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Show WOMAN'S blessing which, she has been to the Latter-daSaints and for her counsel. I feel that we have much to be thanklul for. That our lives have been spared up to the present time to come forth at this day and receive the everlasting Gospel that has been We have so revealed in this latttr-day- . Latter-dafor as be thankful much to As a we are greatly blessed Saints. people with the privilege we have to associate ourselves together Of course the greatest trial I have is that I cannot hear, but I have so many blessings I cannot complain, but if we only will live so that we may receive the instructions of God, there is nothing we are called to pass through but will be for our good and we can rejoice in it if we do our duty. I feel to ask the blessings of God upon Sister Home that her life may still be soared and when she passes to the other side, she will meet her dear family and friends. I have been acquainted with her a great many years and am afraid we do not appreciate the lovely friend we have in her. My dear brethren and sisters, I think many times that we do not do enough as a people for one another in this life in order that we may rejoice and receive the bless ings we will have when we pass behind the veil and the joy we will have in meeting I feel thankful loved ones that are there. and happy although I cannot hear what is said. Since I was a child, I always loved to read the Bible and I many times think how we live today as they lived in the days of the Savior, when we have inspired men with us and I know that the Lord has called them and it is for us as individuals to receive them in that way and manner. I pray that the blessings of the Lord may rest upon Sister Horne and the rest of the I think many times we are not so sisters. particular in regard to our associates as we I do not wish to take up the should be. time, but hope the blessings of the Lord will rest upon you all. I ask it in the name of Jesus. Amen. Sister Maggie C. Hull rendered a solo and chorus, accompanied by a few of the Temple choir, "Only remembered for what we have done." y y PRESIDENT ANGUS M. CANNON. It has fallen to my lot to come in late and then to be called upon to address you for a few minutes. I will inquire if you can hear me ? There is nothing more annoying than to see a person motioning with his mouth and not to hear any sound. I am very glad to be honored and to be privileged to meet with Sister Horne and the rest of the sisters and brethren too, and to For congratulate her on her natal day. on has toiled she here eighty-fou- r years I have been acquainted with her earth. for fifty-eigyears past and I knew her and boys girls, more particularly the boys, for the girls were not bom until a later day. I thought while sitting here of the experience this woman has obtained in gaining a testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith and in associating with the wives and brethren of some of the twelve apostles, for I believe she was acquainted with all of these. She was acquainted with the Prophet Joseph, and w;th bis brother Hyrum, and with his sisters and his other brothers. She was acquainted with the families of the twelve apostles that existed in that day, before the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith. I have visited at her house many times be ht EXPONENT 53 fore I went away upon a mission. The visits that I paid at her house, associating with her family, her .sons, her daughters and rela- - have taken great joy in her society and in her counsel. I know she has associated with some of the best people that were tives and herself, when she sat with regal everinthis generation. She was acquainted dignity in the homes of her posterity, have with the Prophet Joseph, his wife, his been a green spot in my memory. When I mother and sisters and many of the good have thought of a happy home and of the digSaints in Nauvoo, and I always consider nity of a woman, a woman of gentle and she was one of the wisest and best women queenly dignity, I have thought of Joseph we have. We have received a great many She has been Horne, Sister Horne, the children, and the good instructions from her. government of their family, and when I see blest with a good husbanH, which is anothher surrounded by the sisters here, I think of er good thing on h'er part. He raised the responsibility of this Stake of Zion. another good family. I am proud to know her and to know that all love and respect When I look around and see the counher. We must not forget our dead, to live so tenances of those who have been her and who have been her sisters in that the Lord will bring them forth in the these associations, providing for the wants morning of the resurrection. I believe we can scarcely imagine the great joy we will of the needy from the earliest of my recollections of the Church. I wonder what the have when we meet our dead friends and association will look like without these relatives, if we perform our duty here for familiar faces, when so many of them hae them. We have a great labor in the Relief Society to perform, to comfort and cheer passed away. the poor and needy, the sick and afflicted. We are pleased to meet Sister Horne the Lordto bless Sister Horne I here, and when she goes hence she will find and pray sisters and brethren. I ask it in all the Patriarch Joseph Horne waiting patiently of name the Lord. Amen. the for her coming, and then when I think of the hopes and faith that have attended her Sister Martha H. Thigey, daughter of well spent life in mortality upon the earth, Sister Horne, spoke briefly in bshaif of the I know their joy will know no bounds when family. they are reunited, for God has promised SISTER MARTHA H. TINGKY. great blessings to those who receive Him and keep His commandments. Brethren and sisters, it is certainly most unexpected to me to be asked to speak a SISTER JANE S. RICHARDS. few words on this occasion. I hope that I able to control shall be my feelings sufficiI feel honored as I suppose you all do the to feelings of my heart. I express that we have the privilege of greeting Sis- ently of in behalf the family that we apcan say ter Home on her birthday at such a late the sincerely loving kindness and day in her life, that she looks so well and preciate confidence and the respect which has has her mind so good. I cannot see the to our mother testimonial this lack of anything in her. I think it is such prompted feel she is that indeed blessed, today. We a great blessing that she has been preserved. I can remember Sister Horne about fifty-nin- e and that she has been able, through the of God, to obtain the greatest years ago. I remember passing her blessings wealth earth can give, that is the love that one day. I did not know her name at that confidence of her associates, as is maniand I was with my husband and I said time. fested afternoon. Such wealth is this here to him, "Do you know who that beautiful it is the wealth ihat will and inestimable, woman is down there?" and he said, "I her with And I through all eternity: believe her name is Horne." Pretty soon I go can is the assure this that sisters, my you. was introduced to her, and from that day to our mother has for wealth striven all that this I have always found a sister in her. is life. it this And her she ttat principle My acquaintance with Sister Horne has has instilled into the minds of her children, been such that I have been closely associated with her and learned many things that they are looking for something higher from her. She was in the Relief Society than this life, for something higher than when I was and I feel as though she has this world. We appreciate and feel grateful to been a greater help to me than I could have our Heavenly Father, that He has I God, been to myself. never found her stern or indifferent or lack time to. speak and be permitted us to be born upon this earth and to receive such good parents as we courteous, which I think is a great blessing. I consider that she has been a blessed have had, and that He permitted them to woman. I have lived uext door to her for live together so long to give us their counmany years, and in all that time I have sel, and to be united in instructing their never seen Sister Horne in a hurry or out children and leading them in the paths of They had the privilege of of temper, but what I could approach her, righteousness. and this is more than I can say of myself. living together as husband and wife for years, and I think I can I think to live happy is to be happy. I nearly sixty-tw- o am thankful Sister Horne is with us today say they were always united in the governand hope she will live just as long as she ment of their children, in instructing them desires and that we may be able to take her in the paths of right. It was the desire of counsel as she gives it to us. May the their hearts that their children should beSaints. I believe Lord bless us all, is my prayer in the name come thorough Latter-dacan I say truthfully today that our hearts of the Lord. Amen. are set upon the things of God and we have Recitation, Sister Rosaniiah Cannon an earnest desire to continue on in the gooi Irvine, "The Monk's Magnificat." work for which they sacrificed so much. We thank you today, sisters, for this SISTER BATHSHEBA W. SMITH. demonstration of loving kindness to our I hope it will be an inspiration My dear sisters and brethren, I am very mother. be to on occasion. to this with to her I go on in the good work and that you happy do not suppose I can make you hear, but I she may continue to be worthy of the concan tell you that I love Sister Horne and fidence and respect of the Saints of God. rs y ( |