting as an alternative! 8d sold the 1 i I idsl oh t wiiian;tf, '.til : J i t i .- Xhc IVoiuau , SVI10 larod How SUfJ XareU ami Won. IN THE .WORLD M THE BEST BUSINESS CARDS. li . elylo art. |