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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. place to come; said she was a living monument of God's mercy. "I was once an invalid for many years I wished to die, but I do cot row. I can testify that we can claim the blessings of the Lord if we live for them. We want to instil into the of our children this faith. My young minds brethren and sisters should live pure lives, how much better it is to begin right, we know not when we may be called hence. Let us not forget the dead or neglect the wonderful work fcr them. If we have had the opportunity of doing a work for the dead and have not done it, how will we meet them? If any of the brethren have wives who do not belong to the Relief Society, ou know not what they lose, the ANCIENT RELICS. One of the richest finds of relics of prehistoric mau is that unearthed by Captain Francis Tuttle of the revenue cutter Bear during her recent trip in the Arctic seas. and earth above the house, and that all the utensils were ot stone and bone of mastodon's tusks, warrants the conclusion that the house was built in remote antiquity. The investigations and discoveries were made at the instance of Captain D F. Toz-le- r of the revenue cutter Grant, senior officer of the revenue cutter service on the coast. A house built by human beings ago was found, probably thousands of and Captain Tolzer now has some of the utensils used by the people who made it a habitation. Two years ago a missionary at Point Barrow told Captain Tuttle of a remarkable disthe natives f the vicinity had made. brethren should understand the importance covery was the framework of a house which of the same. We are to be judged out of It was partially embedded in a cliff fronting the books, and I believe one of these is the on the ocean fifteen miles southwest of We don't want to Relief Society books. Barrow. At the point where the Point be at ease in Zion, we want to set at examwas discovered protruding the cliff house ple that our lives will be acceptable to the rose sheer seventy feet from the ocean. Lord. Teach the young to be true and feet above tidewater one end of the faithful, teach them to be virtuous, guard Forty The Indians first was exposed. house your daughters, guard your sons, each time noticed the end of the house nine years ago, a daughter falls, a son falls also. May the after year as the cl ff crumbled inand Lord bless you that you may not forget to the)Tear ocean the framework of the house your rTuty to yourselves." became more plainly visible. The house A quartette by the choir, "Sweet Sabwas built somewhat after the plan of bath Eve," was rendered. structure of the primitive habitations of Professor Hague said, "I believe the America. The ribs of an enormous whale sentiments of the anthem, 'Sweet Sabbath or of some animal now extinct were used for Eve,' are true. Do we not know that a framework, and over these, skins had breaking the Sabbath brings its penalty, evidently been stretched. No trace of the great men have recognized these laws, we skins, however, could be found, but the cannot have our ease in Zion, we must framework of the house was intact. work and labor, lie that lives for himself PREHISTORIC UTENSILS. alone lives for the meanest person on earth, Latter-daSaint is a most a The utensils found at the spot consist of miserable object; let us serve the Lord and a bailer for a boat, a carved ivory rowlock, Those who live four stone knives, a bone knife and a skinwe will have joy therein. Saints are the choice ning knife. This skinning knife is a curithe lives of Latter-daIt might be said to be in the shape ones, their lives are in accordance with osity. Fathour their testimony. May of a crude, Heavenly drawing knife, er's chcicest blessings be with you all. such as is used by carpenters, minus the Amen." handles. It is about the length of a drawStake President J. M. Baxter felt to en- ing knife, but the stone blade, which is dorse what had been said, and he wished to fitted in the center, is about four inches in urge upon the people to educate their chil- breadth by three or four inches deep. The dren in the Church schools. "May the boat bailer is made from the ivory cf a It is shaped somewhat Lord bless us in our endeavors to do good, mastodon tusk. an like to come visit si&terswho have bless the and gourd dipper and will one about hold us." pint of water. Tbe bone a corn knife or machete resembles knife Sister Alice Jacobson thought we had used was as such by the Cubans. A pecuhad a splendid conference, was thankful to is an etching of a preof knife this those sisters who had come to visit us; liarity on blade. The image animal the historic prayed the Lord to bless each and every to a be rude caricature of a rhinoappears one. is a probability that the knife There ceros. Sister Harriet Badger said she had enmay have been made from the bone of the joyed herself very much; was thankful she ) animal depicted on the blade. was privileged to bear testimony to the The ivory rowlock is also etched. The truth of the Gospel. "I want to tell my work on this relic is much more delicately young sisters to help their mothers, as they and artistically done than that on the knife. have a great deal to do. I ask the Lord to The etchings are of fish and sea monsters bless us that we may be guarded by His and there are five or six of them. Spirit." An effort will be made to bring the bones The choir sang the anthem, "Hark, the of the house frame down from Alaska and Benediction by set them up in the Smithsonian institution Herald Angels Sing." Brother G. A. Peart. just as they were found in the cliff. The fact that there were thirty feet of gravel II. Sec. Stake Katie Eppich, half-hearte- d 56 s ye-ir- y NOTES AND NEWS. the mother of Rudyard Kipling, has just published, with her daughter, Mrs. Fleming, a little book of poems entitled "Hand in Hand." Mrs. Kipling, The Virginia House of Delegates has passed by an overwhelming majority the Cabell child-labo- r bill, to prevent the emof children under twelve, in any ployment mill, factory or manufacturing establishment, and to regulate the employment of children between twelve and fourteen in manufacturing establishments. At the election of December 2 and 9, the following women, among others, were elected members of school committees in Massachusetts towns: Annie B. Bosworth, Brockton; Mary E Mitchell, Cambridge; Belle E. Curtis, Everett; Susan F. Flanders, Melrose; Lizzie B. Blake, Woburn; Annie M. Weeler, Haverhill; Clara T. Guild, Medford; and Henrietta B. G. Somerville. The last three were Woman's Journal At-woo- d, Eleanora Duse, the Italian tragedienne, was discussing woman suffrage not long He said: "Man ago with a male friend. was made first, you know, and woman She must be sprang from man afterward. his inferior." Duse answered: " I cannot agree with you. The flower comes after the stem, but you surely do not call that an evidence of inferiority." Ex, y d Obstetrics and Nursing, DR. MARGARET E. ROBERTS Will commence THOMAS DRY GOODS CO. 67 69, 71 Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. NEW STORE and solicit your patronage. much as possible for your money. WE ARE IN OUR DR. ROBERTS, 55 North State St. US Telephone 449 Save Your Money! And when you $jet a dollar, deposit it with Zion's Savings Bank & Trust Company, the oldest and largest savings hank in Utah. Since the establishment of the bank have opened more than 19,000 sav- we ings accounts. The laws of Utah permit married women and also childrenwho are minors to open savings accounts in their own name, subject to their own order. Have you such an account? If not, open one NOW. We pay FOUR PER CENT INTEREST on any amount from one dollar to thousands, and compute said interest four times a year. WRITE for any information desired. Smith, Prest. George M. Cannon, Cashier Joseph We aim to give you as "TR Y and Nursing, January 5th, 1903. For further particulars write to d R. .K a class in Obstetrics Noa. -5 Main Street. F. |