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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. TENTH ANNUAL CELEBRATED. The Reapers' Club met at the home of Mrs. E. J. Stevenson, on the evening of October 21, 1902, to celebrate the tenth Mrs anniversary of iheir organization. Maria W. Wilcox presided. The club was founded on October 3, 1892. Meeting was opened with prayer by Sister W. Smith. Singing, "Now let us rejoice." Elder Nephi L. Moiris then gave, by invitation, an excellent lecture on events that transpired during the "Dark Ages." The remainder of the program consisted of a violin solo by Miss Georgie Young. Recitation by Miss Frances Young, and a dance, the minuet, by Miss Claire Wilcox. A delicious luncheon was then served, w hich was much enjoyed by all present and afterwards a social time was participated in. The members of the Utah Woman's Press Club were our guests for the evening. B. Julia A. Dkuce. to call home Sister Elizabeth P. of the Pleasant Grove Relief Society, be itHarper Resolved, That we deeply mourn her absence, a faithful worker, a comforter in the hour of need a devoted wife and mother, and extend our sinl cere sympathy to the bereaved in this their hour of trial and admonish them family to look to a divine bouice ior comtort and consolation. We regard her many virtues as worthy of emulation. Resolved, That a copy 'of these resolutions be sent to the family; that a copy be sent to the Oman's ExroxhN-rand that the same be placed upon the records of the Pleasant Grove Relief Society. It becomes our painful duty to record the death of our beloved sister, Martha Smith Bennett. She was born June 9, 1 817, at New York, St. LawShe was the daughter of Asa-hrence, Stockholm. and Elizabeth Sbellinger Smith; vas baptized el into the Church of lesus Christ of Latter-daSaints by her cousin. Hynim Smith, and confirmed by David Whitmer, was married to Ilyrum Bell Bennet, August 17. She was the mother of six children, three of whom survive her, she was president of the Meadow Ward Relief Society from its first organization, it being in the year 1870, till 1897, when she resigned feeling it too great a responsibility in her old i ge, she parsed to the great beyond', Oct. 12, 1902. y OF RESPECT. Inasmuch as our Heavenly Father has deemed from our midst to a nobler sphere our beloved sister, Martha Smith Bennett, of our Relief Society, whose wise and motherly counsels have stimulated us to greater determination of becoming more valiant in the kingdom of our Heavenly Father, therefore be it Resolved. That we, her colaborers in the great work of love mourn her loss as a mother and wise counselor and a faithful worker in the cause of truth. That we express our sincere sympathy for the bereaved husband and family and pray our Heavenly Father to let the comforting influence of His holy spirit be with them in this, their hour of trouble, that they may realize she has gone to enjoy a rest prepared for the faithful and will come forth to a glorious immortality and eternal life That a copy of these resolutions be placed on record, one sent to the bereaved family and one to the Woman's Exponent for publication. Elizabeth E. Stewart, Pres., Emmeline Beckstrand, Sec. it wise to summon IN LOVING REMEMBRANCE. Elizabeth Phipps Harper, born at Soham, Cambridgeshire, England, in the year 1823. Became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints at Holborn, London, in 1S56. Emigrated to Utah in i368 with her husband and family. Located at Pleasant Grove where she resided until her death, Oct. 27, 1902. She was the wife of Benjamin Harper, who preceded her only five days to the great beyond. They leave a respected family of three sons, one daughter", thirty-fiv- e grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Sister Harper was a faithful Saint, an active worker in the Relief Society, filling the office of teacher for the past thirty years and being a constant subscriberto the Woman's Exponi nt and its firm advocate. She also acted as aid in the Primary Association for many years. The guidance and training of the children was her constant theme, and as an expression of respect and esteem for her untiring labors the Primary children of the ward came in 3 body to her funeral and followed her remains to their last resting place. y RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. Whereas God in His infinite wisdom has seen fit j self-denyin- the spirit world. She was the secretary of the Woman's Suffrage Associa-aiioand in March, 1809, was set apart as corresponding secretary of the Stake Board of the Relief Society of Box Elder Stake, and in that capacity tilled her duties ac- n. MARTHA SMITH BENNETT. ' "I realize the magnitude of this great work, we should all come together with a feeling ' to serve the Lord. The Reb'ef Society was organized by inspiration. We should be mothers in Israel, the greatest and grandest of all women." Spoke of the Sunday of the beautiful order therein, of School, the importance of having good teachers for our children. Said the prophets of old looked down through the vista of time and longed to live in this day. We all have a great and grand mission to perform Sarah A. Fourz, President and the Church is to regenerate the world. Emily C. Bullock, The R.elief Society work is a P vuline E. Brown, work and our boys should be cognizant Committee, with it, keep it before our husbands and SISTER OLIVE STEELE. sons and help them to see the magnitude of t he Relief Society work. Sister Olive Steele Bywater, wife of James Bywater Jr., Spoke of the love and unity that should be in the family departed this lile at Corinne. Box Elder Co., Utah, Dec. 1, 1902, after an illness of one week. circle, teach our daughters how to be good Sister Olive was born in Logan, Cache Co., September wives and our sons to seek a wife bv in16, 1871; was the daughter ot Brother and Sister David Steele and granddaughter of Brother and Sister Cyrus said the duties of a Relief Society Card, who brought ber up as" their own daughter, her spiration; were teacher very sacred and they were the mother having died when she was one year old. On December 19, 1889, she was married to James backbone of the Relief Society, asked the Jr. She was mother of six children, two of Lord to bless the teachers and all that were whom have to preceded her OBITUARY. RESOLUTIONS 55 ceptably. She was a lovely woman and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. The funeral services were held in the Second Ward meeting house, Brigham City, and all who poke paid a high tribute to the character of the diseased. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. Whereas an Alwise Providence has seen fit to remov from our midst and has taken to another sphere our beloved bister and colaborer, Sister Olive Steele Bywater. be it Resolved, That we mourn her loss as a faithful and energetic worker in the cause of truth. That we tender our sympathy to the bereaved husband and children, and pray our Heavenly Father to bless and comfort them with the influence of His Holy Spirit in this their hour of trial. That a copy of these resolutions be placed on our records, one be sent to the bereaved family and one to the VVomn's Exponent for publication. ' Susannah P. Booth, Pres't. Emilia D. Madsen, 1st Vice Pres't, Louisa E. Peters, 2nd Vice Pres't, Annie J. Wixom, Secretary. Annie H Littlewood, Ass't Sec'y. R. S. REPORT. WOODRUFF STAKE. Minutes of Relief Society conference of the Woodruff Stake held at Randolph September 14, 1902, President J. B. Muir presiding. Meeting opened with the usual The exercises of singing and prayer. sacrament was administered by Brothers William Muir and John Spencer. President Sarah Tyson, of the Randolph Ward, reported the same in good condition and had joy in her labors. Siiter Hatch, of the Argyle Ward, said their society was in fair running order, it being such a small ward was a drawback, and it was not fully organized on account of the death of one counselor. Sister Call, of the Woodruff Ward Relief Society, said they were in good running order and all the members were on hand to do their part. President Wall, of Lyman, reported the society there as being very flourishing and in excellent condition. President Hilton, of Rock Springs Ward, reported that society in first class running order, the sisters "were working hard and trying to do their duty. Sister Stevensot and Sister Badger, visitors from Salt Lake City, with Stake President J. M. Baxter and others of the leading priesthood were present on the stand. Sister Sievenson, of Salt Lake City, said g connected with it. Sister Harriet Badger was pleased to be with the Relief Society sisters of Woodruff Stake, felt weak in her position, but was trying to do her best; said she was one in heart and hand with the Relief Society work and it was good to take the meetings to the aged and those who could not get out to them. Spoke of the famine that was to come, and said we must take care of our wheat. Read a portion of section 88 of the Doctrine and Covenants. How we should not find fault with one "another, said there was so much to speak upon the Temple work, the redemption of the dead. Bore a faithful testimony. The choir sang "Awake, awake, put on thy strength." Professor Hague of the Church school of Paris spoke i" the interest of the same; said he was here to represent and explain the necessity of education in the Church schools, it would be a great thing for the Relief Society to take up. He believed that of all the missions that of a mother in Israel was the greatest. "I believe every great and good man owes to his mother his success." Gave some excellent instructions in regard to the education of the young,-saithe Teacher of teachers descended below all things that he might arise above all things. Every teacher in Zion must become acquainted with grief and be a man of sorrow. The ones who go astray are the ones to be looked after. "Let us supplicate our Father, 'What wilt thou have me do?' Jesus himself sought to know,, his mission. 'IntelliWe should gence is the glory of God.' of that greit woid Latterknow the meaning bodies should be vessels -day Saint; our of holiness thus the prophet said, 'Howr beautiful are thy feet.' I pray that the Lord will bless the remarks that have been made." The choir sang, "Heavenly Father, humbly we beseech Thee." Benediction by Stake President J, M. Baxter. Evening session of Relief Society conference. Called to. order by President J. C. Choir sang, "How pleased and Muir. blest was I." Opening prayer b Bishop J. C. Greg, after which was sung "The silver, gold and precious stones." Minutes read and accepted. Sister Stevenson from Salt Lake City said example is better than precept, we have met in conference again, it is a good |