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Show X - HOTELS. fiffefcn' ears Roovn, tAey coulJtaom.rtab7 T fhava beei .... n i,ji..dj which I feel myself inadeate t exbut Liave selves, after the fetiguff of ,tfieance. in Tailrokd business; press. I 'am- proud that I (din a dltiafen engaged ich The orestra OODEJt IIOUSE; a. sinade "road fiadrto n itn wun am oJcupiey a gijuc..pvv f Utah, and that I participating Jdieir'Bio-- i l'uWailieJ evurjr Wvduesday and SutuiiUy. contribute did 4ot lffat gany tiie front of capiUUsts you In tl celebration of layirg WEST, Proprietor of wtaclr dia ed V national colors. Tail ahd-- " driving the las Spike or the nw the with decorated the or oiicr Government Utah Central the first line of railroaa not fall upon the - XLA-'l-Troad was made. The traestir were tnvtted without rethat has been constructed in this Terri- - State in which said miles of .railroad OGD-Eforty , CITY,. UTAH, , , ''fcWf'ff J' andtothey , ory. I am proud t" think that the last But here, nearly built jeytrshevelfLMf di4 do Wcdnesday Mvfuiug-- Jan. 12, 1S70. been have ot tne feelings rail HU(?tiudliesl last entrai utaii th6 in rdnt(ort pike removed by thework-inir-me- n Hotel in la the only mrst-CUt- ss ls constructed of our native iron; but of which' has'been . the honor to the occasion. of bar and every of .Utah, wouderful " the ... ,, progress I. V . . , , , and orchards freWn, and the desirt more because of dens, Amone the prominent gentlemen yreoim idfoii of (he (X'n haa been made to blossom as t''e rone. n the development (.four Territory thaiJi of the .r0.aa Dep" P'eu 'u 7l k i prsvtdefl with the cholcust tue BAR ktUcheJ I 1 ISailroad. rund Brigham . our . arrival since WW made here, has brandii of. been BCIIb did duties our We should be reerk to ?0 OlebraUoiu A SHh and laniel II orm Cheers.) Ihe You can publish years ago. we not acknowledge the hand of Thee, twenty-tw- o CigarM. miles 'of woritng men hs.s Construction of thirty-seve- n ' ' .The Utah Central Railroad is comple- oos God; in thy 'protecting care that tor A road. JiOilv.. Wells; jebsr6Ce-ftni.. seem (, een tfver ua, wbich bas enableU us to railroad, may, in the eyes of some, I have said one thing, and I want hs the Tw'etve now in'' tue city,' President ted. Salt Luke, Cify ia in direct assist in levelling (hese mountains and in ut a trinine affair: but whon tne incon ' Do not stop whe.re Joseph Young, sent; the" olfiers X the with the East and the West, laying an iron bAttd- which has bound veniences attendiug our isolated position say one thing more.' two laid When are. theast remembered is you you and it of 6g-de-u this continent together from ocean to are considered, and within a couple of hours-ridrails stuck out, a tittle. Union4 Pacific jfnd Central Pafcine who facilities had the we not have ' the various they, that, ready all toade ' ocean, p.yd ftrtr means "Go on." were A the eeremonresintheMternooH, ,. City,-.'MAIN-STREEStates' and Territories of thia mighty of coiimerce enjoyed by those who live That . ' the of Atlantic On Monday, 10th inst.; the last rail the and one on of or Salute near musiebyCamp gun, great mariy or ihV i46mbers of 'the ation swighbonrt each other. Far all is Central Utah the and that was laid and the last spike driven, these blealrij?s- we feel to render the or Pacifie, bouglas Band, succeeded by the follow- Legislature new-- ' inessk)ii; Pres. L. Farr the result of home enterprise, and hai' . . remarks from amidst the'efUbueiastic rejoicings of over gratitude of our hearts unto thee; and been constructed . and the- municipal atithofities of Ogden ; solely by the laboring ing we pray that 'thy blessings may rest upon Federal fifteen tiloti'Sifd persons, who had as- us this TAVLOK: JOHM and Kaystilre; a ntimo'er-'oI is , it of ,HO!t. think Utah, population justly day." J am glad to meet with Bitch s large' And GeneralG,'bDon and several pffi- semble at ditt terminus, to witness the W e dedicate this railroad unto thee, entitled to be considered a great enter to of as Pacific are Union Central and The assemblage people present' the prise. that fcurGod;-wimthy Lprjl pray; from .Carapi'Ijotrglas; the principal ceremony and celebrate the event so REASONABLE CHARGES.: .nd almost every line of railroad witness. and take. part, in the celebration cera the citizens of Utah Terri- bleasirlgs mu rest upon it, and upon lines, of 8;tU LaUe City, and a num merchants" so of which portant to all event had to be have as that the an, important country hdae' who iift-erected and labored upon throughout ' ":- - ' Like you ber' of leadfng' citixens from different JOHS DATIES, Proprietor. tory. '; it. SV' thank thee for the peace and assisted largely by State or National aid has brought' us here y. ltf. ,,," I been have in much interested the course all, but of when Very in construction; was well on we the have for the of'the Territory!" thai ti'etude Ogdon represented enjoyed parts but is the the completion of this: railroad.' I hope ny yens that we have dwelt in these Utah Central has had neither, and auspicious occasion. A special train' The ladies. God . bless- - them, ' looked labor to see the time :whem this .city will be result of the enterprise, unity Continue mountain. of (tie Valleys thy : Started for the ejid ef the track at 0Q he soft UNION remotest our of th of connected with of Utah. I feel proud lovely .iir,th'irrgay attire and parts MessMg'S! 0"God, we beseech thee unto of the people a.m., bearing the presiding ecclesiastical the Inhabitants here and throughout the the achievement, and on' this occasion, Territory ,by railroads,., tha. t we may light shedJupWn the brilliant scene from wish-tLandeli'efii afcdi side express my joy and pleasure meet the cars in .every settlement. We the ' mime reus and c'tvjl authorities. ag well as many naiioHJfffc with have but one railroad among, us, for the ' DAVIS CWWTT, UTAH. in and1 we you. Th't ask afbeirig favors blessing .. 'ii '.. ' . other prominent eitiaens of this plaoe, ...... 1.. 1. e ; is east time lung-onbut there lamps.'.: orkmeii who have aided in Td th being; tfte flame of Jesbs Christ, our Redeemer. who, with the u. 1. and C. P. olifcfala' Amen. " ,f the ctiM'rnclion of this road, I tender and another west,; ;and we can go east . Order"andlaVnrby prevailed thrtfugn- - A FIRST-CLAS- S j HOUSE,. we be and shall and I and have with have and been tHJi'rtliS.1" west; by by had been invited to atten the ieleUfi-tiooutthe evening and dancing was kept up The following Speech' was read by my With excellent accommodations. to and and .stretch able north sooth: a go amongst them great deal ii Excursion ' train followed imwith j unflagging spirit- and animation Hon. Geo. Q. CaiirionJ on behalf of: ' ' the past summer, ahd I am hap- out in every direction. ,, Our course.hu : during EXTENSIVE AND WELL'ARRANQED" with 11. loUded also a Cat PKKSlbKNT YOUNG, mediately after, f!J'be able fb say that they have la- been onward and will continue to be so until 4 - a.m. wkerf the assembly dis gf py . '. ' Whilst joining in the pleasing core- - bored contentedly and with a spirit ' SIABUNU. from thin time forth and forever,...: I will persed. '' Commendatio"ri' Is' due',' lei the number of Ogdeui tear ' " monies of this eventful and auspicious Latter-da- y conclude by saying, Success-the Utah several committees Saints. t lie man' The day was cold and cloudy, but this engaged in, v HEqiQqT "b4ht7-7. ,: , day, our. yinds naturally revert to the rhope that we shall soon see the day Central Railroad. ; . for their: I ..;J i of had no effect' tipon the lively spirits of Circumstances which led, this people to-- when the' i ball, lroprtter.4 J J arrange agement the "iron horso" will not only Musio by the Martial Band.' and the execution were menta tho exiiur.s.!oiiiais', t'u'' itiaby pf whora a lihilerluke their weary, but TIopoTill place us in direct communication; as 'it excellent, Mr. Campbell, superint'cfidcnt of the with' San Francisco in the and gentlemanly. ride on tire railroad cars was- novel journey across the desert plains and does y, Utah Division of the Central Pacific' 'was ef tbem efficient to mountains then sterile these, rugged West, and Bdston and New York and all y sensation. t Tjowevef,1 jilat as"' tlie of scene Tne evening was re- Monday to our condition at the Vim? of the principal cities of the East, but that next introduced, and. made a shert, and valleyd of was .about to commence, old 8ol our advent here, poor, and destitute of there may soon be a ahuin of railways if e are infdrmed very good speccvi; brft1 enacted' hrtf night by another corps showed his genlul face; and hie beaming the common necessities of life; driven extending to every city in Ttah! and Theater' and tie performers; from our homes and possessions and be- through our neighboring Territories of we regret to say tha his remary' were smiles pnt the clouds 'to flight and blade reft of all that makes life comfortable, in the Ilocky Mountains. inaudible and we were, nnable e repert wHl'sgain'resound with strains of sweet Dame Nature look as pleasant as the asith Mormon music, and be dented : ' ; consequence of our faith in God and' in A salute of one gun and music by in ar them;i.. )): .. I ,' :' sembled multitude, tf the His Hon Jesus Christ, and our obedience iir'cViclusio an'd id Imml, were followed by a speech Weairty? ' grace: Hons". Speechi were expected from ' About to His holy gospel, and without a friedd om Superintendent of the Utah Central ' celebration' . . I a. noon,' three guns were fired, in in , ;! H1, G. A. Smith, D. H. Wells and Qeo. Q. world to w hom we could Railroad. this wide DESIRE TO AMl'SK TIIEMSITt.TE The celebrntieo, iwas, like the m'ttkipg AiL WHO response to which, flags were hoisted in, look fojr help, except Uod our Cite and find Balls the TOITNO. JOSEPn to A. will, faemcr '., Cannon; the, l(wJ,t heavenly requested be tn .n ahd the couiforul.ly fitted wpmi Ui the various parts of the eity! The train lamer aioue, on w noji we eoukireiy. I can say o you who hear me ctised ch' adcoont1 of indisposition; the of the rbad, a complete snccessy since the day that we first trod the that speaking is not my fvrtt, the part will be nembered as from OgdeJ with, Jho invited guests, arBEST- - OK, two latter A .v because of the lOtift 3mr,876, rived" "between one aui two o'clock, and soil of these valU's,' have we received t' dnV ttf! in connection with the build taken have pur miportanda'ys.in, asuiAante rWid;ohi rftlghier? .'o, er tff this railroad UnabeenTtfewweri the the of and. fool any exercise ieogth very this was a signal for the commencement .olf. Uations-jrfa- r ne nave ouni our nomes. jetiirisl iealendari;; iit t and not the speaking part, but wefftuor,) kt.ni-- S part ing of the ceremonies. ; our cities, hare made our farms, have I feel to aeKnewienge inn ino , V ," thatTI have.,Vyc37to j The fblldwirig-- : proud Sentitnenls are .negtnning' artf lridustrtous A platform fcar,i neft the Engine-- , we dug put danHV and TOtcr Jitchcs, have witness the consummation of this Momoiis ' '" ad'eBfefgeticj " ' great iii! ? were handed iuitrren ..t..i..ii ,1.:.. ..... i ;... !t nave mis ieu . .ii-When event our as s couniry, people,-and'tlifile in for the and epterprfsirig making history people. arranged reception ef prin the stranger, have clothed the - naked. Utah Opposite we came jnto these valleys, . over twenty ., Utah Central Railrfn- - fftterlds her of ' ' theUtak Central Railroad under the pe cipal guests ; among'whdra Were ; of the have immigrated" the poor frord foreicn House- ffa'st welcot ifoe hand of and to the .oarefgotcd, almost' ftitftuut Engino which attended Utah Cential j'Brighani Young, Presi- lain! 3, have placed them in a condition years ago, have drcumstancos culiar , J !...,! ' ul; v.n without provisions trusting on West. make an CtfiiiToitublo and hare mado clothing, Our Railroad-t-Th- e CALL AND SEE ME. the arm of God for aid aid protection. finjtfntita of. the its eection will be jiAoSttcf 'M3e"fce to dent; Win.' Jennings, Vice " President ; to soma rich! We have fed the Indians to we found tho coubl i e J Ma'.riaee of the Ocans Jcb !T it hat the L'tenians jlOssess, in D. II. Wells, Christopher Lsvlbn and world, OABN the, the amount of thousands of dollars ' ,; Pioneer" in President B. Youfag-O- ur late, and we have need to" be tiianift? ttf - inose Fcramor Little, Directors ; Joseph A. yearly, have clothed them in w ncn ee,an eunnetn qnaiuies ujgi part, and our Heavenly Fat5r" that wo have lived Penee, Art and- Science, and- - U tfaatr is Young, GPcncral Superintendent; John have sustained several Indian wars; and to take constitute truegrattessf atU entitle them in the laying of the last rail the true; wealth of Ltalhri. part .. . U. BREWERY, have built thirty-seve- n miles of and the drmnff or tab last spike ' The U. V; Young, Sccratary; alio, President now w iitrf last1 t$'e to tlib' respect and e'steolu'of all nations. 'South-Wt- tt Mtry Poet Office,Block , of Half ... railroad. ' " or 'tne - iian Ann hn bnddod on the soil ef tbw State ruuiu nnniuai. '' Geo. A. Smith, and the following mem Offdrn; shut Id our we desire thai notion The All this having been done! arc not our consider it something that we, as oT Deseret. A CHOICB BRAND OK MQUORO, bers of the quoroiti of tad Twelve Apos cities, our counties and tho Territory in selves up in the chamber of the nioun HAYK be , proud1 of. We No. 1 Article of LAOKR ItEKR, A justly people, hiay Elilcr Benediction ras pronounced by ': the Biiiijtrd Table on the premiee.. wilt tains and exclude ourselves from-atie:' President Orson Hyde, John Jay' debt? o, notbethe first dollar. But the have been accused or being exclusive. H. W. meet with' orders for Xai;er Beor Jt.U. All Nalsbitt, and, the immenso andl world must-- : now asked, is not the Utah Where is our exclusivcness now? We question may attention lor, Orson Pratt, YYilford Woodruff, C. C. Central l.y b.ntinsly exploded. lirwnipt .LAMDT A TLLRIKD, Proprietor. " Railroad in debt? Yes. but to invite the East and the West and the ence dispersed with ihe livelicsf feeling" The whistle' Of etifr own locomotive, and Rich, Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, none oat our own people. North and the South to come up to ZiOu of pleasure and satisfaction. Geo. Q. Cannon, lirlgham' Y6ung, Jr., Who has helped us Id' d all this? I and learn of her the rumbling of the car's lip'ori our owri more 1 our Ihe ways. Ill the evening, the principal streets frill atV"' this, qne-tioIt is the works, as a pconle, are invostigalud ana Josejiii r . bjuitu. railroad reverberate, in. the Wahsatch Lord Aimfghty. What are tho onuses of Ihe 1 Of the Union and Central Pacific Road's: higher we stand in the. estimation of of the city", were. thronged, with obeerftd mountains that Utah de- ohr euoc'oss" fn all this? Cniou aiid one those who.o is woih hav crowds who had gathered to witness the ' MuBtw. Slechanie ness of purpose in the Lord. J. E, Tjtt$lfii' contact with the world; that sh OUDEN CITY, JAN. lt, W70... , ing (cheers). 1 hope (bat the last spike illumination. Candles and lamps innu sirep 0. P. enr faith Corn C. and P.' unaided Havwf P fij-ia well; R.f by fea not tb,e issue, but willing to oomT of the Esq., of this road w ill be but the ..v HAPPY NEW YEAR!! -. 'f , ' . CALL AT THE R. R. Conductor, Utah Division: J. For labors accohi'pUsheiL the work ami next, which shall extend from tlis place mcrable, arranged in various forms. pare her principles,! position fend the achieved lW triumph, which we brilliant' 'tne 'k aiid shod forth I to Cotton the ligh tupon country (Dixie) hope SALOON, bes, Esq., Gen. Freight Agent, C. I. R celebrate, we are now aliheT inslifiitioc, asking theparcnt to live toee the day when evry nook streets. Chinese laiiterns' and' tinted practical VWtrifihgs'of Maio Street, for FKtWt liYlSTER-l- , UieUoi R. ; James Campbell,' Esq., Division Government io santtkia witji-- , thcifs, inn 1s1 tfilxid'us to do her can; or plate; ' Stcwod, Fried, or Ha. Those do- in and place in this Territory, thatis1 capa , a I J Ji l i nDiTeiTeq riruui umiumiv.- Color to and UCIOU9 sire rrKuireu gave commendable c! this variety uuiij transparencies work, and the' venule ble of sustaining human beings, w ill be P. R. Superintendent, Utah Division, part in bringing about universal brother thmved Pigs arriyed. Give ua a call. R. ; C. J. Quin," Esq., Msjer Mechanic, of this Territory are" also1 asking to be settled with good, honest hardvd'rking the scene," while" rockets and fancy fire hood and JUK SIMMONS, Oyster Dealer,, vi I ... ruin enlightenment. as a admitted Stato into the sovereign U. P. R. R.r; t, B. MoriiX Esq., Eng.; people, and that the same will be access- works from the'arsenal and other parts , , The entireproceedings of the celcbrS- -' union,- with ah the rights and privil able railroad, that we mar travel of the city,' shdf upwards to the sky, ahd' Utah Division, U. P. K. IJ. Clias. Ca.rr. egos of a Starts Government: and I move from by tion have been conducted without' a sinto settlement another one car tnd . Let all in favor of it sav ry our passengers irj conifprTfllA cars;' niadthe cloudy htavens answer to the Esq., Asst. Supt., Utah Division, U. P. we tWf we have ' gle accideuU ,, Kothin '" unanimous (A "Aye" from the and tnus snow- - those w no faiitj-- VU) JbrUli.Lt scene Below. R. R. j J. McCormick and S.' Edwards, "Aye." tHe peace dfhas heard tTanSpi'oVtor was tne response:) what we asseinuiuo rnnnsaTtus ' ' The DtatrM office displayed tlij Esq., Agents, U. P. R. R. j W. B. BYic- has that and ffefaftedV like we nave ten sonrewnat to contain happiness Salute of one gun, and must y .u,,t." choicest of the mdtfoes and ' And Lodging lIouse.. . ... transparen- all our fet!vities, thii affaifhas well, Esq,' Agent Pullman's falace Car's; of 'the UnToh Faoitie Railroad Company Ward brass band. jiaicd Eas?side tr;.C.R. The R. rUBtIC SQUARE,. mottoes not us showed for for the ,. cies.; work we following payingdid, Walter JJcKay," &,Jq., Casjiier, U. P, l. R dtP without drunken ess, riot, disorder or ' After ;r,ek'n1ng:- - fliW fegrew 6f Su- 'MAIN- STREET, OGDEN. I d. i Anderson, Special Correspon In grading so many miles of their road pcriutehufent Meu'dcy' af His loibiTity to magnificently and mad the building all ill feelings; attd we must be pardoned if But let me say, if they had paid us ao Clean wcltialred IJeds. dent of the New York Herald, occupied cording to agreement, this road would be present, "iniTfofi eVfnjj etWks were E. THOM'AS'BllOIJTNO, Proprietor. we do mafc a boast of (his, for it is one Pioneer of the of "Bfigham Toung not have been graded, and tlui'fraek made by a seal at Ihe Reporters' table. ' ". of fruits our the good heaveninspiredj . f'i Press, Telegraphy, and Railroading-,- ; It is . eort. - o. cakr From Camp Douglns: Gen. Gibbons, would not have been laid "The Pioneer Paper welcomes the Pin- institntions and one thing,. w hicH Assists ' LITER DtfRAST.V H. WHEAT.'- an ant of. is occasiitn ' This Congratulations ecr rignt. Col. Hancock, Col. Spencer; Capt. Hoi Railroad;" "Salt Lake now Dixie to make usvf'a peculiar people." And To our fi'ionds of the Lnton and Cen to all of you, but to na w ho ire stran' first Locomotive: ' lister, Major Bcnliam, Lieut Sanny, tral Pacino Railroads, we otter CrW eon- - gers, it is more an pccaijion ot wonder?, next;" "Welcome-th, w say to all the1 world if you vrtsh to stretches her arms to the. two Lieut. Coolidtre, Lieut. Benson, Lieut, cratulations on their succcsi Wf fhei went than- - anything' - else. Ve, - who iUfal ' behold a united, properous and happy II08ACE WHEAT & ,5 "tne u. r. iv. k. ana u. r. U., Anterprvx. Receive wf thanks have ; come recently--frotie East, ticeans;-come from the East and the Armstrong, Lieut. Brandt, LiottU Ccobii, mhtr R. feeders of CentraL" the Utah community, tb kindness for for to find anyliing like your pur company; never expected' ' " ' Lieut. Gfaffan, Lieut. WfTght West,-th- e North and the South, come on so far d 1 have learned, fou have re this in this Country. .It is omething ;i The window cf the Eagle Emporium . .WliOLESAtE DEALERS IN, The Camp Douglas, Capt. Croxall's fused ns ro ' favor. Let us bo one in like forty years since tho fir raih-Oudnafional the great highway, come on the" Zion's exhib Institution, ' laudable r. laid the' in ....... , ;, i sustaining and 'United every was undertaking Suites, and TontU Ward Brass Bands, also, Cap;'; Central,eonie people's 6aikod',-the"Utathe bencht of the human family twenty yars ago there wen only six ited' a beautifully designed and well-e- x for atin inartinl band '" were tain' Beeley'a AND !. T.'-u i .. thank the companies for their thousand miles, laid , in all tins .vast eooit ed transparent screen," representing add seet-- K. .ii:.; i. and "' "' i kiniliiess to us, as companies, as super country; byt wr.en tho Uniqt and Cen- three tendance, tratas; one cdnimgf from the East "Om DxcKOAfB.--WAre pleased to be as as . the drove PRODUCE. Pacific lines w'erd President Brigham Young intendonts, r conductors, tral engineers' c'omplited there inscribed- "Atlantic," another from th able ' to' announce that. Capt.' Hooper's ... ; were over .forty thousand mles, ,,3'ho i.', last spike; at nine miliutcs past two et I also thank the brethren who have Cehtral raflroad, allhiugnK' oti'y West P&cific," ,nd the third passing health is considerably improved, and ORDERS- OM o'clock. Housed a large steel wallel aided to build this, our first railroad Utah h or thirty-cigl- il thirty-seveniles long, tiiToxigh the centre, "UUh;. with the that the rumor to the contrary is witn- isade for the occasion by Mr.- 't have acted as Elders of and is perhaps the only ruilrtuwl wcst of the motto. beneath, Th TJtah Centrat iwiv. Israel, They a rrxasrxX3x , aro. - Lawson. has beui built' id-- f extends It was olegantly and avtisil what higher praise can .1 accord to Missouri"river'-tha- t htr', lrdn hand of sincere wel them, for they have worked on the tirely without Government sibsidies; It cally engravetT( the desigirAt WHive road, 1 to the come East and West,',',, The de the have they track, they has been built solely with mmcy wrung graded COAtI! COAL! surmounted ' by flfc motttf ''IfoltneVs to have laid the rails, they have finished from soil which, a few we sign was said to be by bt. D. Candland the Lord''., A similar engraving orna the line, and have done it cheerfully used to coiilifoi'sTdtfsctVoyth: wroSig er6e from arms of the'nirtrntrd womrt whoHtiArd ftrching monted the top of the' spiko, which' was 'wit bout pu.rse or scrip, a long franspareney East Strecf, Temple ii'6l one for individual before me. is Our work And almost" everything, mad'o of iron rpauufuctured from native Coal Company's Coal will be conHO USE, MAIN STREET), benefit, "but it is an' aid to the develon used in itsVotiatruotlon bi espediafy khbue" out northward with, the words, on hand at tne Ogden Tithing WARE ore by the late K. . Jones: Xhe la'si ment of the whole country, and tends Ihe last ' " stantly ... . i - ' ' t '.I '.. "of and to the South ; Utah Jthe CentraL". to lue pjk Is,. jiralupt 0fi5e Square, ,., , tie was made ,fron' a'locuift, tree," whieh to t ft benefit nd prosperity of the whole country. . ... . WitA i'Welcome the Great Highway , -N , 11 Coal will is eigheil wfce sold teOGDEN, Your Superintendehf, Wr. roufigrsaid had been planted and raised ' n'fer no nation of which we form a part. ' and with was Hall ..'-.- ! ablate i" light,' The the To all present I would say, let ufe lav that City .kiva Ooot an exebuive pvople'; .;. pUrch4ser, Co. Kare al'td on Band; geilUTLEK'St spot. Ihe driving .or tne spike was aside our ' narrow feelings and p'rejtt-dice- s, but Iyou W. Wilf tale paymtnt ia Pats or andII.SHUBEBAKLR think, ladies and gentlemen, that the principal stores figtfred pf Bminchtly S " ' greeted with hearty cheers from tie and, as fVHow citizens of this you areery much 'so, sc far as' thj iii jfjie. general illumination. Barley. cebibrafioA salute the ef great republic, join ii thousands assembled, and a Western country is concernei, in accomOrders will te received and promptly The gjiaud ball at the Theatre was the Office by Mr.Wafter thirty-seve- n guVs4-o- ue for each mile of of tins happy day. plishing so much as you lave'wlth so affair of the evening.-,- ' The' scenery and filled at the TtiS-fcfA miaatifj'oB'SliKDS and FANC ' May t the blessings' of heaven rest little means and as so few advantages to ThompsoiK' the road followed, by inspiring strains which thej will tell lbr Cash or Grain. ' dramatie us suV ither upon doiU Vtriatfheerii.. paraphernal, having '"TbePriceif ef tnraUove'Coal wili be ii i of music from Capt.' Croxall'a brass All that I have to. say ,fuithjpi in re- been removed, flooring was fitted to the low enoueh to warrSht 'the natronaee of Telegrams expressing regret st their nana. to excluxrveness. is tiaf rahn'ot front , of, the stag,-1- severing the' entrr inability to accept the invitation' of Pres- - gard ' Tho .'ilocJ hjtier imagine dedication prayer as follows-Wav t mJ, ment oting to ne present at tne ceieyra ejf o'rmn ( i A .immense' ball- TOU WANT I GOOD TABIETY OT MKAT". 'GenUl'Tpiiiat; r siRbeiVii4 : then ofitted 'hy' Elder Wh.roirt Woi- - tion, ' were read ffdin Governor Stam moo,' C. Tf DASIIE, J IF goto do other than feel happy at the corn rooin,?proviuing .ample reom for two WAKBK! BISBKX, , Muetana. ' : . 1 l . wish mad.nt Bcrr. the of .tK it A'. M. this TdwfiH"", fjord, President; , htindred persons- to "trip itlighily jkf fiction & Y.lUbU.& ntwS suetm et Its 'jourry tot lie fur and iro." The decorations O, God, out Eternal Father, we W General Superintendent, ircliast and f. Louin. assembled ouj litis occasion, to celebrate ud"otl. white The Chief th of and Engineer, Mentagne, Esq., elegant One of tho (crote.st and gcauuest event Salute of one' gun. and music by Capt. of the oirolea being tastefully ' ' V 6ft hi generation in, which we live, and Centrs;!; Taciflc Road. Cioxairs.Br?s Band. IAST BID! OJ '. .upt c'.'l, r? ontraVted with the i .i;'''5 wo ofler up the rrafitude.f our hearts, Mvwio from the Camp' Doirgras' Biiod Divi i'f the'Vestern Chief EngineWr' with thaiiiiseiviii!, for ttf luereifnl an ' ;,; and blue." At the extreihe Tesf of 'th The Vice President of the Utah Cen sion of the U,..Pt R. R. wa introduced protcutini cure that has been over u's. ' ' , pelnmn scene a for the being-callea sa magnificent speech, upon b traj, Wiion v.p were led into these valleys, Dealprr. in f.nld Dadfc Cola aiitl Currtftf. DraV OGDEN, r. . and aildressed the assembly. ladies U handsomely carpetted rhanRe ou 8hd t'ranciiico, Montana, DeUTer years following response was made;' thy servant brigham, twenty-tw- o T. B. w esi. at. Nf all of Mor.tus, York, and Larope. Where they have Freh Beef, Matton, Pork, etc,, Uiuk, part WM. JKNN1NGS. n ; we ioun T tucui a pcrtcct tlesert, in recess, 'ncetad with lounges and sofas, dai!". T have the to to snv word one but stand before and Ladies i1! few a I h i itly '(..' gentlemen: by wild beasts, and CillrttkH promptly attcnJtd to. ltf Mm well as iu the yWsaut Green as would 1 wltciie, and that of in working-uicbreast Utah, Sv' l ii en iny who roamed over the plains. you this day with feelings re4-them- She we bohold teeming tfcousanils Vhe AiiKW-haxorace, mam of whom ave assembled Lore (So celebrate the completio'f of A Hue of rfciliiad into this ap commerce! city, Which has bettften, its and all tUe world. Thou hast enabled thy SiitnO: w!ho have gath- Hre!,ilhiere fro,u ,th ""tiow of ihe earth, w llli menu vuui'jrsui ineuiHstaiiiqwtiu 600 uiiles of cities, towns, vUlages, gar To-da- fmtrttou. THJ B rial nl ; y cw. tSo-di--- etre, STREET, S Wtt eftf , ; "f ,il ZJZltt'Bttk. Uqiiors and - WHiTEHOlISEy; OGDEN, U. T. - to-da- y, T, , sea-boa- - Best of Accommodations , T - HOTEL. . - ;'..- n. .:;. ' . . " . . ' "T , Jul.! 1 1-- tf . BILLIARDS. to-da- - o'cre-mon- ' . BILLIARDS! ; BILLIARDS! BILLIARDSf ht .t.i - - , 1 to-d- ay, ve'eseo? wipiim. to-d- lnlt:sd , V . . ... ROOMS,' Central the e r2"5inf , TAMiS. the-Mo- -- !u-o- s-- if P. " . . OYSTERS. good-opmle- w s , .RAILROAD to-d- ij our-labo- ( '.' . Feet-jnn- t , RESTAURANTS. have-dive"- 1 : I y, ; - . fftc - h - - FLOUR, GRAIN e . , TR P TLY C0AI!!I KlIiroiEIVTS MADU yen-sago- 'vlEVERXiPAT'f i' 8il ' - UTAH. ..' l- -- . ' . 1 ! wagons: , s Jit-qXret- , , UeU-na- , - - t,""iL''--ll'1ltr1tI!- - ME AT MARKET orna-nientati- 1 national-"Red,-whit- ! e i . 1 I.- .'AjilAIN STREET,. -y i |