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Show Ih the Nation growiug iu iireutuess. Lflgilra function. If r',Hs matters of ommupications on aaaresa iuo ... please .t tn. Office of Qgdkn will ' eor'reBpon- - sendiiig -- com-- I plead to receive r,,1' other eontributionscon. interest from any Ifll be ence throughout lr friends tWnti ,.l -- u- the death of bsto .A,I Bishop ..i.i. t.n heen failine for some laiinw'H" but the news ot nis aeoeage, . jstj Ij! ro&cnea ann. ftt ... I,. :nu ,. d severe shock io uib numerous lneuua. h c nrspnt to fuTnish our t .nv :.k . -v ....... . but will aouuuess Particulars concerning .- mounts, fa. io with . . 1. 'fc ne the aceount of the l.ciscooo Jionuajt t il Run fM ocb, the body, wlilcft. will be metallic coffin-I:- . tVu City In nected-arrive ou Saturday The time for the funeral will bo ...iB Lht to 5 I SO ,vv"-- 0 C10CK Ull OUUUOjr gT lAsti 0f his rj "J H that all, who wish, of attending r have an opportunity J ' "ii i 01 ana I ceremony, paying a lite of respect to the memory of announced, so ' ' ?! 1 loved1 Tbaixs. On Monday two Ijraion trains icii vgaeu iur oan r.aKe L returning the same day. At an lv hour in the" morning tlis placo Lntd a very lively appearance; the Ixccrsioh' with- - preparations I:m being busy and frin. vrv niaov were anx- procure tickets; to participate in I celebration, to witnesB jtlie laying of list rail and driving: the last spike . Ttah Central Railroad, in- - the liil of this Territory. ;.onir before the hour for startinp; a I t number of citizens, from the ect- I the adjoining Ogden, cmo pouring laugh the town en route for IU It. iients Inction. ibe completion of the U. G. R. R. is important event in the history of this iple, and one upon which those who ticipated in- it will' look back' with I'amire in years to come. Two other l ursion trains left here for Salt Lake i I y on Tuccday. , Ocd. We were wucli pleased luve a call from ,Mri Wm. S; Lewis, :iool teacher of orth Ogden, and for- N'osth the present condition of the nation, our observations would not be likely to load us t tlie concbasion that the people of this vast republic wet really advancing in all the elements that leads to genuine greatness, from :the fact that it is equally true when applied to nations as to individuals that an essential element of true greatness is genuine goodness. That some of the constituent elements must be readily admitted. The inumer-abl- e successes of the intellectual efforts of many of the citizens" of this republic bear ample witness that this is true. Mechannical inventions, &c., that' have been1 conceived, born and brought forth from the' minds 'of men during the past quarter of a century, all attest the"fact that the intellectual element has been rapidly marching onward. Were this equally true of the political, moral, social and religious position of the nation what a glorious condition of things would now be inaugurated. We should imagine that the spectacle of a people thus advanced in all that constitutes true greatness and consequent prospewould be one irpon rity anil happiness ' which not only mertals, but angels would delight to gaze. Intellectuality when' thrust into bold prominence devoid its snowy garments of purify, virtue and goodness loses all of' its true beauty and grandeur. It is a: fact, to be lamented, that wiiilst the nation has been increasing in intellectual attainments- there should be an almost corresponding declination of those sterling virtue which are such essentials constituents of true greatness.. Those who have the welfare of the country at heart, cannot, and ought Lot to shut their eyes to the existence and enormous increase of the glaring-evilthat threaten t overwhelm' the nation. Intellectual attainments, will net of themselves, preserve a community from decay and ultimate insipidity. - Good sense and the history of nations, who in their time have taken the lead in the arts and sciences; demonstrate the truth of this. Nations wlio at one time led the, van of progress in those things,, are now sunk into insignificance-- and their' fall is traceable to the growth of moral and ' political corruption in their midst. That those evils are increasing in this cruntry, no one even attempts' to' deny. The prens from one end of the Union to the other publishes a recoTcTof crimes of the most alarming and abominable description, showing that the nation is morally rotteii' to the core. It- is ait acknowledged fact that many, of the representatives of the nation sell their votes to the highest bidder who may be interested in. obtaining them ; thus betray' ing the trat cociiJcd. to thorn by their constituents. These things arc indicative that, unless tliere comes a turning point, the Nation must sink from her present proud position' to the' level ofl those powers n hose glory has fade&and is now among the things of the past,-- . with the printing busi-s- s of the church, lfe speaks praising- of the matters people, and, things in flourishing town of North Ogden. le says co operation in North Ogden is bking giant stridqs. The day and May schools are well patronized, and tended the year round. A good libra-ha- s been opened, and a dramatic jmpany formed! and tlie youne men and idieg are quite interested in education, kuw aujr. v i lug iiiDIX ilents. An evcninir speriiaff andr retit-g school is well attended". The clioir become a success under the great lie leadershin of F. F.llia nA ' iechoir is . making good'progr'ess;; msident Holmes is an intellizentnnd Ifilcnyiag man, and nourishes and sters every institatioff culculuted to '"It and bless tfie people. Jas. and learj Barker K Cicr and others take leading part in-- these movements. The noatie performers' who have already Me their debut and era- distinguished are Messrs. Wade and Jno. Gib- K Miss. Mary Barker, Miss Rosa Ker- wi Miss S. Mechann. anrf tH mere are diamonds of the first lu NurtU Ogden, iUatihiUa rly connected , , girls from 6 to 14 years of ageNvho nd write well, and are preparing Aemselveg in manv . wa'va in. vood'-- ; riding through one j)f the pine wastes so common in Middle Georgia, overtook a young man whose sack of corn under him, on the farni- ttytoe. he bestrode, leuce that gave MJ.was bound fyr the nearest grist- - raK PHQJGGRARHIC ' r 'f TRUCKEE RIYER s "" j I j mil!-.- LUMBER OGDEN. JUNCTION. ' jRooinSn Some conversation developed the fact th new aoquaitance was theaon of Mr, Oner, of the United States Supreme Court, but better known as the YARD, autheo of the famed "Grier and an uncle of Alexander II. Almanac," 1M fcWtAtaflrBredr Vn.d dQfiupbw you ever f ff I ! i make ealculutions IK J upon the weather like those- - for- which tuna ml your father is se cele- in ti i to Tl'ja:S &ns U u$ mkiln,Mf Ino of BoldhoHti fur ifimnilit, Ar brated?" "Oh yes," was the unsnnueJ .... 1... ..it ni.li.. Lii.t. readwply. x ui ui- 1, lite vy viiuiiw air lutoiif hiuui ituuuiy ThergentTeman coiitinne: "And how do procSHo kuov.11 to the Art, som of which are & your calculations' agree with thoso' of your father's?" "Very well indeed," answered young Grierj "we are never more than one day apart.'" "Why, that .is de wonderful indeed!" said the gentleman; "only one day difference?" "i'es," said y. Grier, "he can always tell the day when it is going to rain; and I can always tell the day afterward!" - OGDEN! n- Photographs,, Cartes 150,000 fcot of Boards Visite, Vignettes, bo-fe- re STEItEOSOOriC BEMI'WEEKLY Ii.; J. A wag passing a house which had been almost consumed by fire, inquired whose it was. lieing told that it was a hatterV Ah," said he," then the loss will b felt!" ' $oim riCTUUES, The following is the closing scene of me last meeting of the Limerick Board of Guardians: Mr. Gubblnsr The cob bler may not come again.-iM- r; tSfud-- i aert: it ne does, leather him well. Dr. O'Sullivan: We won't put the sin on his sole (laughter). Chairman: 'Mr.'' Powell can give ium a good welt (laughter- sMr. bubbius: I have we .havd seen the last of him (more laughter). t' Molaneotjpes Aiubrotj pes, Card Pictures. Also THE CELEBRATED 8CN PEARL, - AND The reople's I'apcrt fAKD PICTLHES. XNAMELLED A tf ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR.' ' Office opposite Ogtlcii OGDEN CITY. Alf kinds of legal bnfsuiem - - Hotel, ltf - - A .''i'ii ,1- 100,000 .t Sawed U tilled with unskillful operators, whose work is wanting iu chem- - - DEALER IN I ' In view cf the faet the country GARN, WHOLESALE per thousand. ' 'V E. 300,000 Shingles ' raperfor all Classen,' :' OLD PICTURES Copied, Enlarged or iu Size, aud rendered luiueriehuAla,, ( attended promptly to-.- - " Pictures of kinds taken at all tiiiiaaand iu all kiuiln of weather, equally well. ical effect, arteatic taste, also, durihility in fact, in everything that constitutes a Rood picture, the subscrilter feeU called upou to insure as good work as can bo produced any whore or by any oue. Persons wisiiiug work, will please CALL IMMEDIATELY. Wines & Liquors. As-- 05? , a - f - ' ' y.ir OODES'J,aO-,j570- Ogden City, Utah. ' ' ' : T.MOODArtbi C0HTAI' Or'i ; on liartt aHarpw SfiK-of'tfictvtrKrtttea BUAWAN, l.KK KUN, (ROW. BOWEX, AND SUAlie S BRANDS ot , 49 ' Persons heretoforoninsnecefufnl PERKMLT $4.73 per thousand. . ' LI ' ; !iv-'- The Latest Tclcg'raphtc " I hare ' OGDEN: JUNCTION ' i momeioHofttke-oVklr.tiol-V"- a portrait. Nothing supen-edi-It is magic dispensw of pleasure A consoler iu houi-- of aJincece A representative wluwe silent ohxinonce Vhisiers spiritual thougUts of Love aud . "P a . SAMPLE AND SALESROOM . In ohtahilng ..'Xcw$ " .1. PICTUHES, are particularty invited to cull. Persons coming from a distance for work, will be paid for thoir time and trouble in doing so' . .i .. r..... :..-.....;.. :r v II WIIIOIUVIIUW IS UUl IJITVU.- r ASP lJIM.X.l - ( . i , PlaiiedL t i Articles on all tlis " Kentucky Whiskeys; . ':' Also, a LARGE ETOCK of Leading Topics of th Day CASE LIQUORS, CASE WINES, 3Inin Street, Ogdon, CHAMPAGNES, DEALER IN 1 K l CATAWBAS, Mineral merchandise, t .AS AN ADVERTISING ' ETC- - ETC. ft lUC r tuwu li vy w - - . UVUrKltt, j. " . - i SIDE) (ONE i!.-- ' $65 pa thousand ft i. -- 1, r 1 - . j . w Gall and examine my Stock..' jSIain Street, Ogden, 3--tf V Nearly Opposite White . - House- ... . i AGRICULTURAL - THE JUNCTION IMPLEMENTS, ETC. of MECHANICS' A Good Supply TOOLS on Iwnd.. UTAH MALNSTREirOI'J'OSDJl STIXGH A '''" : ' JTjiCTIOJI. " . rVR PATR0X8 CAN UE1U5 times, p J Located on BROOM'S LOT, Opposite the Public Square, tlD AT ALL V , VALLEY LUMBER, dtveaoU. ILiTc . lso on hand LAKGE SHINCLES, LATH, Raised, Panelled, ; and Moulded DoorsWindows Buslx- uud Mouldings. . . ' l ..,(- '' laege. ASSORTJIENT op a, as could be deelted. able . t "II " CONFECTIONERY. wA Are now proparod to furnish every description of Lumber lor nuiiumg pui'ixmon, uoiu jjiiiiii anu ' ...! ... - I t AXo. Article of AT It j! A J) , . . Clt A VKVliS, .CiS. etc. ' AND ,1 Raised, Panelled and: Moulded. ALSO, A GOOD STPPLY OP DEALERS ,. The Terms of Advertising are as reason- - 1 IN TRUCKEE ' : .. Doors. Sash Doors, I.AYIJLXD, Proprietors. COMPANY, ., ' '' " HAS COUNTRY ," ; . ' IN THIS WESTERN OGDEN CITY BAKERY, t .. ; FEW EQUALS Mm .si. . ' V ' MEDIUM GROCERIES, . ., - , '- y; "tt. I . Our patrons must RatSkr our being a few hours beplease pardon "the hind' with our issue of Don't hands" have been celebrating mistake our meaning, though; our typos are all sober and1 respectable citisens, and have retnrned' right side up and. prepared for duty. ft. : ) r crreot ypos, ' ur LATE thousand ' . our subscribers will send us in ft supply" of cotton tragf it will bp,a yalunble.qs-'- J isUnce to us in obtaining paper upon whioh to continuo to print the Junction.' V" ;' 12'" !'.: AT . 6 per Year. Only ; readers will observe in the present issiie' of the Junction. 'an advertisement fo" the effect that we It will take rags on subscription. amounts to a positive duty for our citizens to encourage all branches of home manufacture, among not the least im portant of which is papor making." If C. 1 11. It. IS21OT. : : THE ONLY PAPER IN 11 s RAOS.-O- KND OF XOHT1I-12A8- T - - - . A gentleman, in we view 1 of profound regret m announce Only One Day Apart. ... .i v S. S. TUCKER, , aud Cai'pcntor, 3Iukci Cabinet Joiner, HALF A BLOCK EAST OF TJIK 1 "JUNCTION" 0FFICE,'bODEN. All Osdera pengotially - and promptly attcidailtflU KKi Every Atticla mannfactnred bjr us la warranted to be made of tne best material. , Mot :,f - : Merchants who want to Sell their Goods will do well to Advertise in the Junction. - " ... ... . . t ii An exchange says:, The cotton crop I S COAL WILLIAM BUTZ. Agenj. LUMBER ;YARD, of ra tmm. DEPOT; TV1EAT. GRAIN Georgia is stated to bo 600,000 Dales, ib"ght men1 and' women in' & GENERAL PROVISION the great averaging 600 pounds each. The value r ' Kingdom.'" " ' of this per 100 pounds, iu paper currenMARKET;,MAIS STREET, OQDEN. TO MY PLACE, EARLY LAST PALL, A . 8Mh cheering news is indeed refresh- - cy of the United States, after paying CUNlE Bay Horse : two year old, branded, 1IC. JOHN R. TOOL. Proprietor. owner will The tlia rttlit H-- A oil please nay expenN.B. Laths and Shingles sold tin tomiuiiaiou. really: good, school teacher is freight and charges t Liverpool from se and tuke hip. him away. F. A. HAMMOND, Jr.. St Huntsville. Ocden Vallcr. Jan 8. 181O. New York, if sold' in. Liverpool, , is wpensabto in serves to be wolf gHI T. . t ." i .r:,,.-- , supported'. Good for $28.84. The' gains of the Georgia AND TIN IRON PLATE WORKER, will ,Sob Ogden.: We hope to see some of planters on the crop of this year " Went ett of the Ugden Mock A BR1"SDLED to ONE MY POSSESSION IN HAVE $10,250,1)00. shining often in the columns probably be equal Hotel. btoer, two years past, left ear cut ott brand 6fti0oDER JCNCTXON. doubtless will . OHK NEATLY EX ECITED," ON BIIORT ou 4ef hip not visible.' part of this, say $500,000, ti i f Notice and ou REASONABLE TEP,MS. Tue.owner la requcstea to prove property, pay be appropriated to the building of factoit and take away. Solicited. thirty ckargea, ries, which; when added The ' 1I1U9, IilUHI.1UIV.V, .s Mm l'atronage Roeky Mountain JVmm, in noticing five factories now ';in Wabar. operation,' will be M Wt first tluniber of the orp Jcwtion, says: able to spin up annually, the cottonannu" Ppearance it resembles the Salt of the State. There will then be, in the hands of planters TeUgreph, and we presume it is a ally, $9,000,000 for. the erection and" operating these , Ki,verlale, near. Ogden, f n that: paper." The lo- -; l is factories to be erected; ak A'r( Rsesnectfully informs the Inhabitants of Ogden WILL T.iKE,0.y SUBSCRIPTION, ''taken. The Oodek Jdnctiok is not calities referred to,. The annual combiaud vicinity that his new yE U fob ef ofx skilled and nation branc.h, of, any other laoi newspaper , .A. UN" 1ST 35 COTTON sorta, will cauBa. an. appreciation of the is it ctynmscted with Isia'iw in full operatlor.. and that he ia nrenared .other shall. any, it until of these localities, frf ioperty stTpply hln'liw'1'witit iA ex4dlfflt qnaVty of pt m in the cause of hu-- " douWe, treble and quadrnple the jrime " ainu tH.r. 'Lgatijek: also with . . to means progress. ' ... Cents Cost, tljureby affording ample A OOTK. If XII illOIIS, Tba JtscTioH ' thus enabling the plantfor We will also ajlow THREE, CENTS par Manufactured in the best Stylo of Workmanship. though but young, en-- t carry on, withj ers to appropriate other millions to the CLEAN U..ySACK9. "Pidly increasing cir- - purchase or construction of interesting old Gather up your Bags and bring them along to andJiark wanted, thia Office, and important lines of railroad. Pnmcd and Glazed, Klrtjt kept Mechantcs can doubtless Increase their Business by Advertising in Vie Junction.' on handk Order received for nit kintUof , 3--1 iiuildijvg r.oini:ic, EXTRA MZr. DOORS, T itl. w to-th- . i Subscriber's Attention! SASIf, RIJXD.S, II has been frequently demonstrated that judicious Advertising is the road to success) ib every department of Trade. We invite t,he, public ot Ogden and else- and DRESS iAlKEIt of ! where to'jjive f6r Wsertion r1 i j ('us . ,,!' th Jtjifcrroji. . r theiV Advertisements f!l '.i -n ' Tj.: i. ill .u'.'i.U 1 1 it .. j - fti lit '. . j. -. '; m I".' J' ,' ' ''.' So prompdy attended; -- ek-o- . CIXAK, RAGS .T. ' ,i;i.l I.'J HY ,' Jiv per lb. N.li.llidcs 2-- The Circulation of the-Junctio-n is slreadu large and is constantly increasing. D.W. PARKIIURST, rrvQI'IUETOR tf j f every description '' " '! ... i , :i |