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Show posted'and""are the greatest helps to the I canBishops; they are hot able to store wheat those in need of encouragement. climate.the weevils" get into not go among, the people as much as I in that warm the sisters have on right, under the direction of the presibeen great there is not time it right away; . I ii l dent of the society and not. make it a desire to. because 10 ujc wmmunuy oy loaning Deneiaciors I am glad to do what I can, but enough, , separate aff iir. , and thousands and thankful to be here today, and I thei'rain to the farmers, riCSiUClil imiii.im.v have been raised by will all be able to , go home of bushels of grain Wayne Stake 'appreciated the privilege hope we in be means of their kindness lending the of being present, she had a hard trip 10 safely, le t us do all we can; it pannot Some time ago, during grain for seed. reach here, but felt repiid already with too much, there is so much to be done, war, some of the boys were and the what she had heard; felt in Win ne Stake let us above alHove one another, blest not Spanish well provided for, and were getting hnrwl of noble- sisters love our neighbors, and we will be UrrA time, n" trnsv Nwwv , UlCl through lack of proper food. scurvy if we strive to do these things." mothers had in .thev unison; working Summit Stake reported by .the' Presi- was written to, to know if the Relief Sociwork in testimony meetings, we have to ety could help them, and our Relief SocifourRelief Society halls and five granar- dent, Celestia Y. Pack, who was gladher of Saints, ety in Arizona fitted up a great many ies, we are doing our best to store grain, be in this lare Assembly some of the boxes of bedding and good food and also hoped to be able to do her duty in the stake was tjuite a large one, branches were in mining camps, they all put in some money and we forwarded it position to which she had been called. to the proper authorities to be distributed held. meetings uniform; sewing and testiSister Hannah H. Rornney, from Dub-Iato them, and much suffering was saved Mexico, reported conditions in that mony also Stake board and officers' meetings once a month, we hold these in through their charitable efforts at that country, felt the people were prosperKimball said much in ous and progressing, the mothers' work different parts of the Stake, in connection time. President with the Priesthood meetings; we have praise of the Society in that locality and his was getting along vcrynicely in the Relief Society, she' thought the elder sisters six granaries in our Stake, and a large words were admirably suited to the occashould encourage the young women to amount. of real estate, we visit all around sion. President Mary E. Schofield spoke of come to these meetings; their teachers once a year, our board visits once a down there never fail to visit all around month, our missionaries visit from one Union Stake, where she presides, with considerable pride andgocd feeling, felt once a month, and carry a very good ward to another once a month, one conference during the year where we have as it was a young Stake, the activity of spirit into the homes. We the sisters was deserving of recognition. Woodruff StaKe was reported by Pearl visitors from the General Board. have enjoyed the mothers work, have She and her associates visit in the valley M. Brouh. secretary, she felt proud to twice a year, and those branches that are represent the etake, scattered over six had lectures that might be read anyWe have hundred miles, and no railroad, it was where, we have brought some young sis- farther away, once a yearsome wheat and some money to buy hard to visit, but always enjoyable; she ters in through the mothers' work. President B- W. Smith adjourned the more, but have no granary as yet; we are told of the financial condition and said they had expended a great deal to help Conference until 2 p. m. and announced endeavoring to do the best we can in the sufferers in mine explosions and other an evening session at 7:30, congregation taking care of it. We are doing well in accidents. Mothers' work was doing standing sang, "Lord dismiss us with thy mothers' work, using the outline formuThe Stake is well in that stake, her report was quite blessing." and the benediction was given lated by Union Stake. building a large tabernacle and some of by President Emma S. Woodruff. interesting. the wards are helping in this, we have but President Eliza J. Dixon of Nebo Stake Afternoon session convened at2 p. m., few poor, but have assisted a number who spoke of conditions in their localitv being of a as the President B. W. Smith presiding. Prof. are helped by the Stake Presidency. different to many others, part not and in President Isabelle E. Robinson of MiThomas and members of the Temple stake was mining districts, agriculture like those reported,consequent-l- y choir furnished the music, congregation llard Stake was pleased to mingle her raised no grain, had some cash to buy joined them in singing "O, say what is voice with the sisters of the Relief Sociwheat with, and in the past some wheat truth, etc. Prayer by Dr. Romania B. ety, this grand organization, she had adhad been disposed of to build good Penrose. The Temple quartette rendered vocated a good fellowship meeting, felt "there are nine granaries in our very beautifully, "Pray, sweet to my that would be a good place to drop every stake and four Relief Society halls, we soul." President B. W. Smith was grati- enemity and getinto harmony with one visit three times a year, in every ward fied to see such a grand audience, she another. Sister Robinson spoke of the had always been taught that the Relief temporal condition of the Society, but we hold quarterly conferences in different parts of the stake; have very good Society was, the grandest auxiliary organmentioned also the mothers' work and a our once ization in the Church, arid believed it, the. Book of Mormon study; they have officer's meetings, month; twice a are held month, thought we were doing pretty well as a five halls for meeting purposes, and five Society meetings carVfor all we advancement, we are doing society, and expressed her belief in union granaries. mothers' and have also and love among the sisters; if there is any Cassia Stake reported by Counselor studying theology work in the testimony meetings; we are feeling, asklorgiveness, and if there is a Alice Sessions; thought all the branches getting more new members in. some of proper spirit manifest it will do good. We were doing fairly well, of the ten wards the wards the young sisters are taking must try to live our religion and do all nearly all had granaries, a good attendthe good we can, both for the living, the ance of members at the Conferences. an active part." CanA. W. Sister I don't believe in dying and the dead. Secretary pro tern, Sister Lydia D. Alder was introduced from the a First non, read letter long speeches, and there are many here to speak upon Utah goods, said she had the storing of grain by the to speak, and some have come from very, taken hold of this movement to get home sisters. distances and is long v there not much manufactured upon the market, President jane S. J Richards spoke a time; the reports are to be limited to a s.tated that our goods was flooded with felt more than pleased few minutes, I pray the Lord to bless all m nrft c A rmrAr market few minutes,-sh-e .. Aft-- . to see the house so well 'filled, it showed this congregation and I bless you for ly for two or three minutes on the subject that the Relief Society was growing, she coming and may we have a good time Sister Alder announced a meeting to be had been a member, of the Society since this afternoon, and the Spirit of the Lord held in Barratt Hall at the close of the 1843, it was not always so large0 as it is be with us. afternoon meeting and invited all present now, she believed all the sisters of the President Andrew Kimball from St. to attend and hear this matter fully disRelief Society were doing a good .work, Joseph Stake, reported the Relief Soci- cussed upon its merits. ma n'faaZfi f' i i rr ac i.fi a t liir o nnnt (rat ety of that Stake in the absence of (To be Continued. ?i President Elizabeth Lay ton, he spoke all we could for those who are cast down, very highly of Sister Laytori and her Mrs. Clara B. Colby recently completed we feel happy when we do these works of Counselors, as being united and a trip in behalf of the suffrage amendcnarity, this was the Savior's teaching, in their work for the good cf the diligent sisters ment that covered twenty-fou-r and we will be blest Jri doing this good they haver the days in of opportunity a holding eastern work there is a blessing that follows, "I Conference every Priesthood Oregon: She addressed twenty-tw- o have many times gone into homes where have two Conferences, in day. They meetings, rode eight hundred miles DeJune and rail and two hundred by stage, visited I by things were not pleasant, but when left cember, and they do appreciate the visits I felt there was a good spirit'there, it was of theLsisters from Inning towns, distributed literature and made friends and converts wherever she the Spirit of the Lord that came with the wards the organizations are well went. said she was, glad it. bad 'been mentioned,, she was anxious 'it should be carried the humble effort" made to do goodto 1 1 L ' n, -- - - gran-narie- s; Presi-dencyabo- ut v - " 1 1 - - here-veryach- ' . Trv . |