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Show i - WOMAN'S EXPONENT 8 R. S. REPORTS V--r'v'.; Sister Rose Hammond reported Grants- Ville- - they.' had been blessed to help the sick.and poof; referred to the sadness ot bisier liny jonnbua & ucdiu. they have about: 6oo,bushels of wheat. Sister Shields reported Lake View. They had enrolled most of the married women Jn the ward, have 160 bushels of wheat in the granary and quilts and material to work with. ' Sister Louie Lee reported Mercur; they help the poor, have plenty to work with. Sisters Richards, Vowels and Lindburg, rendered a musical selection- Sister Bryan spoke on the R. Sxwork; If said it was a rest to go to meeting-we do our duty we have no time to belong to any society outside of the Church. We should not find fault with each other we are all God s children. Sister Nelson said we should meet together with pure hearts. Prayer makes us acquainted with our Heavenly Father. Our meetings are food for our bodies and rest for our souls, Sister Maggie Anderson: "The Lord will bless those who do the best they can in his work. We should encourage the presence of our guardian angels to guide us aright. Sister Woolley said she had heard from the sisters that were to have attended the conference today, they had missed the train. Conference then adjourned to meet at 2 p. m., after singing and benediction. vith-means- " STAKK. MARICOPA , The Relief Society Conference of the Maricopa Stake was held in R. S. Hall. Mesa. March i. 1906, President Melissa Hunsaker presiding. Opened by the usual exercises. Prest. Hunsaker made opening remarks, felt pleased to' see such a good attend- . ance. Alma Reports were given from Mesa. donaMuch charity in and Pine wards. tions, helping the poor, the sick, and those who need comfort and consolation were given in the last quarter. Mothers' work; Doctrine, and Covenants lectures were given in each testimony meeting; teachers were punctual as a rule- The holding of officers' meetings hid met with approval; good instructions were given." The Relief Society sisters were likened as minute men to be ready aud willing when duty call?. This organization was given through revelation to the Prophet Joseph Smith, this being: the- first organization for womenThey were to be ministering angels to the poor, the sick and those who were bowed down with grief, and in preparing our loved ones for burial. Timely instructions were given by the R.S. presidency and other sister speakers. We should be careful not to speak slightingly of another's character, but have charity for one another. That we should be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves. The watchcare of our youth should AFTERNOON MEETING. be considered. Sister Alice R. Woolley presiding; Closed by singing "The Spirit of God Benediction by singing, prayer, and so forth. Sister like a fire is burning." Counselor Isaac Dana. reported the St. John society; said were unitedin their work. ArE. Fuller, Secretary. they Sister Drouby reported Batesville. " TOOELE STAKE. Sister Mary A. Atkins said it was pleasMinutes of the Toele Stake Relief So- ant to meet with so many sisters; the ciety Conference, held in Tooele City, Lord would answer prayer if asked in the President Alice R. right spirit. The sisters have a great res1906. 17, May Woolley presiding; present. President ponsibility on their shoulders.. Sister Alice R. Wooley, Sisters Rose Hammond Bowen said she would rather listen than Maggie Anderson. Bryan Nelson, and speak. Prayed that no accident might Conference opened happen those that had come from a disMary E. Halladay. with the usual exercises. President Alice tance in returning homer Sister Lee said R. Woolley addressed the sisters; ; said it was a great pleasure to meet at Conhow sorry she was that our missionary ference, and a benefit to belong to the sisters were not present, she felt they Relief Society. Sister Naomi Gillette said we came must have missed the train. She knew the Prpphet Joseph Smith was inspired when here for rest both bodily and spiritually. The. We shall be judged by our Heavenly hejojganized Ahe Relief Society. sisters should study the Gospel. The Father and not by each other. Sister Drouby then sang a solo entitled sisters do not aspire to be preachers but sur"The were we Garden of Eden." Sister Spend-lov- e they should be workers; said her mother heard the Prophet rounded by the blessings and comforts of Not one soul that belonged to the Joseph Smith speak and he spoke with life; terrible power. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daA recitation was then given Saints was destroyed in the San Francisco by Sister disaster. Jones of Mercur. President Alice R. Sister McBride repoited the Tooele Woolley then presented the names of the Ward. Ten or fifteen new members had General Board and the Stake Board and joined the society; they had over 500 they were unanimously sustained. Sister ushels of grain, and were going to build Woolley said she was gratified with the new granary. " The teachers do good interest exhibited in the Relief Society uo- - work, aadthe great amount of work work, mey tooK ior tneir suoiect. that mbstic Science "at Home, " in mother's was the-sis- done. Knew Demg that all ' ' woYk. ters were not converted to the Relief x - . - - - Al-stro- - y . ' V R K. T H 0 MAS 67, 69, WE. v 71 D RY GOODS GO, Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. RE IN OUR NEW STORE, and solicit your as Tiucb as possible for your money. Datronacrp. ' V oi TRY-U-S" Society work, we 'shouldact.a Shelso-spoke-on-thc-rnDt- aries, I m her work, and the blessings of motherhood. We will be tested and tried; we should' be caref ul about speaking against the authorities of the Church; we should have the confidence of our children. In unity there is strength. Singing, and after the benediction con- ference closed until Oct. ii, 1906. Mary E. Halladay, Secretary. . WATERS OF THE VALLEYS OF UTAH LAKE AND JORDAN RIVER, UTAH. UNDERGROOND A paper of value to every one interest-- ; ed in the use of underground waters in the valleys of Utah Lake and Jordan River has just been issued by the United States Geological Survey as Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 157. A brief description of the topography, geology, climatic conditions and surface streams is followed by a discussionof the source, distribution, manner of occurrence, and quality of underground water. Aiter the general discussion the underground Ayater condition in the most important areas are described in detail. report, which may be obtained on application to the Director of the United States Geological Survey, Washington, D. C, contains also representative well records and data concerning a large number of typical wells. These data include diameter and depth ol the well, height to which water rises and the yield in gallons per minute. The depths to water and the areas'in which flowing wells are obtained are shown on the maps. A portion of the paper of special interest to irrigators is that devoted to the discussion of the manner of determinining the. yield of wells. A table gives the yield in gallons , . x-Th- per minute of wells of various diameter and size t. of-je- The house of Lords has passed the colonial marriages bill, which is to legalize inthe United Kingdom marriage with a deceased wife's sister legally contracted anywhere in the British possessions. Such marriages are legal in every country except in the United Kingdom. For more than fifty years efforts haye been made annually in Parliament to make marriage with a deceased wifes sister legal, but they have always been defeated in the House of Commons or the House of Lords. ; . " Save Your Money! And when a dollar, deposit it Savings Bank & Trust Company, the oldest and largest savings bank you get with Zion's in Utah. Since the establishment of the bank we have opened more than 41,191 sav- ings accounts. The laws of Utah married women and also childrenpermit who are minor, to open savings accounts in their own name, subject to their tfwn order. Have you such an account? If not, open one NOW W e pay FOUR PER - CENT on any amount from odc dol-a- r to five thousand, and compute said interest WKJTE for any infermatioii desired. f Joseph F. Smith, Prest. IN-TERE- Semi-annuall- No. 1 y. East Temple Street. . is |