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Show Alberta, May. 25, at Cardston, Canada, Sisters Annie Wells Cannon and Miriam Hardy. North Sanpete, May 26. at Fairview, Utah. Sisters Rebecca E. Little and ElizVoting abeth S. Wilcox. South Sanpete, May 28, at Manti.Utah Rebecca E. Little and Elizabeth S. Wil- cox. Jordan, May 28, East "Jordan, Utah, Sisters baran jenne vannon and name H. Harker Bannock, May 31, Soda Springs, Idaho Sisters Carrie S. Thomas and Hattie B, Barker. Uhertv. Tune x. 2nd Ward. Salt Lake City, Sisters Emily S. Richards and Dr. Ebis R. Shipp. Uintah, June 1. at Maeser, Utah, Sisters Clarissa S. Williams and Emma S. Woodruff. Woodruff, June 6, at Randolph, Utah, Sisters Susan Grant, and Sarah Jenne Cannon. 'Box Elder, June 12. at Brigham City, Utah, Counselor Annie Taylor Hyde and Sister Julia P. M. Farnsworth. ; Onieda, June 13, at Preston, Idaho, Counselor Annie Taylor Hyde and Julia Farnsworth. Wasatch. June P. M. 1 5, Heber City, Utah, Counselor Ida Smoot Dusenberry, Sisters , Julina L Smith and Zina Young elicited considerable praise. Although the day was very unfavorable and kept a good share of the members awa v. vet it was an enjoyable afternoon and when the guests assembled in the dining room, the dainty manner in which the viands were decorated in colors was indeed a happy surprise, and evinced the most delicate ingenuity on the part of the hostesses. The daintiness, the color scheme, the ribbons and appurtenances, did not detract from the flavor or deli ciousness of the various dishes" prepared by these graduates of the Boston Cooking School, and all enjoyed the luncheon and were bountifully served. It was a very happy day and will long be remembered by those who attended. Much .regret was expressed for the absent, members. The annual meeting and election of officers was held on June 12, 1906, in the Society Room, the Regent, Mrs. M.A H. Cannon, presiding.. Minutes of the annual meeting in June, 1905, were read and approved, and brief reports were given by all the officers present,' and the Treasurer's report, which was written, and very complete, was read by the Sec- retary in the absence of the Treasurer. The election of officers followed and resulted in the following officers for the ensuing year. Regent. Mrs. Mary E. R. lune 17. at Coalville, Utah, Webber, First Vice Reg nt, Mr'. Alice Sisters MargaretA. Caine and Alice Mer-i- ll M. Home, Second Vice Regent, Mrs. Diana F. Rich; Recording Secretary Mrs. HomeRecording Cassia,June 22, at Oakley, Idaho, Sis- Isabel M. W- Sears, Assistant YMrs. Smith. Priscilla and Clawson, Corters Susan Grant Emily Secretary, Sevier, June 22, at Richfield, Utah, responding Secretary. Mrs. Clarice Y. Sisters Clarissa Smith Williams and Spencer, Treasurer, Mrs, Phoebe Y.. Maria Y. Mrs. Phoebe Young Beatie. Beatie, Registrar, Bear Lake,' June 24, Paris, Idaho, Sis- Dougall, Historian, Mrs. Julia P. M. ters Margaret A. Caine and Hattie B. Farnsworth, Chaplain, Mrs. Sarah F. Smith. This completed the business of Harker. Star Valley, June 27, Afton, Wyoming, theday.and the next annual meeting will Sisters Margaret A. Caine, and Hattie B. be held in June, 1907. The regular Harker. monthly meetings will commence again, Malad, June 29, Malad, Idaho, Sisters September 16, allowing three months summer vacation. Ellis R. Shipp and Rebecca E- - Little. , Pocatello, June 30, at Rockland, Idaho, Sisters Margaret A. Caine and Hattie B. Harker. GENERAL RELIEF SOCIETY CONFERENCE. Card-Summit- - . - are manv lovelv little homes in Snow- flake; the sisters have no particular way to get means to help those who travel around, but a little troop of young folks gave some home dramatic performances and gave the Relief Society sisters fifty dollars: the society own a carriage, but have to hire horses when they travel, recently they raised means and bought a cow. and gave to a poor family that they had to provide tor. 1 hey have one visit a year from the General Board, whichi s much appreciated. The speaker felti t was a great privilege to be here, though she had to cornea long distance to attend the conference. President Julia P. Lindsey reported Bear Lake Stake, she had presided there now many years, and felt glad to ieable to come to the conference, and report the sisters were improving in every way; spoke of the temporal conditions, and of her enjoyment in visiting' among the sisters and holding district conferences, she. was proud to represent the stake; thought the Relief Society the grandest organization in the world, worth all the efforts we could possibly make for its onward progress. Alberta Stake was reported by Sister Rhoda Hinman as heing in a very prosperous condition, quite an increase in members, and it covered a great deal of ground, 200 miles a. ound, they visited once a year, and the nearer branches twice a year; she felt the sisters were doing well. Sister Julia P. M. Farnsworth, a member of the General Board, was delighted to see such a fine attendance at a morning session; spoke of our living in a great and important age when everything seems advancing rapidly, education, art st of it and the sciences, and in all there are miny more cares and anx ieties in regard to our children; there is greater responsibilities for the mothers because with the growth of knowledge and intelligence, the mothers must keep abreast of the times to be able to discuss various subjects and enter into all the topics of.the day and the hour. Truth is ever onward; but above all let us be true The Annual Conference of the Relief to ourselves then we can help others; Sister Farnsworth alluded to the sisters in the Salt Lake Assemheld was Society DAUGHTERS OF TH2 REVOLUTION. who had done so much for the great work ble Hall, Thursday, April 5, 1906. at IO a. m.. President Bathsheba in which we are engaged, she appreciated The Utah State Society Daughters of what they had accomplished "fop those the Revolution celebrated in a patriotic W. Smith presiding. Prof. Charles Kent vf TJ as a solo, the beautnui nymn, younger women who are now coming into "f rendered manner ii' ui iuc umic yi ine anniversary Redeemer lives," Mrs. the ranks, her remarks, though brief, Lexington, April i9,at the headquarters in "I know that my him upon the organ. were very excellent. the Templeton Building in this city, with Kent accompanying Counselor Rose Hammond spoke for very upliftsentiments and speeches. The decora- The effect of the singing was Sister Susan Tooele Stake, everything was in good Prayer wasoflered by tions were in the Society colors, also ing. nrder. thev had a eood amount flowers and vases, stars and stripes heing Grant. Congregation sang, "Nowlefus of wheat, three very comfortable Relief, of salvation," etc in the day rejoice .The Regent,. conspicuously displayed. Society meeting houses; they had recently Mrs. Mary A. H. Cannon, presided with Sister Annie Wells Cannon, secretary iirioT-olAHip mothers work, had not tern-- , called the roll of tqieral Officfew a were pro There inand dignity grace. Stakes- There was visited much during the winter but of Presidents and ers in invited guests present who took part tended to. now the spring had come. an excellent representation from tjhe sevthe proceedings. ' T?11o r,.,r..-.1TThnpcMn nf Sevier a and congregation large very stakes eral of the The'i6th of May the members was very happy to be in our midst. Stake, session. a for morning and of the Regent Society yere ' President Bathsheba W. Smith wel- oUa foif n'tA ifr rnminpr in?t to hear the were the Corresponding Secretary, and words of opening hymn, it was so beautiful ; in in aew the congregation comed Mrs. of entertain edat the residence and signified their stake they visited all around once aand Secencouragement greeting no nf tliA financial condlEmily. H. C. Willey Corresponding tA of. Stakes Presidents the wish that decher was retary. - The elegant new home and tion, and how much wheat they had gathr present, as beautithelwermaliy and report, colors orated in the Society from a distance. Snow-flak- e ered last fall, felt they had made quite a those called upon of large flags f th m nth prs work, thought the. fully draped, and a display was reported by Sister Jeannette and small' and vases of ild flowers, buff ;fA-txroro Anncr thf vp.rv best they treasurer. ; The settlements in ; and blue were scattered about the rooms M. Smith, dis- - could in all directions- considerable crattered. foiro or, giving it a'uite an artistic, ffcral appear B. W.? Smith addressed the visit a 14 the presidency travel, to fance. heRegent-gaveheort- U ance auena-anc- e the average her year's work which was very interest- the wards regularly,is There desire to know of the mothers' work; verygood. at meetings ingly written and perfectly givenNand - the-mid- -- com-mpnrin- or . 1 1 1 n - the-gues- ts ',. r-- o u, |