OCR Text |
Show tit fldm gutwtiow.; ' ' " " " """" JtliNcellaneoiiN. ' JuolUhed every VfaOnefitayaud Saturday. .On , Hii Month Three Month Single t'py f ' JBSCRIPTIOSJ TERMS OP Yor -- . ' '4 C ' $8.00 4.00 2.00 If ,10 ... ... :DoTPtd .to; Nwsy Literature Agriculture, Science, and the Arts. OOIEX, UTAIf, WEIXlEAi JAXUAUY 12, 1870. VOI,. I. - 1.7 1 RATES OF ADYERTISI&Gr. ass S 4 t i CM tS tA :!& 1 Hi 1 18 10 T 6 10 13 IS 30 rvhimn. jutlu- o- S.1 3 . t -t H in iinoa .M Ji 16 U 20 W M 45 U 45 56 3& f. AO 24 W 70 40 04 1(10 . 80 00 'J3S ; 1, Imprimoiiel in a Boiler. A Xnrrow KKeapc from AMEHICAjr. ' If ,'i)Uf i I The gwrboat Maria, whk-- fcft Port land in company with th eteawer tu partiaipute in (he reception -J of Peabody'g remains; was rui into at ' M in. Y,rlT advertiraltoiWl to,ann or sea by.tte Miantoiioiiiah,- - cut dowa Id tweutj-nv- a hare with only the addition! the waters dge and sauk fat Afteeaiuin" be will but for coiupeaition, tkey cent square r eo AfV wil7l"S "P"?"; charged utej; Four fivemen wert oat. 3 The balretained on ance of the officers and craw were res HiKtial Notice or Adaaftisomont .. cued by the Miaittonomah the outside of the paper, will b charged twanty-4nrr eruL additional on tlui above rate. . . . t The regeuta f the , 'Jfichigan'rgtte the1 with the not marked oh ropy AdvortiaeaMUU decided to ope the number of iuaertiou, nit oe piiMisneu at our op. ITmVershy to all who pass tioa antil ordered out, and charged at truuaiant doors of that jisfituti ' ' ' the- - proper examination, rate, regardlvsa of ADVERTISEMENTS uwerted ill forf, will be . ' .routiuued until ordered out, in every iuatawsa, and (ea. A burckr. known aM ITandv charged for accordingly. The privilege of yearly and half yearly 4 wrtia- - Andy, who . pasxea tuijcr tlie names of la inoirairw hum oi imiMma, ana m is refltncUMi UoiroretL luul all Ual, Auction, Keai UMnlm, OT ulbnr ailvfrtl- - j.ucs, noKer, jioDerts. ' triS oechiirg- other aTIuses," and who lias been for a fbeir regular nienta foreign ' ' .1 i..r longlime operating In Chieago, and de Xo Advertiaement from tke State (rill b infied the detectives, was tuptured eu cash Our advertiwd at ( rulw,) serted withoat the acrtilanyitic tle orcrar, oqitsb iinm uue u ouj MeuiieBuay Uv ymeeiive uixou. ila n- i tossed ins guilt and was' locked up for regular aiuburized AdvBHing Apeu"..i devoid of Uitercat to tua All rojumunicatiou mm. xie is sam w De weu Kiiawn i to of intxdded interenta, promote privateoublic, San Francincxn. ii: Jlu i. sili' wiJI ho charged a advertiiieuienta, and paymriit Jckhai-t- , ,the murderer f iii) wife required in advance." If pmuiuY in ciKrftt !,i jMlvertiee-mvut to wtli le, it right ftject auy and Mr. Randall, in West Chester, New (nunof tbe thi cJasa. , i. York, Las' luade a confcMfion wbile partially under the influence of chloroform, administered to teat Uit truth f hi pre OCDEN DIRECTORY. tended uisiiHity... He aayjj he killed hja,. wile because she was unfaithful to him. Statci Officers for but does not know wLy lie killed Tian- - he '' - i nats-riou- s ; - .,.,! luitod I'tali. dalL-- . . 9 , f :' a ; i "in "IV The bodies of Leonard t Crotker add Jlen-rhubs, who perished ip the storln tertiary Marthal Milton Qrr. f il fttuday aittii, iive leeu round on Crocker's Vwh field, near BuffaTo."They V, S. Attorney C. II. Hempstead, were eorere ana iteMnd mt drift turteyor-G'eueral-CnenifCI Receiver of 1'ublie Moniet3. li. 0tr-io- wood, evidently washed there bv a tidal " 'f T T v "v rr wave wnieu broke over the turnpike f" ' Regittrar of Land Ojfiee T tleorge Rs road near the lake shore. Tie Reuublicanii of the Maine leii-- 4 WaxweiL i,r:-;-- ' V. S. Junior Johu V. TaggarW-i- r AI. Morrill iamre nave, Dominate for United States icMUor; the democrats, T. S. CvlUctorO. J. IIollitr. J eise lieid, of WaldoUoro. Chief JutietC. V. WIIhou. A bill has been introduced In the Ohio Aueeiatt Jutice0, F. Strickland and cnate repealing-- the- - vUiU admixture A ' ,9-Uawlcjr. to Congrut WiIIi(tio"B. law"; also a lill has been iiatrexlueed to DeUgat Cuiiipcl railroad companies, consolidating with foreign coiiipanivA, (a purchase 5 from Oflicem: proreslrng against the thoirnstock! at the uighet consolidation, Bmi4. market Talu..,, ,.. , i...! a ,x. ;,..,. Marthal J. D. T. McAllister. A vditor William Clayton l" d "In i O IIRITAIX Treantrer David 0. CaMer. There are rumors . that 4 erious' riut Superintendent of Common .ScHovh - has ' occurred .at. Longford, Ireland, aU Robert L. Campbell. tended with loss of life. extract of Mrs! SfoweV v'tvdv By- H'eber t'ou niy Olllcerw1, " VjronAn,Vjitlicated ioiitainlu,' 1,181 words,' and County Judge F. 'D. was reveivea k :uJe and taiblifdiad in . Probate Rirliardii. .... the-- ; Fall Midi Gazette w f t The Qa. Select Vii Letter J. Heniciv ; t adUt: "Here in H"ry Holmes, Richard JJalluntyne. .' America! public irnlicnatioti'at the eon- Clerh and Recorder F. S. Richardn. ,'. d.ict of Mrs.- Stow .i fcm'tnrr tias1 AuroUwt Mine. only been iatctutiticd .by tkc publication J'rogecutinp Attorney SAfriT-rUilb- crt Beltuap-Depu- ty . , tM so called tk'fense." , TTmsr Sheriff William Brown. at The correspondent of the Auetsor and Co(efor uudford Bing- Rome fays the 'pope will pi"0bably prW ham. .. . clairv the dogma of his iafaUibility by Treaturer Israel Canfield. decree, not admitting an appeal to the, Coroner Win. N. Fife. , :. general council. ., Hurveyor and .SiiptruUendeni of Seloolt Hit restdeuee rf 5Jn Motley,1 Ameri' --Wm. W.Burton. entered by can, minister at burglars,, last night, aixl robbed of prop- -, value of o'er a thousand City CJovernmenls ' erty to ' the " " Incorporated by Act of Jan. 18, 1861, pounds. Municipul election biennially on the . Irish journals tqort that (Taring the election at .Longford, second Monday of February. Meeting parlamcfttary of the Cily Council weekly, on Tuesday' wTiich was hitferly eonU'frted a ud atoveninga, at City llall, Maiu ijtretjti o r tended with creat excitement, the sun- Hrwrters of Mortdhl' the Fcnla'ii candidate," Mayor Lorcb Farr. had a sharp fight.1 A. Aldermen F. Rrown, 1st lYardr and those' ortlgciMi iand fired .rtport the T?oo'i appoarci 2d nerriek, j Fenians, who U quickly d'spsru- - A few, Joseph Tarry, 3d Jt , X? Xtett, 'James Mc-?- uicn were wounded, but aniue killed. Cofor-T- '.' -' Gaw, Walter Thompson. YCuu Burton, At. last acenlmts" thero hid Wen no far"' thcr disturbance, but proper preeaut'lotw Josiah Lcaritt. . !.' R ee rfcr-rTh-oa; O. OdclL . t i ,f J v. ka been- taken, to rvent ft renewal of tUe .conflict.,.; The Femavrs tare greatly, : Altomey--X.- . Miner. T .a of their iiispcrated'' overr the' defeal :,U1' Marshal W. N. Fife. L"' f"'' " undid4W?1"-"4'Treaturer Aaron Farr. . RO!JIE.J; .A.wor at id Cellrtori--8- r. Binghain.Tr. The second publie eongregatton tf Syneior W. W. Burton. al i council t qoiumeaoed , . t luo Captain of Police 1'. O. Taylor. morning. The first was on the occaaion Office: J ') I of (kf 'inangUra'tioh of (fie eouWiL " The General Dclivei-- from 8 a.m. to 7.30 ceremonies totlay were hof on- BV'g'rahd p.ta, Sundays, from C p.m. to 7.80 p.m. a scale pa those vf ;the opening "lay, aid the number of spectators (wa much Dailv Mails ctost. until further notice. smaller. ' Tlie, pope whs .present, but 5 p.m. for gait Lake City at haft'of fto procession to the ihere.was 1 Forthe Eist . . . . -- en 'A a.ffi. !! address do ttx'cmincii, and no opening - ?- 5 p.m. " tor tho West livered.: Mass was celebrated, after i r-inaiva .it which each failie'f doirteteJ'to tlio pope From Salt Lake City iu.au a.iu. h'ra profcesion offaitls' aoeordin rrora the bast 6.30 p.m. formula of Pius fourth) ThoMnh-it- s orA 10.30 a.W- - ganization is completed, the council cat) West not yet promulgate degrees. The pope V f TT I'loBe fw Ko.V, osJi-.- i 'ira nionaay"ar a.oo ,..m. For l'lain City, on Thurs-dat .tf p.m. For Hunttrviyo, on The political crisis shbVl sigh s vt Tuesday and Friday, at 8 p.m. uumors are current mat an ending, r: 1 will, be Made hi the cwtes t application Exprefts'Trains leave Ogde Caily, until further no-'c- e, luduce its sanction to the e.ttablrshmerijt for Salt Lake City at 1 LSO and of a. djetalorship for four months,' an.4 to " . P For th East, at 10.5 a.m. For suspend hs sTss-iolie Wul au 'two- Madrid state The thai Imperial -r l vok, jhW. Arrive from Salt lake Citr.' 9.40 mJrf.vWol hou werr .fired at Serranos' yes o.2o p.m. From the East, 5.25 p.m. terdy, without wounding him. r ii 'om me west, iu a.m. Governor J. Wilson Shaffer, S. A. Maun. !CfIAIJ C. n. -- O T Territorial Knk-hldcT- . Jj ' eti -- ) Lon-Ju,.wa-s . t ' - ''" i ; , OffdiiW ; - y . IE.... tlic - RPMI-WVVt- ri y, !ir;,:f...ftP!lWi ' - J oj r: '" i, rr t- '.;! t Divine WorliiiK y ii 1 rvw It is officiary Announced, tluti 4he r- - Commercial. of Oyden OJjUet A 'somewhat extraordinary and very alarming accident occurred at the steam printing office 'of Messrs.' Norniany at Mian-tonoma- Cheheakam. The engine boiler is a jowcrful Cornish one, of Tuxford's make there, .being two ftre holes in parallel lubes passiog through the middle of the ; cylinder. At tho time' of tbe accident the boiler wasy being cleaned, and two persons, i man and a boy, were at work insid Ur thm iua being at the farther end of the eytinder, aud the boy just inaide the sian-hor- c. It "Sar supposed that; tir lad "was about getting" 'oat w hen his fool J thropghv Ihe taan-hol- c, slipped between the two tubes, and, losing nerve, his struggle to extricate himself only forced his leg further in, until U became jammed above' the knee joint. An effort' to "pull him'OUt was resisted by the lad and very soon his legs began to- 'sVell,: so as'to make his removal increasingly" difficult."' His body being fixed, in the' apertnre ef the man-hoa)most excluded air from the man at the end of ,'the boiler, aud things were look lug' serious before a couple of surgeons and I a gang of smiths from the wagon works eould ba l'etdaed ' Fears being entertained for 'the safety f theman, tlte first tak jWts t ,wreacki Off the ofety-valv- e him air,,. and jipe and give to him. ' The men then paw stimulants : applied themselves to thd extrication of the lad, aud at first tried to free him by forcing wedges up through t,he man-hol- e to drjve the tubes asunder.' .After aoine time thi' iras found" to be impossible, the lad's - body lea vtng little room for the inscrtioa of .tha wedges iaud the tubes bruising instead of bending. , The niea then had to face, the task of lotwes-io- g 'of the' lobes froas the boikr plalef and as they were fastettevl together: by count ersttttk, rivets, the task was formidable one, and twa or Uiree hour!) before it could lo effected, the Jad Lad faulted several times,: aid it was vltb ditfiewlty Life cauld b kept in hiia. At lcbgtli, after the two had been confined nearly": .seven hours, the tube was so Jooaencd as to allow of Cowley (tbe lad) being , pulled tut and though his log was uiuch awollen, hy was ex eetlingfy faint ant weat, il traa fauad that no bms v ere broken. .'A Lawrerice (th aiiiiij waa tbesi ahsol got out kMtt were wellcnouith rerv.weak to be reutoyed their, homes after a little while, ' Imt 'are now suffering from the effects offlie shock, ami from the bruise which, , the jarring tf tlie "boilee trader the smith'a blows oc- casierrCiL Montreal fi'uictte. le i tt ''.. COFFKR TKA-41- ad t tii. t" on his Travels. Junction, '".-- ' Territory Jan., ll'tk., 1870., f'M ' BACHlii KJCEr BUOAtt " , (W I'KPI'KRSJoperU,. flMrE .Vic per Ilk pertb. . .4. tl KAIMNS LAt-e- ' 10x12, (too: MAY Full anpplv, at $10 per tuo. " OATS . per lb. . r , BAHLKTt , ' WlIKAT-l.(- Mi 2'jc tt.2a,perl.!h.ltet. -FUJI R 1.U M.ti ark. ; a 2V ' , li. ir fulf roppry for preaept demand, thir I' tab i'luur Ciiiiai'e favoraldy with the bent Western BiamU made fruut . winter wheat fXrltS Cl.no par lawhal.It RAM HHOHTS-el.U- Oia $1.60, per cwt- - . One fe) Jftc, per bunht-l- . 1'tlTATtlKSJ ' 11KKK 12c In lb at shop ; Ks oa foe." KJKK 2U- - (4 2fte, par lb. ., Bl'lTKU lu roll, 46c fe; 60i- per lb. EHCiH Per 4Ac ( 6oc. ir k, (1IH'Kr.H-60c,eac- li.. TtK&KVcMSc pea llj, ' t' ti t pair. UTAH CENTRA I, RAILROAD.: PIOXEER MXE OlMTAII. OX AND AFTER t fiieial NOW COMPUTED FROM OGDEN ! k:i' op 3e y for . 1 . freight - 'OGDEN i : ;. r . -- u ar j ;' - The proprietor of a Boston bona mill advertises, that "persons sending their v.wn.boiio to he ground will be attended to ill pttietoality and dispatch.'' ; ' O JI M JB II C " ., ..- --' CI A Lrfi vii' COLLEGE V: ,., !, . f '"tKf iflk,avenore'r!':, 'i.io cook. ' 'Doctor,' rt'licnevor.I lean my head on termy arm in tJiia way, U pains me lean-iug ribly. What shall I dor' "Stop in that way, yoaf head on your ' arm ' ' madam." "HI called another an extortioner man foruing"bim." ' . Would MAKE MOXEt by A ' ' yVhyy'my friend,'' replied theman the suit, "I did it to oblige wke-krougl- Improving the Prestent ' ' . Cam. toll Drl' Bourne, a hygicnie physjekn of 2 j, pj vt4 Francisco, aged 64, a etrict vegeta ' i mi i . ' ... T . !. Claaa Night ' p.m. to S aa. . . ,.. rian, etc., j left the City HalL San FranTARES.-u !,; c. cisco, !at one minute a.mv on Monday, FARMIXOTOJI TKAYiVILU PRIMARY STUDEXTS - . - - Sl.Otf TtXiDE and walked, t San Jotv distance by FAKMIjTIN 74c. KAVaVlLLK TO CHIDES Bceeived at t!XX) per Term. Ty in advanrav , the' old stage road of about &4 miles, ,11c . D.O. CALDEItt CO.,. ltf FrcigbJ Ageut, Ogden. . arrived in Sap. Jvc at 6.55 p.m., making thetrip insula oniiictn houra., He & Co. counted Iris; steps for fhe entire distance, C. and found that, on footing up hid result, '.if ' W Dealer in , ott his arrival, that he had tftk.cn 101,708, , 182 Id 'addTtifw , hM; own .weight ; pounds lie' carried an overcoat and a heavy camp ehafr and walking cane. Tlie direct ronte torn OKAifyi to Chicago ant the East, , .,r Tho LWtoe neither eat meat, aorrlrinks tea", coffee, or spirituovrs licjnors of any WITHOUT QIANGE OF CARS. kind, "nor, uses salt, pepper, vinegar, or 'tothef' soft' coudimcnts-the For of '. any Etc, Etc-- ' -- ? DirLt Taaocod Tjuot leave the Missoror last three 'mbnttis' Iic ti'iifJ srtbsiiiled al- - TWO ' tli arrival flour. EiviBr'oppaata aaaa, apoa mnKt wlirtTIv oil " Pens, Peeeifs, IVnlioIders, of Train fro tha Wart over the taking his iSouFdry vBlio'u any prcpar- - ', -'- ' a InkH, Hour rarclicd and attotwliafever. PACIFIC UNION RAILWAY, li solo' email quantity of fruit soiisl itiite is -- t - BOOKS FURNISHED TO .r diet,, ,Ki hialUi "Is "robusf and' his This '' tbe direct atnte, and 1iS Mllaa ahorter Mng reuuecu nrm. Has lie muscles ORDER. certainty than the lower lini Kavea i Hoar In tima, . CTf the sciencei'Of. aid im urea corrections wirh all E&at-- , GOOD WRITING PAPER A.ND ra Bonthrn Hallways, paac such a diet prpbliaifci XhJotaI cost, ' ' ;v 1 augar iaviug cboica j EJJ.NELOrES' would, not exeee five cents per day. ' .... f Kmtea ustof ' i: " ' ' ,' .' What a siVitisilhis 'sh'le of living Would , fiiicag. sale for ., . chonpi eonstuntly kept fr prewerit expenaive-metliodlie 'oTtir BAG010E CDECKil) THCOCGli TO ALL , easTKT' CITIES. ,'"' e.f rootaa-'.ai- r butoher buw io pay ito :, ....' " ' ' ' '.',."' t- -j cookiig of. house drudgery of any aort .1 pouml' of partrlied fl'.ir. per .day .to Pullman'i Palace Sleeping Coaches ran. ' each TtdH'lttdhl is Ajuite sntHcicnt. How . AT THE POST OFFICE. ., through to Cbiigo without change. and economical. ' The perfetMlvj&mple" .".i n I.- - i'.. 9; tl-- f CEO. UDUNLAP, t performs faaiiU' fimn"gi . All orders for F. Books, B. PATRICK, Newspapers, down to flour. its .i.tjnblutions, and,5it - Qn..raaa. Amh thtoato.' Lunch iand dlmier 'f Uo ' saaiwe, ' How Periodicals, Miigazines,etol.,'Wilt receive prompt attention, and bo 'furnished at ehrnuagt' In time the' word hash" Publishers' Pricefc ''.-- ' Vf Decomes bsoletey soup,' rt:dUnit I and pie gradually, fade, from, J-- Particular palna pulil to i"cnmmolite en and the1 millennium will be ushjecediin. tnnifi-H- . and rferv ai ti'io remiired bv Ibo Oveat ' ' San Jo tt Mercury.' J '' I'ubliv, ir not on, baud, will, be .t'urni.licil. ' ' -- 'j ,' " ' hi at i tliiilii - ni)tire. II . " ' 11 Oentlem'an ttd'Tianhnatv'Tott must ft ei t should 'lAink,' ret' vreti do. you and Third Wnrd i boatmaur-V- er, notT ycrJionor, EASTEEN CONNECTIONS. IX ST1T L TI OA we doesl wcrry wet,, werry wet,., indeed ; ii t v,i ( f i taatiaae 1 but nt wrry dry iiial now, yee hunor, " w Iffinite Uinhop M'eMFm, " " ''''''' Tiorongjli Passcnier and Freight Routs and fid. taistake. r p-t- , ...... -- .' B. JIcOREGOIl i i books, stationery, . newspapers, ; MAGAZINES,.,';; '"d , , . now soi mo, indeed ,. . , ' to pay me." "Wliy, to oblige you i t .. i.n. .'; r A tavern boaster the other day yauntiitg his knowledge of tbe world. at his elbow ir was asked by a he' had been in Algebra. "Oh, yes," said he, "I ouce passed it on top ef a v-a- IIOCKS OF 8ESSI0K: Day Claw do. , ; , ., Ctill anil &?v tlio Scltool. j you.'? 'To pwige ; OPPORTUNE. GOLDEN JOSEPH A. ULl'KIUMJtMJKST. YOUNC, ester . . , CMcap tHonl-- cap-fai- n' 'ere vessel;" on board of this CP WKBEK CTHXTT . - aBo'utect the ef a schooner to hia refractory "U' yoa ;wotat eook the dinner, I'lldo it myself. ,1 will have discipline ,r IS NOW TREPARK0 TO BEQEIVS BirDBJiTfli " For all inflhrmatoai caacerning Freight or Pasi i .: sage, apply to "Leony, 'you're a pig," said a father old boy. "Now, a pig is, Lenny!" "Yes, ir$ a pig's a hog's little boy," to bis little five-yedo you .know what $5,0 - . ' ' THE YOILM Ttii - n... v 1 , ' will eonnect at Farmington with Trai Stage from the City at 8.15 a.m., and ,4 p.m., and an rve at Ogden ii time to r Vconneet wj golug Kast at 10,10 a.m., and the Express Train going West at C.40 p.m. The 'i return Trains will leave Ogden at ., aji(I ,C , J 1. BO .!., making close connections with the Stages at Farmington foe Salt Lake City. fre - 1 ' j . 1 rsiionyioill oi 111c iivnvu vw"'icr inquires what its editor means of a 'Alf "ini'diilo course of temperance." " ,;! tnd 'alfj-wBuppose. J5a 8ttt- - ' f . r . , ; , "'Oeereci do you know Mr. Jones has found a beautiful baby on his door step, and is going to adopt him?" "Yes, papa; he will bo Mr. Jones' y ton, ' won't hor ' ' . An oH lady gave this as her idea of no is nocriui oi Bianr "Wie his clothes, don't drink spirits, kin read theBlblt VMithout, Kpellin' the words, and tat a cold, dinner' ..on a wash day ' ..' without grumbling." 'JaiBegI,. Jaincal", criec? an author wifa, ! have. been calling you this last half iour, ad dinner is getting quite "Oh! ' 9' it! ' Well, you know, I cold.' havejuut killed th0 Cruol old uncle. J 1 is propefty, of course, comes to his nephew, Charles, and I am marrying him to A.eep 1110 imiiivu 1101. uu cu Ctltlliy cweiubny isiovor, there's a dear." a great ' . etej' . '.' s ' ' lit-'.- ' ''-. ' ,... - , Oaa-Bup- ... ' Great Central Route. tt MICHIGAn CENTRAL I Viri ii t'i .!. .n "." :t .iii eiindi-dutuf- ?X IT i NEW YORK, BOSTON ' ; ' i' ss - Great it gnimb-cliildrera'- .!-- ; ! t: Uf 1 ; axu TERMS; l fl. COl 10 cts. per vol. per week . What is tho difference lietwoen a conOpau Dally between th hour of 8 a m. aud t a.m. .. . C, B. MoGRKOOR. t ceited juror aud an important blood-veas- el m , . in the neck! One is a vain juggler, Idbrarian, at Ogdva Pot 0 die. and the other is a, jugular vein. , ... WU.L ll ' Life Membership lMssExctiis. .:. . - ii " ' . '4 , ' Corribiua aeveraf HnniA-e- Voiahie,' enndntlng if ' choice cidlx-tuiot standard Work, of miiin writer on ilintory, Scienoa aud Art, 1'UiU) Lit Vui rature, Pooticul k., VhtI Noyela, etu. TO FARMINQTOfif, '.f. ' ' 11 a.in.(. i CIECUEATING LIBRARY , Central Railroad, which U ce The Ptjiirce and rtincesa of Wales hove NIACARA FALLS of Victor. hmtnatel as to the Ji'. ef tho Puke-- ' of Genoa for th ai the .present time live' children- - wo and in tue School Itoufics of the various Wards ajt 6..30 n.nv. Prince Spanfsli throne, was- made unwillingly, sons and) akMe datigluttnj ut he uld' .Bot avoid it, owing, the AlbeK. Vkter; bent Jauutary 8th, 18r)4 ; ' 'AND ALL, POINTS EAST. borni June 8d, ' ' ,'1 "'' ! IBI CllaSIAVZD Voa, SAla Lax. AwD C'XAHv extreme disinclination of the duchess1 ""of rr'auce' Georgo, Fredcriek, 1865;' Psines Louisa yictorja, born e learnine facts Qapa on her sow-'- account reryborlj desiQ " l T" r f February 20fh,1 8(57; Princes Victoria acerning. 0g.dsn; $lt Lake and fUh; tna (needy tranaportajonof ad Una of flralglitt t&K atvt the Prih-Ce- For Olga; ftiiani Jhilj-Siai, without traiuvahipmcntaniaxclualvaovartb ronologicaL aiaiistkai historical and. boBTKsMflBe20tb, lfa.9,. Thejr Xf EnIsb sn who. were sojourn-i- rr e Homei in the were seamen's at marrieden March Cleveland, Royal highsses Central-Routli.4- "g'ous, witk, a iellakW slutcll ror several talking tfid asoiaing tlOihi 1853;... Majesty has now six- - .,' 3 j The only Hnatern line from Chicago onism; and have a tWiaand-anone, witli each Tlu Crown Fi'In-ccs- s other, have accidentally dis- - teen . I. ruuaing fee uagaificent , 'ItStlOna, -M: !V. uwvi J Hiafar eeing mfMrn hatv three eons and two eoveYtd that they are br(rtl$r3( f JTor 18 Russia tf ked Palace Sleeping Ca CQacerning.Uuh, sead for a; son years they have been wkncUrers, and the dauKhtere.'Ihe Princess of. Wale two tl three daughters ami tho PrinI1' Sloan's Salt meresfc accident- - brfnginc'th'em iogefhaj it Paeacnger Train. 9a ., , j Wciory. the JtJ5CTi63T Tiie for a (5 olla Jaaid hating greatly changed, lh.e .du cess Ikdeiia two sons. One ofthe (Jueen's ... aT.E.8ARCEST,eennSa'l,Clileage, 1 a (iireu grand children, a 'son of the CVbwn Prliw a. C. TTENT OUTIf, Oeirl Piuw. tgt., Chicago. covcry fii iueir reianons'i'jrj r ' quarter. eu o Prussia, died in July, accideutuU, ,,i SIIV3. liOOPS, Oca! IreigUt AfitCliieego ,,,1 , .,y h held everv Sundav. in theTabemikele. 1 3IouUay,Icp,Otli,lBl ... neFtak : i- ' . wr case, lo.I5. la per caae. xlO per box, $8.50. I. V K ' The1 first record of sugar planting which! v know i is wlien Adam and MOTICE IS IIEREBT GIVEN, TTiAT Eve ' are spokeu of a having raised. all Persons engaged in Business in Cain. '' Ogden City, (for which the City Ordinances provides' that a license must bo Lddeer: "Someliody caTlcd in ray ab obtained,) without first procaring a sence? Did lie leave any nnnie?" Mary: license are liable to be takeu- before any "Oh, yes; ho said it was InrtnateriaL" ' ri! Aldcsniaii'of said City, and be subjected j Mp.'Sinims says if jt wasn't for the to a I'ine. '' " ". hole in the hoop you couldn't put it ou By oiVler of the City Council, - the barrel, and the barrel would burst. , .( t LORIN FARR, Mayer. ; u,, , When a dog gets his head fasieucd is !".;. ,;(..': fence it is unsafe to extricate him TIIOS. Gc. ODELL, CKy Recorder. , . unlose 'yon enjoy tho pleasure of hie ' acquaintance.' A ' little boy out "West being asked The Office of the City Recorder is at ho knew "wUere liars ' went, anif the Office of the ''Ogden i Junction,'1 swered: "Yes; to New York, to write for CV R. R. U. veutie near the Hall, " .': the papers." ,s v Station. . .' A olorcd ' gentleman in Texas went Office Jlourtfrom 10 a. m. till 3 p. ta.i into a blacksmith's shop with his eoat tail full of powder. Ho camo ,out the roof. through . ' 'r , jwrbox,ti.5o. UAL,U1l-- Trentlce says a man was the chief consideration at the ereatiun. Womaa was only a 'side issue," ;. -- . , ' ' K ITM WIS ,T per lb. CANDLKS $0.50 H $!2 tioit. pir "' . . $10 2.SC per box. i WODA T. X. h. liraiid. Kf )A 1' ftt.75, lwr box. I At the late Mecca pilgrimage, 110,000 pilgrims assembled at Mount Ararat, an Increase 25,000 over 1808. ". enisbed, par CVKUKNTS 24 per l, per bL TOIIACVU Navv, per lb hi. ' Clll!KSIS--;ti- c , per II.. rlSU10(-il- (o per lb. 'OANDY-- Sic . ,t i r.' ' To nil whom it may coneern. . .... ' CITY LICENSES: Offden City, lUo iwr ik, 31e par lb, t nor lb, 7e perlu. W2oo par . $.ftO per 6k. lc. ' ' f'JU.SO, .M ! A YCtTetariau - .1 'leathr .V Trantient advertUin tu be paid ior in advance. of type M tiiis A Square coneiaU of tea time ' " " r:i r W 13 Cara $5 per atrOi. I TIw pasnenyer earnings of tlio Uninm Pacifio Railroad for' tho month of November were $375,000. ' An Ohio journal remarks that every cord of wooil givinr to-- tlie i'ooj wiU be s uiuch fuel saved from- use In. the next world. ,,- - . tI I ' An Englislnnan propofes to preserve fresh meat for exportation by dipping it in fluid India-rubbe- . Pultai . A. I IV H V 15 XI 1Z OGDEN, ne;n bawl a . CUmitMa&i tHl " tiK.ewjnn jlemlid 1 Rtoc,4f 'PuitGIin, AMmrharat-o- etH. in ' f 1 A dispirfo once occurred between an English officer and a French ono as to" which' of the armies .they respectively belonged to, won a certain battle. "I think the victory remained with us," a very large said tho Englihhzuan, portion of 'our force kept the field." "A 'verv larira portion, indeed," replied the' Frenchman dryly, "the killed and. woandedV , .; !..-'- . ,,i.A"cltizan of Lawrence County, Ohio, wlitj is a magistrate, recently had occaof real estate- sion :to . make a 'Iranofcrana hil 1 ne ucea was urawn n:s ut ami11?.. up, wife sfgned it. Then, as Justice of the Peace; he acknowledged his own deed; before himself, and stated that he examined, the grantor's wife separate and apart from heS' husband, and thai she was ft wiUirg party to said deed. ;. . H. , 1 irCongreguttonat singing is not aTway sii; eheiip afl' aome suppose. We see it stateil that the music in tho Rev- Vard iJcechei's church eosls J7000 a year. The organist gets' $1,200, the' conductor $2;WV in tenor $t,000, the snprflno $tKKl,' thr centralis $700, tnd the basso $W0,. leaving. 000 for The paid choir singa the eolos aud concerted pieces but the hymns are a'uBg ly tho' whole eongregntion led by a. volunteer choir o about seventy 1 inci-ilcntft- ls. .1 jtn. nonest German used to boast that could lXe a mug of beer with one . :., ot 'sw.allo'Hf. ASK- HT'ATION'ElfY. friome of the boys, just to try Vrewrlpllorw ciuefall) preiarwl 'himy 'dared him to do it one wight, CAP, JlATJf, 15()OT!S, SII(.)Ei,- - ; iu - hav-ie- a; tnouse in the miic.i' Hans drwvnod' the whole bussi- licss at "6lie' foil swoop, and sat quieiiy prita defunct C)Tt ftlVly COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE ! ir ll.t, ...INSTITUTION., T It K K T , O (H) E V .. I OX IIANI A OBSIKUAl, hiHfil ef Dry Imwh, (iroceric, Ihtb. t'ufi, ShiK, Agrieultmut lnnplniiienK. Ac. A- c- W A ell of wliirfa proiiijit:, Ti f AUrP are wiling, cljwp fur.faMi imil " wiping ins iip. ,fnHv am 11 g, tincia,r said I be bnys in a choriw. "It was wry But'," he goof," lTpl'ied the old man. continued,, us if he had jnst Hionght of tink dere was 'ft htm big hop in th ifr ' "; bottom.," 'I ' ' |